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2015年7月至2016年6月每月在长江口东滩湿地西南水域的光滩、盐沼(以海三棱藨草为主)和潮沟3种亚生境进行斑尾刺虾虎鱼的样本采集,分析斑尾刺虾虎鱼的丰度和食性差异.结果表明:6—11月均采集到斑尾刺虾虎鱼样本,以幼鱼为主,其他月份未采集到.其中,7月采集数量最多,为71尾,11月仅采集到3尾.潮沟中共采集到93尾,分别是光滩和盐沼的5.2和4.9倍.6—11月斑尾刺虾虎鱼的平均体长和体质量均呈逐渐增加趋势.斑尾刺虾虎鱼主要摄食虾类、蟹类、昆虫类和多毛类等10大类30小类饵料生物.其中,虾类是最重要的饵料类别,并以安氏白虾等白虾属为主;蟹类以相手蟹属为主;昆虫类以小划蝽等蝽科昆虫成虫为主;鱼类饵料的质量百分比相对较高,但数量比例很低.不同亚生境斑尾刺虾虎鱼的饵料组成差异较大.7—11月斑尾刺虾虎鱼的摄食等级随体长增大而明显增大,秋末(11月)平均摄食等级可达3.不同亚生境间的斑尾刺虾虎鱼丰度差异与其摄食饵料不同有关.  相似文献   

胶州湾六丝钝尾虾虎鱼的摄食生态特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
根据2011年2-11月在胶州湾海域进行的4个季节的底拖网调查,共收集624尾六丝钝尾虾虎鱼样品进行胃含物分析,对其摄食生态进行了初步研究.结果表明:六丝钝尾虾虎鱼摄食的饵料种类有40余种,其中优势饵料生物有日本鼓虾、经氏壳蛞蝓和细螯虾等.其食物组成存在明显的季节变化,除在4个季节均大量摄食虾类外,春季主要摄食腹足类,夏季主要以鱼类为食,秋季主要摄食虾类,冬季摄食桡足类和端足类等小型甲壳生物的比例较高,这主要与胶州湾饵料生物种类和数量的季节性变化有关.随着体长的增长,六丝钝尾虾虎鱼摄食的饵料生物由小型的桡足类逐渐转变为个体较大的经氏壳蛞蝓、绒毛细足蟹和日本鼓虾等,食物组成呈现出明显的体长变化.典范对应分析(CCA)表明,水温和盐度是影响六丝钝尾虾虎鱼摄食的主要因素,其次是体长和pH.  相似文献   

随着我国近海多种传统经济渔业资源的衰退,六丝钝尾虾虎鱼已成为海州湾等海域的优势鱼种之一,并在海洋食物网中发挥着重要作用。本研究根据2011年和2013—2016年春季和秋季在海州湾及其邻近海域进行的渔业资源底拖网调查,基于线性混合模型研究了海州湾六丝钝尾虾虎鱼的摄食习性以及影响其摄食的主要因素,并对其摄食策略进行分析。结果表明: 海州湾六丝钝尾虾虎鱼以虾类、双壳类、端足类等14个饵料生物类群为食,其中端足类、虾类、双壳类、蛇尾类是其主要的饵料类群。从饵料生物种类来看,六丝钝尾虾虎鱼摄食的饵料种类有37种,优势饵料生物有钩虾、细螯虾、独眼钩虾、彩虹明樱蛤和鲜明鼓虾等。线性混合模型分析表明,海州湾六丝钝尾虾虎鱼的摄食强度受体长、水深、季节、底层盐度的显著影响,其中,摄食强度与水深和底层盐度呈显著负相关关系,而与体长呈显著正相关关系,且春季的摄食强度显著高于秋季。聚类分析表明,以体长70 mm为界,可将六丝钝尾虾虎鱼划分为食性差异较大的两个体长组,其摄食随体长的变化主要与自身摄食能力与饵料生物丰度的变化有关。摄食策略分析表明,六丝钝尾虾虎鱼的营养生态位具有较高的表型间成分,对食物的种内竞争较低。本研究将有助于揭示六丝钝尾虾虎鱼的生活史特征,并为其资源的可持续利用和科学管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

长江河口潮间带盐沼植被分布区及邻近光滩鱼类组成特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
童春富 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6501-6510
研究鱼类群落在不同生境中的差异或者变化,是评价与预测生境丧失、环境退化等对湿地生物多样性与生态系统功能影响的重要基础。2006年4—11月,在长江河口崇明东滩盐沼植被分布区(简称草滩)和邻近的光滩区域分别设置采样站位,每月大潮期采用定制插网对鱼类群落进行了取样调查。分析研究了长江河口潮间带盐沼植被分布区和邻近光滩区域的鱼类组成及其月际变化,并对影响鱼类分布的主要因子进行了探讨。调查期间共采集鱼类标本1638尾,分属9目14科22种;其中,淡水鱼类2种,定居性河口鱼类12种,海洋鱼类5种,洄游鱼类3种。植被分布区和光滩区域鱼类组成及优势种特征存在明显差异。调查期间,植被分布区记录鱼类13种,主要优势种为斑尾刺虾虎鱼(Acanthogobius ommaturus)、鲻(Mugil cephalus)和棱鮻(Liza carinatus)(IRI>20),其他种类基本不具有优势度特征(IRI<0.05);光滩区域记录鱼类20种,主要优势种鲻(IRI>20),其他包括斑尾刺虾虎鱼、狼牙鳗虾虎鱼(Taenioides rubicundus)、棱鮻和棘头梅童鱼(Collichthys lucidus)也具有一定的优势特征(20>IRI>10);两个区域共有种为11种,部分种类只出现在光滩或植被分布区,但主要优势种均为定居性河口鱼类。与世界其他河口盐沼湿地鱼类研究结果不同的是,光滩区域记录的鱼类物种数、个体数、生物量和整体物种多样性水平均高于植被分布区;光滩和植被分布区鱼类相应的量比关系存在明显的月际变化,但两种生境鱼类组成间的关联性和差异性均不显著。通过比较两种生境共有的优势种体长发现,长江河口盐沼植被分布区鱼类优势种的平均体长大于光滩区域,而且植被分布区部分优势种体长的上、下限范围也大于光滩区域。长江河口盐沼植被分布区,除了育幼场外,还是许多鱼类成鱼的重要栖息地。影响河口潮间带盐沼湿地鱼类组成与分布的主要因素包括鱼类自身的生物学与生活史特征、饵料生物的组成与分布、植被出现与表形特征等生物因素和水温、盐度、淡水径流、潮汐特性等非生物因素,其对长江河口潮间带盐沼湿地中鱼类群落的组成与分布的综合作用机理有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

普氏栉虾虎鱼属于小型暖温性底层鱼类,是胶州湾鱼类群落中的优势种之一,在胶州湾食物网和生态系统中发挥着重要作用.本文应用碳、氮稳定同位素技术,基于胶州湾渔业资源底拖网调查采集的样品,对普氏栉虾虎鱼的摄食习性进行了研究.结果表明: 胶州湾普氏栉虾虎鱼的δ15N值范围为11.24‰~13.99‰,平均值为(12.70±0.70)‰,δ13C值范围为-20.67‰~-18.46‰,平均值为(-19.08±0.36)‰;各体长组的营养级范围为3.49~3.76,平均营养级为(3.62±0.21),其δ15N值和营养级与体长呈显著负相关,δ13C值与体长无显著相关性.普氏栉虾虎鱼摄食的主要饵料生物类群为多毛类、虾类和软体动物,浮游动物和颗粒有机物(POM)的饵料贡献率较小.聚类分析结果表明,普氏栉虾虎鱼各体长组食物组成的相似性均在92%以上,相似性较高,说明其摄食习性随体长变化无明显差异.普氏栉虾虎鱼在胶州湾生态系统中属于中级消费者,其摄食各饵料生物类群比例的变化可能是其营养级与体长呈负相关关系的主要原因.  相似文献   

崂山湾人工鱼礁区星康吉鳗摄食生态及食物网结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2015年4月至2017年1月于崂山湾人工鱼礁区地笼网和延绳钓捕获的279尾星康吉鳗样本,从胃含物组成、食性类型、摄食等级、营养生态位和营养级等方面对其摄食生态进行研究,同时结合海区许氏平鲉、大泷六线鱼、斑头鱼、褐菖鲉、花鲈等9种鱼类的胃含物分析结果,构建人工鱼礁区鱼类关键种的简化食物网模型.食性研究结果表明:星康吉鳗共摄食7类30余种饵料,虾类是其最主要的饵料类群,其次为鱼类和头足类,大泷六线鱼、方氏云鳚、鹰爪虾、玉筋鱼和日本鼓虾等是其优势饵料.星康吉鳗的饵料生物组成随肛长和季节发生显著变化.四季均以鱼类和虾类为主,春季胃含物中包括头足类,秋季包括头足类和蟹类,冬季亦有蟹类出现.肛长≤120 mm的星康吉鳗主要摄食鱼卵和鹰爪虾,120~130 mm肛长组主要摄食玉筋鱼和日本鼓虾,肛长>130 mm的星康吉鳗主要摄食大泷六线鱼和方氏云鳚.其摄食强度也随季节和肛长而变化,空胃率的季节性差异显著,平均胃饱满系数的季节性差异不显著,不同肛长组的空胃率和平均胃饱满系数均不存在显著差异.人工鱼礁区简化食物网结构显示:鱼类关键种的营养级均在3级以上,星康吉鳗的营养级为4.636,处于海区食物网的最顶端.虾类、蟹类、端足类和软体动物等是鱼类关键种的主要饵料,甲壳类、方氏云鳚、大泷六线鱼和玉筋鱼是高营养级鱼类花鲈和星康吉鳗的主要饵料.  相似文献   

渤海南部牙鲆的食性及摄食的季节性变化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
1051尾渤海南部牙鲆的胃含物分析表明,渤海南部牙鲆为捕食性(游泳生物食性)鱼类,其食物成分有30余种,以底栖虾类中的口虾蛄、鲜明鼓虾、日本鼓虾、脊尾褐虾,软体动物的日本枪乌贼及鱼类中的斑(鱼祭)、鳀鱼、黄鲫、六丝矛尾虾虎鱼及焦氏舌鳎等动物为主要食物。牙鲆除冬季外,其余时间均强烈摄食,而且其摄食的季节性变化明显:春季以鱼类(重量占80.9%)及甲壳类(18.6%)为主要食物;夏季以鱼类(83.5%)及软体动物类(13.1%)为主要食物;秋季主要摄食鱼类(87.9%);冬季则主要摄食鱼类(73.2%)及甲壳类(19.7%)。  相似文献   

2015年4月3日—6月10日利用方形网采集象山港水域仔稚鱼,分析蓝点马鲛(Scomberomorus niphonius)摄食习性及其与饵料生物的相关性。期间共进行10个航次的调查,采集蓝点马鲛仔稚鱼1108尾,体长范围4.0~41.1 mm,其中587尾个体用于摄食分析。结果表明:象山港蓝点马鲛仔稚鱼的饵料生物有11种,其中鱼类仔鱼个体占98.6%,以斑鰶(Konosirus punctatu)、鰕虎鱼(Gobiidae)、鮻(Chelon haematocheilus)等为主要种类;摄食率随生长发育逐渐升高,卵黄囊仔鱼摄食率最低(为20.4%),弯曲期及之后的个体摄食率均在60%以上;蓝点马鲛仔稚鱼口裂较大,占体长的16.4%~25.1%,且与体长呈极显著正相关(P0.01);随个体生长发育,饵料体长逐渐增大且范围变广,与蓝点马鲛仔稚鱼的体长和口裂长均呈极显著正相关(P0.01);调查期间饵料生物丰度出现3个波峰,蓝点马鲛仔稚鱼主要出现在饵料生物丰度的第二波峰期间,经Pearson相关分析表明蓝点马鲛仔稚鱼与饵料生物丰度呈显著相关(P0.05)。  相似文献   

庄平  罗刚  张涛  章龙珍  刘健  冯广朋  侯俊利 《生态学报》2010,30(20):5544-5554
根据2004年6月至8月和2005年6月至8月在长江口崇明岛东滩水域插网所获取的鱼类样本,对东滩水域中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)幼鱼和其它6种主要经济鱼类的食性、食物竞争状况进行了研究。结果表明:中华鲟、窄体舌鳎(Cynoglissus gracilis)为底栖生物食性;中国花鲈(Lateolabrax maculatus)为游泳生物食性;刀鲚(Coilia ectenes)和凤鲚(Coilia mystus)为浮游动物食性;鲻(Mygil cephalus)和鮻(Liza haematochiela)为腐屑(有机碎屑)食性。中华鲟幼鱼及6种主要经济鱼类食性按照相对重要性指标(IRI)大小排列:中华鲟(IRI):鱼类端足类多毛类蟹类;窄体舌鳎(IRI):虾类瓣鳃类鱼类;中国花鲈(IRI):鱼类虾类等足类蟹类;刀鲚(IRI):糠虾类虾类桡足类鱼类;凤鲚(IRI):糠虾类桡足类虾类鱼类;鲻(IRI):有机碎屑底栖藻类瓣鳃类桡足类;鮻(IRI):有机碎屑底栖藻类瓣鳃类桡足类。长江口崇明东滩中华鲟与6种经济鱼类饵料重叠系数显示,中华鲟与窄体舌鳎的饵料重叠系数达到了0.4,而与其余5种鱼类的饵料重叠系数均小于0.12。这表明窄体舌鳎对中华鲟幼鱼的食物有一定的竞争力,其余5种鱼类对中华鲟幼鱼的食物竞争强度较低。  相似文献   

黄海中部高眼鲽的摄食及随体长的变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张波 《应用生态学报》2007,18(8):1849-1854
对2004年1月-2005年10月在黄海中部采集的622尾高眼鲽样品的胃含物进行分析.结果表明:高眼鲽摄食的食物种类包括11类38种,其中甲壳类和瓣鳃类为优势饵料类群,共占食物相对重要性指数百分比的99%;食物中的优势饵料种类为太平洋磷虾、脊腹褐虾和樱蛤.与20世纪80年代相比,黄海高眼鲽的摄食强度下降,食物组成发生了较大的变化;鱼类不再是优势饵料类群,鳀鱼在食物中所占的比例明显下降.通过聚类分析和列联表检验等方法对高眼鲽摄食随体长的变化进行研究,结果表明:体长在51~370 mm范围内的高眼鲽的摄食强度没有显著的体长变化,但不同体长组摄食的食物种类有一定差异.<119 mm的主要以磷虾类和底层虾类为食;体长在120~199 mm的除以磷虾类和底层虾类为主要食物外,还摄食相当比例的瓣鳃类和鱼类;>200 mm的则主要摄食底层虾类和鱼类,磷虾类所占比例减小.  相似文献   

Rough scad Trachurus lathami is a key pelagic fish in the Argentinean continental shelf (ACS, south-west Atlantic Ocean), with recent increases in abundance. It is a main prey of fishes and marine mammals, and shares the environment with commercially relevant pelagic species (Engraulis anchoita and Scomber colias), playing an important role linking lower and upper trophic levels in the ecosystem. This study aims to determine the ontogenetic changes in the diet composition, feeding strategy, trophic niche breadth and trophic level of T. lathami in the North Patagonian Shelf (43°–45°30′S). The stomach contents of adult fish (n = 238) were analysed. The results suggest a clear ontogenetic shift in the diet at a size of ~190 mm. Smaller individuals (160–190 mm) were specialized on misidaceans, and showed the highest trophic level, while larger T. lathami (221–230 mm) consumed decapods (Peisos petrunkevitchi) and teleosts (eggs and larvae). Trophic niche breadth was higher at the medium-sized class (191–220 mm), which mainly preyed on copepods (Calanoides carinatus) and chaetognaths (Sagitta spp.), evidencing a more diverse diet and a rather generalist strategy. Updated information on the trophic ecology of T. lathami evidences its extremely plastic feeding behaviour, being able to adapt its trophic niche to the most readily available food items from the mesopelagic community.  相似文献   

Natural diet and feeding habits of blackspot snapper, Lutjanus fulviflamma (Forsskål 1775) were investigated in Mafia Island Marine Park (MIMP) and intensively fished areas (IFA) between May 1999 and April 2001. An index of relative importance (IRI) was used to assess the food preference for L. fulviflamma. Feeding habits were studied with respect to sex and size of the predator, seasons and feeding periodicity. Of 4642 L. fulviflamma specimens sampled, 46% had empty stomachs. Brachyurans were the main prey of L. fulviflamma accounting for 48% IRI. Benthic invertebrates dominated by other crustaceans, gastropods, bivalves, cephalopods and polychaetes and demersal teleosts made up the remainder of the diet. Female and male L. fulviflamma were not effectively segregated by trophic dimension in the study areas. Specimens in the 90–120 mm total length (TL) fed exclusively on crustaceans, with shrimps accounting for 40% IRI. Lutjanus fulviflamma in the 270–300 mm TL preferred fish prey accounting for 50% IRI. The diet of fish species showed clear spatial differences, which were dependent on size distributions. Lutjanus fulviflamma fed mostly but not exclusively at night peaking at dusk and dawn. The results clearly demonstrate that L. fulviflamma is an opportunistic forager, which exhibits both diel and ontogenetic feeding habits.  相似文献   

Stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) and gut content analyses were used to investigate size‐related feeding habits of four reef fishes (the beaugregory Stegastes leucostictus, the french grunt Haemulon flavolineatum, the schoolmaster snapper Lutjanus apodus and the yellowtail snapper Ocyurus chrysurus) inhabiting an offshore (non‐estuarine) mangrove islet off Belize, Central America. Comparisons of isotopic niche space and Schoener diet similarity index suggested a low to moderate degree of niche overlap between fish size groups. The δ13C gradient between mangrove and seagrass prey as well as results of Bayesian mixing models revealed that sampled fishes relied mostly on seagrass prey items. Only small and large juveniles of the carnivorous species L. apodus derived a part of their diet from mangroves by targeting mangrove‐associated Grapsidae crabs and fish prey, respectively. Isotopic niche shifts were particularly obvious for carnivorous fishes that ingested larger prey items (Xanthidae crabs and fishes) during their ontogeny. The utilization of mangrove food resources is less than expected and depends on the ecology and life history of the fish species considered. This research highlights that mangrove‐derived carbon contributed relatively little to the diets of four fish taxa from an offshore mangrove islet.  相似文献   

Feeding studies can provide researchers with important insights towards understanding potential fishery impacts on marine systems. Raja rhina is one of the most common elasmobranch species landed in central and northern California demersal fisheries, yet life history information is extremely limited for this species and aspects of its diet are unknown. Specimens of R. rhina were collected between September, 2002 and August, 2003 from fisheries-independent trawl surveys. Percent Index of Relative Importance values indicated that the five most important prey items in 618 stomachs of R. rhina were unidentified teleosts (31.6% IRI), unidentified shrimps (19.6% IRI), unidentified euphausiids (10.9% IRI), Crangonidae (7.4% IRI), and Neocrangon resima (6.0% IRI). There were significant dietary shifts with increasing skate total length and with increasing depths. Smaller skates ate small crustaceans and larger skates ate larger fishes and cephalopods. With increasing depths, diet included bentho-pelagic teleosts and more cephalopods and euphausiids. The findings of this study are consistent with previous researchers that report similar diet shifts in skate species with size and depth.  相似文献   

鳀是重要的渔业资源捕捞对象,同时也是生态系统营养动力学研究的关键种。基于2020年和2008—2009年东海区采集的鳀样品,结合胃含物分析和肌肉碳、氮稳定同位素技术,分析了鳀的食物组成、食性昼夜差异、不同发育阶段的食性转变及其营养级,研究鳀的摄食生态。胃含物分析显示,鳀主要摄食浮游甲壳类和小型鱼类,优势饵料依次为太平洋磷虾[相对重要指数百分比(IRI)=87.6%,出现频率(F)=57.6%]、小拟哲水蚤(IRI=3.2%,F=15.3%)和细足法虫戎(IRI=2.1%,F=13.1%);同位素分析显示,桡足类是鳀的主要食物来源,其次是磷虾类,端足类的食源贡献率最小,不足1%。鳀食物组成昼夜差异明显,摄食强度白天比晚上高,下午最高,午夜最低;叉长90 mm是鳀食性转变的拐点,小于90 mm的鳀主要摄食浮游动物,大于90 mm的鳀主要摄食浮游动物,兼食小型鱼类。鳀的δ13C值范围为-21.66‰~-18.14‰,平均值为(-19.92±0.86)‰;δ15N值范围为4.07‰~10.78‰,平均值为(8.14±2.48)‰;鳀的δ13C和δ15N比值与叉长呈极显著正相关。基于胃含物分析的鳀营养级为3.4,基于δ15N稳定同位素的鳀营养级为2.7。本研究可为中上层小型鱼类在生态系统中的营养地位提供参考依据,为构建食物网营养通道提供基础资料。  相似文献   

1. Stream salamanders and fish often co‐occur even though fish prey on and outcompete salamanders. However, the mechanisms that allow palatable salamanders to coexist with fish are unknown. 2. We tested mechanisms in the field that promote coexistence between Idaho giant salamanders (Dicamptodon aterrimus) and stream salmonid fishes in headwater streams. Previous research in this system indicated that salamander dispersal did not promote coexistence with fish. We tested the hypothesis that D. aterrimus shift their diet when they occur with fish, facilitating coexistence through local niche partitioning. 3. We used nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes to describe the trophic niche of D. aterrimus and fish in three co‐occurring populations of salamanders and fish and three populations of salamanders without fish. We used two approaches to quantify trophic niche partitioning with stable isotopes: 95% kernel density estimators and isotopic mixing models. 4. We found that salamanders and fish were generalists that consumed aquatic invertebrates primarily, but both species were also cannibalistic and predatory on one another. We also found no support for trophic niche partitioning as a coexistence mechanism because there were no differences in the trophic niche metrics among salamander populations with and without fish. 5. Although we did not identify mechanisms that facilitate salamander and fish coexistence, our empirical data and use of novel approaches to describe the trophic niche did yield important insights on the role of predator–prey interactions and cannibalism as alternative coexistence mechanisms. In addition, we found that 95% kernel estimators are a simple and robust method to describe population‐level measure of trophic structure.  相似文献   

Day–night shifts in the nearshore fish fauna of a temperate microtidal estuary were assessed using a holistic suite of structural and functional community attributes. Mean fish species richness and diversity (taxonomic distinctness) were higher at night across all regions of the estuary and seasons, concurring with the findings of numerous comparable studies reviewed worldwide, while the diel period in which mean abundance was higher varied among seasons. Likewise, species and functional guild compositions (the latter based on feeding modes and habitat use) both differed significantly between day and night, with the extent of the diel shift again varying seasonally. Daytime fish communities were characterized by higher abundances of Atherinidae, Sillaginidae and Mugilidae, while Gobiidae were far more abundant at night. Marked shifts in size composition were also evident, with smaller fishes (<100 mm total length, LT) being more prevalent during the day and larger fishes (≥200 mm LT) proportionally more abundant at night. The above diel shifts were feasibly related to a range of predator–prey interactions and feeding‐related movements, namely a nocturnal decrease in top‐order avian piscivory coupled with an increase in invertebrate prey availability, resulting in changes in the presence and catchability of certain fish species in shallow estuarine waters.  相似文献   

While most studies have focused on the timing and nature of ontogenetic niche shifts, information is scarce about the effects of community structure on trophic ontogeny of top predators. We investigated how community structure affects ontogenetic niche shifts (i.e., relationships between body length, trophic position, and individual dietary specialization) of a predatory fish, brown trout (Salmo trutta). We used stable isotope and stomach content analyses to test how functional characteristics of lake fish community compositions (competition and prey availability) modulate niche shifts in terms of (i) piscivorous behavior, (ii) trophic position, and (iii) individual dietary specialization. Northern Scandinavian freshwater fish communities were used as a study system, including nine subarctic lakes with contrasting fish community configurations: (i) trout‐only systems, (ii) two‐species systems (brown trout and Arctic charr [Salvelinus alpinus] coexisting), and (iii) three‐species systems (brown trout, Arctic charr, and three‐spined sticklebacks [Gasterosteus aculeatus] coexisting). We expected that the presence of profitable small prey (stickleback) and mixed competitor–prey fish species (charr) supports early piscivory and high individual dietary specialization among trout in multispecies communities, whereas minor ontogenetic shifts were expected in trout‐only systems. From logistic regression models, the presence of a suitable prey fish species (stickleback) emerged as the principal variable determining the size at ontogenetic niche shifts. Generalized additive mixed models indicated that fish community structure shaped ontogenetic niche shifts in trout, with the strongest positive relationships between body length, trophic position, and individual dietary specialization being observed in three‐species communities. Our findings revealed that the presence of a small‐sized prey fish species (stickleback) rather than a mixed competitor–prey fish species (charr) was an important factor affecting the ontogenetic niche‐shift processes of trout. The study demonstrates that community structure may modulate the ontogenetic diet trajectories of and individual niche specialization within a top predator.  相似文献   


Small nearshore fishes are an important part of lacustrine and functional diversity and link pelagic and benthic habitats by serving as prey for larger nearshore and offshore fishes. However, the trophic complexity of these small nearshore fishes is often unrecognized and detailed studies of their role in food webs are lacking. Here, we examined niche space patterns of small nearshore fish species using Bayesian analyses of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope data in nine freshwater lakes that are among the largest lakes in Minnesota. We found considerable variability in niche areas within species and high variability in niche overlap across species. At the assemblage level, niche overlap (average diet overlap of all species pairs at a lake) decreased as whole-lake species richness increased, possibly indicating a greater degree of resource specialization in more speciose lakes. Overall fish niche space was weakly but significantly related to niche space of their invertebrate prey. Although nearshore benthic resources contributed to fish diets in all lakes, all fish species also had non-negligible and variable contributions from pelagic zooplankton. This inter- and intraspecific variability in trophic niche space likely contributes to the multi-level trophic complexity, functional diversity, and potentially food web resilience to ecosystem changes.


This study evaluated the trophic ecology (diet composition, trophic strategy, similarities and overlap between species, feeding period and food consumption) of six benthivorous fish species in Araruama Lagoon, the largest hypersaline tropical lagoon on the east coast of South America, with an area of 210 km2 and an average salinity of 52. The burrfish Chilomycterus spinosus fed on Anomalocardia flexuosa shell deposits, ingesting associated fauna. The caitipa mojarra Diapterus rhombeus differed from all other species, having not only the highest proportions of algae and Nematoda, but also feeding on polychaete tentacles. The two mojarras Eucinostomus spp. showed similar trophic strategies, feeding mostly on Polychaeta. The corocoro grunt Orthopristis ruber also fed mainly on Polychaeta, but differed from Eucinostomus spp. in secondary items. The whitemouth croacker Micropogonias furnieri fed mainly on small Crustacea at night, showing a high number of secondary prey items with low frequencies and high prey‐specific abundance. The daily food consumption (g food g?1 fish mass) for Eucinostomus argenteus was 0·012 and was 0·031 and 0·027 for M. furnieri in two different sampling events. The diet similarities between Araruama Lagoon and other brackish and marine environments indicate that hypersalinity is not a predominant factor shaping the trophic ecology of fishes in this lagoon. The stability of hypersaline conditions, without a pronounced gradient, may explain the presence of several euryhaline fishes and invertebrates well adapted to this condition, resulting in a complex food web.  相似文献   

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