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介绍两类从普通琼脂糖电泳凝胶中回收DNA的简便,快捷,高效且廉价的方法,第一类为电泳洗脱法,方法a.利用1.5mL微量离心管,1mL吸头,尼龙网膜和透析膜做成的一个小装置,快速有效回DNA,最终回收率为70%左右,方法b:不用DEAE-纤维素膜,而用透析膜在凝胶中作出横隔挡在DNA条带前,最终回收率为50%左右,第二类为冰冻融解法,最终回收率也在50%左右,如果联合使用冰冻融解法和电泳洗脱法,回收  相似文献   

从琼脂糖电泳凝胶中回收DNA的几种简便方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍两类从普通琼脂糖电泳凝胶中回收DNA的简便、快捷、高效且廉价的方法.第一类为电泳洗脱法.方法a:利用1.5mL微量离心管、lmL吸头、尼龙网膜和透析膜做成的一个小装置,快速有效回DNA,最终回收率为70%左右.方法b:不用DEAE-纤维素膜,而用透析膜在凝胶中作出横隔挡在DNA条带前,最终回收率为50%左右;第二类为冰冻融解法,最终回收率也在50%左右.如果联合使用冰冻融解法和电泳洗脱法,回收率可进一步提高至90%.  相似文献   

该文研究了蜘蛛大分子量基因组DNA(HMW-gDNA)的提取以及一种高效电洗脱纯化装置的构建。以蜘蛛胸部肌肉组织为原料,通过自改良CTAB法提取蜘蛛HMW-gDNA,利用透析膜和2 mL离心管构建一种新的HMW-gDNA快速凝胶回收装置,并对蜘蛛HMW-gDNA进行电洗脱分离回收。结果显示,改良CTAB法可高效提取蜘蛛HMW-gDNA(>48.5 kb),且通过透析膜的截留作用,对普通琼脂糖凝胶中目的HMW-gDNA进行快速电洗脱分离,其回收率超过75%,OD260/OD280处于1.8~2.0之间,对HMW-gDNA完整性无影响。综合结果表明, 改良CTAB法可用于蜘蛛HMW-gDNA的提取,此电洗脱纯化装置可从普通琼脂糖中高效回收HMW-gDNA,是一种低成本、简捷、高效且实用性强的凝胶回收方法。  相似文献   

在基因的结构与功能的研究中,如基因的物理图谱,测定DNA序列,DNA杂交,DNA重组,都必须首先获得高纯度的足量的DNA片段。如何从凝胶中回收DNA组份则是比较困难而又关键的问题。从已发表的文献来看,目前尚没有一种公认满意的方法。我们根据本实验室的具体条件,摸索建立了一种“带前洗脱槽法”,用此法从凝胶中洗脱回收DNA取得了非常满意的效果。在紫外灯下确定DNA带的位置,在带前挖一个适当大小的凹形槽(图1)。用适当宽度的透析膜包被梳子的一面,两侧面和底面(图2)。将梳子置DNA带前,未包被透析膜的一面紧贴带的凝胶。凹形槽其余部分用较高浓度(1%)的琼脂糖凝胶填  相似文献   

本文介绍一种从重组质粒中快速提纯DNA插入片段的方法。质粒DNA的制备简单、快速、分离的质粒DNA可用于限制性酶切和转化大肠杆菌等。从琼脂糖凝胶中提纯DNA插入片段的方法操作简单,回收效率高,提纯的DNA片段可用于连接和制备杂交探针等。  相似文献   

一种分离回收DNA的简捷方法崔晓江,彭学贤(中国科学院微生物研究所,北京100080)从凝胶中分离回收DNA有多种方法,如常用的低熔点胶法,普通胶液氮速冻法等。Bio101公司生产的Geneclean试剂盒使DNA回收避免了苯酚抽提和乙醇沉淀,简单快...  相似文献   

从C57BL/6J公鼠脾脏组织抽提大分子DNA,进行MboI部分酶切,低熔点琼脂糖凝胶分离、回收酶切后所需长度的DNA片段并与λGEM○R-11BamHI臂进行连接和λ噬菌体体外包装反应,构建成C57公鼠基因组λ噬菌体文库,对实验中遇到的技术问题进行了探讨,比较了两种浓度连接产物的包装效率,并成功地从该文库中筛选到含Sry基因的单克隆  相似文献   

从琼脂糖凝胶中高效回收DNA技术的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用两只离心管制成的凝胶过滤装置,从电泳后的琼脂糖凝胶中回收DNA片段的简易方法。它依次包括以下步骤:凝胶过滤装置的制作、凝胶切割、凝胶低温冷冻、低温高速离心、ddH20洗胶、DNA纯化和回收效果检测等。用此方法回收的DNA片段产率高、质量纯,可直接用于分子生物学实验的后续操作,如载体连接、PCR模板获得、DNA探针制备、基因测序等。其优点是:DNA片段的回收率高(90%以上),质量好;操作简便,耗时短;回收装置简单,成本低廉,可进行商品化开发。  相似文献   

本实验室为解决微量蛋白质样品浓缩的需要,制作了一套简便浓缩装置。该装置是利用两个有机玻璃框板夹着一张透析膜,两外侧分别夹上档板,固定成两排被透析膜平行分隔开的槽。框板上吸收剂槽的底部平齐,而样品槽的底部较深,呈V形。各板之间以及透析膜的接触面上都涂一层均匀的凡士林封闭层,以防止渗漏。 使用时将稀样品液加入底部呈V形的槽中,另一  相似文献   

用Bacillussphaericus63菌为材料,经DNA-Sepharose和CibacronBlueF3GA-Sepharose两步亲和层析,将Bsp63Ⅰ纯化到均一程度。酶比活力达61400U/mg蛋白。用凝胶过滤法测得该酶分子量为113800。该酶样品在SDS-PAGE中呈现为一条蛋白带,并测得其亚基分子量为56800。用DNS-Cl法测得该酶N-末端氨基酸为丙氨酸。上述结果表明该酶分子是由两个相同亚基组成。  相似文献   

We have made a significant improvement in the electroelution device, Elutrap (Schleicher and Schuell) by substituting an agarose gel barrier, which is made from 0.6% agarose (SeaKem GTG; FMC Corporation), into the elution chamber in place of the manufacturer specified BT2 membrane. This modification substantially increases the DNA recovery from agarose gels, even in samples containing less than 1 microgram of DNA, and shortens elution times particularly for large sizes of DNA (greater than 4.4 kbp). Additionally, the gel barrier provides a reproducible quantity and quality of DNA recovery. The high quality of the eluted DNA using the modified Elutrap makes this system suitable for further DNA manipulations.  相似文献   

Electroelution of DNA and protein from polyacrylamide and agarose gels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An electroelution method is described for the recovery of DNA and protein from agarose or polyacrylamide gels. The samples to be electroeluted are compartmentalized in a modified microcentrifuge tube fitted with dialysis membranes. This procedure is simple, rapid, inexpensive and efficient. Within 30 min to 2 hrs, the recovery of the sample is nearly quantitative. DNA fragments recovered can be directly subjected to DNA sequence analysis or enzymatic reactions after ethanol precipitation. Proteins can also be recovered after separation by acrylamide gel in the presence or absence of detergents and be ready for further analysis.  相似文献   

A rapid and inexpensive method for the electroelution of DNA fragments from agarose gels is described. DNA fragments were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and visualized by staining with ethidium bromide. Selected DNA fragments were placed into electroeluter tubes capped with dialysis membrane and electroeluted into a small volume of buffer using a conventional horizontal gel electrophoresis apparatus. The method successfully eluted and concentrated DNA fragments with molecular weights ranging from 2.7 to 13.9 MDa in 3 h.  相似文献   

目的:探讨琼脂糖凝胶的不同浓度对回收不同大小的酶切后质粒载体纯度的影响。方法:将2种质粒载体酶切,并经不同浓度的琼脂糖凝胶电泳分析,通过比较酶切前和酶切后载体的相对位置,研究胶浓度对回收酶切后载体纯度的影响。结果:不同浓度的琼脂糖凝胶中,酶切前和酶切后载体的相对位置会发生变化,对能否成功回收到纯度高的酶切后DNA片段有重要影响;质粒大小不同,胶浓度的影响也不同。结论:合适的胶浓度对于回收酶切后质粒载体具有重要意义,应选择合适的胶浓度回收酶切后质粒载体。  相似文献   

Plasmid DNA from Escherichia coli was isolated by electroelution carried out in an agarose gel that contains an incorporated dialysis membrane. As the relative mobility of circular plasmid DNA to linear chromosomal DNA increases when the agarose concentration is decreased, we were able to purify plasmids of up to 50 kbp in 0.3% agarose gel in Tris acetate buffer yielding 10-60 g DNA ml bacterial culture.  相似文献   

简便实用的琼脂糖凝胶回收DNA片段方法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍一种简便实用的DNA片段回收方法,与以前所报道的DEAE-纤维素膜电泳法、透析袋电洗脱法、低融点琼脂糖凝胶法、凝胶冻融法等相比,所需器材简单、操作简便、回收率高、成本低。回收的DNA片段在进一步克隆和测序中表现出较好的效果,是一种适合于科研和教学的实验方法。  相似文献   

A simple method of recovering DNA from agarose gel that is fast, inexpensive, and friendly both to operators and environment is described. Two rows of wells are made in an agarose gel, and a DNA sample is loaded into the well nearest to the negative pole for separation by electrophoresis. Recovery is accomplished by pipetting the DNA-containing TAE buffer from the well near the positive pole after target DNA fragments have migrated into the well. A recovery rate of up to 94 +/- 2.3% was observed with this method.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E was isolated from human very low density lipoproteins by a two-step electrophoretic procedure derived from that of Méndez (1982. Anal. Biochem. 126: 403-408). It included separation in a sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide slab gel, transfer into an agarose gel, and extraction by ultracentrifugation for 30 min. No protein labeling, dialysis, or concentration procedures were needed. The method was fast, showed an excellent protein recovery, and could be suitable as a general method of protein isolation by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

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