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为了筛选可供利用的番茄污染安全品种 (Pollution-safe cultivar,PSC),减少镉 (Cd) 污染地区食品安全隐患,通过土培及水培试验研究了南方地区常见不同番茄 (Solanum lycopersicum) 品种对Cd的积累差异。首先利用土培试验在2.94 mg/kg Cd胁迫下从25个番茄品种中筛选出高低积累品种,并进一步利用水培试验测定高低积累番茄品种对Cd胁迫的响应情况。土培试验结果表明,在2.94 mg/kg Cd胁迫下,25种番茄株高、总生物量以及产量有显著差异,并且25种番茄果实Cd含量均超过国际食品法典委员会 (Codex alimentarius commission,CAC) 标准的最高限值 (0.05 mg/kg)。通过聚类分析,筛选到果实中Cd高积累、中积累、低积累类群分别有7个、4个和14个品种,其中果实Cd含量最高为3.06 mg/kg DW,最低为1.47 mg/kg DW,平均为2.21 mg/kg DW。水培试验结果显示,在相同浓度Cd胁迫下,与Cd低积累品种浙粉3053相比,Cd高积累品种钱塘旭日F1 其吸收Cd的速度更快、Cd积累量更大、产生氧化应激反应时间更短、对Cd的耐受性也更强。筛选出来的典型Cd高低积累品种,为重金属污染区域农业生产以及开发污染安全品种的分子辅助育种提供参考。种植低Cd积累PSC品种,结合番茄果实Cd含量动态监控,是在中轻度Cd污染地区目前较为可行的方法。  相似文献   

玉米各器官积累Pb能力的品种间差异   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究不同玉米(Zea mays)品种及不同器官对Pb积累能力的差异,在土壤Pb含量为595.55 mg·kg-1 的高Pb胁迫和含量为195.55 mg·kg-1的低Pb胁迫(对照)条件下,采用盆栽试验结合火焰原子吸收等方法,测定了25个玉米品种各器官Pb的含量。结果表明:Pb胁迫下供试玉米品种各器官含Pb量表现为根>茎≌叶>籽实;与对照相比,根、茎、叶Pb含量均大幅度提高,籽实含量的提高幅度相对较小;Pb胁迫条件下,有近半数的供试玉米品种的籽实Pb含量超过了国家规定的卫生标准,显示了在受重金属污染农田生产的玉米产品存在着较高的受Pb污染的风险。有22个品种平均籽实生物量在较强Pb胁迫下有所下降,降幅为0.9%~38.7%,但平均降幅仅为12.6%,显示玉米在Pb胁迫下的减产不易察觉,从而增加了在受污染农田中玉米产品受Pb污染的风险。但研究也表明,在较高Pb胁迫下尚有52%的品种籽实Pb含量未超过国家卫生标准最高限量值,因此可以利用这些品种在受Pb污染农田中进行玉米生产,以降低Pb经玉米产品进入人类食物链的风险。研究结果还发现供试玉米品种各营养器官间Pb含量均呈极显著正相关,但营养器官与籽实Pb含量间无显著相关。其中在较强的胁迫条件下营养器官Pb含量特别高的品种No.1的籽实中Pb含量(0.19 mg·kg-1)比较低,未超过国家卫生标准;品种No.2、No.3和品种No.6也有类似的特点。除上述品种以及品种No.4外,其余品种籽实Pb含量遵循与营养器官Pb含量成正比的一般规律。根中Pb含量特别高的品种No.1,籽实产量在Pb胁迫下略有下降,但下降幅度最小。胁迫条件下,品种No.1的营养器官Pb总量最高(51.69 mg·plant-1),是对照的近12倍;籽实Pb含量符合国家标准的品种No.2,No.3和No.6的营养器官Pb总量也较高,在36~42 mg·plant-1之间。由此可见,存在着在受Pb污染农田利用这些品种进行玉米生产同时修复受污染土壤的可能。  相似文献   

临安市雷竹林土壤重金属污染特征及生态风险评价   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为了解临安市雷竹林土壤重金属污染特征,采集并测定了160个土壤样品的Hg、As、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr、Ni、Co、Mn等重金属含量,采用单因子污染指数和内梅罗综合污染指数对雷竹林土壤重金属污染程度进行分析,并应用Hankanson潜在生态风险指数法对雷竹林土壤重金属潜在生态风险进行评价.结果表明:雷竹林土壤重金属Hg、As、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr、Ni、Co、Mn的平均含量分别为0.16、7.41、34.36、87.98、103.98、0.26、59.12、29.56、11.44、350.26mg·kg-1,Pb、Cd、Zn和Cu平均值超过浙江省土壤背景值,分别是对应背景值的2.89、1.70、1.12、1.12倍.经单因子污染指数评价,不同重金属元素的平均污染程度大小依次为Pb>Cd>Cu=Zn>Hg>As>Ni>Co>Cr>Mn,其中Pb有中度污染,Cd、Cu和Zn有轻度污染.经内梅罗综合污染指数评价,160个样点都受到不同程度的重金属污染,轻度污染、中度污染和重度污染水平所占比率分别为55.6%、29.4%和15.0%.各重金属单因子潜在生态风险指数平均值评价结果显示,只有Cd污染达到中等生态风险,其他重金属均为轻微生态风险,而局部采样点Cd和Hg单因子潜在生态风险指数最大值分别达到256.82和187.33,存在很强生态风险.重金属综合因子潜在生态风险指数评价结果表明,临安市雷竹林土壤整体上存在轻微生态风险.  相似文献   

镉胁迫下大豆生长发育的生理生态特征   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
采用土壤盆栽试验方法,研究了不同浓度Cd2+胁迫对大豆整个生长发育周期的生长以及叶片叶绿素含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量的生理生态适应性变化过程。结果表明,(1)Cd2+胁迫对大豆整个生活周期的叶绿素含量、POD活性、SOD活性及MDA含量的影响都是极显著的(P0.01);(2)短时间、低浓度的Cd2+胁迫对大豆植株的生长发育有刺激效应,高浓度、长时间的Cd2+胁迫对大豆植株构成明显的抑制效应;大豆株高增长开始受到抑制的Cd2+浓度为1.00mg·kg-1,远低于大豆生物量的增长开始受抑制的Cd2+浓度(2.50mg·kg-1);(3)当Cd2+浓度超过一定水平时,大豆植株生物量和株高的抑制程度与外源Cd2+浓度呈极显著的正相关(P0.01),对土壤Cd2+污染程度具有指示作用,且大豆植株高度与其生物量相比,株高对Cd2+污染具有更好的指示作用;大豆幼苗期叶绿素含量对镉的敏感性高于开花结荚期和成熟期的敏感性;(4)大豆POD、SOD活性的增加,能在一定程度上减轻Cd2+胁迫引起的膜脂过氧化造成的伤害作用;在Cd2+达到2.50mg·kg-1水平时,植物保护性酶系统活性的提高已经不足以弥补因Cd2+胁迫对大豆植株造成的伤害;大豆幼苗期和花荚期叶片的POD活性对土壤Cd2+污染程度具有较好的指示作用,而大豆花荚期和成熟期叶片的SOD活性对土壤Cd2+污染程度具有较好的指示作用;在Cd2+胁迫下大豆MDA含量增加,表明细胞膜脂过氧化作用加强。  相似文献   

镉胁迫对珊瑚树和地中海荚蒾生理生化指标的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用盆栽试验,研究了不同镉(Cd)浓度胁迫下忍冬科荚蒾属珊瑚树(Viburnum odoratissimum)和地中海荚蒾(V.tinus)2种园林树种3年生苗木叶片受伤害形态特征及生理生化指标(叶绿素、丙二醛、可溶性糖及可溶性蛋白含量、电解质渗透率、过氧化物酶活性)的变化,并分析了植株各营养器官(根、茎、叶)Cd的富集水平。结果表明:Cd对珊瑚树叶片生长及生理生化指标均未产生显著影响;地中海荚蒾在Cd胁迫浓度为100mg.kg-1时出现伤害症状,电解质渗透率增加,丙二醛含量增加,叶绿素含量减少;而当胁迫浓度提高到400mg.kg-1时,植株叶片枯黄,植株萎蔫,生长势差;2种植物地下部富集量均大于地上部,可以推断珊瑚树和地中海荚蒾对土壤中Cd具有一定的富集能力,在土壤镉污染严重地区栽植具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以不同品种桃(Amygdlus persica(L.)Batsch)"大久保(Okubao)"和"丽春(Lichun)"为试材,研究了不同土壤镉水平下桃树对镉及矿质养分的吸收.结果表明:随着镉浓度增大,品种间镉、大量元素、微量元素的含量差异显著(P<0.05);桃树器官中镉积累量为根>茎>叶>果实;土壤中镉浓度为10 mg·kg-1时,大久保外果皮中镉积累量最大,较对照增加了226.78%,而丽春桃果实组织中镉积累量在处理前后没有明显变化;当土壤镉浓度超过20 mg·kg-1时,2品种均不能正常座果.土壤镉浓度为100 mg·kg-1,胁迫时间为9个月后,大久保桃树体死亡;土壤Cd浓度<20 mg·kg-1时促进大量元素K、N、Ca、Mg 和微量元素Zn、Cu、Mn、Fe吸收,>20 mg·kg-1时抑制其吸收,但丽春根和大久保茎中Fe 元素含量呈现持续上升趋势,且Cd 100 mg·kg-1时Fe的吸收值达最大.  相似文献   

以镉(Cd)积累潜力不同的2个籼稻品种为材料,研究了籽粒发育过程中各器官中Cd含量的动态变化及其与土壤中Cd含量的关系。结果表明,在含Cd的生长环境中,水稻根系中的Cd含量在整个生育期中保持稳定增长的趋势,而茎叶、穗轴和稻壳等器官在营养生长阶段积累了大量的Cd,然后在籽粒充实过程中向外输出,其中旗叶和稻壳中的Cd输出率在50%以上,明显高于其他营养器官。根系和叶片中的Cd含量与土壤中的Cd含量呈高度线性相关,茎秆和籽粒中的Cd含量与土壤中的Cd含量呈抛物线相关,说明根系、茎秆、叶片等营养器官对Cd有储存和“过滤”作用。低积累品种‘X24’穗轴中的Cd含量明显低于高积累品种‘T705’,说明营养器官中的Cd向籽粒中转运的速率是决定籽粒中Cd积累量的关键因素。但是,只有当土壤中的Cd含量为0.3~1.2 mg·kg-1时,低积累品种精米中的Cd含量才会显著低于高积累品种;当土壤中的Cd含量高于2.4 mg·kg-1时,2个品种精米中的Cd含量没有显著差异。  相似文献   

新疆焉耆盆地辣椒地土壤重金属污染及生态风险预警   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从新疆加工辣椒主产地(焉耆盆地)采集105个辣椒地典型土壤样品,测定其中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb和Zn等8种重金属元素的含量。采用污染负荷指数(Pollution load index,PLI)、潜在生态风险指数(Potential ecological risk index,RI)和生态风险预警指数(Ecological risk warning index,I_(ER))对辣椒地土壤重金属污染及生态风险进行评价。结果表明:(1)焉耆盆地辣椒地土壤Cd、Cr、Ni、Pb和Zn含量的平均值分别超出新疆灌耕土背景值的1.65、1.40、1.32、3.21、6.42倍。辣椒地土壤Pb和Zn呈现重度污染,Cd、Cr和Ni轻度污染,As、Mn和Cu无污染。(2)土壤PLI平均值为1.40,呈现轻度污染。各重金属元素单项生态风险指数从大到小依次为:Cd、Ni、As、Cu、Pb、Cr、Zn。土壤RI平均值为18.40,属于轻微生态风险态势,IER平均值为-4.78,属于无警态势;博湖县辣椒地污染水平、潜在生态风险程度与生态风险预警等级最高,焉耆县污染水平、潜在生态风险程度与生态风险预警等级最低。(3)辣椒地土壤As、Cd、Pb与Zn主要受到人类活动的影响,Cr、Cu、Mn和Ni主要受到土壤地球化学作用的控制。Cd是焉耆盆地辣椒地生态风险等级最高的重金属元素,研究区农业生产过程中要防范Cd的污染风险。  相似文献   

原海燕  郭智  黄苏珍 《生态学报》2011,31(12):3350-3357
通过土壤单因子Pb胁迫盆栽试验和铅锌尾矿污染土壤掺比试验研究了不同土培条件下Pb对马蔺(Iris lactea var chinensis)生长、体内重金属元素积累以及叶绿体超微结构的影响。结果表明:2种不同土壤Pb胁迫下马蔺株高、根长、叶数以及地上、地下部生物量均随Pb浓度的增加呈先增后降的趋势,其中,土壤单Pb胁迫下,低于500 mg?kg-1Pb胁迫(T1—T3)均增加了马蔺的株高和根长,仅800mg?kg-1高Pb浓度处理时马蔺生物量才出现轻微下降(P>0.05);与单一土壤Pb胁迫相比,铅锌尾矿污染土壤掺比试验中铅锌尾矿含量低于一定浓度下对马蔺株高、根长生长同样也具有促进效应,只有100%尾矿污染土壤处理下马蔺地上部和根系生物量下降显著(P<0.05)。马蔺地上部和根系Pb含量均随土壤中Pb浓度和尾矿含量的增加而增加,800mg?kg-1土壤单Pb胁迫下为340.6、1700.02 mg?kg-1,100%尾矿污染土壤处理下为126.9、1725 mg?kg-1。Pb单独胁迫下马蔺地上部Zn含量随Pb含量的增加逐渐下降, Zn和Pb的吸收表现出一定的拮抗效应;而不同掺比污染土壤胁迫下马蔺地上部和根系Zn积累同Pb一样,均随土壤中Pb、Zn浓度的增加而增加,Zn和Pb的吸收表现为一种协同效应。而2种不同土壤Pb胁迫下马蔺对Cu、Cd的吸收均相对较少。本研究中,800mg?kg-1Pb胁迫处理和50%尾砂土壤胁迫处理下马蔺叶片叶绿体双层被膜及内部基粒和类囊体结构与对照相比变化不大。综上表明,马蔺对重金属Pb有较强的耐受性,具备修复Pb污染土壤的潜在能力。  相似文献   

贵阳花溪区石灰土林地土壤重金属含量特征及其污染评价   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
选取贵阳市花溪区典型石灰土林地土壤作为研究对象,分析了林地石灰岩和土壤中7种重金属(Cu、Zn、Mn、Cd、Ni、Pb、Co)的含量特征,以贵州省土壤背景值和全国石灰(岩)土类背景值为评价标准进行林地土壤重金属污染评价和潜在生态风险评价.结果表明:林地石灰岩以Pb的平均含量(40.21mg·kg-1)最高,Zn的(5.78 mg·kg-1)最低,7种重金属平均含量高低顺序为:Pb>Ni>Mn>Co>Cu>Cd>Zn;林地土壤中以Mn的平均含量(451.16 mg·kg-1以上)最高,Cd的(2.87mg·kg-1以下)最低,7种重金属含量的变异系数在8.57%~63.10%之间,Zn的平均含量明显低于贵州省土壤背景值和全国石灰(岩)土类背景值,Cu、Mn、Cd、Pb、Ni、Co的平均含量高于或接近于贵州省土壤背景值和全国石灰(岩)土类背景值.Cu、Zn、Mn、Ni、Co,Ni与Pb,Cd与Pb,Cd与Co来源相同的可能性较大,而Cd与Cu、Ni,Pb与Mn、Cu、Co的来源不同;石灰土偏碱性,富含Ca、Mg元素,有利于重金属Cd、Pb的累积.单因子污染指数和多因子综合指数(内梅罗指数法)与Hakanson潜在生态危害指数的评价结果一致,林地土壤重金属综合污染指数在3.67以上,达到重污染程度,以Cd的污染指数(4.94以上)最高,污染程度最为严重,其次是Pb(1.82以上),Zn、Mn污染程度最低,林地土壤重金属潜在生态危害指数(RI)为173.75以上,为中度生态危害程度,产生最大生态危害的是Cd,其次是Pb、Ni、Co、Cu,危害程度最小的是Mn、Zn,在相同的成土母岩和人为活动影响下,无林地土壤重金属的综合污染指数和潜在生态危害指数均明显高于有林地.  相似文献   

该实验选取处于生长期的油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)幼苗,研究土壤Cu、Cd胁迫条件下,美味牛肝菌(Boletus edulis)单独接种、红绒盖牛肝菌(Xerocomus chrysenteron)与美味牛肝菌混合接种处理,对油松幼苗的生长和重金属积累分布状况的影响,探讨不同接种对油松抗性的影响。研究发现,菌根接种不仅促进寄主油松的生长发育和生物量积累,而且显著降低油松体内的重金属积累浓度,减少重金属由根部向植物茎叶部分的转运。与单一接种相比,混合接种可以更加有效地缓解重金属对寄主的生物毒性,减少土壤中重金属元素向油松体内的转运。这种优势在高浓度的重金属胁迫环境下尤为明显。该实验中,在3 mg·kg-1 Cd胁迫下,混合菌根油松的茎叶和根部Cd浓度仅为未接种对照的59.1%和70.7%,比单一菌根降低了11.3%和18.1%,而混合菌根植物的茎叶和根部生物量干重则分别为未接种对照的1.14和1.20倍,单一菌根为未接种对照的1.18和1.17倍。在400 mg·kg-1Cu胁迫下,混合菌根植物茎叶和根部的干重分别是未接种植株的1.01和1.09倍,而混合菌根植物茎叶和根部的Cu浓度仅为未接种植株的61.8%和79.6%,比Boletus edulis菌根植物的Cu积累浓度下降了0.7%和3.8%。  相似文献   

 采用盆栽方法研究了两种生态型东南景天(Sedum alfredii)对土壤中不同含量Cd(即对照, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 mg&;#8226;kg-1)的生 长反应、吸收和积累Cd的差异性。结果表明,土壤添加重金属Cd后,矿山生态型东南景天生长正常,地上部和根系Cd含量随着土壤中Cd含量的 增加而增加,在400 mg&;#8226;kg-1 Cd处理下含量分别高达2 900和500 mg&;#8226;kg-1,其地上部显著大于根部;然而,土壤添加Cd后,非矿山生态型东 南景天的生长受到抑制,地上部和根部的生物量显著降低。当土壤Cd含量为50~100 mg&;#8226;kg-1 时,非矿山生态型东南景天的地上部和根系Cd含 量随着土壤中Cd含量的增加而增加,而且根系Cd含量则大于地上部。当土壤Cd≤50 mg&;#8226;kg-1时,矿山生态型东南景天根系Cd含量比非矿山生态 型高 ,但当土壤Cd≥100 mg&;#8226;kg-1,两者之间无显著差异;然而,但在同一Cd处理水平下,矿山生态型东南景天地上部Cd含量总是高于非矿山 生态型。这些结果表明,矿山生态型东南景天有很强的忍耐和吸收土壤Cd的能力,再次证明其为一种Cd超积累植物。  相似文献   

Pollution of agricultural land by heavy metals has imposed an increasingly serious risk to environmental and human health in recent years. Heavy metal pollutants may enter the human food chain through agricultural products and groundwater from the polluted soils. Progress has been made in the past decade on phytoremediation, a safe and inexpensive approach to remove contaminants from soil and water using plants. However, in most cases, agricultural land in China cannot afford to grow phytoremediator plants instead of growing crops due to food supply for the great population. Therefore, new and effective methods to decrease the risk of heavy metal pollution in crops and to clean the contaminated soils are urgently needed. If we can find crop germplasms (including species and varieties) that accumulate heavy metals in their edible parts, such as the leaves of vegetables or grains of cereals, at a level low enough for safe consumption, then we can grow these selected species or varieties in the lands contaminated or potentially contaminated by heavy metals. If we can find crop germplasms that take in low concentrations of heavy metals in their edible parts and high content of the metals in their inedible parts, then we can use these selected species or varieties for soil remediation. In this study, the feasibility of the method is assessed by analyzing Pb concentrations in edible and inedible parts of 25 varieties of maize (Zea mays) grown in Pb-contaminated soils. The soil concentrations of Pb were 595.55 mg/kg in the high Pb exposed treatment and 195.55 mg/kg in the control. The results showed that the Pb concentrations in different tissues were in the order of root > shoot ≅ leaf > grain. Compared with the control, the Pb concentrations in root, shoot and leaf were greatly increased under the high Pb exposed condition, while the increments of Pb concentration in grain were relatively lower. Under the high Pb exposure, the grain Pb concentrations of 12 varieties exceeded the maximal Pb limitation of the National Food Hygiene Standard of China (NFHSC) and were inedible. This indicates that there is a high Pb pollution risk for maize grown on Pb polluted sites. Although 22 of the 25 tested varieties had harvest loss under the highly Pb stressed condition, ranging from 0.86%–38.7% of the grain biomass acquired at the control, the average harvest loss of all the tested varieties was only 12.6%, which is usually imperceptible in normal farming practices. Therefore the risk of Pb pollution in maize products cannot be promptly noticed and prevented based only on the outcome of the harvest. However, we did find that 13 of the 25 tested varieties had grain Pb concentrations lower than the limitation of the NFHSC. It is, therefore, possible to reduce the pollution risk if these favorable varieties are used for maize production in Pb-contaminated or potentially contaminated agricultural lands. Pb concentrations in vegetative tissues (root, stem and leaf) were significantly correlated with each other, while Pb concentrations of each vegetative tissue were not significantly correlated with that of grain. Among the 25 tested varieties, some varieties had Pb concentrations in grain lower than (No.1–3 and No.6) or slightly above (No.4) the limitation of the NFHSC, while their Pb concentrations in the vegetative tissues were among the highest. When excluding these varieties, correlations between the Pb concentrations of grain and those of vegetative tissues of the rest of the tested varieties became highly significant. In addition, variety No. 1 had the lowest harvest loss under high Pb exposed, and the highest Pb accumulation in vegetative tissues (51.69 mg/plant, 12 times as much as in the control). Similar features were also observed in varieties No.3, No.3 and No.6, which absorbed Pb for 36–42 mg/plant under high Pb exposed. We recommend these varieties of maize to be used for bioremediation of Pb contaminated soil and crop production at the same time. Translated from Acta Phytoecologica Sina, 2006, 29(6): 992–999 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L.) plants set groups of fruits whichgenerate large variations in the reproductive:vegetative dryweight balance. We studied the influence of fruit number onthe partitioning of dry matter and energy between the vegetativeand reproductive organs and among the seeds and the variousfruit tissues during the development of the first fruits. Over2 years and on two Charentais cantaloupe cultivars, fruit numberwas either limited to one or left unrestricted, which led tothe setting of two to six fruits. Because of the high lipidcontent in seeds, the distribution of assimilates was studiedin terms of energy equivalent as well as dry weight. Measureddry weights were converted into energy equivalents by calculatingthe construction cost of tissues from their elemental composition.Seeds differed from other tissues in showing an increase inconstruction cost, from 1.1 to 1.8 g CH2O g-1d. wt between 10and 30 d after pollination. For this reason, during the secondhalf of fruit development on plants with unrestricted fruitload, they made up to 31% of the fruit and 12% of the aerialpart of the whole plant in terms of dry weight, but 39 and 18%in terms of energy (glucose equivalents). The fraction of assimilatesallocated to the fruits showed a saturation-type response tothe number of fruits per plant. It did not increase in cultivarTalma above two fruits per plant, which could be due to a decreasingsink strength with fruit rank, whereas cultivar Galoubet maintaineda more homogeneous fruit size within plants. At a similar fruitload, the reproductive:vegetative dry weight balance differedbetween the 2 years of the experiment, probably because of variationin the fruit sink strength. Copyright 1999 Annals of BotanyCompany Charentais cantaloupe, Cucumis melo L., assimilate distribution, construction cost, development, dry matter partitioning, fruit load, seeds, sink strength.  相似文献   

Wolterbeek, H. Th. and De Bruin, M. 1986. Xylem and phloem importof Na+, K+ , Rb+, Cs+ and in tomato fruits: differential contributions from stem and leaf.—J.exp. Bot. 37: 928–939. The transport of Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+ and into developing fruits of tomato (an inbred lineof Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Tiny Tim) was measured.Element solutions were introduced into the transpiration streamthrough the cut stem bases of plant parts consisting of a stempart with single green fruit, both with and without attachedfully expanded leaf. Measurements were carried out of the accumulationin the fruit of the gamma-ray emitting radiotracers 24Na+, 42K+,86Rb+, 134Cs+ and The transport into the fruit was expressed by a single parameter taking intoaccount volume flows varying with time and experiments. Xylemto phloem transfer in the stem as a source of fruit elementsupply was shown to be inversely related with the velocity offlow of the stem xylem. The results also indicated that thetransfer system in the stem was more rapidly equilibrated thanit was in the leaf. Stem loading of the phloem is suggested as a possible mechanismregulating the solute influx in fruits under varying flow velocitiesof the stem xylem, while fruit influx of phloem solutes, whichwere loaded in the leaf, may play a major role in influx regulationunder conditions of varying solute concentrations. Key words: Alkali ions, tomato fruits, stem and leaf phloem loading  相似文献   



This study aimed to screen and identify low-cadmium (Cd) hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars and to clarify the mechanisms of low Cd accumulation in fruits.


A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the variations of fruit Cd concentration among 30 hot pepper cultivars and to determine the differences in uptake and translocation of Cd between low- and high-Cd cultivars in the control and two Cd treatments.


There are significant differences among the cultivars in their ability to accumulate Cd in fruits. Fruit Cd concentrations are positively and significantly correlated with the translocation of Cd from roots to aboveground parts and the Cd concentrations of leaves and stems. However, no correlation was observed between the fruit’s Cd concentration and the root’s Cd uptake ability.


Two hot pepper cultivars, Yeshengchaotianjiao (No. 16) and Heilameixiaojianjiao (No. 23), were identified as low-Cd cultivars, and two, Jinfuzaohuangjiao (No. 13) and Shuduhong (No. 18), were treated as high-Cd cultivars. The difference in fruit Cd concentrations between low- and high-Cd cultivars is attributable to the difference in Cd translocation from roots to aboveground parts and from leaves and stems to fruits, rather than to the root’s Cd uptake ability.  相似文献   

不同能源柳无性系对土壤镉污染的抗性研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
运为了比较不同能源柳无性系对土壤镉抗性的差异,采用盆栽方法,设置土壤镉含量5个梯度(0、10、20、40、80 mg·kg-1),以乡土旱柳为对照,对能柳1、能柳2、能柳E、能柳C的扦插幼苗对土壤镉污染的生理生态反应进行了系统测定,分析了不同无性系的抗性。结果显示,低浓度处理(≤20 mg·kg-1)促进苗木生长,其中能柳2在10 mg·kg-1处理下根和单株生物量增幅最大,可达到对照的132.0%和120.0%;随着镉浓度的增加,生长量下降,在最高浓度处理下,能柳C生长量降低最少,根、枝、叶和单株生物量分别为对照的86.1%、85.3%、82.9%、84.9%,旱柳的枝、叶生物量降低最多,为对照(无镉)的43.8%、45.0%,而能柳1的根、单株生物量降低最多,仅为对照的36.1%、44.4%;随着镉浓度的增加,不同能源柳无性系叶片的SOD、POD、CAT活性和根系活力基本呈现先升后降的趋势,其中,CAT活性变化较为平缓;关于SOD活性和根系活力,能柳1、能柳2在20 mg·kg-1时已显著下降,旱柳在40 mg·kg-1时显著下降,而能柳E、能柳C在40 mg·kg-1时才显著下降。采用隶属函数对5个无性系在镉胁迫条件下的生长和酶指标进行综合分析,不同无性系对土壤镉污染的抗性顺序为能柳C>能柳2>能柳1>旱柳>能柳E。不同无性系对镉均有抗性,都可在镉污染区推广种植,栽培中,应根据土壤污染和绿化目标,做出适当选择。  相似文献   

The variations of Cd accumulation in three rootstalk crop species (radish, carrot and potato) were investigated by using twelve cultivars grown in acidic Ferralsols and neutral Cambisols under two Cd treatments (0.3 and 0.6 mg kg?1) in a pot experiment. The result showed that the total Cd uptake was significantly affected by genotype, soil type and interaction between them, suggesting the importance of selecting proper cultivars for phytoextraction in a given soil type. Among the cultivars tested, potato cultivar Luyin No.1 in Ferralsols and radish cultivar Zhedachang in Cambisols exhibited the highest Cd phytoextraction efficiency in aerial parts (4.45% and 0.59%, respectively) under 0.6 mg kg?1Cd treatment. Furthermore, the Cd concentrations in their edible parts were below the National Food Hygiene Standard of China (0.1 mg kg?1, fresh weight). Therefore, phytomanagement of slightly Cd-contaminated soils using rootstalk crops for safe food production combined with long-term phytoextraction was feasible, and potato cultivar Luyin No.1 for Ferralsols and radish cultivar Zhedachang for Cambisols were promising candidates for this approach.  相似文献   

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