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欧李果实发育期糖和酸组分及其含量的动态变化特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以农大3号、农大4号、农大5号3个欧李品种为材料,测定果实发育过程中各组分糖、酸及总糖、总酸的含量,以明确欧李果实糖酸积累的动态变化特性.结果显示:(1)3个欧李品种果实成熟期糖含量、酸含量及糖酸比存在明显差异,其中农大3号品种的总糖含量最高,总酸含量最低,糖酸比值最高.(2)成熟期3品种各糖组分中均以果糖含量较高,葡萄糖和蔗糖含量较低,山梨醇含量微量;酸组分中均以苹果酸为主,柠檬酸少量.(3)3个品种果糖、蔗糖、葡萄糖、山梨醇含量在整个果实发育期均呈持续增加态势,并以果糖积累为主;农大3号果糖含量在8周后增幅明显高于另2个品种,且一直保持到果实成熟;3个品种蔗糖含量的变化趋势相近,在前期和中期增加缓慢,接近成熟的2~3周则迅速增加并占整个发育期积累量的70%以上.(4)3个品种酸含量的变化趋势较为相似,苹果酸和柠檬酸在果实发育的前期和中期含量均较低,在果实发育后期迅速增加,但接近果实成熟时又大幅下降.研究表明,果糖与苹果酸的含量及其动态变化是影响欧李果实糖酸比、决定果实风味的主要因素.  相似文献   

八个贵州地方桃品种果实甜酸风味品质分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了评价贵州地方桃品种果实的甜酸风味品质,以主栽桃品种‘燕红’作对照,采用高效液相色谱法测定了贵州8个地方桃品种的果肉糖酸组分及含量。结果表明:(1)8个地方桃品种果肉中糖主要由蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖和山梨醇组成,其中蔗糖的平均含量最高(55.62 mg/g),约占总糖的71.30%,但变异系数仅为17.92%;8个地方桃品种中,‘米桃’的葡萄糖与果糖含量差异较大,其果糖/葡萄糖的比值为1.21,而其它7个品种的葡萄糖与果糖含量相近。(2)8个地方桃品种果肉中有机酸主要由苹果酸、柠檬酸、奎宁酸和莽草酸组成,其中苹果酸含量最高,约占总酸的60.61%,但在‘白花桃’果实中有机酸含量以奎宁酸为主。(3)对8个地方桃品种果实的糖酸组分进行主成分分析发现,苹果酸含量和山梨醇含量的载荷系数分别为0.910和0.897,说明它们是影响果实甜酸风味的主导因素,且对改善果实的甜酸风味品质具有重要作用。8个贵州地方桃果实的甜酸风味分别为:‘黄腊桃’为甜,‘血桃’、‘青桃’、‘镇远桃’、‘红枫桃’为酸甜,‘白花桃’、‘西桃’和‘米桃’为酸。  相似文献   

桃果实细胞内糖酸分布对果实甜酸风味的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以成熟‘白凤’桃果实为实验材料,采用区室化分析方法计算细胞内液泡、细胞质和细胞间隙中各糖酸组分的含量,并用调查问卷的方式对成熟桃果实甜酸风味进行评价打分,研究果肉细胞内各糖酸组分含量及其分布对果实甜酸风味的影响。结果表明:(1)成熟桃果实中可溶性糖(蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖和山梨醇)在液泡、细胞质和细胞间隙的含量分别为27.3、11.6和9.0mg·g-1,有机酸(苹果酸、柠檬酸、奎宁酸和莽草酸)含量分别为2.09、0.94和0.35mg·g-1;蔗糖和苹果酸含量分别占果实可溶性糖和有机酸含量的80.6%和77.0%,是成熟桃果实中糖和酸的主要储存形式。(2)果实细胞内各糖酸组分通过细胞膜的渗透速率明显高于液泡膜。(3)块状处理桃果实液泡、细胞质与细胞间隙中的糖含量比、酸含量比及糖酸比分别为3.0∶1.3∶1.0、6.0∶2.7∶1.0、13.9∶12.4∶23.1,而匀浆处理果实的细胞结构被破坏,其不同细胞器中的比例分别为1.0∶1.0∶1.0、1.0∶1.0∶1.0、14.0∶14.0∶14.0;块状果实风味评价得分(2.99)明显高于匀浆处理果实(1.98)。研究认为,桃果实细胞中液泡、细胞质和细胞间隙之间糖酸含量以及糖酸比的差异可能是导致果实甜度风味变化的重要原因。  相似文献   

奉节晚橙(Citrus sinensis) (FW)为奉节72-1脐橙(FJ)的一个晚熟芽变品种, 比原品种成熟期推迟1个月以上. 测定了两个品种在成熟阶段果肉和果皮的糖组分(蔗糖、葡萄糖和果糖)和酸组分(苹果酸和柠檬酸)的含量, 并分析了相关代谢酶基因的转录情况. 结果表明, FW中的糖分和酸代谢受到芽变的影响. FW果肉组织中的各糖分含量在花后227天前显著低于FJ, 不过在花后263天则显著高于后者. FW果肉中的蔗糖合成酶基因(CitSS1)的表达比原品种延迟, 而酸性转化酶基因(CitAI)的表达水平在花后207和263天高于原品种. 在FW果皮组织中, 仅有蔗糖含量在果实成熟早期(花后165和187天)显著低于FJ, 不过蔗糖相关裂解酶基因与后者相比在成熟时期不同阶段表现出较高的表达水平. 分析两品种酸代谢变化发现, 芽变品种果肉中苹果酸含量在整个果实成熟期都显著低于原品种, 不过在果皮中则显著低于后者; FW 果皮和果肉中柠檬酸的含量在果实成熟前期高于FJ, 但是在果实成熟后期则低于后者. 柠檬酸含量差异部分与柑橘线粒体柠檬酸合成酶基因高量表达及柑橘质体乌头酸酶基因的低水平表达相关. 明确了芽变品种在果实成熟过程中糖酸代谢相关指标的差异变化, 可以认为发生在FW中的突变影响了其糖酸代谢, 这种代谢的变化可能与其他晚熟特征相关.  相似文献   

为了解桃果实发育过程中细胞内糖酸的分布、变化规律对果实甜酸风味的影响,采用区室分析方法研究了‘白凤’桃(Prunus persica‘Hakuho’)果实不同发育时期细胞内糖酸组分、含量及其分布对甜酸风味的影响。结果表明,成熟果实中(花后100 d)可溶性糖(蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖和山梨醇)在液泡、细胞质和细胞间隙中的含量分别为27.3、11.6、9.0 mg/g,有机酸(苹果酸、柠檬酸、奎宁酸和莽草酸)含量为2.09、0.94、0.35 mg/g;未成熟果实中(花后60 d)可溶性糖在液泡、细胞质和细胞间隙中的含量分别为0.97、2.2、2.3 mg/g,有机酸含量为0.25、0.44、0.82 mg/g。‘白凤’桃果肉细胞内不同的糖酸分布对成熟果实的甜酸风味具有显著影响,而对未成熟果实影响较小。成熟果实中糖酸在液泡、细胞质和细胞间隙三者之间的分布差异可能是导致果实甜度变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

河西走廊不同产地‘赤霞珠’酿酒葡萄果实品质评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定河西走廊地区‘赤霞珠’酿酒葡萄核心品质指标,建立‘赤霞珠’酿酒葡萄品质综合评价模型。从张掖、武威、嘉峪关3个酿酒葡萄主产市的代表性果园采集6份‘赤霞珠’葡萄样品进行品质测定,通过主成分分析和聚类分析法确定‘赤霞珠’葡萄核心品质指标,运用层次分析法确定指标权重并建立‘赤霞珠’葡萄品质综合评价模型。结果表明:(1)不同产地‘赤霞珠’酿酒葡萄品质指标存在明显差异性,张掖市国风葡萄酒庄园的‘赤霞珠’葡萄果糖、蔗糖、草酸、柠檬酸含量均高于其他地区,且可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、总酚、苹果酸含量在各产地中也均保持在最高水平。(2)相关性分析发现,葡萄果实葡萄糖含量与可溶性固形物含量、果糖与可溶性糖含量之间呈极显著正相关,固酸比和糖酸比均与可滴定酸含量呈极显著负相关关系。(3)综合主成分分析、聚类分析和相关性分析结果,确定维生素C(Vc)、单宁、果糖和固酸比是‘赤霞珠’葡萄核心品质指标,应用层次分析法建立了‘赤霞珠’葡萄品质综合评价模型为Y=0.0960×Vc含量+0.1611×单宁含量+0.2771×果糖含量+0.4568×固酸比(各指标含量均经过标准化处理)。研究发现,河西走廊地区‘赤霞珠’葡萄果实品质最佳产地是张掖市,果实Vc、单宁、果糖和固酸比是‘赤霞珠’葡萄的核心品质指标,以其建立的评价模型可用于‘赤霞珠’葡萄品质的综合评价。  相似文献   

用高效离子交换色谱(HPIC)测定了枇杷(Eriobotrya japonica Lindk)18个品种(小毛枇杷、夹脚、卓南1号、解放钟、富阳、森尾早生、华宝2号、香钟10号、白花、土肥、多宝2号、乌躬白、洛阳青、茂木、早钟6号、白梨、塘头4号和长红3号)的成熟果肉和2个品种(解放钟和早钟6号果)成熟果实不同组织有机酸含量。结果表明,成熟果肉中均含有苹果酸、奎尼酸、柠檬酸、异柠檬酸、α-酮戊二酸、富马酸、草酰乙酸、酒石酸8种有机酸,有的还含有微量的阿魏酸、顺乌头酸和B一香豆酸。大多数品种果肉中苹果酸含量最高,平均含量为4399mg kg^-1 FW,占总酸的62.7%;其次是奎尼酸,其平均含量为2042mgkg—FW,占总酸的29.1%。品种之间可滴定酸和有机酸含量差异很大。通过对果肉可滴定酸进行聚类分析,可把18个枇杷品种分为五个组群:极高酸(小毛枇杷)、高酸(夹脚、卓南1号、解放钟和富阳)、中酸(森尾早生、华宝2号、香钟10号、白花、土肥和多宝2号)、低酸(乌躬白、洛阳青、茂木和早钟6号)和极低酸(白梨、塘头4号和长红3号)。解放钟和早钟6号果肉和果皮的总酸含量及可滴定酸均无显著差异,但果皮和果肉的总酸含量和可滴定酸均大大高于种子。相似于果肉,果皮和种子的主要有机酸也是苹果酸和奎尼酸。果皮中苹果酸含量远高于奎尼酸,但种子中苹果酸含量比奎尼酸稍低。此外,种子中苹果酸和奎尼酸比果肉和果皮中的低得多。  相似文献   

仁用杏果肉糖酸比低是造成其鲜食性差的主要原因。该研究以仁用杏‘山苦2号’开花后30、60和90d的果肉为材料,利用RNA-seq对仁用杏果肉进行转录组测序及差异表达基因的筛选,以了解可能与糖酸合成相关的基因及其表达模式,为进一步解析仁用杏果肉糖酸比低的分子调控模式与机制,深入研究仁用杏果肉糖酸代谢转化机制提供依据。结果显示:(1)在仁用杏果肉发育的3个阶段共获得差异表达的单基因簇(unigene)28 989条;根据单基因簇的功能注释,共发掘出19条单基因簇编码5个与仁用杏果肉中糖合成代谢相关的酶,54条单基因簇编码15个与仁用杏果肉中酸合成代谢相关的酶。(2)在所选3个发育阶段的仁用杏果肉中共发现9条与糖代谢相关的单基因簇和27条与酸代谢相关的单基因簇呈现差异表达。(3)编码与蔗糖合成积累相关的蔗糖磷酸酶和蔗糖合成酶的单基因簇主要呈下调表达,而与糖分解相关的果糖激酶和己糖激酶却呈上调表达。(4)与仁用杏果肉中主要有机酸组分苹果酸积累相关的苹果酸脱氢酶主要呈上调表达,而分解苹果酸的苹果酸酶呈下调表达。研究推测,仁用杏果肉在发育中糖积累受阻,而有机酸却得到大量的合成积累,这可能是造成仁用杏果肉糖酸比例小,鲜食口感差的主要内在因素之一。  相似文献   

杨梅果实发育进程中的碳水化合物代谢   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以‘乌紫’和‘荸荠’两个杨梅品种为试材,测定了干鲜重、糖含量、可滴定酸含量、蔗糖和己糖代谢相关酶活性的动态变化。结果表明,杨梅果实的干鲜重、含糖量的快速增长和可滴定酸含量的快速下降均发生在果实发育后期。成熟‘乌紫’杨梅果实的蔗糖含量约占总糖的2/3以上,而‘荸荠’杨梅仅为总糖的49%。‘荸荠’杨梅的转化酶和蔗糖合酶分解活性随着果实发育呈上升趋势,‘乌紫’杨梅的则变化不大。两个品种的蔗糖磷酸合酶活性随着果实发育呈上升趋势,但蔗糖合酶合成活性到果实发育中期后下降。两个品种的己糖激酶活性变化相似,但果糖激酶活性的变化趋势不同。  相似文献   

番茄果实糖酸类物质的含量及比例直接影响其风味品质,前期研究表明,适宜浓度的外源5-氨基乙酰丙酸(ALA)能够促进果实的成熟并提高其芳香品质。该试验为探究外源ALA对番茄果实发育及其糖酸品质的影响,以番茄‘原味1号’(Solanum lycopersicum cv.Yuanwei No.1)品种为试材,于第4穗果授粉后10 d果实表面喷施0、100和200 mg·L^(-1)的ALA溶液,分析ALA对番茄果实形态、果皮色泽及果实不同部位组织中糖、酸类物质组分及含量的影响。结果表明:(1)外源ALA溶液能显著促进番茄果实横径、纵径的增加,提高果实单果重,还显著降低果实硬度,促进果实软化,提升果实口感,并提高了果实V_(C)和可溶性固形物含量。(2)果实不同部位组织(包括果肉、小柱和隔膜)糖类物质组分含量测定结果显示,外源ALA处理能够显著提高果实可溶性总糖含量(包括果糖、葡萄糖和蔗糖),并有利于糖类物质向果肉中积累。(3)在有机酸类物质中,除酒石酸含量增加外,外源ALA处理均能不同程度地降低果实各部位组织中酸类物质含量,从而显著提高番茄果实果肉部位糖酸比,提升果实糖酸品质。研究发现,在番茄果实发育过程中外源施用200 mg·L^(-1) ALA不仅能够促进果实发育及着色,提高单果重,提升果实的外观品质,还有利于果实糖酸品质的形成。  相似文献   

 The organoleptic quality of fleshy fruits is in a large part defined by their composition of soluble sugars and organic acids. An F2 population issuing from a cross between two peach varieties, ‘Ferjalou Jalousia’, a non-acid peach, and ‘Fantasia’, an acid nectarine, was analysed over 2 successive years for agronomic characters and for molecular-marker (isoenzymes, RFLPs, RAPDs, IMAs and AFLPs) segregations. Blooming and maturity dates, as well as productivity, were noted for each tree. Four fruits per tree were analysed at maturity for fresh weight, colour, pH, titratable acidity, soluble-solids content (SSC), acid (malic, citric and quinic acids) and sugar (sucrose, glucose, fructose, sorbitol) contents. QTLs were detected for all fruit components analysed, except for fruit colour. The QTLs for nearly all components were present on two linkage groups. For productivity, fresh weight, pH, quinic acid, sucrose and sorbitol content, all the detected QTLs displayed the same effect as the parental phenotypes. By contrast, for maturity date, titratable acidity, malic and citric acids and fructose, some QTLs displayed the same effect as the parental phenotypes while others displayed the opposite effect. The fraction of the total variation in each trait throughout the population explained by the QTLs was very high and reached more than 90% for some characters. For most of the characters analysed, epistasis was observed between QTLs. Received: 10 October 1997 / Accepted: 18 August 1998  相似文献   

Peach is an important stone fruit crop cultivated at commercial scale in Pakistan. While, appropriate selection of rootstock has significant impact on the quality of peach fruit. Therefore, in the current study the influence of three rootstocks viz. ‘GF-677′, ‘Peshawar Local’ and ‘Swat Local’ were evaluated on the quality of ‘Flordaking’ peaches following cold storage during two consecutive years. The fruit from these rootstocks were kept at 0 °C for five weeks were studied for various fruit physical (weight loss, colour, firmness) and biochemical (pH, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), SSC:TA ratio, fruit juice pH, sugars (total, reducing and non-reducing sugars), ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and free radicals scavenging activities) were evaluated. During both years, fruit harvested form trees grafted on ‘GF-677′ exhibited reduced fruit weight loss, changes in Chroma (C*) and highest fruit firmness, Lightness (L*), ascorbic acid contents and radical scavenging activities as compared to fruit harvested from tree grafted on other rootstocks. In conclusion, the post-harvest quality of scion ‘Flordaking’ peach fruit was significantly influenced and best quality can be obtained when it is grafted on ‘GF-677′ rootstock.  相似文献   

AIMS: The objective of this study was to determine the effect of increasing juice soluble solids above 40 degrees Brix on wine yeast's ability to grow and ferment the juice, with particular focus on acetic acid production, titratable acidity (TA) changes and the maximum amount of sugar consumed by the yeast. METHODS AND RESULTS: Riesling Icewine juices at 40, 42, 44 and 46 degrees Brix were inoculated with K1- V116 at 0.5 g 1(-1) and fermented at 17 degrees C until sugar consumption ceased. Increasing soluble solids showed strong negative linear correlations with yeast growth, sugar consumption and ethanol production (r = -0.999, -0.997 and 0.984, P < 0.001, respectively). Acetic acid, glycerol and TA production normalized to sugar consumed showed strong positive correlations to the initial juice concentration (r = 0.992, 0.963, and 0.937, P < 0.001 respectively) but no correlation was found for ethanol production. The acetic acid produced as a function of sugar consumed was positively correlated to the glycerol produced (r = 0.970, P < 0.001). The final TA of the wines ranged between 11.8 and 13.7 g 1(-1) tartaric acid, increasing by 2.3-3 g 1(-1) over the starting juice. The increase in TA was positively correlated to the increase in acetic acid produced after normalizing the data to the amount of sugar consumed (r =0.975, P < 0.001). The acid equivalents resulting from the increase in acetic acid accounted for 80-100% of the TA increase when converted to units of tartaric acid. In the final Icewines, acetic acid represented 19-20% of wine TA. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing Icewine juice concentration from 40 to 46 degrees Brix increases the proportion of yeast sugar metabolism towards glycerol and acetic acid production to cope with the increased osmotic stress by decreasing yeast growth, sugar consumption rate, the total amount of sugar consumed and the total amount of ethanol produced. The high proportional contribution of acetic acid to titratable acidity in Riesling Icewine may affect acidity perception. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: We have determined that 10% v/v ethanol would not be achievable with initial juice concentrations above 42 degrees Brix and that Riesling Icewine juice above 52.5 degrees Brix would be theoretically unfermentable. The high proportional contribution of acetic acid to TA may be an important factor in the organoleptic balance of these Icewines.  相似文献   

以"湖景蜜露"水蜜桃(Prunus persica L.)为试材,检测了果实从未成熟到成熟发育过程中乙烯生成、呼吸速率及挥发性香气性物质的变化;同时对果实大小、果皮色泽、果肉硬度、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸进行了测定;对与果实乙烯产生密切相关的1-氨基环丙烷-1-羧酸(ACC)含量、ACC合成酶活性、ACC氧化酶活性也进行了测定.结果表明,随果实成熟度的增加,果实大小、果皮L*值、可溶性固形物含量增加,而果实硬度、果皮h°值、可滴定酸含量减少.在未成熟的果实中,C6的醛类(反式-2-己烯醛)和醇类(顺式-3-己烯醇)是主要的成分;乙烯生成量很低;呼吸速率较高.到跃变阶段C6~C12的内酯类物质明显增加,尤其是γ和δ-内酯类成为果实主要的香气挥发性物质.推测果实乙烯、呼吸作用等基本的生理变化可能调节着内酯类物质的生成.在乙烯跃变上升时果肉中ACC氧化酶的活性下降,ACC含量和ACC合成酶活力的变化与乙烯生成量变化的趋势一致.根据以上结果可以认为桃果实主要的香气挥发性物质的形成与乙烯、呼吸跃变的开始密切相关.香气物质形成速率动态变化可能是桃果实发育过程中成熟度的另一个生理学指标.  相似文献   

分别对河南省27个果园的中华猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis Planch.)品种‘金桃’果实的5项采收生理指标及果实软熟时的8项品质性状进行测定,采用主成分分析法对果实软熟时的品质指标进行综合评分,并对果实的采收生理指标、果实软熟品质指标及综合分值间进行相关性分析。结果显示,采收时的生理指标(干物质、色度角、硬度和可溶性固形物)均与果实软熟品质综合分值间呈极显著相关,其中干物质相关系数最高,为0.437。干物质与体现果实软熟品质的关键指标(可溶性固形物、总糖和糖酸比)均呈极显著性相关。研究结果表明‘金桃’果实采收时,干物质含量是果实软熟时品质的重要评价指标,而可溶性固形物和色度角是评判采收期的辅助指标。  相似文献   

The synthesis of organic acids was studied during fruit development of two peach ( Prunus persica L. Batsch) cultivars, Fantasia and Jalousia, having fruits with high and low organic acid content, respectively. The malate content was higher in cv. Fantasia than in cv. Jalousia at the end of the first rapid growth stage (50 days after bloom [DAB]). Malate and citrate contents were higher in Fantasia than in Jalousia during the second rapid growth stage (from 100 DAB to maturity). The expression of phospho enol pyruvate carboxylase (PEPC, EC, which is involved in organic acid synthesis, was studied during peach fruit development. PEPC mRNA levels, and protein levels on a total soluble protein basis, peaked at 23 and 108 DAB in Fantasia. In Jalousia, they were very low at 23 DAB and reached levels similar to Fantasia at 108 DAB. For both cultivars, in vitro PEPC activity expressed on a dry weight basis was maximal at 24 DAB, decreased from 24 to 60 DAB, and then remained constant. The activity of peach fruit PEPC appeared extremely sensitive to malate (I0.5 of 100 μ M for Fantasia and 65 μ M for Jalousia at pH 7.3) and low pH. PEPC may participate in the control of organic acid accumulation during fruit development in the normal-acid fruit of Fantasia. However, mechanisms other than organic acid synthesis might account for the differences in acidity between normal-acid and non-acid peach fruit.  相似文献   

Lonicera caeruleabrix is a perennial shrub native to North America, Europe and Asia. It produces dark blue berries known as honeyberries or haskap berries which are produced commercially in several territories including Canada, Japan, Russia and Poland. Plants are suited to UK environments, but it is yet to be widely commercially developed in the UK. In the present work, quality and nutritional traits of six honeyberry cultivars grown in Scotland were compared with other commonly grown berry fruits (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, blackcurrant) to aid the identification of environmentally stable, high-quality honeyberry cultivars suitable for UK cultivation. Differences were observed in fruit quality variables (soluble solids, titratable acidity and Brix/acid ratios) between honeyberry cultivars. Three of six cultivars examined exhibited notable variation in soluble solids dependent on harvest year with ‘Aurora’ and ‘Strawberry Sensation’ having consistently high oBrix values. Titratable acidity exhibited cultivar differences and there was limited variation over harvest years. ‘Aurora’ exhibited consistently high oBrix/titratable acidity ratio reflected by high glucose and fructose content. Honeyberry fruit had good nutritional profile relative to other soft fruits with higher polyphenol and anthocyanin content than strawberry, blueberry, blackberry and raspberry, manifested in greater antioxidant capacity. The major anthocyanins in aqueous honeyberry fruit extracts were cyanidin, pelargonidin and peonidin glycosides. These findings indicate that L. caerulea represents a crop suitable for UK cultivation capable of producing high quality fruit with a valuable nutritional profile relative to other soft fruits. Cultivars exhibit significant differences in fruit quality and nutritional profile as well as harvest consistency and growers should consider this when establishing new plantations.  相似文献   



Acidity is an essential component of the organoleptic quality of fleshy fruits. However, in these fruits, the physiological and molecular mechanisms that control fruit acidity remain unclear. In peach the D locus controls fruit acidity; low-acidity is determined by the dominant allele. Using a peach progeny of 208 F2 trees, the D locus was mapped to the proximal end of linkage group 5 and co-localized with major QTLs involved in the control of fruit pH, titratable acidity and organic acid concentration and small QTLs for sugar concentration. To investigate the molecular basis of fruit acidity in peach we initiated the map-based cloning of the D locus.  相似文献   

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