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糖基化是生物体内蛋白质最常见、最重要的翻译后修饰之一,普遍存在于细胞膜蛋白及分泌蛋白,执行重要的生物学功能.常见的蛋白糖基化修饰有N-糖基化及O-糖基化两种类型,而O-GalNAc是O-糖基化中重要的存在形式,在特定生物学进程、癌症发生发展中起着重要作用,近年来受到广泛重视.得益于代谢标记、化学衍生化、高分辨和多种碎裂模式质谱技术以及基因编辑技术的高速发展,O-GalNAc的糖基化位点、糖型鉴定和生理功能研究取得一系列重大进展.本文综述了基于生物质谱技术的蛋白质O-GalNAc糖基化修饰研究进展.  相似文献   

蛋白质的糖基化是最重要和最普遍的蛋白质翻译后修饰之一,在生物体内起着极为重要的作用。糖蛋白质的量和(或)糖基化程度的改变以及糖链结构的改变等与许多疾病密切相关,因此定量糖蛋白质组研究已经成为一个新的热点。然而由于糖基化蛋白质所具有的独特特征,其定量面临严峻的挑战。糖蛋白质组学定量方法和技术的发展将为更好地研究糖基化蛋白质生物学功能起到重要作用。综述了基于生物质谱的糖蛋白质组定量研究的技术和方法,及其优缺点和未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

糖鞘脂是一类在细胞膜上成簇排列的两性分子,参与了细胞的黏附、生长、增殖、凋亡等。细胞发生癌变时,表面的某些糖鞘脂表达异常,通过检测特异性糖鞘脂的表达可以对某些癌症做出诊断。神经性疾病和遗传性疾病的产生或许与糖鞘脂的变化有着不可忽视的关系,某些糖脂已被公认为是干细胞的典型生物标志物。开发相应的糖鞘脂药物或抗体类药物,对于实现疾病的早期诊断和治疗等都具有重要意义。文章从糖鞘脂的结构与功能、糖鞘脂与神经性和遗传性疾病、糖鞘脂与干细胞、糖鞘脂与肿瘤以及鞘脂类药物开发等方面对近年来的研究进展作详细的总结。  相似文献   

α-1,6岩藻糖基转移酶的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耿飞  吴兴中 《生命的化学》2003,23(2):118-120
当细胞糖蛋白的糖链发生α-1,6岩藻糖基化时,这种改变直接关系到细胞一系列的生物学特性。本就α-1,6岩藻糖基转移酶编码基因及其蛋白质的结构与表达特征,其底物蛋白的糖链结构,与肿瘤及白细胞黏附缺陷症等疾病的关系诸方面予以综述。  相似文献   

细胞基因组DNA遭受到各种内外源因素的攻击可以诱发多种类型的DNA损伤. DNA损伤应答系统(DNA damage response, DDR)能及时识别、修复受损的DNA,维持基因组稳定性,避免肿瘤等多种疾病发生. DDR受到多种蛋白质翻译后修饰的严格调控, ADP-核糖基化(ADP-ribosylation)是其中最为重要的修饰类型之一. ADP-核糖基化是一种动态可逆的翻译后修饰, ADP-核糖基化与去核糖基化之间保持动态平衡,精密调控DNA损伤应答过程.鉴于ADP-核糖基化在DNA损伤修复中的独特功能,靶向这一可逆过程的抑制剂已被开发或有望作为一类用于癌症治疗的靶向药物.本文就ADP-核糖基化可逆修饰在DNA损伤修复及癌症治疗中的研究进展进行综述.  相似文献   

糖蛋白质组学方法鉴定人健康肝组织核心岩藻糖基化蛋白质,将有助于发现肝癌、慢性肝病相关异常核心岩藻糖基化蛋白质.应用凝集素亲和层析技术、双向电泳(2-DE)联合基质辅助激光解吸飞行时间串联质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS/MS)分析,建立人健康肝组织核心岩藻糖基化蛋白表达谱,图谱均点数为(130±3)个,挖取90个蛋白质点进行质谱鉴定,数据库搜索及去冗余后,共鉴定53种蛋白质,主要分布于pI5~9,分子质量为10~100ku区域处.Gene Ontology分类发现它们参与体内代谢等过程,应用NetNGlyc对它们进行糖基化位点预测,并通过蛋白质免疫沉淀联合凝集素亲和印迹对其中的结合珠蛋白前体,α烯醇化酶的核心岩藻糖基化进行了再验证.以上结果提示,凝集素层析、2-DE联合MALDI-TOF-MS/MS分析是一种鉴定某种特定类型糖蛋白的高通量检测方法,所建立的表达谱可用于发现疾病发生、发展中相关的异常核心岩藻糖基化蛋白质.  相似文献   

糖组学方法筛查人肝癌细胞转移过程中发挥重要作用的核心岩藻糖基化蛋白质分子,解析比较筛出的差异蛋白——细胞角蛋白8(CK8)翻译及糖基化修饰改变与人肝癌细胞转移潜能的关系.应用双向电泳(2-DE)、凝集素亲和印迹、凝集素亲和沉淀联合质谱分析技术,筛查并验证与肝癌转移相关的核心岩藻糖基化蛋白;应用细胞免疫荧光和蛋白质免疫印迹检测CK8的蛋白质表达情况;应用免疫沉淀结合多种凝集素亲和印迹,推测其与肝癌转移相关的寡糖链结构改变.研究发现,3种不同转移潜能人肝癌细胞Hep3B、MHCC97-L和MHCC97-H的扁豆凝集素(LCA)亲和印迹表达谱中,分子质量55~60ku、等电点4~6区域处有核心岩藻糖基化蛋白呈差异表达,质谱鉴定为CK8.LCA亲和沉淀及蛋白质印迹进一步验证CK8异常核心岩藻糖基化与肝癌转移相关;研究发现,CK8分布于细胞浆内,在MHCC97-L和MHCC97-H细胞中蛋白质表达水平较Hep3B高,在MHCC97-H中与LCA和蓖麻凝集素(RCA-1)的亲和力较Hep3B强.以上结果提示,2-DE和凝集素印迹技术联合MALDI-TOF-MS/MS分析可用于筛查疾病过程相关的异常糖基化蛋白质分子,CK8蛋白水平、核心岩藻糖基化及β-1,4末端半乳糖基化的增加均与肝癌细胞转移潜能相关.  相似文献   

VEGF与肿瘤血管生成及其在抗肿瘤药物开发中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何艳  曹以诚 《生命科学》2008,20(2):222-224
肿瘤血管生成在肿瘤的形成和转移过程中起到很重要的作用,众多的血管生成因子和抑制因子在肿瘤血管生成中起到调控作用,而血管生成因子(VEGF)是其中很重要的一类,通过研究其在肿瘤血管形成过程的调节机制,找到了一条有效的预防和治疗肿瘤的新途径。本文就肿瘤血管生成、VEGF家族的特性、VEGF在抗肿瘤药物开发中的应用做一综述。  相似文献   

血管生成是指在原有血管的基础上形成新血管的过程。病理性血管生成是癌症、心血管类疾病和视网膜病变等一系列疾病的标志。1-磷酸鞘氨醇(sphingosine-1-phosphate,S1P)是一种信号脂质,由鞘氨醇激酶(sphingosine kinases,SPHK)合成,通过5种G蛋白偶联受体(sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors,S1PR1-5)发挥其不同的生物学和病理生理作用,并通过激活受体启动各种信号级联反应,影响细胞命运、血管张力、内皮功能和完整性以及淋巴细胞的运输等。其产生和信号的失衡与内皮功能障碍和异常血管生成等病理过程密切相关。越来越多的证据表明, SPHK-S1P轴在血管生成中发挥重要作用,尤其在癌症的发生发展与肿瘤微环境、动脉粥样硬化、心肌梗死等心血管类疾病,以及糖尿病和视网膜病变中具有重要意义。研究其相关作用与功能,可为治疗血管生成相关疾病提供新见解和药物治疗靶点。本文就SPHK-S1P轴通过SPHK以及S1PR1-5影响内皮细胞和平滑肌增殖、内皮细胞迁移以及由内皮细胞、周细胞和平滑肌细胞等形成管腔的分子机制进行阐述,同时进一步阐述SPHK-S1P轴如何通过鞘氨醇激酶以及S1PR1-5影响肿瘤、心血管类疾病、糖尿病以及视网膜病变中血管生成,旨在通过理解SPHK-S1P轴在血管生成中的分子机制为相关疾病提供新的治疗思路。  相似文献   

对于人类许多疾病,抗体已成为了一种很重要的治疗制剂。如何进一步提高抗体的效能,是目前研究的主要热点之一。在抗体治疗过程中,抗体依赖性细胞介导的细胞毒作用(antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity,ADCC)被认为是治疗性抗体临床疗效中一个重要的治疗功能。抗体恒定区Fc片段(crystalline fragment)的糖基化对ADCC起着至关重要的作用,尤其是抗体恒定区的核心岩藻糖基化。近些年来,很多研究报告表明,去除或降低岩藻糖基化的治疗性抗体不论在体内还是在体外都表现出更高的效能。这主要是由于去除或降低岩藻糖基化的治疗性抗体相对于岩藻糖基化的抗体,可以在更低浓度下通过与FcγRIIIa的高亲和力而表现出较强的ADCC作用。因此,去除或降低岩藻糖基化抗体的应用有望成为提高下一代治疗性抗体效能的有效手段。在此综述中,我们主要讨论了控制治疗性抗体恒定区岩藻糖基化的重要性及当前去除或降低岩藻糖基化治疗性抗体的生产控制方法。  相似文献   

Meyer S  Tefsen B  Imberty A  Geyer R  van Die I 《Glycobiology》2007,17(10):1104-1119
Recognition of pathogen-derived carbohydrate constituents by antigen presenting cells is an important step in the induction of protective immunity. Here we investigated the interaction of L-SIGN (liver/lymph node specific ICAM-3-grabbing nonintegrin), a C-type lectin that functions as antigen receptor on human liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, with egg-derived glycan antigens of the parasitic trematode Schistosoma mansoni. Our data demonstrate that L-SIGN binds both schistosomal soluble egg antigens (SEA) and egg glycosphingolipids, and can mediate internalization of SEA by L-SIGN expressing cells. Binding and internalization of SEA was strongly reduced after treatment of SEA with endoglycosidase H, whereas defucosylation affected neither binding nor internalization. These data indicate that L-SIGN predominantly interacts with oligomannosidic N-glycans of SEA. In contrast, binding to egg glycosphingolipids was completely abolished after defucosylation. Our data show that L-SIGN binds to a glycosphingolipid fraction containing fucosylated species with compositions of Hex(1)HexNAc(5-7)dHex(3-6)Cer, as evidenced by mass spectrometry. The L-SIGN "gain of function" mutant Ser363Val, which binds fucosylated Lewis antigens, did not bind to this fucosylated egg glycosphingolipid fraction, suggesting that L-SIGN displays different modes in binding fucoses of egg glycosphingolipids and Lewis antigens, respectively. Molecular modeling studies indicate that the preferred binding mode of L-SIGN to the respective fucosylated egg glycosphingolipid oligosaccharides involves a Fucalpha1-3GalNAcbeta1-4(Fucalpha1-3)GlcNAc tetrasaccharide at the nonreducing end. In conclusion, our data indicate that L-SIGN recognizes both oligomannosidic N-glycans and multiply fucosylated carbohydrate motifs within Schistosoma egg antigens, which demonstrates that L-SIGN has a broad but specific glycan recognition profile.  相似文献   

A key virulence trait of pathogenic bacteria is the ability to bind to receptors on mucosal cells. Here the potential glycosphingolipid receptors of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli were examined by binding of 35S-labeled bacteria to glycosphingolipids on thin-layer chromatograms. Thereby a selective interaction with two nonacid glycosphingolipids of cat small intestinal epithelium was found. The binding-active glycosphingolipids were isolated and, on the basis of mass spectrometry, proton NMR spectroscopy, and degradation studies, identified as Galalpha3Galbeta4Glcbeta1Cer (isoglobotriaosylceramide) and Galalpha3Galalpha3Galbeta4Glcbeta1Cer. The latter glycosphingolipid has not been described before. The interaction was not based on terminal Galalpha3 because the bacteria did not recognize the structurally related glycosphingolipids Galalpha3Galalpha4Galbeta4Glcbeta1Cer and Galalpha3Galbeta4GlcNAcbeta3Galbeta4Glcbeta1Cer (B5 glycosphingolipid). However, further binding assays using reference glycosphingolipids showed that the enterohemorrhagic E. coli also bound to lactosylceramide with phytosphingosine and/or hydroxy fatty acids, suggesting that the minimal structural element recognized is a correctly presented lactosyl unit. Further binding of neolactotetraosylceramide, lactotetraosylceramide, the Le(a)-5 glycosphingolipid, as well as a weak binding to gangliotriaosylceramide and gangliotetraosylceramide, was found in analogy with binding patterns that previously have been described for other bacteria classified as lactosylceramide-binding.  相似文献   

The binding of Helicobacter pylori to glycosphingolipids was examined by binding of (35)S-labeled bacteria to glycosphingolipids on thin-layer chromatograms. In addition to previously reported binding specificities, a selective binding to a non-acid tetraglycosylceramide of human meconium was found. This H. pylori binding glycosphingolipid was isolated and, on the basis of mass spectrometry, proton NMR spectroscopy, and degradation studies, were identified as Galbeta3GlcNAcbeta3Galbeta4Glcbeta1Cer (lactotetraosylceramide). When using non-acid glycosphingolipid preparations from human gastric epithelial cells, an identical binding of H. pylori to the tetraglycosylceramide interval was obtained in one of seven samples. Evidence for the presence of lactotetraosylceramide in the binding-active interval was obtained by proton NMR spectroscopy of intact glycosphingolipids and by gas chromatography-electron ionization mass spectrometry of permethylated tetrasaccharides obtained by ceramide glycanase hydrolysis. The lactotetraosylceramide binding property was detected in 65 of 74 H. pylori isolates (88%). Binding of H. pylori to lactotetraosylceramide on thin-layer chromatograms was inhibited by preincubation with lactotetraose but not with lactose. Removal of the terminal galactose of lactotetraosylceramide by galactosidase hydrolysis abolished the binding as did hydrazinolysis of the acetamido group of the N-acetylglucosamine. Therefore, Galbeta3GlcNAc is an essential part of the binding epitope.  相似文献   

血液肿瘤作为一类常见恶性肿瘤疾病主要包括各类白血病、多发性骨髓瘤以及恶性淋巴瘤.随着现代社会高速发展,人群发病率呈逐年升高趋势,且发病年龄逐渐低龄化,发病原因与环境因素以及遗传因素密不可分.近年来研究发现,表观遗传学修饰在血液肿瘤发生发展的过程中扮演了重要角色,一些相关修饰基因作为血液肿瘤的治疗靶点在临床应用上取得了重要进展.针对近年来表观遗传学修饰在血液肿瘤中的研究新进展,本文将系统综述DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、非编码RNA及RNA修饰等在血液肿瘤发病机制方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

Many bacterial toxins utilize cell surface glycoconjugate receptors for attachment to target cells. In the present study the potential carbohydrate binding of Helicobacter pylori vacuolating cytotoxin VacA was investigated by binding to human gastric glycosphingolipids on thin-layer chromatograms. Thereby a distinct binding of the toxin to two compounds in the non-acid glycosphingolipid fraction was detected. The VacA-binding glycosphingolipids were isolated and characterized by mass spectrometry and proton NMR as galactosylceramide (Galbeta1Cer) and galabiosylceramide (Galalpha4Galbeta1Cer). Comparison of the binding preferences of the protein to reference glycosphingolipids from other sources showed an additional recognition of glucosylceramide (Glcbeta1Cer), lactosylceramide (Galbeta4Glcbeta1Cer) and globotriaosylceramide (Galalpha4Galbeta4Glcbeta1Cer). No binding to the glycosphingolipids recognized by the VacA holotoxin was obtained with a mutant toxin with deletion of the 37 kDa fragment of VacA (P58 molecule). Collectively our data show that the VacA cytotoxin is a glycosphingolipid binding protein, where the 37 kDa moiety is required for carbohydrate recognition. The ability to bind to short chain glycosphingolipids will position the toxin close to the cell membrane, which may facilitate toxin internalization.  相似文献   

Summary We have reviewed the studies on neutral glycosphingolipids and gangliosides of normal and leukemia human leukocytes. In this review, we examine (a) the glycosphingolipid composition of various leukocyte populations, (b) the differences in glycosphingolipids found among subsets of these cells, (c) the possible use of these compounds as markers of differentiation, and (d) the changes in glycosphingolipid composition that occur with leukemogenesis.  相似文献   

A method is described for analysis of glycosphingolipids extracted from thin-layer chromatography plates. Mixtures of glycolipids and gangliosides were separated by thin-layer chromatography and the individual bands were eluted, permethylated, and, after purification, analyzed by fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry. The glycosphingolipids could be characterized from their fast atom bombardment mass spectra in terms of partial monosaccharide sequence, ceramide composition, and molecular weight. The sensitivity of the method allows characterization of 1-5 micrograms of glycosphingolipid.  相似文献   

Glycosphingolipid recognition by two isolectins from Solanum tuberosum was compared by the chromatogram binding assay. One lectin (PL-I) was isolated from potato tubers by affinity chromatography, and identified by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry as a homodimer with a subunit molecular mass of 63,000. The other (PL-II) was a commercial lectin, characterized as two homodimeric isolectins with subunit molecular masses of 52,000 and 55,000, respectively. Both lectins recognized N-acetyllactosamine-containing glycosphingolipids, but the fine details of their carbohydrate binding specificities differed. PL-II preferentially bound to glycosphingolipids with N-acetyllactosamine branches, as Galbeta4GlcNAcbeta6(Galbeta4GlcNAcbeta3)Galbeta4Glcbeta1C er. PL-I also recognized this glycosphingolipid, but bound equally well to the linear glycosphingolipid Galbeta4GlcNAcbeta3Galbeta4GlcNAcbeta3Galbeta4Glcbeta1Cer. Neolactotetraosylceramide and the B5 pentaglycosylceramide were also bound by PL-I, while other glycosphingolipids with only one N-acetyllactosamine unit were non-binding. Surprisingly, both lectins also bound to lactosylceramide, with an absolute requirement for sphingosine and non-hydroxy fatty acids. The inhibition of binding to both lactosylceramide and N-acetyllactosamine-containing glycosphingolipids by N-acetylchitotetraose suggests that lactosylceramide is also accomodated within the N-acetylchitotetraose/N-acetyllactosamine-binding sites of the lectins. Through docking of glycosphingolipids onto a three-dimensional model of the PL-I hevein binding domain, a Galbeta4GlcNAcbeta3Galbeta4 binding epitope was defined. Furthermore, direct involvement of the ceramide in the binding of lactosylceramide was suggested.  相似文献   

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization quadrupole ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-QIT-TOF MS) was applied to the structural characterization of neutral glycosphingolipids. Lithium adduct ions of glycosphingolipids were analyzed using MALDI-QIT-TOF MS under strong conditions of increased laser power and cooling gas flow. The relative intensities of fragment ions were increased under the strong conditions, and the resulting spectra revealed the presence of oligosaccharide ions fragmented from the glycosphingolipids. Consequently, the oligosaccharide sequences of the glycosphingolipids were readily obtained. To obtain more detailed structural information, MS/MS (MS2) and MS/MS/MS (MS3) analyses were performed with selection of the lactosylceramide and ceramide ions, respectively. The resulting data were sufficient to determine the structures of both the oligosaccharide and the ceramide moiety of each glycosphingolipid. The fragmentation patterns of MS2 and MS3 for Forssman glycolipid under the strong conditions were comparable to those of MS3 and MS4 obtained under standard conditions, respectively. Thus, MALDI-QIT-TOF MS with increased laser power and cooling gas flow is a convenient method for glycosphingolipid analysis.  相似文献   

The Drosophila genes, brainiac and egghead, encode glycosyltransferases predicted to act sequentially in early steps of glycosphingolipid biosynthesis, and both genes are required for development in Drosophila. egghead encodes a beta4-mannosyltransferase, and brainiac encodes a beta3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase predicted by in vitro analysis to control synthesis of the glycosphingolipid core structure, GlcNAcbeta1-3Manbeta1-4Glcbeta1-Cer, found widely in invertebrates but not vertebrates. In this report we present direct in vivo evidence for this hypothesis. egghead and brainiac mutants lack elongated glycosphingolipids and exhibit accumulation of the truncated precursor glycosphingolipids. Furthermore, we demonstrate that despite fundamental differences in the core structure of mammalian and Drosophila glycosphingolipids, the Drosophila egghead mutant can be rescued by introduction of the mammalian lactosylceramide glycosphingolipid biosynthetic pathway (Galbeta1-4Glcbeta1-Cer) using a human beta4-galactosyltransferase (beta4Gal-T6) transgene. Conversely, introduction of egghead in vertebrate cells (Chinese hamster ovary) resulted in near complete blockage of biosynthesis of glycosphingolipids and accumulation of Manbeta1-4Glcbeta1-Cer. The study demonstrates that glycosphingolipids are essential for development of complex organisms and suggests that the function of the Drosophila glycosphingolipids in development does not depend on the core structure.  相似文献   

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