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水稻生物学产量及其构成性状的QTL定位   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
刘桂富  杨剑  朱军 《遗传学报》2006,33(7):607-616
QTL的加性效应、加性×加性上位性效应及它们与环境的互作效应是数量性状的重要遗传分量.利用IR64/Azucena的125个DH品系为群体,分析了水稻生物学产量及其两个构成性状干草产量和谷粒产量的遗传组成.用基于混合模型的复合区间作图(MCIM)方法进行QTL定位.检测到12个位点有加性主效应,27个位点涉及双位点互作,18个位点存在环境互作.结果表明水稻生物学产量和它的两个构成性状普遍存在上位性效应和QE互作效应.此外,还探讨了性状间相关的遗传基础.发现4个QTLs和一对上位性QTLs可能与生物学产量与干草产量之间的正相关有关.3个QTL可能与干草产量与谷粒产量之间的负相关有关.这些结果可能部分地解释了这3个性状相关的遗传原因.通过对水稻生物学产量及其两个构成性状所定位QTL的分析,加深了对数量性状QTL的认识.首先,QTL的上位性效应和QE互作效应是普遍存在的;其次,QTL的多效性或紧密连锁可能是遗传相关的原因,当QTL对两个性状作用的方向相同时可导致正向遗传相关,反之则为负向遗传相关,当有些QTL表现为同向作用而另一些QTL表现为反向作用时,则可削弱性状间的遗传相关性;第三,复合性状的QTL效应可分解为其组成性状的QTL效应,如果QTL对各组成性状的效应方向相反而相互抵消,可使复合性状的QTL效应不易被检测;第四,加性效应的QTL常参预构成上位性效应,而具有上位性效应的QTL并非都有加性主效应,表明忽略上位性的QTL定位方法会降低检测QTL的功效;最后,鉴别不同类型的QTL效应有利于指导育种实践,选择主效QTL适用于多环境,QE互作QTL适用于特定环境,对上位性QTL应强调选择基因组合而并非单个基因.  相似文献   

水稻种子活力QTL定位及上位性分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
利用1个粳/籼交来源(Lemont/Teqing)、包含264个重组自交系的作图群体,采用纸卷法在18℃培养箱中进行2次重复的发芽实验,考察了种子发芽7d、9d和1ld的发芽率,种子发芽15d后的芽长及干重等种子活力的相关性状。结合一张含有198个DNA标记的连锁图谱,用作图软件QTLMapper1.0定位与种子活力相关的QTL。共检测到13个主效应QTL,这些QTL对性状的贡献率为2.9%~12.7%,平均贡献率为6.2%。同时检测到18对贡献率≥5%的互作位点,其贡献率为5.1%~11.8%,平均贡献率为6.9%,比检测到的主效应QTL的平均贡献率稍大。种子活力相关性状的大多数主效应和互作QTL成串分布于少数几个染色体区段(Chromosome Regions,CRs),并且成串分布在同一染色体区段的QTL效应的方向总是一致,该结果与这些性状在表型上的正相关相一致。若将成串分布有3个及3个以上种子活力相关性状QTL的CRs视为与种子活力高度相关的CRs,则共检测到7个上述与种子活力高度相关的CRs,分别分布在水稻12条染色体中的7条染色体上。根据所含QTL的种类(主效应QTL或/和上位性QTL)可将这些CRs分成以下3种:1)M-CRs:只含有主效应QTL,如CR^sv-7;2)E-CRs:所含位点没有主效应,但与其他位点发生互作,如CR^sv-1、CR^sv-6和CR^sv-12;3)ME-CRs:既含有主效应QTL、也含有与其他位点产生互作的互作位点,如CR^sv-2、CR^sv-5和CR^sv-8。另外还发现,有的CR上的位点同时与多个不同CR上的位点互作,影响种子活力的相关性状。与前入的研究结果相比较,发现有些与种子活力高度相关的CR可在不同研究者所用的不同定位群体中被检测到,而有的CR只在特定的定位群体中被检测到。由此表明,水稻种子活力具有丰富的遗传多样性和复杂的遗传基础,其主效QTL和互作位点可能基于遗传背景的不同而相互转化。  相似文献   

水稻柱头外露率QTLs定位及其互作分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以协青早B/密阳46所构建的RIL群体及其相应分子遗传图谱,设置海南和杭州两地遗传试验,应用基于混合线性模型检测QTL主效应、上位性效应和G×E互作效应的遗传分析方法,对水稻柱头外露率(%)进行QTL联合分析.结果表明,该性状明显表现出海南较高(21.83%)而杭州较低(8.35%)的趋势.试验检测到1个主效应QTL(qSE6-1),其LOD值高达28.16,对性状表型的贡献率为14.14%,增效等位基因来自于母本,加性效应为5.10%,不存在显著的GE互作.试验还检测到3对显著的加性×加性双基因互作,上位性互作性效应和贡献率相对较小,且与环境不存在显著的互作.  相似文献   

以中国的高油分自交系“高油”和欧洲高含油量品种“Sollux”的F1产生的282个株系组成的双二倍体(DH)群体为材料,在125个SSR标记座位构建的连锁图谱基础上,根据在中国和欧洲四个不同环境下的表型鉴定结果,采用混合线性模型基础上的QTL分析软件,对油菜3个重要农艺性状:株高,开花期和成熟期进行了数量性状基因座位(QTL)的联合定位分析,估测了这些QTL的加性、上位性以及与环境的互作效应。结果表明各性状均受多个加性、加加上位以及与环境互作的QTL控制。株高受多个QTL影响(12个位点具有加性或兼有环境互作效应,5个位点具有互作效应),以加性效应为主,加性效应总和可解释定位群体表型变异的75%左右,并多兼有上位性效应。12个主效QTL中,9个是“高油”等位基因相对“Sollux”有降低株高的作用,大多数加性×环境互作QTL的有效等位基因具有环境选择特异性。7个ae基因座位中,5个“高油”等位基因在杭州种植环境下,除一例外所有在德国环境下的互作基因座中,“Sollux”等位基因起着增加株高的作用,加加上位性主效总和为加性主效总和的三分之一。7个控制花期和8个控制成熟期的主效QTL中,分别有6个和5个是来自“高油”的等位基因相对“Sollux”具有提前开花和成熟的效应,这些QTL的效应总和占到性状表型变异的60%左右。5个位于第2和第12连锁群中的2个大效应QTL可能和已多次报导的VFN1和VFN3基因相近或相同。开花期和成熟期两性状均检测到显著的ae互作效应,双亲等位基因的效应在各环境下呈离散分布。位于14和19连锁群上的两个主效株高QTL同时也是控制开花期和油分含量的基因位点,因而利用这两个位点进行标记辅助筛选时要考虑到对油分含量的影响。控制成熟期的8个主效QTL中有3个同时也是控制开花期的基因座位,证实了开花期和成熟期高度正相关的遗传基础,两个生育性状均表现有较弱的QTL间加加上位互作,但以主效QTL的作用为主。  相似文献   

【目的】为揭示芥菜型油菜及芸薹属作物每角籽粒数形成的分子机理,提高和改良芥菜型油菜产量和育种工作奠定基础。【方法】研究以包含221个芥菜型油菜株系的重组自交系(recombinant inbred line, RIL)群体为材料,在5个环境条件下对每角籽粒数性状进行加性QTL、加性×加性上位互作及环境互作分析。【结果】(1)共检测到7个与每角籽粒数相关的加性QTL,主要分布在芥菜型油菜A02、A03、A05、A08、B02和B03等染色体上,其加性效应分布在(-11.642 4)~4.524 6之间,其中qSS2-71的加性效应和遗传率均最大,分别达到-11.642 4和14.44%,其余6个加性QTL的加性效应和遗传率均较小;(2)检测到7对影响每角籽粒数的加性×加性QTL上位互作效应及其与环境的互作效应,上位性QTL互作效应值分布在(-4.930 8)~4.193 6之间,7对上位性QTL与不同环境互作的遗传力均接近0;(3)每角籽粒数性状的广义遗传率为80.98%,狭义遗传率为30.98%。【结论】综合分析,芥菜型油菜每角籽粒数受一定环境影响,但控制该性状的加性效应受环境影响较小...  相似文献   

种子耐储藏特性是粮食作物的特殊农艺性状之一, 耐储藏性能对种子生产和种质资源保存有重要意义。以粳型超级稻龙稻5 (LD5)和高产籼稻中优早8 (ZYZ8)杂交衍生的重组自交系(RILs)群体(共180个株系)为实验材料, 自然高温高湿条件下放置1年、2年和3年后, 对不同储藏时段种子发芽率进行比较, 并利用223个分子标记的遗传图谱进行动态QTL鉴定。结果表明, 不同储藏时段龙稻5的发芽率均显著低于中优早8, 株系间耐储性存在较大差异; 不同储藏时段发芽率显著相关, 相邻存储时段发芽率关系紧密。共检测到17个耐储性相关的QTLs, 3个老化时段分别检测到5、4和3个, 检测到5个动态条件QTLs, 单一QTL解释5.60%-32.76%的表型变异, 加性效应在-16.78%-16.95%范围内。主效QTL簇qSSC2qSSC6qSSC7qSSC8能调控不同储藏时段的发芽率, qSSC6具有明显降低发芽率的效应。共检测到26对上位性互作位点, 主效QTL qSS1qSS4参与上位性互作, 这表明上位性互作是调控耐储藏性状的重要遗传组成。研究结果为水稻(Oryza sativa)耐储性相关QTL的精细定位奠定基础, 同时丰富了耐储性分子标记辅助选择育种的基因资源。  相似文献   

以晋豆23栽培大豆(Glycine max)为母本、灰布支黑豆(ZDD2315,半野生大豆)为父本衍生出447个RIL群体,通过构建SSR遗传图谱及利用混合线性模型分析方法,对2年大豆小区产量及主要植物学性状进行QTL定位,并作加性效应、加性×加性上位互作效应及环境互作效应分析。结果显示,共检测到12个与小区产量、单株粒重、单株茎重、单株粒茎比、有效分枝、主茎节数、株高和结荚高度相关的QTL,分别位于A1、A2、H_1、I、J_2和M连锁群上。其中小区产量、株高、单株粒重、有效分枝和主茎节数均表现为遗传正效应,即增加其性状的等位基因来源于母本晋豆23。同时,检测到11对影响小区产量、单株粒重、单株茎重、株高和结荚高度的加性×加性上位互作效应及环境互作效应的QTL,发现22个QTL与环境存在互作。实验结果表明,上位效应和QE互作效应对大豆小区产量及主要农艺性状的遗传影响很大。进行大豆分子标记辅助育种时,既要考虑效应起主要作用的QTL,又要注重上位性QTL,这样有利于性状的稳定表达和遗传。  相似文献   

试验拟对谷子重要农艺性状进行数量性状位点QTL分析。以表型差异较大的沈3/晋谷20F2作图群体为材料,观测其株高、穗长等性状,选用SSR做分子标记,利用完备区间作图法(BASTEN C J)进行QTL分析。结果显示,表型数据在作图群体中呈现连续分布,表现为多基因控制的数量性状,被整合的54个SSR标记构建10个连锁群,LOD阈值设置为2.0,检测到与株高相关的主效QTL2个,联合贡献率45.9637%,穗长主效QTL1个,贡献率14.9647%,与穗重、粒重相关的主效QTL为同一位点,贡献率分别为11.9601%和10.1879%。有6组QTL位点之间存在基因互作效应,大小范围为-0.4986-16.6407,对性状的贡献率在2.2716%至6.7478%之间。谷子表型控制复杂,相关QTL的检测受环境影响较大,不同连锁群QTL间互作明显。  相似文献   

为了探知小麦水分利用效率(WUE)碳同位素分辨率(Δ)的遗传机理,以小麦重组自交系(RILs)群体为材料,在不同水分条件下研究Δ的遗传规律,并进行QTL定位。结果表明:(1)RILs群体的Δ值呈正态分布,Δ属于数量性状遗传。(2)共检测到11个主效QTL,主要位于2B、3B、7B、1D和3D染色体上,表型贡献率在10.83%~46.87%之间,有9个加性QTL(A-QTL)与环境发生互作,互作贡献率在1.02%~3.15%之间。(3)检测到5对影响Δ的上位QTL(AA-QTL),其中3对AA-QTL与环境发生互作,互作贡献率在0.86%~2.01%之间。(4)加性效应及贡献率大于上位性效应及贡献率,A-QTL与环境互作贡献率大于AA-QTL与环境互作贡献率,表明RILs群体中Δ遗传变异主要受加性效应影响,控制Δ的主效基因作用较大,受水分环境影响较小。  相似文献   

考察粳稻品种‘沈农265’和‘丽江新团黑谷’为亲本的F23,群体及双亲的米粒延伸率相关性状,并用该群体的分子连锁图谱进行QTL分析,共检测到8个与稻米延伸性有关的QTL,包括1个米粒型QTL、1个饭粒型QTL、2个延伸率QTL、3个膨胀率QTL和1个延伸指数QTL,分别位于第1、2、6和11染色体,单个QTL对性状表型贡献率在15.4%-37.5%之间。与其他研究结果比较表明,主效QTL在不同群体和不同环境中的重演性较好,这些QTL受水稻籼粳分化这一演化过程的影响较小。  相似文献   

Main effects, epistatic effects and their environmental interactions of QTLs are all important genetic components of quantitative traits. In this study, we analyzed the main effects, epistatic effects of the QTLs, and QTL by environment interactions (QEs) underlying four yield traits, using a population of 240 recombinant inbred lines from a cross between two rice varieties tested in replicated field trials. A genetic linkage map with 220 DNA marker loci was constructed. A mixed linear model approach was used to detect QTLs with main effects, QTLs involved in digenic interactions and QEs. In total, 29 QTLs of main effects, and 35 digenic interactions involving 58 loci were detected for the four traits. Thirteen QTLs with main effects showed QEs; no QE was detected for the QTLs involved in epistatic interactions. The amount of variations explained by the QTLs of main effect were larger than the QTLs involved in epistatic interactions, which in turn were larger than QEs for all four traits. This study illustrates the ability of the analysis to assess the genetic components underlying the quantitative traits, and demonstrates the relative importance of the various components as the genetic basis of yield traits in this population.  相似文献   

Cai CC  Tu JX  Fu TD  Chen BY 《Genetika》2008,44(3):381-388
The objective of this study was to dissect the genetic control of days to flowering (DTF) and photoperiod sensitivity (PS) into the various components including the main-effect quantitative trait loci (QTLs), epistatic QTLs and QTL-by-environment interactions (QEs). Doubled haploid (DH) fines were produced from an F1 between two spring Brassica napus cultivars Hyola 401 and Q2. DTF of the DH lines and parents were investigated in two locations, one location with a short and the other with a long photoperiod regime over two years. PS was calculated by the delay in DTF under long day as compared to that under short day. A genetic linkage map was constructed that comprised 248 marker loci including SSR, SRAP and AFLP markers. Further QTL analysis resolved the genetic components of flowering time and PS into the main-effect QTLs, epistatic QTLs and QEs. A total of 7 main-effect QTLs and 11 digenic interactions involving 21 loci located on 13 out of the 19 linkage groups were detected for the two traits. 3 main-effect QTLs and 4 pairs of epistatic QTLs were involved in QEs conferring DTF. One QTL on linkage group (LG) 18 was revealed to simultaneously affect DTF and PS and explain for the highest percentage of the phenotypic variation. The implications of the results for B. napus breeding have been discussed.  相似文献   

Tolerance to low nitrogen conditions is a highly desired characteristic for sustainable crop production. In this study, we analyzed the genetic components associated with low N tolerance in rice at seedling stage, including main effects, epistatic effects of the quantitative trait locus (QTLs), and QTL by environment interactions (QEs), using a population of 239 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a cross between Zhenshan 97 and Minghui 63, the parents of an elite hybrid. A genetic linkage map with 253 DNA maker loci was constructed. Seedlings of RILs were cultivated in low N and normal N solutions. Root, shoot and plant weight in the two N treatments were measured and the relative weight of the two treatments for each trait was considered as measurements for low N tolerance. Four to eight QTLs with main effects were detected for each of the nine traits. Very few QTLs were detected in both low and normal N conditions, and most QTLs for the relative measurements were different from those for traits under the two N treatments, indicating very little commonality in the genetic basis of the traits and their relative performance under low and normal N conditions. A total of 103 digenic interactions were detected for the nine traits. While the epistatic effects collectively accounted for large proportions of the variation for several traits, the effects of QEs appeared to be trivial. It was concluded that low N tolerance of rice seedling had complex genetic basis that requires extensive studies for full characterization.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to dissect the genetic control of days to flowering (DTF) and photoperiod sensitivity (PS) into the various components including the main-effect quantitative trait loci (QTLs), epistatic QTLs and QTL-by-environment interactions (QEs). Doubled haploid (DH) lines were produced from an F1 between two spring Brassica napus cultivars Hyola 401 and Q2. DTF of the DH lines and parents were investigated in two locations, one location with a short and the other with a long photoperiod regime over two years. PS was calculated by the delay in DTF under long day as compared to that under short day. A genetic linkage map was constructed that comprised 248 marker loci including SSR, SRAP, and AFLP markers. Further QTL analysis resolved the genetic components of flowering time and PS into the main-effect QTLs, epistatic QTLs, and QEs. A total of 7 main-effect QTLs and 11 digenic interactions involving 21 loci located on 13 out of the 19 linkage groups were detected for the two traits. Three main-effect QTLs and four pairs of epistatic QTLs were involved in QEs conferring DTF. One QTL on linkage group (LG) 18 was revealed to simultaneously affect DTF and PS and explain for the highest percentage of the phenotypic variation. The implications of the results for B. napus breeding have been discussed. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Amylose content (AC), gel consistency (GC) and gelatinazation temperature (GT) are three important traits that influence the cooking and eating quality of rice. The objective of this study was to characterize the genetic components, including main-effect quantitative trait loci (QTLs), epistatic QTLs and QTL-by-environment interactions (QEs), that are involved in the control of these three traits. A population of doubled haploid (DH) lines derived from a cross between two indica varieties Zhenshan 97 and H94 was used, and data were collected from a field experiment conducted in two different environments. A genetic linkage map consisting of 218 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci was constructed, and QTL analysis performed using qtlmapper 1.6 resolved the genetic components into main-effect QTLs, epistatic QTLs and QEs. The analysis detected a total of 12 main-effect QTLs for the three traits, with a QTL corresponding to the Wx locus showing a major effect on AC and GC, and a QTL corresponding to the Alk locus having a major effect on GT. Ten digenic interactions involving 19 loci were detected for the three traits, and six main-effect QTLs and two pairs of epistatic QTLs were involved in QEs. While the main-effect QTLs, especially the ones corresponding to known major loci, apparently played predominant roles in the genetic basis of the traits, under certain conditions epistatic effects and QEs also played important roles in controlling the traits. The implications of the findings for rice quality improvement are discussed.  相似文献   

玉米开花期相关性状的QTL分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用玉米强优势组合(Mo17×黄早四)自交衍生的191个F_2单株构建了由SSR和AFLP标记组成的分子连锁图谱,用F2进一步自交产生的184个F_(2:3)家系调查散粉期、吐丝期和开花-吐丝间隔期(ASI)的表型值,采用基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图法和相应的作图软件QTLmapper/V2.0,在两个生长环境下定位了与散粉期、吐丝期和ASI相关的QTL数目分别为13、7和5个,检测到3对控制散粉期、17对控制吐丝期和5对控制ASI的上位性效应位点;同时发现了与环境存在显著互作的3个散粉期、3个吐丝期和2个ASI单位点标记区域以及1对散粉期、3对吐丝期和2对ASI上位性效应区域.对玉米散粉期、吐丝期和ASI遗传基础中遗传因素相对作用大小分析表明,加性效应、部分显性效应和上位性效应是玉米开花期相关性状的重要遗传基础.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for plant height in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were studied using a set of 168 doubled haploid (DH) lines, which were derived from the cross Huapei 3/Yumai 57. A genetic linkage map was constructed using 283 SSR and 22 EST-SSR markers. The DH population and the parents were evaluated for wheat plant height in 2005 and 2006 in Tai'an and 2006 in Suzhou. QTL analyses were performed using the software of QTLNetwork version 2.0 based on the mixed linear model. Four additive QTLs and five pairs of epistatic effects were detected, which were distributed on chromosomes 3A, 4B, 4D, 5A, 6A, 7B, and 7D. Among them, three additive QTLs and three pairs of epistatic QTLs showed QTLxenvironment interactions (QEs). Two major QTLs, QphAB and Qph4D, which accounted for 14.51 % and 20.22% of the phenotypic variation, were located similar to the reported locations of the dwarfing genes Rhtl and Rht2, respectively. The Qph3A-2 with additive effect was not reported in previous linkage mapping studies. The total QTL ef fects detected for the plant height explained 85.04% of the phenotypic variation, with additive effects 46.07%, epistatic effects 19.89%, and QEs 19.09%. The results showed that both additive effects and epistatic effects were important genetic bases of wheat plant height, which were subjected to environmental modifications, and caused dramatic changes in phenotypic effects. The information obtained in this study will be useful for manipulating the QTLs for wheat plant height by molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS).  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for plant height in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were studied using a set of 168 doubled haploid (DH) lines, which were derived from the cross Huapei 3/Yumai 57. A genetic linkage map was constructed using 283 SSR and 22 EST-SSR markers. The DH population and the parents were evaluated for wheat plant height in 2005 and 2006 in Tai’an and 2006 in Suzhou. QTL analyses were performed using the software of QTLNetwork version 2.0 based on the mixed linear model. Four additive QTLs and five pairs of epistatic effects were detected, which were distributed on chromosomes 3A, 4B, 4D, 5A, 6A, 7B, and 7D. Among them, three additive QTLs and three pairs of epistatic QTLs showed QTL×environment interactions (QEs). Two major QTLs, Qph4B and Qph4D, which accounted for 14.51% and 20.22% of the phenotypic variation, were located similar to the reported locations of the dwarfing genes Rht1 and Rht2, respectively. The Qph3A-2 with additive effect was not reported in previous linkage mapping studies. The total QTL effects detected for the plant height explained 85.04% of the phenotypic variation, with additive effects 46.07%, epistatic effects 19.89%, and QEs 19.09%. The results showed that both additive effects and epistatic effects were important genetic bases of wheat plant height, which were subjected to environmental modifications, and caused dramatic changes in phenotypic effects. The information obtained in this study will be useful for manipulating the QTLs for wheat plant height by molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS).  相似文献   

水稻穗部性状的QTL与环境互作分析   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:28  
分别在两年收集珍汕97/明恢63的重组自交系群体的表现数据,运用混合线性模型的QTL定位方法,联合分析穗部5个性状的QTLs7及QTL与环境互作关系。每穗颖花数、每穗实粒数、结实率、穗长和穗着密度分别检测到10、3、6、8和7个QTLs分别解释各性状变异的29.13%、19.2%、29.46%、26.39%和35.76%。对于同一性状,高值亲本和低值亲本中均存在增效和减效QTL。相关性状QTL的位置表现相同或相似,高值亲本和低值亲本中均存在增效和减效QTL。相关性状QTL的位置表现相同或相似,成族分布。1个穗长QTL,2个每穗颖花数QTL3,3个结实率QTLs表现与环境显著互作,QTL与环境互作效应的贡献率比相应的QTL贡献率略大。遗传力稍高的每穗实粒数和穗着粒密度的DQTL与环境不互作。  相似文献   

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