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林力涛  马克明 《菌物学报》2019,38(11):1826-1839
菌根共生体是生物界最广泛的互惠共生体,共生关系多样性是生物多样性的重要组成部分,当前群落尺度菌根共生关系研究才刚刚起步,但发展迅速。网络分析作为生态学研究的重要手段逐渐在菌根共生关系中得以应用,网络分析为群落尺度探究菌根真菌多样性分布规律、共生机制研究提供新观点和途径,对菌根真菌群落结构、生态功能研究具有重要意义。本文总结了网络分析方法在单点式、双点式和多点式菌根共生关系网络研究中的优势和局限性,同时还阐述了零模型选择和构建网络大小对关系网络度量指数的影响,为菌根真菌群落结构、生态功能研究提供新思路,为后续群落尺度菌根共生关系格局研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

柯为 《微生物学通报》2006,33(1):148-148
人们很熟悉生物界的共生实体如根瘤、菌根、地衣等,这是最典型的共生体(symbiont),也就是说,这是微生物与植物形成在营养、生理方面形成互为有利(互惠)的整体,且有形态的表现;在自然界还有没有形态表现而彼此互惠关系而形成的整体。研究共生体的形态、结构或生理、生化的及其功能规律的科学称之为共生生物学(symbiology)。原始共生关系在生物界较为普遍,  相似文献   

互利共生是指两种不同生物之间所形成的紧密互利关系。文章以海鞘与蓝藻共生关系的典型实例为代表,介绍了蓝藻与海鞘共生关系的发现过程;蓝藻在海鞘间世代传递的机制;两者在共生关系中可能存在的生理功能,如蓝藻共生体通过碳固定、参与氮循环和产生代谢物等方式为海鞘提供营养并参与海鞘的防御活动,海鞘可供给共生体生长所需的一部分氮素营养和提供抗紫外线的保护等。对海鞘与蓝藻共生关系的研究将有助于理解生物进化过程,以及为进一步开发利用海洋生物之间的共生关系提供研究基础。  相似文献   

互惠共生微生物多样性研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓互惠共生微生物(mutualistic symbiotic microbes,MSM)是指能定殖其他生物构建互惠共生体系的微生物,主要包括互惠共生细菌、互惠共生放线菌和互惠共生真菌等。MSM种类繁多、分布广泛、物种多样性丰富,涉及原核生物界和真菌界等。MSM定殖人体、动物、植物、藻类或其他真菌,可构建各自相应的互惠共生体系,进而形成范围更加巨大的共生网络,发挥不可替代的生理生态功能。本文在介绍MSM概念的基础上,重点总结了MSM多样性研究进展,指出了目前研究中尚存在的问题,探讨了今后应该开展的工作,MSM多样性研究成果可望为研发MSM应用技术提供依据和材料。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根共生关系的信号机制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
刘炜  冯虎元 《西北植物学报》2006,26(10):2173-2178
在植物与微生物的共生体中,最广泛的互惠共生体就是丛枝菌根.真菌在植物根系形成菌根后,菌丝通过根的皮层细胞获取植物提供的碳源,同时将矿物营养和水从土壤转运到皮层细胞,这种共生过程的研究在生物多样性的保护、陆生植物的起源与演化、退化生态系统的修复与重建以及农业、林业和园艺业的应用具有重要的意义.近年来丛枝菌根真菌与植物根系建立共生关系的信号传导途径和作用机制备受关注,也取得了突破性的进展.本文对丛枝菌根真菌与植物根系在共生关系形成、营养交换以及防御方面的分子信号和细胞方面的研究进展进行综述,并对发展前景作以展望.  相似文献   

真菌与植物共生是一种非常普遍、复杂和重要的生物学现象。真菌与植物共生部位、共生类型和共生结构的多样性,以及参入共生的真菌和植物多样性奠定真菌与植物共生的生物学基础。真菌与植物首先通过分子"对话"的生化机制相互识别构建共生体,进而由真菌和植物双方生理机制调控共生体发育及其生理功能,以构建稳定有效的共生体。真菌与植物的空间、营养和功能生态位很多是相近的,双方均面临相同的生态选择压力,需要共同抵抗不良生境,以适应更多环境。因此,真菌和植物通过两者共生的生态学机制增强植物抗逆性,减轻有害生物危害,提高其竞争力和生境的适应能力。真菌和植物长期的协同演化过程中,种群间的基因交流及其差异导致不同的基因组合,奠定了共生体多样化的基础与资源。此遗传学机制形成的多种遗传组合的共生体不仅使真菌和植物在各环境压力下共存,还可以不断进化发展。真菌和植物共生研究方面已形成较为完善的体系,加强真菌与植物共生理论的研究,特别是该类共生体遗传背景、基因与环境互作效应及其机制的阐明,将有助于诠释真菌与植物共生的生物学机制。  相似文献   

纤毛虫与藻类的共生关系在水体环境中广泛存在并有着重要的生态功能。文章回顾了国内外纤毛虫与藻类共生研究的发展历程,主要介绍了纤毛虫与藻类共生的生态功能,以及显微观察与分子生物学技术在纤毛虫与藻类共生研究中的应用;阐述了包括草履虫与小球藻共生关系建立的4个过程及其互作机制、红色中缢虫与隐藻的共生关系、宿主与共生体之间的互作等内容;提出了纤毛虫与藻类共生研究中亟待解决的科学问题,包括草履虫食物泡膜(digestive vacuole, DV)与围藻膜(perialgal vacuole, PV)发挥作用的分子机制、红色中缢虫与隐藻共生关系的建立过程、红色中缢虫在共生过程中的功能作用等,并展望未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

张其春  郗永勤 《生态学报》2017,37(11):3607-3618
挖掘城市废弃物中有价值的资源,已经成为世界各国开展废弃物开发与管理的共同选择。产业共生是推动经济绿色发展和提高资源效率的战略工具,已经成为探讨废弃物资源化利用问题的重要视角。将产业共生理论引入城市废弃物资源化利用领域,提出城市废弃物资源化共生网络的概念,并将其典型特征概括为"四个统一",即价值网络与责任网络的统一,集聚共生与虚拟共生的统一,稳健型与脆弱性的统一以及自组织性与主体建构性的统一。借鉴超网络理论构建城市废弃物资源化共生网络体系的结构模型,并从共生单元、共生模式、共生界面和共生环境4个层面对该模型进行详细解析。城市废弃物资源化共生网络可分为核心网络和外围网络,两者之间存在全方位、多层次的合作机制。在城市废弃物资源化共生网络中,共生单元具有多层次性和多样性特征,它们之间存在着不同类型、效率各异的共生关系,推动共生模式向对称互惠一体化共生进化是破解城市废弃物资源化利用难题的关键;共生界面具有物质交换、能量传递、信息共享、知识传播及利益协调等多样化功能,而共生关系的进化以及共生界面功能发挥又依赖于优越的共生环境。此外,城市废弃物资源化共生网络有依托型、平等型、嵌套型和虚拟型等4种运作模式,国内典型案例分析表明这4种运作模式将长期并存。  相似文献   

纤毛类原生动物中宿主—共生体系统的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前已经在100多种纤毛虫中观察到细菌、藻类和其他微生物等共生体。对纤毛虫中宿主-共生体系统的研究表明,双小核草履虫中卡巴粒的遗传为细胞质遗传理论提供了例证;含细菌共生体的许多厌氧纤毛虫无线粒体,共生体对宿主代谢有重要作用;尾草履虫-钝状全孢螺菌共生作用中,共生菌感染形式的39kDa、15kDa周质蛋白可分别与IF-3-1、IF-3-2两种单抗反应,其共生体早期感染过程中两种抗原的量发生显著变化,并且共生体生殖形式选择性地合成63kDa蛋白质,该蛋白质可能是与共生作有联系的关键分子;绿草履虫-小球藻共生系统中,共生藻中存在葡糖胺硬性壁是其与草履虫发生共生关系的基本条件,其中,共生藻参与宿主代谢,与宿主形成相互受益的专一性关系,并且藻类共生体的作用可能影响了宿主草履虫基因组有关结构,改变了其基因表达。作者推测,探索共生体对宿主基因结构及其表达产物的影响可能是对纤毛虫中共生作用研究的主要趋势,这对于深入了解真核细胞中宿主-共生体双方的相互作用、物质交流在分子水平上的调控机理、细胞结构与功能的关系等细胞生命活动规律是有意义的。  相似文献   

目前已经在100多种纤毛虫中观察到细菌、藻类和其他微生物等共生体。对纤毛虫中宿主-共生体系统的研究表明,双小核草履虫中卡巴粒的遗传为细胞质遗传理论提供了例证;含细菌共生体的许多厌氧纤毛虫无线粒体,共生体对宿主代谢有重要作用;尾草履虫-钝状全孢螺菌共生作用中,共生菌感染形式的39kDa、15kDa周质蛋白可分别与IF-3-1、IF-3-2两种单抗反应,其共生体早期感染过程中两种抗原的量发生显著变化,并且共生体生殖形式选择性地合成63kDa蛋白质,该蛋白质可能是与共生作用有联系的关键分子;绿草履虫-小球藻共生系统中,共生藻中存在葡糖胺硬性壁是其与草履虫发生共生关系的基本条件,其中,共生藻参与宿主代谢,与宿主形成相互受益的专一性关系,并且藻类共生体的作用可能影响了宿主草履虫基因组有关结构,改变了其基因表达。作者推测,探索共生体对宿主基因结构及其表达产物的影响可能是对纤毛虫中共生作用研究的主要趋势,这对于深入了解真核细胞中宿主-共生体双方的相互作用、物质交流在分子水平上的调控机理、细胞结构与功能的关系等细胞生命活动规律是有意义的。  相似文献   

In this paper we develop and investigate a dynamic energy budget (DEB) model describing the syntrophic symbiotic relationship between a heterotrophic host and an internal photoautotrophic symbiont. The model specifies the flows of matter and energy among host, symbiont and environment with minimal complexity and uses the concept of synthesizing units to describe smoothly the assimilation of multiple limiting factors, in particular inorganic carbon and nitrogen, and irradiance. The model has two passive regulation mechanisms: the symbiont shares only photosynthate that it cannot use itself, and the host delivers only excess nutrients to the symbiont. With parameter values plausible for scleractinian corals, we show that these two regulation mechanisms suffice to obtain a stable symbiotic relationship under constant ambient conditions, provided those conditions support sustenance of host and symbiont. Furthermore, the symbiont density in the host varies relatively little as a function of ambient food density, inorganic nitrogen and irradiance. This symbiont density tends to increase with light deprivation or nitrogen enrichment, either directly or via food. We also investigate the relative benefit each partner derives from the relationship and conclude that this relationship may shift from mutualism to parasitism as environmental conditions change.  相似文献   

The symbiosis between Ambystoma maculatum (spotted salamander) embryos and green algae was initially described over 120 years ago. Algae populate the egg capsules that surround individual A. maculatum embryos, giving the intracapsular fluid a characteristic green hue. Early work established this symbiosis to be a mutualism, while subsequent studies sought to identify the material benefits of this association to both symbiont and host. These studies have shown that salamander embryos benefit from increased oxygen concentrations provided by their symbiotic algae. The algae, in turn, may benefit from ammonia excreted by the embryos. All of these early studies considered the association to be an ectosymbiotic mutualism. However our recent work has shown that algae invade both embryonic salamander cells and tissues during development. The unexpected invasion of algal cells into a salamander host changes our understanding of this symbiosis. This review will summarize the earlier research on this association in the context of these recent findings. It will also emphasize gaps in our understanding of this and other amphibian embryo-algal interactions and suggest various research avenues to address these unanswered questions.  相似文献   

The stabilization of host–symbiont mutualism against the emergence of parasitic individuals is pivotal to the evolution of cooperation. One of the most famous symbioses occurs between legumes and their colonizing rhizobia, in which rhizobia extract nutrients (or benefits) from legume plants while supplying them with nitrogen resources produced by nitrogen fixation (or costs). Natural environments, however, are widely populated by ineffective rhizobia that extract benefits without paying costs and thus proliferate more efficiently than nitrogen-fixing cooperators. How and why this mutualism becomes stabilized and evolutionarily persists has been extensively discussed. To better understand the evolutionary dynamics of this symbiosis system, we construct a simple model based on the continuous snowdrift game with multiple interacting players. We investigate the model using adaptive dynamics and numerical simulations. We find that symbiotic evolution depends on the cost–benefit balance, and that cheaters widely emerge when the cost and benefit are similar in strength. In this scenario, the persistence of the symbiotic system is compatible with the presence of cheaters. This result suggests that the symbiotic relationship is robust to the emergence of cheaters, and may explain the prevalence of cheating rhizobia in nature. In addition, various stabilizing mechanisms, such as partner fidelity feedback, partner choice, and host sanction, can reinforce the symbiotic relationship by affecting the fitness of symbionts in various ways. This result suggests that the symbiotic relationship is cooperatively stabilized by various mechanisms. In addition, mixed nodule populations are thought to encourage cheater emergence, but our model predicts that, in certain situations, cheaters can disappear from such populations. These findings provide a theoretical basis of the evolutionary dynamics of legume–rhizobia symbioses, which is extendable to other single-host, multiple-colonizer systems.  相似文献   

Ecological theory and observational evidence suggest that symbiotic interactions such as cleaning symbioses can shift from mutualism to parasitism. However, field experimental evidence documenting these shifts has never been reported for a cleaning symbiosis. Here, we demonstrate shifts in a freshwater cleaning symbiosis in a system involving crayfish and branchiobdellid annelids. Branchiobdellids have been shown to benefit their hosts under some conditions by cleaning material from host crayfish's gill filaments. The system is uniquely suited as an experimental model for symbiosis due to ease of manipulation and ubiquity of the organisms. In three field experiments, we manipulated densities of worms on host crayfish and measured host growth in field enclosures. In all cases, the experiments revealed shifts from mutualism to parasitism: host crayfish growth was highest at intermediate densities of branchiobdellid symbionts, while high symbiont densities led to growth that was lower or not significantly different from 0-worm controls. Growth responses were consistent even though the three experiments involved different crayfish and worm species and were performed at different locations. Results also closely conformed to a previous laboratory experiment using the same system. The mechanism for these shifts appears to be that branchiobdellids switched from cleaning host gills at intermediate densities of worms to consuming host gill tissue at high densities. These outcomes clearly demonstrate shifts along a symbiosis continuum with the maximum benefits to the host at intermediate symbiont densities. At high symbiont densities, benefits to the host disappear, and there is some evidence for a weak parasitism. These are the first field experimental results to demonstrate such shifts in a cleaning symbiosis.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic changes can influence mutualism evolution; however, the genomic regions underpinning mutualism that are most affected by environmental change are generally unknown, even in well-studied model mutualisms like the interaction between legumes and their nitrogen (N)-fixing rhizobia. Such genomic information can shed light on the agents and targets of selection maintaining cooperation in nature. We recently demonstrated that N-fertilization has caused an evolutionary decline in mutualistic partner quality in the rhizobia that form symbiosis with clover. Here, population genomic analyses of N-fertilized versus control rhizobium populations indicate that evolutionary differentiation at a key symbiosis gene region on the symbiotic plasmid (pSym) contributes to partner quality decline. Moreover, patterns of genetic variation at selected loci were consistent with recent positive selection within N-fertilized environments, suggesting that N-rich environments might select for less beneficial rhizobia. By studying the molecular population genomics of a natural bacterial population within a long-term ecological field experiment, we find that: (i) the N environment is indeed a potent selective force mediating mutualism evolution in this symbiosis, (ii) natural variation in rhizobium partner quality is mediated in part by key symbiosis genes on the symbiotic plasmid, and (iii) differentiation at selected genes occurred in the context of otherwise recombining genomes, resembling eukaryotic models of adaptation.  相似文献   

根瘤菌共生固氮能力的进化模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根瘤菌-豆科植物共生固氮体系对农业的可持续性发展至关重要,也是研究原核与真核生物互利共生的模式体系之一。长期以来,根瘤菌共生固氮相关研究主要集中在结瘤因子与固氮酶合成及调控等少数关键基因,但仅获得这些关键基因却不能保证细菌获得结瘤固氮能力。随着比较和功能基因组学的快速发展和应用,越来越多的研究发现根瘤菌使用了很多系统发育分支特异的遗传机制与豆科植物建立有效的共生关系,进一步揭示了双方互利共生的复杂性。本综述总结了近年来比较基因组学、遗传学以及实验进化等方面的相关研究进展,在此基础上讨论根瘤菌共生固氮能力的进化模式。  相似文献   



Host-symbiont co-speciation and reductive genome evolution have been commonly observed among obligate endocellular insect symbionts, while such examples have rarely been identified among extracellular ones, the only case reported being from gut symbiotic bacteria of stinkbugs of the family Plataspidae. Considering that gut symbiotic communities are vulnerable to invasion of foreign microbes, gut symbiotic associations have been thought to be evolutionarily not stable. Stinkbugs of the family Acanthosomatidae harbor a bacterial symbiont in the midgut crypts, the lumen of which is completely sealed off from the midgut main tract, thereby retaining the symbiont in the isolated cryptic cavities. We investigated histological, ecological, phylogenetic, and genomic aspects of the unique gut symbiosis of the acanthosomatid stinkbugs.  相似文献   

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