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本文在简要介绍原位杂交技术的基础之上,重点介绍了该技术在植物遗传育种领域,即在(1)异源染色质及染色体畸变检测;(2)植物基因工程及基因表达研究;(3)构建植物基因物理图谱;(4)染色体RNA研究等方面的应用现状,并对原位杂交技术在提高检出率,与染色体显带技术结合,PCR-原位杂交等方面提了一些见解。  相似文献   

原位杂交技术在植物遗传育种上的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在简要介绍原位杂交技术的基础之上 ,重点介绍了该技术在植物遗传育种领域 ,即在 (1 )异源染色质及染色体畸变检测 ;(2 )植物基因工程及基因表达研究 ;(3)构建植物基因物理图谱 ;(4)染色体RNA研究等方面的应用现状 ,并对原位杂交技术在提高检出率 ,与染色体显带技术结合 ,PCR 原位杂交等方面提了一些见解。  相似文献   

土壤硒及其与植物硒营养的关系   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
综述了土壤中Se的形态分布、有效性及其与植物关系研究方面的进展。论述了不同形态的Se在土壤中分布情况、对植物的有效性与土壤pH值、化学及矿物学组成、吸附表面、氧化还原状态等物理化学性质的关系;Se在植物中的富集、转化及其对植物的抗氧化、促进生长、提高产量和质量等各种生物学效应;并在此基础上对Se的应用前景做了展望。  相似文献   

近年来重金属污染等生态环境问题日益受到重视,而物理、化学修复方法存在的诸如成本高、二次污染等问题,使得利用植物、微生物等进行联合治理成为环境修复的重要手段。植物根系分泌物作为植物与土壤进行营养和信息交流的重要媒介,不但对植物的生长具有重要作用,其在污染及沙化土壤修复中作用的研究也得以广泛开展。本文对根系分泌物的组成、分泌机制进行了阐述,并对其在植物吸收重金属、化感作用、植物根系与根际微生物互作、改变土壤理化性质等过程中的作用及机理进行了总结。此外,本文还对利用根系分泌物和根际微生物在生态环境治理中的应用现状、面临的难题及未来的发展等进行了讨论。希望本文可为基于植物与微生物进行的环境修复技术的实际应用提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

植物根际微生物群落构建的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植物根际是指植物根系与土壤的交界面,是根系自身生命活动和代谢对土壤影响最直接、最强烈的区域,其物理、化学和生物性质不同于土体土壤。在这个区域里,与植物发生相互作用的大量微生物,被称为根际微生物。根际微生物在植物的生长发育和植物病虫害的生物防治等方面都具有十分重要的意义。本文总结了根际微生物群落构建的研究现状,介绍了根际微生物的经典和最新的研究方法,包括根箱法、同位素技术以及高通量测序、菌群定量分析、高通量分离培养等方法在根际微生物研究中的应用,讨论了植物根系分泌物(碳水化物、氨基酸、黄酮类、酚类、激素及其信号物质)和土壤物理化学性质对根际微生物群落的影响,概述了根际微生物-植物的互作机制,以及根际微生物群落对植物的促生作用、提高植物抗逆性和抑制作用,并对根际微生物群落研究中存在的问题和未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

植物基因工程的应用与研究进展及潜在风险性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要综述近年来植物基因工程在改善植物性状,提高植物抗性等遗传育种方面的应用与研究进展。重点介绍了植物基因工程的应用,如改良农产品品质,提高农作物抗病虫毒、抗除草剂、抗自然灾害的能力,开发疫苗等。分析了植物基因工程在农作物育种方面的应用前景及其潜在的风险性。  相似文献   

同步辐射是一种新型的光源,逐步被广泛应用于物理、化学、材料以及生命科学等研究领域。本文简单介绍了同步辐射在植物科学领域的应用成果。  相似文献   

AM真菌在有机农业发展中的机遇   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在农田生态系统中,许多农作物均为丛枝菌根(AM)真菌的优良宿主植物,当AM真菌与这些宿主植物建立共生关系之后,AM真菌的存在有益于宿主植物的生长。然而,传统农业耕作模式中化学肥料和农药的施用、耕作制度的不断调整和非宿主植物的种植等都不利于AM真菌的建植。有机农业生态系统排除了化学肥料和农药的施用,减少了对AM真菌生长不利的因素,促进了土壤中AM真菌数量的增加和群落多样性的提高。同时,AM真菌可以通过多种方式改善土壤物理结构、提高农作物对干旱胁迫的耐受能力以及宿主植物对病虫害的抗性/耐性、抑制杂草生长、促进营养物质的吸收,进而提高植物的生长和改善产品的品质。基于此,围绕AM真菌在有机农业发展中的生态学功能展开论述,分析当前有机农业生态系统存在的问题,探讨利用AM真菌发展有机农业的可行性及其发展的机遇,以期促进AM真菌在有机农业发展中的应用。  相似文献   

植物内生细菌在植物修复重金属污染土壤中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤重金属污染是威胁人群健康和经济可持续发展的重要环境问题。植物修复具有经济、环保等特点,已成为治理重金属污染土壤的重要技术。如何提高植物对重金属的抗性、促进植物生长是影响植物修复效率的关键之一。内生菌群-植物共生关系在此方面具有独特优势。其中,植物内生细菌可改善植物营养、降低植物病菌感染、影响酶活性,以及分泌激素、含铁载体和有机配位体等,进而提高超积累植物对重金属的吸收作用。本文综述了近年来国内外关于抗重金属植物内生细菌筛选与应用的研究进展,分析了内生细菌促进植物生长、增强植物对重金属抗性、促进重金属向茎叶转移的机理,阐述了植物内生细菌在重金属污染土壤修复中的应用前景与研究重点。  相似文献   

重要花卉植物高密度遗传连锁图谱构建研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遗传连锁图谱是以遗传标记间重组频率为基础的染色体或基因组内位点相对位置的线性排列图,高密度遗传图谱构建可实现物理图谱和遗传图谱的整合,对促进基因图位克隆具有重要作用。利用遗传图谱可有效地提高育种效率和改良品种。重要花卉植物高遗传图谱精密度尚无法满足精细定位研究的要求,百合、紫薇、郁金香、向日葵等重要花卉高密度遗传图谱构建研究较少,制约了花卉植物分子育种研究进程。概述了高密度遗传图谱构建流程及作图方法,综述了牡丹、梅花、月季、菊花、兰花、荷花、桂花等重要花卉植物遗传图谱构建研究进展,讨论了重要花卉植物高密度遗传图谱构建存在的主要问题,对今后重要花卉植物遗传图谱构建研究的发展方向及其在育种中的应用前景进行了展望,以期为花卉植物基因定位、辅助基因组组装、比较基因组学、基因克隆、分子标记辅助育种等提供参考。  相似文献   

This article reviews recent developments in in situ bioremediation of trace metal contaminated soils, with particular reference to the microbial dynamics in the rhizospheres of plants growing on such soils and their significance in phytoremediation. In non-agricultural conditions, the natural role of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), P-solubilizing bacteria, mycorrhizal-helping bacteria (MHB) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in maintaining soil fertility is more important than in conventional agriculture, horticulture, and forestry where higher use of agrochemicals minimize their significance. These microbes initiate a concerted action when a particular population density is achieved, i.e. quorum sensing. AMF also recognize their host by signals released by host roots, allowing a functional symbiosis. AM fungi produce an insoluble glycoprotein, glomalin, which sequester trace elements and it should be considered for biostabilization leading to remediation of contaminated soils. Conclusions drawn from studies of metal uptake kinetics in solution cultures may not be valid for more complex field conditions and use of some combination of glasshouse and field experiments with organisms that occur within the same plant community is suggested. Phytoextraction strategies, such as inoculation of plants to be used for phytoremediation with appropriate heavy metal adapted rhizobial microflora, co-cropping system involving a non-mycorrhizal hyperaccumulator plant and a non-accumulator but mycorrhizal with appropriate AMF, or pre-cropping with mycotrophic crop systems to optimize phytoremediation processes, merit further field level investigations. There is also a need to improve our understanding of the mechanisms involved in transfer and mobilization of trace elements by rhizosphere microbiota and to conduct research on selection of microbial isolates from rhizosphere of plants growing on heavy metal contaminated soils for specific restoration programmes. This is necessary if we are to improve the chances of successful phytoremediation.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent developments in in situ bioremediation of trace metal contaminated soils, with particular reference to the microbial dynamics in the rhizospheres of plants growing on such soils and their significance in phytoremediation. In non-agricultural conditions, the natural role of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), P-solubilizing bacteria, mycorrhizal-helping bacteria (MHB) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in maintaining soil fertility is more important than in conventional agriculture, horticulture, and forestry where higher use of agrochemicals minimize their significance. These microbes initiate a concerted action when a particular population density is achieved, i.e. quorum sensing. AMF also recognize their host by signals released by host roots, allowing a functional symbiosis. AM fungi produce an insoluble glycoprotein, glomalin, which sequester trace elements and it should be considered for biostabilization leading to remediation of contaminated soils. Conclusions drawn from studies of metal uptake kinetics in solution cultures may not be valid for more complex field conditions and use of some combination of glasshouse and field experiments with organisms that occur within the same plant community is suggested. Phytoextraction strategies, such as inoculation of plants to be used for phytoremediation with appropriate heavy metal adapted rhizobial microflora, co-cropping system involving a non-mycorrhizal hyperaccumulator plant and a non-accumulator but mycorrhizal with appropriate AMF, or pre-cropping with mycotrophic crop systems to optimize phytoremediation processes, merit further field level investigations. There is also a need to improve our understanding of the mechanisms involved in transfer and mobilization of trace elements by rhizosphere microbiota and to conduct research on selection of microbial isolates from rhizosphere of plants growing on heavy metal contaminated soils for specific restoration programmes. This is necessary if we are to improve the chances of successful phytoremediation.  相似文献   

Hairy root type plant in vitro systems as sources of bioactive substances   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“Hairy root” systems, obtained by transforming plant tissues with the “natural genetic engineer” Agrobacterium rhizogenes, have been known for more than three decades. To date, hairy root cultures have been obtained from more than 100 plant species, including several endangered medicinal plants, affording opportunities to produce important phytochemicals and proteins in eco-friendly conditions. Diverse strategies can be applied to improve the yields of desired metabolites and to produce recombinant proteins. Furthermore, recent advances in bioreactor design and construction allow hairy root-based technologies to be scaled up while maintaining their biosynthetic potential. This review highlights recent progress in the field and outlines future prospects for exploiting the potential utility of hairy root cultures as “chemical factories” for producing bioactive substances.  相似文献   

In this study, we have investigated the plant growth promoting effect of Bacillus mucilaginosus strain D4B1, a rhizosphere soil organism, and its transgenic strain NKTS-3 on tobacco planting. The transgenic strain contains a phytase expression cassette that can express high active phytase extracellularly and hydrolyze phytate in the soil to liberate inorganic phosphorus for the growth of tobacco plants. Greenhouse study and field experiments showed that both wild-type B. mucilaginosus and the transgenic strain could promote tobacco plant growth. Moreover, the transgenic strain promoted tobacco plant growth (235% more than control in pot experiments and 125% more than control in field experiments) was higher than the wild-type B. mucilaginosus (183% more than control in pot experiments and 108% more than control in field experiments). In addition, the inoculation with transgenic rhizobacteria could significantly improve root acquisition of phosphorus and increase the phosphorus content of the plant.  相似文献   

Somatic embryos of three Japanese pines, Pinus thunberghii, P. densiflora, and P. armandii var. amamiana, were subjected to different post-maturation treatments to improve both germination and plant conversion frequencies. Slow desiccation of somatic embryos at high relative humidity resulted not only in a marked increment in germination frequencies but also subsequently improved plant conversion rates in all genotypes of the three species tested. Overall three species, germination and plant conversion frequency of somatic embryos was improved by more than fourfold (19?C81%) and more than fivefold (15?C77%), respectively, compared to those of untreated control. In addition, this treatment resulted in a considerable improvement of synchronization of the germination period. The time required for root emergence was synchronized over a half period (28?C14?days) compared with the control. Somatic plants were acclimatized and their growth was monitored in the field.  相似文献   

依据植物生态场的系统研究资料,对生态场的概念、场的特征函数、生态场的图形以及生态场对植物相互作用的解释进行了评述.阐明了生态场的最基本属性是物质性,目前的研究水平尚不能确定生态场是否是有别于一般物理场的特殊形式的场.对生态场的基本特征函数-生态势模型给予了形式与模型参数估测方面的评述,表明两种生态势模型各有一定的特点与优越性.作者强调,生态场更具生态学的方法论意义,应用生态场对植物相互作用形式与过程的分析描述,具有定量化、综合性与直观化特点.生态场的绘图为生态学研究开辟了新的途径,特别是应用生态场理论分析群体植物的动态变化过程(由互利共存到干涉竞争)会有合理的定量解释.  相似文献   

关于生态场的几点评述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
依据植物生态场的系统研究资料,对生态场的概念、场和特征函数、生态场折图形以及生态场对植物相互作用的解释进行了评述。阐明了生态场的最基本属性是物质性,目前的研究水平尚不能确定生态场是还是有别于一稻物理场的特殊形式在场,对生态场的基本特征函数-生态热模型给予了形式与模型参数体测方面的评述,表明两种生态势模型各有一定的特点与优越性。作者强调,生态场更具生态学的方法论意义,应用生态场对植物相互作用形式与过  相似文献   

Power EF  Kelly DL  Stout JC 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e38073
Parallel declines in insect-pollinated plants and their pollinators have been reported as a result of agricultural intensification. Intensive arable plant communities have previously been shown to contain higher proportions of self-pollinated plants compared to natural or semi-natural plant communities. Though intensive grasslands are widespread, it is not known whether they show similar patterns to arable systems nor whether local and/or landscape factors are influential. We investigated plant community composition in 10 pairs of organic and conventional dairy farms across Ireland in relation to the local and landscape context. Relationships between plant groups and local factors (farming system, position in field and soil parameters) and landscape factors (e.g. landscape complexity) were investigated. The percentage cover of unimproved grassland was used as an inverse predictor of landscape complexity, as it was negatively correlated with habitat-type diversity. Intensive grasslands (organic and conventional) contained more insect-pollinated forbs than non-insect pollinated forbs. Organic field centres contained more insect-pollinated forbs than conventional field centres. Insect-pollinated forb richness in field edges (but not field centres) increased with increasing landscape complexity (% unimproved grassland) within 1, 3, 4 and 5km radii around sites, whereas non-insect pollinated forb richness was unrelated to landscape complexity. Pollination systems within intensive grassland communities may be different from those in arable systems. Our results indicate that organic management increases plant richness in field centres, but that landscape complexity exerts strong influences in both organic and conventional field edges. Insect-pollinated forb richness, unlike that for non-insect pollinated forbs, showed positive relationships to landscape complexity reflecting what has been documented for bees and other pollinators. The insect-pollinated forbs, their pollinators and landscape context are clearly linked. This needs to be taken into account when managing and conserving insect-pollinated plant and pollinator communities.  相似文献   

自然生境中有些植物的繁殖体传播距离有限, 这类植物更有可能与其亲缘相近的植株相邻。植物个体能否识别邻株的身份并做出相应的反应, 会对植物间的相互作用产生重要影响。亲缘选择理论预测亲缘相近的植物间可以通过亲缘识别和选择作用, 有效地削弱彼此间的干扰和竞争, 从而增加适合度。对植物通过根系进行自我/ 非我和亲缘识别能力、作用及其影响机制进行了综述, 同时指出了当前研究中存在的一些疑点和亟待解决的问题, 对植物身份识别研究的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

突变会导致栽培作物一个或多个特殊性状的改变,以突变为基础的植物品质的改良,会使果树业的发展获得极大的促进。传统诱导突变的方法应用于果树作物,常受限于外植体来源,并且耗费大量的时间及场地。体细胞变异结合物理化学诱变法可被视作改良果树作物的一种手段,并且在一些果树作物中获得了成功。这使我们有理由认为体外诱导变异是改良果树作物的品质及其抗逆性的一种很有效的潜在途径。本文讨论了大量的与果树培育有关的突变诱导、变异体筛选、大田评估方法等综合使用的实例及研究进展。  相似文献   

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