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本文研究了受汞污染的农田土壤—植物系统中汞的分布,迁移和积累的规律。土壤中的汞在离污染源3公里的范围内含量最高;主要集中在0一20厘米的土壤上层,几乎不往下迁移。植物可以从土壤和大气中吸收、积累汞。在汉沽区没有发现由于汞污染所造成的植物受害症状。植物中的汞含量与土壤中的汞含量成正相关。土壤汞含量与水稻茎叶汞含量的相关系数为0.836(N=7),与糙米汞含量的相关系数为0.898(N=7)。植物不同部位的汞含量根>叶>茎>种子。不同作物种子比较,糙米>高粱>小麦。在大气中汞含量高的地段,植物地上部分汞含量高于根。土壤、植物中的汞不断地向大气扩散,而大气中的汞随着降雨、降尘等又不断地沉降到土壤和植物的气生表面,并可被植物吸收。汞向其邻近地区扩散的能力较小。  相似文献   

王定勇  牟树森 《生态学报》1999,19(1):140-144
按酸沉降危害程度的差异及不同功能区,进行了大气、植物、土壤汞的同步调查采样分析。结果表明,大气汞对土壤-植物系统汞累积的影响非常明显,土壤、植物含汞量均随大气汞浓度的升高而升高,土壤-植物系统汞累积与大气汞浓度有显著的相关(相关系数分别为r植=0.882**,n=53;r土=0.741**,n=52)。调查还发现,当大气汞浓度大于30ng/m3时,土壤-植物系统汞累积较为明显,因此把30ng(Hg)/m3作为本地区大气汞对土壤-植物系统造成二次污染的临界浓度  相似文献   

腐殖质、硫、氯化钠对水稻积累汞的影响试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汞是环境中主要重金属污染物之一。国内外在研究汞在水生环境的迁移转化规律及其基质方面进行了大量的工作,但汞在陆生环境中的迁移转化,尤其是土壤—植物系统中影响汞吸收的机制方面研究得较少。近年来,国外对影响土壤吸收汞的机制的研究工作,认为土壤酸碱度、氧化还原电位是影响土壤、生物吸收重金属的主要因素,环境中无机配位体和有机  相似文献   

汞污染土壤植物修复技术研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
汞是一种全球性污染物,汞污染土壤的修复问题,一直倍受各国科学工作者关注,土壤汞污染的植物修复技术是近年来发展起来的新兴技术.其中,汞污染土壤的植物提取技术是最有发展前途的一种汞污染土壤植物修复技术.本文对国内外有关汞污染土壤的植物修复技术进行了系统分析,对有关汞污染土壤的植物修复应用技术,如植物挥发、固化及提取等修复方法进行了评述,探讨了植物修复技术在汞污染土壤修复中的应用前景.加快对汞超积累植物的筛选和植物体对重金属耐性机制的研究,对今后开展汞污染土壤的植物修复工作具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

类固醇雌激素(steroidal estrogens, SEs)作为典型的内分泌干扰物,在环境介质中被广泛检出,其进入生物体后可模拟细胞内源性激素作用对生物体生长、发育、生殖等产生不利影响,因此越来越引起关注。目前关于SEs的研究报道多集中于粪便、土壤、水体等介质中的检出及环境行为,以及SEs在水生生物体内的迁移和转化,其累积效应及其机制研究较为系统和全面。相较而言,SEs在土壤-植物体系中的迁移累积报道较少,但是对于掌握农田系统中SEs迁移转化的需求更为迫切。结合现有的国内外相关研究,总结了SEs在土壤-植物体系中的吸收累积和迁移转化行为特征,概述了植物吸收代谢SEs的影响因素以及SEs对植物生长发育的毒理效应。目前针对SEs的植物体吸收大多数仍基于室内模拟实验,对于其在土壤-植物多相态体系中迁移转化机理尚不清楚。因此,对今后的研究方向提出以下几点建议:(1)除室内模拟实验外,对实际土壤-植物系统中的研究更具价值,特别是SEs土壤-土壤水-植物多相态体系中的迁移转化等过程;(2)应结合SEs的来源,探究畜禽粪便、城市污泥及污水等不同源SEs对植物吸收、累积污染物的影响及污染风险;(3)加强对农作物体内SEs残留的监测和风险评估,制定SEs农作物检出及人体摄入的相关标准。  相似文献   

碳同位素技术在森林生态系统碳循环研究中的应用   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
郑兴波  张岩  顾广虹 《生态学杂志》2005,24(11):1334-1338
碳同位素技术对碳素在生态系统中的迁移动态具有很好的示踪作用,在生态学各领域研究中应用广泛。土壤、大气、植物是森林生态系统的重要碳库,植物是大气和土壤交换碳元素的重要介质。本文简要总结了碳同位素技术在研究碳元素在植物体内以及植物、土壤、大气碳库之间的迁移规律和生态学过程中的应用,展望了该技术在森林界面学中的应用前景。  相似文献   

极地大气汞亏损研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汞是唯一以气态单质形态随大气循环参与全球迁移的重金属元素,大气汞的长距离传输是汞的生物地球化学循环的重要特性之一,对全球汞循环有着重要的影响.由于汞的全球传输与沉降,汞在极地的污染不容忽视.科学工作者分别于1995年、2000年在北极和南极地区发现了大气汞亏损现象,并提出了对大气汞迁移转化的新认识,促进了对特殊气候、环境下汞在大气中的形态转化及其对陆地生态系统的影响研究.目前对极地大气汞亏损过程及其影响了解仍不够深入.本文从极地大气汞的分布、大气汞亏损的发生机制、沉降汞的归趋以及生物响应等综述了近年来对极地大气汞亏损的研究工作,并对极地大气汞亏损今后的研究方向作了展望,为特殊气候环境下大气汞的迁移转化机理研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

陆地生物地球化学模型的应用和发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以TEM和DNDC模型为例,在分析国外生物地球化学模型发展基础上,按照模拟方法,应用目的,元素类型,生态系统类型和空间尺度等对现有的生物地球化学模型进行了分类,对生物地球化学模型的基本框架(植物,大气和土壤3个组分及植物-大气,植物-土壤和土壤-大气界面等3个界面),以及内部基本过程(物理的,化学的和生物的过程)进行了总结分析,对目前生物地球化学模型建立中的几个问题(如跨尺度问题,地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感技术结合,考虑人类活动的影响和生物地球化学模型的比较研究)的研究动态进行了评价。  相似文献   

广西某污染区金属元素在土壤-植物系统中的迁移规律   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
重金属镉(Cd)是一种毒性极强并广泛存在于环境中的有害元素。土壤中的Cd极易被植物吸收并通过食物链对普通人群的健康造成危害。由于Cd在土壤.植物系统的迁移及对人类健康的影响与某些金属元素之间存在着相互作用,研究这些元素对Cd在食物链中迁移及在人体内富集的影响机制成为Cd研究的热点。本研究对广西某污染区的菜田进行了调查,结果表明:污染区蔬菜的Cd、Ca、Cu、Fe、Pb、Zn的浓度明显高于非污染区;不同的蔬菜品种对重金属元素Cd、Cu、Pb、Zn的迁移和积累能力存在着较大差异,不同金属元素的迁移能力依次为Cd〉Zn〉Cu〉Pb;Cd在土壤-植物中的迁移受共存元素的影响。  相似文献   

生物炭对污染物的土壤环境行为影响研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
近年来,生物炭已成为农业、生态修复和环境保护领域的研究热点。一般认为,生物炭具有改善土壤质量、增加土壤碳汇、减少大气CO2浓度以及修复污染环境等功能。大量的生物炭施用到土壤后会改变土壤性质,影响重金属和有机污染物在土壤中的环境行为以及它们在环境中的归趋。本文就生物炭对土壤中重金属的吸附-解吸、在土壤中的形态转化、在土壤-植物系统中迁移行为、对有机污染物的吸附挥发及生物有效性进行了概述;在此基础上,扼要分析了当前生物炭应用存在的环境风险等问题,并从生物炭在土壤中的迁移转化及其归趋、生物炭的长期环境效应以及生物炭应用方向等方面进行了展望。  相似文献   

Pollution in industrial areas is a serious environmental concern, and interest in bacterial resistance to heavy metals is of practical significance. Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) are known to cause damage to living organisms, including human beings. Several marine bacteria highly resistant to mercury (BHRM) capable of growing at 25 ppm (mg L(-1)) or higher concentrations of mercury were tested during this study to evaluate their potential to detoxify Cd and Pb. Results indicate their potential of detoxification not only of Hg, but also Cd and Pb. Through biochemical and 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses, these bacteria were identified to belong to Alcaligenes faecalis (seven isolates), Bacillus pumilus (three isolates), Bacillus sp. (one isolate), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (one isolate), and Brevibacterium iodinium (one isolate). The mechanisms of heavy metal detoxification were through volatilization (for Hg), putative entrapment in the extracellular polymeric substance (for Hg, Cd and Pb) as revealed by the scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, and/or precipitation as sulfide (for Pb). These bacteria removed more than 70% of Cd and 98% of Pb within 72 and 96 h, respectively, from growth medium that had initial metal concentrations of 100 ppm. Their detoxification efficiency for Hg, Cd and Pb indicates good potential for application in bioremediation of toxic heavy metals.  相似文献   

王金迪  王成业  赵敏  冯颖 《生物资源》2018,40(6):507-511
汞是一种人体非必需且有毒的重金属元素,全球性的汞污染因对人类健康具有损害而备受社会关注。自然界中的汞绝大部分会通过江河径流和雨雪尘土的沉降而进入水生生态系统,每年进入水生生态系统的汞至少有10 000吨。水生昆虫作为重要的消费者生物存在于水生生态食物网中,是其重要的组成部分,在水生生态系统的物质循环中扮演着重要角色。本文介绍了近年来水生昆虫与汞之间的相关研究,重点总结了水生昆虫对汞的吸收和富集程度,分析了水生昆虫在汞的水-陆转移中的作用。研究数据表明,水生昆虫对汞的吸收程度与环境因素有关,并通过不同的途径转移到陆地生态系统中,对陆地生态系统上层食物链的生物存在一定的威胁,同时也需注意在对水生昆虫进行开发利用的同时,考虑汞是否超标的因素。  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) is a heavy metal with high toxicity and easy migration; it can be enriched through the food chain, and cause serious threats to the natural environment and human health. So, the development of a method that can be used to detect mercury ions (Hg2+) in the environment, in cells, and in organisms is very important. Here, a new 7‐hydroxycoumarin‐derived carbonothioate‐based probe ( CC‐Hg ) was designed and synthesized for detection of Hg2+. After addition of Hg2+, a large fluorescence enhancement was observed due to the formation of 7‐hydroxyl, which reinforced the intramolecular charge transfer process. The CC‐Hg probe had good water solubility and selectivity. Moreover, the probe was able to detect Hg2+ quantitatively over the concentration range 0–2 μM and with a detection limit of 7.9 nM. Importantly, we successfully applied the probe to detect Hg2+ in water samples, in living cells, and in zebrafish. The experimental results demonstrated its potential value in practical applications.  相似文献   

Mercury vapour (Hg°) emission from plants contributes to the atmospheric mercury cycle. Although a part of this Hg° emission originates from Hg(II) uptake by the roots, the question how terrestrial plants reduce Hg(II) has not been addressed so far. Young barley plants grown on a hydroponic cultivation containing Hg(II) increased the Hg° emission significantly. Homogenates of barley leaves added to dissolved Hg(II) induced a powerful volatilization at alkaline but not at acidic pH. The same pH dependence and emission kinetic together with the highest reduction capacity was observed for ascorbic acid as compared to other phytoreductants. The electrochemical potentials of the reactions involved suggest an electron transfer from NADPH via GSH and ascorbate to Hg(II). The results support the assumption of a novel mechanism how plants transfer reduction equivalents from the antioxidative defense system via ascorbate to reduce Hg(II) ions, thus counteracting mercury toxicity by volatilizing the metal. This effect appears to be assisted by other light-dependent processes such as transpiration and ascorbate synthesis.  相似文献   

He YK  Sun JG  Feng XZ  Czakó M  Márton L 《Cell research》2001,11(3):231-236
INTRODUCTIONEnvironmental pollution is an increasing prob-lem both fOr developing and developed countries.Mercury, both in organic and ionic fOrm, is one of themost hazardous pollutants among the heavy met-als[l]and its accumuIation in human body results ininactivation of metabolic enzymes and structuralproteins[2, 3] giving rise to serious health problems(Minamatasyndrome).Usually mercury pollution is caused by indus-trial and agricultural activities, releasing mercuryinto air, water an…  相似文献   

李嗣新  胡菊香  池仕运  胡俊 《生态学报》2016,36(5):1233-1243
汞是唯一参与全球循环的液态重金属。1974年,自美国学者Smith首次报道水库中鱼类总汞含量高于邻近自然湖泊以来,水库中鱼类汞升高的风险成为新建水库环境影响评价中的重要内容之一。汞在水库生态系统生物组分和非生物组分中含量升高的现象先后在世界各国报道,包括加拿大、美国、芬兰、泰国和巴西等。通过对系列的野外研究进行回顾,表明了水库形成后生态系统中汞的甲基化过程发生了变化。水库形成对汞在食物网中的鱼类、底栖生物、浮游生物的累积产生影响。水库中汞的生物累积、迁移转化主要与被淹没土壤和植物腐解过程有着直接或间接的关系。水库形成后,总汞、甲基汞和甲基汞比例在生态系统食物网各组分中的变化并不一致。蓄水后,水体中总汞变化较小,甲基汞和甲基汞比例上升明显;浮游生物尤其是浮游动物中总汞升高,但甲基汞和甲基汞比例升高更为明显;与浮游动物类似,底栖水生昆虫中总汞升高,甲基汞和甲基汞比例升高也更为明显;鱼类作为食物网顶级消费者,甲基汞比例一般在80%以上,在水库形成后鱼类总汞和甲基汞均明显升高,但甲基汞比例变化已经不大。这些变化揭示了水库形成后甲基汞在食物网传递的两个主要可能途径,一是微型生物食物网。通过悬浮颗粒物、浮游植物、浮游动物这一环节,甲基汞和甲基汞比例有明显的增加。第二个途径是底层生物食物网。通过悬浮颗粒物、细菌、碎屑食性底栖水生昆虫、肉食型底栖水生昆虫环节,甲基汞和甲基汞比例明显增加。这两种途径均能导致以水生昆虫、小鱼、甲壳类等为食的肉食性鱼类汞含量增加。水库形成后,生态系统中汞的甲基化发生了明显的"加速"过程。这种"加速"过程最直接的因素是成库后大量土壤淹没使得汞的甲基化平衡被打破。这个过程主要有两方面的影响。一方面是直接影响,被淹没土壤和植被在腐解过程中主动或被动地将甲基汞释放到水库生态系统中;另一方面是间接影响,被淹没土壤和植被的腐解使水库底部形成厌氧环境,有利于无机汞从被淹没土壤和植被中溶出,为甲基化反应提供充裕的、可供甲基化的无机汞,同时腐解产生的大量营养物质为微生物提供丰富食物来源,使硫酸盐还原菌大量繁殖,促进无机汞的甲基化。在我国,有关汞在新建水库食物网中生物累积和风险评价的研究有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) is a global pollutant that threatens the environment and human health. As a major producer, emitter and consumer of Hg, China is currently taking different measures to curb mercury pollution in accordance with the requirements of the Minamata Convention on Mercury. Blood Hg can reflect the human body's recent exposure to Hg. This review summarized the temporal changes in blood Hg concentrations in newborns and the general public in China from 1980 s to 2020 s. It was shown that the blood Hg concentrations of newborns showed the downward trend, although it was not significant. The general public Hg concentrations showed a trend of first increase and then decrease trend. Most of the cord blood Hg and venous blood Hg concentrations in China were lower than the USEPA reference concentration of 5.8 µg/L. Since low-dose prenatal Hg exposure can affect fetal and neonatal development, continuous attention needs to be paid to reduce maternal and neonatal Hg exposure. The information provided in this review may lay a basis for the effectiveness evaluation on the implementation of Minamata Convention on Mercury.  相似文献   

Mercury is present in the environment as a result of natural processes and from anthropogenic sources. The amount of mercury mobilized and released into the biosphere has increased since the beginning of the industrial age. Generally, mercury accumulates upwards through aquatic food chains, so that organisms at higher trophic levels have higher mercury concentrations. Some bacteria are able to resist heavy metal contamination through chemical transformation by reduction, oxidation, methylation and demethylation. One of the best understood biological systems for detoxifying organometallic or inorganic compounds involves the mer operon. The mer determinants, RTPCDAB, in these bacteria are often located in plasmids or transposons and can also be found in chromosomes. There are two classes of mercury resistance: narrow-spectrum specifies resistance to inorganic mercury, while broad-spectrum includes resistance to organomercurials, encoded by the gene merB. The regulatory gene merR is transcribed from a promoter that is divergently oriented from the promoter for the other mer genes. MerR regulates the expression of the structural genes of the operon in both a positive and a negative fashion. Resistance is due to Hg2+ being taken up into the cell and delivered to the NADPH-dependent flavoenzyme mercuric reductase, which catalyzes the two-electron reduction of Hg2+ to volatile, low-toxicity Hg0. The potential for bioremediation applications of the microbial mer operon has been long recognized; consequently, Escherichia coli and other wild and genetically engineered organisms for the bioremediation of Hg2+-contaminated environments have been assayed by several laboratories.  相似文献   

苔藓植物对贵州丹寨汞矿区汞污染的生态监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘荣相  王智慧  张朝晖 《生态学报》2011,31(6):1558-1566
采用野外生态学系统取样方法和室内理化分析方法相结合,分别从苔藓植物地球化学特征、物种丰富度、群落类型、群落的结构等生物学特征上,探讨苔藓植物对丹寨汞矿区汞污染的生态监测。丹寨汞矿区苔藓植物共20个科,34属85种;真藓科和丛藓科占优势。在汞污染程度不同的4种生境梯度中,汞含量均超出国家土壤环境质量三级土标准的10倍以上。各研究生境梯度真藓(Bryum argenteum),丛生真藓(Bryum caespiticium)和狭叶小羽藓(Haplocladium angustifolium)体内的汞含量与其生境基质(土壤)的汞含量在P<0.01水平上呈显著的正相关;且信度系数R均大于0.9,表明被测苔藓植物在地球化学特征上具有监测环境汞污染的生态功能。物种丰富度特征方面,汞污染严重区域物种丰富度较低;而污染程度相对较轻区域物种丰富度则较大;表明了该区苔藓植物丰富度总体上可以作为环境中汞污染的监测指标之一。群落学特征方面,群落类型丰富度在汞污染较重的区域丰富度较低;而苔藓植物群落结构方面,在汞污染较重区域过渡到汞污染相对较轻区域,纯群落数在逐渐减少,但3种及3种以上组成的群落数却有所增加。表现了苔藓群落结构组成越简单则该区汞污染较严重,苔藓植物结构组成越复杂则该区的汞污染程度相对较轻。这说明了苔藓植物群落特征也较适合作为汞矿区生态监测的指标。在汞污染区过渡到相对清洁区的污染过渡带,苔藓物种多样性和群落类型趋于多样化,产生了较明显群落边缘效应。  相似文献   

Mercury is one of the most hazardous heavy metals and is a particular problem in aquatic ecosystems, where organic mercury is biomagnified in the food chain. Previous studies demonstrated that transgenic model plants expressing a modified mercuric ion reductase gene from bacteria could detoxify mercury by converting the more toxic and reductive ionic form [Hg(II)] to less toxic elemental mercury [Hg(0)]. To further investigate if a genetic engineering approach for mercury phytoremediation can be effective in trees with a greater potential in riparian ecosystems, we generated transgenic Eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides) trees expressing modified merA9 and merA18 genes. Leaf sections from transgenic plantlets produced adventitious shoots in the presence of 50 microm Hg(II) supplied as HgCl2, which inhibited shoot induction from leaf explants of wild-type plantlets. Transgenic shoots cultured in a medium containing 25 microm Hg(II) showed normal growth and rooted, while wild-type shoots were killed. When the transgenic cottonwood plantlets were exposed to Hg(II), they evolved 2-4-fold the amount of Hg(0) relative to wild-type plantlets. Transgenic merA9 and merA18 plants accumulated significantly higher biomass than control plants on a Georgia Piedmont soil contaminated with 40 p.p.m. Hg(II). Our results indicate that Eastern cottonwood plants expressing the bacterial mercuric ion reductase gene have potential as candidates for in situ remediation of mercury-contaminated soils or wastewater.  相似文献   

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