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为探讨蝽科精巢细胞减数分裂各时期染色体形态和行为差异, 以及据此反映的属种间亲缘关系, 采用常规染色体制片法对蝽科6属9种精巢细胞减数分裂各期染色体形态特征、 行为及精子的形成进行了观察和比较研究。结果表明: 蝽科精巢细胞为交叉型减数分裂, “O”型交叉为其典型交叉减数分裂形式。各属种减数分裂各期染色体行为相似, 但形态不同。减数分裂各期染色体形态、 排列方式, 中期染色体相对长度、 组成与核型以及精子形态等特征具有属种间差异性。蝽科精巢细胞中期Ⅰ染色体组平均相对长度都为12.5, 在进化过程中染色体组长度信息总量不变。基于染色体相对长度的聚类分析结果显示, 菜蝽属Eurydema、 麦蝽属Aelia、 珠蝽属Rubiconia和条蝽属Graphosoma亲缘关系密切, 而二星蝽属Stollia与果蝽属Carpocoris关系较近。  相似文献   

一般认为,SCE 反映 DNA 的损伤,SCE分析可作为哺乳动物突变形成的重要指标,也可作为研究染色体稳定性的较好指标。近年来,SCE 分析在检测突变剂、致癌剂对染色体的效应等研究中得到广泛应用,关于 SCE 的研究已成为细胞遗传学领域中一个十分活跃的方面。但对于染色体结构畸变携带者的 SCE 分析,文献中尚不多见,在国内则还未有报道。  相似文献   

狄少杰  刘凌云 《遗传学报》1992,19(3):212-220
应用IdU-毛玉米油体内SCE技术,以不同剂量的典型诱变剂MMC和CP对70尾黄鳝的脾、肾、血淋巴细胞进行了体内诱发SCE敏感性测试。结果:三种细胞的染色体SCE自发频率均较低,不同剂量MMC和CP诱发黄鳝三种细胞SCE频率均较对照组显著增加。诱变剂剂量与诱发SCE频率呈线性关系。三种细胞染色体SCE对MMC和CP的敏感性次序为肾>脾>血淋巴细胞。与几种鱼和其它动物比较,黄鳝三种细胞的SCE自发频率均较低,对MMC和CP诱发SCE的敏感性均较高,因此认为黄鳝可作为较理想的体内SCE检测系统。  相似文献   

“自发”SCE频数在细胞间的分布,服从Poisson分布;而以CSC诱发的SCE频数则服从正态颁。分布类型的改变,可能是由于平均数的增加所致。平均数的增加,以A组和C组染色体为甚。  相似文献   

颜永衫  周芬  习霞辉 《遗传》1985,7(5):14-18
BrdU被细胞吸收后可结合到染色体DNA 上,由于被BrdU标记的DNA对光极为敏感F91 因此可引起染色体结构的损伤。BrdU 还可抑 制细胞核着酸还原酶的活性,导致细胞死亡11770 尽管如此,有些细胞却能在含高浓度BrdU的培 养基中繁殖传代,其原因可以是细胞缺乏胸营 激酶(TK)活性[[1+1;细胞的BrdU吸收系统有 缺陷(a);细胞因核营酸代谢失去平衡而获得 BrdU 抗性[31。抗性细胞的DNA有的是部 分[701、有的是全部191被BrdU标记。某(些)染 色体的特异性改变是否与BrdU抗性有关?目 前的资料表明,BrdU抗性细胞的染色单体断 裂频率较高[1a1,或染色体数很不稳定[’];但许多 BrdU抗性细胞株染色体平均数等于或略低于 亲本细胞的水平,染色体G一带图样没有明显的 差异131。因此,尚未发现BrdU抗性细胞有染 色体的特异性改变。少数药物抗性细胞蛋白质 合成过量的现象已引起人们很大的兴趣[1a,is7 BrdU抗性细胞是否也会出现蛋白质过量合成 的现象? 我们过去报道了通过高浓度的BrdU 加可见光处理获得4个抗BrdU 亚系[11,本文 报道这4个抗性亚系细胞第17号染色体有极高 的加倍频率,以及某些胞质可溶蛋白过量合成 的现象,这些均未见报道。 姐妹染色单体互换((SCE) 是反映正在进 行复制的染色体损伤和修复过程的一个极为敏 感的指标110,131。由于BrdU抗性细胞长期在含 高浓度BrdU 的培养基中生长,BrdU进人细 胞后便均匀地分布在姐妹染色单体DNA 上, 已达到某种程度的相对平衡状态,因此不可能 出现姐妹染色单体差别染色。本文报道采用特 殊的方法所观察到的BrdU抗性亚系SCE频 率,以及第17号染色体加倍对细胞SCE频率 的影响。除了我们过去报道的一个抗性亚系 SCE[a1外,尚未见其他关于BrdU抗性细胞SCE 的报道。  相似文献   

黑龙江省产胎生蜥蜴的染色体组型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用骨髓细胞制片法对分布在黑龙江省孙吴县的胎生蜥蜴染色体组型进行了研究,结果表明其雄性的二倍体染色体数是36,性染色体为ZZ型,2n=34+ZZ;雌性的二倍体染色体数是35,性染色体为W型,2n=34+W;所以胎生蜥蜴的性别决定机制为ZZ/W型.胎生蜥蜴的染色体全部为顶端着丝点染色体(除雌性的第5号染色体为亚端着丝点染色体外),根据其染色体的形态、大小将其配成18对,按照染色体的相对长度把它们分成3组,第Ⅰ组只有第1对染色体(相对长度>9.0%),第Ⅱ组包括第2、3和4对染色体(9.0%>相对长度>7.0%),第Ⅲ组包括第5~18对染色体(相对长度<7.0%).  相似文献   

两种百合染色体变异比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
巢氏方差分析结果表明,在相对长度、臂比、染色体长度比、平均臂比、核型不对称系数和染色体组实际长度方面,通江百合居群间平均变异相对量大于岷江百合。表明通江百合的染色体结构变异比岷江百合更丰富。染色体结构畸变是两物种核型的重要特征。  相似文献   

本文是继证实抗肿瘤药物平阳霉素(PYM) 不仅能诱发高等植物染色体畸变[+j,而且也诱 发哺乳动物染色体畸变,并提高其姊妹染色单 体交换(SCE)频率f21的研究之后,再次通过染 色体畸变和SCE测试体系,进一步探讨了PYM 三种成份A A,和人对CHO-K 1细胞染色体 畸变和SCE率的影响。  相似文献   

本研究采用传统的细胞遗传学方法,研究了由流式细胞仪分离的、染色未分离的及作为对照用的未染色未分离的分别来自于3头公牛的精子IVF(in vitro fertilization, IVF)后产生的6~8 d囊胚的染色体异常情况,以确定流式细胞仪分离精子的过程及染色对胚胎染色体异常的影响。结果显示,分离精子、染色未分离精子和未染色未分离精子的胚胎中,染色体组成为异常,即嵌合体的胚胎分别占40.7%(59/145)、35.8%(38/106)和37.0%(37/100),三者染色体异常的比例无显著差异。胚胎染色体异常的频率在不同公牛之间存在差异(33.0% 比 44.6%)(p<0.05)。本研究的结果证明,染料和分离过程没有影响精子的DNA进而影响胚胎的染色体组成;胚胎染色体异常的频率在不同公牛之间存在差异。  相似文献   

斑腿树蛙染色体的组型分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
关于两栖类染色体的研究,在国内已有些报道,但迄今对斑腿树蛙的染色体组型尚缺了解,故本文对其组型作了初步的分析,现简报如下: 本实验所用材料,是从安徽黄山采集的20只(雌雄各10只)性成熟的斑腿树蛙,利用骨髓细胞,按常用的秋水仙素—低渗—空气干燥等直接制片法制作染色体标本,以Giemsa染液染色。 染色体标本制就后,首先在显微镜下计数100个以上的中期分裂相细胞,得出该种动物的二倍体染色体数;然后选择着丝点清楚,比较平直、分散较好且周缘清晰的10个中期分裂相细胞(♀♂各5个)在显微摄影机(OLYNPUS 100×7.5)下照相、放大和测量,算出每一个染色体的相对长度、臂比指数和着丝点指数,并以上述测量数据,将染色体进行编号与分组。  相似文献   

A new fluorescence plus Giemsa staining technique now makes the detection of sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) a relatively easy matter in cells containing 5-BrdU-substituted DNA. The technique has been applied to human cells to examine the distribution of SCE between different people and within different chromosomes. The results show: (1) That there were no large differences in the incidence of SCE between blood leukocyte chromosomes from male and female adults and newborn, and that similar frequencies were found in cells from two patients with ataxia telangiectasia which, nevertheless, showed the typical increases in chromosomal aberrations. (2) The distribution of SCE between chromosomes in the complement was found to be proportional to chromosome length, although the smaller chromosomes were under-represented, but not significantly so. (3) The distribution of SCE within chromosomes was nonrandom, with a deficiency in the centromeric and an excess in the mid-arm regions. There was no evidence for an excess of SCE in chromosome regions rich in AT DNA sequences. (4) The frequency of SCE is to some extent dependent of 5-BrdU concentration, but the influence of concentration is minimal within the range of from 1 to 160 muM. Human cells exposed over two cell cycles at these higher BrdU levels have around 14 SCE per cell-a frequency virtually identical with that observed in cultured cells from the Chinese hamster, wallaby, and rat kangaroo.  相似文献   

Summary After analysing the distribution of the numbers of sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in 200 cells from one individual, we found no evidence to reject the hypothesis of a normal distribution (P>0.50). We then compared the mean numbers of SCE per cell in 18 individuals, three males and three females of each of three age groups (0–10, 30–40, and 60–70 years of age) by means of a one-way analysis of variance, and found that there was no significant difference among them at the level of 5%. When these data were analysed by means of a two-way analysis of variance to test separately the effect of sex and age, we found that the number of SCE per cell does not differ significantly between sexes, but differs with age (P>0.05). People in the age bracket 30–40 years have a higher number of SCE per cell. Age seems to affect both sexes equally.Supported by The Medical Research Council of Ireland  相似文献   

Blood lymphocyte cultures from 32 Comisana and Laticauda sheep breeds (15 males and 17 females) raised in Southern Italy were studied using sister chromatid exchange (SCE) test. Of the 932 cells studied, the SCE-mean value was 7.20 +/- 2.5 per cell for both breeds. Indeed, the SCE mean values were 7.12 +/- 2.45 and 7.28 +/- 2.55 in Comisana and Laticauda breeds, respectively, and the differences were not significant. No statistical differences were noticed between male and female cells (7.25 +/- 2.39 and 7.16 +/- 2.60, respectively). The SCE frequency distribution did not follow a Poisson distribution. The number of SCE were significantly higher than expected in chromosomes 1, 2 and 3 (p < 0.001) and significantly lower than expected in the X and remaining chromosomes (p < 0.001) on the basis of relative chromosome lengths.  相似文献   

Summary Sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) and structural chromosome aberrations were analyzed in peripheral blood lymphocytes of 100 individuals, and correlated to age and sex. No correlation was found between the frequency of SCE and age, but older individuals had significantly more structural aberrations than younger. Females had significantly more SCE as well as structural chromosome aberrations than males. The positive correlations of SCE and structural aberrations to age and sex were also significant when these factors, as well as smoking habits, were taken into consideration in an analysis of covariance.  相似文献   

Frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) were recorded separately for different chromosomes from bone marrow cells of female mice of the two genetic strains (C3H/S and C57BL/6J). SCEs were evaluated following different doses of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) as nine hourly i.p. injections. The SCE per cell increased with increasing BrdU doses which was slightly higher in C3H/S than in the C57BL/6J. SCEs per cell were variable at every treatment-strain combination, possibly reflecting the heterogeneous nature of the bone marrow cells. In general, there is a positive correlation between SCE per chromosome and the relative chromosome length. Total SCEs on one of the large chromosomes (most likely the X chromosome), however, are significantly higher than expected on the basis of relative length alone. Most of this increase is attributable to one of the homologues of this chromosome, which is not in synchrony with the rest of the chromosomes and may represent the late-replicating X. These results when viewed in the light of replication properties of the heterochromatinized X, suggest a direct involvement of DNA replication in SCE formation and may argue against the replication point as the sole site for the SCEs.  相似文献   

Paracetamol was given to 10 healthy human volunteers in 3 doses of 1 g each during a period of 8 h. Blood samples for lymphocyte cultures were taken before and 24 h after paracetamol administration. A small but significant increase was found in the frequency of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) after intake of paracetamol (0.187 +/- 0.030 per chromosome before and 0.208 +/- 0.024 per chromosome after). After exposure the mean frequency of chromatid breaks per 100 cells was significantly increased (2.16 +/- 1.33 versus 0.33 +/- 0.50 before exposure). Exposure of human lymphocytes in vitro showed that concentrations of paracetamol above 0.1 mM induced inhibition of replicative DNA synthesis. Increased SCE was found in lymphocytes exposed to 1-10 mM paracetamol for 2 h. Furthermore, 0.75-1.5 mM paracetamol exposure for 24 h increased the frequency of chromatid and chromosome breaks in the lymphocytes. The paracetamol-induced SCE and chromosome aberrations may be secondary effects of paracetamol-induced inhibition of DNA synthesis or due to covalent binding of paracetamol metabolite(s) to DNA.  相似文献   

Bloom syndrome (BS) lymphocytes, which are characterized by a high incidence (75.4 per cell) of SCE, were treated with caffeine (CAF) during the first cell cycle and with monofunctional-(M-MC) and bifunctional-(MC)mitomycin C during the second cycle. The effect on the SCE level was synergistic. The CAF-pretreated cells in combination with M-MC and MC post-treatments, had significantly higher (SCE values 152.5 and 167.9 SCE per cell, resp.) than those treated with M-MC or MC alone during the second cycle (101.1 and 116.4 SCE per cell, resp.). M-MC and MC in the presence of BrdU (without CAF) for 2 cell cycles increased SCE to 157.6 and 169.4 per cell (about twice the control level). M-MC + CAF and MC + CAF treatments for 2 cell cycles did not produce a synergistic effect on the SCE frequency in BS cells; the SCE level was not significantly greater than that with M-MC or MC alone. Normal cells treated with MC and CAF for 2 cycles had a maximum SCE frequency of 156 per cell. This suggests that cells with SCE frequencies above this level may not be able to survive, i.e., this is the “saturation” level of SCE. However, CAF alone had almost no effect on SCE in either BS or normal cells and did not produce multiple chromosome aberrations. The lack of CAF effect on BS cells suggests that the lesions in DNA strands of BS cells which lead to SCE are double-strand lesions. In normal cells CAF is known to significantly slow down DNA-chain growth; the reduced rate of DNA-chain growth in BS is an inherent defect of the cells. Therefore, though CAF enhanced SCE and chromosome aberrations (shattered chromosomes) in combination with alkylating agents, CAF alone did not significantly increase the SCE rate in either BS cells or in normal cells. Thus, processes which may induce SCE are not only related to retarded rate of DNA-chain growth, but also to breaks in the template strand permitting double-strand exchanges to occur.  相似文献   

In the present study we analysed the possible effect of age, sex and smoking on the mean values of micronucleus (MN) and sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequencies on peripheral blood obtained from 38 subjects ranging in age from 16 to 63 years and 16 centenarians. The mean number of binucleated cells with micronuclei varied in function of age and sex (as demonstrated by the analysis of covariance (F=13.13; P<0.001), particularly evident was the increment observed in women with increasing age (interaction age/sex: F=5.53; P<0.05). Smoking habits had no effects on MN frequency (F=0.36; P>0.05). Sex (F=4.18; P<0.05) and smoking habits (F=14.64; P<0.001) influenced significantly SCE per cell frequencies, but age had no effects on them (F=2.45; P>0.05).The age-associated increase of sex chromosome loss was studied using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) on interphase nuclei.The loss of Y signals was observed in 10% of interphase cells from the centenarians males, that is six times more often than in the younger control men (1.6%). The frequency of X signal loss (1.7%) in young women was similar to that observed in male controls of the same age but the incidence of the X chromosome aneuploidy in centenarian females was appreciably higher (22%) than that found for the Y chromosome in males. These results were correlated with the data on MN formation and a positive correlation between the percentage of aneuploid cells (FISH) and MN values was observed (r=0.50; P<0.05).  相似文献   

Sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) was measured in peripheral lymphocytes of 104 greenhouse farmers exposed to pesticides and 44 unexposed workers. The results of SCEs are expressed in two variables: (a) mean number of SCEs per chromosome and, (b) proportion of high frequency cells (cells with more than eight SCEs). A high correlation was found between these two variables. The adjusted means of both SCEs variables were significantly higher among the farmers compared with the unexposed group (P < 0.01). Adjustment was made for smoking, age, education, and origin.The adjusted means of both SCE variables, were significantly elevated (P < 0.05) among the farmers who prepared and applied more than 70% of the pesticides by themselves compared with those who prepared and applied less than 70% of the pesticides by themselves. Both SCEs variables were also significantly elevated (P < 0.05) among farmers who were involved in more than 7.4 sprays per year compared with those with 7.4 or less sprays per year (P < 0.05). We found a tendency towards elevation of the two variables of SCEs among those who did not use protective measures while preparing the pesticides.Evaluation of the influence of years of exposure on the frequency of SCEs showed that the two variables of SCEs were higher among those farmers who were exposed to pesticides for more than 21 years than among those with less than 21 years of exposure. The variables that had the most influence on the elevation of SCEs were self-preparation of the pesticide mixtures and the number of sprayings per year. Because the farmers used a mixture of almost 24 different chemical classes it was impossible to attribute exposure to a specific pesticide or group of pesticides to single farmers.Our finding of a significant increase of SCEs frequency in peripheral lymphocytes in greenhouse farmers indicates a potential cytogenetic hazard due to pesticides exposure.  相似文献   

The genotoxicity of two nitroimidazole derivatives, ornidazole (ONZ) and metronidazole (MTZ) in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of Cebus libidinosus (CLI) (Primates, Cebidae) was assessed. Endpoints measured included sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequency, cell proliferation kinetics (CPK), replication index (RI), mitotic index (MI), and damage incidence in or near CLI heterochromatin regions. MI and SCE values following ONZ or MTZ treatments were significantly different (p<0.001) from control. SCE frequency per chromosome was not proportional to chromosome length. The chromosomes most affected for SCE were 1, 2, 4, 6, 11-13, 17, and 18, many of which possess interstitial or terminal heterochromatin. In the CLI genome, chromosomes 11 and 17 showed higher susceptibility to damage RI was the only biomarker that did not show statistically significant differences between control and treated cultures. C. libidinosus bands 11q1.4 and 11q1.5 may be hot-spots in the context of nitroimidazole exposure.  相似文献   

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