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为了深入开展高丹草低氢氰酸含量性状的QTL精细定位、基因图位克隆、功能解析及分子标记辅助育种,该研究以二倍体杂交高丹草F_2代群体500个分离单株无性系及其亲本为材料,在课题组前期已构建出的高丹草高密度分子遗传连锁图谱的基础上,利用区间作图法对两年两地测定的高丹草氢氰酸含量性状进行了QTL定位分析。结果显示:(1)在4个不同环境下高丹草氢氰酸含量性状的广义遗传率分别为61.70%、72.05%、40.16%和69.25%,表明氢氰酸含量是既受环境影响又受微效多基因控制的数量性状,而且其群体测定值频率呈明显单峰正态性分布特点,符合QTL定位要求。(2)在LOD2.5的条件下,共检测到16个与氢氰酸含量性状相关的QTLs,其分布在LG1、LG2、LG4、LG6、LG7、LG8和LG10连锁群上。(3)16个QTLs中能重复检测到的稳定QTLs有9个,遗传贡献率范围为1.17%~39.9%,其中贡献率大于20%的主效QTLs有Qcn2-2、Qcn4-1、Qcn6和Qcn6-1共4个。该研究结果明确了各QTLs的遗传效应和分子标记位点。  相似文献   

鲤饲料转化率性状的QTL 定位及遗传效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数量性状(QTL)定位是实现分子标记辅助育种、基因选择和定位、培育新品种及加快性状遗传研究进展的重要手段。饲料转化率是鲤鱼的重要经济性状和遗传改良的主要目标, 而通过QTL 定位获得与饲料转化率性状紧密连锁的分子标记以及相关基因是遗传育种的重要工具。研究利用SNP、SSR、EST-SSR 等分子标记构建鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio L.)遗传连锁图谱并对重要经济性状进行QTL 定位。选用174 个SSR 标记、41 个EST-SSR 标记、345 个SNP 标记对德国镜鲤F2 代群体68 个个体进行基因型检测, 用JoinMap4.0 软件包构建鲤鱼遗传连锁图谱。再用MapQTL5.0 的区间作图法(Interval mapping, IM)和多QTL 区间定位法(MQMMapping, MQM)对饲料转化率性状进行QTL 区间检测, 通过置换实验(1000 次重复)确定连锁群显著性水平阈值。结果显示, 在对饲料转化率性状的多QTL 区间定位中, 共检测到15 个QTLs 区间, 分布在9 个连锁群上, 解释表型变异范围为17.70%—52.20%, 解释表型变异最大的QTLs 区间在第48 连锁群上, 为52.20%。HLJE314-SNP0919(LG25)区间标记覆盖的图距最小, 为0.164 cM; 最大的是HLJ1439-HLJ1438(LG39)区间,覆盖图距为24.922 cM。其中区间HLJ1439-HLJ1438、HLJ922 -SNP0711 解释表型变异均超过50.00%, 可能是影响饲料转化率性状的主效QTLs 区间。与饲料转化率相关的15 个QTLs 的加性效应方向并不一致, 有3个区间具有负向加性效应, 平均为?0.027; 12 个正向加性效应, 平均值为0.06。研究检测出的与鲤鱼饲料转化率性状相关的QTL 位点可为鲤鱼分子标记辅助育种和更进一步的QTL 精细定位打下基础。    相似文献   

利用绿豆(Vigna radiata)品种苏绿16-10和潍绿11杂交构建的F2和F3群体发掘调控绿豆产量相关性状的遗传位点。同时对绿豆产量相关性状进行表型鉴定和相关性分析, 并利用构建的遗传连锁图谱进行QTL定位。结果表明, 单株产量与单株荚数、单荚粒数、百粒重和分枝数均呈正相关。单株产量与单株荚数的相关性最高, 这2个性状在F2和F3群体中的相关系数分别为0.950和0.914。在F2群体中, 共检测到8个与产量性状相关的QTL位点, 其中与单株荚数、单荚粒数和单株产量相关的QTL位点各1个, 分别解释11.09% (qNPP3)、17.93% (qNSP3)和14.18% (qYP3)的表型变异; 2个与分枝数相关的QTL位点qBMS3qBMS11, 分别解释18.51%和7.06%的表型变异; 3个与百粒重相关的QTL位点qHSW3qHSW7qHSW10, 分别解释5.33%、46.07%和4.24%的表型变异。在F3群体中, qNSP3qHSW7再次被检测到, 表明这2个QTLs有较好的遗传稳定性。同时, 开发了1个与百粒重主效QTL qHSW7紧密连锁的InDel标记R7-13.4, 并利用自然群体对该分子标记辅助筛选的有效性进行了验证。研究结果可为绿豆产量相关性状基因的定位、克隆及分子标记辅助育种提供参考。  相似文献   

对海岛棉产量和早熟性状进行QTL初步定位,为分子标记辅助育种提供依据.利用5200多对SSR引物筛选海岛棉品种新海3号和Giza82间的多态性引物,获得107对.以多态性引物检测新海3号×Giza82的190个F2∶3家系,获得120个多态性位点.利用JoinMap3.0分析软件构建了一个包含22个连锁群,74个标记,标记间平均距离12.06cM,全长893cM,覆盖海岛棉基因组20.12%的分子标记遗传连锁图谱.采用复合区间作图法检测到21个与海岛棉产量性状和早熟性状有关的QTL,其中早熟性状检测到12个QTL,分别位于1、3、5、6、11、17、22共7个连锁群上;产量性状检测到9个QTL,分别位于1、4、5、6、7、16、22共7个连锁群上.研究结果为海岛棉产量性状和早熟性状的分子设计育种提供了有用的信息.  相似文献   

对海岛棉产量和早熟性状进行QTL初步定位,为分子标记辅助育种提供依据。利用5200多对SSR引物筛选海岛棉品种新海3号和Giza82间的多态性引物,获得107对。以多态性引物检测新海3号×Giza82的190个F2:3家系,获得120个多态性位点。利用JoinMap3.0分析软件构建了一个包含22个连锁群,74个标记,标记间平均距离12.06 cM,全长893 cM,覆盖海岛棉基因组20.12%的分子标记遗传连锁图谱。采用复合区间作图法检测到21个与海岛棉产量性状和早熟性状有关的QTL,其中早熟性状检测到12个QTL,分别位于1、3、5、6、11、17、22共7个连锁群上;产量性状检测到9个QTL,分别位于1、4、5、6、7、16、22共7个连锁群上。研究结果为海岛棉产量性状和早熟性状的分子设计育种提供了有用的信息。  相似文献   

7个烤烟产量相关性状的QTL定位分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以烤烟Y3和K326为亲本,采用单粒传法(SSD)获得一个包含262个F6株系的重组自交系群体(RILs)。基于该群体构建了一张含有24个连锁群、626个SSR标记,总长为1 120.45cM的遗传图谱。通过两年一点3次重复的随机区组田间试验,测定了株高、节距、叶数、茎围、茎叶角度、腰叶长和腰叶宽7个与产量相关农艺性状,采用混合线性模型的严格复合区间作图法(rMQM)在烟草全基因组范围内进行QTL扫描分析。结果显示:(1)烤烟7个目标性状在RILs群体内各株系间存在较大范围的连续变异,具有显著的双向超亲分离,且各性状的平均值很接近中亲值;7个农艺性状的平均广义遗传率为73.33%,其中株高和节距的广义遗传率在80%以上,而茎围和茎叶角度的广义遗传率则低于60%,表明7个与烤烟产量相关的农艺性状是既受微效多基因控制又受环境条件影响的数量性状。(2)共检测到30个QTLs分布在9条连锁群上,其中与株高、节距、叶数、腰叶长和腰叶宽相关的5个主效QTLs在连续两年中均可检测到,且具有较大的效应值,可解释大于10%的表型变异。(3)7个目标性状之间存在一定程度的相关性,与之对应在基因组中也存在一些较小区域,每个区域包含2个或2个以上紧密连锁的不同性状的QTLs。烟草产量相关农艺性状的QTL分析和主效QTLs的获得,为进一步利用分子标记辅助选择培育烟草高产新品种奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

试验拟对谷子重要农艺性状进行数量性状位点QTL分析。以表型差异较大的沈3/晋谷20F2作图群体为材料,观测其株高、穗长等性状,选用SSR做分子标记,利用完备区间作图法(BASTEN C J)进行QTL分析。结果显示,表型数据在作图群体中呈现连续分布,表现为多基因控制的数量性状,被整合的54个SSR标记构建10个连锁群,LOD阈值设置为2.0,检测到与株高相关的主效QTL2个,联合贡献率45.9637%,穗长主效QTL1个,贡献率14.9647%,与穗重、粒重相关的主效QTL为同一位点,贡献率分别为11.9601%和10.1879%。有6组QTL位点之间存在基因互作效应,大小范围为-0.4986-16.6407,对性状的贡献率在2.2716%至6.7478%之间。谷子表型控制复杂,相关QTL的检测受环境影响较大,不同连锁群QTL间互作明显。  相似文献   

缺磷是抑制全球水稻产量主要因素之一。本研究利用Asomonori(粳型)/IR24(籼型)杂交重组自交株系,对5个水稻苗期性状(相对苗高、相对根长、相对根重、相对苗重以及相对总重)在缺磷条件下的响应QTL进行定位。共检测到20个水稻苗期生长对缺磷响应的QTL位点,分别位于第1(4QTLs)、第4(4QTLs)、第5(2QTLs)、第7、第8(4QTLs)、第9(2QTLs)、第11(2QTLs)和第12号染色体上,其中13个QTLs位于与C3029C、XNpb302、C621B、C621C、R2976和C1263分子标记紧密连锁的6个基因组区域上。另外,每个性状均能从双亲中检测到正负效应QTL位点,这些能解释重组自交系群体中出现超亲和连续分布的现象。本文主要报道了水稻第5、第7和第11染色体上存在水稻苗期生长对缺磷响应的QTL位点。研究表明,该结果及其中检测到的QTLs两侧的连锁分子标记可用于水稻苗期耐低磷性分子育种。  相似文献   

水稻粒长QTL定位与主效基因的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究利用短粒普通野生稻矮杆突变体和长粒栽培稻品种KJ01组配杂交组合F_1,构建分离群体F_2;并对该群体粒长进行性状遗传分析,利用平均分布于水稻的12条染色体上的132对多态分子标记对该群体进行QTL定位及主效QTLs遗传分析,为进一步克隆新的主效粒长基因奠定基础,并为水稻粒形育种提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)所构建的水稻杂交组合分离群体F_2的粒长性状为多基因控制的数量性状。(2)对543株F_2分离群体进行QTL连锁分析,构建了控制水稻粒长的连锁遗传图谱,总长为1 713.94 cM,共检测出24个QTLs,只有3个表现为加性遗传效应,其余位点均表现为遗传负效应。(3)检测到的3个主效QTLs分别位于3号染色体的分子标记PSM379~RID24455、RID24455~RM15689和RM571~RM16238之间,且三者对表型的贡献率分别为54.85%、31.02%和7.62%。(4)在标记PSM379~RID24455之间已克隆到的粒长基因为该研究新发现的主效QTL位点。  相似文献   

镜鲤体重的QTL定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究利用217个微卫星标记和336个SNPs标记对德国镜鲤F2代68个个体基因组DNA进行基因型检测.其中507个标记共组成62个连锁群,覆盖基因组总长度为2 805.85 cM,标记间平均距离为6.31 cM;利用软件MapQTL 4.0采用区间作图法对体重性状进行QTL定位分析.研究结果共检测到14个与体重性状有关的QTLs,分布于9个连锁群.其中BW-5-1有最大的LOD值,为4.46;BW-1-1的LOD值最小,为2.25.单个QTL平均解释表型变异介于14.10%~45.50%之间,其中贡献率大于20%的主效QTLs有9个.通过BLASTX与斑马鱼蛋白质序列数据库进行序列比对,找到了与斑马鱼酰基辅酶A脱氢酶蛋白、胰淀粉酶α2蛋白、Apoeb protein和甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶蛋白同源的分子标记.本研究结果对分子标记辅助育种具有重要应用价值.  相似文献   

Tomato represents an important source of fiber and nutrients in the human diet and is a central model for the study of fruit biology. To identify components of fruit metabolic composition, here we have phenotyped tomato introgression lines (ILs) containing chromosome segments of a wild species in the genetic background of a cultivated variety. Using this high-diversity population, we identify 889 quantitative fruit metabolic loci and 326 loci that modify yield-associated traits. The mapping analysis indicates that at least 50% of the metabolic loci are associated with quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that modify whole-plant yield-associated traits. We generate a cartographic network based on correlation analysis that reveals whole-plant phenotype associated and independent metabolic associations, including links with metabolites of nutritional and organoleptic importance. The results of our genomic survey illustrate the power of genome-wide metabolic profiling and detailed morphological analysis for uncovering traits with potential for crop breeding.  相似文献   

利用双单倍体群体剖析水稻产量及其相关性状的遗传基础   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
主效QTL、上位性效应和它们与环境的互作(QE)都是数量性状的重要遗传因素。利用籼粳交珍汕97/武育粳2号F1植株上的花药进行组织培养得到的190个双单倍体群体和179个微卫星标记,通过两年两重复田间试验,采用混合线性模型方法分析了9个控制水稻产量及其相关性状的遗传效应,得到57个主效QTL,41对上位性互作,8对QTL与环境的互作和7对上位性效应与环境的互作。单个主效QTL解释这些性状1.3%~25.8%的表型方差。各性状QTL的累积表型贡献率达11.5%~66.8%。大多数性状之间具有显著的表型相关性,相关性较高的性状之间常具有较多共同或紧密连锁的QTL。结果表明,基因的多效性或紧密连锁可能是性状相关的重要遗传基础。  相似文献   

The demand for high quality rice represents a major issue in rice production. The primary components of rice grain quality include appearance, eating, cooking, physico-chemical, milling and nutritional qualities. Most of these traits are complex and controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTLs), so the genetic characterization of these traits is more difficult than that of traits controlled by a single gene. The detection and genetic identification of QTLs can provide insights into the genetic mechanisms underlying quality traits. Chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) are effective tools used in mapping QTLs. In this study, we constructed 154 CSSLs from backcross progeny (BC3F2) derived from a cross between 'Koshihikari' (an Oryza sativa L. Ssp. Japonica variety) as the recurrent parent and 'Nona Bokra' (an O. Sativa L. Ssp. Indica variety) as the donor parent. In this process, we carried out marker-assisted selection by using 102 cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence and simple sequence repeat markers covering most of the rice genome. Finally, this set of CSSLs was used to identify QTLs for rice quality traits. Ten QTLs for rice appearance quality traits were detected and eight QTLs concerned physico-chemical traits. These results supply the foundation for further genetic studies and breeding for the improvement of grain quality.  相似文献   

Introgression lines (ILs) are useful tools for precise mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and the evaluation of gene action or interaction in theoretical studies. A set of 159 ILs carrying variant introgressed segments from Chinese common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.), collected from Dongxiang county, Jiangxi Province, in the background of Indica cultivar (Oryza sativa L.), Guichao 2, was developed using 126 polymorphic simple sequence repeats (SSR) loci. The 159 ILs represented 67.5% of the genome of O. rufipogon. All the ILs have the proportions of the recurrent parent ranging from 92.4 to 99.9%, with an average of 97.4%. The average proportion of the donor genome for the BC4F4 population was about 2.2%. The mean numbers of homozygous and heterozygous donor segments were 2 (ranging 0–8) and 1 (ranging 0–7), respectively, and the majority of these segments had sizes less than 10 cM. QTL analysis was conducted based on evaluation of yield-related traits of the 159 ILs at two sites, in Beijing and Hainan. For 6 out of 17 QTLs identified at two sites corresponding to three traits (panicles per plant, grains per panicle and filled grains per plant, respectively), the QTLs derived from O. rufipogon were usually associated with an improvement of the target trait, although the overall phenotypic characters of O. rufipogon were inferior to that of the recurrent parent. Of the 17 QTLs, 5 specific QTLs strongly associated with more than one trait were observed. Further analysis of the high-yielding and low-yielding ILs revealed that the high-yielding ILs contained relatively less introgressed segments than the low-yielding ILs, and that the yield increase or decrease was mainly due to the number of grain. On the other hand, low-yielding ILs contained more negative QTLs or disharmonious interactions between QTLs which masked trait-enchancing QTLs. These ILs will be useful in identifying the traits of yield, tolerance to low temperature and drought stress, and detecting favorable genes of common wild rice.  相似文献   

水稻穗部性状的QTL与环境互作分析   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:28  
分别在两年收集珍汕97/明恢63的重组自交系群体的表现数据,运用混合线性模型的QTL定位方法,联合分析穗部5个性状的QTLs7及QTL与环境互作关系。每穗颖花数、每穗实粒数、结实率、穗长和穗着密度分别检测到10、3、6、8和7个QTLs分别解释各性状变异的29.13%、19.2%、29.46%、26.39%和35.76%。对于同一性状,高值亲本和低值亲本中均存在增效和减效QTL。相关性状QTL的位置表现相同或相似,高值亲本和低值亲本中均存在增效和减效QTL。相关性状QTL的位置表现相同或相似,成族分布。1个穗长QTL,2个每穗颖花数QTL3,3个结实率QTLs表现与环境显著互作,QTL与环境互作效应的贡献率比相应的QTL贡献率略大。遗传力稍高的每穗实粒数和穗着粒密度的DQTL与环境不互作。  相似文献   

染色体片段替换系(CSSL)是基因组水平快速初步定位数量性状基因座位(QTL)的良好材料,而水稻的品质性状是多基因控制的数量性状,因此可用替换系鉴定控制水稻品质性状的QTL。本文用分子标记辅助选择技术(MAS)构建了由133个株系组成的以‘特青’(籼稻品种)为轮回亲本,以海南的一种普通野生稻为供体亲本,覆盖绝大部分野生稻基因组的染色体片段替换系。利用这套替换系,初步定位了控制稻米外观和理化品质性状的15个QTL,为今后水稻品质性状QTL的克隆以及稻米品质相关性状的改良提供了依据。  相似文献   

Using an accession of common wild rice(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)collected from Yunnjiang County,Yunnan Province,China,as the donor and an elite cnltivar 93-11,widely used in two-line indica hybrid rice production in China,as the recurrent parent,an advanced backcross populations were developed.Through genotyping of 187 SSR markers and investigation of six yield-related traits of two generations(BC4F2 and BC4F4),a total of 26 QTLs were detected by employing single point analysis and interval mapping in both generations.Of the 26 QTLs,the alleles of 10(38.5%)QTLs originating from O.rufipogon had shown a beneficial effect for yield-related traits in the 93-11 genetic background.In addition,five QTLs controlling yield and its components were newly identified,indicating that there arc potentially novel alleles in Yuanjiang common wild rice.Three regions underling significant QTLs for several yield-related traits were detected on chromosome 1,7 and 12.The QTL clusters were founded and corresponding agronomic traits of those QTLs showed highly significant correlation,suggesting the pleiotropism or tight linkage.Fine-mapping and cloning of these yield-related QTLs from wild rice would be helpful to elucidating molecular mechanism of rice domestication and rice breeding in the future.  相似文献   

Delayed leaf-senescence, or stay-green, has been regarded as a desired characteristic for the production of a number of crops including rice. In this study, we analyzed the genetic basis of stay-green using a population of 190 doubled haploid lines from the cross between an indica parent Zhenshan 97 and a stay-green japonica parent Wuyujing 2. The population was tested in replicated field trials in 2 consecutive years, and six traits were defined to evaluate the stay-green characteristics. A genetic linkage map with 179 SSR (simple sequence repeat) marker loci was constructed. The software QTLMapper, based on a mixed linear model approach, was applied to detect QTLs, epistatic effects and their environmental interactions for these traits. A total of 46 main-effect QTLs was detected for the six traits that can be localized to 25 chromosomal regions. The individual effects of all the QTLs were small. Fifty digenic interactions were resolved that involved 66 loci distributed on all 12 chromosomes. Environmental interactions were detected for 18 of the main-effect QTLs and 14 of the epistatic interactions. Collectively, the epistatic effects and QTL by year interactions accounted for large proportions of the phenotypic variations. The results also showed that most of the stay-green traits were negatively correlated with yield and its component traits. The implications of the results in crop improvement were discussed.Communicated by C. Möllers  相似文献   

QTL analysis of potato tuberization   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting tuberization were detected in reciprocal backcrosses between Solanum tuberosum and S. berthaultii. Linkage analyses were performed between traits and RFLP alleles segregating from both the hybrid and the recurrent parent using a set of framework markers from the potato map. Eleven distinct loci on seven chromosomes were associated with variation in tuberization. Most of the loci had small effects, but a QTL explaining 27% of the variance was found on chromosome 5. More QTLs were detected while following alleles segregating from the recurrent S. tuberosum parent used to make the backcross than were detected by following alleles segregating from the hybrid parent. More than half of the alleles favoring tuberization were at least partly dominant. Tuberization was favored by an allele from S. berthaultii at 3 of the 5 QTLs detected by segregation from the hybrid parent. The additive effects of the QTLs for tuberization explained up to 53% of the phenotypic variance, and inclusion of epistatic effects increased this figure to 60%. The most common form of epistasis was that in which presence of an allele at each of 2 loci favoring tuberization was no more effective than the presence of a favorable allele at 1 of the 2 loci. The QTLs detected for tuberization traits are discussed in relationship to those previously detected for trichome-mediated insect resistance derived from the unadapted wild species.Paper number 54 of the Department of Fruit and Vegetable Science, Cornell University  相似文献   


Key message

The QTLs analyses here reported demonstrate the significant role of both individual additive and epistatic effects in the genetic control of seed quality traits in the Andean common bean.


Common bean shows considerable variability in seed size and coat color, which are important agronomic traits determining farmer and consumer acceptability. Therefore, strategies must be devised to improve the genetic base of cultivated germplasm with new alleles that would contribute positively to breeding programs. For that purpose, a population of 185 recombinant inbred lines derived from an Andean intra-gene pool cross, involving an adapted common bean (PMB0225 parent) and an exotic nuña bean (PHA1037 parent), was evaluated under six different—short and long-day—environmental conditions for seed dimension, weight, color, and brightness traits, as well as the number of seed per pod. A multi-environment Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) analysis was carried out and 59 QTLs were mapped on all linkage groups, 18 of which had only individual additive effects, while 27 showed only epistatic effects and 14 had both individual additive and epistatic effects. Multivariate models that included significant QTL explained from 8 to 68  % and 2 to 15 % of the additive and epistatic effects, respectively. Most of these QTLs were consistent over environment, though interactions between QTLs and environments were also detected. Despite this, QTLs with differential effect on long-day and short-day environments were not found. QTLs identified were positioned in cluster, suggesting that either pleiotropic QTLs control several traits or tightly linked QTLs for different traits map together in the same genomic regions. Overall, our results show that digenic epistatic interactions clearly play an important role in the genetic control of seed quality traits in the Andean common bean.  相似文献   

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