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不同绿豆突变体主要农艺性状的多元遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对12个绿豆突变体的10个主要农艺性状进行了相关分析、主成份分析及聚类分析.分析结果表明:10个主要农艺性状的变异系数为16.01%(单株荚数)~3.64%(荚宽).相关分析表明单株荚数与单株产量呈极显著的正相关;百粒重与单株产量呈显著的负相关;生育期与单株产量呈极显著的负相关.主成分分析结果表明前4个主成分(产量构成因子、单荚粒数因子、株型因子和荚宽因子)对变异的贡献率达87.45%;聚类分析后把12个绿豆突变体分为5类,各类之间单株产量差异明显.在绿豆突变体的选择中只有把不同性状综合考虑进去,才能够真正选择出性状优良的突变体.  相似文献   

绿豆产量相关农艺性状的QTL定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿豆育种的目标性状大多是受多基因控制的数量性状,表现型受环境影响很大。为深入分析绿豆复杂数量性状的遗传特征,本试验以绿豆Berken/ACC41 F10重组近交系群体为作图群体,利用该群体已经构建的包含79个RFLP标记的分子连锁图谱对北京和广西2个种植环境下考察的11个绿豆产量相关农艺性状进行QTL定位。结果表明,2个环境下共检测到产量相关性状QTL 63个(其中北京25个,广西38个),分布于除第13连锁群以外的12条连锁群。大部分QTL只在单一环境下被检测到,说明产量相关QTLs与环境之间存在明显的互作。2个环境均能检测到的QTL仅有6个,分别为控制荚长、百粒重、生育期的QTLs,这6个在不同生态环境下同时发挥效应的QTLs对于绿豆分子标记辅助育种具有特殊的意义。研究还发现2个QTLs富集区域和若干成束分布的QTLs,它们可能是发掘通用QTL的候选位点。  相似文献   

为了全面了解亚麻产量和品质相关性状的遗传基础,为亚麻基因克隆和分子标记辅助育种提供理论依据,在已构建SNP连锁遗传图谱的基础上,以LH-89为父本,R43为母本构建F2:3家系QTL定位群体,用R/QTL软件采用复合区间作图法对13个农艺和品质性状进行QTL定位。结果表明:(1)该研究共检测出35个QTL位点,与粗脂肪及其组成成分相关的QTL有20个,与农艺性状相关的QTL有15个;其中:亚油酸和粗脂肪各5个,亚麻酸、千粒重各4个,棕榈酸、株高、工艺长度各3个,硬脂酸、分枝数各2个,单株果数、果粒数、单株粒重、油酸各1个。(2)共有18个QTL的表型贡献率超10%(主效基因),其中农艺性状定位8个主效基因,品质性状定位10个主效基因。  相似文献   

绿豆是我国传统的杂粮作物,遗传研究基础薄弱,优异基因发掘和资源利用效率低下.本研究在前期SNP高密度遗传连锁图谱的基础上,基于重组自交系群体的株高、主茎分枝、荚长、荚宽、单荚粒数、种皮色、种皮光泽、籽粒分布密度、初花期、叶绿素含量、百粒重等11个表型性状的数据调查分析及QTL定位研究.结果表明,绿豆种皮色为简单单基因控...  相似文献   

干旱胁迫和正常灌溉条件下玉米产量性状的QTL分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
产量及其产量因子是衡量玉米耐旱能力的重要性状。本研究利用Lo1067×Y i72的F2∶3家系进行产量性状的数量性状位点(QTL)的分析。结果表明,在正常水分条件和开花期干旱胁迫条件下,分别有14个QTL与产量性状穗重、粒重、轴重、百粒重、穗数、穗粒数有关。此外,还检测到7个与抗旱指数(TI)相关的QTL。各QTL所解释的表型变异在1%~78%;这些QTL以部分显性和超显性为主。不同胁迫条件下检测到的QTL不一致,说明存在显著的QTL与环境互作。  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜遗传图谱的构建及单株产量构成因素的QTL分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王峰  官春云 《遗传》2010,32(3):271-277
采用常规品系04-1139与高产多角果品系05-1054构建的F2代群体为作图群体, 运用SSR(Simple sequence repeat)和SRAP(Sequence-related amplified polymorphism)构建分子标记遗传图谱并对甘蓝型油菜单株产量构成因素进行QTL分析。遗传图谱包含200个分子标记, 分布于19个连锁群上, 总长度1 700.23 cM, 标记间的平均距离8.50 cM。采用复合区间作图法(Composite interval mapping, CIM)对单株产量构成因素(单株有效角果数、每果粒数和千粒重)进行QTL分析, 共检测到12个QTL: 其中单株有效角果数4个QTL, 分别解释表型变异为35.64%、12.96%、28.71%和34.02%; 每果粒数获得5个QTL, 分别解释表型变异为8.41%、7.87%、24.37%、8.57%和14.31%; 千粒重获得3个QTL, 分别解释表型变异为2.33%、1.81%和1.86%。结果表明: 同一性状的等位基因增效作用可以同时来自高值亲本和低值亲本; 文章中与主效QTL连锁的标记可用于油菜产量性状的分子标记辅助选择和聚合育种。  相似文献   

试验拟对谷子重要农艺性状进行数量性状位点QTL分析。以表型差异较大的沈3/晋谷20F2作图群体为材料,观测其株高、穗长等性状,选用SSR做分子标记,利用完备区间作图法(BASTEN C J)进行QTL分析。结果显示,表型数据在作图群体中呈现连续分布,表现为多基因控制的数量性状,被整合的54个SSR标记构建10个连锁群,LOD阈值设置为2.0,检测到与株高相关的主效QTL2个,联合贡献率45.9637%,穗长主效QTL1个,贡献率14.9647%,与穗重、粒重相关的主效QTL为同一位点,贡献率分别为11.9601%和10.1879%。有6组QTL位点之间存在基因互作效应,大小范围为-0.4986-16.6407,对性状的贡献率在2.2716%至6.7478%之间。谷子表型控制复杂,相关QTL的检测受环境影响较大,不同连锁群QTL间互作明显。  相似文献   

Wu B  Han ZM  Li ZX  Xing YZ 《遗传》2012,34(2):215-222
普通野生稻(Oryza Rufipogon)是重要的遗传资源,发掘其优良等位基因将对水稻遗传改良产生重要影响。文章从以珍汕97为轮回亲本,普通野生稻为供体的BC2F1群体中选择一个与珍汕97表型明显不同的单株BC2F1-15,经过连续自交获得回交重组自交系BC2F5群体。均匀分布于12条染色体的126个多态性SSR(Simplesequence repeats)标记基因型分析,发现BC2F1-15单株在30%的标记位点为杂合基因型;利用该群体共检测到4个抽穗期、3个株高、4个每穗颖花数、2个千粒重和1个单株产量QTL。在第7染色体RM481-RM2区间,检测到抽穗期、每穗颖花数和产量QTL,野生稻等位基因表现增效作用;其他3个每穗颖花数QTL位点,野生稻等位基因也均具有增效作用。结果表明野生稻携带有增产相关的等位基因,这些有利等位基因无疑是水稻遗传改良可资利用的新资源。  相似文献   

种子耐储藏特性是粮食作物的特殊农艺性状之一, 耐储藏性能对种子生产和种质资源保存有重要意义。以粳型超级稻龙稻5 (LD5)和高产籼稻中优早8 (ZYZ8)杂交衍生的重组自交系(RILs)群体(共180个株系)为实验材料, 自然高温高湿条件下放置1年、2年和3年后, 对不同储藏时段种子发芽率进行比较, 并利用223个分子标记的遗传图谱进行动态QTL鉴定。结果表明, 不同储藏时段龙稻5的发芽率均显著低于中优早8, 株系间耐储性存在较大差异; 不同储藏时段发芽率显著相关, 相邻存储时段发芽率关系紧密。共检测到17个耐储性相关的QTLs, 3个老化时段分别检测到5、4和3个, 检测到5个动态条件QTLs, 单一QTL解释5.60%-32.76%的表型变异, 加性效应在-16.78%-16.95%范围内。主效QTL簇qSSC2qSSC6qSSC7qSSC8能调控不同储藏时段的发芽率, qSSC6具有明显降低发芽率的效应。共检测到26对上位性互作位点, 主效QTL qSS1qSS4参与上位性互作, 这表明上位性互作是调控耐储藏性状的重要遗传组成。研究结果为水稻(Oryza sativa)耐储性相关QTL的精细定位奠定基础, 同时丰富了耐储性分子标记辅助选择育种的基因资源。  相似文献   

以自交系PHB47为轮回亲本,美国GEM种质YUCATAN TOL389 ICA为供体,构建包含115个株系的BC3F4群体为材料,利用玉米56K SNP芯片鉴定基因型,采用基于似然比测验的逐步回归分析法,对产量相关性状进行QTL定位分析。共获得7个穗粒数、穗长、粒宽、株高和穗位高加性QTL,解释3.72%~21.90%的表型变异;5个控制单穗重、百粒重、穗长和株高的显性QTL,表型变异解释率为8.40%~21.90%。同时,利用Meta-QTL分析方法,对2005-2018年已发表的不同环境条件下产量相关性状QTL的定位结果进行了整合分析。在正常田间管理条件和营养胁迫条件分别获得37个和16个MQTL。本研究中穗位高加性位点AX-116871591位于MQTL16区段内,并且与MQTLNP7位置相近,该区段内包含生长素/脱落酸转录因子IAA5。穗粒数加性位点AX-86281411,粒宽加性位点AX-86267702和株高显性位点AX-116875920均位于MQTLNP9区段内,该区段内包含NAC转录因子NACTF36。NAC转录因子、MYB转录因子和SOD基因均存在于两个环境条件MQTL区段内。  相似文献   

Epistasis is a commonly observed genetic phenomenon and an important source of variation of complex traits,which could maintain additive variance and therefore assure the long-term genetic gain in breeding.Inclusive composite interval mapping(ICIM) is able to identify epistatic quantitative trait loci(QTLs) no matter whether the two interacting QTLs have any additive effects.In this article,we conducted a simulation study to evaluate detection power and false discovery rate(FDR) of ICIM epistatic mapping,by considering F2 and doubled haploid(DH) populations,different F2 segregation ratios and population sizes.Results indicated that estimations of QTL locations and effects were unbiased,and the detection power of epistatic mapping was largely affected by population size,heritability of epistasis,and the amount and distribution of genetic effects.When the same likelihood of odd(LOD) threshold was used,detection power of QTL was higher in F2 population than power in DH population;meanwhile FDR in F2 was also higher than that in DH.The increase of marker density from 10 cM to 5 cM led to similar detection power but higher FDR.In simulated populations,ICIM achieved better mapping results than multiple interval mapping(MIM) in estimation of QTL positions and effect.At the end,we gave epistatic mapping results of ICIM in one actual population in rice(Oryza sativa L.).  相似文献   

Ramie fiber extracted from stem bast is one of the most important natural fibers. The fiber yield of ramie is a valuable trait and is decided by several components, including stem number per plant (SN), the fiber yield per stem (FYPS), stem length (SL), stem diameter (SD), and bark thickness (BT). All of these fiber yield-related traits are inherited in a quantitative manner. The genetic basis for these traits is still uncharacterized, which has hindered the improvement of yield traits through selective ramie breeding. In this study, an F2 population derived from two ramie varieties, Zhongzhu 1 and Qingyezhuma, with striking differences in fiber yield-related traits, was used for cutting propagation and to develop an F2 agamous line (FAL) population. A genetic linkage map with 132 DNA loci spanning 2,265.1 cM was first constructed. The analysis of quantitative trait locus (QTL) for fiber yield-related traits was performed in ramie for the first time. Finally, a total of 6, 9, 5, 7, and 6 QTLs for FYPS, SL, SN, SD, and BT, respectively, were identified in the FAL population in two environments. Among these 33 QTLs, 9 QTLs were detected in both environments and 24 QTLs exhibited overdominance. The overdominance of these QTLs possibly contributed to the heterosis of these yield-related traits in ramie. Moreover, there were 7 QTL clusters identified. The identification of the QTLs for fiber yield-related traits will be helpful for improving the fiber yield in ramie breeding programs.  相似文献   

Identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling yield and yield-related traits in rice was performed in the F2 mapping population derived from parental rice genotypes DHMAS and K343. A total of 30 QTLs governing nine different traits were identified using the composite interval mapping (CIM) method. Four QTLs were mapped for number of tillers per plant on chromosomes 1 (2 QTLs), 2 and 3; three QTLs for panicle number per plant on chromosomes 1 (2 QTLs) and 3; four QTLs for plant height on chromosomes 2, 4, 5 and 6; one QTL for spikelet density on chromosome 5; four QTLs for spikelet fertility percentage (SFP) on chromosomes 2, 3 and 5 (2 QTLs); two QTLs for grain length on chromosomes 1 and 8; three QTLs for grain width on chromosomes1, 3 and 8; three QTLs for 1000-grain weight (TGW) on chromosomes 1, 4 and 8 and six QTLs for yield per plant (YPP) on chromosomes 2 (3 QTLs), 4, 6 and 8. Most of the QTLs were detected on chromosome 2, so further studies on chromosome 2 could help unlock some new chapters of QTL for this cross of rice variety. Identified QTLs elucidating high phenotypic variance can be used for marker-assisted selection (MAS) breeding. Further, the exploitation of information regarding molecular markers tightly linked to QTLs governing these traits will facilitate future crop improvement strategies in rice.  相似文献   

The thousand-grain weight and spikelets per panicle directly contribute to rice yield. Heading date and plant height also greatly influence the yield. Dissection of genetic bases of yield-related traits would provide tools for yield improvement. In this study, quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping for spikelets per panicle, thousand-grain weight, heading date and plant height was performed using recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between two diverse cultivars, Nanyangzhan and Chuan7. In total, 20 QTLs were identified for four traits. They were located to 11 chromosomes except on chromosome 4. Seven and five QTLs were detected for thousand-grain weight and spikelets per panicle, respectively. Four QTLs were identified for both heading date and plant height. About half the QTLs were commonly detected in both years, 2006 and 2007. Six QTLs are being reported for the first time. Two QTL clusters were identified in regions flanked by RM22065 and RM5720 on chromosome 7 and by RM502 and RM264 on chromosome 8, respectively. The parent, Nanyangzhan with heavy thousand-grain weight, carried alleles with increased effects on all seven thousand-grain weight QTL, which explained why there was no transgressive segregation for thousand-grain weight in the population. In contrast, Chuan7 with more spikelets per panicle carried positive alleles at all five spikelets per panicle QTL except qspp5. Further work on distinction between pleiotropic QTL and linked QTL is needed in two yield-related QTL clusters.  相似文献   

A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population, comprising 181 lines derived from ILC588 × ILC3279, was evaluated in 10 environments across three locations with different moisture gradients. A drought resistance score (DRS) and three phenology traits—plant height (PLHT), days to flowering (DFLR), and days to maturity (MAT)—were recorded along with seven yield-related traits—grain yield (GY), biological yield (BY), harvest index (HI), the number of pods/3 plants (Pod), percentage of empty pods (%Epod), 100 seed weight (100 sw), and seed number/3 plants (SN). Two RILs (152, 162) showed the best GYs and DRSs under stressed and non-stressed environments. The quantitative trait loci (QTLs) analyses detected 93 significant QTLs (LOD ≥ 2.0) across the genome × environment interactions. The highest phenotypic variation (>24 %) was explained by the QTLDFLR in Terbol-11. Four common possible pleiotropic QTLs on LG3 and LG4 were identified as associated with DFLR, DRS, GY, MAT, HI, SN, and Pod. No significant epistatic interactions were found between these QTLs and the other markers. However, the QTL for DRS was detected as a conserved QTL in three late planting environments. The markers H6C-07 (on LG3) and H5G01 (on LG4) were associated with QTLs for many traits in all environments studied except two. The allele ‘A’ of marker H6C07 (from the tolerant parent ILC588) explained 80 % of the yield increase under late planting and 29.8 % of that under dry environments. Concentrating on LG3 and LG4 in molecular breeding programs for drought could speed up improvement for these traits.  相似文献   

为改良水稻(Oryza sativa)核不育系柱头性状提供遗传信息, 调查了粳型核不育系7001S、籼型核不育系Z913S及其杂交、自交获得的F1、F2和F2:3群体的4个柱头性状, 分析了4个性状间的相关性, 并利用主基因+多基因遗传模型对2个世代4个性状进行遗传分析。结果表明, 4个性状两两间呈极显著正相关, 相关系数介于0.274-0.897之间。除F2:3群体中花柱长度和柱头外露率分别表现出受2对加性-显性主基因和1对负等效加性-显性主基因+多基因控制外, F2和F2:3群体的柱头长度、花柱长度、柱头-花柱总长度以及柱头外露率均表现出受2对主基因和多基因控制, 且F2:3群体中控制花柱长度的主基因表现出加性-显性效应, 其余均表现出加性-显性-上位性效应。2个世代中4个性状均以主基因遗传为主。  相似文献   

Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) is a foundation for molecular marker-assisted selection and map-based gene cloning. During the past decade, numerous QTLs for seed yield (SY) and yield-related traits in Brassica napus L. have been identified. However, integration of these results in order to compare QTLs from different mapping populations has not been undertaken, due to the lack of common molecular markers between studies. Using previously reported Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea genome sequences, we carried out in silico integration of 1,960 QTLs associated with 13 SY and yield-related traits from 15 B. napus mapping experiments over the last decade. A total of 736 SY and yield-related QTLs were mapped onto 283 loci in the A and C genomes of B. napus. These QTLs were unevenly distributed across the 19 B. napus chromosomes, with the most on chromosome A3 and the least on chromosome C6. Our integrated QTL map identified 142 loci where the conserved QTLs were detected and 25 multifunctional loci, mostly for the traits of flowering time (FT), plant height, 1,000-seed weight, maturity time and SY. These conserved QTLs and multifunctional loci may result from pleiotropism or clustered genes. At the same time, a total of 146 genes underlying the QTLs for FT and other yield-related traits were identified by comparative mapping with the Arabidopsis genome. These results facilitate the retrieval of B. napus SY and yield-related QTLs for research communities, increase the density of targeted QTL-linked markers, validate the existence of QTLs across different populations, and advance the fine mapping of genes.  相似文献   

通过叶碟饲养的方法, 利用生命表技术,研究了甲氰菊酯和阿维菌素亚致死剂量LC20处理柑橘全爪螨若螨后,对试验种群当代(F0)和后代(F1、F2代)生长发育及繁殖的影响.结果表明: 甲氰菊酯LC20处理若螨后,当代雌成螨产卵量显著增加;F1、F2代的产卵前期缩短,后代雌性比例增大,且均与对照差异显著;同时,F1和F2代种群内禀增长率(rm)和周限增长率(λ)增大,世代历期(T)和种群加倍时间(Dt)缩短,且F2代与对照相比差异显著.用阿维菌素LC20处理若螨后,当代种群雌成螨产卵量显著下降; F1和F2代的产卵量也显著下降,但后代雌性比例增大,产卵前期显著缩短;F1和F2代的种群rmλ增大,TDt缩短,且F2代比F1代更为明显.总体来看,甲氰菊酯和阿维菌素亚致死浓度LC20对柑橘全爪螨的影响并不完全相同,甲氰菊酯能够促进当代种群的发展,而阿维菌素对当代种群有一定的抑制作用;但两种杀螨剂亚致死浓度处理柑橘全爪螨对后代种群都有一定的促进作用.研究结果对柑橘全爪螨综合防治策略的制定有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

An advanced backcross QTL study was performed in pepper using a cross between the cultivated species Capsicum annuum cv. Maor and the wild C. frutescens BG 2816 accession. A genetic map from this cross was constructed, based on 248 BC(2) plants and 92 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers distributed throughout the genome. Ten yield-related traits were analyzed in the BC(2) and BC(2)S(1) generations, and a total of 58 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were detected; the number of QTLs per trait ranged from two to ten. Most of the QTLs were found in 11 clusters, in which similar QTL positions were identified for multiple traits. Unlike the high percentage of favorable QTL alleles discovered in wild species of tomato and rice, only a few such QTL alleles were detected in BG 2816. For six QTLs (10%), alleles with effects opposite to those expected from the phenotype were detected in the wild species. The use of common RFLP markers in the pepper and tomato maps enabled possible orthologous QTLs in the two species to be determined. The degree of putative QTL orthology for the two main fruit morphology traits-weight and shape-varied considerably. While all eight QTLs identified for fruit weight in this study could be orthologous to tomato fruit weight QTLs, only one out of six fruit shape QTLs found in this study could be orthologous to tomato fruit shape QTLs.  相似文献   

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