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白蚁诱食信息素研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄求应  薛东  雷朝亮 《昆虫学报》2005,48(4):616-621
白蚁为社会性昆虫,其组织结构和联系方式主要由白蚁外分泌腺产生的起诱导和调节白蚁行为反应作用的信息素来获得。由白蚁下唇腺产生的诱食信息素,能够在白蚁巢体的群体性食物采集中诱使取食白蚁形成聚集,并且取食食物的相同位置,从而提高白蚁巢体采集食物的效率。目前,已确定对苯二酚为白蚁诱食信息素,且认为整个等翅目昆虫都产生和使用对苯二酚作为诱食信息素,与分类地位和生物学特性无关。该文概述了白蚁诱食信息素的分泌器官、种特异性、生物学意义、生物合成途径及其在白蚁防治中的应用等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

近年来, 固相微萃取技术的使用显著促进了白蚁踪迹信息素研究的开展。目前, 已有77种白蚁的踪迹信息素得到研究, 常见化学成分为十二碳单烯醇、 十二碳二烯醇和十二碳三烯醇, 其次为新松柏烯。已经鉴定的踪迹信息素主要为单组分或双组分系统。白蚁踪迹信息素由腹板腺分泌, 除澳白蚁科的达氏澳白蚁Mastotermes darwiniensis具有3个腹板腺外, 现存的白蚁均具有1个腹板腺, 位于第4或第5腹节。所有腹板腺都具有类型Ⅰ和Ⅱ两类细胞, 原白蚁亚科(Termopsinae)、 齿白蚁科(Serritermitidae)、 鼻白蚁科(Rhinotermitidae)种类的腹板腺还具有类型Ⅲ细胞。踪迹信息素的生物合成还缺乏研究, 推测有甲羟戊酸、 脂肪醇和饱和表皮烃3种途径。白蚁踪迹信息素的简约性十分显著, 不同地理分布、 生物生态习性以及一些系统距离较远的种类具有相同和密切相关的踪迹信息素。对于许多种类, 相同的信息化合物具有踪迹信息素和配对性信息素双重功能。白蚁踪迹信息素种特异性和简约性的适应意义和进化机制需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

白蚁信息素研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用信息素防治白蚁这种世界性害虫是当前白蚁研究的一大热点。本文从化学和生物两个方面总结了几十年来国内外白蚁信息素及其类似物研究进展。讨论了影响信息素活性的几个因素。并根据最新的研究情况,对今后的信息素及其类似物的理论研究和应用情况进行了展望。  相似文献   

白蚁采食行为中的信息交流   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文平  嵇保中  刘曙雯 《昆虫学报》2011,54(3):352-360
白蚁作为社会性昆虫, 其采食个体间依赖各种信息交流机制进行联系与协作, 其中包括踪迹、 警戒、 食物信息、 同伴识别和助食等。通常的联系信号为挥发性或半挥发性化学物质或者一定频谱和功率的机械振动波。其中踪迹信息素、 蚁源烃类、 警戒信息素、 助食素和机械振动信号等都在白蚁采食过程中起着重要作用。白蚁采食过程中食物定向和食物品质信息的传达主要依靠腹板腺分泌的踪迹信息素, 已发现有十二碳烯醇类、 降碳倍半萜类和大环二萜类。蚁源的机械振动也在食物品质表达方面起到一定作用, 但食物品质的表达机制还不明确。白蚁采食协作的基础是同伴识别, 蚁源烃类(C21~C35)是同伴识别的主要信息物质, 采食个体分泌的助食素则可促成共同取食。警戒信息素传递白蚁采食的安全信息, 通常为一些兵蚁源的萜类物质, 但得到功能鉴定的结构还不多。近来研究还发现特殊的蚁源机械振动也可起到示警作用。已初步证实各种信息交流机制间存在交互作用, 但交互作用的机理有待进一步解析。生物物理因素在白蚁采食行为中的作用值得更多重视。本文以白蚁的采食行为为线索, 评述白蚁采食个体间信息交流机制的研究进展及利用问题, 并对今后的研究提出展望。  相似文献   

白蚁防治中引诱技术的应用   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
谭速进  张大羽 《昆虫知识》1999,36(4):229-232
白蚁是一类危害面广、破坏性极大的世界性害虫。利用各种防治技术控制白蚁危害由来已久,引诱技术乃其中一种。采用引诱技术具有防治成本低、针对性强、效果显著、对生态环境破坏性小等优点。白蚁是社会性昆虫,其行为有利于我们采用引诱技术实施防治。引诱技术包括饵诱法、信息素引诱法、灯诱法等具体方法,本文主要介绍饵诱法和信息素引诱法应用情况及研究进展。1饵诱法食物引诱是最古老、最简单易行的引诱方法。其采用3种方式:(1)诱集.杀灭:在白蚁活动区域设置白蚁喜食饵料(堆、坑)诱其前来取食,然后用烫、烧、踩、喂鸡和药杀…  相似文献   

台湾乳白蚁跟踪信息素粗提物活性与应用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
台湾乳白蚁是我国为害最凶的一种白蚁。对它的防治早就引起国内外白蚁工作者的广泛重视。目前越来越多的做法是将“诱”与“杀”两个步骤合二为一。也有许多学者已将白蚁的跟踪信息素用于白蚁的诱集上作了研究。本文介绍了台湾乳白蚁跟踪信息素粗提物生物活性,包含信息素的提取、跟踪反应、引诱效应、感受距离测定,以及在台湾乳白蚁防治上的实际应用等。  相似文献   

白蚁跟踪信息素及其类似物的活性比较试验初报   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
韩美贞  严峰 《昆虫学报》1980,(3):260-264
自从1967年Smythe等发现某些真菌寄生过的木材中含有一种活性物质,与白蚁腹腺分泌的跟踪信息素有相似的效用以后,引起了人们探讨白蚁踪迹物质的浓厚兴趣。白蚁是一种社会性昆虫。群体间的觅食、防卫、筑巢、交哺等行为都是通过信息物质的调节来进行的。所以开展白蚁跟踪信息素及其类似物的研究,有可能为我们找出一条新的防治途径。  相似文献   

白蚁防治技术   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
白蚁是破坏性很强的社会性昆虫。文章从白蚁的探测和监测、物理防治、化学防治、生物源物质防治和白蚁信息素的利用技术5个方面综述白蚁防治技术的最新研究进展。同时展望白蚁未来的研究领域。  相似文献   

对白蚁取食行为的研究涉及5科18属38种白蚁。其取食行为多型可归纳为3类:(1)工蚁主导型:采食活动基本上由工蚁完成,兵蚁不参与或仅极少数个体参与,食物侦查或保护采食工蚁的职能不显著;(2)工蚁-兵蚁协同型:这是白蚁采食组织的常见类型,兵蚁成为采食队伍的固定成员,负责采食活动的安全侦查与防卫、食物源侦查等工作;(3)假工蚁主导型:由于尚未分化形成专职的工蚁,因而大龄幼蚁(广义的假工蚁)成为采食活动的主力,同时兼有巢内的保护职能。在食物加工和分配过程中,低等白蚁的幼蚁在未获得消化纤维素能力前主要通过肛交哺获得营养物质和共生物,且肛交哺是新蜕皮个体重新获得共生鞭毛虫的途径。高等白蚁幼龄工蚁负责食物加工、依赖型品级通过口交哺获得营养物质。白蚁采食活动中的行为多型受踪迹信息素控制,不同品级个体腹板腺有明显分化;不同品级和发育阶段个体食性分化与消化道结构、消化酶活性密切相关;保幼激素影响交哺行为以及消化酶基因表达。本文在评述研究进展的同时,对进一步研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

蛾类性信息素生物合成途径及其调控   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王博  林欣大  杜永均 《生态学杂志》2015,26(10):3235-3250
蛾类通过产生和识别物种特异性性信息素来引发后续交配行为,因此它在两性交配行为中至关重要.它们具有不同碳链长度、末端官能团、不同双键位置和构型等化学结构特征,本文详细讨论了不同蛾类性信息素的合成途径以及催化每一步反应的相关酶系,列举了15种夜蛾科不同亚科常见物种的性信息素组分及其比例,总结了产生特定比例性信息素的可能原因,查阅了夜蛾科不同物种已经鉴别的性信息素,并按照不同亚科、不同官能团和碳链长度对其进行分类,归纳了同一物种及其亲缘物种性信息素组分和比例的变异,总结了产生变异的分子机理,讨论了性信息素变异和物种进化的关系.最后以生物合成激活神经肽(PBAN)为主, 介绍了其调控途径和机制.本文旨在以不同的蛾类性信息素合成途径为线索,从共有合成途径出发深入了解其规律和共性,从特异合成途径出发探究物种间的进化和变异,展望未来的研究方向及其应用.  相似文献   

Within the multitude of chemical signals used by termites, the trail marking by means of pheromones is ubiquitous. Chemistry and biology of the trail-following communication have been described in more than 60 species from all families except for the Neotropical Serritermitidae. The chemical ecology of Serritermitidae is of special interest not only as a missing piece of knowledge on the diversity and evolution of isopteran pheromones but also because it may contribute to the debate on the phylogenetic position of this family, which is still unresolved. Therefore, we aimed in this study to identify the trail-following pheromone of the serritermitid Glossotermes oculatus. Based on a combined approach of analytical chemistry, electrophysiology, and behavioral bioassays, we propose (10Z,13Z)-nonadeca-10,13-dien-2-one to be the trail-following pheromone of G. oculatus, secreted by the sternal gland of pseudergates. Thus, we report on a new termite trail-following pheromone of an unexpected chemical structure, a ketone with 19 carbons, contrasting with unsaturated alcohols containing 12 carbons as trail-following pheromones in other advanced termite families. In addition to this unique trail-following pheromone, we also describe the sternal gland in pseudergates as an organ of unusual shape, size, and structure when compared with other isopteran species. These results underline the peculiarity of the family Serritermitidae and prompt our interest in the chemistry of pheromones in the other genus of the family, Serritermes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Chemical signals from secretions of different exocrine glands modulate a variety of behavioural patterns in termite societies. These signals have multiple functions and may be interactive. During food exploitation workers of the African termite Schedorhinotermes lamanianus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) employ, on foraging trails, the secretion from the sternal gland both for orientation and recruitment to a food source. The secretion from the labial gland, released onto the food by gnawing termites, stimulates additional workers to gnaw at the same site, thereby forming aggregations of gnawing termites. An interaction between these two pheromones during food exploitation is demonstrated for the first time. The volatile signal from the sternal gland inhibits in a dose-dependent manner the non-volatile, highly persistent, signal from the labial gland. The development of gnawing aggregations is inhibited and established ones are dissolved. Behavioural evidence for the perception of both the volatile signal from the sternal gland by olfactory neurones and of the non-volatile signal from the labial gland by gustatory neurones on the antennae is given. The interaction of the two pheromones as a basis for the development of distinct commuting and gnawing zones on the food source, and as a means for a dynamic regulation of food exploitation, is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Reproductive isolation in termites is not well known. Our study carried out on two sympatric species from northern Vietnam, Macrotermes annandalei and M. barneyi, showed that dispersal flights and sex pheromones were two important factors in their reproductive isolation. These fungus-growing termites were isolated, partially due to the timing of their respective dispersal flights. M. annandalei flew the first day after rain, while the flights of M. barneyi occurred the second day after rain. However, the flights can also be simultaneous in the two species. Sex pheromones of M. annandalei and M. barneyi were shown to be species-specific. In both species, they were secreted by females from two glandular sources, from tergal glands located on tergite 6 to 10 in M. annandalei and tergite 5 to 10 in M. barneyi, and from posterior sternal glands located on sternite 6 and 7 in both species. These posterior sternal glands, found for the first time in the Termitidae, were sex-specific glands. Although not fully identified, sex pheromones of M. annandalei and M. barneyi were clearly different from the trail-following pheromone secreted by the sternal gland stricto sensu located on the sternite 5. These results show that in termites, the sexual behaviour, the glandular origin of sex pheromones and their role in reproductive isolation greatly vary depending on the species and deserve to be more extensively studied.Received 8 April 2003; revised 1 September 2003; accepted 10 September 2003.  相似文献   

In the present study, trail pheromone blends are identified for the first time in termites. In the phylogenetically complex Nasutitermitinae, trail‐following pheromones are composed of dodecatrienol and neocembrene, the proportions of which vary according to species, although neocembrene is always more abundant than dodecatrienol (by 25–250‐fold). Depending on species, termites were more sensitive to dodecatrienol or to neocembrene but the association of both components always elicited significantly higher trail following, with a clear synergistic effect in most of the studied species. A third component, trinervitatriene, was identified in the sternal gland secretion of several species, but its function remains unknown. The secretion of trail pheromone blends appears to be an important step in the evolution of chemical communication in termites. The pheromone optimizes foraging, and promotes their ecological success. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 20–27.  相似文献   

蛾类昆虫雄性信息素及其功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
昆虫性信息素是两性通讯系统的基础,其中雄性信息素的研究相对较少。本文综述了蛾类昆虫雄性信息素的研究进展。迄今已鉴定出40余种蛾类昆虫的雄性信息素,其行为学功能主要有对雌性的引诱和激欲、对同种雄性的抑制及种间隔离等。  相似文献   

In social insect colonies, queen-produced pheromones have important functions in social regulation. These substances influence the behavior and physiology of colony members. A queen-produced volatile that inhibits differentiation of new neotenic reproductives was recently identified in the lower termite Reticulitermes speratus. However, there are no known queen-specific volatiles of this type in any other termite species. Here, we report volatile compounds emitted by live queens of the higher termite Nasutitermes takasagoensis. We used headspace gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (HS GC-MS) to analyze volatiles emitted by live primary queens, workers, soldiers, alates, and eggs collected in a Japanese subtropical forest. Among 14 detected compounds, 7 were soldier-specific, 1 was alate-specific, 1 was egg-specific, and 1 was queen-specific. The queen-specific volatile was phenylethanol, which is different than the compound identified in R. speratus. The identification of this queen-specific volatile is the first step in determining its functions in higher termite social regulation. Comparisons of queen pheromone substances regulating caste differentiation among various termite taxa will contribute to a better understanding of the evolution of social systems in termites.  相似文献   

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