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以茭白(Zizania latifoliaTurcz.)的单季茭品种‘蒋墅茭’和双季茭品种‘葑红早’为试材,进行Cd2+、Pb2+的单一及复合胁迫处理,测定了茭白根系和叶片中的非蛋白巯基(NPT)、谷胱甘肽(GSH)、植物络合素(PCs)的含量,同时测定了茭白植株各亚细胞组分中Cd2+、Pb2+的积累量,以探讨茭白对重金属镉、铅胁迫的耐性机理。结果表明:Cd2+、Pb2+的单一及其复合胁迫均能促进两茭白品种根系和叶片中NPT、GSH、PCs的含量及茭白各亚细胞组分中Cd2+、Pb2+积累量的显著增加;复合胁迫时两茭白品种的NPT、GSH、PCs含量及各亚细胞组分中Cd2+、Pb2+的积累量均高于单一胁迫,茭白的不同部位间,以根系中的NPT、GSH、PCs含量显著高于叶片;茭白各亚细胞组分中Cd2+、Pb2+的积累量表现为:细胞壁高于原生质体,而可溶性部分高于细胞器。  相似文献   

镉胁迫下春小麦中镉的分布、富集及转移规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用盆栽试验,研究了镉胁迫下重金属镉(Cd)在春小麦中的分布、富集及转移规律。结果表明:Cd胁迫下,小麦根、茎、叶和籽粒中Cd积累量随外源Cd的增加而增加,小麦不同部位Cd积累量为根叶茎籽粒;籽粒中Cd含量与土壤中Cd显著相关;小麦不同部位对Cd的富集能力差异显著,且随外源Cd处理浓度的增加,各部位富集系数逐渐降低,低Cd浓度时各部位更易富集Cd;小麦植株地上部的转移系数亦呈递减趋势为茎、叶籽粒;在春小麦全生育期,土壤中Cd含量无明显变化,根对外源Cd的富集吸收于生育期70d左右达峰值,小麦植株中的Cd也在80d左右达到峰值后逐步减少,表明植株中的Cd,随籽粒的成熟逐步转移至籽粒。  相似文献   

番茄吸收和积累Cd能力的品种间差异   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
朱芳  方炜  杨中艺 《生态学报》2006,26(12):4071-4081
旨在筛选和利用在受污染土壤中可食部位污染物积累水平在食品卫生标准允许范围内的农作物品种(pollution-safecultivar,简称为PSC),以降低水土环境污染物经食物链危害人类健康的风险。研究对象为番茄,探讨了在一定Cd污染土壤中其果实Cd含量低于国际食品法典委员会(CAC)Cd最高限值的品种(Cd-PSC)存在的可能性。通过盆栽试验研究了36个番茄品种(包括普通番茄和樱桃番茄两个变种)不同器官在受不同程度镉污染的土壤中吸收和积累Cd能力的差异。结果表明:(1)在土壤Cd重度胁迫(13.3mg.kg-1)和轻度Cd胁迫(1.1mg.kg-1)下,番茄所有器官Cd含量的变异在统计学上均存在极显著意义(p<0.01),其中果实Cd含量的范围分别为0.08~0.33mg.kg-1和0.00~0.09mg.kg-1,变异系数分别达到28.5%和77.9%;(2)在重度胁迫下,所有供试品种的果实Cd含量均超出CAC标准,而轻度胁迫下的Cd含量超标率达到19.4%,说明番茄是易受Cd污染的农作物种类,其中樱桃番茄的受污染风险特别高,在轻度胁迫下6个供试品种中有5个超标,而30个普通番茄品种仅1个超标。因此,仅在轻度胁迫条件下,存在着番茄的Cd-PSC,其中有5个普通番茄品种的果实中未检出Cd,属于比较安全的PSC,包括品种No.121、6、24、35和No.36,可以推荐在土壤Cd污染程度略超国家三级标准或具有潜在受污染风险的区域应用;(3)尽管大多数情况下各营养器官的Cd含量间均呈显著的正相关,但营养器官与果实Cd含量间均无明显的相关性,推测Cd在番茄营养器官间和营养器官与果实间的转运途径是不一样的。组织中Cd含量的显著相关性说明该特性可以作为农作物品种的种性特征;(4)与轻度胁迫相比,重度胁迫下的所有供试品种平均果实生物量上升了7.5%,一半以上的品种表现出较强的耐Cd能力,这一特性可能导致因不易察觉土壤的Cd污染状况而增加番茄产品受Cd污染风险。  相似文献   

不同富硒土壤对烤烟生长及硒吸收转运的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以烤烟品种‘云烟87’为材料,采用盆栽试验研究安徽池州烟区不同全硒含量土壤(0.30、0.45、1.00、1.75mg·kg-1)对烤烟生长发育以及硒吸收和转运的影响。结果显示:(1)土壤硒含量≤1.00mg·kg-1时能够促进烤烟生长,而土壤硒含量≥1.75mg·kg-1则抑制烤烟的生长。(2)土壤硒含量的增加能够显著提高烤烟根系、茎秆、叶片的硒含量,烟株各部位的硒含量呈现根系叶片茎秆的特点,且根系硒含量是叶片的2~3倍,叶片硒含量则是茎秆的3~4倍。(3)土壤硒含量由0.30mg·kg-1增加至1.75mg·kg-1时,烟株对硒的吸收系数由1.08显著降低至0.36,次级转运系数则由2.84显著升高至4.03,即土壤硒含量增加降低了根系吸收硒的效率,但却增加了硒在叶中的转运和相对累积量。(4)烤烟整株硒的富集量在土壤硒含量为1.00mg·kg-1时达到最大,每株达到72μg。研究表明,在安徽池州烟区的富硒土壤(0.45~1.00 mg·kg-1)上能够生产出富硒(0.15~0.23 mg·kg-1)烟叶,不需要额外添加外源硒,既可以减少生产成本,也能够避免造成水土污染。  相似文献   

以不同品种桃(Amygdlus persica(L.)Batsch)"大久保(Okubao)"和"丽春(Lichun)"为试材,研究了不同土壤镉水平下桃树对镉及矿质养分的吸收.结果表明:随着镉浓度增大,品种间镉、大量元素、微量元素的含量差异显著(P<0.05);桃树器官中镉积累量为根>茎>叶>果实;土壤中镉浓度为10 mg·kg-1时,大久保外果皮中镉积累量最大,较对照增加了226.78%,而丽春桃果实组织中镉积累量在处理前后没有明显变化;当土壤镉浓度超过20 mg·kg-1时,2品种均不能正常座果.土壤镉浓度为100 mg·kg-1,胁迫时间为9个月后,大久保桃树体死亡;土壤Cd浓度<20 mg·kg-1时促进大量元素K、N、Ca、Mg 和微量元素Zn、Cu、Mn、Fe吸收,>20 mg·kg-1时抑制其吸收,但丽春根和大久保茎中Fe 元素含量呈现持续上升趋势,且Cd 100 mg·kg-1时Fe的吸收值达最大.  相似文献   

以'长5864'、'济麦20'和'中普绿麦1号'3个小麦品种为材料,研究了常规大田种植条件下植株地上部Cu的积累分配规律.结果表明:(1)随生育期推进,小麦叶片和叶鞘Cu含量在前期呈波动变化,于起身期(或拔节期)出现峰值之后逐渐降低,其茎秆、穗部和籽粒中Cu含量则持续下降.(2)小麦植株地上部Cu的积累量在三叶期-返青期增长缓慢,返青期-抽穗期急剧增长,抽穗期-灌浆末期缓慢增加,并以拔节期-抽穗期为Cu积累高峰期;叶片、叶鞘、茎秆及穗轴+颖壳中Cu的积累量在抽穗期(或灌浆初期)达到峰值,籽粒Cu积累量则持续增加.(3)灌浆末期,植株地上部各器官Cu含量以叶片最高,穗轴+颖壳最低;Cu积累量以籽粒最高,穗轴+颖壳最低;籽粒中Cu的分配比例为51.20%,其主要来自营养器官的转移,并以茎秆Cu对籽粒的贡献率最高.(4)小麦植株地上部Cu的含量和积累量存在品种间差异,其中'中普绿麦1号'植株Cu含量较高,而'长5864'植株Cu积累量较高.  相似文献   

以水稻( Oryza sativa Linn.)高 Cd 积累品种‘T 优705’(‘T You 705’)和低 Cd 积累品种‘湘早籼24’(‘Xiangzaoxian 24’)为实验材料,采用水培法对不同浓度Cd(0.0和2.7μmol·L-1 Cd)和K(0、30和60 mmol·L-1 K)处理条件下2个品种幼苗的相对生长量、根系和地上部的Cd含量及其亚细胞分布特征进行了比较,并分析了添加离子通道活性抑制剂TEA和LaCl3后幼苗根系和地上部的Cd和K含量;在此基础上,比较了NSCCs(非选择性阳离子通道)和K专性通道对2个品种幼苗根系和地上部Cd和K吸收贡献率的影响。结果表明:与Cd单一处理组(2.7μmol·L-1 Cd)相比, Cd-K双重处理组(2.7μmol·L-1 Cd-30 mmol·L-1 K和2.7μmol·L-1 Cd-60 mmol·L-1 K)2个品种幼苗的相对生长量显著提高,而幼苗根系和地上部的Cd含量显著下降;随K浓度的提高,2个品种幼苗根系细胞壁和细胞液中的Cd含量显著下降,但细胞壁中Cd含量的分配比例增大而细胞液中Cd含量的分配比例则减小。在含2.7μmol·L-1 Cd和30 mmol·L-1 K的培养液中分别添加5 mmol·L-1 TEA或0.2 mmol·L-1 LaCl3后,2个品种幼苗根系和地上部的Cd和K含量均显著下降,其中,LaCl3处理组的根系Cd含量降幅高于TEA处理组,但LaCl3处理组的根系K含量降幅则低于TEA组。 NSCCs对品种‘T优705’幼苗根系和地上部Cd吸收的贡献率显著低于品种‘湘早籼24’幼苗,而K专性通道对品种‘T优705’幼苗根系K吸收和地上部Cd吸收的贡献率则显著低于品种‘湘早籼24’幼苗。研究结果显示:添加外源K可缓解Cd对水稻幼苗生长的抑制作用,并通过提高细胞壁与Cd的结合能力来降低细胞液中Cd的积累,以此减弱幼苗对Cd的吸收和转运能力;幼苗体内的K和Cd均可通过K专性通道和NSCCs转运,其中,K吸收和转运主要通过K专性通道完成,而Cd吸收和转运主要通过NSCCs完成。此外,品种‘T优705’可能具有多种离子通道参与Cd的吸收和转运,而品种‘湘早籼24’主要依赖NSCCs参与Cd的吸收和转运,且后者对K的吸收和积累强于前者。  相似文献   

本研究通过分析开花期灌水对小麦产量、植株养分分配和土壤养分分布的影响及其与根系特性的关系,为小麦充分利用水肥资源提供理论支撑。以抗旱高产品种‘洛麦28'和高光效品种‘百农207'为材料,采用2 m深土柱栽培方法,设置开花期灌水(T1)和开花期不灌水(T2)两个水分处理,测定了不同组织器官、不同土层土壤氮、磷、钾含量及根系分布特性等指标。结果表明: 小麦收获期土壤中铵态氮、速效磷和速效钾主要分布在0~80 cm土层中,硝态氮主要分布在80 cm以下土层中,开花期灌水促进小麦吸收0~60 cm土层的铵态氮、速效磷、速效钾和80 cm以下土层的硝态氮,减少了硝态氮向深层土壤的淋溶;小麦根系主要集中在0~60 cm土层中,随土壤深度的增加而减少。成熟期干物质积累量、全氮和全磷主要分配在小麦籽粒中,而全钾主要分配在茎秆中;开花期灌水显著增加了小麦百粒重,提高了小麦产量;根系形态指标与土壤硝态氮在0~40 cm土层中呈显著负相关,与土壤铵态氮在80~100 cm土层中呈极显著正相关,与土壤速效磷在0~100 cm土层中呈显著正相关。开花期灌水促进了根系在小麦生育末期对土壤养分的充分吸收,延长了养分从营养器官向生殖器官的转运功能期,使营养器官中的养分充分地转运到籽粒中去,增加小麦粒重,进而提高产量。  相似文献   

张呈祥  陈为峰  李伟 《生态学杂志》2012,31(6):1341-1346
通过盆栽试验研究了大花萱草对镉(Cd)的耐性及积累特性。结果表明:Cd浓度为0.5mg·kg-1时刺激大花萱草的生长,大于5mg·kg-1时抑制大花萱草生长,Cd浓度小于5mg·kg-1时延长了大花萱草的绿期和花期;随着Cd浓度的增大,大花萱草根系活力、叶绿素含量和含水量逐渐降低,游离脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量先升高后降低,细胞膜透性逐渐升高;Cd在大花萱草体内分布为根系>地上部分,随着Cd浓度的增大,大花萱草根系和地上部分Cd含量逐渐升高、富集系数和转运系数逐渐降低;Cd浓度为20mg·kg-1时大花萱草对Cd的积累量最大,为1.489mg·株-1。综合分析大花萱草的生长、生理变化及富集Cd的能力,大花萱草适用于浓度小于1mg·kg-1的Cd污染土壤的修复。  相似文献   

小麦非结构性碳水化合物分配对水分胁迫的生理响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以‘西旱2号’小麦为试材,采用水分胁迫和复水处理方法,研究了小麦发育过程中不同水分胁迫下非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)在小麦旗叶、茎、叶鞘等器官中的动态变化,以及籽粒中碳代谢相关酶(可溶性淀粉合成酶SSS和淀粉粒结合态合成酶GBSS)活性的变化.结果表明:不同程度水分胁迫对小麦旗叶、茎、叶鞘等器官中蔗糖含量无显著影响.随水分胁迫的深入,花后12~ 18 d旗叶中淀粉含量显著增加;水分胁迫缩短了花后茎和叶鞘中淀粉的积累时间,抑制了茎中淀粉的转化和分配;而叶鞘中淀粉的积累逐渐增大,在中度水分胁迫下积累提前终止.在水分胁迫初期,各营养器官中的NSC含量为旗叶>茎>叶鞘;随着水分胁迫的深入,各营养器官中的NSC含量为茎>旗叶>叶鞘.小麦主要营养器官中NSC的分配速率及主要代谢酶的变化可能是小麦对水分胁迫的一种生理调节反应.  相似文献   

Cadmium translocation and accumulation in developing barley grains   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chen F  Wu F  Dong J  Vincze E  Zhang G  Wang F  Huang Y  Wei K 《Planta》2007,227(1):223-232
Soil cadmium (Cd) contamination has posed a serious problem for safe food production and become a potential agricultural and environmental hazard worldwide. In order to study the transport of Cd into the developing grains, detached ears of two-rowed barley cv. ZAU 3 were cultured in Cd stressed nutrient solution containing the markers for phloem (rubidium) and xylem (strontium) transport. Cd concentration in each part of detached spikes increased with external Cd levels, and Cd concentration in various organs over the three Cd levels of 0.5, 2, 8 μM Cd on 15-day Cd exposure was in the order: awn > stem > grain > rachis > glume, while the majority of Cd was accumulated in grains with the proportion of 51.0% relative to the total Cd amount in the five parts of detached spikes. Cd accumulation in grains increased not only with external Cd levels but the time of exposure contrast to stem, awn, rachis and glume. Those four parts of detached spike showed increase Cd accumulation for 5 days, followed by sharp decrease till day 10 and increase again after 12.5 days. Awn-removal and stem-girdling markedly decreased Cd concentration in grains, and sucrose or zinc (Zn) addition to the medium and higher relative humidity (RH) also induced dramatic reduction in Cd transport to developing grains. The results indicated that awn, rachis and glume may involve in Cd transport into developing grains, and suggested that Cd redistribution in maturing cereals be considered as an important physiological process influencing the quality of harvested grains. Our results suggested that increasing RH to 90% and Zn addition in the medium at grain filling stage would be beneficial to decrease Cd accumulation in grains.  相似文献   

水稻不同品种对铅吸收、分配的差异及机理   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
为探究水稻不同品种对Pb吸收积累的差异及机理,以20个不同基因型水稻品种(系)为材料,采用盆栽方法,研究了Pb在水稻植株各器官中的分配及在籽粒中的分布.结果表明,不同品种间,Pb积累量存在显著差异,但品种间的这种差异与品种类型关系不明显;不同器官、不同生育时期,Pb积累量和积累速率不同;各器官Pb浓度按根、茎、叶、穗、籽粒的顺序大幅度下降,分配到籽粒中的Pb比例很低;根与茎,茎与叶片、穗(抽穗期)、籽粒Pb含量呈极显著负相关;根与叶、穗(抽穗期)、籽粒,叶与穗(抽穗期)、籽粒的Pb含量呈正相关,相关性大多达极显著或显著水平;不同品种抽穗期叶片与成熟期籽粒间的Pb含量达显著正相关;Pb在稻米加工各产物中的分布很不均匀,稻谷经脱壳及精加工1次(2min)后,精米Pb含量仅为籽粒总含Pb量的32.88%.  相似文献   

In developing grains of rice (Oryza sativa L.) of the dormant variety H4, peroxidase activity decreased sharply about a week before grain maturity without any change in grain dormancy and oxygen uptake of intact grain. During storage or after-ripening of mature dormant intact grains of four varieties (H4, H6, Mayang Ebos and Seraup 27) at 25–30°, the critical range in peroxidase activity was 1·0–1·4 μmol purpurogallin/hr/grain above which rice grains were almost completely dormant and below which the grains were almost completely nondormant. The oxygen uptake of intact H4 grain tended to decrease during the loss of dormancy. The decrease in both the peroxidase activity and oxygen uptake could be attributed mainly to the lower activities of the hull. Dehulling of developing and mature H4 grains reduced dormancy and increased the oxygen uptake of the grain. Thus, reduction by the hull of the level of oxygen available to the dehulled grain (embryo) was mainly responsible for grain dormancy in rice.  相似文献   

The concentrations of both essential nutrients and chemically similar toxic analogues accumulated in cereal grains have a major impact on the nutritional quality and safety of crops. Naturally occurring genetic diversity can be exploited for the breeding of improved varieties through introgression lines (ILs). In this study, multi-element analysis was conducted on vegetative leaves, senesced flag leaves and mature grains of a set of 54 ILs of the wild ancestral Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum in the cultivated variety Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare cv. Scarlett. Plants were cultivated on an anthropogenically heavy metal-contaminated soil collected in an agricultural field, thus allowing simultaneous localization of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for the accumulation of both essential nutrients and toxic trace elements in barley as a model cereal crop. For accumulation of the micronutrients Fe and Zn and the interfering toxin Cd, we identified 25, 16 and 5 QTL, respectively. By examining the gene content of the introgressions, we associated QTL with candidate genes based on homology to known metal homeostasis genes of Arabidopsis and rice. Global comparative analyses suggested the preferential remobilization of Cu and Fe, over Cd, from the flag leaf to developing grains. Our data identifies grain micronutrient filling as a regulated and nutrient-specific process, which operates differently from vegetative micronutrient homoeostasis. In summary, this study provides novel QTL for micronutrient accumulation in the presence of toxic analogues and supports a higher degree of metal specificity of trace element partitioning during grain filling in barley than previously reported for other cereals.  相似文献   

Effects of two kinds of iron fertilizer, FeSO4 and EDTA·Na2Fe were studied on cadmium accumulation in rice plants with two rice genotypes, Zhongzao 22 and Zhongjiazao 02, with soil culture systems. The results showed that application of iron fertilizers could hardly make adverse effects on plant growth and rice grain yield. Soil application of EDTA·Na2Fe significantly reduced the Cd accumulation in rice roots, shoots and rice grain. Cd concentration in white rice of both rice genotypes in the treatment of soil application of EDTA·Na2Fe was much lower than 0.2 mg/kg, the maximal Cd permission concentration in cereal crop foods in State standard. However, soil application of FeSO4 or foliar application of FeSO4 or EDTA·Na2Fe resulted in the significant increase of Cd accumulation in rice plants including rice grain compared with the control. The results also showed iron fertilizers increased the concentration of iron, copper and manganese element in rice grain and also affected zinc concentration in plants. It may be a new promising way to regulate Cd accumulation in rice grain in rice production through soil application of EDTA·Na2Fe fertilizers to maintain higher content of available iron and ferrous iron in soils.  相似文献   

Because of recent agricultural policy to suppress rice production, a rather rare situation occurred in one prefecture in Japan that rice and winter wheat were grown in fields neighboring each other, rice being grown from May to October, and wheat from November to June of the next year. Grains of such rice and wheat were analyzed for cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) by atomic absorption spectrometry, and eight nutrient minerals by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry. Concentrations of nutrient minerals were higher in wheat grains than in unpolished rice grains (without husk), and similar trends were observed also for Cd and Pb. Flour obtained by milling of the wheat grains had significantly less Cd and nutrient minerals than the mother grains, and such reduction was also observed by treatment of unpolished rice to polished grain. Pb concentration was also reduced by the polishing of rice. Pb in wheat flour appeared to be higher than that in whole grain. Comparisons between the final edible forms of the two cereals showed that K and cu were higher in polished rice than in wheat flour and that such may also be the case for Cd, whereas the reverse was the case for Ca and Fe, and possibly for Pb.  相似文献   

陈建国  闫文德  项文化 《生态学报》2015,35(22):7543-7552
为了研究中南丘陵区林-稻系统镉的迁移规律,2012年5月下旬至9月上旬(中稻稻季)在湘北汩罗市桃林林场选择两种类型的林-稻复合生态系统针对降水、地表径流、山塘水、稻田水及其中镉含量用收支平衡法进行了原位动态研究。结果表明,(1)以降水形式从区域外输入的镉是湘北地域地表系统主要的外来镉源,镉的输入主要集中在稻季的早期;(2)镉以雨水形式输入丘陵林-稻系统后,53%被林地截留,7.5%累积于山塘,11.6%存留于稻田,其余28.9%以稻田水和稻草、谷粒的形式输出林-稻系统;(3)不同林-稻系统比较,混-稻系统对外源镉的固持功能最强,松-稻系统其次,对照系统最弱,其原因在于各系统间岗地森林郁闭度存在差异,郁闭度大能增强岗地对镉的固持能力;(4)在岗地截留镉能力较弱的情况下,山塘能够减缓系统镉的迁移强度;(5)岗地输入山塘水中的大分子有机物能加强镉在稻田中累积。综上所述,林-稻系统镉的累积与雨水常年输入镉有关,系统内岗地森林郁闭度、与有机物输出相关的森林类型影响镉在系统中的迁移和分配。  相似文献   

水稻土施硅对土壤-水稻系统中镉的降低效果   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
水稻中镉的积累造成人类健康的风险,增加水稻硅素能减轻镉中毒症状,降低稻米镉积累,但是硅对重金属的作用机理尚不清楚。主要研究了在中度和高度镉污染的土壤中,通过施用固态和液态的富硅物质对土壤-水稻系统中镉的吸收和转运的影响,探明决定镉和硅在根与芽的质外体和共质体中的作用机理。试验结果表明:(1)在中度和高度污染的土壤中,镉在土壤-作物系统中的转移和积累情况是不同的,可以通过富硅物质中的单硅酸与镉离子的相互作用,增加镉在硅物质表面的吸附来减少镉在土壤中的流动;(2)富硅物质可以降低水稻根和芽中镉的积累,在高度镉污染的情况下,施用硅可以使镉大量积累在水稻根及其共质体中,并降低根及其共质体中镉的转换和积累;(3)新鲜土壤中水萃取态的单硅酸含量与镉在土壤-作物系统中的流动性、转运以及积累等主要参数密切相关。  相似文献   

We characterized the absorption and short-term translocation of cadmium (Cd) in rice (Oryza sativa ‘Nipponbare’) quantitatively using serial images observed with a positron-emitting tracer imaging system. We fed a positron-emitting 107Cd (half-life of 6.5 h) tracer to the hydroponic culture solution and noninvasively obtained serial images of Cd distribution in intact rice plants at the vegetative stage and at the grain-filling stage every 4 min for 36 h. The rates of absorption of Cd by the root were proportional to Cd concentrations in the culture solution within the tested range of 0.05 to 100 nm. It was estimated that the radial transport from the culture to the xylem in the root tissue was completed in less than 10 min. Cd moved up through the shoot organs with velocities of a few centimeters per hour at both stages, which was obviously slower than the bulk flow in the xylem. Finally, Cd arrived at the panicles 7 h after feeding and accumulated there constantly, although no Cd was observed in the leaf blades within the initial 36 h. The nodes exhibited the most intensive Cd accumulation in the shoot at both stages, and Cd transport from the basal nodes to crown root tips was observed at the vegetative stage. We conclude that the nodes are the central organ where xylem-to-phloem transfer takes place and play a pivotal role in the half-day travel of Cd from the soil to the grains at the grain-filling stage.Contamination of arable soil with cadmium (Cd) is one of the most serious agricultural problems in the world. Crops, particularly irrigated rice (Oryza sativa), are generally suggested as the main source of Cd intake by humans (United Nations Environment Programme, 2008). From the viewpoint of plant nutrition, the dynamics and mechanisms of Cd transition from the soil to the edible parts in the plants should be elucidated.Generally, the process of metal accumulation in plants mainly consists of uptake from the soil by the roots, xylem loading and transport, and distribution between metal sinks in the aerial parts (Clemens et al., 2002). It has been demonstrated that xylem loading and transport but not absorption by the roots is one of the rate-controlling steps for Cd accumulation in the grain of graminaceous plants. Hart et al. (1998) reported that greater Cd accumulation in durum wheat grain than in bread wheat grain was not correlated with the root influx rates of these cultivars. Harris and Taylor (2004) employed two near-isogenic lines of durum wheat that differ in grain Cd accumulation and showed that elevated activity of root-to-shoot transport of Cd was responsible for the higher accumulation of Cd in grain, but Cd uptake by roots was not. Uraguchi et al. (2009) analyzed two rice cultivars that show different levels of Cd accumulation in the grain and concluded that root-to-shoot Cd translocation via xylem is the major process determining the Cd accumulation level in rice grain. Phloem transport has also been considered a key step of Cd translocation to the grain, because xylem transport is directed mainly to the organs of highest transpiration, such as leaves, but not to the sites of highest demand for mineral, such as grains (Marschner, 1995). Cd was detected in the phloem sap of rice collected from leaf sheaths (Tanaka et al., 2003) and from the uppermost internode at the grain-filling stage (Tanaka et al., 2007). Tanaka et al. (2007) also estimated that 91% to 100% of Cd in rice grains is deposited from the phloem. In wheat, it has been observed in a split-root system that Cd fed to one bundle of the roots moved into the other bundle, probably via the phloem (Welch et al., 1999; Page and Feller, 2005), and steam girdling, which stops only phloem transport but not xylem flow, to the peduncle below the ear reduced Cd translocation to the grain (Riesen and Feller, 2005). These results suggest that the xylem loading and transport is the first rate-controlling step of Cd transition from the soil to the grain in graminaceous plants and the phloem transport and unloading into the grain is the last. However, the intermediate steps between the xylem and phloem transport of Cd have not been clarified. In general, it is known that mineral micronutrients are remobilized from senescent leaves to the phloem at the reproductive stage or transferred from the xylem to the phloem directly via transfer cells (Marschner, 1995; Clemens et al., 2002). Therefore, where and how the xylem-to-phloem transfer of Cd occurs is of considerable interest. The main objective of this study was to quantitatively describe the whole route and the time scale of Cd transition from the soil to the grain in rice at the vegetative and reproductive stages.In this study, we also raised a methodological challenge. We employed a positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS), one of the most advanced radiotracer-based imaging methods available today. PETIS provides serial time-course images (i.e. animation) of the two-dimensional distribution of a radiotracer within a living organism without contact. Its principle is the same as that of positron emission tomography, which has been widely used for medical diagnosis, but PETIS was specially designed for studying plants and has been applied to many studies on plant nutrition over the last decade (Uchida et al., 2003; Fujimaki, 2007; Fujimaki et al., 2010). Recently, the transport of metals, including iron (Ishimaru et al., 2006, 2007; Tsukamoto et al., 2009), zinc (Suzuki et al., 2006), and manganese (Tsukamoto et al., 2006), in intact graminaceous plants has been visualized using PETIS. Furthermore, the time course of tracer amounts within any selected region of interest (ROI) on the obtained image can be easily generated and applied for mathematical analyses because PETIS provides highly quantitative images. The rates of photoassimilation and the velocities of phloem transport in intact plants under various environmental conditions have been estimated quantitatively using PETIS (Matsuhashi et al., 2005; Kawachi et al., 2006). However, to our knowledge, no study has been carried out to describe the whole dynamics and kinetics of a substance in an intact plant body by taking full advantage of PETIS, namely noninvasive visualization and quantitative time-course analysis. The second objective of this study was to demonstrate the potential of the latest radiotracer imaging technology for plant physiology.  相似文献   

Cd、Zn、Pb及其相互作用对烟草、小麦的影响   总被引:49,自引:5,他引:44  
烟草对Cd、Zn、Pb是一种敏感性作物,Cd、Zn、Pb对烟草的影响比对小安、水稻都大。 Cd、Zn、Pb在烟草各器官中的累积随土壤Cd、Zn、Pb浓度的增高而增大。 Cd、Zn、Pb在烟草各器官中含量的次序为:茎叶>根>籽粒。它们在根中受阻,而较易转移到茎叶和籽粒中。 烟草对Pb的吸收比对Zn和Cd明显地低。Pb仍然是一种低吸收性元素。 土壤Zn增加,减低了烟草对Cd的吸收,而土壤Pb的增加,则促进了烟草对Cd的吸收。  相似文献   

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