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雄性麋鹿的交配机会、社会等级和皮质醇水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们在北京麋鹿苑研究了发情期雄性麋鹿的社会行为、社会等级和血清皮质醇水平,并分析了三者间的相互关系。按照雄性麋鹿的行为,将雄性麋鹿分为优势群和从属群。优势群包括群主和挑战者,从属群包括单身汉和被淘汰群主。使用SJ—Ⅰ型事件记录器进行常规行为取样,用放射免疫分析法测定血清皮质醇含量。发现:(1)优势雄鹿的发情行为频次明显高于从属雄鹿;(2)攻击行为的发生频次在两组间无显著差异;(3)血清皮质醇含量在两组间也无显著差异。由此我们认为,发情期雄性麋鹿的社会等级序位影响许多行为的表达,优势雄鹿成功交配的机会比从属雄鹿多。而攻击行为和肾上腺皮质醇的分泌与社群等级无明显相关,可能是麋鹿在圈养状态下的一种适应策略,这将有利于缓解发情期雄鹿的紧张,从而允许更多的能量投放在发情交配上。  相似文献   

雄性麋鹿的吼叫行为、序位等级与成功繁殖   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
为探讨雄性麋鹿(Elaphurus davidianus)的吼叫行为与序位等级的关系,以及这种关系在成功繁殖中的作用。2000年7-8月,在北京麋鹿苑选定12头成体雄鹿,用目标取样法观察记录每头鹿的吼叫、圈群和交配行为的发生频次。用有效比值[被雌鹿接受的频次/雄鹿圈群(或交配)的总频次]来衡量雄鹿圈群行为(或交配行为)的有效性。依据雄鹿在发情期的表现状态,把雄鹿归为3类:占有雌鹿群的“群主”(4头)、未占有雌鹿群而挑战“群主”的“挑战者”(5头)和远离繁殖群的“单身汉”(3头)。不同序位等级雄鹿的吼叫频次、圈群(或交配)行为频次、圈群行为(或交配行为)的有效值存在显著差异(P<0.05)。对吼叫行为的分析表明:“群主”吼叫频次最高,“单身汉”吼叫频次最低。“群主”的有效值最高,“单身汉”的有效值最低。据此认为雄性麋鹿的吼叫行为与其序位等级密切相关,而序位等级又决定了雄鹿参与繁殖的机会。此外,还记录到占群雄鹿的警戒吼叫,这是对Wemmer et al.(1983)警戒吼叫行为仅见于雌鹿的观察结果的补充。  相似文献   

侵犯性是动物个性的重要维度之一,体现了其主动挑衅和攻击其他个体的倾向。动物的侵犯性与其社会结构及等级序位存在紧密关系。本研究于2018年6月1日至7月31日对四川马尔康林麝繁育场的圈养林麝(Moschus berezovskii)进行了行为取样,计算林麝个体的侵犯性个性(侵犯性指数)和等级序位指数,分析圈养林麝的侵犯性和等级序位格局、影响因素及相互关系。结果表明,圈养林麝的侵犯性在性别间存在显著差异,雄性林麝的侵犯性(0.45±0.09,n=22)显著高于雌性(0.22±0.06,n=30)(P 0.05),年龄和驯养密度对其侵犯性的效应均不显著(P 0.05),说明林麝侵犯性的刚性较强;圈养林麝等级序位的性别间差异不显著(P 0.05),亚成体麝与成体麝的等级序位差异也未达显著水平(P 0.05),原因在于麝场的建群未区分年龄组;圈养林麝个体的侵犯性与其等级序位显著正相关,林麝个体的侵犯性越大,其等级序位越高(r=0.73,P 0.05),推测这与社群的序位等级构建和资源竞争有关。  相似文献   

目的: 探讨腹型肥胖对平原就读藏汉族大学生心肺功能影响的差异研究。方法: 选取在校男性大学生96人,依照BMI和WC分类标准,分为藏族腹型肥胖组 (TA)、藏族对照组(TC)、汉族腹型肥胖组(HA)、汉族对照组(HC)各24名。使用心脏彩色多普勒超声检查仪检测超声心动图,检测心脏结构和AV、PV、MVE、MVA、TVE、TVA等心功能指标。检测VC、FVC、FEV1、PEF、MMF、MVV等肺功能指标。检测身体形态学,血液和脂肪肝状况等基础指标。结果: 腹型肥胖对血压的影响:与TC组相比,TA组SBP显著增加 (P<0.01 );与HC组相比,HA组SBP和DBP均显著增加 (P<0.01,P<0.05 )。腹型肥胖对心功能的负性影响:与TC组相比,TA组AV和PV显著减慢(P均<0.01);与HC组相比,HA组IVSA显著增大(P<0.05 )。腹型肥胖对肺功能的负性影响:与TC组相比,TA组MMF和肺活量/体重水平显著降低(P<0.05);与HC组相比,HA组FEV1、FEV1%、PEF、MMF、MVV、MVV%和肺活量/体重水平均显著降低(P均<0.05)。相关性结果显示:TA组SBP与BMI、WC呈正相关(r均=0.6,P<0.05);MPAID与BMI、WC、WHtR呈正相关(r均=0.6,P<0.05);AV与WC呈负相关(r=-0.6,P<0.05);PV与BMI(r=-0.8,P<0.01)、BFR(r=-0.7,P<0.01)、WC(r=-0.7,P<0.05)、WHR(r=-0.7,P<0.05)、WHtR(r=-0.7,P<0.01)呈负相关;TVE与BMI呈负相关(r=-0.6,P<0.05);MVV与BFR(r=-0.9,P<0.05)、WC(r=-0.6,P<0.05)呈负相关。结论: 腹型肥胖可导致平原就读藏族大学生心肺功能下降,主要表现为主肺动脉流速和最大呼气中段流量降低,收缩压增加。腹型肥胖对藏汉族大学生心肺功能影响存在差异,对藏族血压、室间隔搏幅和肺功能的负性影响小于汉族。藏族腹型肥胖大学生身体形态学指标与心肺功能呈负相关,其中BMI、WC与心脏功能指标相关性较为密切,BFR与肺通气功能指标相关性较为密切。  相似文献   

为了解圈养雄性林麝维持社会等级的冲突行为模式,于2016年6月1日至7月28日在四川马尔康林麝繁育中心,采用行为取样法对14只圈养雄麝进行了防御、追击、取代、进攻及威胁等社会冲突行为取样,分析了圈养雄性林麝社会等级与其发出(接受)的冲突行为类型和表达强度之间的关系。结果表明:林麝雄性圈养群发育了稳定的社会等级结构,作为冲突行为发起者,雄麝均有防御行为和侵犯行为(追击、取代、进攻和威胁)的表达,其防御行为的表达频次(7.71±2.18,n=14)显著高于追击(1.29±0.50,n=14)(P0.05)、取代(1.36±0.57,n=14)(P0.05)、进攻(0.21±0.15,n=14)(P0.05)和威胁(1.29±0.77,n=14)(P0.05) 4种侵犯行为的表达频次;防御行为表达频次与其社会等级呈显著负相关(P0.05);不同序位雄性发出的侵犯行为类型不同,高序位雄麝的高强度侵犯行为(追击和进攻)和低强度侵犯行为(取代和威胁)均有表达,低序位雄麝缺失高强度侵犯行为,仅表达取代行为;作为冲突行为的接受者,雄麝接受的取代行为频次(1.43±0.53,n=14)显著高于进攻(0.29±0.12,n=14)(P0.05)和威胁(0.36±0.16,n=14)(P0.05);中等序位雄麝接受侵犯行为的频次(5.50±1.50,n=2)有高于低序位雄麝(4.60±2.088,n=5)和高序位雄麝(1.14±0.55,n=7)的趋势(P0.05)。由此得出,圈养林麝社群主要通过展现较低强度的侵犯行为维持其社会等级结构,冲突行为的发起者多是序位较高的雄麝,其高强度侵犯行为的表达频次也相对较多。  相似文献   

栖息地破碎化、人为干扰等因素影响着中华鬣羚(Capricornis sumatraensis)的生存。目前, 中华鬣羚的行为研究还比较匮乏, 因此有必要构建中华鬣羚的行为谱及PAE (posture-act-environment)编码系统, 以期促进其基础行为资料的完善, 为深入开展科学研究和保护工作奠定基础。本文旨在: (1)参照国内常用的动物行为编码方法, 以“姿势-动作-环境”为轴心, 建立中华鬣羚的行为谱及PAE编码系统, 并随机抽取20%的中华鬣羚视频作为检测样本, 对行为谱的实际使用效果进行测试。(2)对中华鬣羚的行为数据进行统计并通过计算行为多样性指数, 分析各特定年龄组间的行为多样性差异, 检验特定年龄组与行为多样性指数间的相关性。结果显示: (1)通过区别和归类中华鬣羚的10种姿势、80种动作、9种环境、78种行为, 首次建立了中华鬣羚的行为谱及PAE编码系统。经测试, 该行为谱能够客观地对中华鬣羚行为进行识别和归类。(2)与亚成体和幼体相比, 中华鬣羚成体特定行为类型的行为多样性指数(Avariable)、绝对行为多样性指数(A)、相对行为多样性指数(r)和校正行为多样性指数(r-variable)均为最高; 中华鬣羚亚成体特定行为类型的行为多样性指数(Avariable)、绝对行为多样性指数(A)、相对行为多样性指数(r)介于成体和幼体之间; 中华鬣羚幼体的特定行为类型的行为多样性指数(Avariable)、绝对行为多样性指数(A)和相对行为多样性指数(r)最低, 校正行为多样性指数(r-variable)高于亚成体。(3)中华鬣羚行为谱可用于其行为学研究, 今后应获取繁殖行为的图像数据, 更新行为谱及PAE编码系统。(4) 3个特定年龄组中华鬣羚的各行为多样性指数之间差异不显著(F = 0.013, P = 0.987), 从幼体到成体, 中华鬣羚的特定行为类型的行为多样性指数(Avariable)、绝对行为多样性指数(A)和相对行为多样性指数(r)随年龄的增大呈递增趋势。综上所述, 我们应深入研究中华鬣羚行为学, 为其保护工作提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

目的: 观察快速减压对血脑屏障及MMP-9 mRNA表达的影响及其可能机制,为防治快速减压脑损伤提供理论依据。方法: SD大鼠48只随机分为4组(n=12):正常对照组(不进行减压),快速减压(大鼠置于减压舱舱内2 min内压力降至20 KPa)6 h组(减压6 h)、24 h组(减压24 h)和48 h组(减压48 h),后取样4只测脑半球及海马含水量、4只测伊文蓝(EB)含量以及4只应用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)观察MMP-9 mRNA表达量的变化。结果: 快速减压后6 h、24 h、48 h半球和海马含水量、EB以及MMP-9 mRNA与正常对照组比较均增加(P<0.05, P<0.01), 海马均高于半球(P<0.05, P<0.01)。快速减压后48 h组海马的含水量、EB以及MMP-9 mRNA较24 h组均减少(P<0.05)。快速减压后海马、半球含水量与EB(r=0.514, P<0.05)及MMP-9 mRNA的表达(r=0.575, P<0.05)呈正相关,EB与MMP-9 mRNA的表达(r=0.796, P<0.01)呈正相关。结论: 快速减压引起脑半球、海马组织血脑屏障的破坏,发生脑水肿,这可能与MMP-9 mRNA的过表达有关。  相似文献   

休情状态下圈养麋鹿昼间冲突行为初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨休情期麋鹿Elaphurus davidianus冲突行为与等级序位的关系以及冲突行为的促发因素,于2015年4月、11月和2016年12月采用扫描取样法对江苏大丰麋鹿国家级自然保护区的圈养麋鹿昼间冲突行为进行了观察,共记录到1 452次冲突行为。结果显示:同年龄阶段雄鹿的等级序位高于雌鹿;同性别的成年体壮个体的等级序位高于未成年个体;麋鹿昼间冲突行为的表达方式与麋鹿自身体表特征有关,冲突行为的表达方式在硬角期、脱角生茸期和茸角硬化期3个阶段之间的差异有高度统计学意义(P0.01);休情期因争夺食物资源发生冲突行为的比例最高(61.55%),从动者的行为以采食行为比例最高(36.61%),3个阶段之间和上、下午的差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);休情期内冲突的激烈程度偏低,从动者反抗次数少(20.25%)。本文为大丰麋鹿种群的饲养、管理与驯化,以及麋鹿迁地保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   

蓝尾石龙子的头部两性异形和食性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张永普  计翔 《动物学报》2004,50(5):745-752
通过测量头、体大小和胃检研究浙江泰顺产蓝尾石龙子 (Eumeceselegans)个体发育过程中两性异形和食性的变化。蓝尾石龙子成体个体大小和头部大小的两性差异显著 ,雄性大于雌性。不同发育阶段雌性头长与SVL的线性回归斜率无显著差异 ,头宽与SVL线性回归斜率的差异显著 ,成体和SVL <5 0mm幼体头宽随SVL的增长速率显著小于SVL为 5 0 - 6 9mm的幼体。雄性头部相对于SVL呈加速式异速生长。两性比较发现 :雌雄幼体头长和头宽随SVL的增长速率无显著差异 ,SVL <5 0mm幼体特定SVL的头长和头宽无显著的两性差异 ,但SVL为 5 0 - 6 9mm的雄性幼体头长和头宽大于SVL相同的雌性幼体 ;雄性成体头长和头宽随SVL的增长速率显著大于雌性。SVL <5 0mm的雌性幼体头部相对小于SVL为 5 0 - 6 9mm的同性幼体 ,性成熟雌体头部相对小于SVL为 5 0 - 6 9mm的同性幼体。雌性幼体、雄性幼体、雌性成体和雄性成体食物生态位宽度分别为 12 3、 12 5、 4 8和 14 4。雌雄幼体食物生态位重叠度最高 ,雌雄成体食物生态位重叠度次之 ,成体与幼体食物生态位重叠度较小。成体摄入食饵的大小 (用胃内完整食物长度的平均值表示 )和变化范围大于幼体。两性成、幼体摄入的食饵大小差异显著。两性个体摄入的食饵大小均与其SVL呈正相关 ,表明较大  相似文献   

目的: 观察感染性急性肺损伤(ALI)肺血管内皮屏障功能失调小鼠肺组织中弗里德白血病病毒插入位点1(FLI-1)蛋白表达的变化,以探讨FLI-1在感染性ALI肺血管内皮屏障功能失调发生发展中的意义。方法: SPF级雄性ICR小鼠60只,腹腔注射脂多糖(LPS,7.5 mg/kg)复制ALI模型,在给予LPS 0 h、12 h、24 h、48 h后,检测小鼠肺血管内皮屏障通透性和肺湿干重比,ELISA法检测肺泡灌洗液中TNF-α和IL-6含量,Western blot法检测肺组织FLI-1和Src酪氨酸激酶(SRC)蛋白的表达。结果: 与0 h组比较,12 h组、24 h组肺血管内皮屏障通透性分别升高74.3%和162.4%,而48 h组较24 h组降低27.0%(P均<0.05);与0 h组比较,12 h组、24 h组肺湿干重比分别升高50.1%和122.9%,而48 h组较24 h组降低10.7%(P均<0.05);与0 h组比较,12 h、24 h肺泡灌洗液IL-6和TNF-α含量均显著升高,而48 h肺泡灌洗液IL-6和TNF-α含量较24 h分别下降28.3%和21.6%(P均< 0.05);与0 h组比较,12 h组、24 h组肺组织FLI-1蛋白表达水平分别下调20.4%和56.9%,而48 h组较24 h组上调18.2%(P均<0.05);与0 h组比较,12 h组、24 h组肺组织SRC蛋白表达水平分别上调76.8%和176.7%,而48 h组较24 h组下调33.4%(P均<0.05);肺血管内皮屏障通透性与FLI-1蛋白表达水平呈显著负相关(r= -0.8992,P<0.01),而与SRC蛋白表达水平呈显著正相关(r=0.8918,P<0.01),肺组织FLI-1与SRC蛋白表达呈显著负相关(r=-0.8087,P=0.0014)。结论: FLI-1可能参与LPS诱导的急性肺损伤肺血管内皮屏障功能失常过程。  相似文献   

We conducted an experiment in the Beijing Milu Park to study the social behavior of male Père David's deer, and related social behavior to social position and serum testosterone level of the stags during rut. We classified the stags into three rank classes according to their rutting behavior: ‘harem master’, ‘challenger’ and ‘bachelor’. We monitored the behaviors of four ‘harem masters’, five ‘challengers’ and five ‘bachelors’, and analyzed serum testosterone levels in blood samples of those 14 stags using radioimmunoassay. We defined the effectiveness value, E = A/T, to assess the effectiveness of herding or mating attempts made by stags (‘T’ represents the frequency of herding or mating attempts made by a stag and ‘A’ represents the frequency of herding or mating attempts accepted by hinds). We found that: (1) the ‘harem masters’ and the ‘challengers’ displayed more frequent rut and locomotive behaviors but fewer ingestion behaviors than the ‘bachelors’; (2) serum testosterone levels in the ‘harem masters’ and the ‘challengers’ were higher than that in the ‘bachelors’; (3) effectiveness value of herding attempts differed significantly between the three types of stags, being highest in the ‘harem masters’ and the lowest in the ‘bachelors’; and (4) effectiveness value of mating attempts was significantly greater for the ‘harem masters’ than for the ‘challengers’. We conclude that: (1) reproductive behavior of the Père David's deer stags is strongly associated with social rank; (2) social roles of Père David's deer stags during the rut are related to the testosterone secretion; and (3) rank class affects the mating opportunity of the stags.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of steroid hormones as coronary risk factors in Helsinki Heart Study population of dyslipidemic middle-aged men. We compare here the effects of gemfibrozil and placebo on the serum levels of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), its sulfate (DHEAS), their metabolite androstanediol glucuronide (3-AdiolG), androstenedione, cortisol, testosterone, and sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in non-smokers. We also examined the associations between steroid and lipoprotein levels in both treatment groups. Compared with placebo gemfibrozil treatment was associated with significant elevations of the mean levels of DHEA 10.2 vs 8.0 nmol/1; P<0.005, of DHEAS 8.0 vs 5.8 μmol/1; P<0.001, of 3AdiolG 18.3 vs 8.4 nmol/1; P<0.001, of androstenedione 5.7 vs 5.1 nmol/1; P<0.02, and of cortisol 426 vs 358 nmol/1; P<0.001. The mean SHBG levels decreased from 46.4 to 41.7 nmol/1; P=0.03 with gemfibrozil treatment. No difference was found in testosterone levels 17.7 vs 18.8 nmol/1; P=0.11, or the ratio of testosterone/SHBG 0.45 vs 0.43; P=0.23. Positive correlations were found between high density lipoprotein-cholesterol and DHEAS (r=0.267; P<0.01) and DHEA (r=0.282; P<0.01) levels and negative correlations between low density lipoprotein-cholesterol and 3-AdiolG (r=−0.400; P<0.001) and cortisol (r=−0.281; P<0.01) levels in the gemfibozil group. Our results indicate that gemfibrozil treatment increases the production and turnover of adrenal androgens and cortisol, and suggest that activation of the adrenocorticol function and increased metabolism of androgens are related to the improved lipoprotein pattern during gemfibrozil treatment.  相似文献   

The pattern of LH secretion and response to exogenous GnRH was determined on 5 occasions during seasonal anoestrus of the Père David's deer hind. LH pulse frequency was low (3.3 +/- 0.6 pulses/18 h) in early anoestrus (February), increased significantly in mid-anoestrus (April; 8.4 +/- 1.4 pulses/18 h) and thereafter declined slightly in late anoestrus (June; 6.3 +/- 0.25 pulses/18 h). Mean LH concentrations also showed significant changes during anoestrus with higher levels in mid-anoestrus (April; 0.85 +/- 0.12 ng/ml) when compared with other times (0.53 +/- 0.05, 0.60 +/- 0.10, 0.68 +/- 0.06 and 0.71 +/- 0.05 ng/ml for February, March, May and June, respectively). LH pulse amplitude showed no significant changes during the study. The LH response to intravenous injections of 2 micrograms GnRH was lowest in early anoestrus (February), increased significantly in mid-anoestrus (April) and remained high through late anoestrus. The response during the luteal phase was similar to that seen during late anoestrus. These results indicate that seasonal anoestrus in the Père David's deer hind is not a uniform state but is characterized by an early period of 'deep' anoestrus.  相似文献   

湖北石首麋鹿昼间活动时间分配   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为探讨性别、年龄和季节对麋鹿(Elaphurus davidianus)行为的影响,2006年9月-2007年10月,作者采用焦点取样法和瞬时记录法,将麋鹿昼间活动归为采食、饮水、运动、休息、警觉、其他行为等六大类型,每月6-8 d对湖北石首麋鹿国家级自然保护区麋鹿种群的昼间活动时间分配进行了跟踪观察.结果表明:麋鹿有晨、昏两个采食高峰和一个午间休息期,各种行为类型所占比例依次是:休息53.40%(±5.59%)、采食22.36(±8.34%)、运动11.23%(±0.63%)、警觉5.03%(±1.76%)、其他行为4.42%(±2.06%),饮水2.65%(±0.74%).不同季节,时间分配变化明显.非参数Kruskal Wallis H检验结果显示(n=120),季节、年龄和性别显著影响麋鹿的活动时间分配.除运动行为(x2=16.856,df=3,P>0.05)和饮水行为(x2=7.667,df=3,P>0.05)无显著差异外,采食(x2=15.657,df=3,P<0.01)、休息(x2=13.173,df=3,P<0.01)、警觉(x2 =13.887,df=3,P<0.01)和其他行为(x2=16.317,df=3,P<0.01)在不同季节所占时间百分比均有极显著差异.对不同性别年龄组的活动时间分配采用两个独立样本的Mann-Whitney U检验,各性别-年龄组间的运动行为所占时间比例有极显著差异(P<0.01),雄鹿与雌鹿之间的警觉行为有极显著差异(P<0.01),雄鹿花较多时间用于警觉.幼鹿与成年鹿及亚成年鹿之间的采食行为时间有极显著差异(P<0.01).不同性别、年龄组在不同季节的昼间活动时间分配的差异采用方差(ANOVA)分析后发现:所有年龄组,夏季与冬季饮水、春季与夏季警觉均存在显著性差异(P<0.01);成体和亚成体麋鹿,春季与冬季警觉、夏季与冬季运动均存在显著性差异(P<0.01).  相似文献   

From July 1997 to September 1997 and from March 1998 to July 1998, we studied reproductive behaviors of Père David's deer in Dafeng, China. During the field behavioral observations, we collected fresh voided fecal samples from the Père David's stags and hinds periodically and kept those samples under -20 degrees C until laboratory analysis. We analyzed the fecal testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone concentrations in those samples using radioimmunoassay. During this study, we also recorded 17 types of male reproductive behaviors and nine types of female reproductive behaviors. Reproductive behaviors and the fecal steroid concentrations showed overt seasonal fluctuations. There were statistically significant correlations between some male reproductive behaviors, such as anogenital sniffing, urine sniffing, urine spraying, wallowing, bellowing, antler adorning, Antler swags mud, chasing, herding hinds, chin resting, mounting and copulating, with the fecal testosterone concentrations. These results suggested that seasonal reproductive behaviors in stags are strongly associated with circulating testosterone. We also found that some female reproductive behaviors fluctuate corresponding with changes in fecal estrogen concentrations. Although there was no direct evidence to confirm the correlations between female reproductive behaviors and fecal estrogen in our experiment, we could not rule out that reproductive activities of hinds were largely related to ovarian estrogen secretion, and estrogen is necessary for inducing female reproductive behaviors.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of copper and lipid peroxidation were evaluated in 14 smokers as compared to 14 nonsmokers. Plasma copper concentrations were higher in smokers than in nonsmokers (122.5 ± 19.15 vs. 101.5 ± 16.2 μg/dl, P < .01). Plasma lipoperoxidation, evaluated as fluorescent damage products of lipid peroxidation (FDPL), also was higher in smokers than in nonsmokers (20.35 ± 2.6 vs. 17.1 ± 2.95 units of relative fluorescence/ml, P < .01). A significant and positive correlation between the number of cigarettes smoked, expressed as pack years, and the levels of either FDPL (r = .61, P < .025) or copper (r = .55, P < .05) was found. Moreover, a significant and positive relationship between copper and FDPL values was observed in smokers (r = .64; P < .025), but not in nonsmokers. These data indicate that cigarette smoke-related plasma oxidant load may be partly due to enhanced levels of the prooxidant metal copper, potentially suggesting the supplementation of specific antioxidants (e.g., zinc) to counteract cigarette smoke-induced oxidative stress in smokers.  相似文献   

Since 1985, China has established three breeding herds of Père David’s deer: the Beijing Père David’s Deer Park (39°07′N, 116°03′E), the Dafeng Père David’s Deer Nature Reserve (33°05′N, 120°49′E) and Shishou (Tianezhou) Père David’s Deer Nature Reserve (29°49′N, 112°33′E), through reintroductions of about 30–40 founders. Since establishment, all three populations have grown steadily. However, genetic backgrounds in those populations are still unknown. We studied the genetic diversity in Père David’s deer and genetic consequences of population relocations in China. We revealed that genetic diversity was extremely low in Père David’s deer populations in China. Only a single mtDNA D-loop haplotype was found in the deer, furthermore, only five polymorphic microsatellite loci were screened out from 84 pairs of species-transferred primers. Genetic makeup in the three Père David’s deer populations were significantly different (P < 0.01). H E and allelic richness in the Tianezhou population were the highest (0.54, 2.60, n = 31), Beijing population (0.52, 2.4, n = 125) showed the second highest measures, while the Dafeng population (0.46, 2.39, n = 39) measured lowest. Our results suggest that effective management of a species of low genetic diversity like the Père David’s deer should consider the genetic background of each founder to make sure genetic variations are preserved in both source population and relocated population. Now, the Tianezhou population is the most appropriate source population in China when establishing new Père David deer populations in the wild.
Zhigang JiangEmail:

The effect of season on yield and physical properties of agars extracted from Gracia gracilis and G. bursa-pastoris were determined. The agar yield from G. gracilis was maximum during spring (30%) and minimum during autumn (19%). In G. bursa-pastoris, the agar yield was greatest in summer (36%) and lowest in winter (23%). Agar yield from G. bursa-pastoris was positively correlated with temperature (r=0.94; P<0.01) and salinity (r=0.97; P<0.01) and negatively with nitrogen content (r=−0.93; P<0.01). Agar gel strengths fluctuated from 229 to 828 g cm−2 and 23 to 168 g cm−2 for G. gracilis and G. bursa-pastoris, respectively. The gelling temperature showed significant seasonal variation for both species. Chemical analysis of agar from the two seaweeds indicated variation in 3,6-anhydrogalactose and sulfate content (P<0.01). Furthermore, there was an inverse correlation between the two chemical variables. In general, agar extracted from G. gracilis possessed better qualities than agar extracted from G. bursa-pastoris and can be considered a candidate for industrial use.  相似文献   

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