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我国滨海湿地外来物种入侵威胁较为严重。以长江口湿地为例, 快速蔓延的互花米草(Spatina alterniflora)逐渐替代了中国特有的原生种-海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter Ts. Tang & F.T. Wang)。基于正在实施的外来入侵种生态控制工程, 开展了海三棱藨草在新生湿地的种群恢复实验。实验采用两种恢复策略, 即建立种子库和植物球茎(地下繁殖体)种植, 并实施了低、中、高密度种植处理以比较其成本效益。研究结果表明, 海三棱藨草种子在实验室条件下有较高的出苗率, 且5 cm的种植深度最佳。但由于潮滩湿地泥沙淤积的掩埋胁迫, 在5 cm 的种植深度下, 即使采用高密度种植处理也仅有极少数种子能萌发生成植株, 且不同种植密度处理间的幼苗存活率和植株密度没有显著差异。而将海三棱藨草球茎作为植被恢复的种植材料时, 其出苗率和植株密度远优于种子种植策略, 多数球茎能实现出苗和定 居, 并通过地下分蘖和地下根茎发育迅速形成密集的种群。密度处理结果表明, 中密度和高密度种植处理下的生长季后期的植株密度没有显著差异, 说明在滨海湿地原生植物种群重建时宜选择经济高效的中密度种植策略。据此可为大规模的长江口原生植被恢复工程提供参考。  相似文献   

海三棱藨草及互花米草对模拟盐胁迫的响应及其耐盐阈值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐度作为滨海湿地的关键环境因子之一,影响盐沼植物的存活、生长及分布。未来海平面上升引起的盐水入侵,将导致滨海湿地的盐沼植物面临高盐胁迫的挑战,进而影响滨海湿地生态系统的结构和功能。本研究选择长江口中低潮滩的主要先锋植物海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter)和互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)为对象,通过人工控制实验,比较不同盐度处理下两种盐沼植物存活、营养生长及繁殖的响应,并确定两种盐沼植物存活的耐盐阈值,从而比较未来盐水入侵背景下,本地物种海三棱藨草及外来物种互花米草对盐胁迫的响应和适应性。结果表明:(1)海三棱藨草和互花米草的存活率随着盐度的增加均呈下降趋势,相同盐度处理下互花米草的存活率显著高于海三棱藨草的存活率(P0.05);(2)盐胁迫明显影响了海三棱藨草和互花米草的生长,随着盐度的增加,海三棱藨草株高、地上生物量及地下生物量均呈逐渐下降的趋势,而互花米草株高、地上生物量及地下生物量呈先增加后下降的趋势,均在盐度为10‰时最高;(3)海三棱藨草和互花米草的分蘖数及结穗率均随着盐度增加呈下降趋势,盐胁迫在一定程度上抑制了两种植物的繁殖能力;(4)互花米草存活的耐盐阈值为43‰,高于海三棱藨草存活的耐盐阈值(21‰);(5)外来物种互花米草比本地物种海三棱藨草具有更强的耐盐性,未来海平面上升引起的盐水入侵将对本地物种海三棱藨草产生更加严重的影响。  相似文献   

基于遥感的九段沙湿地植被群落动态变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘瑜  韩震  柴勋 《生态科学》2009,28(4):324-328
九段沙是长江口重要的新生湿地.作为主要地物类型之一的植被群落,是反映潮滩湿地生态环境变化重要而又敏感的指标因子.本文通过1987~2008年六景Landsat卫星遥感数据对九段沙植被群落进行了分类提取,并利用ArcGIS软件分析了长江口九段沙植被群落20年来的时空动态变化.结果显示1987~1997年间,九段沙湿地植被以先锋植被海三棱藨草为主,植被面积随潮滩不断淤涨而增长;1997年人工促淤种植了芦苇和互花米草,至2008年,芦苇、互花米草和海三棱藨草三种植被群落所占植被总面积百分比分别为31.47%、39.35%和29.17%,其中外来物种互花米草优势明显,当地植被海三棱藨草所占面积比例显著下降.  相似文献   

九段沙湿地植被群落演替与格局变化趋势   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
长江口新生湿地九段沙由上沙、中沙和下沙三部分组成。2004年对湿地植被群落的演替与格局变化进行了研究。结果表明,九段沙湿地植被群落由芦苇(Phragmites austra-lis)、互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)、海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter)和藨草(S.triqueter)构成。芦苇和互花米草生长于潮滩高程,海三棱藨草和藨草生长于低潮位。1998—2004年,上沙植被覆盖面积年平均约增长17%,中沙22%,下沙38%~39%,植被群落处于快速增长演替状态,这可能与沙洲发育速度有关。由于在中沙、下沙人为种植过外来物种互花米草,其增长速度最快,覆盖面积占九段沙植被总面积的比例从1998年不足1%上升到2004年的22%,地上部分总生物量的年平均增长率为79.79%,互花米草对藨草-海三棱藨草的竞争压力较大。鉴于互花米草对九段沙的影响尚无定论,本文提出了初步的植被管理措施。  相似文献   

崇明东滩盐沼植被扩散格局及其形成机制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
曹浩冰  葛振鸣  祝振昌  张利权 《生态学报》2014,34(14):3944-3952
长江河口盐沼植被的形成和演化是生物与其生长环境相互作用的结果。以崇明东滩盐沼植被典型扩散前沿为研究对象,2011至2012年期间调查了盐沼植被扩散前沿实生苗扩散、定居以及形成的扩散格局,同时测定了盐沼植被扩散前沿的潮滩冲淤动态和水文动力条件。研究结果表明,崇明东滩盐沼植被在扩散前沿形成了互花米草-光滩(Spartina alterniflora-Mudflat,SM)和互花米草-海三棱藨草-光滩(Spartina alterniflora-Scirpus mariqueter-Mudflat,SSM)两种典型的扩散格局。冲淤动态和水文动力条件是影响盐沼植被扩散格局的重要因子,尤其是在4—6月盐沼植物实生苗传播和定居的关键阶段。在此基础上,分析了东滩盐沼植被扩散前沿的生物-物理相互作用以及盐沼植被扩散格局的形成机制。研究结果不仅有助于理解长江河口地区盐沼植被扩散的生物物理过程,并对全球气候变化和海平面上升条件下滨海生态系统动态预测与湿地保护与管理具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

张群  李博 《应用生态学报》2023,(10):2663-2671
中国滨海盐沼湿地受损严重,人工修复策略已成为保护滨海生境的主要措施之一。本研究探讨了在长江口上海崇明东滩鸟类国家级自然保护区,互花米草控制和鸟类栖息地优化工程项目内空白生境的本土盐沼植物高效恢复技术。通过野外小试和中试试验,分析了长江口盐沼湿地建群种海三棱藨草恢复过程中繁殖体种类和移植方式对恢复效率的影响,并评估了不同恢复策略的恢复成本和效率。结果表明:1)海三棱藨草球茎苗耐淹性较强,适用于环境异质性较高的优化区;2)在4种恢复海三棱藨草群落的处理中,最经济高效的处理为无泥低密度球茎苗的移植方式,其每公顷的投入成本约为10100元。相较之下,无泥高密度、带泥低密度及带泥高密度的处理每公顷所需成本分别为41100、30000和120100元;3)经过近5年的努力,海三棱藨草群落在崇明东滩优化区C3区域覆盖度已超过60%,是相对成功的大规模野外恢复示范。本研究可为大规模滨海盐沼植物的恢复工程提供依据及支撑。  相似文献   

盐沼是分布在海陆过渡区域,以大型草本植物为优势种的潮间带生态系统。在潮间带生态系统中,盐沼植物的种子和实生苗在潮流作用下的漂浮起动是盐沼植物自然扩散的重要前提,决定了盐沼植物能否实现有效扩散和长距离传播。然而,目前缺乏有关盐沼植物繁殖体在复杂潮滩环境下漂浮起动扩散过程的定量研究。以长江口典型盐沼先锋物种海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter)为研究对象,应用U-GEMS微观侵蚀系统,测定了在不同沉积物底质条件下,海三棱藨草种子及不同萌发阶段实生苗漂浮起动时的临界剪切应力,定量分析不同萌发阶段和沉积物底质对海三棱藨草种子和实生苗漂浮起动的影响。研究结果表明:(1)不同种子萌发阶段和沉积物底质对海三棱藨草种子和实生苗漂浮起动的临界剪切应力均有极显著影响(P<0.01);(2)随着萌发阶段的进展,海三棱藨草实生苗漂浮起动所需的临界剪切应力逐渐减小,因而随潮流漂浮起动进而扩散的机会也相应增大;(3)相比于淤泥质潮滩底质,海三棱藨草种子和实生苗在粉砂质潮滩更易于漂浮起动。研究结果丰富了盐沼植物在潮间带自然扩散过程和机理的研究,也为今后长江口及其他区域开展高效、低成本、以种子为修复...  相似文献   

崇明东滩南部滩面高程、土壤盐度在空间上呈明显的梯度变化规律。高程整体西高东低、北高南低, 盐度东北高、西南低, 两者共同限制着盐沼植物在空间上的分布。该文围绕崇明东滩南部主要植被类群及其空间分布, 探讨了土壤盐度、潮滩高程两大环境因子与植物种群分布的对应关系。基于2013年夏、秋季植被空间网格采样和空间插值, 分析了东滩南部植物的空间分布现状, 发现不同植物类群在高程和土壤盐度上存在极显著的差异(p < 0.01)。高程差异: 莎草科类群主要分布于高程区间2.93-4.07 m的低潮滩, 禾本科主要集中分布在高程3.13-4.31 m的中、高潮滩; 盐度差异: 海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter)和互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)优势种群植被覆盖区表层30 cm的平均土壤盐度为(3.2 ± 0.6) g·kg-1, 显著高于其他类群植物分布区的平均土壤盐度(2.0 ± 0.3) g·kg-1 (p < 0.01)。崇明东滩湿地生态系统的关键种兼先锋种——海三棱藨草, 分布高程介于2.53-3.97 m, 而互花米草能适应海三棱藨草80%的高程区间, 两者在高程上存在竞争关系。统计数据显示, 研究区域中近90%的海三棱藨草分布在研究区东北部, 土壤盐度范围为1.6-4.5 g·kg-1, 海三棱藨草、互花米草能较好地适应该空间内的盐度胁迫, 两种植物在此交替出现。但是在高程和土壤盐度的综合作用下, 互花米草的生长状况更好, 因此该区的海三棱藨草很可能会被互花米草逐步取代。对各类群植被分布和优势面积的研究发现, 海三棱藨草总分布面积为294 hm2, 优势群落面积120 hm2, 海三棱藨草仅占莎草科植物总优势面积的15.7%, 占研究区总面积的6.9%, 在6种主要植物(芦苇(Phragmites australis)、白茅(Imperata cylindrica)、互花米草、糙叶薹草(Carex scabrifolia)、藨草(Scirpus triqueter)、海三棱藨草)中比重最小, 这给保护区内海三棱藨草种群的恢复和保护带来极大的挑战。  相似文献   

崇明东滩湿地自然植被演替过程中储碳及固碳功能变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用实地调查与实验室测定相结合的方法,研究了崇明东滩湿地植被演替过程中储碳、固碳功能的变化.结果表明:不同演替阶段的湿地植被的现存碳储量及其分配格局特征存在较大差异.先锋物种海三棱藨草的现存碳储量仅占芦苇现存碳储量的13%;地下根茎为芦苇现存碳储量的主要场所,而地上部分是海三棱藨草碳储量的主要场所.处于潮滩湿地演替中后期的芦苇群落比处在生态演替早期的海三棱藨草群落具有更强的固碳能力,芦苇群落和海三棱藨草群落的年固碳能力分别为(1.63±0.39) kg·m-2和(0.63±0.28) kg·m-2,说明随着海三棱藨草群落向芦苇群落演替,其固碳能力不断增强.  相似文献   

许宇田  童春富 《生态学报》2018,38(19):7034-7044
海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter)为长江河口盐沼湿地先锋植物。以长江口九段沙湿地为主要研究区域,在江亚南沙、上沙、中下沙等不同区域设置固定站点,进行植被和环境因子的取样调研,分析研究了海三棱藨草的生物量分配特征及其主要影响因子,以期为海三棱藨草的培育与恢复、盐沼湿地生态系统的保护与利用提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)不同站点海三棱藨草的茎基高度、球茎生物量占比、根茎与球茎之比均不存在显著差异(P0.05),而植株密度、植株高度、根茎生物量占比、果实生物量占比、茎叶生物量占比、须根生物量占比、果实与根茎之比、果实与球茎之比在不同站点间存在显著差异(P0.05);(2)不同站点的沉积物电导率、盐度、容积密度(5—10、25—30 cm土层)、总碳含量(10—15、20—25、25—30 cm土层)、总氮含量(5—10 cm土层)存在显著差异(P0.05);(3)海三棱藨草的果实与根茎的生物量之比和沉积物5—10、25—30 cm总碳含量,0—5、5—10 cm总氮含量,0—5 cm容积密度,茎基高度6种因子的组合存在极显著相关(P0.01);而其他生物量分配指标与本文涉及到的环境因子、植物表形参数均不存在显著相关性(P0.05)。海三棱藨草生物量分配特征是其自身生长特征与环境因子综合作用的结果。在今后的研究中需拓展生境因子涵盖范围,深入分析多因子综合作用对海三棱藨草生物量分配特征的影响。  相似文献   

崇明东滩自然保护区盐沼植被的时空动态   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
黄华梅  张利权  袁琳 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4166-4172
盐沼植被是滩涂湿地的重要组成部分,其动态变化直接影响着湿地的生态服务功能和价值。通过对1998~2005年间4景不同时相的LandsatTM遥感影像的解译分析,结合历史资料数据和近年来的现场调查,分析了崇明东滩鸟类自然保护区自建立以来,盐沼植被的时空演替动态过程。结果显示,随着滩涂的淤涨,东滩盐沼植被的面积从1998年的2478.32hm2增加到2005年的4687.74hm2,而互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)自人为引入至2005年,其面积已增加到1283.4hm2,其增加速率显著高于土著种芦苇(Phragmites australis)和海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter),并且已在东滩保护区相当区域内形成单优势种群落。受1998年和2001年两次高滩围垦和互花米草入侵影响,崇明东滩的芦苇群落面积大大减少,虽随着滩涂的淤涨,芦苇群落的面积逐年有所增加,但增加的速度缓慢。互花米草有着更广的生态幅和竞争优势,是滩涂中扩散最快的植被,而淤涨型滩涂为其提供了可扩张的空生态位,如不加以控制和治理,其快速扩散将会对崇明东滩保护区的生态系统造成更大的威胁和影响。  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in subrecent deposits are commonly used to reconstruct past sea level. Interpretations are generally made by comparison with either modern dead or total (live plus dead) assemblages. In both cases there will have been post-mortem changes that have differentially affected preservation. It is therefore important to establish the primary ecological controls by analysis of the living assemblages. We have determined the spatial and temporal variability of intertidal benthic foraminifera in the surface (0–1 cm) sediments from a time series survey of 31 sampling stations at Cowpen Marsh, for a period of 12 months. We counted 112,067 live foraminifera assigned to 28 species. The fauna was dominated by two agglutinated species (Jadammina macrescens and Trochammina inflata) on the high and middle marshes, and three calcareous species (Elphidium williamsoni, Haynesina germanica and Quinqueloculina spp.) on the low marsh and tidal flat.The standing crop of the whole intertidal zone, including the high, middle, low marsh and tidal flat habitats, and the individual species varied both temporally and spatially. The standing crop of the intertidal zone as a whole was greatest in the summer months and showed a positive correlation with elevation. The standing crops of the high and middle marshes showed similar temporal variation with peaks in summer and autumn and a trough in winter. The low marsh showed numerous peaks and troughs of standing crop during the year, whereas the tidal flat showed a single peak in summer. The standing crops of Jadammina macrescens and Trochammina inflata on the high and middle marshes peaked from April to May and August to October with troughs in winter. These agglutinated species showed a strong correlation with elevation. Haynesina germanica peaked in May to August and November to January on the low marsh, whereas on the tidal flat there was a single peak in July. The standing crops of E. williamsoni on the low marsh and tidal flat were relatively high in June and May, and July, respectively. Quinqueloculina spp. peaked in May to July on the low marsh and July on the tidal flat. The species was also found in the middle marsh from July to May and high marsh from September to November. Haynesina germanica showed a strong negative correlation with elevation, whereas the other two dominant calcareous species demonstrated weak negative correlations with both elevation and salinity.Reconstructing former sea level depends primarily on the recognition of high and middle marsh assemblages and in this study these are shown to be strongly controlled by elevation rather than salinity. Caution may be needed in interpreting low marsh and tidal flat data as salinity plays a more important role here.  相似文献   

The Yangtze River delta is characterized by rapidly accreting sediments that form tidal flats that are quickly colonized by emergent vegetation including Scirpus mariqueter and the invasive species Spartina alterniflora. We measured soil surface elevation, water table depth, soil salinity, water content and compaction in the tidal flat, the Scirpus and Spartina zones and their borders to identify relationships between environmental factors and colonization by Scirpus and Spartina. With increasing elevation from tidal flat to Spartina, inundation frequency and duration, moisture and depth to water table decreased whereas soil salinity, temperature and compaction increased. High soil moisture and groundwater and low salinity were the characteristics of the tidal flat and its border with Scirpus. The Spartina zone and its border with Scirpus were characterized by greater salinity and elevation relative to the other zones. Our findings suggest that soil salinity controls patterns of plant zonation in the newly formed tidal salt marshes whereas elevation is of secondary importance. Our results suggest that patterns of vegetation zonation in tidal marshes of the Yangtze River delta are controlled by environmental factors, especially (low) salinity that favors colonization by Scirpus in the lower elevations of the marsh.  相似文献   

T. J. Kwak  Joy B. Zedler 《Oecologia》1997,110(2):262-277
Carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur stable isotopes were used to characterize the food webs (i.e., sources of carbon and trophic status of consumers) in Tijuana Estuary and San Dieguito Lagoon. Producer groups were most clearly differentiated by carbon, then by sulfur, and least clearly by nitrogen isotope measurements. Consumer 15N isotopic enrichment suggested that there are four trophic levels in the Tijuana Estuary food web and three in San Dieguito Lagoon. A significant difference in multiple isotope ratio distributions of fishes between wetlands suggested that the food web of San Dieguito Lagoon is less complex than that of Tijuana Estuary. Associations among sources and consumers indicated that inputs from intertidal macroalgae, marsh microalgae, and Spartina foliosa provide the organic matter that supports invertebrates, fishes, and the light-footed clapper rail (Rallus longirostris levipes). These three producers occupy tidal channels, low salt marsh, and mid salt marsh habitats. The only consumer sampled that appears dependent upon primary productivity from high salt marsh habitat is the sora (Porzana carolina). Two- and three-source mixing models identified Spartina as the major organic matter source for fishes, and macroalgae for invertebrates and the light-footed clapper rail in Tijuana Estuary. In San Dieguito Lagoon, a system lacking Spartina, inputs of macroalgae and microalgae support fishes. Salicornia virginica, S. subterminalis, Monanthochloe littoralis, sewage- derived organic matter, and suspended particulate organic matter were deductively excluded as dominant, direct influences on the food web. The demonstration of a salt marsh–channel linkage in these systems affirms that these habitats should be managed as a single ecosystem and that the restoration of intertidal marshes for endangered birds and other biota is compatible with enhancement of coastal fish populations; heretofore, these have been considered to be competing objectives. Received: 24 April 1996 / Accepted: 24 October 1996  相似文献   

Located at the mouth of the Yangtze Estuary, the Chongming Dongtan Nature Reserve is extremely vulnerable to climate change and especially to accelerated sea-level rise. We use a variety of data from remote sensing, an in situ global positioning system (GPS), tidal gauges, nautical charts, geographic spatial analysis modeling and IPCC sea-level rise scenarios to forecast the potential impacts of increased sea level on the coastal wetland habitat at Chongming Dongtan Nature Reserve. The results indicate that around 40% of the terrestrial area of the Dongtan Reserve will be inundated by the year 2100 due to an estimated 0.88 m increase in sea level. In particular, the Scirpus mariqueter communities and bare tidal flats are more vulnerable to sea-level rise. The limitations of this approach and the implication of the results for wetland and ecosystem conservation as well as management are discussed.  相似文献   

Efforts are underway to restore tidal flow in New England salt marshes that were negatively impacted by tidal restrictions. We evaluated a planned tidal restoration at Mill Brook Marsh (New Hampshire) and at Drakes Island Marsh (Maine) where partial tidal restoration inadvertently occurred. Salt marsh functions were evaluated in both marshes to determine the impacts from tidal restriction and the responses following restoration. Physical and biological indicators of salt marsh functions (tidal range, surface elevations, soil water levels and salinities, plant cover, and fish use) were measured and compared to those from nonimpounded reference sites. Common impacts from tidal restrictions at both sites were: loss of tidal flooding, declines in surface elevation, reduced soil salinity, replacement of salt marsh vegetation by fresh and brackish plants, and loss of fish use of the marsh.Water levels, soil salinities and fish use increased immediately following tidal restoration. Salt-intolerant vegetation was killed within months. After two years, mildly salt-tolerant vegetation had been largely replaced in Mill Brook Marsh by several species characteristic of both high and low salt marshes. Eight years after the unplanned, partial tidal restoration at Drakes Island Marsh, the vegetation was dominated bySpartina alterniflora, a characteristic species of low marsh habitat.Hydrologic restoration that allowed for unrestricted saltwater exchange at Mill Brook restored salt marsh functions relatively quickly in comparison to the partial tidal restoration at Drakes Island, where full tidal exchange was not achieved. The irregular tidal regime at Drakes Island resulted in vegetation cover and patterns dissimilar to those of the high marsh used as a reference. The proper hydrologic regime (flooding height, duration and frequency) is essential to promote the rapid recovery of salt marsh functions. We predict that functional recovery will be relatively quick at Mill Brook, but believe that the habitat at Drakes Island will not become equivalent to that of the reference marsh unless the hydrology is further modified.Corresponding Editor: R.E. Turner Manuseript  相似文献   

Modeling Habitat Change in Salt Marshes After Tidal Restoration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Salt marshes continue to degrade in the United States due to indirect human impacts arising from tidal restrictions. Roads or berms with inadequate provision for tidal flow hinder ecosystem functions and interfere with self‐maintenance of habitat, because interactions among vegetation, soil, and hydrology within tidally restricted marshes prevent them from responding to sea level rise. Prediction of the tidal range that is expected after restoration relative to the current geomorphology is crucial for successful restoration of salt marsh habitat. Both insufficient (due to restriction) and excessive (due to subsidence and sea level rise) tidal flooding can lead to loss of salt marshes. We developed and applied the Marsh Response to Hydrological Modifications model as a predictive tool to forecast the success of management scenarios for restoring full tides to previously restricted areas. We present an overview of a computer simulation tool that evaluates potential culvert installations with output of expected tidal ranges, water discharges, and flood potentials. For three New England tidal marshes we show species distributions of plants for tidally restricted and nonrestricted areas. Elevation ranges of species are used for short‐term (<5 years) predictions of changes to salt marsh habitat after tidal restoration. In addition, elevation changes of the marsh substrate measured at these sites are extrapolated to predict long‐term (>5 years) changes in marsh geomorphology under restored tidal regimes. The resultant tidal regime should be designed to provide habitat requirements for salt marsh plants. At sites with substantial elevation losses a balance must be struck that stimulates elevation increases by improving sediment fluxes into marshes while establishing flooding regimes appropriate to sustain the desired plants.  相似文献   

Adequately evaluating the success of coastal tidal marsh restoration has lagged behind the actual practice of restoring tidally restricted salt marshes. A Spartina-dominated valley marsh at Barn Island Wildlife Management Area, Stonington, Connecticut, was tidally restricted in 1946 and consequently converted mostly to Typha angustifolia. With the re-introduction of tidal flooding in 1978, much of the marsh has reverted to Spartina alterniflora. Using a geographical information system (GIS), this study measures restoration success by the extent of geographical similarity between the vegetation of the restored marsh and the pre-impounded marsh. Based on geographical comparisons among different hydrologic states, pre-impounded (1946), impounded (1976), and restored (1988) tidal marsh restoration is a convergent process. Although salt marsh species currently dominate the restored system, the magnitude of actual agreement between the pre-impounded vegetation and that of the restored marsh is only moderate. Further restoration of the salt marsh vegetation may be limited by continued tidal restriction, marsh surface subsidence, and reduced accretion rates. General trends of recovery are identified using a gradient approach and the geographic pattern’ of vegetation change. In the strictest sense, if restoration refers only to vegetation types that geographically replicate preexisting types, then only 28% of the marsh has been restored. Restoration in a broader sense, however, representing the original salt marsh vegetation regardless of spatial position, amounts to 63% restored. Unrestored marsh, dominated by Typha angustifolia and Phragmites australis, remains at 37%. By emphasizing trends during vegetation recovery, this evaluation technique aims to understand the restoration process, direct future research goals, and ultimately aid in future restoration projects.  相似文献   

Tidal marshes are among the most threatened habitats on Earth because of their limited natural extent, a long history of human drainage and modification, and anticipated future sea‐level rise. Tidal marshes also provide services to humans and support species of high conservation interest. Consequently, millions of dollars have been spent on tidal marsh restoration throughout North America. Southern New England has a long history of tidal marsh restorations, often focused on removal of the invasive plant Phragmites australis. Working in 18 Connecticut marshes, we examined the bird community in 21 plots in restoration sites and 19 plots in reference sites. Restoration plots were divided into those in marshes where management involved restoring tidal flow and those where direct Phragmites control (e.g. cutting, herbicide) was used. Saltmarsh sparrows Ammodramus caudacutus, which are considered globally vulnerable to extinction, were less common where tidal flow had been restored than at reference sites and nested in only one of 14 tidal‐flow restoration plots. No abundance differences were found for large wading birds, willets Tringa semipalmata, or seaside sparrows Ammodramus maritimus. Vegetation at sites where tidal flow had been restored showed characteristics typical of lower‐elevation marsh, which is unsuitable for nesting saltmarsh sparrows. We conclude that, although tidal‐flow restorations in Connecticut control Phragmites and restore native saltmarsh vegetation, they produce conditions that are largely unsuitable for one of the highest conservation priority species found in eastern U.S. salt marshes.  相似文献   

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