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【目的】揭示北黄海沉积物中可培养产胞外蛋白酶细菌及蛋白酶多样性,增加人们对北黄海生态系统中产蛋白酶菌多样性的认识,为海洋产蛋白酶微生物的挖掘提供菌群资源。【方法】分别将5个北黄海沉积物样品梯度稀释涂布至酪蛋白明胶筛选平板,选择性分离产蛋白酶细菌;并通过分析基于16S rRNA基因序列的系统发育关系,揭示这些细菌的分类地位和遗传多样性;分别测定胞外蛋白酶活性并对酶活较高的39株菌进行基于苯甲基磺酰氟(PMSF,丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂)、邻菲罗啉(o-phenanthroline,O-P,金属蛋白酶抑制剂)、E-64(半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂)和pepstatin A(天冬氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂)4种抑制剂的酶活抑制实验以及所有菌株对3种底物(酪蛋白、明胶、弹性蛋白)的水解能力;分析这些细菌所产胞外蛋白酶的特性及多样性。【结果】从5个北黄海沉积物样品中分离获得66株产蛋白酶细菌,这些菌株隶属于Bacteroidetes、Proteobacteria、Actinobacteria和Firmicutes 4个门的7个属,其中Pseudoalteromonas(69.9%)、Sulfitobacter(12.1%)和Salegentibacter(10.6%)是优势菌群;沉积物中可培养的产蛋白酶细菌的丰度为104 CFU/g;蛋白酶酶活抑制实验表明所有测定菌株产生的胞外蛋白酶属于丝氨酸蛋白酶和/或金属蛋白酶,仅有少数菌株所产蛋白酶具有半胱氨酸蛋白酶或天冬氨酸蛋白酶活性。【结论】北黄海沉积物中可培养产蛋白酶细菌类群较为丰富,Pseudoalteromonas、Sulfitobacter和Salegentibacter菌株是优势菌群,测定菌株所产胞外蛋白酶主要是丝氨酸蛋白酶和/或金属蛋白酶。  相似文献   

本实验旨在对Enterobacter cloacae Z0206菌进行发酵培养,以制备胞外多糖,并对其体外抗氧化活性进行初步研究。通过产多糖菌E.cloacaeZ0206的深层发酵制备细菌胞外多糖,在此基础上对其清除DPPH自由基、超氧阴离子、抑制羟自由基的能力以及还原力等四个方面进行实验,评价其抗氧化活性。结果表明,深层发酵制备的E.cloacaeZ0206胞外多糖产量为6.62g/L,其在5mg/mL时对DPPH自由基和羟自由基的清除率分别达到61.57%和40.08%。提示E.cloacaeZ0206细菌胞外多糖具有显著的抗氧化能力,具有开发为抗氧化类食品或药品的潜力。  相似文献   

探讨酶法制备具有抗氧化活性的鲟鱼鱼肠抗氧化肽的方法,并进行体外抗氧化活性的测定。结果表明,比较4种蛋白酶酶解产物的抗氧化能力,确定胃蛋白酶为制备鲟鱼鱼肠抗氧化肽的最佳水解用酶;通过单因素试验和正交实验分析得出最适酶解工艺是:胃蛋白酶加酶量3 200 U/g,酶解时间1.5 h,料液比1∶20,温度35℃。其体外抗氧化能力随肽质量浓度增大而增大,在浓度为1.5 mg/mL时,鲟鱼鱼肠抗氧化肽清除DPPH·能力达到Vc的83.64%,对·OH清除率为78.06%,还原力大小约为Vc溶液的1/3。胃蛋白酶酶解鲟鱼鱼肠制备的抗氧化肽具有较好的抗氧化活性,其作为一种潜在的商业抗氧化剂具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

为进一步提高羊骨酶解液的营养价值和生物利用度,探讨乳酸菌发酵对钙离子释放、短肽形成以及酶解液抗氧化活性的影响。首先从7株乳酸菌中筛选出了产蛋白酶能力最强的植物乳杆菌,接种羊骨酶解液,以发酵液中Ca~(2+)浓度为指标,响应面法优化得到发酵工艺:酶解液中添加1%的麦芽糖,调节起始pH为5.5,以4%接种量接种驯化好的植物乳杆菌,37℃摇床发酵14 h。发酵过程中,植物乳杆菌活菌数与Ca~(2+)含量(R=0.495,P0.01)和短肽得率(R=0.655,P0.01)呈极显著正相关,而多肽生成量与短肽得率呈负相关(R=–0.013)。发酵液中的Ca~(2+)浓度(P0.05)、水解度(P0.01)、短肽得率(P0.01)、羟脯氨酸含量(P0.01)均显著高于酶解液(P0.01),植物乳杆菌活菌数达到94.6×10~8 CFU/m L。发酵还可使酶解液对DPPH、·OH、O_2~-·三种自由基的清除能力显著提高(P0.01,P0.05)。综上所述,以植物乳杆菌发酵羊骨酶解液可进一步促进骨钙的转化和胶原短肽的生成并显著提高其体外抗氧化能力,短肽和Ca~(2+)反过来促进植物乳杆菌的繁殖,增强了酶解液的益生功能,乳酸菌产生的维生素、胞外多糖等物质使羊骨酶解液更富营养。  相似文献   

旨在分析鹰嘴豆分离蛋白(CPI)及其不同分子量短肽的抗氧化活性。用碱性蛋白酶(Alcalase)处理CPI,得到其降解产物,该降解产物经超滤离心,得到分子量分别为3 k D、3-5 k D、5-10 k D及10 k D的短肽。结果表明,与其它大分子肽段相比,3 k D的短肽具有较强的自由基清除活性;与谷胱甘肽(GSH)相比,CPI及其不同分子量短肽具有显著的金属离子螯合活性;CPI及其肽段具有一定的三价铁离子还原能力。上述结果表明,CPI及其肽段的显著抗氧化活性,使得其具有制备抗氧化功能食品和保健品的应用前景。  相似文献   

为了挖掘真红树植物潜在细菌新物种和生物活性物质,丰富红树林微生物多样性,为新型活性产物开发提供菌株资源。该文从秋茄、木榄和红海榄三种广西来源的真红树植物及其生境中,按根、茎、叶、花、果实和泥土分成22份样品,选用8种不同培养基分离可培养细菌,通过16S rRNA基因序列鉴定,分析其多样性,采用纸片法筛选细菌发酵粗提物的抑菌活性,点植法测试其酶活性。结果表明:(1)共分离获得可培养细菌35株,隶属于23个科28个属,芽孢杆菌属占细菌总数的14.3%,为优势菌属,同时发现11株潜在的新细菌资源。(2)活性筛选获得4株细菌具有抑菌活性,16株细菌具有酶活性,芽孢杆菌属是酶活性优势菌属。综上所述,广西真红树植物可培养细菌多样性丰富,部分细菌具有抑菌活性和酶活性,在新型抗生素和酶应用方面具有一定的开发潜力。  相似文献   

固态发酵苦荞制备多肽菌种的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】筛选固态发酵苦荞高产多肽及发酵产物液具有抗菌、抗氧化活性的菌株。【方法】采用米曲霉、酱油曲霉、雅致放射毛霉和少孢根霉分别对苦荞进行固态发酵,以蛋白酶活力、水解度、可溶性肽得率、抑菌率和体外自由基清除率作为筛菌指标。【结果】米曲霉固态发酵苦荞的可溶性肽得率最高达38.83%±1.18%,发酵产物液对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌率分别为96.62%±1.66%和97.54%±0.54%,同时羟自由基(·OH)清除率和二苯基苦味酰基苯肼自由基(DPPH·)清除率分别为55.65%±1.25%和10.84%±1.03%。对米曲霉发酵2 d发酵产物液的不同分子量分布及活性分析表明,分子量大小对抗菌及抗氧化活性有一定的影响。【结论】米曲霉可作为固态发酵苦荞制备多肽且发酵产物液具有抗菌及抗氧化活性的最佳菌株,并在多肽产量提升及抗菌、抗氧化活性的研究上具有巨大空间。  相似文献   

【目的】研究西南不同地区的高山湖泊中可培养细菌的多样性及其产胞外蛋白酶、纤维素酶和胞外多糖的能力。【方法】以西南4个不同地区的高山湖泊:雷波的马湖(LB)、中缅边境的凯邦亚湖(ZM)、沙德的莲花湖(SD)、腾冲的青海湖(TC)的水样为研究对象,利用稀释涂布平板方法对可培养细菌进行分离筛选,然后通过对可培养细菌的生理生化指标和16S r RNA基因序列进行分析,初步确定细菌属别;对分离得到的菌株进行产胞外蛋白酶和纤维素酶活性测定和产胞外多糖能力检测。【结果】从西南地区4个湖泊中共分离筛选得到41株细菌,其中LB 15株、ZM 13株、SD 7株、TC 6株。根据16S r RNA基因序列的系统进化分析,4个地区可培养细菌的组成和丰度存在明显差异,其中LB和ZM的优势菌属是芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus),其次是气单胞菌属(Aeromonas)和假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas),分离的TC菌株全部属于芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus),分离的SD菌株特异性较强。进一步酶活性和胞外多糖检测表明,分离得到的41株细菌中有28株菌的发酵产物具有蛋白酶活性,6株具有纤维素酶活性,17株可产胞外多糖(Exopolysaccharides,EPS)。其中有2株细菌同时产蛋白酶、纤维素酶和胞外多糖,10株细菌同时产蛋白酶和胞外多糖,2株细菌同时产蛋白酶和纤维素酶,1株细菌同时产纤维素酶和胞外多糖。【结论】西南4个高山湖泊中存在丰富的微生物菌种资源,且4个湖泊中筛选的可培养细菌受所处环境的影响大。其中莲花湖由于高海拔和较偏僻等特点,人为干扰小,分离得到的细菌类群与其他湖泊相比明显不同;而马湖、凯邦亚湖和青海湖3个湖泊的海拔相对较低,受人类活动影响较大,分离得到的细菌均较常见。此外高山湖泊中的可培养细菌具有分泌多种胞外活性物质特性,为工业化应用奠定了资源基础,极具更深入的开发和研究价值。  相似文献   

采用氧自由基清除能力(ORAC)方法考察20种多酚类化合物的抗氧化活性。结果表明,该方法具有较优的线性关系(R2=0.997);检测限(LOD)和定量限(LOQ)为0.5~3.1 μmol·L-1,精密度<18%,准确度91%~105%。比较20种多酚类化合物抗氧化活性,对羟基苯甲酸类化合物中,鞣花酸和没食子酸具有较强的抗氧化活性;对羟基肉桂酸类以咖啡酸及其衍生物抗氧化活性最高;在类黄酮组分中,黄烷-3-醇表现出优良的抗氧化特性,黄酮醇次之。ORAC可作为评价多酚类化合物抗氧化的简便、高效的标准化检测方法。  相似文献   

细菌胞外多糖(Exopolysaccharides,EPS)是细菌产生的一类重要的生物大分子,在许多重要生命过程中起着非常关键的作用,由于其具有多种生物活性成为近年来研究的热点。目前,细菌EPS作为天然产物,可大量发酵提取,且可降低成本,特别是一些乳酸杆菌和海洋细菌的新型EPS被证实具有多样化结构多糖的、潜在的有益生物活性,如抗肿瘤、免疫调节和抗氧化等,其在食品、医学等领域被广泛应用。就细菌EPS在生物材料和药品方面的应用、免疫调节功能、抗肿瘤活性及抗氧化活性作一综述。  相似文献   

Extracellular and membrane-bound proteases from Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Bacillus subtilis YY88 synthesizes increased amounts of extracellular and membrane-bound proteases. More than 99% of the extracellular protease activity is accounted for by an alkaline serine protease and a neutral metalloprotease. An esterase having low protease activity accounts for less than 1% of the secreted protease. These enzymes were purified to homogeneity. Molecular weights of approximately 28,500 and 39,500 were determined for the alkaline and neutral proteases, respectively. The esterase had a molecular weight of approximately 35,000. Amino-terminal amino acid sequences were determined, and the actions of a number of inhibitors were examined. Membrane vesicles contained bound forms of alkaline and neutral proteases and a group of previously undetected proteases (M proteases). Membrane-bound proteases were extracted with Triton X-100. Membrane-bound alkaline and neutral proteases were indistinguishable from the extracellular enzymes by the criteria of molecular weight, immunoprecipitation, and sensitivity to inhibitors. The M protease fraction accounted for approximately 7% of the total activity in Triton X-100 extracts of membrane vesicles. The M protease fraction was partially fractionated into four species (M1 through M4) by ion-exchange chromatography. Immunoprecipitation and sensitivity to inhibitors distinguished membrane-bound alkaline and neutral proteases from M proteases. In contrast to alkaline and neutral proteases, proteases M2 and M3 exhibited exopeptidase activity.  相似文献   

The number and approximate molecular weights of extracellular alkaline proteases produced by Vibrio alginolyticus were determined by gelatin-PAGE. Three major bands of protease activity with apparent molecular weights of approximately 28 000, 22 500 and 19 500 (proteases 1, 2 and 3, respectively) and two minor bands of protease activity with apparent molecular weights of approximately 15 500 and 14 500 (proteases 4 and 5, respectively) were obtained after gelatin-PAGE. The activities of the five proteases were inhibited by serine protease inhibitors but their activities were not affected by inhibitors of trypsin-like enzymes. Histidine, which inhibited V. alginolyticus collagenase, did not inhibit the activities of the alkaline serine proteases. The production of protease 1, however, was enhanced by histidine. Protease 1 production was also affected by temperature and production was depressed at 37 degrees C. Gelatin-PAGE of a commercial V. alginolyticus collagenase preparation revealed four bands of activity which were identified as collagenases with apparent molecular weights of approximately 45 000, 38 500, 33 500 and 31 000. The collagenase preparation was contaminated with two serine proteases. The release of [3H]proline from collagen matrices produced by smooth muscle cells was shown to be a sensitive assay for bacterial collagenases and was used to show that V. alginolyticus produced a basal constitutive level of extracellular collagenase. The constitutive levels of collagenase were affected by aeration.  相似文献   

Extracellular proteases were isolated from the cell-free culture supernatant of the oyster-pathogenic protozoan, Perkinsus marinus, by bacitracin–sepharose affinity chromatography. The purified protease fractions contained >75% of the protease activity initially loaded onto the column with very high specific activity that corresponded to 8–11-fold level of protease enrichment. The isolated proteases hydrolysed a variety of protein substrates including oyster plasma. All of the isolated P. marinus proteases belonged to the serine class of proteases. Inhibitor studies involving spectrophotometric assay and gelatin gel electrophoresis showed high levels of inhibition in the presence of the serine protease inhibitors PMSF, benzamidine and chymostatin, whereas inhibitors of cysteine, aspartic, and metalloproteases showed little or no inhibition. Spectrophotometric assays involving serine-specific peptide substrates further revealed that the isolated proteases belong to the class of chymotrypsin-like serine proteases. A 41.7 kDa monomeric, N-glycosylated, serine protease (designated Perkinsin) has been identified as the major P. marinus extracellular protease.  相似文献   

Determining the specific role(s) of proteases in cell migration and invasion will require high-resolution imaging of sites of protease activity during live-cell migration through extracellular matrices. We have designed a novel fluorescent biosensor to detect localized extracellular sites of protease activity and to test requirements for matrix metalloprotease (MMP) function as cells migrate and invade three-dimensional collagen matrices. This probe fluoresces after cleavage of a peptide site present in interstitial collagen by a variety of proteases including MMP-2, -9, and -14 (MT1-MMP) without requiring transfection or modification of the cells being characterized. Using matrices derivatized with this biosensor, we show that protease activity is localized at the polarized leading edge of migrating tumor cells rather than further back on the cell body. This protease activity is essential for cell migration in native cross-linked but not pepsin-treated collagen matrices. The new type of high-resolution probe described in this study provides site-specific reporting of protease activity and insights into mechanisms by which cells migrate through extracellular matrices; it also helps to clarify discrepancies between previous studies regarding the contributions of proteases to metastasis.  相似文献   

Three bacterial strains of Bifidobacterium and Clostridium sp. from patients with inflammatory bowel disease (I.B.D.) and Streptococcus pneumoniae from a patient with pneumonia were identified to produce extracellular proteases cleaving IgA into Fab and Fc fragments. Although the proteases from the Bifidobacterium and the Streptococcus pneumoniae showed the characteristics of typical IgA1 proteases, cleaving the IgA of only the IgA1 subclass, the protease from Clostridium sp. revealed a dual substrate specificity, in that it cleaved both IgA1 and IgA2 of the A2m(1) allotype. The latter protease, however, did not show any activity with respect to the IgA2 of the A2m(2) allotype. Fc fragments isolated from the IgA1 and the IgA2 A2m(1) by digestion with the Clostridium sp. protease were identified to have an identical amino terminal residue of valine. The site of cleavage in both the alpha 1 and the alpha 2 of A2m(1) by the protease was assumed to be an identical peptide bond at Pro(221)-Val(222), which is a common one present just before the hinge of both the alpha 1 and the alpha 2 of the A2m(1) but not of the alpha 2 of the A2m(2). The protease was sensitive to ethylene-diamino tetraacetic acid, a chelating agent, similar to other already reported IgA1 proteases.  相似文献   

A serine protease with a pH optimum from 7 to 9 and activity over the range of pH 3 to 10 was isolated and purified from culture filtrates of Penicillium charlesii 16 days after inoculation. The enzyme was purified by the following sequence of procedures: (i) gel permeation chromatography through Sephacryl S-200, (ii) DEAE-Sepharose anion-exchange chromatography, and (iii) fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) over Superose 12. Anion-exchange chromatography separated the protease activity into a major activity (protease PII, 82%) and two minor activities (proteases PI and PIII, 10 and 8%, respectively, of the total activity). Protease PII has a molecular mass of 44 kilodaltons. Purified preparations of this enzyme are susceptible to autodegradation. FPLC of heat-treated PII gave one major species (PIIa), whereas untreated enzyme resulted in three species (PIIb, PIIc, and PIId). PIIb and PIIc also catalyzed the hydrolysis of protein (hide powder azure). PIIb and PIIc were in the molecular mass range of 10 to 20 kilodaltons. Protease PII is completely inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). The protease has primary substrate specificity for phenylalanyl or arginyl amino acyl residues attached to amines. The enzyme has amidase, but no esterase activity toward similar synthetic substrates such as occurs with trypsinlike microbial serine proteases. The addition of PMSF (final concentration, 10(-4) M) to 1- and 2-day-old cultures of P. charlesii inhibited the production of extracellular peptidophosphogalactomannan (pPGM) by 41 and 34%, respectively, and inhibited the alkaline protease activity by 85%. These results suggest that the production and release of pPGM may be affected by alkaline protease.  相似文献   

An endospore-forming bacterium, strain B16, was isolated from a soil sample and identified as a Bacillus sp. The strain presented remarkable nematotoxic activity against nematode Panagrellus redivivus. The crude extracellular protein extract from culture supernatant of the bacteria killed about 80% of the tested nematodes within 24 h, suggesting the involvement of extracellular proteases. A homogeneous extracellular protease was purified by chromatography, and the hypothesis of proteinaceous pathogeny in the infection of B16 strain was confirmed by the experiments of killing living nematodes and by the degradation of purified nematode cuticle when treated with the homogenous protease. The gene for the virulence protease was cloned, and the nucleotide sequence was determined. The deduced amino acid sequence showed significant similarity with subtilisin BPN' but low homology with the other cuticle-degrading proteases previously reported in fungi. Characterization of the purified protease revealed the molecular mass of 28 kDa and the optimum activity at pH 10, 50°C. The purified protease can hydrolyze several native proteinaceous substrates, including collagen and nematode cuticle. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a serine protease from a Bacillus genus of bacteria that serves as a pathogenic factor against nematodes, an important step in understanding the relationship between bacterial pathogen and host and in improving the nematocidal activity in biological control. Niu Qiuhong and Huang Xiaowei contributed equally to the work  相似文献   

Intramembrane cleaving proteases such as site 2 protease, gamma-secretase, and signal peptide peptidase hydrolyze peptide bonds within the transmembrane domain (TMD) of signaling molecules such as SREBP, Notch, and HLA-E, respectively. All three enzymes require a prior cleavage at the juxtamembrane region by another protease. It has been proposed that removing the extracellular domain allows dissociation of substrate TMD, held together by the extracellular domain or loop. Using gamma-secretase as a model intramembrane cleaving protease and Notch as a model substrate, we investigated whether activating and inactivating mutations in Notch modulate gamma-secretase cleavage through changes in oligomerization. We find that although the Notch epidermal growth factor repeats can promote dimer formation, most surface Notch molecules in mammalian cells are monomeric as are constitutively active or inactive Notch1 proteins. Using a bacterial assay for TM dimerization, we find that the isolated TMD of Notch and amyloid precursor protein self-associate and that mutations affecting Notch cleavage by gamma-secretase cleavage do not alter TMD dimerization. Our results indicate that ligand-induced reversal of controlled TMD dimerization by the Notch extracellular domain is unlikely to underlie the regulatory mechanism of intramembranous cleavage.  相似文献   

E chrysanthemi, a phytopathogenic enterobacterium, secretes several enzymes into the medium such as pectinases cellulases and proteases. It also produces 3 distinct and antigenically related extracellular proteases. The proteases secretion pathway seems to be distinct from that of the other extracellular enzymes since pleiotropic mutants impaired in cellulase and pectinase secretion are unimpaired in protease secretion. E chrysanthemi proteases B and C secretion occurs without an N-terminal signal peptide and is dependent upon specific secretion functions which are encoded by genes adjacent to the protease structural genes. This secretion pathway might be analogous to the alpha-hemolysin secretion pathway in E coli. Protection against intracellular proteolytic activity is achieved by 2 distinct mechanisms: the proteases are synthesized as inactive precursors with an N-terminal extension of 15 aminoacids (protease B) and 17 aminoacids (protease C) absent in the mature active extracellular enzymes; an intracellular specific protease inhibitor is produced by some E chrysanthemi strains.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the production of an extracellular serine protease by Dactylella shizishanna and its potential as a pathogenesis factor. METHODS AND RESULTS: An extracellular alkaline serine protease (Ds1) was purified and characterized from the nematode-trapping fungus D. shizishanna using cation-exchange chromatography and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The molecular mass of the protease was approximately 35 kDa estimated by SDS-PAGE. The optimum activity of Ds1 was at pH 10 and 55 degrees C (over 30 min). The purified protease could degrade purified cuticle of Penagrellus redivivus and a broad range of protein substrates. The purified protease was highly sensitive to phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) (0.1 mmol l(-1)), indicating it belonged to the serine protease family. The N-terminal amino acid residues of Ds1 are AEQTDSTWGL and showed a high homology with Aozl and PII, two serine proteases purified from the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora. CONCLUSIONS: Nematicidal activity of D. shizishanna was partly related to its ability to produce extracellular serine protease. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: In this report, we purified a new serine protease from D. shizishanna and provided a good foundation for future research on infection mechanism.  相似文献   

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