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本文通过在普通饲料中追加10%的沙棘籽油或硒强化沙棘籽油来提高食物中V-E或者V-E和硒的水平后,观察了其对正常大鼠红细胞膜结构稳定性的影响。结果表明,沙棘籽油组和硒强化组大鼠红细胞膜上LPO含量明显低于正常对照组(P<0.05),但膜上唾液酸与巯基总量却显著高于对照组。此外,硒强化组动物红细胞内Se-GSH-Px活性明显高于其它两个组。然而,红细胞膜流动性却在三组之间未发现有明显差异。实验提示,沙棘籽油和硒强化沙棘籽油能稳定正常大鼠红细胞膜的结构可能与其抑制膜脂质过氧化作用有关。  相似文献   

沙棘(Hippophae rhanmoides L.)具有很高的经济价值。沙棘的叶、枝、根、果实和种子可以提取多种生物活性物质。特别是沙棘油,其除工业和食用外,还具有重要的医用价值。沙棘油不仅存在于沙棘种子内,也存在于沙棘的果实、果肉、叶子中。据报导,沙棘油中含有维生素E、F、K、A,以及类胡萝卜素、β—谷固醇等物质,尤以果肉油中的维生素A含量最多。沙棘油具有抗辐射、抗疲劳、增强肌肉活力的性能。据N.N.马塔福诺夫报道,  相似文献   

本文用气相色谱法对我国新疆、内蒙、山西等六个地区的沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoidesl.)果肉和种子油脂肪酸进行分析测定。用内标法定量;标样与气一质联用相结合定性。结果表明:沙棘油脂肪酸的组成以不饱和脂肪酸为主。其中,果肉油中油酸含量最高,其次是棕榈油酸;而种子油则以高含量的亚油酸和亚麻酸为特色。可见,沙棘油确实是优良的医药和保健用油,大有开发利用的价值。  相似文献   

本文对沙棘的主要可利用成分沙棘果汁、沙棘黄酮、沙棘籽油等的高效高值综合利用进行了系统性的研究,提出了沙棘果的综合利用加工工艺,能够将沙棘中的常规营养成分、功能性成分、沙棘黄酮、沙棘籽油和花青素得到有效的提取和分离,实现沙棘果的价值最大化。  相似文献   

沙棘油的药理研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
综述沙棘油药理方面的研究进展,为沙棘的深入研究、综合开发提供重要的理论依据。对现有文献进行总结分析,系统阐述沙棘油研究现状。沙棘油对心血管系统、免疫系统、消化系统、血液系统等具有广泛的影响,且具有抗衰老、抗肿瘤、抗炎等药理作用。值得进一步开发研究。  相似文献   

目的:通过检测沙棘油作用高脂小鼠海马神经元内微管相关蛋白(Tau)及脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)的表达水平,探讨沙棘油对高脂小鼠并发阿尔兹海默综合征的预防作用。方法:40只KM小鼠,随机取10只为正常对照组;30只以高脂饲料喂养建立高脂模型(HF),按10 mg/kg以生理盐水(阴性对照)、沙棘油(实验)、辛伐他丁(阳性对照)灌胃3 w。取小鼠海马组织进行HE染色、免疫组织化学检测和蛋白印迹分析,检测不同组别小鼠海马神经元内Tau蛋白及BDNF表达的变化。结果:高脂模型组与正常组比较,海马神经元结构在光镜下有明显差别;阴性对照组小鼠海马神经细胞数目减少,神经元内有黄色颗粒样沉淀;实验及阳性组海马损伤有改善,斑块状淀粉样蛋白减少;免疫组化及蛋白印迹显示各组间两种蛋白表达水平不同。结论:沙棘油对高脂小鼠海马体内Tau蛋白表达有抑制作用,加速淀粉样前体蛋白的代谢,降低了由β-淀粉样蛋白沉积诱发阿尔茨海默病的风险;而对BDNF表达有促进作用,能防止神经元受损伤死亡、改善神经元的病理状态、促进受损伤神经元再生。即沙棘油能有效预防高脂人群并发阿尔兹海默综合征。  相似文献   

目的 了解复方沙棘籽油栓对体外培养的阴道乳杆菌的作用.方法 从中国健康妇女阴道分离乳杆菌进行体外培养,在培养基中加入不同浓度的复方沙棘籽油栓,培养一定时间后,统计各组乳杆菌菌落直径.结果 在药物浓度较低的三组(0.25 mg/mL、1.0 mg/mL和4.0 mg/mL)中,菌落直径与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);而在药物浓度较高的两组(16 mg/mL、64 mg/mL)中,菌落直径明显较对照组响应时间的菌落直径大,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 阴道乳杆菌在体外培养时,复方沙棘籽油栓可能对其增殖产生一定程度的促增殖作用.  相似文献   

目的:研究沙棘油对6周递增负荷运动训练大鼠心肌及肝脏自由基的影响。方法:通过对运动大鼠按一定方式分组实验,选取心脏及肝脏的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)四个抗氧化指标进行测试。结果:运动训练后灌胃沙棘油能显著提高大鼠心肌及肝脏中超氧化物歧化酶,谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶以及过氧化氢酶的活性,并能显著降低丙二醛的含量。结论:证实了沙棘油具有增强抗氧化酶活性和提高大鼠运动能力的作用。  相似文献   

华山松籽油的制取及性质研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
华山松籽有机溶剂萃取出油率为41%。油的相对密度(25℃)0.9243、折光率(25℃)1.4770、皂化值153.4、酸值0.24、碘值142.1,过氧化值9.9。油的主要脂肪酸有:亚油酸(44.60%)、油酸(22.42%)、亚麻油酸(19.14%)、异油酸(4.68%)、棕榈酸(4.62%)、硬脂酸(1.87%)、花生酸(2.02%)和其他酸(2.61%)。不饱和脂肪酸含量较高(占90.9%)。与药用沙棘籽油进行了性质和脂肪酸组成比较,初步证明其质量指标优于沙棘油,脂肪酸组成与沙棘油相似。推断华山松籽油可作为医疗保健、食品工业等油源加以开发利用。  相似文献   

沙棘含油量及影响因子研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为依据工业需要,定向地引种,培育沙棘优良品种,在整理分析国内外重要资料的基础上,对沙棘含油量及影响因子研究进行了综述。各地试验结果表明:(1)从15个产地10个沙棘品种研究看出,中国沙棘亚种种子及果肉含油量均较高(10.37%,8.44%),且该亚种分布广,适应性强,可作为引种,培养的优质种源,但在环境适宜的地区,可选用俄罗斯培育的沙棘新品种,如布里亚特(果实含油量达11.67-36.4%);(2)不同产地,不同品种沙棘含油量差异较大;沙棘果在一定的海拔高度下含油量较高,。[过高或过低的海拔 会影响其含油量;温度对沙棘含油量影响不明显,但在同一地区,随着平均气温的降低,沙棘种子含油量呈缓慢下降趋势,果色对果汁,果渣,种子出油率的影响比较中,以果汁最明显,而果渣和种子所受影响不大;立地条件对沙棘含油量有明显影响,水肥条件较好的河滩地有利于油的积累,且种子油积累以阳坡和梁顶坡比阴坡,河滩好;(3)采果时间对沙棘含油量有较大影响。在实际生产中可通过利用化学诱变剂来增加沙棘果油含量,以赤霉素加γ射线处理效果最好;在实际 生产中可通过利用化学诱变剂来增加沙棘果油含量,以赤霉素加γ射线处理效果最好,另外加强水,肥管理也可提高沙棘的含油量,为引种,培育沙棘优良品种,生产实践中采取对有效措施以提高沙棘含油量,为工业生产选择合适的加工原料提供了科学依据,对建立优质沙棘种植园,高效,持续发展沙棘产业具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A series of glycolic and mandelic acid derivatives was synthesized and investigated for their factor Xa inhibitory activity. These analogues are highly potent and selective inhibitors against fXa. In a rabbit deep vein thrombosis model, compound 26 showed significant antithrombotic effects (81% inhibition of thrombus formation) at 1.1 microM plasma concentration following intravenous administration.  相似文献   

对来自赤杨属、木麻黄属、异木麻黄属、沙棘属和杨梅属的六株Frankia代表菌株进行了二十四种碳源利用谱的比较研究(包括简单有机酸、单糖、双糖、三糖和糖醇在内)。结果表明,各菌株在碳源利用种类和程度上有明显差异;简单有机酸盐特别是丙酸钠是所有菌株的良好碳源;菌株Cc01、A11I1和Hr16还能很好地利用丙酮酸钠;除了菌株Hr16能很好地利用纤维二糖,菌株A11I1利用葡萄糖外;糖醇类很少被利用。如果以丙酮酸钠、丙酸钠和乙酸为“诊断性”碳源,则可以将供试菌株分为三个类群,即赤杨——杨梅类群、沙棘类群和木麻黄类群;这与交叉接种和血清学方法得出的结论相吻合。  相似文献   

Liu L  Xie Y  Song Z  Shang S  Chen X 《Molecular bioSystems》2012,8(8):2183-2187
It has been suggested that the increasing glycation in diabetes can influence the ability of plasma proteins to bind to small molecules. Herein, the influence of flavonoids on the glycation of plasma proteins was investigated. After being incubated with glucose at 37 °C, the levels of glycated albumin (HGA) were significantly improved in healthy human plasma proteins (HPP). The inhibitory effects of flavonoids against the formation of advanced glycation products (AGEs) in HPP were determined as: galangin > apigenin > kaempferol ≈ luteolin > myricetin > quercetin. After being combined with 20 μmol L?1 of quercetin for 11 days, the fresh plasma with δ-glucose caused 323.05-32.07% inhibition of HGA formation in type II diabetes plasma proteins (TPP). Luteolin showed weak inhibition of HGA formation in TPP. However, kaempferol, galangin and apigenin hardly inhibited the formation of HGA in TPP. These results showed that more hydroxyl groups on ring B of flavonoids will enhance the inhibitory effects on the HGA formation in TPP.  相似文献   

本文对103例锰作业工人测定了血液流变学中的七项指标,结果表明:全血粘度(高切、低切)、血浆粘度、红细胞压积、纤维蛋白原、红细胞电泳、血小板粘附、血沉等项指标,均明显高于正常对照组(P<0.01),证实锰作业工人普遍存在高粘滞血症,为临床治疗锰中毒开辟新的途径提供了依据。对其中的52例锰中毒(包括症状较重的观察对象),用清栓酶治疗后,复查其七项指标与治疗前比较,均有明显下降(P<0.01),其症状与体征得以改善,进一步说明清栓酶是治疗锰中毒的理想药物之一。  相似文献   

Haploid cells of opposite mating type of Saccharomyces cerevisiae conjugate to form zygote. During the conjugation process, the degradation or reorganization of the cell wall and the fusion of the two plasma membranes take place. Since chloroquine inhibits cellular events associated with the reorganization of the plasma membrane, the effect of the drug on conjugation was studied. Chloroquine at a concentration, at which cell growth was not retarded, inhibited zygote formation, while it did not affect other mating functions, such as sexual agglutination, production of and response to mating pheromone. Cells in a mating culture containing chloroquine formed no "prezygote" suggesting that they were not prepared for entering into fusion process. The inhibitory effect of chloroquine was reversible as cells formed zygote when they were washed after treatment with chloroquine. Zygote formation was unaffected in cells possessing chloroquine within vacuoles after incubation with the drug in complete medium (YPD) at pH 7.5, followed by washing. This suggests that chloroquine inhibits zygote formation by adsorbing to the plasma membrane of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

黄土高原主要薪炭林树种营养成分分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过测定14种薪炭树木叶片的营养成分,对它们的营养特征及品质进行了分析。结果表明根瘤树木叶片蛋白质含量一般高于非根瘤树木,其中刺槐,沙柳、沙棘、沙枣和紫穗槐还高于锦鸡儿属植物小叶锦鸡儿和柠条锦鸡儿。  相似文献   

Intravascular thrombus formation in association with lipid depositions in the arterial wall is thought to be involved in the process of atheroma formation. We have previously shown the beneficial effect of palm oil on the serum lipid profile resulting in a lowering of serum triacylglycerol and an elevation of the HDL/LDL ratio. The present study investigates the effect of dietary palm oil on the biochemical parameters associated with clotting and platelet aggregation in young rats (70 g body wt) fed a palm oil diet over a period of 10 weeks. Palm oil-fed rats showed significantly lower levels of fibrinogen and serum lipid peroxide and elevated AtIII levels resulting in a prolongation of clotting time. Reduced platelet aggregation and ATP release associated with a prolongation of bleeding time were also found. These findings, together with our earlier findings on the effect of palm oil on the serum lipid profile, suggest that dietary palm oil may be antithrombotic as well as beneficial in preventing the deposition of lipids on the vessel wall and may, therefore, be protective against the development of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of bentonite-bound oil on thermophilic anaerobic digestion of cattle manure was investigated. In digestor experiments, addition of oil was found to be inhibitory during start-up and the inhibitory effect was less pronounced when the oil was added in the form of bentonite-bound oil compared to when the oil was added alone. After adaption of the digestors, very rapid degradation of oil was observed and more than 80% of the oil was degraded within a few hours after daily feeding. In batch experiments, glyceride trioleate was found to be inhibitory to thermophilic anaerobic digestion when the concentrations were higher than 2.0 g/l. However, addition of bentonite (a clay mineral) at concentrations of 0.15% and 0.45% was found to partly overcome this inhibition. Addition of calcium chloride in concentration of 3 mM (0.033% w/v) showed a similar positive effect on the utilization of oil, but the effect was lower than with bentonite. Offprint requests to: I. Angelidaki  相似文献   

Platelet - vessel wall interaction: role of blood clotting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vascular damage initiates not only the adhesion and aggregation of blood platelets but also coagulation, which is of mixed (intrinsic and extrinsic) origin. Evidence is presented that thrombin, generated as a result of the injury, is a prerequisite for platelet aggregation. Platelets, after activation, in their turn promote coagulation. Prostaglandin I2 (PGI2 or prostacyclin) inhibits coagulation induced by damaged vascular tissue. This effect of PGI2 is mediated by the inhibition of platelets in their participation in the generation of factor Xa and thrombin. Dietary cod liver oil, by changing plasma coagulability, decreases the procoagulation activity of vessel walls, and arterial thrombosis. Another fish oil with similar effects on plasma coagulability and some other haemostatic parameters does not modify vessel wall-induced clotting, nor does it significantly lower arterial thrombosis tendency; this indicates the physiological relevance of vessel wall-induced clotting in arterial thrombus formation. Some evidence is also given for the importance of vessel wall-induced clotting in primary haemostasis.  相似文献   

AMF及Frankie混合接种对沙棘生长效应的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道了丛枝菌根真菌Glomus mosseae和Frankia混合接种对沙棘苗期的接种效应。研究发现,丛枝菌根真菌和Frankia之间存在联合增效作用,混合接种对沙棘苗木具有显的促生长作用,明显优于单接种处理苗木。  相似文献   

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