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2015年7月至2016年6月每月在长江口东滩湿地西南水域的光滩、盐沼(以海三棱藨草为主)和潮沟3种亚生境进行斑尾刺虾虎鱼的样本采集,分析斑尾刺虾虎鱼的丰度和食性差异.结果表明:6—11月均采集到斑尾刺虾虎鱼样本,以幼鱼为主,其他月份未采集到.其中,7月采集数量最多,为71尾,11月仅采集到3尾.潮沟中共采集到93尾,分别是光滩和盐沼的5.2和4.9倍.6—11月斑尾刺虾虎鱼的平均体长和体质量均呈逐渐增加趋势.斑尾刺虾虎鱼主要摄食虾类、蟹类、昆虫类和多毛类等10大类30小类饵料生物.其中,虾类是最重要的饵料类别,并以安氏白虾等白虾属为主;蟹类以相手蟹属为主;昆虫类以小划蝽等蝽科昆虫成虫为主;鱼类饵料的质量百分比相对较高,但数量比例很低.不同亚生境斑尾刺虾虎鱼的饵料组成差异较大.7—11月斑尾刺虾虎鱼的摄食等级随体长增大而明显增大,秋末(11月)平均摄食等级可达3.不同亚生境间的斑尾刺虾虎鱼丰度差异与其摄食饵料不同有关.  相似文献   

长江河口潮间带鱼类群落的时空变化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
张衡  朱国平 《应用生态学报》2009,20(10):2519-2526
根据2006年3-11月每月在长江口4个潮间带站点的36网次鱼类采样数据,分析了该水域鱼类群落组成的时空变化特征.结果表明:本次调查采获鱼类55种,隶属20科,其中,鲤科鱼类最多,有18种,占总种数的32.7%,虾虎鱼科其次,有8种,占14.5%,石首鱼科4种,占7.3%;调查水域潮间带鱼类群落可分为口内淡水区鱼类群落和河口咸淡水区鱼类群落2组,河口咸淡水区鱼类的物种多样性比口内淡水区略低,其中,口内淡水区以油似鳊和鳊等淡水鱼类为优势种,河口咸水区以斑尾刺虾虎鱼、鲻和棘头梅童等咸淡水鱼类为优势种;二组间鱼类种类组成的平均相异性为80.75%,23种鱼类对平均相异性的累积贡献率>90%,主要贡献来自油鲻、斑尾刺虾虎鱼、棘头梅童鱼、似鳊、红狼牙虾虎鱼、鲫、鳊和长蛇鮈等;春季的研究区鱼类群落丰度与夏、秋两季均存在一定程度的差异,而夏、秋两季间的差异相对较小.就单组鱼类群落丰度而言,水温对其季节变化的影响较盐度大,而盐度对整个河口鱼类群落的影响较水温大.  相似文献   

长江口盐沼植被生境内斑尾刺虾虎鱼食性特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶锦玉  张衡  张瑛瑛  靳少非 《生态学报》2018,38(17):6217-6227
根据2015年5月至2016年4月在长江口东滩盐沼湿地水域采集的斑尾刺虾虎鱼样本数据,分析了该生境斑尾刺虾虎鱼的生物学和食性特征。结果表明:共采集到斑尾刺虾虎鱼186尾,其中6—8月采集的数量较高,而其他月份较低。约96%个体为幼体(平均体长109 mm),平均摄食等级为1.5。斑尾刺虾虎鱼主要摄食虾类(IRI(%)=69.05)、鱼类(IRI(%)=17.31)、蟹类(IRI(%)=11.51)和双壳类(IRI(%)=0.95)等11大类41小类饵料生物;虾类作为最重要的饵料类别,其生物量、数量和出现频次百分比均排列第一,以安氏白虾(Exopalaemon annandalei)、日本沼虾Macrobrachium nipponense)、长额刺糠虾(Acanthomysis longirostris)等虾类为主要饵料。鱼类饵料中,以大鳍弹涂鱼(Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus)、大弹涂鱼(Boleophthalmus valenciennes)等虾虎鱼科鱼类为主要饵料。各月平均饱满指数P(%)波动较大,6—11月呈逐渐增加趋势。随着体长的增加,饵料组成中鱼类的比例呈逐渐增高趋势,成体个体的饵料中鱼类的生物量比例达65%以上,虾类的比例则下降明显。6—8月斑尾刺虾虎鱼白天样本中鱼类饵料的重量百分比显著高于夜晚(P0.01),约是夜晚的8倍;但虾类则是夜晚显著高于白天(P0.01),约是白天的2倍,而蟹类饵料的昼夜差异不显著。从等级聚类(即组平均法)的分类方法可知,斑尾刺虾虎鱼各体长组食物组成在10%相似性水平上可分为3类,即41—60、61—180 mm和181—200 mm。从营养生态位宽度来看,41—60 mm体长组生态位宽度值为0.86,而61—120 mm体长组随着体长的增大而增大,但121—160 mm体长组生态位有所降低。盐沼生境丰富的饵料环境为斑尾刺虾虎鱼提供了良好的摄食场所,同时盐沼植被茂密的植株也可为幼体提供躲避捕食者的最佳庇护所,初步证明盐沼对于斑尾刺虾虎鱼具有重要的生境价值。  相似文献   

廉州湾滨海湿地潮间带大型底栖动物群落次级生产力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于2011年1月、4月、7月和10月开展广西廉州湾的裸滩、红树林和茳芏(Cyperus malaccensis)盐沼3种湿地生境类型的潮间带大型底栖动物群落季节动态调查,采用Brey 经验公式估算各生境次级生产力.结果表明:共采集到潮间带大型底栖动物8门156种,其中裸滩生境有136种,红树林生境85种,盐沼生境29种;站位平均种数为裸滩9.5±4.8种,红树林9.5±3.9种,盐沼5.9±1.9种,同时,各类群占总种数比例大小规律一致,为软体动物门>节肢动物门>环节动物门>脊索动物门>其他;盐沼生境大型底栖动物群落结构变化较小,宁波泥蟹(Ilyoplax ningpoensis)优势很明显,随着水体盐度上升,红树林和裸滩优势种由适应低盐环境向适应高盐环境的种类变化;廉州湾潮间带大型底栖动物群落的次级生产力平均为15.88 g·m-2·a-1,裸滩、红树林和盐沼生境分别为16.16、9.97、3.88g·m-2 ·a-1;P/B值平均为0.70,3种生境分别为盐沼1.02,裸滩0.70,红树林0.65;廉州湾潮间带大型底栖动物年湿质量生产量为14623 t.水体盐度和植被类型是影响廉州湾潮间带大型底栖动物群落结构的优势种群以致次级生产力的空间分布变化的主要因素.  相似文献   

长江口中华鲟自然保护区潮间带鱼类群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为深入了解鱼类对潮间带水域的利用,2010年5月、8月、11月在长江口中华鲟自然保护区潮间带水域进行了插网调查。结果表明:调查期间共出现28种鱼类,隶属于10目16科,鲤形目种类最多,其次为鲈形目;群落优势种为中国花鲈(Lateolabrax maculates)、鮻(Liza haematocheila)和窄体舌鳎(Cynoglossus gracilis);长江口中华鲟自然保护区潮间带鱼类群落可以分为河口定居鱼类、海洋偶见鱼类、降海洄游鱼类、溯河洄游鱼类、海洋洄游鱼类和淡水鱼类6种生态类群,其中河口定居鱼类和海洋洄游鱼类占据明显优势。对调查水域鱼类群落进行聚类分析,结果表明秋季和春夏季差异显著,鮻、中国花鲈、斑尾刺虾虎鱼(Acanthogobius ommaturus)是对季节差异贡献最大的3种鱼类。主成分分析结果表明,夏季鱼类群落主要受到海洋洄游鱼类的影响,而秋季主要受到河口定居鱼类的影响,这2种鱼类的幼鱼在不同季节利用潮间带水域索饵肥育可能是造成季节差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

崇明东滩盐沼植被扩散格局及其形成机制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
曹浩冰  葛振鸣  祝振昌  张利权 《生态学报》2014,34(14):3944-3952
长江河口盐沼植被的形成和演化是生物与其生长环境相互作用的结果。以崇明东滩盐沼植被典型扩散前沿为研究对象,2011至2012年期间调查了盐沼植被扩散前沿实生苗扩散、定居以及形成的扩散格局,同时测定了盐沼植被扩散前沿的潮滩冲淤动态和水文动力条件。研究结果表明,崇明东滩盐沼植被在扩散前沿形成了互花米草-光滩(Spartina alterniflora-Mudflat,SM)和互花米草-海三棱藨草-光滩(Spartina alterniflora-Scirpus mariqueter-Mudflat,SSM)两种典型的扩散格局。冲淤动态和水文动力条件是影响盐沼植被扩散格局的重要因子,尤其是在4—6月盐沼植物实生苗传播和定居的关键阶段。在此基础上,分析了东滩盐沼植被扩散前沿的生物-物理相互作用以及盐沼植被扩散格局的形成机制。研究结果不仅有助于理解长江河口地区盐沼植被扩散的生物物理过程,并对全球气候变化和海平面上升条件下滨海生态系统动态预测与湿地保护与管理具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

游泳动物对长江口新生盐沼湿地潮沟生境的利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用长袋网(fyke net)采集了长江口新生盐沼湿地潮沟内的游泳动物,分析了该类盐沼湿地的鱼类栖息地利用。结果表明,3次调查共记录到游泳动物20种,其中鱼类15种,虾蟹类5种。生态类群主要以淡水性种类(10种)和河口性种类(6种)为主,洄游性种类(3种)和海洋性种类(1种)较少。从数量组成来看,游泳动物群落主要由安氏白虾(35.4%)、棕刺虾虎鱼(17.7%)、贝氏餐(17.7%)、长蛇鮈(9.2%)和日本沼虾(4.6%)等少数几个物种占优势。这些游泳动物大多为稚幼个体,表明长江口新生盐沼湿地是许多鱼类和甲壳动物的重要育幼场所。  相似文献   

<正>2014年5月,笔者在云南滇池采集到未在滇池流域记述过的虾虎鱼类一种,经鉴定确认为粘皮鲻虾虎鱼Mugilogobius myxodermus。粘皮鲻虾虎鱼是广布性物种,珠江、长江、闽江等流域及许多地方性的鱼类志中均有记述,如与云南邻近的广西、四川等地,但是《云南鱼类志》《珠江鱼类志》等文献则显示其在云南省无分布记录,且历次对滇池鱼类的研究调查也均无对粘皮鲻虾虎鱼的记述(黎尚豪等,1963;何记昌,刘振华,1985;陈自明等,2001;袁刚等,2010),特别是在近年公  相似文献   

2015年7月—2016年6月每月在长江口盐沼湿地采集潮沟、光滩和盐沼(以海三棱藨草为主)三种亚生境的大型底栖动物样本,分析其群落组成和多样性差异。结果表明:共采集到大型底栖动物21种,隶属4门、5纲、15科,以软甲纲(7种)和多毛纲(4种)种类较多;潮沟和盐沼亚生境的优势种无差异;盐沼底栖动物物种数最高,潮沟次之,光滩物种数最低;盐沼底栖动物的密度和生物量均高于其他2种亚生境;三种亚生境的大型底栖动物密度两两间差异显著(P0.05),而生物量无显著差异(P0.05);盐沼底栖动物群落的Shannon多样性指数最高(1.08),光滩次之(1.03),而潮沟最低(0.63);光滩底栖动物群落的Simpson物种丰富度指数、Pielou均匀度指数值均高于潮沟和盐沼,反映光滩底栖动物群落种类密度的分布相比其他2种亚生境较为均匀;通过群落聚类和非度量多维标度分析发现,盐沼和潮沟亚生境的大型底栖动物群落结构较为相似,而与光滩差异较大,引起两者差异的主要贡献种是谭氏泥蟹、河蚬、背蚓虫等。  相似文献   

多稳态现象普遍存在于多种生态系统中,它与生态系统的健康和可持续发展密切相关,已成为生态学研究的热点与难点,但是目前有关滨海湿地生态系统多稳态的形成机制还缺乏深入研究.本文以崇明东滩鸟类自然保护区的潮间带生态系统为研究对象,通过以下内容,开展滨海湿地多稳态研究: 1)通过验证多稳态的判定依据“双峰”和“阈值”特征,证实长江口潮间带生态系统存在多稳态,并确定其稳态类型;2)通过监测潮间带生态系统水动力过程、沉积动力过程以及盐沼植物生长和扩散情况,分析盐沼植被与沉积地貌之间的正反馈作用,进而探讨潮间带生态系统多稳态的形成机制.结果表明: 1)潮间带生态系统的归一化植被指数(NDVI)频度分布存在明显的双峰特征,且盐沼植物成活存在生物量阈值效应,均证实潮间带生态系统存在多稳态,“盐沼”和“光滩”是潮间带生态系统的两种相对稳定状态;2)崇明东滩盐沼前沿的沉积地貌表现出泥沙快速淤积的趋势,显著促进了盐沼植物的生长,盐沼植物与泥沙淤积之间的这种正反馈作用是潮间带生态系统形成多稳态的主要原因;3)盐沼植被扩散格局监测结果在景观尺度上也表明,泥沙淤积作用促进了潮间带生态系统“盐沼”和“光滩”多稳态的形成.本研究既丰富了滨海湿地稳态转换的机理研究,也为我国开展海岸带保护、修复和管理提供了科学依据,具有重要的理论和实践意义.  相似文献   

This study compares the fish assemblages in a range of intertidal salt marsh creeks in the Kariega Estuary, South Africa, as well as highlighting any differences between the ichthyofaunal structure of the creeks and adjacent Zostera bed habitats. The superimposition of environmental variables on the creek biotic groupings (60% similarity level) indicated consistent relationships between both the creek water depth and mouth area with the major creek fish clusters. Water temperature, salinity and turbidity did not display any pattern which could explain the disparity between the ichthyofaunal groupings. The results also indicated that intertidal creeks form a unique littoral habitat within the Kariega Estuary, with ichthyofaunal compositions very different to those found in nearby eelgrass beds. Furthermore, intertidal creeks in the Kariega system appear to be similar to creeks found elsewhere in the world in that their fish assemblages are dominated by 0+ juveniles, have a conspicuous marine transient and estuarine resident component, and very few piscivorous representatives. These results also give weight to the hypothesis that southern African salt marsh creek habitats serve as temporary refuges to juvenile fishes, a role that has also been proposed in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

The structure and functioning of salt marsh fish communities in the overall ecology of southern African estuaries is poorly understood. This study compares the ichthyofauna associated with a salt marsh creek and eelgrass bed in an attempt to evaluate the relative importance of these habitats to fishes. Taylor's salt marsh creek and adjacent eelgrass bed in the Kariega Estuary were sampled twice per season between the winter of 1992 and the autumn of 1994. The average density and standing stock of fishes were found to be considerably higher in the eelgrass bed than in the intertidal creek. Both habitats had similar fish diversities but were dominated by different taxa, the most notable of which was the dominance of mugilids in the creek and their scarcity in the eelgrass. Taylor's intertidal creek and adjacent eelgrass beds were dominated by juvenile fish, with both habitats functioning as nursery areas for juvenile fish, albeit for totally different ichthyofaunal communities. The similar fish diversities but lower abundances in the intertidal creek compared to the eelgrass beds are in contrast to similar North American studies, and refute the hypothesis that intertidal salt marsh creeks have higher fish densities but lower diversities than eelgrass beds.The first author is also the senior author  相似文献   

Nekton was sampled in five marshes along the salinity gradient of the Schelde River. The utilisation of three different habitats (large and small creek, marsh pond) by fish and macrocrustacean species was compared among the five sampling sites. In the larger channels fyke nets were deployed to capture fish and macrocrustaceans leaving the marsh at ebb while block nets were set in smaller intertidal creeks. Fish traps passively sampled fish and shrimp in the marsh ponds. The tidal freshwater marsh had a species poor fauna and only a low number of fish was caught. Besides some freshwater species (Alburnoides bipunctatus, Carassius carassius) the European eel, Anguilla anguilla was still present. The four other marshes had a similar community structure although Platichthys flesus was absent from the euhaline area. Among fish species, dominance of Dicentrarchus labrax, Platichthys flesus and Pomatoschistus microps was observed. Carcinus maenas and Palaemonetes varians were the most abundant macrocrustacean species in every marsh. Between the large and small intertidal creeks there was no difference in nekton species composition. The main species used both habitats. Marsh ponds were utilized intensively only by two species, Pomatoschistus microps and Palaemonetes varians in every marsh.  相似文献   

长江口中国花鲈食性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国花鲈(Lateolabrax maculatus)是长江口重要的经济鱼类之一。根据2010年7月至10月在长江口崇明东滩团结沙和东旺沙水域采集到的胃含物样品,对中国花鲈的摄食习性进行了研究。结果表明,从中国花鲈胃含物中共鉴定出6类27种饵料生物,其多样性指数H’值为2.484,均匀度指数J’为0.7535,优势指数D为0.1262。采用百分比相对重要性指数(IRI%)和综合指标优势指数(Ip)分析的结果较一致,鱼类是长江口中国花鲈夏季主要食物,其百分比相对重要性指数(IRI%)和综合指标优势指数(Ip)分别为82.63%和94.48,鮻(Liza haematocheila)为优势饵料生物(IRI%=41.89,Ip=53.20)。团结沙和东旺沙中国花鲈食性差异较大,主成分分析(PCA)表明鲚属(Coilia spp.)、舌虾虎鱼(Glossogobius giuris)、脊尾白虾(Exopalaemoncarinicauda)和雷伊著名团水虱(Gnorimosphaeroma rayi)是造成这种差异的主要饵料生物种类。  相似文献   

Macro-benthic faunal communities were compared between non-vegetation mudflat and Aegiceras corniculatum mangroves with different ages in Jiulongjiang Estuary, China. Faunal species number was highest in the mature mangrove and was higher in mangroves than in the mudflat, as snails and some crustaceans species were only collected in mangroves. The 5-year-old mangrove had the highest infaunal abundance and crustacean biomass. Snails had more abundance in the young mangroves. Uca arcuata was the dominant crab species in the non-vegetation mudflat and 5-year-old mangrove. Mangrove vegetation and sediment characteristics analyses indicated different habitats due to A. corniculatum mangrove restoration. However, overall poor correlations between faunal assemblage and sediment properties indicated that sediment properties were not the major factors influencing faunal distribution.  相似文献   

T. J. Kwak  Joy B. Zedler 《Oecologia》1997,110(2):262-277
Carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur stable isotopes were used to characterize the food webs (i.e., sources of carbon and trophic status of consumers) in Tijuana Estuary and San Dieguito Lagoon. Producer groups were most clearly differentiated by carbon, then by sulfur, and least clearly by nitrogen isotope measurements. Consumer 15N isotopic enrichment suggested that there are four trophic levels in the Tijuana Estuary food web and three in San Dieguito Lagoon. A significant difference in multiple isotope ratio distributions of fishes between wetlands suggested that the food web of San Dieguito Lagoon is less complex than that of Tijuana Estuary. Associations among sources and consumers indicated that inputs from intertidal macroalgae, marsh microalgae, and Spartina foliosa provide the organic matter that supports invertebrates, fishes, and the light-footed clapper rail (Rallus longirostris levipes). These three producers occupy tidal channels, low salt marsh, and mid salt marsh habitats. The only consumer sampled that appears dependent upon primary productivity from high salt marsh habitat is the sora (Porzana carolina). Two- and three-source mixing models identified Spartina as the major organic matter source for fishes, and macroalgae for invertebrates and the light-footed clapper rail in Tijuana Estuary. In San Dieguito Lagoon, a system lacking Spartina, inputs of macroalgae and microalgae support fishes. Salicornia virginica, S. subterminalis, Monanthochloe littoralis, sewage- derived organic matter, and suspended particulate organic matter were deductively excluded as dominant, direct influences on the food web. The demonstration of a salt marsh–channel linkage in these systems affirms that these habitats should be managed as a single ecosystem and that the restoration of intertidal marshes for endangered birds and other biota is compatible with enhancement of coastal fish populations; heretofore, these have been considered to be competing objectives. Received: 24 April 1996 / Accepted: 24 October 1996  相似文献   

In recent years, salt marsh restoration projects have focused upon restoring hydrology through culvert enlargement to return functional values lost due to reduced tidal flow. To evaluate culvert effects on upstream nekton assemblages, fyke nets were set upstream of tidally restricted creeks, creeks recently restored with larger culverts, and paired reference creeks in New Hampshire and Maine, U.S.A. Subtidal habitats created or enlarged by scour were found immediately upstream of undersized culverts. All marshes supported similar assemblages and densities of fish, suggesting that marshes upstream of moderately restrictive culverts provide suitable habitat to support fish communities. However, densities of Crangon septemspinosa (sand shrimp) were significantly reduced upstream of culverts. A mark–recapture study was conducted in tidally restricted, restored, and reference marsh creeks to evaluate culvert effects on the movement of Fundulus heteroclitus (mummichog), the numerically dominant fish species in New England salt marshes. Recapture data indicated that small culvert size and consequently increased water velocity significantly decreased fish passage rates. We infer that upstream subtidal habitats and greater water velocities due to undersized culverts decreased nekton movements between upstream and downstream areas, resulting in segregated nekton populations. Restoration of salt marsh hydrology by the installation of adequately sized culverts will support increased fish access to marsh habitats and nekton‐mediated export of marsh‐derived production to coastal waters.  相似文献   

滨海湿地生态修复已成为阻止海岸带生态系统退化、保护生物多样性以及提供生态服务的关键措施。以长江口原生盐沼植物海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter)为研究对象,选取崇明东滩新生滩涂湿地为研究区域,通过沿潮滩高程梯度的海三棱藨草植株斑块的移植实验,探究胁迫梯度假说和互惠理论(即种内的正相互作用)对长江口海三棱藨草种群恢复的指导意义。研究结果显示:(1)在一定的胁迫梯度范围内(潮滩高程2.0 m以上),增大种植斑块可以促进海三棱藨草的种内正相互作用,显著提高种植斑块的存活率和植株密度(P0.05);(2)潮滩水文动力沉积条件与潮滩高程梯度密切相关(P0.05),水文动力沉积作用对海三棱藨草定居和生长的胁迫随高程梯度下降而增强。潮滩高程2.0 m以下处强烈的水文动力条件干扰限制了生物-物理因素的正反馈作用。滨海湿地盐沼植被修复工作的成功率可以通过改进种植方式,增强种内的正相互作用得到极大的提高。研究可为开展大规模滨海湿地盐沼植被修复工程和提高生态修复效率提供科学依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

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