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茎秆机械强度影响植株抗倒伏能力, 是备受关注的重要农艺性状之一。与野生型相比, 水稻(Oryza sativa)脆秆隐性突变体bc-s1茎秆抗折力和抗张力分别降低31.1%和67.2%, 茎秆纤维素和木质素含量分别降低24.97%和增高38.82%。细胞学分析显示, bc-s1茎秆厚壁细胞发生不规则变化, 次生壁增厚受阻。通过图位克隆和测序分析, 初步确定bc-s1突变体中纤维素合成酶催化亚基Os09g25490/OsCesA9基因第1外显子的第28个碱基G突变为A。该等位突变体的获得为进一步揭示OsCesA9调控细胞壁建成的生物学功能提供了新的研究材料。  相似文献   

株高和分蘖是水稻重要的农艺性状,直接影响到产量。本研究从粳稻品种日本晴的组培苗后代中分离出一个可稳定遗传的半矮化多分蘖突变体t489,相比野生型,突变体株高明显下降、分蘖能力明显增强。遗传分析表明该性状受1对隐性基因控制。进一步基因鉴定发现,突变体中编码植物激素独脚金内酯(SLs,Strigolactones)合成途径中的类胡萝卜素裂解双加氧酶7即D17/HTD1基因编码区第916 bp位置的碱基由G突变为T,导致蛋白翻译提前终止,仅编码305个氨基酸组成的蛋白,但此突变并未造成该基因转录水平的改变。基于此突变位点开发的dCAPS-D17标记与突变体和日本晴构建的BC1F2群体中的矮化多分蘖植株共分离,这表明G916T突变与表型相关,t489可能是一个新的D17/HTD1等位突变体。  相似文献   

从水稻T-DNA插入突变体库中鉴定出一个矮杆小粒突变体t129,该突变体与野生型植株相比,植株明显矮化,籽粒粒长明显缩短,千粒重下降。遗传分析表明,t129的突变性状由一对隐性核基因控制,该基因(T129)经图位克隆定位于水稻第5染色体长臂上,引物InDel43和InDel57之间,物理距离为430 kb,并与标记InDel51共分离。本研究明确了该矮杆小粒突变体的表型特征及遗传规律,为进一步研究调控水稻株高和粒型基因奠定基础。  相似文献   

一个水稻显性高秆突变体的遗传分析和基因定位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从水稻(Oryza sativa L.)的两个半矮秆籼稻品种6442S-7和蜀恢881杂交F2代群体中发现一个高秆突变体D111,其株高和秆长分别比亲本蜀恢881增加63.0%和87.0%。用205个微卫星标记分析D111及其原始亲本6442S-7和蜀恢881之间的基因组DNA多态性,结果未发现D111具有2个原始亲本都没有的新带型,证明D111的确是6442S-7和蜀恢881的杂交后代发生基因突变产生的。将D111分别与蜀恢881、蜀恢527、明恢63、9311、IR68、G46B等6个半矮秆品种和高秆对照品种南京6号杂交,分析F1和F2代株高的遗传行为,结果表明D111的高秆性状由一对显性基因控制,且该基因与南京6号的高秆基因紧密连锁或等位。以蜀恢527/D111 F2群体为定位群体,运用微卫星标记将D111显性高秆突变基因定位于水稻第一染色体长臂,与RM212、RM302和RM472的遗传距离分别是27.7 cM、25.5 cM和6.0 cM,该基因暂命名为LC(t)。认为D111是首例从半矮秆品种自然突变产生的水稻显性高秆突变体,LC(t)为首次定位的水稻显性高秆突变基因。此外,将上述基因定位结果与Causse等(1994)和Temnykh等(2000; 2001)发表的水稻分子连锁图谱进行比较,发现LC(t)基因恰巧位于与水稻“绿色革命基因”sd1相同或十分相近的染色体区域,因此,还就LC(t)基因与sd1基因之间的可能关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

水稻类病变突变体spl-3t是由粳稻品种云稻经化学诱变剂甲基磺酸乙酯(ethyl methyl sulfonate, EMS)诱变获得.经过连续3代的种植,表型明显,性状稳定一致且未发现分离.该突变体苗期无明显表型,生长4~5周后,叶片开始出现轻微锈褐色坏死斑点;抽穗后病斑逐渐向四周扩散并最终形成中心枯黄、边缘红褐色的不规则斑块;成熟期坏死斑连接成片并覆盖整张叶片.突变体spl-3t与其野生型云稻品种相比,叶片中的胼胝质含量明显积累.还发现, spl-3t对白叶枯菌表现很敏感.同时, spl-3t还具有株高、结实率下降、穗长增加等表型.遗传分析表明, spl-3t的突变性状受单隐性核基因控制.利用图位克隆的方法,将spl-3t基因定位在水稻第3号染色体109 kb区间内,该区间包含15个候选基因,目前暂无类似表型的基因报道.对所有候选基因编码区及启动子区域进行了测序,未发现与野生型有差异的突变位点.通过RNA-seq分析及qRT-PCR验证,发现候选基因热激转录因子(LOC_Os03g06630)在spl-3t与其野生型有极显著差异,该基因是热胁迫防御响应中的中心调节子,在高温响应中发挥重要作用,能够在热处理时出现上调具有保护作用的基因使植株获得较高的基础耐热性.因此推测该基因的表观修饰造成了类病变性状的产生.本研究为类病变形成的分子机制提供了新的素材和依据.  相似文献   

从水稻(Oryza sativa L.)的两个半矮秆籼稻品种6442S-7和蜀恢881杂交F2代群体中发现一个高秆突变体D111,其株高和秆长分别比亲本蜀恢881增加63.0%和87.0%.用205个微卫星标记分析D¨1及其原始亲本6442S-7和蜀恢881之间的基因组DNA多态性,结果未发现D111具有2个原始亲本都没有的新带型,证明D1¨的确是6442S-7和蜀恢881的杂交后代发生基因突变产生的.将D111分别与蜀恢881、蜀恢527、明恢63、9311、IR68、G46B等6个半矮秆品种和高秆对照品种南京6号杂交,分析F1和F2代株高的遗传行为,结果表明D1¨的高秆性状由一对显性基因控制,且该基因与南京6号的高秆基因紧密连锁或等位.以蜀恢527/D111 F2群体为定位群体,运用微卫星标记将D111显性高秆突变基因定位于水稻第一染色体长臂,与RM212、RM302和RM472的遗传距离分别是27.7 cM、25.5 cM和6.0 cM,该基因暂命名为LC(t).认为D111是首例从半矮秆品种自然突变产生的水稻显性高秆突变体,LC(t)为首次定位的水稻显性高秆突变基因.此外,将上述基因定位结果与Causse等(1994)和Temnykh等(2000,2001)发表的水稻分子连锁图谱进行比较,发现LC(t)基因恰巧位于与水稻"绿色革命基因"sd1相同或十分相近的染色体区域,因此,还就LC(t)基因与sd1基因之间的可能关系进行了讨论.  相似文献   

通过对籼稻黄华占EMS(甲磺酸乙酯)诱变, 筛选得到一隐性核不育的水稻雄性不育突变体osms55, 遗传分析表明该突变体为单基因控制的隐性核不育, 采用高通量的Illumina Infinium iSelect SNP(50 K)芯片检测技术鉴定该突变体的遗传背景, 确认该突变体的遗传背景与黄华占一致。文章利用改进的MutMap方法成功克隆该雄性不育基因, 突变位点与突变表型的共分离分析表明LOC_Os02g40450(MER3)是控制osms55突变体雄性不育的基因, 该基因的剪切识别位点发生变异后导致剪切异常, 造成第5外显子缺失15个碱基, 从而产生雄性不育。改进的MutMap方法无需精确组装的野生型基因组序列作对照, 而是通过将定位群体中有突变表型植株的DNA pool和野生型植株DNA的重测序结果分别与日本晴参考基因组进行比对, 然后再比较突变体和野生型的差异SNP来确定候选基因, 该方法大大降低了野生型基因组测序和组装成本, 进一步扩大了MutMap方法的应用范围。  相似文献   

文章通过对所构建的水稻突变体库进行大规模筛选,获得一个稳定遗传的矮秆突变体,与野生型日本晴相比,该突变体表现为植株矮化、叶片卷曲、分蘖减少和不育等性状,命名为dtl1(dwarf and twist leaf 1)。dtl1属于nl型矮秆,激素检测表明,矮秆性状与赤霉素和油菜素内酯无关。遗传分析显示,突变性状受单一隐性核基因控制。利用dtl1与籼稻品种Taichung Native 1杂交构建F2群体,将该突变基因DTL1定位于水稻第10染色体长臂2个SSR标记RM25923和RM6673之间约70.4 kb区域内,并与InDel标记Z10-29共分离,在该区域预测有13个候选基因,但未见调控水稻株高相关基因的报道,因此,认为DTL1基因是一个新的控制水稻株高的基因。  相似文献   

水稻矮脆突变体dwf1的特性与基因定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矮脆突变体dwf1(dwarf and fragile 1)来源于EMS诱变处理的籼型恢复系缙恢10号,主要表现为根、茎、叶、叶鞘、子粒等器官特别脆,同时植株变矮、叶片披垂。株高、穗长、结实率、节间长以及千粒重有不同程度降低,细胞壁中纤维素和木质素含量下降、半纤维素含量增加,机械强度下降。茎秆表面锯齿状突起尖锐,薄壁细胞较野生型小、细胞大小不一致、排列紊乱,细胞形状不规则、长度稍有变短。该突变性状受一对隐性核基因控制,位于第9染色体上标记Ind6与Ind4之间,dwf1相对于野生型在LOC_Os09g25490第7外显子上有一个碱基的错义突变,导致氨基酸由半胱氨酸突变为精氨酸,该突变发生在基因的高度保守区域内。dwf1对深入研究水稻变矮变脆机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变与遗传分析,从拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中筛选到一株隐性单基因控制的网状突变体E-210.该突变体植株生长缓慢,叶脉呈绿色,叶肉呈黄色.通过透射电镜观察,发现野生型植株和突变植株在叶绿体结构上差异不大,猜测该突变体E-210基因与叶绿体的发育可能没有直接关系,而很可能同叶绿素或叶绿体的生物合成有关.通过图位克隆的方法,将该突变体的突变基因定位在第5条染色体上的MRBl7和MBG8-5的分子标记之间,精确到87.130 kb.对MRB17和MBG8-5的分子标记之间的22个基因进行了分析,预测突变体E-210基因可能是At5g54770,编码THI1,即噻唑合成酶.  相似文献   

The brittle culm (bc) mutants of Gramineae plants having brittle skeletal structures are valuable materials for studying secondary cell walls. In contrast to other recessive bc mutants, rice Bc6 is a semi-dominant bc mutant with easily breakable plant bodies. In this study, the Bc6 gene was cloned by positional cloning. Bc6 encodes a cellulose synthase catalytic subunit, OsCesA9, and has a missense mutation in its highly conserved region. In culms of the Bc6 mutant, the proportion of cellulose was reduced by 38%, while that of hemicellulose was increased by 34%. Introduction of the semi-dominant Bc6 mutant gene into wild-type rice significantly reduced the percentage of cellulose, causing brittle phenotypes. Transmission electron microscopy analysis revealed that Bc6 mutation reduced the cell wall thickness of sclerenchymal cells in culms. In rice expressing a reporter construct, BC6 promoter activity was detected in the culms, nodes, and flowers, and was localized primarily in xylem tissues. This expression pattern was highly similar to that of BC1, which encodes a COBRA-like protein involved in cellulose synthesis in secondary cell walls in rice. These results indicate that BC6 is a secondary cell wall-specific CesA that plays an important role in proper deposition of cellulose in the secondary cell walls.  相似文献   

Several brittle culm mutations of rice (Oryza sativa) causing fragility of plant tissues have been identified genetically but not characterized at a molecular level. We show here that the genes responsible for three distinct brittle mutations of rice, induced by the insertion of the endogenous retrotransposon Tos17, correspond to CesA (cellulose synthase catalytic subunit) genes, OsCesA4, OsCesA7 and OsCesA9. Three CesA genes were expressed in seedlings, culms, premature panicles, and roots but not in mature leaves, and the expression profiles were almost identical among the three genes. Cellulose contents were dramatically decreased (8.9%-25.5% of the wild-type level) in the culms of null mutants of the three genes, indicating that these genes are not functionally redundant. Consistent with these results, cell walls in the cortical fiber cells were shown to be thinner in all the mutants than in wild-type plants. Based on these observations, the structure of a cellulose-synthesizing complex involved in the synthesis of the secondary cell wall is discussed.  相似文献   

Glycosyltransferases (GTs) are one of the largest enzyme groups required for the synthesis of complex wall polysaccharides and glycoproteins in plants. However, due to the limited number of related mutants that have observable phenotypes, the biological function(s) of most GTs in cell-wall biosynthesis and assembly have remained elusive. We report here the isolation and in-depth characterization of a brittle rice mutant, brittle culm 10 ( bc10 ). bc10 plants show pleiotropic phenotypes, including brittleness of the plant body and retarded growth. The BC10 gene was cloned through a map-based approach, and encodes a Golgi-located type II membrane protein that contains a domain designated as 'domain of unknown function 266' (DUF266) and represents a multiple gene family in rice. BC10 has low sequence similarity with the domain to a core 2 β-1,6- N- acetylglucosaminyltransferase (C2GnT), and its in vitro enzymatic activity suggests that it functions as a glycosyltransferase. Monosaccharide analysis of total and fractioned wall residues revealed that bc10 showed impaired cellulose biosynthesis. Immunolocalization and isolation of arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) in the wild-type and bc10 showed that the level of AGPs in the mutant is significantly affected. BC10 is mainly expressed in the developing sclerenchyma and vascular bundle cells, and its deficiency causes a reduction in the levels of cellulose and AGPs, leading to inferior mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Wu B  Zhang B  Dai Y  Zhang L  Shang-Guan K  Peng Y  Zhou Y  Zhu Z 《Plant physiology》2012,159(4):1440-1452
Plant chitinases, a class of glycosyl hydrolases, participate in various aspects of normal plant growth and development, including cell wall metabolism and disease resistance. The rice (Oryza sativa) genome encodes 37 putative chitinases and chitinase-like proteins. However, none of them has been characterized at the genetic level. In this study, we report the isolation of a brittle culm mutant, bc15, and the map-based cloning of the BC15/OsCTL1 (for chitinase-like1) gene affected in the mutant. The gene encodes the rice chitinase-like protein BC15/OsCTL1. Mutation of BC15/OsCTL1 causes reduced cellulose content and mechanical strength without obvious alterations in plant growth. Bioinformatic analyses indicated that BC15/OsCTL1 is a class II chitinase-like protein that is devoid of both an amino-terminal cysteine-rich domain and the chitinase activity motif H-E-T-T but possesses an amino-terminal transmembrane domain. Biochemical assays demonstrated that BC15/OsCTL1 is a Golgi-localized type II membrane protein that lacks classical chitinase activity. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and β-glucuronidase activity analyses indicated that BC15/OsCTL1 is ubiquitously expressed. Investigation of the global expression profile of wild-type and bc15 plants, using Illumina RNA sequencing, further suggested a possible mechanism by which BC15/OsCTL1 mediates cellulose biosynthesis and cell wall remodeling. Our findings provide genetic evidence of a role for plant chitinases in cellulose biosynthesis in rice, which appears to differ from their roles as revealed by analysis of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana).  相似文献   

Li Y  Qian Q  Zhou Y  Yan M  Sun L  Zhang M  Fu Z  Wang Y  Han B  Pang X  Chen M  Li J 《The Plant cell》2003,15(9):2020-2031
Plant mechanical strength is an important agronomic trait. To understand the molecular mechanism that controls the plant mechanical strength of crops, we characterized the classic rice mutant brittle culm1 (bc1) and isolated BC1 using a map-based cloning approach. BC1, which encodes a COBRA-like protein, is expressed mainly in developing sclerenchyma cells and in vascular bundles of rice. In these types of cells, mutations in BC1 cause not only a reduction in cell wall thickness and cellulose content but also an increase in lignin level, suggesting that BC1, a gene that controls the mechanical strength of monocots, plays an important role in the biosynthesis of the cell walls of mechanical tissues.  相似文献   

Appropriate leaf shape has proved to be useful in improving photosynthesis and increasing grain yield. To understand the molecular mechanism of leaf morphogenesis, we identified a rice mutant nrl1, which was characterized by a phenotype of narrow and rolled leaves. Microscopic observation showed that the mutation significantly decreased the number of vascular bundles of leaf and stem. Genetic analysis revealed that the mutation was controlled by a single nuclear-encoded recessive gene. To isolate the nrl1 gene, 756 F2 and F3 mutant individuals from a cross of the nrl1 mutant with Longtepu were used and a high-resolution physical map of the chromosomal region around the nrl1 gene was made. Finally, the gene was mapped in 16.5 kb region between marker RL21 and marker RL36 within the BAC clone OSJNBa0027H05. Cloning and sequencing of the target region from the mutant showed that there was a 58 bp deletion within the second exon of the cellulose synthase-like D4 gene (TIGR locus Os12g36890). The nrl1 mutation was rescued by transformation with the wild-type cellulose synthase-like D4 gene. Accordingly, the cellulose synthase-like D4 gene was identified as the NRL1 gene. NRL1 was transcribed in various tissues and was mainly expressed in panicles and internodes. NAL7 and SLL1 were found to be upregulated, whereas OsAGO7 were downregulated in the nrl1 mutant. These findings suggested that there might be a functional association between these genes in regulating leaf development.  相似文献   

The physicochemical nature of the cell wall was determined in the fourth internode of three isogenic brittle mutants of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and corresponding nonbrittle strains. Cellulose contents of the brittle culms were 17.5 to 20.3% of those of corresponding nonbrittle strains. No major difference was found in lignin and noncellulose components (except glucose) between brittle and nonbrittle strains. Maximum bending stresses of brittle culms were 38.0 to 54.2% of those of corresponding nonbrittle strains. The degree of polymerization of cellulose, measured by viscometry, was similar between the brittle and the nonbrittle strains. Mole number of cellulose molecules in a unit length of brittle culms, calculated by dividing cellulose mass by molecular weight, was 7.7 to 17.3% of those of the nonbrittle strains. These results indicate that brittleness of mutant culms is due to fewer numbers of cellulose molecules in the cell walls.  相似文献   

在构建由农杆菌介导的玉米Ds转座因子插入的水稻转化群体中,得到了一个茎秆等组织发生脆性突变的株系。理化指标定量测定表明,脆性株系的载荷强度和纤维素含量都比正常植株低很多,可溶性糖含量略有减少。对这个突变株的分子检测结果表明Ds因子在脆性株系中为单位点插入。检测了自前3代(T1,T2,T3)植株中T-DNA(Ds)插入与脆性表型的共分离关系。初步结果表明这个突变是T-DNA(Ds)的插入造成的,这个突变基因可能与水稻纤维素合成有关。  相似文献   

“Brittle culm” mutants found in Gramineae crops are suitable materials to study the mechanism of secondary cell wall formation. Through positional cloning, we have identified a gene responsible for the brittle culm phenotype in rice, brittle culm 3 (bc3). BC3 encodes a member of the classical dynamin protein family, a family known to function widely in membrane dynamics. The bc3 mutation resulted in reductions of 28–36% in cellulose contents in culms, leaves, and roots, while other cell wall components remained unaffected. Reductions of cell wall thickness and birefringence were observed in both fiber (sclerenchyma) and parenchymal cells, together with blurring of the wall’s layered structures. From promoter-GUS analyses, it was suggested that BC3 expression is directly correlated with active secondary cell wall synthesis. These results suggest that BC3 is tightly involved in the synthesis of cellulose and is essential for proper secondary cell wall construction.  相似文献   

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