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曹宁  薛达元 《生物多样性》2019,27(7):728-16
本文在文献研究和实地调查的基础之上, 结合目前开展的关于壮族生物多样性相关传统知识的调查、整理与编目工作, 分别从酸食文化、织染文化、地名文化和文学艺术的角度对壮族文化多样性和生物多样性之间的关系进行了初步探究, 并从自然崇拜、乡规民约和习惯法、传统生态观念以及传统医药文化等几个方面探讨了传统文化对当地生物多样性的保护作用。结果表明: (1)壮族文化多样性与生物多样性密切相关。丰富的生物多样性孕育了传统文化, 而传统文化的形成和发展又直接或间接地丰富了当地的生物多样性; (2)壮族人民在长期生产生活中创造的传统文化和传统知识促进了当地生物多样性的保护与可持续利用; 而对生物多样性的保护又进一步保障了当地传统文化的传承。本文还对传统知识和传统文化的发展现状及受威胁因素进行了讨论, 并以此为基础, 提出传承壮族传统文化、保护和可持续利用传统知识的相关建议, 即应通过加强宣传和立法, 建立传统知识数据库和发展乡村旅游等形式, 加强对传统知识与传统文化的保护。  相似文献   

本研究依据《县域生物多样性相关传统知识调查与评估技术规定》, 调查评估了云南省澜沧县和四川省康定市两县域生物多样性相关传统知识的分布数量与特征, 分析了传统知识保护与传承状况, 识别了主要受威胁因素和保护空缺, 旨在为我国传统知识保护和民族地区实施传统知识获取与惠益分享制度提供科学依据, 推动《生物多样性公约》与《名古屋议定书》等国际公约的履行。研究结果如下: 分别调查编目澜沧县、康定市的生物多样性相关传统知识145项、98项; 这些传统知识具有明显的地区气候与自然环境特征、生产生活实践特征、传统文化特征和地区社会经济特征; 相关部门在传统知识保护管理方面做出了积极努力, 同时包括习惯法、传统节庆等传统文化和包括祭祀、神山、神林等宗教方式在内的地方社区行动在传统知识保护与传承方面也发挥了重要作用; 生物多样性相关传统知识、创新和做法已被广泛应用于地方社区脱贫攻坚和产业发展; 传统知识保护立法仍不健全、受到威胁、保护意识薄弱及承载传统知识的生物资源减少是制约传统知识保护传承的主要因素。两县域生物多样性相关传统知识丰富, 并且地方社区有效参与了生物多样性相关传统知识的保护与可持续利用。今后应建立传统知识获取与惠益分享国家制度; 加强宣传教育, 提升保护传承意识; 因地制宜开展传统知识保护; 推动传统知识相关生物资源的保护与可持续利用。  相似文献   

论传统知识的概念与保护   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
近年来, 传统知识受到国际国内的广泛关注, 特别是与生物资源相关的传统知识保护问题在《生物多样性公约》等国际论坛已成为焦点议题。然而, 传统知识尚没有统一的定义。本文在分析相关国际公约有关传统知识的概念的基础上, 结合作者过去几年在中国民族地区的相关研究工作, 提出与生物资源保护与持续利用相关的传统知识可分为以下5类: (1)传统利用农业生物及遗传资源的知识; (2)传统利用药用生物资源的知识; (3)生物资源利用的传统技术创新与传统生产生活方式; (4)与生物资源保护与利用相关的传统文化与习惯法; (5)传统地理标志产品。本文还针对目前传统知识保护中存在的问题, 探讨了开展传统知识调查、整理、编目、继承、发展、保护和推广应用的各项措施, 并提出建立国家法规制度, 以确保公平公正地与地方社区和土著居民分享因利用传统知识而产生的惠益。  相似文献   

西双版纳勐宋哈尼族的传统文化与生态系统多样性管理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
世界各地的原住民族 (indigenouspeople) ,在悠久的历史发展过程中 ,与当地的动植物和森林结成了极其密切的关系 ,他们之间互相作用、互相影响 ,形成了多样化的原住民知识体系 (indige nousknowledgesystem)和传统文化信仰 (culturalbeliefs)。这些知识体系和传统文化包含着丰富的认识、利用与保护动植物以及生态系统的知识与实践 ,因而也就成为这些原住民族与当地生态环境、生物多样性相互协调和持续发展的社会基础和技术保障[3 ,8,1 0 ,1 1 ] 。在全球性环境变化和生物多样性迅…  相似文献   

李飞飞  罗斌圣  崔夏  龙春林 《广西植物》2023,43(8):1383-1391
生物文化对生物多样性保护具有重要意义,植物园的形成和发展在历史长河中处处体现着人类因物质和精神需求而形成的植物文化。现代植物园在植物迁地保护上虽然做出了卓越贡献,但其植物文化的建设稍显滞后。在全球生物多样性保护工作的开展过程中,传统文化对生物多样性保护和生物资源可持续利用的重要作用越来越被重视。在此背景下,该文探讨了生物文化多样性和生物多样性之间紧密联系、共同演化的关系,回顾了早期植物园和我国古典园林中植物文化的体现; 通过对全球3 085个现代植物园主要功能的分析,发现开展了民族植物学研究的植物园占比7.36%,开展了保护生物学研究的植物园占比11.18%,制定了植物保护计划的占比17.18%,从而揭示了现代植物园保护功能的提升和文化功能的弱化。基于当前植物园植物多样性有效保护中对植物文化建设的需求,该文进一步分析了我国植物园植物文化建设的不足,主要包括:(1)植物物种多样性信息中植物文化信息数据不足;(2)对生物多样性保护中传统知识惠益分享的考虑欠缺;(3)缺少以文化展现植物多样性的主题园。在此基础上,该文聚焦国家植物园植物多样性保护和管理的目标,从植物多样性保护和利用、惠益共享、公众参与3个层面对国家植物园体系中的植物文化建设提出了建议,以期为我国建设具有中国生态文明特色的国家植物园体系提供参考。  相似文献   

至今,包括我国在内的国际社会在生物多样性保护上采取了多种行动计划,但世界各国领导人在2002年于南非召开的联合国"世界可持续发展"峰会上所作的在2010年"国际生物多样性年"前扭转生物多样性快速丧失趋势的承诺至今都无法实现。究其主要原因,除了没有解决好生物多样性的可持续利用外,还在于所采取的多种保护行动中忽视了文化层面,尤其是土著民族生态文化多样性的保护与应用。本文以地处滇南的西双版纳傣族热带雨林生态文化为例,讨论了民族生态文化在生物多样性保护与持续利用上的重要作用,即生物多样性保护与文化多样性保护是一枚硬币的两面,相辅相成,缺一不可。  相似文献   

云南紫溪山彝族传统文化对生物多样性的影响   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
采用民族生物学和文化人类学的方法,对云南高原中部紫溪山地区的彝族传统文化和生物多样性进行了调查和研究。结果表明:紫溪山丰富的生物多样性受惠于彝族传统文化,当地彝族图腾文化对紫溪山的森林生态系统、生物物种、遗传资源的保护都起着十分重要的作用。面对优良传统文化和传统知识正在逐渐消失的现实,作者建议加以拯救和广泛的研究。  相似文献   

本文以具有典型喀斯特环境特点的贵州兴义坡岗自然保护区为例开展实地调查和文献研究。通过层次分析法和人与自然耦合系统模型构建, 从文化景观视角探讨了喀斯特地区自然与文化系统的历史演化过程中, 国家生态政策制度与乡规民约等乡土保护体系对生物文化多样性的驱动作用。研究结果表明: 坡岗保护区经历了管护主体和保护利用态度的转变, 保存了典型的喀斯特自然生态系统, 当地世居的少数民族群体在长期生存与适应过程中创造了极具特色的传统民族文化。坡岗自然保护区丰富的生物多样性与文化多样性形成一个地理重合、协同进化且相互作用的维持系统。生物文化多样性耦合体系主要存在国家政策制度类与乡规民约等乡土文化类两种驱动因素。应加强西南喀斯特地区的生物文化多样性的保护, 推动该地区生物多样性与文化多样性的协同发展; 除了政策与制度类驱动因子的直接作用, 还需要注重村规民约以及生态传统知识等乡土文化的驱动作用, 以避免保护区自然与文化保护体系的割离。  相似文献   

程卓  张晴  龙春林 《生物多样性》2022,30(7):22372-9918
《生物多样性公约》《名古屋议定书》《植物科学深圳宣言》等指导性文件都强调要认识到生物多样性相关传统知识的重要作用。生物多样性相关传统知识在生物文化多样性保护和可持续发展方面的作用也越来越受到人们的关注。民族植物学研究人与植物的相互作用关系, 是研究生物多样性相关传统知识的最主要学科领域, 近些年来取得了一系列的研究进展, 研究成果对于《植物科学深圳宣言》第六个优先领域目标的完成具有重要的推动作用。本文回顾了近年来特别是《植物科学深圳宣言》发布后的民族植物学研究状况, 主要从认知、利用、保护、管理植物等方面进行概述, 以便全面了解近期民族植物学研究的发展状况, 保护传统知识和植物文化, 为生物文化多样性的保护与发展做出重要贡献。近期获得的民族植物学成果, 说明民族植物学研究可以解决当下的一些热点问题。民族植物学的研究发现, 该学科能极大地促进传统知识、植物文化、生物文化多样性的保护, 尤其在农家品种以及濒危语言的保护方面有着巨大优势。  相似文献   

生物资源利用相关的传统知识是对生物资源进行识别和利用的传统知识系统。随着现代生物技术的发展, 这类传统知识显示出其在科学、经济、文化乃至粮食安全战略方面的价值。本研究根据《生物多样性相关传统知识分类、调查与编目技术规定(试行)》, 对我国青海省土族聚集区的土族生物资源利用相关的传统知识进行了系统调查与编目, 并借鉴生物多样性测度方法, 创建了传统知识多样性指数计算方法, 对土族生物资源利用相关传统知识多样性进行分析。结果如下: (1)编目现存的土族生物资源利用相关的传统知识词条共424条; (2)土族传统知识的α多样性指数DTK = 0.67, 表明其传统知识多样性较高; 土族传统知识的βwtk多样性指数在不同的县域差异较大, 表明其在县域之间存在差异, 在空间上分布不连续、不均匀。本研究利用生物多样性指数验证了传统知识的定量研究方法, 说明传统知识多样性指数不仅可用于定量研究表征区域传统知识的多样性, 揭示不同空间区域内的分布特征, 还可为未来构建传统知识的定量研究体系提供重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

Magnus Fiskesjö 《Ethnos》2015,80(4):497-523

The Wa people have long occupied a special place in the state-directed political spectacle of minority nationalities, in both China and Burma. This fascination builds on older views of the Wa as dangerous barbarians, and closely evokes other primitivisms from around the world. In China and in neighbouring countries, state policy has recently combined with commercial entrepreneurism to cultivate a new, selective nostalgia for ‘primitive-exotic’ peoples like the Wa. In this paper, I discuss mainly China, and how the ‘wild’ Wa headhunting paraphernalia prohibited by the Chinese in the 1950s now reappear as kitsch. Some Wa of older generations see such revivals as dangerous, but younger people may embrace the revival. I discuss the new Chinese repackaging of primitive violence and the different Wa understandings of these staged exoticizations of their culture, including ways the staged representations are taken up in Wa attempts to revive aspects of their cultural past.  相似文献   

云南楚雄彝族植物崇拜的调查研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
本文对云南楚雄彝族传统的植物崇拜进行了广泛的调查,对被崇拜植物及其文化内涵进行了编目,着重植物崇拜文化对当地生物多样性保护的影响,讨论了楚雄彝族的植物文化在当地生物多样性保护和管理中的作用和意义,进一步探讨了在我国利用传统文化进行现代自然保护的必要性、可能性和可行性。  相似文献   

运用傣族的传统信仰保护西双版纳植物多样性的探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
探讨不同的途径来保护日益减少的生物多样性已成为国际社会关注的一个热点。研究证明依靠西双版纳傣族传统信仰文化而建立的龙山林与寺庙庭园 ,就象一些小保护区和小植物园一样在植物多样性的保护中发挥了重要作用。在此基础上 ,探讨了在人口增加、森林减少和生活方式发生一定改变的今天通过成立宗教植物保护协会来运用信仰的力量参与生物多样性的管理、通过多层次培训教育提高公众的保护意识与技能 ,通过示范来鼓励土著民族参与等多种方法来保护该地区生物多样性的途径 ,受到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Fire has been a critical component of Aboriginal culture and natural resource management in Australia for millennia. Aboriginal fire management in Northern Australia is widespread and, in some more remote areas, has continued relatively undisrupted despite widespread changes in tenure and land use. For the Wik people of Western Cape York, there has been a continued connection to their culture and traditional lands. Recently, Wik traditional owners have formed a ranger program which has secured funding to manage contemporary land management issues. This includes the landscape‐scale management of fire for biodiversity conservation and greenhouse gas abatement. Because the work is being conducted by Aboriginal people, with consent from traditional owners and on their traditional lands, there is an assumption that the activities are compatible with historical traditional land management and cultural practices. In this study, we use participatory action research to compare contemporary fire management with the current understanding of traditional Aboriginal fire management to assess objectively the compatibility of these two paradigms. We do this by combining the experience and understanding of traditional owners with anthropological and ecological perspectives. We find that contemporary fire management is applied across traditional cultural boundaries using methods such as aerial incendiaries. Financial incentives and contractual obligations associated with fire management are externally driven or include modern considerations such as the protection of infrastructure. In contrast, traditional fire management was the prerogative of traditional owners and was applied at fine scales for specific outcomes. Fire management was governed by rules that determined how people moved across the landscape and how resources were partitioned and shared. Supporting the implementation of Aboriginal burning alongside current fire management practices could lead to significant community engagement in such activities and is likely to have much better biodiversity and social outcomes.  相似文献   

In the midst of global species loss, Indigenous languages and culture are experiencing similar declines. Current international policies and programs advocate the involvement of local and Indigenous people in sustaining biodiversity and culture, but the anticipated benefits are not always realized or assessed. This paper draws on three objectives of current international and Australian policy to explore the biological and cultural benefits of a collaborative cross-cultural biodiversity project of Indigenous rangers and university ecologists in remote northern Australia. Policies promoting blends of biological and cultural conservation from International to national scale share the following objectives: (1) involve Indigenous Peoples in biodiversity conservation; (2) maintain and develop Indigenous knowledge and culture; and (3) recognize and promote Indigenous natural and cultural resource management and traditional knowledge. This paper reflects on the project benefits in the context of these objectives, with the aim of informing future policy and program development. Biodiversity benefits of the cross-cultural project included new public records for a relatively poorly known but species rich area that are being used to inform local Indigenous land management, as well as specimens and tissue samples with which to explore the genetic diversity and evolutionary history of the region. Cultural benefits included compiling a local field guide that contains ten different languages and engaging young people to facilitate intergenerational transfer of threatened traditional knowledge. Promotion of the work at local to national fora addressed the third objective and enhanced Indigenous involvement. We demonstrate that top-down policy directives can be implemented to deliver on-ground mutual benefits for science and Indigenous communities.  相似文献   

Tarag is a characteristic fermented dairy product with rich microflora (especially lactic acid bacteria), developed by the people of Mongolian nationality in Inner Mongolia of China and Mongolia throughout history. One hundred and ninety-eight samples of Tarag were collected from scattered households in Eastern Inner Mongolia, and total of 790 isolates of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated by traditional pure culture method. To identify these isolates and analyze their biodiversity, 16S rRNA gene sequences analysis and PCR-DGGE were performed respectively. The results showed that 790 isolates could be classified as 31 species and subspecies. Among these isolates, Lactobacillus helveticus (153 strains, about 19.4%), Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (132 strains, about 16.7%) and Lactobacillus casei (106 strains, about 11.0%) were considered as the predominated species in the traditional fermented dairy products (Tarag) in Eastern Inner Mongolia. It was shown that the biodiversity of LAB in Tarag in Inner Mongolia was very abundant, and this traditional fermented dairy product could be considered as valuable resources for LAB isolation and probiotic selection.  相似文献   


The Wa spirit world implies a certain rootedness. Knowledge of the location and propensities of spirits is necessary to engage their capricious menace through divination diagnostics and sacrificial remedies. Even as outsiders have attempted to introduce modern medicine, spirit neighbours and enemies continue to figure prominently in Wa health, disease and death. I outline how these practices for managing the menaces of the spirit world survived the demise of the political autonomy of the Wa in the 1950s and 1960s, when the ancient Wa lands were divided and annexed by the nation-states of China and Burma. Finally, I discuss the disastrous consequences of recent forced displacements of large numbers of people, which caused many unnecessary deaths by disrupted the victim’s established ways of dealing with disease as anchored in the local landscape.  相似文献   

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