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用天花粉蛋白基因转化小麦获得转基因植株   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
取普通小麦品种京411未成熟胚诱导愈伤组织,10天左右,对820个胚性愈伤组织用含有35S启动子的天花粉蛋白(trichosanthin,TCS)基因轰击。2周后,将这些被轰击的愈伤组织转到含潮霉素50mg/L的筛选培养基上,经分化和生根,获得了33棵再生植株,经接饲毒蚜虫抗病性鉴定和PCR、Southern杂交分析,从中筛选出4株含有编码TCS的转基因小麦植株。转化频率为0.49%。 Abstract:Wheat immature embryo calli of 10 days culture from Jing 411,a common wheat variety, Triticum aestivum, were used as the receptor of Trichosanthin gene droven by 35S promotor to be bombardmented.Two weeks after bombardment, 820 embryonic calli were transferred onto selection medium containing 50mg/L hygromycin,and 33 plantlets with healthy roots were regenerated finaly from the calli. By the barley yellow dwarf virus resistance test of inoculating the wheat aphids carrying the virus on the plants, PCR analysis, and Southern blotting analysis, 4 plants were identified to be the transgenic wheats, containing the alien DNA that ecodes TCS gene. The transformed efficiency was around 0.12 percent.  相似文献   

将含有DREB1A基因的表达载体,通过基因枪法转化草地早熟禾的胚性愈伤组织,探讨了金粉沉淀剂、金粉直径等因素对转化的影响,同时通过不同浓度潮霉素(Hygromycin,简称Hy)对未转化愈伤组织的筛选,获得最佳筛选浓度。结果表明,适合于草地早熟禾基因枪轰击的条件为:Ca(NO3)2+PEG4000包被质粒DNA;1μm金粉作为质粒DNA的载体;合适的轰击高度为6cm、轰击次数为1次、无渗透处理。采用Hy作为草地早熟禾转基因植株抗生素筛选标记时,Baron品种愈伤组织继代的临界筛选浓度为100mg/L。  相似文献   

基因枪法转化籼稻胚性愈伤组织获得可育的转基因植株   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
许新萍  范云六 《遗传学报》1999,26(3):219-227
以籼稻胚性愈伤组织作为基因枪法转化的靶材料,建立了可重复的、高效的籼稻转化系统。从籼稻成熟胚诱导生长3 ̄4周的愈伤组织,经过2 ̄6周继代培养后,可以形成足够量的颗粒状胚性愈伤组织。用含有bar基因和B.t.δ-内毒素基因的质粒pFWZ16轰击转化胚性愈伤组织,在含2 ̄4mg/L Basta的培养基上进行筛选、预再生、再生及长根培养,并通过干燥处理增加再生频率和出苗数。从接种到获得转化小植株只需要4  相似文献   

基因枪法获得逆境诱导转录因子DREB1A转基因小麦的研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
以小麦品种H6756和藁城8901作为基因枪转化的靶材料,取其护颖至雌雄蕊原基形成期的幼穗,用含逆境诱导转录因子DREB1A和bar基因的质粒pAHC25轰击胚性愈伤组织,在分别含有5mgL和10mgLBasta溶液的培养基上进行筛选。得到的抗性愈伤组织在不含Basta溶液的培养基上再生培养,获得218棵再生植株。田间涂抹浓度为100mgL的Basta溶液检测后,对抗性植株作PCR检测,获得54棵再生植株。通过对其中20株T1代的PCR和Southern杂交分析,已获得14株含DREB1A和bar基因的转基因小麦植株,其中H675613株,藁城89011株。  相似文献   

小麦抗白粉病相关基因的转化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王华忠  邢丽萍  陈佩度 《遗传》2007,29(2):243-249
利用玉米花青素苷合成调节基因C1-Lc作为报告基因, 通过瞬间表达后愈伤组织表面红色斑点的统计分析, 优化了小麦幼胚愈伤组织的基因枪转化参数。小麦Beclin1类似基因TaTBL和硫代硫酸硫转移酶基因TaTST是2个在白粉菌诱导条件下具有增强表达特性的抗病相关基因。本实验进一步利用基因枪将ubi强启动子控制下的2个基因导入到小麦品种扬麦158的幼胚愈伤组织细胞中, 使用除草剂经两轮选择培养基上的筛选和再生获得抗性植株, 进一步通过抗性植株的PCR分析获得转TaTBL基因植株5株, 转TaTST基因植株6株。转基因植株离体叶片的人工接种实验表明, 外源基因的导入不同程度上增强了植株的白粉病抗性, 表现为延缓了白粉菌的发育。利用玉米花青素苷合成调节基因C1-Lc作为报告基因,通过瞬间表达后愈伤组织表面红色斑点的统计分析,优化了小麦幼胚愈伤组织的基因枪转化参数。小麦Beclin1类似基因TaTBL和硫代硫酸硫转移酶基因TaTST是两个在白粉菌诱导条件下具有增强表达特性的抗病相关基因。本实验进一步利用基因枪将ubi强启动子控制下的两个基因导入到小麦品种扬麦158的幼胚愈伤组织细胞中,使用除草剂经两轮选择培养基上的筛选和再生获得抗性植株,进一步通过抗性植株的PCR分析获得转TaTBL基因植株5株,转TaTST基因植株6株。转基因植株离体叶片的人工接种实验表明,外源基因的导入不同程度上增强了植株的白粉病抗性,表现为延缓了白粉菌的发育。  相似文献   

Transgeni根癌农杆菌介导的小麦转基因植株再生(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根癌农杆菌菌株Agl Ⅰ的Ti 质粒pUNN-2 带有Ubi1 启动子驱动的npt Ⅱ基因。7 种基因型小麦幼胚或胚性愈伤组织用于农杆菌介导的转化实验。经过不同浓度巴龙霉素的筛选,3 种基因型小麦产生抗性愈伤组织并再生植株。再生植株经PCR 和Southern 杂交鉴定为转基因植株,转化频率( 再生转基因植株的小麦愈伤组织数/ 用于转化实验的愈伤组织数) 为3.7% ~5 .9% 。小麦基因型及转化材料的起始生理状态是影响TDNA转移的重要因素。  相似文献   

基因枪法向小麦导入几丁质酶基因的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
利用基因枪法,以菜豆几丁质酶基因转化小麦幼胚愈伤组织。在轰击压力1300psi,轰击距离6cm、100μg金粉/枪和轰击距离9cm、150μg金粉/枪的2种处理条件下,获得4株春小麦东农7742转化植株,转化频率分别为0.36%和0.56%。经PCR和PCR-Southern杂交分析,证实菜豆几丁质酶基因已整合到T0和T1小麦基因组中。采用氨基葡萄糖法测定几丁质酶活力,结果表明,转基因小麦的几丁质酶活力明显高于对照株;转基因植株对白粉病症状减缓,并获得一株赤霉菌接种未扩展的转基因T1植株。  相似文献   

通过基因枪轰击转化获得转基因小麦植株的研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
利用JQ-700型高速基因枪将pDM302质粒DNA上的bar基因即PAT酶基因导入了冬小麦品种“农大146”的幼胚中。经过在含有的选择培养基上筛选,得到了9块具有ppt抗性的愈伤组织。PCR电泳检测与PCR-Southern发要交结果显示,外源bar基因已转化进了由其中4块愈伤组织再生出的转基因的小麦植株中。  相似文献   

根癌农杆菌介导的小麦转基因植株再生   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
根癌农杆菌菌株Agl Ⅰ的Ti质粒p^UNN-2带有Ubi1启动子驱动的nptⅡ基因。7种基因型小麦幼胚或胚性愈伤组织用于农杆菌介导的转化实验。经过不同家度巴龙霉素的筛选,3种基因型小麦产生抗性愈伤组织并再生植株。再生植株经PCR和Southern杂交鉴定为转基因植株,转化频率为3.7%-5.9%。小麦基因型及转化材料的起始生理状态的影响T-DNA转移的重要因素。  相似文献   

多年生黑麦草成熟胚再生体系的建立及基因枪转化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:建立以多年生黑麦草成熟胚为起始材料的再生体系,用于基因枪转化。方法:多年生黑麦草成熟种子在附加 5mg L 2,4 D的MS培养基上诱导愈伤组织,转至新继代培养基上产生胚性愈伤组织。分化培养基为无激素MS培养基。再生植株在培养基成分减半的无激素MS培养基生根,之后移栽至土壤。基于这一再生体系,用含有水稻几丁质酶基因RC2 4的质粒pARN6和含有草丁膦乙酰转移酶基因Bar的质粒pDB1,通过基因枪轰击胚性愈伤组织。用附加PPT的继代培养基进行转化植株的抗性筛选。结果:共获得 2 4 3株再生植株。通过PCR进行检测,获得1 8株整合有RC2 4基因的植株,1 5株整合有Bar基因的植株,同时转入 2个基因的植株 2株。  相似文献   

Summary A highly efficient method for stable wheat transformation using hygromycin resistance as a selectable marker is described. Young embryogenic calli growing from immature wheat embryos were transformed using a gunpowder-driven microparticle accelerator. Transgenic wheat plants were determined by PCR amplification of transgene fragments and confirmed by Southern hybridization, activity of the transgene expression and by analysis of the progeny. The hpt gene was as good as or a better selectable marker than the bar gene with an average efficiency (number of transgenic plants relative to the number of bombarded calli) of 5.5% compared with 2.6% for the bar gene.  相似文献   

用基因枪法将人工雄性不育基因导入小麦的研究初报   总被引:52,自引:1,他引:51  
傅荣昭  陈占宽 《遗传学报》1997,24(4):358-361
利用PDS1000/氦气基因枪将人工构建的雄性不育基因(TA29-Barnase基因)导入小麦栽培品种豫责18号的幼胚细胞。然后在含有10~20mg/L除草剂Basta的培养基础上筛选与分化。从170个幼胚中获得6株绿苗,对照的70个幼胚中未得到绿苗。对其中3株已生根且长势好的绿苗进行Southem杂交分析,结果表明,这3株绿苗皆为转基因植株,转化效率达1.8%。  相似文献   

Fertile plants of wheat have been regenerated from protoplasts in several laboratories. The objective of this study was to develop a transformation system using protoplasts as target cells. Protoplasts were isolated from cell suspensions initiated from an anther-derived callus. The protoplasts were transformed by electroporation using pBARGUS or pBAS, both carrying the Basta resistance (BAR) gene. A total of 2,761 calli were produced from electroporation transformed protoplasts in 3 independent experiments. Six calli survived selective culture on 10 mg/l phosphinothricin (PPT), a concentration that completely inhibited the growth of non-transformed wheat callus. Five PPT resistant calli showed phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (PAT) activity, whereas the sixth probably was a mutant. The transformed wheat calli could tolerate PPT concentrations up to 2,560 mg/l. Southern blot analyses confirmed the integration of the BAR gene in wheat genomes. The integrated DNA sequence may have partially methylated and tandemly repeated at least once. These results demonstrate the production of stably transformed wheat calli by electroporation-mediated direct gene transfer into protoplasts.  相似文献   

 A method for producing large numbers of transgenic wheat plants has been developed. With this approach, an average of 9.7% of immature embryo explants were transformed and generated multiple self-fertile, independently transformed plants. No untransformed plants, or escapes, were regenerated. This transformation procedure uses morphogenic calli derived from scutellum tissue of immature embryos of Triticum aestivum cv. Bobwhite co-bombarded with separate plasmids carrying a selectable marker gene (bar) and a gene of interest, respectively. Transformed wheat calli with a vigorous growth phenotype were obtained by extended culture on media containing 5.0 mg/l bialaphos. These calli retained morphogenic potential and were competent for plant regeneration for as long as 11 months. The bar gene and the gene of interest were co-expressed in T0 progeny plants. This wheat transformation protocol may facilitate quantitative production of multiple transgenic plants and significantly reduce the cost and labor otherwise required for screening out untransformed escapes. Received: 15 June 1998 / Revision received: 6 April 1999 / Accepted: 26 April 1999  相似文献   

Suspension cell-derived protoplasts of wheat, inactivated with different concentrations (0-2.5mol/L) of IOA, were fused by PEG method with the Haynaldia villosa protoplasts which originated from the calli 4-5d after subculture and were irradiated with 60Co-γ ray. Cell colonies, calli or regenerated plants were obtained from different combinations of fusion. The calli and plants were verified to be hybrids by chromosome counting, isozyme analysis and morphological inspection.  相似文献   

通过农杆菌介导法用含有抗潮霉素和 G U S 基因的双元载体将杀虫结晶蛋白基因cry I A( b) 和cry I A(c) 导入到籼、粳稻幼穗愈伤组织中,然后经过在含有不同浓度潮霉素的培养基上进行数次筛选,获得一批 Bt 转基因株。经 P C R、 Southern 杂交及 Western 印迹分析证实此二基因已整合进水稻中,饲虫试验结果表明,转基因株具有100 % 杀虫率。  相似文献   

提高小麦基因枪法转化频率的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
梁辉  唐顺学 《遗传学报》1999,26(6):643-648
用基因枪法将带Bar-GUS双标记基因的质粒较入普通春小麦品种中-60634的幼胚盾片,并获基因植株。在轰击的经预培养3-4天的342块幼胚片再经筛选再生的植株中,经PCR和Southern分析表明,  相似文献   

Genetic Transformation of Wheat Mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53       下载免费PDF全文
A rapid Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation system for wheat was developed using freshly isolated immature embryos, precultured immature embryos, and embryogenic calli as explants. The explants were inoculated with a disarmed A. tumefaciens strain C58 (ABI) harboring the binary vector pMON18365 containing the [beta]-glucuronidase gene with an intron, and a selectable marker, the neomycin phosphotransferase II gene. Various factors were found to influence the transfer-DNA delivery efficiency, such as explant tissue and surfactants present in the inoculation medium. The inoculated immature embryos or embryogenic calli were selected on G418-containing media. Transgenic plants were regenerated from all three types of explants. The total time required from inoculation to the establishment of plants in soil was 2.5 to 3 months. So far, more than 100 transgenic events have been produced. Almost all transformants were morphologically normal. Stable integration, expression, and inheritance of the transgenes were confirmed by molecular and genetic analysis. One to five copies of the transgene were integrated into the wheat genome without rearrangement. Approximately 35% of the transgenic plants received a single copy of the transgenes based on Southern analysis of 26 events. Transgenes in T1 progeny segregated in a Mendelian fashion in most of the transgenic plants.  相似文献   

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