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Body shape has a great variability determined, partly, by energy intake and physical activity, as well as by gender and age. The aim of this research was to analyse the relation between socio-economic status (SES) and body shape estimated through the somatotype, in a sample of university students. The sample included 316 males and 635 females aged 18-33. Somatotype was estimated by the Heath-Carter anthropometric technique. The information included data of SES. A MANOVA test was used to test differences among groups. The mean somatotypes were 4.0-4.4-2.3 in males and 5.4 -3.4-2.2 in females. Sexual dimorphism for the whole somatotype was found (p < 0.001). There is a greater stability of the body shape in females regarding SES and more variability in males. Males' somatotype was significantly related to SES, low socioeconomic levels were associated with high values of endomorphy and mesomorphy.  相似文献   

The changes occurring in leanness-fatness, physical working capacity, isometric strength, and motor ability have been followed in 20 highly active young adult males over a period of 3 years. Body weight and estimated percentage of fat increased over the 3-year period but there were no significant changes in the other variables. Within the 3-year period physical working capacity and relative leanness-fatness showed significant variations which are attributed to the state of training of the subjects. Strength was found to be highly related to somatotype but was apparently not influenced by the state of training; changes in relative leanness-fatness occurring with training were found to be influenced by somatotype.  相似文献   

采用Heath-Carter人体测量法对江西城市客家人304例(男154例,女150例)进行了体型评定。结果显示:1)江西城市客家人男性平均体型值为4.0-4.6-2.0,属于偏内胚层的中胚层体型;女性平均体型值为5.0-4.2-1.9,属于偏中胚层的内胚层体型。2)男女均以30岁为体型分界点,表现为30岁前后的体型差异。3)60岁前男女体型存在显著性差异。60岁后男女体型没有差异。4)与国内其他城市汉族比较,城市客家人男性平均体型点与内蒙古汉族最近,女性与云南汉族最为接近。客家人男女体型较其他城市汉族纤瘦,身体的线性度较高。  相似文献   

西藏藏族青少年体型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探讨藏族青少年体型发育特征及其规律, 本文应用Heath-Carter体型法对2530名藏族青少年体型进行评价。结果发现, 藏族青少年的平均体型男性为偏中胚层的外胚层型(2.40—3.29—3.72),女性为中间型(3.65—2.87—3.32); 男性的体型以外胚层系体型为主(58.52%), 女性体型以内胚层系(32.62%)和外胚层系为主(35.40%); 随着年龄的增长, 藏族青少年的体型发展有一定的规律, 男性由中胚层-外胚层均衡型经偏中胚层的外胚层型又发展回中胚层-外胚层均衡型, 女性由中胚层-外胚层均衡型经历均衡的外胚层型发展为均衡的内胚层型。因此, 本文认为,藏族男性青少年身体的线性程度高、外形上比较瘦削、肌肉较发达; 藏族女性青少年较男性身体的脂肪含量多、线性程度相对较高。  相似文献   

乌孜别克族成人的体型特点   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:了解乌孜别克族成人的体型特点。方法:运用HeathCarter体型法对201名(男110,女91)乌孜别克族成人体型进行分析。结果:乌孜别克族男性为偏内胚层的中胚层型体型(3.7—5.1—2.0),女性为偏中胚层的内胚层型体型(5.9—4.9—1.4)。60岁之前随年龄增长,男女性均呈内、中因子值上升而外因子值下降的趋势,二者体型的性别差异极显著。与其他群体相比,乌孜别克族女性的中因子成分明显占优,男性平均体型则与加拿大人最相似。结论:乌孜别克族成年男女的体格都比较健壮。  相似文献   

Gender differences in anaerobic power tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to determine if the differences in anaerobic power between males and females could be accounted for by differences in body composition, strength, and neuromuscular function. A total of 82 untrained men and 99 women took part in the study. Body composition, somatotype, isometric strength, neuromuscular function were measured, and four anaerobic power tests performed. The men were significantly different from the women on all strength, power, and neuromuscular measurements except reaction time and on all anthropometric and somatotype dimensions except ectomorphy. Strength and anthropometric dimensions were similarly related to anaerobic power values within each sex. Relative fat (%fat) exerted different degrees of influence on sprint and jump performances in each sex. Removing the influence of anthropometric, strength, and neuromuscular differences by analysis of covariance reduced, but did not remove, the significant differences between the sexes. Therefore, factors other than lean body mass, leg strength, and neuromuscular function may be operating in short-term, explosive power performances to account for the differences between the sexes. The task-specific nature of anaerobic power tests and the relatively large influence of anthropometric factors on power production were confirmed.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research was to study the variations of somatotype, calculated by the Heath-Carter anthropometric technique, during growth in a sample of children (416 males and 402 females), aged 6 and 10 years, attending primary and secondary schools of L'Aquila and its province (Abruzzo, Italy). The sample was subdivided into “urban” and “non-urban” groups, on the basis of the residence of the children, to examine possible differences in growth related to the different environments. This study give an account of the somatotype components between urban and non urban childreen between the age 6 and 10 years. A tendency toward an increase of endomorphy (adipose component) with age was noticed in both sexes. In females, ectomorphy (component of physical linearity) tended to increase and mesomorphy (muscular-skeletal component) showed a slight decrease during growth, while males exhibited a discontinuous trend. The differences between urban and non-urban children were not significant, although generally higher values of endomorphy and mesomorphy were found in males and females of the urban sample. The differences between the sexes consisted of higher values of endomorphy and lower values of mesomorphy in females. Ectomorphy was similar in the two sexes.  相似文献   

侗族成人Heath-Carter法体型研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
为探讨我国侗族成人的体型特征,本文采用Heath-Carter人体测量法对广西壮族自治区三江侗族自治县林溪乡515例(男254,女261)20—60岁的土著侗族成人进行了体型评定。结果表明:1)侗族成人男女的平均体型值分别为2.2—4.5—2.4和4.3—4.2—1.5,侗族成人男女分别属均衡的中胚层体型和内胚层—中胚层均衡体型;2)侗族成人男女间SAD值为2.33,T为11.9,男女间的体型有非常显著性差异(P<0.001) ;3) 与国内 、外资料相比, 侗族男女的内、中因子值和男性外因子值居中, 女性外因子值最低。  相似文献   

仡佬族成人体型的Heath-Carter人体测量法研究   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
为探讨我国仡佬族成人体型特点与规律 ,本文应用Heath Carter人体测量法 ,对贵州道真县凇江乡4 0 9例 (男 2 0 4 ,女 2 0 5 ) 2 0— 6 0岁土著仡佬族成人体型进行了研究。结果表明 :(1)仡佬族平均体型男性为偏外胚层体型的中胚层体型 (1 .7— 4. 8— 2. 5 ) ,女性为偏内胚层体型的中胚层体型 (2 .8— 4. 4— 1. 8) ;(2 )随着年龄的增长 ,仡佬族男女体型呈内胚型值增大 ,外胚型值减小的变化。女性 35岁以后体型变化显著。 (3)男女间体型除 2 0~组差异有显著性外 ,其余各年龄组差异有高度显著性 ;(4)仡佬族与其他群体体型比较 ,仡佬族体脂较少 ,骨骼肌肉不太发达 ,身体线性度较高。  相似文献   

采用Heath-Carter人体测量法对家人成人311例(男159例,女152例)进行了体型研究。研究发现,家人男性的体型平均数为3.4-4.8-2.1,属于偏内胚层的中胚层体型;女性体型均数为4.9-4.7-1.3,属于内胚层-中胚层均衡型。家人性别间5个年龄组体型差异均具有统计学意义。随年龄增长,男性内因子值趋于变小,而且年龄组间内因子值具有明显差异。男性中因子、外因子与年龄均不相关,年龄组间中因子、外因子值的差异亦无统计学意义。女性内因子与年龄呈负相关,中因子、外因子与年龄均不具有相关(P>0.05)。内因子、中因子、外因子值在不同年龄组间的的差异具有统计学意义。家人男性与云南汉族、布依族、客家人、僜人、广西汉族体型接近,家人女性与客家人、怒族、僜人、侗族体型最为接近。在中国南方族群中,家人身体脂肪含量较多,骨骼、肌肉含量中等,身体相对粗壮些。家人与生活在南方的汉族族群体型相对接近。  相似文献   

胡荣 《人类学学报》2021,40(5):824-833
史料记载早在唐代以前畲族就居住在粤、闽、赣三省的交界处,现今畲族主要分布在福建、浙江、江西、广东、安徽、湖南、贵州等7个省份,但关于畲族的起源与迁移在学界一直存在较大争议。本研究在福建省福安市和福鼎市随机选取畲族年满18周岁的成人504人(其中男289人,女215人) 测量身高、体质量、肱骨内外上髁间径、股骨内外上髁间径、上臂紧张围、小腿围、肱三头肌皮褶、肩胛下皮褶、髂前上棘皮褶及小腿内侧皮褶等10 项体质指标,利用Heath-Carter 体型法分析福建东部畲族人群的体型,畲族男性平均体型(5.02-3.76-1.76)为偏中胚层的内胚层型,女性平均体型(6.91-3.50-1.23)为偏中胚层的内胚层型。将福建畲族三个因子值与其他少数民族及汉族进行比较,结果显示畲族体型与汉族群体更为接近,其中与闽南语族群汉族、闽东语族群汉族和广西汉族最为相近,与南方少数民族族群反而差异更大,提示在畲族的形成过程与汉族有着很大联系。本研究为畲族族源研究提供生物学方面的参考依据,也为我国人类学研究补充必要的数据和资料。  相似文献   

运用体型方法研究中国学生 (山西) 的体格发育   总被引:59,自引:15,他引:44  
赵凌霞 《人类学学报》1992,11(3):260-271
采用体型方法研究人体体格特征,并与遗传、生理、运动、健康状况、营养方式等相结合,具有一定的意义。本文运用Heath-Carter人体测量体型方法研究中国学生的体型,通过对山西地区485名普通大中专男女学生及130名体育系男女学生的10个人体测量项目的体型分析,结果表明:男女学生的体型存在显著性差异;16—22岁体型发生一定的变化,且男女变化规律不同;坚持体育锻炼的体育系学生的体型与普通系学生的体型存在显著性差异,体育锻炼对体型的影响有性别之分;中国学生与国外学生比较,体型存在差异,男性表现比较明显。  相似文献   

In developing countries like India, where the incidence of protein-calorie malnutrition is high and mechanization is at a minimum, human labor provides much of the power for physical activity. This study presents anthropometric measurements, somatotypes, food intakes, energy expenditures, and work outputs of Oraon agricultural laborers of the Jalpaiguri district, West Bengal, in an attempt to identify the factors that predict high work productivity. Specifically, this study investigates 1) the relationship between morphological variation (anthropometric measurements and somatotype) and work productivity, 2) the nature and extent of the relationship between nutritional status and work productivity, and 3) the best predictor variables of work output. Classification of groups on the basis of median values of work output show that in the aggregate, the high productive groups are significantly younger than low-productive groups in both sexes. Before age-adjustment, the high productive groups show higher mean values of a few body dimensions, though these differ by sex, and both males and females exhibit a normal range of blood pressure and pulse rate values. Mean values of grip strength and back strength are higher in high-output men and women. Mean values of both food intake and energy expenditure are also higher among men in high-output groups, with only food intake higher in high-output women. However, after eliminating the effects of age, the differences between low-productive groups and high-productive groups in most of the variables are not significant. Productivity predictors in males consist of age, food intake and chest girth (inhalation). Females, on the other hand, show age and grip strength (left) as work output predictors.  相似文献   

体型是对身体形状和组成成分的描述,影响人的生理机能、运动素质、心理情感、职业选择等多方面,可帮助评价个体生长发育状况并指导健康成长,因而具有重要的实际意义。通古斯族群的起源、迁移及各民族之间亲缘关系问题历来为学者所关注和争论。本研究在辽宁、黑龙江、和内蒙古自治区随机抽取辽宁满族、黑龙江满族、鄂伦春族、鄂温克族、赫哲族成人人群(男女皆有)进行Heath-Carter法体型研究,探讨中国境内通古斯人群的体型特点及规律,为分析中国境内通古斯人群的亲缘关系提供体质人类学方面的证据。  相似文献   

The ratio of the length of the second finger to the fourth finger (2D:4D) is considered to be a putative proxy of prenatal exposure to testosterone, and has been increasingly used as a promising tool to evaluate the impact of prenatal androgenization in humans in such traits as physical performance. In this study, for the first time, we present 2D:4D data on adult participants of Han ethnicity. We consider the sexual dimorphism of 2D:4D and handgrip strength, and also report the relationship between 2D:4D and handgrip strength of males and females. The sample consisted of 54 males and 55 females recruited from a remote village in the Qinling Mountains, China. We found sexual dimorphism of both 2D:4D and handgrip strength, i.e., males had lower 2D:4D and right‐left 2D:4D than females and greater handgrip strength than females. There was a sex‐specific correlation between 2D:4D and handgrip strength, i.e., 2D:4D in the right hand was negatively correlated with handgrip strength in males but not in females. This relationship may be driven by sexual selection operating on fetal programming. Am J Phys Anthropol 149:266–271, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   



The ratio of the length of the second finger to the fourth finger (2D:4D) in humans is considered as a putative marker of prenatal exposure to testosterone, and has been progressively adopted as one useful tool to evaluate the effect of prenatal hormones in some traits such as physical ability. Handgrip strength is one authentic measure of physical ability and is generally used on the anthropological research within an evolutionary viewpoint.


Here we present the first evidence on 2D:4D and handgrip strength on adult participants of Hani ethnicity and explore the relationship between digit ratio (2D:4D) and handgrip strength. We examined 2D:4D and handgrip strength of 80 males and 60 females at Bubeng village, in the Yunnan province of China.


The mean 2D:4D in females was higher than that in males for each hand. Females showed significantly higher 2D:4D than males in the right hand rather than in the left hand. Males displayed significantly higher handgrip strength than females for both hands. Handgrip strength decreased with age for both sexes. A significant negative correlation between 2D:4D and handgrip strength was found in the right hand of males.


The relationship between 2D:4D and handgrip strength may be attributed to evolutionary drive of sexual selection operating on fetal programming.  相似文献   

探讨新疆柯尔克孜族成人体型特点及其规律,并分析该族群在不同地区(南、北疆)体型的差异性。应用人体测量法,在知情同意原则的基础上,2017年7月至2018年8月,随机抽取新疆南疆和北疆地区柯尔克孜族成人作为调查对象,共计1270名(男551名,女719名)。按年龄、性别、地区分组,对所有调查对象的身高、体质量等10项指标进行了测量,并应用Heath-Carter体型评价法进行体型判定。研究发现,南疆地区柯尔克孜族成人体型具有性别间的差异;南、北疆柯尔克孜族成人体型存在地区间的差异;从体型上看柯尔克孜族与汉族较相似。  相似文献   

L Kalichman  E Kobyliansky 《HOMO》2006,57(2):151-162
The aim of this large, cross-sectional study was to describe the age- and sex-related variations of the somatotype, employing Heath and Carter's method, in a Chuvasha population residing in a rural region in central Russia. The investigated sample included 802 males aged 18-89 years (mean 46.9) and 738 females aged 18-90 years (mean 48.6). We evaluated the age and sex differences by one-way ANOVA with somatotype components as dependent variables and sex or age groups as grouping variables. Sex differences of somatotypes appear to be the strongest for endomorphy, with generally higher values in women. Endomorphy in males remained virtually unchanged after 30 years of age, but endomorphy in females kept increasing up to the 6th decade, and then subsequently decreased. Virtually no differences were noted in mesomorphy and a very small difference in ectomorphy between males and females aged 18-30 years. A reduction of sexual dimorphism in all somatotype components after age 70 was also observed. The largest difference of all somatotype components appeared between age groups 18-30 and 31-40 years. Thereafter, somatotypes remained practically unchanged. Mesomorphy continued to increase until the 5th decade in both sexes, while in females, endomorphy continuously increased until their 6th decade. In the 7th and 8th decades, a decrease in mean values was observed. Mesomorphy and ectomorphy showed opposite age-related trends. Results of our study clearly suggest that in physique investigations, the somatotypes need to be studied in each sex separately, and in studies of young people, they need also to be adjusted to age.  相似文献   

黑衣壮族成人Heath-Carter法体型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探讨我国黑衣壮族成人的体型特征,本文采用Heath Carter人体测量法对广西壮族自治区百色市那坡县城厢乡331例(男165,女166)20—60岁的黑衣壮族成人进行了体型评定。结果表明:(1)黑衣壮族成人男女的平均体型值分别为1 58-5 19-2 69和2 99-4 43-1 79,黑衣壮族成人男女分别属偏外胚层的中胚层体型和偏内胚层的中胚层体型;(2)黑衣壮族成人男女间SAD值为1 85,T为16 04,男女间的体型有显著性差异(P<0 001);(3)与国内八个少数民族群体相比,黑衣壮族男性内因子值最小,中因子值最高,男、女性其它因子值居中。  相似文献   

内蒙古汉族青少年体型分析   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
运用Heath-Carter体型法,对内蒙古地区3088名(男1489,女1599)7-18岁汉族城乡青少年体型进行分析。结果表明城乡男生偏中胚层型的外胚层型体型最多,中胚层-外胚层均衡型和偏外胚层型的中胚层型 之;城乡女生偏中胚层型的内胚层型体型最多,三胚层中间型和偏内胚层型换上胚层型次之。8-13岁时,同性别同龄组城乡学生的体型差异明显,13岁以后体型接近,城乡男女学生体型的性别间差别显著。  相似文献   

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