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采用土壤添加Pb和叶面喷施Pb溶液的方式,分别研究了土壤Pb和大气Pb在玉米植株各器官中的积累规律和Pb污染浓度与籽粒Pb含量、叶片Pb含量与籽粒Pb含量的相关性,以及土壤Pb和大气Pb对玉米籽粒Pb的贡献率.结果表明:土壤添加Pb后,玉米各器官中Pb含量表现为根>茎>叶>籽粒,且主要富集在根系中;叶面喷施Pb后,玉米各器官Pb含量大小顺序是叶片>茎、根>籽粒,且主要富集在叶片中;随着土壤和大气Pb浓度的增加,玉米各器官Pb含量均呈现不同程度的增加;玉米籽粒中的Pb含量与土壤和叶片Pb浓度呈显著正相关(P<0.01);土壤施加Pb的毒性临界值为118.95 mg·kg-1;大气Pb对玉米籽粒的贡献率为53.7%,土壤Pb对玉米籽粒的贡献率为46.3%,说明大气Pb通过叶面传输是玉米籽粒吸收Pb的重要途径.  相似文献   

施氮对不同品种冬小麦氮素累积和运转的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在鄂北岗地以当地主栽的5个冬小麦品种‘鄂麦14'、‘鄂麦18'、‘鄂麦23'、‘郑麦9023'、和‘洛麦1号'为试验材料,通过田间裂区试验在不施氮(0 kg/hm2)和施氮(195 kg/hm2)条件下研究不同品种小麦氮素的累积、转移与分配规律的差异.结果表明:(1)在扬花期,不施氮处理叶片、茎鞘和穗部氮素累积量均为‘鄂麦14' 最大,积累量分别达到14.2 、16.6 和10.8 kg/hm2;施氮后‘鄂麦23' 的叶片氮素积累量最大(71.5 kg/hm2),‘鄂麦14' 的茎鞘积累量最大(69.0 kg/hm2),‘鄂麦18'的穗部积累量最大(34.2 kg/hm2).(2)成熟后不同部位氮素转移效率表现为叶片>穗>茎鞘,且叶、茎鞘、穗氮素转移效率存在品种差异;不同品种间氮肥效率差异显著,并以‘鄂麦23'的氮肥利用率、氮肥农学效率最高,而‘郑麦9023'的氮肥生理效率最高.(3)在氮胁迫条件下,扬花前‘鄂麦14'各器官氮素累积量、成熟期的氮素转移率及籽粒氮素累积量都显著高于其它品种;而在施氮条件下,冬小麦各器官氮素的累积、转移与分配因品种不同而异,‘鄂麦14'和‘鄂麦23'籽粒及植株氮素累积量都显著高于其它品种.研究发现,冬小麦氮素的累积、转移与分配受品种与氮素调控共同影响;施氮能显著提高各器官氮素的累积量,且提高的幅度因品种而异.  相似文献   

以'长5864'、'济麦20'和'中普绿麦1号'3个小麦品种为材料,研究了常规大田种植条件下植株地上部Cu的积累分配规律.结果表明:(1)随生育期推进,小麦叶片和叶鞘Cu含量在前期呈波动变化,于起身期(或拔节期)出现峰值之后逐渐降低,其茎秆、穗部和籽粒中Cu含量则持续下降.(2)小麦植株地上部Cu的积累量在三叶期-返青期增长缓慢,返青期-抽穗期急剧增长,抽穗期-灌浆末期缓慢增加,并以拔节期-抽穗期为Cu积累高峰期;叶片、叶鞘、茎秆及穗轴+颖壳中Cu的积累量在抽穗期(或灌浆初期)达到峰值,籽粒Cu积累量则持续增加.(3)灌浆末期,植株地上部各器官Cu含量以叶片最高,穗轴+颖壳最低;Cu积累量以籽粒最高,穗轴+颖壳最低;籽粒中Cu的分配比例为51.20%,其主要来自营养器官的转移,并以茎秆Cu对籽粒的贡献率最高.(4)小麦植株地上部Cu的含量和积累量存在品种间差异,其中'中普绿麦1号'植株Cu含量较高,而'长5864'植株Cu积累量较高.  相似文献   

采用FACE(Free Air Carbon-dioxide Enrichment)技术,研究了不同N、P施肥水平下,水稻分蘖期、拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期根、茎、叶、穗生长,C/N比,N、P含量及N、P吸收对大气CO2浓度升高的响应.结果表明,高CO2促进水稻茎、穗和根的生长.增加分蘖期叶干重,对拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期叶干重没有显著增加.降低茎、叶N含量;增加抽穗期穗N含量,降低成熟期穗N含量;对分蘖期根N含量影响不显著,而降低拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期根N含量.增加拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期叶P含量,对茎、穗、根P含量影响不显著.水稻各组织C含量变化不显著.C/N比增加.显著增加水稻地上部分P吸收;增加N吸收,但没有统计显著性.N、P施用对水稻各组织生物量没有显著影响.高N(HN)比低N(LN)增加组织中N含量,而不同P肥水平间未表现出明显差异.高N条件下高CO2增加水稻成熟期地下部分/地上部分比.文中还讨论了高CO2对N、P含量及地下部分/地上部分比的影响机制.  相似文献   

不同水稻品种产量形成过程的能量积累与热值特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过测定晚季稻汕优63 (三系杂交稻)、两优2186(两系杂交稻)和IR64(常规稻)生长过程中的干物质和热值,研究了不同水稻品种生长过程中的热值动态和能量固定特征.结果表明,完熟期汕优63、两优2186和IR64 3种水稻的干物质积累量分别为1926.38、1933.80和1842.30 g·m-2,能量积累量分别为31137.05、31060.63和30454.89 kJ·m-2,不同水稻品种的干物质及能量积累量间无显著差异.在灌浆过程中,汕优63、两优2186和IR64总的能量表观转化率分别为38.95%、 28.38%和32.66%,汕优63和IR64的能量流动比两优2186顺畅,两优2186茎器官能量输出受阻.完熟期3种水稻分配到籽粒中的能量依次占53.03%、46.43%和50.11%,三系杂交稻汕优63具有能量分配优势.热值分析表明,3种水稻各生育期间的热值平均值间无显著差异;不同器官热值大小依次为:叶>籽粒>鞘>茎>根,热值范围为:叶16.81~17.25 kJ·g-1,籽粒15.89~16.54 kJ·g-1,鞘14.33~15.49 kJ·g-1,茎14.23~15.15 kJ·g-1,根11.51~13.25 kJ·g-1,叶片的热值显著高于其它器官,而根的热值显著低于其它器官.水稻叶片热值与其碳含量、叶绿素a含量、氮含量存在显著正相关,确定系数R2分别为0.609、0.471和0.485.  相似文献   

大穗型小麦叶片性状、养分含量及氮素分配特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王丽芳  王德轩  上官周平 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5219-5227
采用田间试验研究了8个大穗型小麦新品系和西农979不同生育期比叶面积(SLA)、叶干物质含量(LDMC)与养分含量的差异性,并对其不同器官氮素积累和分配情况进行了探讨。结果表明,大穗型小麦的SLA和LDMC平均值小于西农979;小麦叶片养分含量由大到小依次为全氮(N)、全钾(K)和全磷(P);成熟期大穗型小麦品系各器官平均氮素积累能力都高于对照,氮素积累量及分配比例的大小顺序为籽粒>茎+鞘>穗草(穗轴+颖壳)>旗叶>倒二叶>余叶;大穗型小麦平均转移率和贡献率较西农979低;抽穗期旗叶SLA和LDMC呈负相关关系,SLA和N含量呈不显著的正相关,和P、K呈极显著的负相关。小麦叶片结构性状与养分含量影响体内有机物质的积累与转运,通过水肥调控措施来提高大穗型小麦养分利用效率的研究需进一步加强。  相似文献   

探讨水分和腐植酸(HA)对燕麦不同器官非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)积累与分配的影响,进一步明确水分和HA对燕麦糖代谢和粒重形成的作用机制,可为旱作地区燕麦的推广种植提供理论指导和技术支撑。试验以‘蒙农大燕1号'和‘内燕5号'两个燕麦品种为材料,分别在旱作(无灌溉)和有限灌溉(拔节期和抽穗期每次灌水60 mm)两个水分条件下喷施HA与清水(CK),研究燕麦开花后不同时期NSC组分在茎、叶、穗中的动态变化以及叶片中碳代谢相关酶活性的变化。结果表明: 两个燕麦品种茎、叶、穗中的NSC组分含量均随开花后时间的延长先升高后降低,且两品种各器官中的NSC组分含量大致相同;与CK相比,在灌水条件下喷施HA后蒙农大燕1号穗部的果聚糖含量提升幅度明显大于旱作条件;喷施HA后蒙农大燕1号叶片中果聚糖外水解酶和转化酶活性分别显著提高了27.1%和30.6%,单穗粒重显著提高了55.9%,且与旱作条件下相比提高幅度更大;蒙农大燕1号籽粒千粒重和单穗粒重与叶片果聚糖含量呈显著正相关关系。综上,水分和腐植酸协同作用可以有效调节燕麦果聚糖的积累及主要代谢酶活性,从而提高千粒重和单穗粒重,促进产量形成。  相似文献   

采用FACE(Free Air Carbon-dioxide Enrichment)技术,研究了不同N、P施肥水平下,水稻分蘖期、拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期根、茎、穗生长,C/N比、N、P含量及N、P吸收对大气CO2浓度升高的响应,结果表明,高CO2促进水稻茎、穗和根的生长,增加分蘖期叶干重,对拔节期、抽穗期的成熟期叶干重没有显著增加,降低茎、叶N含量;增加抽穗期穗N含量;降低成熟期穗N含量;对分蘖期根N含量影响不显著,而降低拔节期,抽穗期和成熟期根N含量,增加拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期叶P含量,对茎、穗、根P含量影响不显著,水稻各组织C含量变化不显著,C/N比增加,显著增加水稻地上部分P吸收;增加N吸收,但没有统计显著性,N、P施用对水稻各组织生物量没有显著影响,高N(HN)比低N(LN)增加组织中N含量,而不同P肥水平间未表现出明显差异,高N条件下高CO2增加水稻成熟期地下部分/地上部分比,文中还讨论了高CO2对N、P含量及地下部分/地上部分比的影响机制。  相似文献   

为了解CO2浓度升高和N肥水平对水稻茎鞘内非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)含量和积累量的影响,利用开顶式气室(OTC),以常规粳稻"南粳9108"为试验材料,设置3个CO2浓度水平:对照T0(背景大气)、T0+120μmol·mol-1(T1)和T0+200μmol·mol-1(T2)。在OTC内采用盆栽方式,设置3个氮(N)肥水平:10 g N·m^-2(N1)、20 g N·m^-2(N2)和30g N·m^-2(N3)。分别于水稻抽穗期、灌浆期(抽穗后20 d)和成熟期对地上部分各器官生物量、茎鞘NSC含量以及顶部四张叶片的N含量进行分析。结果表明:CO2浓度升高对抽穗期叶N含量总体无显著影响,但显著降低灌浆期N2和N3水平的叶N含量;CO2浓度升高对抽穗期茎鞘NSC含量和积累量无显著影响,抽穗期置换到高CO2浓度环境使灌浆期茎鞘NSC积累显著增加,置换到低CO2浓度环境使NSC积累显著减少。同一CO2浓度条件下,NSC含量和积累量均为N1>N2>N3,且N1处理均显著高于N3处理,CO2浓度升高和N水平的交互作用对灌浆期茎鞘NSC含量影响显著。水稻产量在不同CO2浓度水平间无显著差异,但随施氮水平的提高而增加。抽穗期与灌浆期水稻茎鞘NSC含量和积累量与茎鞘干重呈极显著正相关,与叶N含量呈极显著负相关;叶N衰减越慢,灌浆期水稻茎鞘NSC残留比(RNSC)越低;结实率和产量与RNSC呈显著负相关,RNSC越大,茎鞘NSC转移的越少,结实率和产量越低。  相似文献   

 本文研究了羊草(Aneurolepidium chinense)草地割草场3种植物必需的微量元素锰、铜、锌的含量特征。结果表明,在生长季各时期,优势种羊草各器官元素含量有很大变化,总的趋势是:根>根茎>茎>叶>穗(Zn:叶>茎),各器官之间元素含量差异显著(P<0.05)。其它种类植物根中锰、铜、锌含量也显著高于地上各器官。羊草地上部锰、铜、锌积累量在生长季中的变化近似于“S”型曲线,但各元素曲线最高点出现的时间不同。寸草苔(Carex duriuscula)和针蔺(Heleocharis acicularis)地上部锰、铜、锌积累量变化与生物量变化相似,基本为双峰型曲线。三种元素在群落中的分布规律是:根>茎>叶>穗,与生物量分布规律相同。但锰、铜在地上各器宫中积累量占植物总积累量的比率低于相应的生物量比率,而锌这两者的比率则与生物量比率相近。群落中锰、铜、锌积累量与根层土壤中锰、铜、锌总量之比分别为0.10%,0.33%和0.09%。  相似文献   

Ca在水稻籽粒中的富集及其与其它7种元素的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈刚  刘爱平  周卫东  孙国荣  杜坤  张彪 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5318-5324
通过环境扫描电镜结合X射线电子探针显微分析技术,对21种不同基因型的水稻籽粒颖壳内、外表面以及颖果表面、糊粉层、近糊粉层和米中部的Ca含量进行测定。结果表明,Ca元素在水稻籽粒不同部位的含量有明显差异,颖壳内外表面和颖果表面Ca含量较高,近糊粉层和颖果中部含量较低,在颖果中Ca主要富集在糊粉层中;而且不同基因型水稻籽粒同一部位或不同部位Ca的积累量也有较大差异,这可能是由遗传差异引起的。糊粉层中的Ca含量影响着颖壳外表面、颖果表面、近糊粉层和米中部的Ca含量。另外,籽粒不同部位Ca含量与P、Mg、K、Si、Al、Cd含量之间存在显著或极显著的非线性关系,与Pb含量之间不存在显著的非线性关系。说明Ca在水稻籽粒中富集的同时也影响着P、Mg、K、Si、M、Cd等元素的富集。  相似文献   

Foods produced on soils impacted by Pb-Zn mining activities are a potential health risk due to plant uptake of the arsenic (As) associated with such mining. A field survey was undertaken in two Pb-Zn mining-impacted paddy fields in Guangdong Province, China to assess As accumulation and translocation, as well as other factors influencing As in twelve commonly grown rice cultivars. The results showed that grain As concentrations in all the surveyed rice failed national food standards, irrespective of As speciation. Among the 12 rice cultivars, “SY-89” and “DY-162” had the least As in rice grain. No significant difference for As concentration in grain was observed between the rice grown in the two areas that differed significantly for soil As levels, suggesting that the amount of As contamination in the soil is not necessarily the overriding factor controlling the As content in the rice grain. The iron and manganese plaque on the root surface curtailed As accumulation in rice roots. Based on our results, the accumulation of As within rice plants was strongly associated with such soil properties such as silicon, phosphorus, organic matter, pH, and clay content. Understanding the factors and mechanisms controlling As uptake is important to develop mitigation measures that can reduce the amount of As accumulated in rice grains produced on contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa) is the worlds’ most important cereal and potentially an important source of zinc (Zn) for people who eat mainly rice. To improve Zn delivery by rice, plant Zn uptake and internal allocation need to be better understood. This study reports on within‐plant allocation and potential Zn accumulation in the rice grain in four so‐called aerobic rice cultivars (Handao297, K150, Handao502 and Baxiludao). Two controlled‐condition experiments were carried out, one with a wide range of constant Zn concentrations in the medium and one with a range of plant growth rate‐related supply rates. In both experiments, increased Zn supply induced increased plant Zn uptake rate throughout crop development, when expressed as daily Zn uptake (μg day?1) or as daily Zn uptake per gram of plant dry matter (μg g?1). Zinc mass concentration (ZnMC) in all plant organs increased with an increase in Zn supply but to various degrees. At higher uptake levels, the ZnMC in stems increased most, while the ZnMC in hulled grains (brown rice) increased least. The increase in leaf ZnMC was generally small, but at toxic levels in the medium, leaf ZnMC increased significantly. It appears that regulation of grain Zn loading differs from regulation of Zn loading to other organs. A milling test on seeds of Baxiludao and Handao502 showed that when ZnMC in brown rice increased from 13 to 45 mg kg?1, ZnMC in polished rice grains (endosperm) also increased from 9 to 37 mg kg?1 but remained three to five times lower than that in the bran. Irrespective of the ZnMC in the brown rice, around 75% of total grain Zn was present in the endosperm. In both cultivars, there was a major difference in ZnMC between bran and endosperm (120 and 37 mg kg?1, respectively), suggesting a barrier for Zn transport between the two tissues. There seems to be a second barrier between stem and rachis, as their ZnMCs also differed greatly (300 and 100 mg kg?1, respectively) in both cultivars at higher plant ZnMC. It is concluded that there is too little scope from a human nutrition perspective to enhance ZnMC in rice endosperm by simply increasing the Zn supply to rice plants because Zn allocation to the endosperm is limited, while observed genotypic differences indicate scope for improvement through breeding.  相似文献   

Phytochelatins (PCs) play a crucial role in detoxifying cellular arsenic (As) through complexation of arsenite. Here, we investigated whether PCs influence As accumulation in rice grain by using six rice cultivars varying in grain As accumulation. The cultivars with low grain As had significantly higher PCs concentration in the shoots than the cultivars with high grain As, but lower glutathione concentration. Shoot PCs concentration correlated negatively with grain As accumulation. Foliar sprays with 0.5 mM l-buthionine-sulphoxime (BSO) on rice leaves at grain filling stage decreased GSH and PC accumulation in rice shoots by 40-63% and 20-55%, respectively, but did not significantly affect plant growth. Foliar sprays with BSO decreased shoot As concentration, while increased As concentrations in husk and brown rice significantly. These results suggest that PC complexation of arsenite in rice leaves reduces As translocation from leaves to grains, and implicate that manipulation of PC synthesis might mitigate As accumulation in rice grain.  相似文献   

以镉(Cd)积累潜力不同的2个籼稻品种为材料,研究了籽粒发育过程中各器官中Cd含量的动态变化及其与土壤中Cd含量的关系。结果表明,在含Cd的生长环境中,水稻根系中的Cd含量在整个生育期中保持稳定增长的趋势,而茎叶、穗轴和稻壳等器官在营养生长阶段积累了大量的Cd,然后在籽粒充实过程中向外输出,其中旗叶和稻壳中的Cd输出率在50%以上,明显高于其他营养器官。根系和叶片中的Cd含量与土壤中的Cd含量呈高度线性相关,茎秆和籽粒中的Cd含量与土壤中的Cd含量呈抛物线相关,说明根系、茎秆、叶片等营养器官对Cd有储存和“过滤”作用。低积累品种‘X24’穗轴中的Cd含量明显低于高积累品种‘T705’,说明营养器官中的Cd向籽粒中转运的速率是决定籽粒中Cd积累量的关键因素。但是,只有当土壤中的Cd含量为0.3~1.2 mg&#183;kg-1时,低积累品种精米中的Cd含量才会显著低于高积累品种;当土壤中的Cd含量高于2.4 mg&#183;kg-1时,2个品种精米中的Cd含量没有显著差异。  相似文献   

通过环境扫描电镜结合X射线电子探针显微分析技术,对21种不同基因型水稻颖壳内、外表面以及糙米表面、糊粉层、近糊粉层和米中部Pb含量的测定结果表明,21种不同基因型稻米不同部位Pb含量的变化范围由大到小的顺序为:颖壳内表面>糊粉层>近糊粉层>糙米表面>颖壳外表面>米中部;不同基因型稻米之间对Pb的富集量存在遗传差异,这种差异体现在稻米的同一部位和不同部位之间Pb含量的差异上;不同基因型水稻米中部Pb含量与颖壳内表面、糊粉层、近糊粉层、糙米表面、颖壳外表面之间、水稻糊粉层Pb含量与颖壳内表面、近糊粉层、糙米表面、颖壳外表面、米中部之间以及颖壳内表面Pb含量与颖壳外表面、糊粉层、近糊粉层、糙米表面、米中部之间均存在极显著或显著的非线性关系。一方面反映出不同基因型稻米中部Pb的富集量均通过颖壳和糊粉层调控,即存在相同的调控机制;另一方面揭示了不同基因型稻米不同部位之间对Pb富集的相互调控能力存在差异,并且基因型间的这种差异存在非线性的变化规律。  相似文献   

不同生育期遮光对水稻生长发育和产量形成的影响   总被引:64,自引:12,他引:52  
研究了不同生育期遮光45%(水稻生长的前期、中1期、中2期、后期)对水稻形态发育、光合产物积累、稻株养分含量、产量构成等的影响,并重点研究了植株对N、P、K养分的吸收规律。结果表明,各期遮光后均使干物质积累速率降低,植株N、P、K养分吸收量减少,对产量有不同程度的影响,但植株体内N、P、K养分含量上升。前期遮光主要使分蘖数急剧下降,有效穗数减少,叶面积系数下降,产量下降11.56%,但株高增加;中1期遮光后对水稻生长影响不大,产量仅降低5.46%;中2期遮光主要使每穗粒数和千粒重下降,对产量影响较大,降低幅度达30.80%;后期遮光主要影响结实粒和千粒重,其产量最低,降低55.40%.文中还对弱光照条件下的生育期安排和施肥决策提出了建议.  相似文献   

The total methylotrophic population associated with rice plants from different cultivars was enumerated at three different stages: vegetative, flowering, and harvesting. The bacterial population in the leaf, rhizosphere soil, endophytic in the stem and roots, and epiphytic in the florets and grains were determined from four rice cultivars, Il-mi, Nam-pyeoung, O-dae, and Dong-jin, sampled from three different field sites. The methylotrophic bacteria isolated on AMS media containing 0.5% methanol as the sole carbon source uniformly showed three distinct morphologies, which were recorded as separate groups and their distribution among the various samples was determined using the ecophysiological index. The growth stage at the time of sampling had a more significant effect on the methylotrophic population and their distribution than the field site or cultivar. A similar effect was also observed for the PPFMs, where their population in different plant parts increased from V10 to R4 and then decreased towards stage R9. A canonical discriminant analysis of the PPFM population from different parts of rice showed clear variations among the cultivars, sampled sites, and growth stages, although the variations were more prominent among the growth stages.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Limited information is available on comparing the iron plaque formation capabilities and their effect on arsenic (As) uptake by different rice plant genotypes grown in As-contaminated soils. This study investigates the effect of iron plaque on As uptake in different rice genotypes grown in As-contaminated soils from the Guandu Plain of northern Taiwan.


Twenty-eight rice genotypes including 14 japonica and 14 indica genotypes were used in this study. Rice seedlings were grown in As-contaminated soils for 38 days. The iron plaque formed on the rice roots were extracted using dithionite–citrate–bicarbonate. The concentrations of As, Fe, and P in soil solutions, iron plaque, and plants were measured. The speciation of As in the root’s iron plaque was determined by As K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy (XANES).


The amounts of iron plaque formation on roots were significantly different among 28 tested rice genotypes, and 75.7–92.8 % of As uptake from soils could be sequestered in iron plaque. However, there were no significant negative correlations between the amounts of Fe or As in the iron plaque and the content of As accumulated in rice plants of tested genotypes. XANES data showed that arsenate was the predominant As species in iron plaque, and there were difference in the distribution of As species among different rice genotypes.


The iron plaque can sequester most of As uptake from soils no matter what rice genotypes used in this study. However, the iron plaque alone did not control the extent of As accumulation in rice plants from As-contaminated soils among 28 tested rice genotypes. Low As uptake genotypes of rice selected from this study can be recommended to be grown in the As-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

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