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刘季科  苏建平 《兽类学报》1994,14(2):117-129
本研究在野外围栏条件下有用析因实验设计,测定营养、捕食及空间行为对根田鼠和群统计特征的影响。本文旨的检验下述特定假设;高质量食物可利用性和捕食对限制小型啮齿动物种群密度具有独立的和累加的效应。3年时间,4种野外实验处理6个重复和研究结果表明,附加食物并预防捕得处理的种群具有最高密度;未附加食物及预防捕食者处理(对照)的种群密度最低;而单一处理和种群,其密度居中。不同处理条件下,新生个体在种群的补充  相似文献   

本项研究在野外围栏条件下,采用析因实验设计,测定食物可利用性和捕食对根田鼠(Microtusoeconomus)种群空间行为的作用模式。检验的特定假设为,高质量食物较大的可利用性能降低田鼠的攻击行为和活动;捕食能减少田鼠的活动。研究结果表明,食物可利用性能间接地和直接地影响根田鼠的空间行为。附加食物种群具有较高的密度和较小的巢区,且在诱捕期间具有较少的长距离活动和较低的攻击水平。捕食者的存在不直接影响攻击行为,但能影响诱捕期间的长距离活动,此为根田鼠对捕食者存在作出的直接反应。在阐明田鼠种群动态时,应仔细考虑上述因子相互作用的效应。  相似文献   

本项研究在野外围栏条件下,采用析因实验设计,测定食物可利用性和捕食对根田鼠种群空间行为的作用模式。检验的特定假设为,高质量食物较大的可利用性能降低田鼠的攻击行为和活动,捕食能减少田鼠的活动。研究结果表明,食物可利用性能间接地和直接地影响根田鼠的空间行为,附加食物种群具有较高的密度和较小的巢区,且在诱捕期间具有较少的长距离活动和较低的攻击水平。捕食者的存在不直接影响攻击行为,但能影响诱捕期间的长距离  相似文献   

食物、捕食和种间竞争对东方田鼠种群动态的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨月伟  刘震  刘季科 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6311-6324
采用2×2×2析因实验设计,在野外围栏条件下,测定食物、捕食和竞争物种黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)对东方田鼠(Microtus fortis)种群动态作用的格局.食物可利用性、捕食及种间竞争的独立作用对种群最小存活数均具有极显著的效应,除捕食与种间竞争的交互作用接近显著水平外,食物与种间竞争、食物与捕食者以及三者间的交互作用均不显著;三类外部因子对种群补充量的独立作用效应均达到极显著水平,且对种群补充量的作用具有累加效应;食物可利用性、捕食及种间竞争对种群繁殖成体的比例具有极显著的作用;三类外部因子对种群幼体与成体的比例具有极显著的作用.对种群年龄结构而言,与捕食者及种间竞争比较,食物可利用性是相对较弱的影响因子,在任何捕食与种间竞争交互作用条件下,食物的作用均不显著;三类外部因子均能显著地影响东方田鼠的体重增长率,但三者的交互作用对其影响不显著;MANOVA结果表明,捕食对成体存活率的作用最强烈,其次,为食物可利用性,种间竞争的作用最弱,但三者的交互作用效应不显著.对幼体的存活时间,除捕食的作用接近显著水平外,食物可利用性及种间竞争的作用均不显著.结果提供了食物可利用性、捕食和种间竞争对东方田鼠种群动态作用的充分证据,验证了食物、捕食和种间竞争对田鼠类种群动态具有独立或累加效应的总假设.  相似文献   

在捕食和附加食物交互作用条件下,以恐吓、进攻、追逐、争斗及回避5类行为为变量,以恐吓、进攻、追逐计数之和的平均值作为攻击水平,测定根田鼠种群不同波动时期成体的攻击水平.发现根田鼠的攻击性与种群波动时期之间,存在明显的关联.统计分析结果表明,在种群3个波动时期,4种处理种群两性攻击型个体比例差异显著.除预防捕食者无附加食物(-P,-F)种群的雌体外,其它处理种群增长期和高峰期雌性和雄性攻击型个体的比例高于其衰减期.其中,预防捕食者附加食物(-P,+F)种群、-P,-F种群及未预防捕食者附加食物(+P,+F)种群,雄性攻击型个体的比例均为增长期>高峰期>衰减期;在未预防捕食者无附加食物(+P,-F)种群,雄性攻击型个体比例为高峰期>增长期>衰减期.各处理种群雌性攻击型个体比例的格局与雄体的不同.其中,-P,+F种群及+P,+F种群为增长期>高峰期>衰减期,+P,-F种群为高峰期>增长期>衰减期,而-P,-F种群攻击型个体比例为高峰期>衰减期>增长期.虽不同处理种群雌体及雄体的5类行为变量与种群密度的相关性不一致,而具有明显攻击性的恐吓、进攻及争斗3类行为则分别与种群密度呈显著或极显著的线性正相关关系,其结果与Chitty多态行为假设预测的一致;验证了所提出的特定假设:种群外部因子捕食和食物交互效应介导的攻击行为选择,是引起田鼠类种群季节性波动的主要内部因子.  相似文献   

根田鼠攻击行为模式及其进化稳定对策分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
聂海燕  刘季科 《生态学报》2004,24(7):1406-1412
在捕食和附加食物交互作用条件下 ,测定根田鼠种群攻击水平与种群参数之间的关系 ,应用对策论分析攻击行为的模式。通过观测 1 6 5对实验个体的攻击行为 ,发现体重和繁殖特征决定根田鼠个体的攻击水平。体重较大个体及繁殖个体的攻击频次最高。攻击水平的性别差异显著。Kruskal- Wallis单侧秩方差检验结果表明 ,雄体攻击水平显著高于雌体。攻击水平与种群密度呈负相关关系 ,但不显著。与留居个体比较 ,扩散个体的攻击性弱。高质量的附加食物可降低根田鼠的攻击水平 ,捕食者的存在不直接影响攻击水平。根田鼠的攻击行为属仪式化非伤害行为。ESS的鹰 -鸽对策模型分析结果与实验结果一致 :不同处理种群 ESS集的鹰型对策者比例有显著差异 ,环境条件愈差 ,取胜的价值愈大 ,种群中鹰型对策者比例愈高。有捕食者、无附加食物( P,- F)种群的环境条件最差 ,鹰型对策者比例最高 ,为 0 .4 0 ;次为无捕食者、无附加食物 (- P,- F)种群 ,为 0 .33;有捕食者、有附加食物 ( P, F)种群 ,为 0 .1 8;无捕食者、有附加食物 (- P, F)种群的环境条件最优越 ,鹰型对策者比例最低 ,为0 .1 7。验证了捕食和食物交互效应能改变田鼠类动物攻击行为格局及对策模式的假设  相似文献   

杨月伟  刘季科  刘震 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1523-1528
在野外围栏条件下,采用2×2×2析因实验,测定外部因子食物、捕食,以及同域分布物种黑线姬鼠的种间竞争对东方田鼠扩散和活动距离的独立作用及其交互作用的效应。研究结果表明,在所有的扩散个体中,幼体扩散的比例为71.0%。雄体扩散的比例为80.5%。东方田鼠扩散的趋势与其种群密度及补充量的变动一致。食物对扩散具有显著独立作用;捕食对扩散的作用接近显著;种间竞争对扩散的直接效应不显著;食物、捕食与种间竞争交互作用对扩散的效应亦不显著。在诱捕期内雄性的长距离活动比例及其诱捕期间长距离活动比例均显著大于诱捕期内雌性及其诱捕期间的长距离活动比例。不同处理种群间,仅雄体在诱捕期间的长距离活动比例具有显著差异;食物对雄体的长距离活动具有直接和间接(通过密度)的效应;而预防捕食者和竞争物种对不同处理种群雄体的长距离活动则无一致的效应。  相似文献   

边疆晖  吴雁  周抗抗 《兽类学报》2008,28(2):135-143
为探讨引起种群密度制约的近因,本研究通过在野外建立的4个面积为50 m×30 m的封闭围栏,研究了繁殖期根田鼠种群密度对其种群统计参数及个体皮质酮水平的作用.在围栏设置高密度和低密度种群,测定了繁殖期根田鼠种群密度对种群补充率、存活率、变化率及个体皮质酮水平的作用.高密度种群的补充率和变化率较低密度种群显著降低,但其种群建群者存活率和子代存活率较低密度无显著变化.种群补充率和变化率分别与种群建群者数量呈显著回归关系.高密度处理建群者的血浆皮质酮含量和脾脏指数均显著高于低密度处理.上述结果说明,繁殖期根田鼠种群对其补充率和变化率存在密度制约作用,围栏种群建群者的数量是产生密度制约的唯一制约因子.密度制约与社群应激之间存在密切关联.社群应激可能是种群产生密度制约的近因之一.  相似文献   

在自然生态系统中,不同营养级物种可通过特征介导间接效应对生态系统的稳定及种群产生深刻的影响。但目前有关特征介导间接效应的实验研究多见于无脊椎动物、鱼类和两爬类。本研究以根田鼠为对象,在野外围栏内建立预防捕食者和未预防捕食者两种实验处理种群,并通过采用麦克马斯特法测定两种处理种群实验个体肠道寄生物感染种类及感染率和感染强度,采用PHA(phytohemagglutinin)反应和白细胞分类计数测定不同处理种群实验个体免疫能力,以分析捕食风险对根田鼠肠道寄生物的感染效应。结果表明,未预防捕食者处理组根田鼠PHA反应、白细胞计数和淋巴细胞计数较预防捕食者处理组实验个体显著降低,而球虫 E. wenrichi 的感染率和感染强度则显著增加,但绦虫和线虫以及其他3种球虫的感染率和感染强度无显著差异。结果表明,捕食者可通过介导猎物免疫力特征而间接影响猎物肠道寄生物的感染,验证了本项提出的捕食风险可通过降低根田鼠的免疫能力而增加其肠道寄生物感染的假设。  相似文献   

杨月伟  刘震  刘季科 《生态学报》2007,27(10):3983-3992
在野外围栏条件下,采用重复的2×2×2析因实验设计,测定食物、捕食和竞争物种黑线姬鼠对东方田鼠攻击行为作用的格局。东方田鼠各处理种群攻击水平与其种群密度的相关甚为复杂,与Chitty多态行为假设的预测不一致。东方田鼠双冲突个体间的攻击水平与其体重的相关不显著,而与冲突个体的体重差异则呈显著的负相关,体重差异越大,冲突个体间的攻击水平越低。雄体攻击水平与其繁殖特征无显著的相关关系,而雌体间攻击水平则受繁殖状态的影响,动情雌体间的攻击水平显著地高于非动情雌体。体重差异和食物对雄体的攻击行为具有极显著的独立作用,捕食和种间竞争对雄体攻击行为的独立作用不显著,而捕食与种间竞争交互作用对雄体攻击行为的效应则达到显著水平。体重差异、食物、捕食和种间竞争对动情雌体的攻击水平均有极显著的独立作用,3类外部因子交互作用的效应达到极显著水平;而3类外部因子交互作用对非动情雌体攻击行为的效应则不显著。结果检验了外部因子食物、捕食、种间竞争对田鼠类动物种群攻击行为具有独立和累加的整合效应的假设。  相似文献   

小型哺乳动物种群周期性波动的外因调节假说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张志强  王德华 《生态学报》2004,24(6):1279-1286
对小型哺乳动物种群数量周期性波动的外因调节假说进行介绍 ,概述了食物假说、捕食假说和复合因子假说的主要内容和研究进展。在少数生存环境严酷的小型哺乳动物种群中 ,食物假说能解释它们的周期性数量波动现象 ,可能作为调节因子起作用 ,但难以说明低数量期的确切机制 ,对于大多数小型哺乳动物而言 ,它更可能作为限制因子。捕食假说解释了北欧芬诺斯坎底亚地区某些种群的周期性波动 ,尤其是捕食的间接效应已引起许多学者的关注 ,但也有不支持该假说的证据。对于复合因子假说 ,近年颇受学者重视 ,其中验证食物和捕食交互及累加作用的实验证据较多 ,有的研究还包括气候、种间竞争、空间或社会行为等因素。有关复合因子的实验研究 ,尽管工作是困难和艰巨的 ,花费也是巨大的 ,但所得结果却极有价值 ,为深入理解种群动态调节理论提供了一个合理而有效的手段  相似文献   

Mechanisms generating the well-known 3-5 year cyclic fluctuations in densities of northern small rodents (voles and lemmings) have remained an ecological puzzle for decades. The hypothesis that these fluctuations are caused by delayed density-dependent impacts of predators was tested by replicated field experimentation in western Finland. We reduced densities of all main mammalian and avian predators through a 3 year vole cycle and compared vole abundances between four reduction and four control areas (each 2.5-3 km(2)). The reduction of predator densities increased the autumn density of voles fourfold in the low phase, accelerated the increase twofold, increased the autumn density of voles twofold in the peak phase, and retarded the initiation of decline of the vole cycle. Extrapolating these experimental results to their expected long-term dynamic effects through a demographic model produces changes from regular multiannual cycles to annual fluctuations with declining densities of specialist predators. This supports the findings of the field experiment and is in agreement with the predation hypothesis. We conclude that predators may indeed generate the cyclic population fluctuations of voles observed in northern Europe.  相似文献   

Haiyan Nie  Jike Liu 《Oikos》2005,109(2):387-395
This paper reports the effects of food supply, predation and the interaction between them on the population dynamics of root voles, Microtus oeconomus , by adopting factorial experiments in field enclosures. This two-factor experiment proved the general hypothesis that food supply and predation had independent and additive effects on population dynamics of root voles. The experimental results proved the following predictions: (1) predation reduced population density and recruitment significantly; (2) food supply increased population density; (3) predation and food supply influenced spacing behavior of root voles separately and additively: Exposure to predation reduced long movements of root voles between trapping sessions; additional food supply reduced aggression level and home range size of root voles. Less movement of individuals that exposed to predators possibly reduced their opportunity of obtaining food and lessened population survival rate, which led population density to decrease. Smaller home range and lower aggression level could make higher population density tolerable. The interactive effect of predation and food on home range size was highly significant (P=0.0082<0.01). The interactive effect of food and predation on dispersal rate was significant (P<0.01). From the experimental results, we conclude that the external factors (predation, food supply) were more effective than internal factors (spacing behavior) in determining population density of root voles – under the most favorable external conditions (−P, +F treatment), the mean density and mean recruitment of root vole population was the highest; under the most unfavorable external conditions (+P, −F treatment), the mean density and mean recruitment of root vole population was the lowest.  相似文献   

Individuals, free to choose between different habitat patches, should settle among them such that fitness is equalized. Alternatives to this ideal free distribution result into fitness differences among the patches. The concordance between fitnesses and foraging costs among inhabitants of different quality patches, demonstrated in recent studies, suggests that the mode of habitat selection and the resulting fitness patterns may have important implications to the resource use of a forager and to the survival of its prey. We studied how coarse scale selection between habitat patches of different quality and quitting harvest rate in these patches are related to each other and to fine scale patch use in meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus). To demonstrate these relationships, we manipulated habitat patches within large field enclosures by mowing vegetative cover and adding supplemental food according to a 2×2 factorial design. We tracked vole population densities, collected giving‐up densities (GUDs, a measure of patch quitting harvest rate), and monitored the removal of seeds from lattice grids with 1.5 m intervals (an index of fine‐scale space use) in the manipulated habitat patches. Changes in habitat quality induced changes in habitat use at different spatial scales. In preferred habitats with intact cover, voles were despotic and GUDs were low, but increased with the addition of food. In contrast, voles in less‐preferred mowed habitats settled into an ideal free distribution, GUDs were high and uninfluenced by the addition of food. Seed removal was enhanced by the presence of cover but inhibited by supplemental food. Across all treatments, vole densities and GUDs were strongly correlated making it impossible to separate their effects on seed removal rates. However, this relationship broke down in unmowed habitats, where GUDs rather than vole density primarily influenced seed removal by voles. GUDs and seed removal correlated with predation on tree seedlings formerly planted into the enclosures, demonstrating the mechanisms between coarse‐scale habitat manipulations and community level consequences on a forager's prey.  相似文献   

Pronounced population cycles are characteristic of many herbivorous small mammals in northern latitudes. Although delayed density-dependent effects of predation and food shortage are often proposed as factors driving population cycles, firm evidence for causality is rare because sufficiently replicated, large-scale field experiments are lacking. We conducted two experiments on Microtus voles in four large predator-proof enclosures and four unfenced control areas in western Finland. Predator exclusion induced rapid population growth and increased the peak abundance of voles over 20-fold until the enclosed populations crashed during the second winter due to food shortage. Thereafter, voles introduced to enclosures which had suffered heavy grazing increased to higher densities than voles in previously ungrazed control areas which were exposed to predators. We concluded that predation inhibits an increase in vole populations until predation pressure declines, thus maintaining the low phase of the cycle, but also that population cycles in voles are not primarily driven by plant-herbivore interactions.  相似文献   

环境因子对荒漠沙蜥种群密度影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文研究人类改造荒漠的活动,植被,潜在的可利用的食物资源,竞争种的密度,土壤理化性质等坏境因子对荒漠沙蜥种群密度的影响。结果说明:人类的活动对沙蜥种群密度没有显著影响;决定沙蜥种群密度的主导因子是潜在的可利用的食物资源,植被,土壤含水量,竞争种的密度。这些因子的任何改变都能改变沙蜥的种群密度,均具有调节种群的作用。  相似文献   

Do delayed effects of overgrazing explain population cycles in voles?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Theoretical models predict that delayed density-dependent processes with a time-lag of approximately nine months are sufficient to generate regular 3–5 year fluctuations in densities of northern small rodents. To examine whether this time-lag could be generated by plant-herbivore interactions, we studied delayed effects of overgrazed food plants on voles. We introduced field voles ( Microtus agrestis ) in four large predator-proof enclosures that had suffered heavy grazing during the preceding autumn and winter, and compared them with voles introduced to previously ungrazed control areas. We found no detrimental effects of previous grazing on population growth, reproduction or body condition of voles. Chemical analyses did not show consistent effects of grazing on nutritional components of common food plants (grasses). These results suggest that short-term population cycles of Microtus voles in grassland habitats are not primarily driven by delayed effects of plant-herbivore interactions.  相似文献   

Fey K  Banks PB  Korpimäki E 《Oecologia》2008,157(3):419-428
Ecosystems of three trophic levels may be bottom-up (by food-plant availability) and/or top-down (by predators) limited. Top-down control might be of greater consequence when the predation impact comes from an alien predator. We conducted a replicated two-factor experiment with field voles (Microtus agrestis) during 2004-2005 on small islands of the outer archipelago of the Baltic Sea, south-west Finland, manipulating both predation impact by introduced American mink (Mustela vison) and winter food supply. In autumn 2004, we live-trapped voles on five islands from which mink had been consistently removed, and on four islands where mink were present, and provided half of these islands with 1.8 kg oats per vole. Body mass of female voles increased as a response to supplementary food, whereas both food supplementation and mink removal increased the body mass of male voles in subsequent spring. During winter, there was a positive effect of supplementary food, but in the subsequent summer, possible positive long-term impacts of food supplementation on field voles were not detected. Mink removal appeared not to affect density estimates of field voles during the winter and summer immediately after food addition. Trapping data from 2004 to 2005 and 2007 suggested, however, that in two out of three summers densities of voles were significantly higher in the absence than in the presence of mink. We conclude that vole populations on small islands in the archipelago of the Baltic Sea are mainly bottom-up limited during winter (outside the growing season of food plants), when food availability is low, and limited by mink predation during summer which slows population growth during the reproductive season of voles.  相似文献   

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