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生态产业共生网络形成机理及其系统解析框架   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
袁增伟  毕军 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3182-3188
生态产业共生网络是由各种类型的企业通过经济、社会和环境方面的密切合作而形成的企业及企业间关系的复杂系统,其基本出发点是企业间必须具备环境合作,根本目的是提高资源生产力和生态效率。从形成生态产业共生网络的微观要素——企业环境责任入手,从环境伦理的角度阐释生态产业共生网络中企业的五类环境责任,并探讨其形成和运作机制——企业环境责任的市场化运作模式及约束机制。在此基础上,提出了基于技术可行性分析、经济可行性分析和社会环境可行性分析的生态产业共生网络三级解析框架,并对其解析方法做了探讨。  相似文献   

国内外产业共生网络研究比较述评   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
赵秋叶  施晓清  石磊 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7288-7301
产业共生网络是指基于物质及能量交换以及知识及基础设施共享而形成的在不同产业主体之间的合作共赢网络,是产业转型升级的重要保障。作为产业共生的运作方式,产业共生网络的研究国外从20世纪90年代开始从概念到实例就展开了一系列探讨,国内自2002年也开始在网络结构等方面开展相关研究。尤其在2008年以后,产业共生网络的研究方向不断拓宽,研究成果丰富多样。为明晰国内外产业共生网络研究的发展态势,促进产业共生网络理论体系的发展并使其得到有效应用。本文从共生网络内涵、结构、功能及评价、演化、管理调控等方面比较分析了国内外产业共生网络的研究进展,并对产业共生网络的发展前景做了展望。未来产业共生网络研究在不同尺度的比较及推演、数据信息平台的搭建以及产业共生网络演化模拟及管理调控的耦合等方面需重点关注。  相似文献   

共生理论视角下创新农业生态经济研究范式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱鹏颐  黄新焕 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6945-6952
共生理论认为异质共生生物在其生存过程中会表现出相互依存的关系。试图将这一论点移植到农业生态经济研究中,用以处理农业生产中生态效益与经济效益之间矛盾的问题。为此,把农业生态经济视为由生态单元与经济单元组成的异质共生体,分析了该共生体的结构与共生模式,并采用Logistic方程与数值模拟方法,探讨农业生态经济共生体的共生机制,揭示共生单元间的演化规律与成长特征。研究表明:共生模式在农业实践上创新应用的主要目标是将共生体从寄生共生模式向互惠共生模式转型,并提出正向转型的激励策略。共生单元的选择必须具有兼容性,共生单元间有明确的共生界面,促使物质、能量和信息的交流,以增加共生体内自由能。共生关系正向发展要遵循共生演进规律,偏利共生模式是演进到互惠共生模式的必经过程。培育互惠共生适存的共生环境对促进共生体演进至关重要。这些研究成果为农业生态经济研究提供一个新范式,并开创一条研究新思路与方法。  相似文献   

施晓清  李笑诺  杨建新 《生态学报》2013,33(19):6398-6410
资源流代谢失调是造成产业生态环境问题的主要原因之一,对其实施基于共生网络的生态管理是解决问题的一项重要的举措。运用全生命周期的思想构建了产业资源共生网络及其管理框架,并运用全生命周期评价的方法,借助生命周期评价软件GaBi4,分别选取EI99 (Eco-Indicator 99)、CML2001 EP评价体系,以武汉市造纸产业为例,通过设计合理的资源流网络关系及中水、废纸和污泥利用共生路径构建虚拟造纸产业共生网络,对比分析了共生设计系统与原有共生系统的各生态环境影响。并运用市场价值法对共生设计系统的经济效益进行了分析。结果表明:共生设计系统总的环境影响、生态系统质量、人体健康、资源损耗值的环境影响分值分别为1166.445、814.509、148.893、203.045,比原有系统分别减少23.91%、19.15%、46.56%、22.26%;其中富营养化、气候变化的影响分别比原有系统降低56.25%、16.62%。同时共生设计系统通过污水、废纸及污泥的回用,在不考虑市场波动的情况下,可获得1018-7252万元的经济效益。可见,通过构建共生网络的生态管理是提高资源利用效率的有效手段之一,在一定条件下可取得明显的环境和经济效益。  相似文献   

基于GIS的产业生态学研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王雪  施晓清 《生态学报》2017,37(4):1346-1357
产业生态学由于缺少关于空间分析的工具,使得研究结果因缺乏空间维度信息而影响对管理效率和精准度的支持。基于GIS的产业生态学相关研究已成为产业生态学研究的一个新的方向。为总结已有的研究成果并展望未来的研究方向,运用文献计量及对比分析的手段,系统分析了国内外基于GIS的产业生态学的相关研究进展,得出以下结论:当前基于GIS的产业生态研究主要集中在物质代谢、产业共生和生命周期评价3个方面,将GIS技术引入到物质代谢研究中,可以更好的展示物质代谢的时空分布格局,为物质代谢研究提供了一种新的方法;基于GIS技术,不仅可以更加高效地挖掘潜在的产业共生机会,还可应用于生态产业园的规划管理如企业的选址、空间布局等以及废弃物的回收再利用方面;将GIS与LCA耦合在一起,可以很好地补充、完善和管理传统数据,有助于探索产品、活动或工艺的环境影响的空间特性以及进行土地利用相关的环境影响评价。另外,国内外研究的侧重点也不尽相同。在物质代谢研究中,国内研究较少,仅在城市尺度上进行了基础设施的物质代谢及其存量分析,国外在国家、城市尺度上研究了铜、锌等金属的物质代谢情况;在产业共生研究中,国内侧重于生态产业园的研究,而国外侧重于城市尺度的产业共生机会识别的研究;在LCA的研究中,国内开展了基于GIS的生命周期评价数据库和产品材料信息管理系统的研究,而国外侧重于进行区域化的生命周期评价、进行土地利用影响类型的相关评价以及污染物的追踪,国内在该方面尚处于起步阶段。国内外在研究方法上存在共性,都是基于GIS的空间分析方法、缓冲区分析方法以及数据库技术等。未来将GIS作为一个平台,面向产业转型展开产业生态学综合理论方法的研究,可以为产业的可持续性管理提供有效支持。  相似文献   

通过ABM方法研究生态产业共生系统,利用STARLOGO软件平台,并结合案例分析生态产业共生系统的宏观规律。研究结果表明,(1)对于规模相当的不同的生态产业共生系统,在资源输入一定情况下,直接利用输入资源的企业总规模大于对系统内废弃物再利用的企业总规模是有利于系统稳定的:(2)对于特定的生态产业共生系统,系统稳定性对系统参数改变时的敏感性是不一样的,其中对污染物产出指标最敏感,对污染物产生量与系统产出的比例关系其次,对资源输入指标最不敏感;(3)系统时间序列稳定性的变化主要由节点处企业Ⅱ的不稳定性导致。  相似文献   

矿区生态产业共生系统的稳定性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙博  王广成 《生态学报》2012,32(10):3296-3302
以矿区生态产业共生系统为研究对象,重点研究了影响其稳定性的因素。从矿区生态产业共生系统的共生模式及其共生策略两方面对系统稳定性进行了深入探讨。利用Logistic模型分析共生模式对系统稳定性的影响;利用博弈论分析共生策略对系统稳定性的影响。在此基础上,提出了相应的解决方案,从而有助于解决矿区生态产业共生系统的稳定性问题。  相似文献   

刘晶茹  聶鑫蕊  周传斌  石垚  刘瑞权 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4891-4896
生态产业园已成为我国循环经济建设和可持续发展的重要载体之一,但我国的生态产业园明显存在着产业结构趋同、区域特色不鲜明等问题。提出了农工共生型生态产业园的概念,这是一类以工业园区为核心,集园区周边各类型农业相关企业、合作组织、农民、乡镇及农田为一体的一种"社会-经济-自然"复合区域产业共生体系。农工共生型生态产业园可以实现核心园区与周边腹地的协同发展,可以提升区域整体的生态效率。给出了农工共生型生态产业园的发展模式、建设意义及设计原则。并以农业大省河南省中唯一的国家级经济技术开发区为研究案例,结合当地区域特色及资源优势,构建了由3条产品链及一条服务链所组成的农工共生型产业生态系统。农工共生型生态产业园是产业共生理论在区域层面的具体实现,是复合生态系统理论在产业园层次的创新性应用。  相似文献   

中国产业共生发展模式的国际比较及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石磊  刘果果  郭思平 《生态学报》2012,32(12):3950-3957
产业共生和生态工业园区已经成为世界范围内产业生态化转型的重要手段之一。在厘清产业共生发展模式内涵的基础上,借鉴商业模式的划分准则辨识了世界范围内6种产业共生模式:丹麦卡伦堡模式、美国模式、英国模式、日本模式、韩国模式和中国模式。从关键参与者、核心能力以及资金流3个维度对这些模式进行了辨识,重点比较了我国产业共生与其他模式的差别。研究表明,我国产业共生实践数量众多,在关键参与主体、核心能力培育和资金流等方面存在丰富的多样化,虽然形成了一定的中国特色,但并没有形成固定的"中国模式"。可以说,我国的产业共生实践还停留在初级阶段,下一步可持续的发展必须要建立合理的管制架构、形成稳定的资金支持机制和培育核心竞争能力。初级提出了我国产业共生和生态工业园区建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

 榕树-传粉者共生体系是目前植物与昆虫协同进化研究中的典型模式之一。国内外已经开展了大量的相关研究,从不同方面探讨了其特殊的一一对应的共生关系。榕树-传粉者的专一性互惠共生关系中蕴含了与系统发育有关的多因子协同进化的机理,因此,进行系统发育研究将有助于更好地揭示榕树-传粉者的协同进化历史和理解二者的专一性互惠共生关系。本文简单地介绍了目前榕树及其传粉者共生体系的研究状况之后,论述了榕树-传粉者协同进化的系统发育分子生物学研究成果。同时针对国际上在榕属植物的传统的系统与分类研究中存在的一些分歧及榕树传粉者亚科分类不匹配等问题,回顾了榕属的分类研究进展及其与传粉者的关系。最后,结合我国榕树与传粉者共生体系的研究状况对我国榕属的重新分类和系统发育研究作了展望。  相似文献   

Industrial symbiosis (IS) is an important concept in the field of industrial ecology that has disseminated worldwide as a practice to decrease the ecological impact of industrial processes through the exchange of by‐products and waste between units in a system. The forestry industry is the main economic activity in the region of Lages in southern Brazil. IS relationships have expanded with the use of waste material from wood processing and strengthened cooperation between companies in different sectors. The aims of this article were to: a) quantify the level of IS in the system, b) identify the benefits of IS for participants, and c) explain why the network further developed IS to the formation of an industrial ecosystem. A questionnaire was administered during visits to 24 forestry companies in order to analyze their products and processes, commercial relations, positive impacts, and local insertion. The industrial symbiosis indicator (ISI) was determined using waste stream data from the system to represent the level of symbiosis among the companies in this region. The results show that the companies participate in a symbiotic network, mainly involving the exchange of chips, bark, sawdust and shavings. In most cases, these exchanges occur between nearby companies, constituting an extensive industrial ecosystem.  相似文献   

Innovative waste recycling through industrial processes such as industrial and urban symbiosis has long been practiced and recently received much attention in the field of industrial ecology, with researchers making efforts to identify key contributing factors to successful industrial symbiosis. By analyzing 88 sample recycling projects in 23 eco‐towns in Japan, this article focuses on the factors of project scale, recycling boundary, and types of waste in relationship to environmental benefits and operational performance. The results showed that larger eco‐towns achieved more savings of virgin materials and higher stability in operation. Large‐scale projects tended to locate closer to the users of recycled products than did small‐scale projects. For treating similar types of waste, projects producing recycled products for special users (e.g., feedstock to a blast furnace for iron production) tended to locate closer to the users than those not producing for special users. The type of waste had a strong effect on the savings of virgin materials and recycling boundaries, while local factors had significant impacts on operational performance. The results also showed that agglomeration did not significantly contribute to the environmental benefits or operational performance of eco‐town projects. Another finding was that national agencies were helpful for facilitating cross‐prefecture transportation and long‐distance transaction of wastes. Implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

刘晶茹  严玉廷  聶鑫蕊  严丽 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7202-7207
近年来,产业共生作为产业生态学最具特征的领域引起了相关研究者的广泛关注。当前的研究逐渐从产业共生系统的定性描述分析转向定量的系统评价上。传统的产业共生系统环境效益评价仅仅关注共生系统本身,而忽视了占环境影响20%—50%的上、下游过程及替代过程的环境影响,为了得到客观的、系统的环境影响评价,将生命周期分析方法引入产业共生效益评价显得尤为重要。首先回顾了生命周期分析方法在产业共生研究中的发展过程,接着评述了3种生命周期分析方法在产业生态研究中的优劣势。并重点分析了将生命周期思想引入产业共生效益评价方法存在的功能单位设定问题及系统边界的选择问题。最后,呼吁为避免隐形污染的转移,必须尽快将生命周期分析的方法和管理理念引入我国生态工业园设计、规划、评价和管理的全过程中。  相似文献   

Reusing heat through process integration in heat exchanger networks has long been a key measure for increasing energy efficiency in energy‐intensive industries. Thermal pinch analysis is commonly used for a systematic matching of process streams and thus planning of optimal process integration in large chemical plants. The possible savings increase with the amount of heat and the number of integrated process streams. Therefore co‐ siting of several companies in a symbiotic network opens new opportunities for process integration even in small and medium‐size enterprises (SMEs), but also introduces new challenges. Thermal pinch analysis is extended here to account for piping distances and fluctuations and limited availability of energy flows by adding additional costs for the piping system and a backup utility system in the optimization function. Cooperative game theory is proposed to derive a sharing of savings between the partners of the industrial symbiosis that is optimal for each partner and should prevent partners from leaving the network because of higher benefits in a subgroup or alone. It is argued that knowledge about the optimality of a network for each partner creates trust between the partners that is a necessary base for the long‐term commitment needed in industrial symbioses. An exemplary symbiotic network combining the production of pulp and woody biomass energy carriers is used to illustrate the proposed approaches.  相似文献   

Closing loops by intercompany recycling of by‐products is a core theme of industrial ecology (IE). This article considers whether industrial recycling networks or industrial symbiosis projects can be used as a starting point for much broader intercompany cooperation for sustainable development. Evidence presented is based on the results of an empirical investigation of the recycling network Styria in Austria, the recycling network Oldenburger Münsterland in Germany, and the manufacturing sector in Austria. Statistical analysis shows that the percentage of by‐products that are passed on to other companies for recycling purposes is not higher in member companies of the recycling networks than in the other companies of the manufacturing sector in Austria. In terms of cooperation, the relationships with the respective recycling partners are found to be very similar to regular customer relations. Furthermore, the companies of the recycling networks remain unaware of the network to which they belong. Instead, one of the main findings of this study is that intercompany recycling activities are regarded by the company representatives as bilateral market transactions, not as collaborative network activities. This has potentially significant implications for the use of industrial symbiosis networks as starting points for sustainability networks with broader cooperation toward sustainability. The findings raise interesting questions as to whether such broader cooperation might result from a conscious planning process or might emerge largely spontaneously as part of normal market coordination. In any case, intercompany recycling is clearly considered to be a very important field of collaborative action for sustainability in industry.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the evolution of the research field of industrial symbiosis (IS). We elucidate its embedding in industrial ecology (IE), trace the development of research themes, and reveal the evolution of the research network through analysis of the core literature and journals that appeared from 1997 to 2012 by citation analysis, cocitation analysis, and network analysis. In the first period (1997–2005), IS research held a minority share in the IE literature. The research revolved around the concept of IS, the assessment of eco‐industrial park projects, and the establishment of waste treatment and recycling networks. In the second period (2006–2012), diverse research approaches and theories enriched the field, which has led to a maturation in theory building. Our findings clearly illustrate that IS evolved from practice‐oriented research toward coherent theory building through a systematic underpinning and linking of diverse topics. As scientific attention shifted from exploring a phenomenon to elucidating underlying mechanisms, IS knowledge found worldwide practical implementation. The coauthorship network shows that the academic communities of IS are distributed worldwide and that international collaboration is widespread. Through bibliometric and network analysis of IS, we have created a systemic, quantitative image of the evolution of the IS research field and community, which gives IS researchers an underpinned overview of the IS research and may help them to identify new directions and synergy in worldwide research.  相似文献   

Symbiotic nitrogen recycling enables animals to thrive on nitrogen-poor diets and environments. It traditionally refers to the utilization of animal waste nitrogen by symbiotic micro-organisms to synthesize essential amino acids (EAAs), which are translocated back to the animal host. We applied metabolic modelling and complementary metabolite profiling to investigate nitrogen recycling in the symbiosis between the pea aphid and the intracellular bacterium Buchnera, which synthesizes EAAs. The results differ from traditional notions of nitrogen recycling in two important respects. First, aphid waste ammonia is recycled predominantly by the host cell (bacteriocyte) and not Buchnera. Host cell recycling is mediated by shared biosynthetic pathways for four EAAs, in which aphid transaminases incorporate ammonia-derived nitrogen into carbon skeletons synthesized by Buchnera to generate EAAs. Second, the ammonia substrate for nitrogen recycling is derived from bacteriocyte metabolism, such that the symbiosis is not a sink for nitrogenous waste from other aphid organs. Host cell-mediated nitrogen recycling may be general among insect symbioses with shared EAA biosynthetic pathways generated by the loss of symbiont genes mediating terminal reactions in EAA synthesis.  相似文献   

Resource and energy efficiency are key strategies for production and recycling networks. They can contribute to more sustainable industrial production and can help cope with challenges such as competition, rising resource and energy prices, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, and scarce and expensive landfill space. In pursuit of these objectives, further enhancements of single processes are often technologically sophisticated and expensive due to past achievements that have brought the processes closer to technical optima. Nevertheless, the potential for network‐wide advancements may exist. Methods are required to identify and assess the potential for promising resource and energy efficiency measures from technical, economic, and ecological perspectives. This article presents an approach for a material flow‐based techno‐economic as well as ecological analysis and assessment of resource efficiency measures in production and recycling networks. Based on thermodynamic process models of different production and recycling processes, a material and energy flow model of interlinked production and recycling processes on the level of chemical compounds is developed. The model can be used to improve network‐wide resource efficiency by analyzing and assessing measures in scenario and sensitivity analyses. A necessary condition for overcoming technical and economic barriers for implementing such measures can be fulfilled by identifying strategies that appear technologically feasible and economically and ecologically favorable. An exemplary application to a production and recycling network of the German steel and zinc industry is presented. From a methodological point of view, the approach shows one way of introducing thermodynamics and further technological aspects into industrial planning and assessment.  相似文献   

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