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目的比较正常猕猴与人视网膜电图异同,为进一步利用猕猴建立动物模型研究视网膜疾病打下基础。方法健康成年猕猴7只(14只眼)与8例(16只眼)正常人进行视网膜电图检测,对两者Rod-ERG中的b波,Max-ERG的a、b波,Cone-ERG的b波峰时值及波幅和OPs的O2值,Flicker-ERG的P值进行统计学检验。结果猕猴与人的视网膜电图波形结果较为相似,各指标与人的结果相比,潜伏期短,幅值低,但Cone-ERG和Flicker-ERG两者幅值差异不具有统计学意义。结论视网膜电图检测从功能上证明猕猴较其他常用实验动物更接近人,尤其表现在视锥细胞及黄斑区功能,可用作人类视网膜疾病尤其是黄斑区病变的良好动物模型。  相似文献   

目的比较正常猕猴与人视网膜血管的异同,为进一步利用猕猴建立动物模型来研究视网膜血管打下基础。方法取健康成年猕猴眼球6只和人角膜移植供体剩余眼杯8只的视网膜,用ADP酶法进行血管染色,对两者视网膜血管的走行、血管分级、毛细血管分层以及黄斑区血管拱环等进行比较,测量结果进行统计学检验。结果猕猴与人的视网膜铺片经ADP酶法染色后见视网膜血管自穿出视盘后的一级血管逐渐分支变细,直至五级血管即毛细血管;在视盘旁、赤道部、周边部两者血管面积百分比没有差异;视盘旁血管分为多层,赤道部有两层,且深浅层间相互交通,周边部仅见一层毛细血管且较稀疏;两者黄斑区毛细血管均较密集,有形态完整呈不规则状的血管拱环,血管面积百分比以及血管拱环的面积、周长和直径没有差异。结论猕猴与人在视网膜血管走行、分级、毛细血管分层以及黄斑区血管拱环等多方面有良好的相似性,可用作人类视网膜血管、尤其是黄斑区视网膜血管研究的良好动物模型。  相似文献   

目的观察单纯的玻璃体腔注射对裸小鼠视网膜组织形态学的影响,为建立简单的制作视神经损伤动物模型奠定实验基础。方法在全身麻醉配合眼部局部麻醉情况下,利用微量注射器往裸小鼠玻璃体腔内迅速注入10μL生理盐水,然后在不同的时间点取注射眼进行固定、切片和HE染色,观察视网膜特别是视神经节细胞的变化。结果正常对照组视网膜层次清晰,各层排列整齐而致密,视网膜神经节细胞呈单层排列,大小不一,染色质分布均匀。实验组于注射后第1天、第3天和第5天视网膜神经节细胞减少的情况不明显,十层结构仍相对清晰。但于第7天,视网膜神经节细胞出现细胞明显缺失的现象,第14天为最严重,第30天和第60天与第14天相比无明显差别。结论玻璃体腔注射过量的生理盐水能够损伤视网膜组织,造成神经节细胞减少,有可能成为一种简单的制作视神经损伤动物模型的方法。  相似文献   

氩激光光凝建立兔视网膜静脉阻塞模型及其评价   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的制备视网膜中央静脉阻塞的动物模型,为视网膜中央静脉阻塞疾病的研究提供稳定的模型。方法采用氩激光直接光凝法封闭兔眼视网膜静脉建立视网膜静脉阻塞模型,利用HE染色法观察正常兔及造模后3周兔视网膜组织中视网膜新生血管的增生情况,利用免疫组化法观察正常兔及造模后3周兔视网膜组织中血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)的表达,并检测造模前及造模后3周闪光视网膜电流图(flash electroretinogram,FERG)。结果兔视网膜静脉阻塞(retinal vein occlusion,RVO)眼可见明显的视网膜新生血管增生,缺血视网膜及新生血管组织中VEGF不同程度表达增强,FERG-b波的振幅明显下降(P<0.01)。结论采用氩激光直接光凝法建立视网膜静脉阻塞模型是成功的。  相似文献   

目的:建立脉冲1 064 nm Nd:YAG激光致视网膜出血性损伤及非出血性损伤动物模型,为治疗药物评价提供技术基础.方法:应用自由振荡脉冲及调Q脉冲1 064 nm激光照射青紫蓝灰兔视网膜,通过在光路中加人透镜获得直径200μm眼底光斑,加入衰减片改变角膜入射激光能量.照射即刻对损伤应用检眼镜进行实时观察,并用眼底相...  相似文献   

目的比较眼科常用实验动物视网膜血管尤其是视网膜毛细血管的情况,为实验时正确选择动物模型提供基础。方法取猕猴、家猪、新西兰大白兔、犬、猫、SD大鼠、C57小鼠以及豚鼠的正常眼球数个,完整剥离整个视网膜,用ADPase法进行血管染色,对视网膜血管进行形态学的比较。结果猕猴视网膜大血管从视盘穿出,分成四支分别供应视网膜四个象限,每条血管逐级分支最后成为毛细血管,其毛细血管呈网状分布,在赤道处分成两层,至周边变成一层,且有发育良好的黄斑区毛细血管拱环结构。家猪视网膜大血管由视盘发出后放射状走行,毛细血管也呈网状分布,无黄斑拱环结构。兔仅视盘两侧部分视网膜可见血管,毛细血管网状不明显。犬的视网膜血管也放射状走行,但迂曲明显,毛细血管不成网状。猫、大鼠、小鼠的视网膜大血管均由视盘发出,猫的分成上、鼻下、颞下三支,大鼠、小鼠的各方向均有,区域性不明显,三者的毛细血管网均发育良好,至周边部仍很密集,呈两层分布。豚鼠视网膜无可见的血管。结论用于研究人视网膜血管尤其是毛细血管时,可选用猕猴、家猪、猫、大鼠和小鼠作为动物模型;但要研究人黄斑区血管时,仅可选用猕猴等灵长类动物。  相似文献   

STZ诱发实验恒河猴糖尿病性视网膜并发症模型的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 建立糖尿病性视网膜并发症 (DiabeticRetinopathy ,DR)动物模型。方法 本研究选用 4只健康成熟的雄性恒河猴分别以剂量为 6 0mg kg、4 5mg kg静脉一次注射及 30mg kg静脉二次注射 (中间间隔 15d)链脲佐菌素 (Streptozotocin ,STZ)。结果 使用不同剂量的STZ注射恒河猴 ,分别造成了胰岛素依赖性糖尿病 (InsulinDepen dentDiabetesMellitus ,IDDM)及慢性持续性高血糖症 (StateofChronicHyperglycemia,SCH)两种类型的模型 ,从而诱导出不同程度的DR。眼底荧光造影结果显示∶用药后 6 3~ 91d4只实验猴均出现不同程度的视网膜病 ,分别显示早期眼底微血管动脉扩张 ,视网膜出血瘤 ,微血管瘤及新生血管、晚期白内障等。结论 本研究所建立的糖尿病性视网膜并发症模型 ,对于进一步研究糖尿病及其并发症的发病机理 ,筛选及开发治疗糖尿病性视网膜病的新药及药物安全性评价将会具有广阔的应用前景  相似文献   

目的建立水貂犬瘟热动物模型,并利用水貂犬瘟热模型评价不同犬瘟热强毒株的毒力,为水貂犬瘟热病毒疫苗的研究奠定基础。方法从猴、藏獒、犬的病料中分离犬瘟热病毒,测定犬瘟热病毒的毒力,并进行传代培养。利用犬的犬瘟热动物模型筛选稳定的犬瘟热强毒株,进行水貂犬瘟热动物模型的建立及其毒力评估。结果筛选出了稳定的犬瘟热强毒株并进行了家犬动物实验,同时表现出了强烈的临床症状,并利用不同的代次毒进行了犬瘟热动物模型的建立。结论成功建立了犬瘟热动物模型并对不同来源的犬瘟热病毒毒力进行了评估。  相似文献   

SARS-CoV感染动物模型的建立可加深对SARS病原学的了解和发病机制的研究,加速实验室诊断技术的建立、抗病毒药物的筛选和疫苗的开发,同时也有助于给该病一个更精确的定义。可以说SARS动物模型的建立,不但是SARS研究的瓶颈问题,其应用更是贯穿SARS研究的整个过程。到目前为止,已经报道有4种非人灵长类动物(恒河猴、食蟹猴、绒猴、非洲绿猴)和6种啮齿类动物(大鼠、小鼠、豚鼠、田鼠、仓鼠、转基因鼠),以及雪貂、家猫等可以作为SARS动物模型用于实验研究,并已经开始利用动物模型进行疫苗和药物的安全性和有效性评价。本文就已报道的各类SARS动物模型进行综述,并根据动物模型和SARS患者的比对,提出动物模型建立的技术要点。  相似文献   

美国研究人员8月24日宣布,他们利用人体皮肤细胞培育诱导多功能干细胞(iPS),并成功分化出了不同类型的视网膜细胞。这意味着将来视网膜受损的患者可以利用自身皮肤细胞进行修复。来自威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的研究人员在新一期美国《国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)上介绍说,这项研究的重要意义不仅仅证实了人体诱导多功能干细胞可以分化戍各种视网艇细胞,而且还表明,这种分化发育过程与人眼视网膜自身的发育过程十分相似。诱导多功能干细胞是通过基因重新编排方法,”诱导”普通细胞回到最原始的胚胎发育状态,能够像胚胎干细胞一样进行分化人类的某些疾炳很难或者不可能用动物模型来进行研究,  相似文献   

We outline current in vitro and in vivo models for experimental proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) and provide a detailed protocol of our standardized in vivo PVR model. PVR is the leading cause of failed surgical procedures for the correction of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. The pathogenesis of this multifactorial condition is still not completely understood. Experimental models for PVR help us understand the factors that play a role in the pathogenesis of the disease process in a controlled manner and allow for reproducible preclinical assessment of novel therapeutic interventions. We describe a cell injection model in detail that uses homologous retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell cultures to induce PVR over a 2-8 week period.  相似文献   

Patients with repaired Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF), a congenital heart defect which includes a ventricular septal defect and severe right ventricular outflow obstruction, account for the majority of cases with late onset right ventricle (RV) failure. The current surgical approach, which includes pulmonary valve replacement/insertion (PVR), has yielded mixed results. A computational parametric study using 7 patient-specific RV/LV models based on cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) data as "virtual surgery" was performed to investigate the impact of patch size, RV remodeling and tissue regeneration in PVR surgery design on RV cardiac functions. Two patch sizes, three degrees of scar trimming (RV volume shrinkages: 9%, 17%, 25%) and hypothetical use of regenerated myocardium as replacement of patch and scar were considered in these models. Our preliminary results indicate that each of the three techniques (smaller patch, RV remodeling, and myocardium regeneration) had modest improvement on post-PVR RV ejection fraction (from 1.76%-4% over the conventional PVR procedure) and combination of all three techniques had the best performance (a 4.74% improvement in ejection fraction over the conventional PVR, for the patient studied). Changes in RV stress, strain and curvatures were also observed. However, their linkages to RV ejection fraction were less clear. Further investigations are required to confirm our findings.  相似文献   

A patient-specific right/left ventricle and patch (RV/LV/patch) combination model with fluid-structure interactions (FSIs) was introduced to evaluate and optimize human pulmonary valve replacement/insertion (PVR) surgical procedure and patch design. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging studies were performed to acquire ventricle geometry, flow velocity, and flow rate for healthy volunteers and patients needing RV remodeling and PVR before and after scheduled surgeries. CMR-based RV/LV/patch FSI models were constructed to perform mechanical analysis and assess RV cardiac functions. Both pre- and postoperation CMR data were used to adjust and validate the model so that predicted RV volumes reached good agreement with CMR measurements (error <3%). Two RV/LV/patch models were made based on preoperation data to evaluate and compare two PVR surgical procedures: (i) conventional patch with little or no scar tissue trimming, and (ii) small patch with aggressive scar trimming and RV volume reduction. Our modeling results indicated that (a) patient-specific CMR-based computational modeling can provide accurate assessment of RV cardiac functions, and (b) PVR with a smaller patch and more aggressive scar removal led to reduced stress/strain conditions in the patch area and may lead to improved recovery of RV functions. More patient studies are needed to validate our findings.  相似文献   

A single-layer patient specific right/left ventricle patch (RV/LV/Patch) combination model with fluid-structure interactions (FSI) was introduced in our previous papers to evaluate and optimize human pulmonary valve replacement/insertion (PVR) surgical procedure and patch design. In this paper, an active anisotropic model with two-layer structure for ventricle wall and tissue fiber orientation was introduced to improve previous isotropic model for more accurate assessment of RV function and potential application in PVR surgery and patch design. A material-stiffening approach was used to model active heart contraction. The computational models were used to conduct "virtual (computational)" surgeries and test the hypothesis that a PVR surgical design with a smaller patch and more aggressive scar tissue trimming would lead to improved RV cardiac function recovery. Results from our models validated by pre-operation data indicated that the small patch design had 11% improvement in RV function as measured by RV ejection fraction, compared to the conventional patch. Maximum Stress-P1 value from the active anisotropic model was 121.2% higher than that from the passive isotropic model. Computational RV volume predictions agreed well with CMR-measured volume data (error < 2%).  相似文献   

Eigenfunction analyses have been widely used to model patterns of autocorrelation in time, space and phylogeny. In a phylogenetic context, Diniz-Filho et al. (1998) proposed what they called Phylogenetic Eigenvector Regression (PVR), in which pairwise phylogenetic distances among species are submitted to a Principal Coordinate Analysis, and eigenvectors are then used as explanatory variables in regression, correlation or ANOVAs. More recently, a new approach called Phylogenetic Eigenvector Mapping (PEM) was proposed, with the main advantage of explicitly incorporating a model-based warping in phylogenetic distance in which an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (O-U) process is fitted to data before eigenvector extraction. Here we compared PVR and PEM in respect to estimated phylogenetic signal, correlated evolution under alternative evolutionary models and phylogenetic imputation, using simulated data. Despite similarity between the two approaches, PEM has a slightly higher prediction ability and is more general than the original PVR. Even so, in a conceptual sense, PEM may provide a technique in the best of both worlds, combining the flexibility of data-driven and empirical eigenfunction analyses and the sounding insights provided by evolutionary models well known in comparative analyses.  相似文献   

A number of metrics have been developed for estimating phylogenetic signal in data and to evaluate correlated evolution, inferring broad-scale evolutionary and ecological processes. Here, we proposed an approach called phylogenetic signal-representation (PSR) curve, built upon phylogenetic eigenvector regression (PVR). In PVR, selected eigenvectors extracted from a phylogenetic distance matrix are used to model interspecific variation. In the PSR curve, sequential PVR models are fitted after successively increasing the number of eigenvectors and plotting their R(2) against the accumulated eigenvalues. We used simulations to show that a linear PSR curve is expected under Brownian motion and that its shape changes under alternative evolutionary models. The PSR area, expressing deviations from Brownian motion, is strongly correlated (r= 0.873; P < 0.01) with Blomberg's K-statistics, so nonlinear PSR curves reveal if traits are evolving at a slower or higher rate than expected by Brownian motion. The PSR area is also correlated with phylogenetic half-life under an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, suggesting how both methods describe the shape of the relationship between interspecific variation and time since divergence among species. The PSR curve provides an elegant exploratory method to understand deviations from Brownian motion, in terms of acceleration or deceleration of evolutionary rates occurring at large or small phylogenetic distances.  相似文献   

We propose a new method to estimate and correct for phylogenetic inertia in comparative data analysis. The method, called phylogenetic eigenvector regression (PVR) starts by performing a principal coordinate analysis on a pairwise phylogenetic distance matrix between species. Traits under analysis are regressed on eigenvectors retained by a broken-stick model in such a way that estimated values express phylogenetic trends in data and residuals express independent evolution of each species. This partitioning is similar to that realized by the spatial autoregressive method, but the method proposed here overcomes the problem of low statistical performance that occurs with autoregressive method when phylogenetic correlation is low or when sample size is too small to detect it. Also, PVR is easier to perform with large samples because it is based on well-known techniques of multivariate and regression analyses. We evaluated the performance of PVR and compared it with the autoregressive method using real datasets and simulations. A detailed worked example using body size evolution of Carnivora mammals indicated that phylogenetic inertia in this trait is elevated and similarly estimated by both methods. In this example, Type I error at α = 0.05 of PVR was equal to 0.048, but an increase in the number of eigenvectors used in the regression increases the error. Also, similarity between PVR and the autoregressive method, defined by correlation between their residuals, decreased by overestimating the number of eigenvalues necessary to express the phylogenetic distance matrix. To evaluate the influence of cladogram topology on the distribution of eigenvalues extracted from the double-centered phylogenetic distance matrix, we analyzed 100 randomly generated cladograms (up to 100 species). Multiple linear regression of log transformed variables indicated that the number of eigenvalues extracted by the broken-stick model can be fully explained by cladogram topology. Therefore, the broken-stick model is an adequate criterion for determining the correct number of eigenvectors to be used by PVR. We also simulated distinct levels of phylogenetic inertia by producing a trend across 10, 25, and 50 species arranged in “comblike” cladograms and then adding random vectors with increased residual variances around this trend. In doing so, we provide an evaluation of the performance of both methods with data generated under different evolutionary models than tested previously. The results showed that both PVR and autoregressive method are efficient in detecting inertia in data when sample size is relatively high (more than 25 species) and when phylogenetic inertia is high. However, PVR is more efficient at smaller sample sizes and when level of phylogenetic inertia is low. These conclusions were also supported by the analysis of 10 real datasets regarding body size evolution in different animal clades. We concluded that PVR can be a useful alternative to an autoregressive method in comparative data analysis.  相似文献   

Both genomic and complementary DNA clones encoding poliovirus receptors were isolated from genomic and complementary DNA libraries prepared from HeLa S3 cells, respectively. Nucleotide sequence analysis of these cloned DNAs revealed that the poliovirus receptor gene is approximately 20 kb long and contains seven introns in the coding region, and that at least four mRNA isoforms referring to the coding sequence are generated by alternative splicing and appear to encode four different molecules, that is, PVR alpha, PVR beta, PVR gamma and PVR delta. The predicted amino acid sequences indicate that PVR alpha and PVR delta, corresponding to the previously described cDNA clones H20A and H20B, respectively, are integral membrane proteins while the other two molecules described here for the first time lack a putative transmembrane domain. Mouse cell transformants carrying PVR alpha were permissive for poliovirus infection, but those carrying PVR beta were hardly permissive. In contrast to PVR alpha, PVR beta was not detected on the surface of the mouse cell transformants but was detected in the culture fluid by an immunological method using a monoclonal antibody against poliovirus receptor. Three types of splicing products for PVR alpha, PVR beta and PVR gamma were detected by polymerase chain reactions using appropriate primers in poly(A)+ RNAs of the brain, leukocyte, liver, lung and placenta of humans; the choice of primers used did not permit detection of PVR delta. In situ hybridization using a cDNA fragment as a probe demonstrated that the PVR gene is located at the band q13.1----13.2 of human chromosome 19.  相似文献   

Pulsus paradoxus is an exaggeration of the normal inspiratory decrease in systolic blood pressure. Despite a century of attempts to explain this sign consensus is still lacking. To solve the controversy and reveal the exact mechanism, we reexamined the characteristic anatomic arrangement of the circulation system in the chest and designed these mechanical models based on related hydromechanic principles. Model 1 was designed to observe the primary influence of respiratory intrathoracic pressure change (RIPC) on systemic and pulmonary venous return systems (SVR and PVR) respectively. Model 2, as an equivalent mechanical model of septal swing, was to study the secondary influence of RIPC on the motion of the interventriclar septum (IVS), which might be the direct cause for pulsus paradoxus. Model 1 demonstrated that the simulated RIPC had different influence on the simulated SVR and PVR. It increased the volume of the simulated right ventricle (SRV) when the internal pressure was kept constant (8.16 cmH2O), while it had the opposite effect on PVR. Model 2 revealed the three major factors determining the respiratory displacement of IVS in normal and different pathophysiological conditions: the magnitude of RIPC, the pressure difference between the two ventricles and the intrapericardial pressure. Our models demonstrate that the different anatomical arrangement of the two venous return systems leads to a different effect of RIPC on right and left ventricles, and thus a pressure gradient across IVS that tends to shift IVS left- and rightwards. When the leftward displacement of IVS reaches a considerable amplitude in some pathologic condition such as cardiac tamponade, the pulsus paradoxus occurs.  相似文献   

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