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基于生境等价分析法的胶州湾围填海造地生态损害评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李京梅  刘铁鹰 《生态学报》2012,32(22):7146-7155
围填海造地的生态损害是指围填海造地所引致的海洋生态系统服务功能的下降,包括生物资源消失、生态调节功能减弱以及生物栖息地破坏等。针对胶州湾围填海造地规模及其生态影响,使用生境等价分析法,对围填海造地的资源和生态服务功能的受损程度和补偿规模进行了评估。结果表明,1988-2005年胶州湾填海造地的资源生态受损程度为41.33%,以退田还海作为修复工程,修复期为8a,在5%的折现率水平下,修复工程的规模应为22.47 km2,才能使被填海域的生态服务功能恢复到初始水平。这一结论可作为地方政府对胶州湾围填海造地实施生态修复建设和生态补偿管理的技术依据。  相似文献   

生境等价分析在溢油生态损害评估中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Yang Y  Han DX  Wang HY 《应用生态学报》2011,22(8):2113-2118
生境等价分析是美国国家大气与海洋局在自然资源损害评估中的常用方法之一,但在我国鲜有应用.本文基于生境等价分析的理论研究,结合我国在溢油事故中的评估实践,将该方法改进后,应用于溢油生态损害评估中生境价值的计算.以我国某海域溢油事故的相关数据资料为依据,运用该方法计算修复受损生境的工程规模,并引入生态服务当量因子对各生境进行转化,最终实现了溢油生态损害评估中生境的价值化.  相似文献   

海洋生态损害补偿研究综述   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
于冰  胡求光 《生态学报》2018,38(19):6826-6834
海洋生态损害补偿是在海洋生态损害赔偿和生态保护补偿制度建立的基础下,提出的一种针对受损海洋生态环境的补偿制度,以实现海洋开发利用过程中海洋生态环境的有偿使用。从与已建立的相关制度联系的视角对海洋生态损害补偿内涵进行解读,并在此基础上对补偿主体、补偿标准、补偿方式、补偿保障措施等海洋生态损害补偿关键环节的研究进展进行综述分析。表明:目前海洋生态损害补偿研究主要集中在工程性的海洋生态损害补偿,对陆源污染带来的海洋生态损害补偿研究甚少;海洋生态损害涉及相关利益者复杂,"人-人-海"的补偿关系链条尚未完全形成;补偿标准核算仍是研究的难点,目前研究方法主要集中在海洋生态损害评估,但在一定程度上,海洋生态损害补偿标准是损害评估体系与补偿体系的综合结果;目前主要有经济、资源、生境3种海洋生态损害补偿方式,补偿方式的选取主要受技术可行性和经济效率的影响;补偿的有效落实还需要有配套制度和监管体系作为实施保障。综上所述,海洋生态损害补偿是个复杂的过程,其制度的建立和发展涉及海洋生态损害评价、补偿关键要素、补偿保障条件、补偿可持续性发展等各方面内容,缺一不可。  相似文献   

海洋溢油生态环境损害因果关系判定方法与模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乔冰  兰儒  李涛  陈明波  聂宁  石敬  任利利  段君雅  俞博凡 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5266-5278
海洋溢油对生态环境造成污染损害,构成了对海洋环境安全和人体健康的重大威胁,科学地评估溢油污染损害可以发挥为损害修复和赔偿仲裁提供依据的重要作用,为成就这一目标,亟待加强有关溢油污染损害的因果关系及其判定方法与准则的相关理论、技术方法和业务化应用的研究。为此,在对不同原油的各馏分占比和分类组分及含量进行统计分析的基础上,构建了溢油成分统计均值指标体系,基于WHO/IARC化学物质引起人类癌症危险性评价,揭示了不同种类溢油所造成的海洋生态环境损害类型和程度有所不同的因果关系,进而研究提出了基于溢油环境归宿和POPs毒性理论的损害机理分析方法,构建了包括事故发生、成分含量、分类后果、时空分布4类判定准则及其相应指标体系的海洋生态环境损害因果关系判定方法,提出了包括因果关系判定模型、多类型辅助评估模型、调查试验诊断评估方法及业务化流程、以及损害基线与程度判定准则及指标体系的海洋生态损害评估模型体系总体架构,设计阐述了多类型辅助评估模型、损害基线与程度判定准则及指标体系的构建方案。针对辅助评估模型中具有代表性的易受损因子--海水水质指标的损害因果关系判定和损害程度量化问题,构建了基于溢油风化缩比仿真试验的溢油风化水质影响评估模型,采用溢油事故引起海水水质超过不同等级水质标准的超标面积,以及事故发生前后实测的相关海域海水水质超过不同等级水质标准的超标面积发生变化以及出现峰值的状况,作为判定损害因果关系存在和评估损害程度的量化指标,通过开展"塔兹曼海"、大连"7.16"等发生于渤海和黄海的溢油及危化品事故案例调查,实施了判定方法与模型的应用研究,对模型参数进行了率定,模型和实测结果均显示,在具有连通性的渤海和黄海海域,不同时段超过不同等级海水水质标准的超标面积增量与该海域实际发生溢油事故的时间存在显著的关联响应关系。综合判断,溢油污染损害与污染事故发生的时间和位置、所处海域的连通性及扩散条件、入海溢油的总量及环境污染持久性呈密切相关的因果关系。  相似文献   

海洋溢油事故多以小型溢油为主,研究快速高效、耗费较低且所需信息量较少的溢油自然资源损害简易评估方法十分必要.本文以美国华盛顿州自然资源损害简易评估方法为框架,根据厦门湾海洋环境特点和生态敏感目标分布状况,确定溢油的环境效应包括溢油的急性毒性,机械伤害和持久性效应以及海洋与河口不同生境类型、鸟类、中华白海豚、文昌鱼、贝类以及旅游休憩行为对溢油的敏感程度,并据此估算模拟厦门湾小型溢油事故的自然资源损害价值.假设厦门湾东部海域某海洋工程施工船舶泄露船用重质燃料油2.4 m3,预测油膜污染影响面积约3.60 km2,其中开阔水域面积约占90%,海洋潮间带裸露沙滩面积约占8%,海洋潮下带沙质面积约占2%.基于溢油的环境效应系数和海洋与河口环境敏感系数计算得出厦门湾自然资源损害价值为9.35万元.  相似文献   

饶欢欢  彭本荣  刘岩  郑苗壮 《生态学报》2015,35(16):5467-5476
随着海岸带地区经济的发展、人口的增加和城市化程度的加快,日益增多的各类海洋工程已经或者正在损害海洋与海岸带生态系统为人类提供各种产品和服务的能力,严重威胁到人类健康和海洋经济的可持续发展。实施海洋生态损害补偿制度,即让生态损害责任方承担生态损害的全部成本,是解决海洋生态损害问题的有效途径之一。建立了海洋工程生态损害评估框架和生态损害补偿标准估算模型,并成功运用于厦门杏林跨海大桥的案例研究。结果表明,在2%的贴现率下,杏林大桥生态补偿标准为1739万元,远高于政府实际征收的补偿金额600万元。该评估框架信息需求量小,成本低且简单易行,在小规模海洋工程的生态损害评估与补偿方面有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

李京梅  刘娟 《生态学报》2022,42(4):1241-1251
生态修复是我国生态文明建设的重要内容。在对生态修复相关概念梳理的基础上,从公共物品治理视角对海洋生态修复主体、修复标准、修复路径及修复措施保障等关键环节进行论述,研究表明:污染和破坏者作为赔偿型海洋生态修复的主体,可通过自行修复和委托修复等方式,将受损海洋生态修复到破坏前的基线水平;国家作为补偿型海洋生态修复的主体,依据边际成本收益分析法确定最优修复规模,通过政府市场采购和创建市场等经济激励型路径实施生态修复以增加公众福利。未来我国海洋生态修复应重点关注修复的资金保障、监督制度以及生态修复的技术研发和修复完成后的成本收益评估等。  相似文献   

用海建设项目海洋生态损失补偿评估方法及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋生态补偿是一种防止海洋生态破坏、增强和促进海洋生态系统良性发展的环境政策,是用海者履行海洋资源有偿使用责任,对因开发利用海洋资源造成的海洋生态价值损失进行的货币化补偿。基于快速化、定量化和差别化补偿评估原则,编制了山东近海海域生态价值基准值表、生态损害系数表以及补偿系数表,建立了一种新的用海建设项目海洋生态损失补偿评估方法体系,包括占用海域和邻近影响海域的海洋生物资源和海洋生态系统服务两个方面的海洋生态价值损失补偿评估。针对2016年山东省5个典型用海项目,核算了其需要缴纳的海洋生态补偿资金,并与旧标准《山东省海洋生态损害赔偿和损失补偿评估方法》(DB37/T 1448—2009)的评估结果进行了对比。结果表明,按照本评估方法,用海企业需要缴纳的生态补偿资金会不同程度地提高,这将有利于用海企业增强资源有偿使用意识,引导企业理性用海,市场经济条件下这有利于海洋资源的优化配置,提高用海效率;另外,按照产业政策不同、受影响海域的生态脆弱性不同对用海建设项目造成的海洋生态损失进行差别化补偿,使得海洋生态补偿标准的评估结果更加科学合理。目前,该方法已经应用于山东海域7个沿海地市9个海区的海洋生态损失补偿评估中,被新发布的山东省地方标准《用海建设项目海洋生态损失补偿评估技术导则》(DB37/T 1448—2015)吸收采用。该评估方法可为海洋管理部门的生态资本核算、生态补偿核算、环评审批和发放许可证提供科学基础,对我国海洋生态环境保护和海洋经济绿色发展以及生态补偿制度实施具有积极推动作用。  相似文献   

海洋溢油污染不仅关系到天然渔业资源、海鸟等生物、海域环境、海岸线生态的破坏,而且对渔业、捕捞业、旅游业都会造成巨大损失,甚至会直接或间接地危害人类的健康。短期来看,一方面石油、燃料油等进入海洋后,对海洋生物资源造成影响;另一方面会危害附近海区的海洋环境,侵害海洋生物以及海鸟赖以生存和栖息的环境。长期来看,持续的海洋污染会导致的生态环境失衡,海洋的生产力也随之下降。溢油事故中的渔业资源损失评估作为追究污染事故责任,尽快恢复海域资源与环境的重要一环需要不断改进创新。为了定量确定海洋溢油事故发生后渔业资源的损失程度,将传统的评估模式与现代科学技术相结合,通过海洋动力学、流体力学、海洋生物学、环境化学等多个学科交叉融合,将流场风场模型、溢油模型、海域调查监测、卫星遥感技术、毒性效应和渔业资源的损失评估方法相结合,形成一种渔业资源损失评估的数值模拟评估模式,以完善溢油事故中渔业资源损失评估体系。在溢油事故现场监测数据的基础上,运用数学计算理论选择相对应的溢油模型,结合具体溢油事故案例的潮流数据和风场数据,模拟海上溢油污染的时空分布情况。采用卫星遥感技术根据不同油品在海水中不同的亮度表现,处理得到溢油油膜信息,与模拟得到的油膜信息进行比对验证,并对模型进行修正,通过模拟得出污染海域油浓度分布与溢油污染范围信息,结合溢油污染对不同海洋生物的毒性效应,得到渔业资源的损失程度,为溢油事故的渔业资源损失评估提供一种思路,为溢油事故发生后的损失评估和事故处理起到一定的参考辅助作用。  相似文献   

生态补偿在海洋生态资源管理中的应用   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
随着经济的快速发展,中国海洋生态资源破坏日趋严重。开展海洋生态资源生态补偿研究有利于利用经济的手段解决海洋生态资源面临的问题,在目前中国自然资源生态补偿方面的研究薄弱,海洋生态资源生态补偿研究缺乏的情况下,本文也是对生态补偿研究领域的拓展。本文详细分析了海洋生态资源生态补偿的利益相关者分析、补偿强度和补偿途径3个基本问题;指出了海洋生态资源生态补偿包括经济补偿、资源补偿和生境补偿。提出了海洋生态资源生态补偿的未来研究方向:海洋生态资源价值评估,海洋生态资源生态补偿的基本理论问题,以及海洋生态资源生态补偿的实证研究等。  相似文献   

The use of the ecological risk assessment (ERA) framework for assessing effects of oil spills is applicable to the injury assessment component of natural resource damage assessment (NRDA). Central to the ERA process is the assessment of exposure, the critical component linking the release of oil to the assessment of effects. Exposure of biological receptors to the toxic fractions of spilled oil, usually considered the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), requires carefully designed and implemented assessment studies, which are periodically refocused on various environmental pathways and the various biological receptors of concern over the life history of an oil spill from initial release to recovery. As important is the detailed assessment of the exposure regime in the absence of a spill (i.e., the baseline or background exposure). A release of petroleum may not, in itself, equate to an effect on a natural resource. The presence of residual petroleum hydrocarbons does not imply either availability to living organisms or injury to a biological resource. Precise and accurate chemical concentration and compositional data for 2–6 ringed PAHs and alkylated homologues are the key toxicologically important chemical components that are central to the exposure assessment. These principles are illustrated in several oil spill case studies.  相似文献   

张立斌  杨红生 《生命科学》2012,(9):1062-1069
由于人类活动导致的海洋生境、生态系统以及生物资源的衰退已经引起了全球的高度重视。以生态修复的原理为基础,综述了海洋生境修复和生物资源养护的关键设施、关键技术、监测与效果评价以及综合管理的国内外研究进展,并对海洋生境修复与生物资源养护的研究热点和重点进行了展望,以期为我国海洋生境修复和生物资源养护提供参考。  相似文献   

Despite the merit of managing natural resources on the scale of ecosystems, evaluating threats and managing risk in ecosystems that span multiple countries or jurisdictions can be challenging. This requires each government involved to consider actions in concert with actions being taken in other countries by co-managing entities. Multiple proposed fossil fuel-related and port development projects in the Salish Sea, a 16,925 km2 inland sea shared by Washington State (USA), British Columbia (Canada), and Indigenous Coast Salish governments, have the potential to increase marine vessel traffic and negatively impact natural resources. There is no legal mandate or management mechanism requiring a comprehensive review of the potential cumulative impacts of these development activities throughout the Salish Sea and across the international border. This project identifies ongoing and proposed energy-related development projects that will increase marine vessel traffic in the Salish Sea and evaluates the threats each project poses to natural resources important to the Coast Salish. While recognizing that Coast Salish traditions identify all species as important and connected, we used expert elicitation to identify 50 species upon which we could evaluate impact. These species were chosen because Coast Salish depend upon them heavily for harvest revenue or as a staple food source, they were particularly culturally or spiritually significant, or they were historically part of Coast Salish lifeways. We identified six development projects, each of which had three potential impacts (pressures) associated with increased marine vessel traffic: oil spill, vessel noise and vessel strike. Projects varied in their potential for localized impacts (pressures) including shoreline development, harbor oil spill, pipeline spill, coal dust accumulation and nearshore LNG explosion. Based on available published data, impact for each pressure/species interaction was rated as likely, possible or unlikely. Impacts are likely to occur in 23 to 28% of the possible pressure/species scenarios and are possible in another 15 to 28% additional pressure/species interactions. While it is not clear which impacts will be additive, synergistic, or potentially antagonistic, studies that manipulate multiple stressors in marine ecosystems suggest that threats associated with these six projects are likely to have an overall additive or even synergistic interaction and therefore impact species of major cultural importance to the Coast Salish, an important concept that would be lost by merely evaluating each project independently. Failure to address multiple impacts will affect the Coast Salish and the 7 million other people that also depend on this ecosystem. These findings show the value of evaluating multiple threats, and ultimately conducting risk assessments at the scale of ecosystems and highlight the serious need for managers of multinational ecosystems to actively collaborate on evaluating threats, assessing risk, and managing resources.  相似文献   

国土空间生态修复与保护空间识别——以北京市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王文静  逯非  欧阳志云 《生态学报》2022,42(6):2074-2085
构建国土空间修复与保护识别体系可以有效实现区域生态系统修复与保护,然而,当前国土空间生态修复与保护研究和规划缺乏从系统性和完整性的角度识别关键生态修复与保护区。因此构建了系统的生态修复与保护空间识别方法,以实现区域协调发展、保障区域生态安全。基于该方法,以北京市为例,通过评估生态系统服务、生态系统质量和生态问题,构建生态修复与保护空间格局。研究结果表明:(1) 2000—2015年生态系统服务和质量退化区主要集中在平原区和密云水库北部,面积为760.4 km~2;生态系统质量低下区主要分布在西南部山区和东北部山区,面积为4925 km~2;水土流失问题区零星分布在山区,面积为130.1 km~2;基于以上三者的北京生态修复建议区总面积5606 km~2。(2)建议北京生态保护区6391 km~2,主要分布在北部山区和西南部山区,保护了79.63%的水源涵养功能,74.97%的土壤保持功能,58.79%的洪水调蓄功能和60.3%的自然栖息地。本研究构建的生态修复与保护空间识别方法体系,为北京生态修复和保护规划与生态安全格局构建提供科学依据,还可以为其他地区的生态修复与保护规划提供参考。  相似文献   

空间约束背景下海岸带湿地保护边界研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈阳  岳文泽  张亮 《生态学报》2018,38(3):900-908
湿地保护边界划定是维护湿地可持续发展的基础前提,也是协调湿地保护与农地利用、城镇发展土地配置与空间布局的必经途径。研究从湿地保护边界的"源-汇"生态景观互动视角着眼,明晰了湿地保护源及保护优先等级,建构了空间约束评价与生态断界来刻画汇景观空间层次分异,借助最小累积阻力模型测度与划分了湿地保护边界及其类型。研究发现:(1)基于多重因素的空间约束评价与湿地生态断界的划分,通过最小阻力模型有效地刻画外部因子集成对湿地保护的限制及差异,以量化方式描绘湿地保护所处阻力最小地带,为湿地保护边界划分提供了新的思路。(2)杭州湾南岸生态断界与中高约束的区域占据研究区52.69%比例,无约束地域仅为12.79%,奠定了综合因素空间约束强势的基本格局。加之低度约束区域占据34.53%,显示杭州湾南岸区域多介于高低空间约束性势转换或过渡阶段,压缩了湿地保护的空间。(3)研究划分湿地保护边界范围与缓冲区带为49.11、24.07km~2,面积总和仅占据杭州湾南岸5.47%,湿地保护拓展和弹性调整空间极为有限。除生态断界提供湿地保护的天然边界外,湿地保护界限表现为保育林区、农地延伸型和水源保护型三类。  相似文献   

The Deepwater Horizon (DWH) accident in the northern Gulf of Mexico occurred on April 20, 2010 at a water depth of 1525 meters, and a deep-sea plume was detected within one month. Oil contacted and persisted in parts of the bottom of the deep-sea in the Gulf of Mexico. As part of the response to the accident, monitoring cruises were deployed in fall 2010 to measure potential impacts on the two main soft-bottom benthic invertebrate groups: macrofauna and meiofauna. Sediment was collected using a multicorer so that samples for chemical, physical and biological analyses could be taken simultaneously and analyzed using multivariate methods. The footprint of the oil spill was identified by creating a new variable with principal components analysis where the first factor was indicative of the oil spill impacts and this new variable mapped in a geographic information system to identify the area of the oil spill footprint. The most severe relative reduction of faunal abundance and diversity extended to 3 km from the wellhead in all directions covering an area about 24 km2. Moderate impacts were observed up to 17 km towards the southwest and 8.5 km towards the northeast of the wellhead, covering an area 148 km2. Benthic effects were correlated to total petroleum hydrocarbon, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and barium concentrations, and distance to the wellhead; but not distance to hydrocarbon seeps. Thus, benthic effects are more likely due to the oil spill, and not natural hydrocarbon seepage. Recovery rates in the deep sea are likely to be slow, on the order of decades or longer.  相似文献   

Several Federal statutes provide the government the authority to recover natural resource damages including the Clean Water Act Amendments (1977), the Outer Continental Shelf Act Amendments (1978), the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, and the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90). CERCLA and OPA 90 are the principle Federal statutes which authorize trustees to assess damages for trust resources which are lost, injured, or destroyed as a result of the discharge of oil or the release of hazardous substances. The Department of the Interior was charged with developing natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) regulations and procedures from CERCLA and the Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was charged with developing regulations for OPA 90. NRDA is a process for making the public “whole” for direct injury to natural resources and/or the services of natural resources. The primary objectives of the NRDA process are to identify and quantify natural resource injury, determine the damages resulting from the injury, and develop and implement appropriate restoration actions. The goal is to be accomplished by implementing a plan for the restoration, rehabilitation, replacement, or acquisition of equivalent natural resources. NRDA is an after-the-fact process; however, the OPA 90 NRDA rules describe a pre-spill planning process. The models and formulae can be used in this pre-spill planning process to estimate damages (both ecological and economic). Some of those tools, in particular NRDAMCME, have uses in ranking risk from spills of petroleum products and hazardous substances. This information can be used to protect ecological resources and lower NRDA costs through pre spill planning and management of resources during a spill.  相似文献   

This research focused on the following objectives: (1) using satellite data to characterize the spatiotemporal distribution of anthropogenic oil spills from Oil Rocks Settlement, Chilov and Pirallahi Islands (2) stochastic modeling of the oil spill risk pose to water quality and shoreline ecosystems, and (3) validating model predictions using satellite images. 165 satellite images acquired by SENTINEL-1A, LANDSAT-8, RADARSAT, ENVISAT and ERS sensors between 1996 and 2015 were used for the detection of oil spills using object-based classification and visual interpretation. Anthropogenic hotspots were observed at three oldest oil production sites with estimated oil spilling up to 1264 m3 per day and different degrees of temporal repetition of oil spills. The largest area (5639 km2) experienced 1–10 detected oil spills, while 993 km2 experienced 11–20 oil spills, 775 km2 experienced 21–50 oil spills, 208 km2 experienced 51–100 oil spills, and 36 km2 experienced 101–150 oil spills. The majority (83% or 6157 km2) of sea surface area within the combined boundary of detected oil spills (7422 km2) had a 50% or greater chance of oil spill contamination. Approximately, 6% (44 km of 751 km) of shoreline had a 50% or greater probability of contamination with land use classes sensitive to pollution.  相似文献   

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