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芦加杰  赫晓磊  高峰 《生物磁学》2013,(36):7189-7190
溃疡性结肠炎(Ulcerativecolitis,uc)是一种直肠和结肠的慢性非特异性炎症性疾病,其病因至今仍未完全阐明,普遍认为与遗传因素和自身免疫异常有关。人类白细胞抗原(Humanleukocyteantigen,HLA)是人类主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)基因的编码产物,是调控人类免疫应答的关键因素之一,其中HLAII类基因参与外源性抗原的递呈,是目前研究的最为广泛的与炎症性肠病相关的区域。HLAII类基因中以HLA—DRB1等位基因的多态性最丰富,国内外大量研究均显示HLA—DRB1基因不仅与uc的发病密切相关,而且与UC的临床特点有关联,但研究的结果并不完全一致,而且其导致特定人群UC易感的分子生物学机制也不十分清楚。本文主要综述HLA.DRB1基因多态性与uc相关性的研究进展。  相似文献   

王喜  张万江 《生物磁学》2009,(14):2766-2768,2727
随着人类基因组计划的完成和功能基因组学的研究的进展,多种结核病候选易感基因被发现,其中人类白细胞抗原(HLA)基因是主要的候选基因之一。HLA基因作为人类最复杂、最具多态性的遗传系统,其功能涉及到机体免疫的各个方面,不同个体对疾病易感性的差异在很大程度上是由遗传因素所决定的,因此HLA基因与某些免疫性疾病的相关性已经成为近年来研究的热点,国内外学者对不同种族的人群对结核分枝杆菌感染的易感性做了大量的研究,探讨HLA基因多态性与结核病遗传易感性的关系。本文对这方面的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)是一种常见的血液疾病,成人ALL的预后较差。ALL的发病机制尚不完全清楚,分析是由遗传、物理、化学和生物等多因素共同作用的结果,其中人类白细胞抗原(HLA)是其重要的遗传因素。国内外研究发现许多HLA基因是ALL的易感基因或保护基因,且一些HLA分子与ALL的诊断、治疗及预后关系密切。本文主要对近5年的HLA与ALL的相关性研究进行综述,为ALL的临床治疗等研究提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   

《自然-遗传学》(Nature Genetics)5月30日发表了由中国科学院院士、中山大学肿瘤防治中心曾益新带领的团队。与来自国内和新加坡等国科学家合作完成的一项研究。研究人员在世界上首次进行了基于大规模人群和全基因组水平的散发性鼻咽癌易感基因筛查研究。发现了3个新的易感基因位点,同时进一步确认了人类白细胞抗原(HLA)基因与鼻咽癌发病风险的相关性。  相似文献   

近日,中山大学附属第三医院风湿免疫科专家通过与国内12家医院合作,完成了基于我国人群的全基因组强直性脊柱炎(简称AS)易感基因筛查研究。发现该疾病两个新的易感基因位点,同时确认了HLA-B27基因与强直性脊柱炎发病风险的相关性。该项成果已发布于国际顶级杂志《自然-遗传学》(Nature Genetics)。  相似文献   

王雅文  朱小泉  宋玉国  孙亮  杨泽 《遗传》2007,29(7):805-812
为了寻找中国人群中与强直性脊柱炎相关的新的易感基因及其所在位置, 在与强直性脊柱炎强连锁的6 号染色体短臂上的HLA基因区域内选取11个SNPs多态位点, 通过对中国吉林地区79名AS患者和132名正常对照者进行case-control分析, 发现TNF-a -850处TT突变基因型在AS组中的分布高于正常对照组(P=0.027), 突变型T等位基因在AS组和正常对照组中的分布差异更为显著(P=0.002)。通过多位点之间的连锁不平衡分析发现, LTA基因、TNF-a基因、LST1基因和NCR3基因中的 5个SNPs多态位点之间存在连锁不平衡, 范围是15 kb, 在这5个SNPs多态位点组成的单体型中, TCTTC单体型在AS组和正常对照组中的分布有显著差异(c2=7.406, P=0.0065),并且该单体型中含有具有统计学意义的TNF-a –850的突变型等位基因T。提示在LTA、TNF-a、NCR3和LST1 这4个基因构成的15 kb范围内可能存在增加AS患病易感性的位点, 可能是TNF-a –850 C→T突变, 也可能是在TNF-a –850附近的其他位点。  相似文献   

以单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)为遗传标记的遗传关联研究是近年来鉴定复杂疾病易感基因的主要策略之一.尤其是新近发展成熟的全基因组关联研究(genome-wide association study,GWAS),已被公认是行之有效的系统搜寻重大疾病易感基因的研究方法.军事医学科学院与国内同行合作开展的HBV相关肝癌GWAS结果表明,1p36.22的UBE4B-KIF1B-PGD区域是一个全新的肝癌易感基因区域,证明了遗传易感性在肝癌发生发展中的病因学意义.肝癌易感基因的发现,不仅为深入阐明肝癌的发生机制开辟了新的研究方向,而且为肝癌的风险预测和早期预警研究提供了理论依据;同时,也为后续开发新型的治疗药物奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Shi L  Yao YF  Shi L  Tao YF  Yu L  Huang XQ  Lin KQ  Yi W  Sun H  Yang ZQ  Chu JY 《遗传》2011,33(2):138-146
近年来研究发现:位于HLAⅠ类基因区域的Alu插入是研究不同群体HLAⅠ类基因区域祖先单倍型和HLAⅠ类基因多样性产生、进化和重组的理想工具。文章对中国壮族和裕固族群体HLAⅠ类基因区域5个Alu插入多态性(AluMICB、AluTF、AluHJ、AluHG和AluHF)进行研究,结合HLA基因分型数据,分析壮族、裕固族、哈尼族、布朗族和傣族5个民族群体中Alu插入与HLA-A等位基因的关系。研究结果显示:(1)壮族和裕固族人群中5个Alu插入频率范围分别为1.5%~35.8%和9.2~34.8%,AluMICB、AluTF和AluHF插入频率在这两个群体中有统计学差异(P<0.05);(2)在5个研究的群体中,AluHG插入与HLA-A*02的不同亚型关联;AluHJ插入与HLA-A*2402在5个群体中都关联,但AluHJ与HLA-A*1101和HLA-A*2407只在布朗族中关联。表明不同群体HLAⅠ类基因区域内Alu插入具有各自的特征,且Alu插入与不同的HLA-A等位基因相关联。这种Alu插入及其与HLA-A的关联特征可作为研究群体中HLAⅠ类基因和单倍型系谱变化的重要遗传标记。  相似文献   

近年来研究发现: 位于HLAⅠ类基因区域的Alu插入是研究不同群体HLAⅠ类基因区域祖先单倍型和HLAⅠ类基因多样性产生、进化和重组的理想工具。文章对中国壮族和裕固族群体HLAⅠ类基因区域5个Alu插入多态性(AluMICB、AluTF、AluHJ、AluHG和AluHF)进行研究, 结合HLA基因分型数据, 分析壮族、裕固族、哈尼族、布朗族和傣族5个民族群体中Alu插入与HLA-A等位基因的关系。研究结果显示: (1)壮族和裕固族人群中5个Alu插入频率范围分别为1.5%~35.8%和9.2~34.8%, AluMICB、AluTF和AluHF插入频率在这两个群体中有统计学差异(P<0.05); (2)在5个研究的群体中, AluHG插入与HLA-A*02的不同亚型关联; AluHJ插入与HLA-A*2402在5个群体中都关联, 但AluHJ与HLA-A*1101和HLA-A*2407只在布朗族中关联。表明不同群体HLAⅠ类基因区域内Alu插入具有各自的特征, 且Alu插入与不同的HLA-A等位基因相关联。这种Alu插入及其与HLA-A的关联特征可作为研究群体中HLAⅠ类基因和单倍型系谱变化的重要遗传标记。  相似文献   

精神分裂症是一种复杂的精神疾病,全世界约有1%的人患有这种疾病。以往的研究发现,精神分裂症患者的脑容量比正常人小,且一些精神分裂症易感基因的DNA序列多态性也同时与脑的结构异常有关,这与精神分裂症的神经发育假说是吻合的。最近研究发现,人的DKK4基因的SNP(rs2073665)与精神分裂症显著相关。为了研究DKK4精神分裂症易感SNP是否与脑发育相关,本文检测了961个正常人rs2073665的基因型并测量了他们的脑容量。相关性分析发现,rs2073665在加性模型下和显性模型下都与脑容量存在显著相关性,这为精神分裂症易感基因同时能影响脑容量提供了证据,同时也为精神分裂症的神经发育异常假说提供了佐证。  相似文献   

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a common, highly heritable, inflammatory arthropathy. In addition to being strongly associated with HLA-B27, a further 13 genes have been robustly associated with the disease. These genes highlight the involvement of the IL-23 pathway in disease pathogenesis, and indicate overlaps between the pathogenesis of AS, and of inflammatory bowel disease. Genetic associations in B27-positive and -negative disease are similar, with the main exception of association with ERAP1, which is restricted in association to B27-positive cases. This restriction, and the known function of ERAP1 in peptide trimming prior to HLA Class I presentation, indicates that HLA-B27 is likely to operate in AS by a mechanism involving aberrant peptide handling. These advances point to several potential novel therapeutic approaches in AS.  相似文献   

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a highly familial rheumatic disorder and is considered as a chronic inflammatory disease. Genetic factors are involved in the pathogenesis of AS. To identify genes which render people susceptible to AS in a Taiwanese population, we selected six single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from previous genome-wide association studies (GWASs) which were associated with AS in European descendants and Han Chinese. To assess whether the six SNPs contributed to AS susceptibility and severity in Taiwanese population, 475 AS patients fulfilling the modified New York Criteria and 527 healthy subjects were recruited. We found that rs10865331 was significantly associated with AS susceptibility and with Bath AS Function Index (BASFI). The AA and AG genotypes of rs10865331 were also significantly associated with a higher erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Our findings provided evidence that rs10865331 is associated AS susceptibility and with disease activity (BASFI) in a Taiwanese population.  相似文献   

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a rhematoid arthritis, which is a common autoimmune disease with a complex genetic etiology. Although HLA-B27 has been identified to be associated with AS, a number of other genes may also be involved in the disease. Fc receptor-like 3 (FCRL3) gene has been shown to be associated with rheumatoid arthritis in Japanese population. Here we aim to explore the association FCRL3 gene and susceptibility to human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B27-positive AS in Han Chinese population. Among 169 AS patients, the frequencies of C and T (rs7522061) in FCRL3 gene were 38.7 and 61.3%, respectively; in 184 controls (HLA-B27-positive), the frequencies of C and T were 38.6 and 61.4%, respectively. The frequencies of alleles and genotype are not of statistically significant difference in two groups (χ2 = 0.000, P = 0.983; χ2 = 0.099, P = 0.952, respectively),but the distribution of HLA-B27 subtypes are statistically significant difference between cases and controls (χ2 = 8.214, P = 0.042). Our data reveal that the FCRL3 gene does not appear associated with susceptibility to HLA-B27-positive AS in Han Chinese population.  相似文献   

The HLA‐B*27 peptidome has drawn significant attention due to the genetic association between some of the HLA‐B*27 alleles and the inflammatory rheumatic disease ankylosing spondylitis (AS), for which a comprehensive biological explanation is still lacking. This study aims to expand the known limits of the HLA‐B*27 peptidome to facilitate selection and testing of new peptides, possibly involved in the disease. The HLA peptidomes of HeLa and C1R cell lines stably transfected with the AS‐associated HLA‐B*27:05 allele, the nonassociated HLA‐B*27:09 allele, or their cysteine 67 to serine mutants (C67S), are analyzed on a very large scale. In addition, the peptidomes of HLA‐B*27:05 and HLA‐B*27:05‐C67S are analyzed from the spleens of rats transgenic for these alleles. The results indicate that C67S mutation increases the percentage of peptides with glutamine or lysine at their P2 position (P2‐Lys), in both HLA‐B*27:05 and HLA‐B*27:09. Furthermore, a small fraction of HLA‐B*27 peptides contains lysine at their second position (P2), in addition to the more commonly found peptides with arginine (P2‐Arg) or the less common glutamine (P2‐Gln) located at this anchor position. Overall these data indicate that peptides with P2‐Lys should be considered as real ligands of HLA‐B*27 molecules and taken into account while looking for putative peptides implicated in the AS.  相似文献   



Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a severe, chronic inflammatory disease strongly associated with HLA-B27. The presence of additional HLA risk factors has been suggested by several studies. The aim of the current study is to assess the occurrence of an additional HLA susceptibility locus in the region between HLA-E and HLA-C in the Sardinian population.  相似文献   

Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) loci are both highly polymorphic, and some HLA class I molecules bind and trigger cell-surface receptors specified by KIR genes. We examined whether the combination of KIR3DS1/3DL1 genes in concert with HLA-B27 genotypes is associated with susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Two HLA-B27-positive Caucasian populations were selected, one from Spain (71 patients and 105 controls) and another from the Azores (Portugal) (55 patients and 75 controls). All were typed for HLA-B and KIR (3DS1 and 3DL1) genes. Our results show that in addition to B27, the allele 3DS1 is associated with AS compared with B27 controls (p < 0.0001 and p < 0.003 in the Spanish population and Azoreans, respectively). We also observed that the association of KIR3DS1 to AS was found in combination with HLA-B alleles carrying Bw4-I80 in trans position in the Spanish population (30.9% in AS versus 15.2% in B27 controls, p = 0.02, odds ratio (OR) = 2.49) and in Azoreans (27.2% in AS versus 8.7% in B27 controls, p = 0.01, OR = 4.4 in Azoreans). On the other hand, 3DL1 was decreased in patients compared with B27 controls (p < 0.0001 in the Spanish population and p < 0.003 in Azoreans). The presence of this allele in combination with Bw4-I80 had a protective effect against the development of AS in the Spanish population (19.7% in AS, 35.2% in B27 controls; p = 0.03, OR = 0.45). The presence of KIR3DS1 or KIR3DL1 in combination with HLA-B*27s/HLA-B Bw4-I80 genotypes may modulate the development of AS. The susceptibility to AS could be determined by the overall balance of activating and inhibitory composite KIR-HLA genotypes.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of celiac disease (CD) is associated with polymorphisms in human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes; however, compelling evidence suggests that additional non-HLA genes are associated with CD and related complications. The present study investigated whether killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR)/HLA gene combinations are associated with CD and its clinical complications in the population of northeast Italy. The study included 61 adults affected by CD: 48 patients were at first diagnosis and 13 patients had CD-related complications (8 with refractory CD and 5 with cancer). Controls were 69 blood donors genotyped for KIR and HLA. Several statistically significant differences emerged between CD patients and blood donors. The results herein presented show that susceptibility to CD with refractory disease or cancer is associated with various genotypes including the 2DS2/2DL2+C1, 2DS3, 3DL1, and 2DL5B genes. In addition, the absence of the Bw4 ligand may be a predisposing factor for cancer. These results suggest that a KIR haplotype and HLA ligands may be involved in the susceptibility to important clinical CD complications such as tumors or refractoriness as a result of a gluten-free diet.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the genetic features of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and their relationship to phenotypic heterogeneity in the disease, and addresses three questions: what do the recent studies on human leukocyte antigen (HLA) tell us about the genetic relationship between cutaneous psoriasis (PsO) and PsA – that is, is PsO a unitary phenotype; is PsA a genetically heterogeneous or homogeneous entity; and do the genetic factors implicated in determining susceptibility to PsA predict clinical phenotype? We first discuss the results from comparing the HLA typing of two PsO cohorts: one cohort providing the dermatologic perspective, consisting of patients with PsO without evidence of arthritic disease; and the second cohort providing the rheumatologic perspective, consisting of patients with PsA. We show that these two cohorts differ considerably in their predominant HLA alleles, indicating the heterogeneity of the overall PsO phenotype. Moreover, the genotype of patients in the PsA cohort was shown to be heterogeneous with significant elevations in the frequency of haplotypes containing HLA-B*08, HLA-C*06:02, HLA-B*27, HLA-B*38 and HLA-B*39. Because different genetic susceptibility genes imply different disease mechanisms, and possibly different clinical courses and therapeutic responses, we then review the evidence for a phenotypic difference among patients with PsA who have inherited different HLA alleles. We provide evidence that different alleles and, more importantly, different haplotypes implicated in determining PsA susceptibility are associated with different phenotypic characteristics that appear to be subphenotypes. The implication of these findings for the overall pathophysiologic mechanisms involved in PsA is discussed with specific reference to their bearing on the discussion of whether PsA is conceptualised as an autoimmune process or one that is based on entheseal responses.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory, putatively autoimmune disease characterized by multifocal demyelination in the central nervous system. Two main strategies are used to identify genes influencing the susceptibility to multiple sclerosis: (i) elucidation of the role of a candidate gene chosen on the basis of the possible function of the encoded protein in etiology and/or pathogenesis of the disease, and (ii) complete genomic screen using a panel of anonymous genetic markers for identification of the chromosome regions involved in the disease development. The complete genomic search revealed multiple loci for multiple sclerosis on thirteen chromosomes, and analysis of the candidate genes added three more chromosomes to this list. The combined data prove the polygenic nature of this complex disease. Detection of individual genes responsible for susceptibility to multiple sclerosis is complicated by the genetic heterogeneity of analyzed populations and families, which is determined both by the ethnic heterogeneity and the peculiarity of clinical forms of the disease. However, it seems highly probable that HLA and non-HLA genes of the major histocompatibility complex, as well as some unidentified genes on chromosomes 5p and 17q, are involved in the disease development. In addition to HLA, some authors have also shown that a role in the disease development is played by the genes encoding other components of the trimolecular complex involved in antigen presentation: those of the T-cell receptor and the best studied autoantigen, the myelin basic protein. The most promising for further studies of the genetic susceptibility to multiple sclerosis are approaches that combine the candidate-gene strategy with the complete genomic search as well as distinguish the genetically differentiated forms of the disease.  相似文献   

The Authors attested the evidence of a cross-reactivity among some Klebsiella antigens and HLA B 27 positive lymphocytes, suggesting the hypothesis that Klebsiella may be an initiating agent in ankylosing spondylitis (AS). The Authors determined also serum antibody response against Klebsiella antigens in AS patients. The results obtained are discussed.  相似文献   

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