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目的对广州地区西藏小型猪的繁殖性能和繁殖行为进行了观察研究。方法以广州地区雌雄西藏小型猪为研究对象,根据其繁殖卡的详细资料进行分类统计。结果雄性西藏小型猪阴茎首次伸出日龄为(39.50±2.63)d,此时体重为(3.26±0.87)kg;其射精日龄为(65.22±3.69)d,体重为(5.34±1.03)kg。雌性西藏小型猪初情日龄为(142±5.3)d,成年母猪发情周期为(20.35±0.72)d,发情持续期(4.2±0.31)d;其妊娠期约为114 d左右。初产雌性西藏小型猪产仔数为(2.30±0.82)头,2月龄断乳存活率为86.5%;而经产雌性西藏小型猪产仔数为(5.70±1.00)头,其2月龄断乳存活率为91.4%。哺乳期雌性西藏小型猪母性强,护仔行为强烈。结论广州地区西藏小型猪生长发育繁殖正常,产仔率和2月龄存活率等繁殖性能指标与原产地一致。  相似文献   

5个与猪产仔数相关基因的效应分析   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
为了比较不同基因对猪产仔数效应大小,在相同的大白 (158头)、长白 (224头)猪群中采用PCR-RFLP法进行了ESR、FSHβ、PRL、PRLR、NCOA1 5种与产仔数相关基因的基因型频率检测及不同基因型的总产仔数和产活仔数效应分析,结果表明,对相同母猪群产仔数影响效应最大的是PRLR和NCOA1基因,AA型比BB型母猪总产仔数高2.28~3.33头(P<0.01),产活仔数高1.57~3.30头(P<0.01),其次为ESR和FSHβ基因,BB型比AA型母猪总产仔数高0.55~1.18头(P<0.05,长白例外),产活仔数高0.37~1.20头(P<0.05)。PRL基因对产仔数效应不显著。  相似文献   

F1代西藏小型猪早期生长发育特点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的研究西藏小型猪早期生长发育的规律。方法对本基地F1代西藏小型猪的体重、体长、胸围、体高、体温、呼吸频率、心率及血液生理生化指标进行了测定。结果西藏小型猪体型小,生长性能稳定,生长速度与原产地西藏小型猪基本一致;西藏小型猪的体温、呼吸次数和心率与原产地西藏小型猪相近,且雌雄之间差异不显著(P>0.05);F1代雌雄间除嗜碱性粒细胞、单核细胞数和尿素氮外其他指标也基本一致,大部分指标与人接近。结论由于西藏小型猪体型小、生长性能稳定,血液生理生化值与人类相近,因而是理想的医学研究用实验动物。  相似文献   

目的对西藏小型猪进行10种猪病(猪瘟、伪狂犬病、篮耳病、猪流感、圆环病毒感染、细小病毒病、乙型脑炎、弓形体病、衣原体病和布氏杆菌病)的血清学调查。方法采用ELISA或凝集试验方法对10头已注射猪瘟疫苗的原代(F0代)母猪和40头20日龄乳猪、50头第一代(F1代)3~5月龄猪进行10种猪病的血清学检测。结果猪瘟病毒、细小病毒和乙型脑炎病毒抗体阳性率分别是母猪为80.0%、80.0%、70.0%;20日龄乳猪为45.0%、25.0%、45.0%;3~5月龄猪为4.0%、76.0%、80.0%。圆环病毒抗体阳性率母猪为60.0%,20日龄乳猪为5.0%。3~5月龄猪为0%;篮耳病病毒、伪狂犬病病毒、猪流感病毒、弓形体、衣原体、布氏杆菌在不同年龄西藏小型猪中抗体阳性率均为0%。结论不同年龄西藏小型猪未受篮耳病病毒、伪狂犬病病毒、猪流感病毒、弓形体病、衣原体病、布氏杆菌病感染。  相似文献   

前列腺素内过氧化物酶2是花生四烯酸合成前列腺素的限速酶,在包括排卵、受精、着床、分娩等一系列生殖过程中起着重要作用,因而编码该酶的基因是影响繁殖性状的重要候选基因。通过PCR—RFLP分析前列腺索内过氧化物酶2基因在15个中外不同繁殖性能猪种中的遗传变异,结果表明,不同类型中国地方猪种和外来商业猪种往此摹因位点上存在丰富的多态性,繁殖性能相埘较好的江海型、华北型和华中型猪种中A等位基因表现为优势等位基因,卡方检验显示其基因频率分布与西方商业猪种及繁殖性能较低的高原型藏猪和华南型猪种差异均极为显著(P〈0.001)。利用二花脸x杜洛克资源家系F2群体分析该基因与繁殖性状的相关性,在180头F2代母猪群体中,未能进一步证实该基凶位点对总产仔数、产活仔数和死胎数3个繁殖性状存在显著影响(P〉0.05),但携带优势等位基因4的个体趋向于拥有较高的总产仔数、产活仔数和偏低的死胎数,鉴于该基因的重要作用,基于全基因序列的SNP扫描和大样本群体的相关性分析仍很有必要。  相似文献   

雌激素受体基因和长白猪繁殖性能相关研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过检测612头长白母猪共2 239窝ESR基因的PvuⅡ酶切多态性,分析了不同ESR基因型和长白母猪繁殖性状的相关,以确定ESR基因在猪育种应用的可能性.头胎母猪、第2胎母猪和3胎以上母猪的资料分开统计.群体中B等位基因的频率很低,但似然比检验结果显示群体的基因频率处于哈代-温伯格连锁平衡状态.第1胎BB基因型母猪的总产仔数显著高于AA型母猪(12.05±0.82 vs 10.19±0.24)(P<0.05),但BB基因型母猪的初生仔猪重显著低于AA型母猪(1.23±0.07vs 1.42±0.02)(P<0.05).第3胎以上资料合并,BB基因型母猪的总产仔数显著多于AA和AB基因型母猪(11.98±0.63 vs10.90±0.48/10.92±0.51)(P<0.05),产活仔数显著高于AA型母猪(10.31±0.58 vs 9.43±0.45)(P<0.05);AB基因型母猪初生仔猪重显著低于AA型母猪(1.44±0.04 vs 1.48±0.04)(P<0.05).所有资料合并,BB基因型母猪的总产仔数极显著高于AB型母猪(11.63±0.52 VS 10.63±0.42)(P<0.01),显著高于AA型母猪(11.63±0.52 vs 10.70±0.40)(P<0.05);BB基因型母猪的产活仔数显著高于AB和AA基因型母猪(10.15±0.50 vs 9.33±0.39/9.41±0.41)(P<0.05).其余情况下各基因型母猪间繁殖性状间差异不显著(P>0.05).总之,BB基因型母猪的总产仔数和产活仔数优于其他基因型母猪,但仔猪初生重较低.ESR基因可以作为遗传标记,用于本群长白猪产仔数的选择.  相似文献   

金华猪3个繁殖性状主基因的分布及其效应的研究   总被引:44,自引:2,他引:42  
徐宁迎  章胜乔  彭淑红 《遗传学报》2003,30(12):1090-1096
采用PCR RFLP技术分析了金华猪 3个品系的雌激素受体基因 (ESR)、促卵泡素 β亚基基因 (FSHβ)、催乳素受体基因 (PRLR)在金华猪 3个品系中的分布情况 ,并采用SPSS程序分析了ESR、FSHβ和PRLR 3个基因对金华猪Ⅰ系母猪繁殖性状的影响。结果表明 :ESR基因的 3个基因型AA、AB、BB在金华猪Ⅰ系、Ⅱ系和Ⅲ系中的频率分别为 0 0 2 37(AA)、0 36 0 9(AB)、0 6 15 4 (BB) ,0 (AA)、0 5 333(AB)、0 4 6 6 7(BB)和 0 2 90 9(AA)、0 6 (AB)、0 10 91(BB) ;PRLR基因的 3个基因型AA、AB、BB在金华猪Ⅰ系、Ⅱ系和Ⅲ系的频率分别为 0 2 5 6 0 (AA)、0 392 9(AB)、0 35 12 (BB) ,0 2 (AA)、0 2 6 6 7(AB)、0 5 333(BB)和 0 12 73(AA)、0 4 90 9(AB)、0 3818(BB) ,而FSHβ基因仅在金华猪Ⅰ系中存在多态性 ,且有利基因B的频率很低 ,仅为 0 0 12 0。ESR基因对金华母猪经产胎次产活仔数、所有胎次的产活仔数和总产仔数影响显著 (P <0 0 5 ) ,对金华母猪经产胎次的总产仔数的影响接近显著 (P =0 0 6 1)。B基因对产活仔数的加性效应为经产胎次 0 70头 胎 ,所有胎次 0 6 6头 胎 ;对总产仔数的加性效应为经产胎次 0 90头 胎 ,所有胎次 0 84头 胎。PRLR基因对金华母猪的各项繁殖性状都没有显著影响 (P  相似文献   

殷宗俊  陈宏权 《应用生态学报》2002,13(10):1311-1314
通过最小二乘模型分析了 113头不同Am基因型的皖南花母猪在不同气候条件下 6 70胎次的繁殖力指标 ,以探索气候生态因子及血清蛋白 (酶 )多态性对母猪繁殖力的影响 .结果表明 ,母猪的繁殖性能随着气候条件的变化呈现出有规律的变化趋势 ,7~ 9月高温剌激对母猪繁殖力有较大的危害 ,并出现了显著差异 (P <0 .0 5 ) .不同淀粉酶类型的皖南花母猪繁殖性能存在一定差异 ,其中AmAB型母猪繁殖性能较好 (窝产仔数、产活仔数和断奶头数分别达到 12 .2 8、11.6 1和 11.2 3头 ) ,AmBB和AmBC型母猪相应指标较差 ,但不同Am型母猪的繁殖性能差异均不显著 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,Am型与分娩季节之间的互作效应对母猪繁殖性能的影响显著 (P <0 .0 5 ) .同时 ,窝产仔数、产活仔数、断奶头数等产仔性能与月平均气温和日照率均存在着较强的负相关 ,相关系数都在 0 .6 4 97以上 ,均达到显著或极显著水平 .  相似文献   

母猪繁殖力是影响种猪场经济效益的重要因素。文章对纯种大白猪、长白猪、杜洛克猪的8491窝产仔记录进行统计分析, 建立固定效应模型对总产仔数、健仔数、初生窝重、弱仔数、死胎数、木乃伊胎数和畸形胎数共7个繁殖性状进行最小二乘分析, 分析胎次、配种季节、品种对母猪繁殖性能的影响, 同时比较了纯繁和杂交的效果。利用动物模型REML(约束最大似然)方法估计繁殖性状的遗传力和遗传相关。结果表明, 胎次、配种季节和品种对总产仔数、健仔数、初生窝重影响极显著(P<0.001), 胎次和品种对弱仔数影响极显著(P<0.001), 但配种季节对弱仔数影响不显著。胎次对死胎数影响显著(P<0.05), 而配种季节和品种对死胎数影响不显著, 胎次、配种季节和品种对木乃伊胎、畸形胎数影响不显著。长白♂×大白♀交配组合具有最高的总产仔数、健仔数和初生窝重。繁殖性状遗传力估计结果显示, 长白猪初生窝重的遗传力最高, 为0.227。其余性状遗传力均在0.2以下, 为低遗传力性状。3个品种母猪的健仔数与初生窝重、总产仔数与健仔数之间的遗传相关达0.96以上。研究结果为降低非传染性因素造成的种母猪产仔数低的问题以及种猪场对母猪繁殖力的选育提高提供了参考数据和理论依据。  相似文献   

母猪繁殖力性状影响因素分析及遗传参数估计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Shen JY  Yu Y  Wang X  Ma PP  Zhu SE  Shi WQ  Wang YC  Zhang Q 《遗传》2012,34(5):591-596
母猪繁殖力是影响种猪场经济效益的重要因素。文章对纯种大白猪、长白猪、杜洛克猪的8491窝产仔记录进行统计分析,建立固定效应模型对总产仔数、健仔数、初生窝重、弱仔数、死胎数、木乃伊胎数和畸形胎数共7个繁殖性状进行最小二乘分析,分析胎次、配种季节、品种对母猪繁殖性能的影响,同时比较了纯繁和杂交的效果。利用动物模型REML(约束最大似然)方法估计繁殖性状的遗传力和遗传相关。结果表明,胎次、配种季节和品种对总产仔数、健仔数、初生窝重影响极显著(P<0.001),胎次和品种对弱仔数影响极显著(P<0.001),但配种季节对弱仔数影响不显著。胎次对死胎数影响显著(P<0.05),而配种季节和品种对死胎数影响不显著,胎次、配种季节和品种对木乃伊胎、畸形胎数影响不显著。长白♂×大白♀交配组合具有最高的总产仔数、健仔数和初生窝重。繁殖性状遗传力估计结果显示,长白猪初生窝重的遗传力最高,为0.227。其余性状遗传力均在0.2以下,为低遗传力性状。3个品种母猪的健仔数与初生窝重、总产仔数与健仔数之间的遗传相关达0.96以上。研究结果为降低非传染性因素造成的种母猪产仔数低的问题以及种猪场对母猪繁殖力的选育提高提供了参考数据和理论依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the ovulation rate and the weaning-to-service interval (WSI) of sows in relation to their body weight loss during lactation in tropical climatic conditions. Effect of lactation length (LL), number of total born piglets, number of live born piglets, litter birth weight, average piglet birth weight, number of pigs weaned, litter weaning weight and average pig weaned weight on sow weight loss during lactation were also studied. This study was conducted in two commercial purebred sow herds (A, B) in the central part of Thailand from August to December 1997. The herds had both Landrace (L) and Yorkshire (Y) sows. The 123 sows (55 L and 68 Y) in herd A and 153 sows (95 L and 58 Y) in herd B, parity 1-4, were weighed within 4 days after farrowing and at weaning. Lactation length, litter size at birth and at weaning, litter weight at birth and at weaning, and WSI were recorded for each of these sows. In herd A, 52 sows (20 L and 32 Y) were examined once by laparoscopy between days 8 and 14 after AI-service. These sows had farrowed at least seven piglets in the previous parturition. The numbers of corpora lutea (CL) in both ovaries were counted, and were assumed to equal the ovulation rate. L-sows had significantly (P < 0.05) higher relative weight loss during lactation (RWL) than Y-sows. The RWL increased by 0.7% for each extra pig weaned. When LL increased by 1 day, within the interval of 17-34 days, RWL decreased by 0.6%. Sows with a high weight loss had significantly (P < 0.05) longer WSI than sows with medium or low weight loss. Weight loss had a significant (P < 0.05) effect on WSI in parity 1 and 2 sows. Y-sows had more CL than L-sows (15.7 versus 14.0) (P < 0.05). RWL, parity and regression on lactation length had no significant effect on number of CL. In conclusion, sows with higher number of pigs weaned lose more weight. Under the restricted feeding regime applied, high weight loss during lactation prolongs WSI in parity 1 and 2 sows, but has no influence on the ovulation rate at first oestrus after weaning. The ovulation rate is higher in Yorkshire than in Landrace sows. The ovulation rate is independent of parity.  相似文献   

Analyses of the records of 244 litters of purebred Yorkshire, Landrace, the crosses, backcrosses and crisscrosses of these two breeds were carried out to evaluate some of the factors influencing the losses of piglets prior to weaning. There were differences in percentage survival between mating systems, with crossbred Landrace x Yorkshire piglets showing the highest rate of survival.A direct relationship existed between the duration of farrowing and the incidence of stillbirths. The incidence of stillbirths was higher for male piglets than for female piglets.Litter size at birth and weight loss of sow from parturition to weaning were important factors in determining litter size at weaning. Litter size at birth however, exerted a more important influence on litter performance than weight loss. Age of sow had no significant effect on the number of piglets alive at weaning and implied that gilts were apparently as good mothers as sows. From computed least squares estimates, it was implied that in general, piglets of low birthweights had much less chance of survival than those born with heavier weights.  相似文献   

Distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) are highly susceptible to lipid oxidation because DDGS contain about 10% crude fat, which is largely composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids. l-carnitine serves an important function in fatty acids β-oxidation, and also has antioxidant properties. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of l-carnitine in the DDGS diet of gestating and lactating sows on reproductive performance, milk composition and antioxidant status of sows and their offspring. One hundred and twenty sows (Landrace×Large white, mean parity 4.2, initial BW 230 kg) were randomly allotted to 1 of 4 dietary treatments (n=30 sows/treatment). Treatments were arranged as a 2×2 factorial with two levels of dietary DDGS (0 v. 250 g/kg in gestating diets and 400 g/kg in lactating diets) and two levels of dietary l-carnitine (0 v. 100 mg/kg in gestating diets and 0 v. 200 mg/kg in lactating diets). Distillers dried grains with solubles had no significant effect on litter size but significantly reduced the birth weights and weaning weights of piglets (P<0.05). Distillers dried grains with solubles reduced the antioxidant enzyme activities (P<0.05) and increased the malondialdehyde level in the plasma of sows on day 60 of gestation (P=0.004) and day 14 of lactation (P=0.008). The compositions of colostrum and milk were not affected by inclusion of DDGS and dietary l-carnitine (P>0.05). Supplementing the diets with l-carnitine had no significant effect of total litter size (P>0.05) but increased the number of piglets born alive and piglets weaned, birth weight and weaning weight of piglets and litter weight at birth and weaning (P<0.05). l-carnitine supplementation also increased the concentration of l-carnitine in milk and l-carnitine status of piglets (P<0.05). The antioxidant enzyme activities of new born and weaning piglets were increased (P<0.05) by maternal dietary l-carnitine but this did not extend to finishing pigs. In conclusion, including DDGS in the sows diet could induce oxidative stress, which may be associated with the reduced individual birth and weaning weight of piglets. Dietary l-carnitine supplementation improved the antioxidant and l-carnitine status of sows, which may be associated with the improved reproduction and piglet performance and the antioxidant status of piglets at birth and weaning. There were no interactions between DDGS and l-carnitine.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of the PvuII polymorphism of the oestrogen receptor gene on litter size and production traits in Czech Large White swine, data from 1250 sows and 3600 litters were analysed with two four-trait animal models. The traits in the first model were number of piglets born alive in a sow's first litter, number of piglets born alive in second and subsequent litters, lifetime daily gain and lean meat percentage. The second model included number of piglets born, number of piglets born alive, number of piglets weaned and litter weight at weaning from first and subsequent litters. The oestrogen receptor (ESR) locus significantly affected prolicacy in the first parity and averaged over all parities (P < 0.05), with allele A superior to allele B. In the first parity, AA sows produced approximately 0.5 more live piglets per litter than BB sows. Averaged over all parities, this difference was c. 0.25 piglets. Results for total number of piglets born and number of piglets weaned were similar to results for numbers born alive. No significant dominance effect was found for prolificacy traits. For litter weight at weaning, no significant additive effect was observed at the ESR locus, but a significant negative dominance effect (-1.5 kg) was estimated averaged across parities (litters of AB sows were similar to litters of BB sows for this trait). No pleiotropic effect of the ESR polymorphism on average daily gain or lean meat percentage was found.  相似文献   

Two trials were carried out to compare the effects of fat or starch inclusion in sow's diet on sow and litter performance. In each trial, sows were assigned to one of two treatments. In trial 1, the sows were fed diets containing either soybean oil (5%, treatment GL5) or cornstarch (11.3%, GL0) from day 35 of gestation to weaning. Daily net energy and nutrient allowance were equalised during gestation. In trial 2, the same treatments were applied only after farrowing (treatments L5 and L0, respectively). Within each trial, a batch of piglets was studied until slaughter. In trial 1, adipose cell development and total lipid content were determined on some pigs at weaning (n = 6/treatment) and at slaughter in dorsal subcutaneous adipose tissue (n = 13/group at least) and in muscle (n = 46/group at least). Piglets' birth weight was not affected by treatment in trial 1. Survival rates at birth and after 24 h of life were higher in treatment GL5 (4.0% v. 7.5% stillborn piglets in GL0 treatment, P < 0.05; 8.7% v. 12.6% of piglets alive at 24 h of age died in treatment GL0, P = 0.06). Subsequently, overall survival rate until weaning was higher in treatment GL5 (81.4% v. 75.7% of total born piglets, P = 0.03), but litter size at weaning was not significantly affected (11.3). Litter growth rate before weaning was increased when a fat-enriched diet was provided during gestation and lactation (+140 g/day per litter; P < 0.01) and to a lower extent when provided only after farrowing (+90 g/day; P < 0.05). Energy supply through fat did not decrease the mobilisation of the sow's body reserve and backfat thickness loss was even higher with treatment GL5 (P < 0.05). After weaning, pigs' average daily gain, feed : gain ratio and carcass lean content were not affected by the energy source supplied before and/or after farrowing. At weaning, the number of adipose cells in the dorsal subcutaneous adipose tissue and in the Longissimus dorsi muscle was higher in the GL5 pigs. Muscle lipid content at weaning did not differ between treatments, but it was higher at slaughter, around 110 kg, in the GL5 pigs (3.46% v. 2.58%, P < 0.001).  相似文献   

During the first year of life, body calcium content increases faster in relation to body size than any other time during growth. Studies have shown postnatal growth and bone mineralization differences between appropriate for gestational age and small for gestational age infants. The objective of this study was to compare duodenal calcium transport using intestinal ligated loop technique in 21-day-old small for gestational age (birth weight of <1.2 kg) and appropriate for gestational age piglets (birth weight of > or =1.4 kg). Piglets were fed liquid formula between day 5 and 21 of life and monitored daily for weight gain. At day 21 calcium absorption was measured followed by measurement of bone mass using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. Small for gestational age piglets had greater calcium absorption and growth rate than appropriate for gestational age piglets. Birth weight was negatively related to weight gain and calcium absorption. Weight gain was positively related to calcium absorption. Appropriate for gestational age piglets had significantly higher whole body bone mineral content than small for gestational age piglets even after correction for body size. Whole body bone mineral content was positively correlated with birth weight and negatively correlated with calcium absorption. These observations suggest that small for gestational age piglets are capable of absorbing elevated amounts of calcium in the proximal intestine in support of compensatory growth. However, at 21 days of age small for gestational age piglets are similar in size but have lower bone mass compared to appropriate for gestational age piglets.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with copper-loaded chitosan nanoparticles (CNP-Cu) on growth performance, intestinal microflora, and morphology in weaned piglets. A number of 90 weaned piglets (Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire), weaned at 21?days with body weight of 7.2?±?0.81?kg, were randomly divided into three groups by weight and sex, each treatment including three replicates of ten pigs. The piglets were fed the same basal diet supplemented with 0 (the control group), 100?mg/kg CNP-Cu, and 100?mg/kg chlortetracycline (the positive group). The results showed that 100?mg/kg CNP-Cu significantly increased average daily gain and feed intake and decreased feed/gain ratio and diarrhea rate (P?<?0.05). Compared with the control group, the amount of Escherichia coli in duodenum, jejunal, and caecum were significantly decreased by 100?mg/kg CNP-Cu; the number of lactobacillus in jejunal and caecum were increased (P?<?0.05), and the amount of bifidobacterium in duodenum and caecum were also increased (P?<?0.05). Moreover, the villous height of duodenum, jejunum, and ileum mucosa was significantly increased (P?<?0.05), and the crypt depth was significantly decreased (P?<?0.05). The results indicated that CNP-Cu is beneficial to growth and intestinal microflora and morphology and could be a potential substitution of chlortetracycline in diets of weaned piglets.  相似文献   

Two hundred and forty piglets were used in a 2 x 6 factorial experiment to study the effects of weaning age (26 or 36 d) and four formic acid-based feed additives on the performance of pigs from weaning to slaughter. Either formic acid (F) or a mixture of formic acid, propionic acid, and potassium sorbate (FPS) or a mixture of formic acid, propionic acid, and sodium benzoate (FPB) or formic acid in a diatomaceous earth carrier (FD) were added to the diets of weaned piglets (from weaning to 60 d of age) and growing (18-46 kg) and finishing pigs (46-107 kg) to provide 8, 6, and 6 g acid per kg feed, respectively. The negative control treatment's (C) diets contained no growth promoters, whereas the positive control treatment's weaner and grower diets were supplemented with 40 mg/kg of avilamycin (A). The piglets weaned at the age of 26 and 36 d weighed 7.6 and 10.7 kg at weaning (p < 0.001), and 18.5 and 17.9 kg at the age of 60 d (p > 0.05), respectively. There was a weaning age x feed additive interaction in the weight gain of piglets after weaning (p < 0.05). The weight gain of piglets weaned on day 26 was enhanced by A, FPS, and FD (p < 0.05), and that of piglets weaned on day 36 by A and FPB (p < 0.05). The feed conversion ratio was not affected by weaning ages but was decreased in groups A, F, FBS, and FPB (p < 0.05). The severity of post-weaning diarrhoea was less in groups A, F, FPS, and FD than in C (p < 0.05). In piglets weaned on day 26, faecal water content and the total Escherichia coli count were highest 9 d after weaning. The total E. coli count was reduced only by FD (p < 0.05). Increased faecal water content was characterized by increased faecal Na+ and decreased K+ concentrations. Weaning age did not influence performance or carcass quality in the growing-finishing pigs. Feed additives did not affect weight gain in the growing pigs, but FPS and FPB enhanced weight gain during finishing period and total fattening (p < 0.05). In summary, the pigs' growth performance from weaning to slaughter was not affected by weaning age but it was enhanced by mixtures of formic and propionic acids with small amounts of sorbate or benzoate.  相似文献   

Understanding how critical sow live-weight and back-fat depth during gestation are in ensuring optimum sow productivity is important. The objective of this study was to quantify the association between sow parity, live-weight and back-fat depth during gestation with subsequent sow reproductive performance. Records of 1058 sows and 13 827 piglets from 10 trials on two research farms between the years 2005 and 2015 were analysed. Sows ranged from parity 1 to 6 with the number of sows per parity distributed as follows: 232, 277, 180, 131, 132 and 106, respectively. Variables that were analysed included total born (TB), born alive (BA), piglet birth weight (BtWT), pre-weaning mortality (PWM), piglet wean weight (WnWT), number of piglets weaned (Wn), wean to service interval (WSI), piglets born alive in subsequent farrowing and sow lactation feed intake. Calculated variables included the within-litter CV in birth weight (LtV), pre-weaning growth rate per litter (PWG), total litter gain (TLG), lactation efficiency and litter size reared after cross-fostering. Data were analysed using linear mixed models accounting for covariance among records. Third and fourth parity sows had more (P<0.05) TB, BA and heavier BtWT compared with gilts and parity 6 sow contemporaries. Parities 2 and 3 sows weaned more (P<0.05) piglets than older sows. These piglets had heavier (P<0.05) birth weights than those from gilt litters. LtV and PWM were greater (P<0.01) in litters born to parity 5 sows than those born to younger sows. Sow live-weight and back-fat depth at service, days 25 and 50 of gestation were not associated with TB, BA, BtWT, LtV, PWG, WnWT or lactation efficiency (P>0.05). Heavier sow live-weight throughout gestation was associated with an increase in PWM (P<0.01) and reduced Wn and lactation feed intake (P<0.05). Deeper back-fat in late gestation was associated with fewer (P<0.05) BA but heavier (P<0.05) BtWT, whereas deeper back-fat depth throughout gestation was associated with reduced (P<0.01) lactation feed intake. Sow back-fat depth was not associated with LtV, PWG, TLG, WSI or piglets born alive in subsequent farrowing (P>0.05). In conclusion, this study showed that sow parity, live-weight and back-fat depth can be used as indicators of reproductive performance. In addition, this study also provides validation for future development of a benchmarking tool to monitor and improve the productivity of modern sow herd.  相似文献   

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