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张其春  郗永勤 《生态学报》2017,37(11):3607-3618
挖掘城市废弃物中有价值的资源,已经成为世界各国开展废弃物开发与管理的共同选择。产业共生是推动经济绿色发展和提高资源效率的战略工具,已经成为探讨废弃物资源化利用问题的重要视角。将产业共生理论引入城市废弃物资源化利用领域,提出城市废弃物资源化共生网络的概念,并将其典型特征概括为"四个统一",即价值网络与责任网络的统一,集聚共生与虚拟共生的统一,稳健型与脆弱性的统一以及自组织性与主体建构性的统一。借鉴超网络理论构建城市废弃物资源化共生网络体系的结构模型,并从共生单元、共生模式、共生界面和共生环境4个层面对该模型进行详细解析。城市废弃物资源化共生网络可分为核心网络和外围网络,两者之间存在全方位、多层次的合作机制。在城市废弃物资源化共生网络中,共生单元具有多层次性和多样性特征,它们之间存在着不同类型、效率各异的共生关系,推动共生模式向对称互惠一体化共生进化是破解城市废弃物资源化利用难题的关键;共生界面具有物质交换、能量传递、信息共享、知识传播及利益协调等多样化功能,而共生关系的进化以及共生界面功能发挥又依赖于优越的共生环境。此外,城市废弃物资源化共生网络有依托型、平等型、嵌套型和虚拟型等4种运作模式,国内典型案例分析表明这4种运作模式将长期并存。  相似文献   

国内外产业共生网络研究比较述评   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
赵秋叶  施晓清  石磊 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7288-7301
产业共生网络是指基于物质及能量交换以及知识及基础设施共享而形成的在不同产业主体之间的合作共赢网络,是产业转型升级的重要保障。作为产业共生的运作方式,产业共生网络的研究国外从20世纪90年代开始从概念到实例就展开了一系列探讨,国内自2002年也开始在网络结构等方面开展相关研究。尤其在2008年以后,产业共生网络的研究方向不断拓宽,研究成果丰富多样。为明晰国内外产业共生网络研究的发展态势,促进产业共生网络理论体系的发展并使其得到有效应用。本文从共生网络内涵、结构、功能及评价、演化、管理调控等方面比较分析了国内外产业共生网络的研究进展,并对产业共生网络的发展前景做了展望。未来产业共生网络研究在不同尺度的比较及推演、数据信息平台的搭建以及产业共生网络演化模拟及管理调控的耦合等方面需重点关注。  相似文献   

产业生态系统资源代谢分析方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
产业生态系统是由企业群、资源及环境组成的社会-经济-环境复合生态系统。资源代谢是其功能运行的重要保障。资源代谢在时间和空间尺度上的耗竭及阻滞是造成严重生态环境问题的主要原因。根据生态学原理,运用物质流分析手段解析了产业生态系统的物质流、能流及资金流结构,构建了产业生态系统资源代谢分析模型,提出了资源输入-使用-输出-循环共生四方面的资源代谢分析指标体系和基于模糊综合分析的资源代谢问题树分析方法。在此基础上提出了基于循环共生网络结构模型的生态管理模式。以期为产业资源的生态管理提供方法支撑。  相似文献   

施晓清  李笑诺  杨建新 《生态学报》2013,33(19):6398-6410
资源流代谢失调是造成产业生态环境问题的主要原因之一,对其实施基于共生网络的生态管理是解决问题的一项重要的举措。运用全生命周期的思想构建了产业资源共生网络及其管理框架,并运用全生命周期评价的方法,借助生命周期评价软件GaBi4,分别选取EI99 (Eco-Indicator 99)、CML2001 EP评价体系,以武汉市造纸产业为例,通过设计合理的资源流网络关系及中水、废纸和污泥利用共生路径构建虚拟造纸产业共生网络,对比分析了共生设计系统与原有共生系统的各生态环境影响。并运用市场价值法对共生设计系统的经济效益进行了分析。结果表明:共生设计系统总的环境影响、生态系统质量、人体健康、资源损耗值的环境影响分值分别为1166.445、814.509、148.893、203.045,比原有系统分别减少23.91%、19.15%、46.56%、22.26%;其中富营养化、气候变化的影响分别比原有系统降低56.25%、16.62%。同时共生设计系统通过污水、废纸及污泥的回用,在不考虑市场波动的情况下,可获得1018-7252万元的经济效益。可见,通过构建共生网络的生态管理是提高资源利用效率的有效手段之一,在一定条件下可取得明显的环境和经济效益。  相似文献   

通过ABM方法研究生态产业共生系统,利用STARLOGO软件平台,并结合案例分析生态产业共生系统的宏观规律。研究结果表明,(1)对于规模相当的不同的生态产业共生系统,在资源输入一定情况下,直接利用输入资源的企业总规模大于对系统内废弃物再利用的企业总规模是有利于系统稳定的:(2)对于特定的生态产业共生系统,系统稳定性对系统参数改变时的敏感性是不一样的,其中对污染物产出指标最敏感,对污染物产生量与系统产出的比例关系其次,对资源输入指标最不敏感;(3)系统时间序列稳定性的变化主要由节点处企业Ⅱ的不稳定性导致。  相似文献   

基于结构方程模型分析森林生态安全的影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白江迪  刘俊昌  陈文汇 《生态学报》2019,39(8):2842-2850
森林生态安全是维持国家生态安全的重要基础,也是人类生存的必要环境。森林不仅为人类提供木材和其他林副产品等实物价值,还具有美化环境、固碳释氧、涵养水源、防风固沙等生态服务价值,对维持生态平衡有重要作用。生态安全的相关研究多集中在构建评价指标评价森林生态安全,研究内容相对单一,而针对林业生态-产业共生关系的研究,并没有对林业产业类型进行区分,其次,林业产业发展对森林生态安全的影响研究较少。针对上述问题,在考虑产业分类的基础上,基于PSR理论和狭义的森林生态安全定义,利用31个省(市、自治区)3年的林业统计数据,运用PLS结构方程模型分析林业产业发展、森林生态保护对森林生态安全的影响及影响的大小,并分析了各地区森林生态保护的响应活动,为林业产业发展和森林生态保护的政策制定提供依据,从而促进林业的可持续发展。基于上述分析得出如下结果:(1)林业产业发展对森林生态安全无显著影响,但有部分子产业有森林生态安全有影响;(2)林业一产发展对森林生态安全有显著地直接影响,路径系数为0.175,间接影响不显著;(3)林业二产和三产发展对森林生态安全的直接影响和间接都不显著;(4)三类产业对林业产业发展的影响均显著,影响的大小分别为林业二产(0.636)、林业一产(0.204)、林业三产(0.151);(5)森林生态保护对森林生态安全有显著地直接影响,路径系数为0.619;(6)相对于其他地区,西部的森林生态保护活动积极性不高。由此得出如下结论:林业产业发展及林业二产、林业三产对森林生态安全未形成压力,只有林业一产发展对森林生态安全产生了正压力,需进一步加强林业产业结构的调整;加大保护响应力度对森林生态安全的影响大于合理利用的正压力;加强西部区域的森林生态保护力度,提高森林生态安全。  相似文献   

赵秋叶  施晓清 《生态学报》2017,37(14):4873-4882
产业生态系统发展规律对于产业转型升级至关重要,对其进行研究也是当前产业生态学的新方向。产业生态系统是指在一定区域内,产业组分以及环境组分之间通过物质交换及能量流动等形成的有机统一整体。产业生态网络则是其各组分之间通过物质流等相互作用构成的生态关系的一种拓扑结构。基于货币型投入产出模型通过物质型转化构建城市尺度产业生态网络,借鉴生态网络分析方法,提出通过循环性、生态效率、上升性3类特征指标判定产业生态网络的演进规律。实证研究了2005—2014年北京市产业生态系统的特征及其演进规律,阐明了其发展的趋势。主要结论是:从趋势分析,北京市产业生态系统循环性、生态效率和上升性有随时间而提升的趋势。其中,循环性和上升性变化趋势一致:总体呈现上升趋势,且2007年数值明显高于其他年份;生态效率总体随年份呈现波浪式增速的趋势;从指数分析:各年份循环指数(FCI)介于0—1之间,表明产业系统的物质循环流量均小于直接流量;A/C指数介于0.187—0.256之间,表明离理论可持续发展状态(0.401)还有相当的距离;生态效率10年提高2.4倍,在2013年已经接近1,到2014年实现大于1的水平,其生态效率已达到这10a间的最优的状态。总体上,北京市产业系统正在向物质循环性、生态效率以及系统上升性逐步提高的方向转型。  相似文献   

共生理论视角下创新农业生态经济研究范式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱鹏颐  黄新焕 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6945-6952
共生理论认为异质共生生物在其生存过程中会表现出相互依存的关系。试图将这一论点移植到农业生态经济研究中,用以处理农业生产中生态效益与经济效益之间矛盾的问题。为此,把农业生态经济视为由生态单元与经济单元组成的异质共生体,分析了该共生体的结构与共生模式,并采用Logistic方程与数值模拟方法,探讨农业生态经济共生体的共生机制,揭示共生单元间的演化规律与成长特征。研究表明:共生模式在农业实践上创新应用的主要目标是将共生体从寄生共生模式向互惠共生模式转型,并提出正向转型的激励策略。共生单元的选择必须具有兼容性,共生单元间有明确的共生界面,促使物质、能量和信息的交流,以增加共生体内自由能。共生关系正向发展要遵循共生演进规律,偏利共生模式是演进到互惠共生模式的必经过程。培育互惠共生适存的共生环境对促进共生体演进至关重要。这些研究成果为农业生态经济研究提供一个新范式,并开创一条研究新思路与方法。  相似文献   

基于社会网络分析法的生态工业园典型案例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨丽花  佟连军 《生态学报》2012,32(13):4236-4245
以丹麦卡伦堡和广西贵港生态工业园为例,应用社会网络分析法分析典型生态工业园的组织结构和网络结构。用簇系数、平均最短距离、传递性以及核心-边缘结构来衡量其稳定性,分析其不同结构特征。卡伦堡生态工业园的簇系数为0.715,远高于贵港生态工业园的0.246,说明其聚合性较好;从最短距离长度来看,卡伦堡和贵港分别为2.110和2.236,复杂性弱;从传递性来看,两者传递性皆低于25%,节点之间联系性不够强;从核心-边缘结构来看,卡伦堡各节点之间的异质性(0.057)高于贵港(0.005),可见贵港参与主体的中心性较为均衡,而卡伦堡差异性较大。两者都以一个产业或者企业集团为网络核心;网络内其他节点联系不够紧密,长链条联结较少;网络复杂性弱。  相似文献   

生态产业共生系统节点稳定性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘宁  杨莉  吴小庆  温剑锋  陆根法 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3828-3834
在当今市场经济形势下,环境保护有着更长远和现实的意义.生产过程的污染物全过程治理已经是最有效的手段之一,如何在市场经济条件下,通过生态产业共生系统的建设,达到经济发展和环境保护双赢是目前的热点,同时也是难点,因为,如何实现市场经济条件下生态产业共生系统的稳定性是核心的关键点.从环境经济学角度出发,以生态产业共生系统的节点稳定性为研究内容,通过节点间相互关联的企业之间的污染物循环利用的关系分析,建立生态产业共生系统中企业之间的节点间污染物循环利用共生经济学模型,在市场经济条件下,基于模型的数学解,通过观察节点处对污染物进行循环利用企业受市场经济影响导致的产品供给变化,研究系统外界市场经济扰动对节点污染物循环利用的供需平衡的影响.研究结果表明,当市场经济条件下,共生系统节点间污染物供给企业的自身的产品价格弹性等于1或小于1时,节点稳定性是有条件的,如果污染物供给企业的自身的产品价格弹性大于1,节点会在稳定点附近周期性振荡,甚至出现混沌现象.结论是市场经济条件下,通过建立生态产业共生系统达到经济发展和环境保护双赢,则必须建立节点间污染物循环利用的市场经济学响应机制,以保障系统的稳定性,真正实现社会、经济和环境的可持续发展.  相似文献   

Based on the policy background of China “13th Five-Year Environmental Protection Plan”, this paper empirically explores the influences of external corporate features and internal governance structure on the score of environmental responsibility (ER) rating. It is concluded that the score of ER rating is positively related to corporate scale and concentration of shareholding. Besides, the findings show that the score of ER rating of heavy pollution industry is significantly lower than that of other industries. The government in China should improve the supervision system of ER information disclosure so as to drive enterprises to earnestly fulfill their social responsibility.  相似文献   

Major real-estate developers of business parks around the world have made environmental responsibility a priority in building design, construction, and operation. We review the green real-estate development movement occurring globally, and synthesize applicable concepts into a framework called the expanded business operations model (EBOM) to help companies gauge their goal of environmental stewardship. In contrast to the typical flow diagram of a typical business operations model, the EBOM indicates cycling behavior that synergistically enhances each of the four identified categories—Environment, Facilities, Business Synergism, and Green Image. The ultimate goal of these Eco-smart Corporate Communities is to positively impact the local and larger community, while increasing the economic success of property developers and their tenants. We review governmental policies that drive developers toward environmentally friendly techniques, outline tools and programs that assist in the implementation and evaluation of green design plans, and summarize other drivers (i.e., environmental and social issues) that encourage green building and synthesize them into an indicator system for practitioners’ reference. Using four independently operated eco-smart corporate communities as case studies, we identify the measures taken to enhance each of the four categories within the framework, and analyze the cascade of impacts. With this framework, it will be possible to set achievable goals that mark reasonable progress in corporate environmental policies.  相似文献   

彭雪蓉  刘洋  赵立龙 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6440-6449
生态创新因具有"双重正外部性"而得到实践界和理论界的双重青睐,与此形成鲜明对照的是,现有研究对生态创新概念的适用层次、理论定位、内涵与测量等基本理论问题的理解模糊而缺乏一致性。回顾了企业社会责任、环境管理和创新管理三大领域的相关研究成果,辨析了企业生态创新的内涵特征与外延,进一步梳理了企业生态创新的维度划分与测量,对企业生态创新的未来研究给出了展望。  相似文献   

Decreasing the environmental impact, increasing the degree of social responsibility, and considering the economic motivations of organizations are three significant features in designing a reverse logistics network under sustainability respects. Developing a model, which can simultaneously consider these environmental, social, and economic aspects and their indicators, is an important problem for both researchers and practitioners. In this paper, we try to address this comprehensive approach by using indicators for measurement of aforementioned aspects and by applying fuzzy mathematical programming to design a multi-echelon multi-period multi-objective model for a sustainable reverse logistics network. To reflect all aspects of sustainability, we try to minimize the present value of costs, as well as environmental impacts, and optimize the social responsibility as objective functions of the model. In order to deal with uncertain parameters, fuzzy mathematical programming is used, and to obtain solutions on Pareto front, a customized multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm is applied. The validity of the proposed solution procedure has been analyzed in small and large size test problems based on four comparison metrics and computational time using analysis of variance. Finally, in order to indicate the applicability of the suggested model and the practicality of the proposed solution procedure, the model has been implemented in a medical syringe recycling system. The results reveal that the suggested MOPSO algorithm overtakes epsilon-constraint method from the aspects of quality of the solutions as well as computational time. Proper use of the proposed process could help managers efficiently manage the flow of recycled products with regard to environmental and social considerations, and the process offers a sustainable competitive advantage to corporations.  相似文献   

This research aims to propose a regenerative sustainability framework for AEC organizations, not only to focus on delivering green certified projects, but to encourage a revitalized approach to systematically drive their sustainability initiative. To achieve this aim, the study conducts an extensive global review of sustainable assessment systems in various industries and organizations, such as corporate sustainable reports, green company competitions, and green-renowned stocks. After learning the best practices from other industries, a sustainable development framework for the AEC organizations is developed. The proposed framework constitutes 110 key indicators covering three-dimensions of sustainability—social, environmental, and economic, respectively—and four-elements of corporate development essentials—projects, operations, governance, and stakeholders. By comparing the proposed framework to existing AEC practices, the study identifies the skewed development of corporate sustainability in the AEC industry where much awareness have been given to project-level environmental matters, but the social dimension, such as social stakeholders and social governance, are seriously lacking and need to be prioritized. A case study of a multi-millions construction company in China was investigated to validate this framework in practice. The case analysis justifies the practical value of the proposed framework, and elaborates the future need of regenerative sustainable initiatives for AEC organizations. The study contributes to the development of corporate sustainability theory in the AEC industry, and also provides industrial practitioners and policy makers with a better understanding of the next generation of corporate sustainable performance and implementation strategies.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between biographical characteristics of top executives and the level of corporate environmental information disclosure (EID) for Chinese-listed companies based on the upper echelons theory. Some interesting findings appear. Using a sample of 871 manufacturing companies having data of EID, we find that under the current situations such as the lack of external pressures on environmental protection, especially from the government, top executives may have the same attitude toward EID, focusing companies on economic goals rather than taking environmental responsibility seriously. This suggests that strengthening environmental supervision and stricter and more specific environmental controls for disclosure are in urgent need in China.  相似文献   

This paper is guided by two premises. First, effective pollution prevention requires the demonstrated ability to decrease adverse environmental impacts at every stage of the life cycle of any given product. Firms that take full responsibility for the impacts of their products from cradle to grave experience high levels of organizational learning. A five-stage learning curve is proposed which stems mostly from the actions undertaken within a large firm or multinational context. The second premise is centered on the critical importance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to ‘green’ their products. Based on a sample of 368 environmentally responsive SMEs, it is shown that they are making some progress towards dealing with the environmental impacts of their products, despite the fact that their product life cycle initiatives seem to be partial and limited in scope. They will, however, have to move faster along the proposed learning curve, since more advanced, stronger environmental performance will increasingly constitute an asset for selling their products on the international scene or for qualifying as a subcontractor or supplier. Furthermore, empirical evidence demonstrates that improved environmental performance encourages process innovations and enhances corporate image and liability management, but tangible economic returns such as cost containment and revenue generation seem to be harder to achieve.  相似文献   

The company's environmental management behaviors can improve the relationship between the company stakeholders, help companies to sustainably develop. But it is more seen as an obligation and cost of the company's environmental protection in developing countries. So what kind of impact the environmental protection have on the value of the company? Taking Chinese listing Corporation as a sample. This paper analyzes the impact of enterprises’ environmental management and its disclosure on corporate value. We conclude that environmental management excluding independent environment report can improve corporate value. In specific environmental management measures, producing environmental friendly products can help environmental friendly products gain recognition and improve corporate value significantly.  相似文献   

As corporate responsibility for environmental management has gained attention, eco‐efficiency has become recognized as an important concept for improving the social performance of the business sector as well as that of the public sector. Improving eco‐efficiency is widely accepted not only as a means of increasing economic value, but also as a means of reducing environmental effects. However, managing for eco‐efficiency should take into consideration the differences among industries, because the impact of eco‐efficiency on financial and social performance varies among industries. To explore this variation, we conducted a cross‐industry analysis of eco‐efficiency based on social performance using data envelopment analysis (DEA). DEA measures relative efficiency and is a useful tool for taking into account the relative importance of industry‐specific characteristics. Using DEA, eco‐efficiency scores were derived based on the ratio of two factors of social performance: (1) value‐added inducing and production‐inducing economic spillover effects and (2) the amount of greenhouse gases emitted and energy used. Then, we identified the relationships between our eco‐efficiency score and financial performance, which is a measure of the firm's stability. The case study is based on 272 firms in 16 industries in South Korea. Results show that firms in product manufacturing and service‐intensive industries tend to have higher eco‐efficiency scores than those in raw material or chemical‐intensive industries. In addition, most of the industries reveal no relationship between traditional financial performance metrics and eco‐efficiency scores. A handful of industries had significant relationships with one or more financial performance metrics; in some cases, these relationships were negative, whereas in others they were positive. Surprisingly, almost all industries have no significant relationships between eco‐efficiency and financial performance. This result implies that government support for policies that reward firms that attempt to be eco‐efficient are needed, or that other nonfinancial metrics that influence eco‐efficiency, such as employment and brand reputation, should be considered. This article is expected to support policy makers as they formulate industry‐specific environmental strategies.  相似文献   

倪尧  岳文泽  张云堂  吴次芳 《生态学报》2013,33(19):6418-6425
综合运用社会经济统计与环境监测数据,揭示了"世博"背景下,上海城市内部经济发展和环境保护关系的耦合演化特征。结果发现,2002-2010年各区县经济差异明显扩大。在总体差异中,主要表现为主城区内部和郊区内部差异,主城区和郊区间的差异较小;2006年后,主城区内部差异贡献进一步增加,郊区内部差异贡献开始下降,但各区环境质量有明显改善。2006年和2010年经济环境耦合关系都满足环境库兹涅兹曲线规律,但2010年拐点处的经济水平与环境质量都明显优于2006年,各区县分布格局差异较大。研究揭示了经济结构调整与全球化、多层次城市规划体系以及世博会影响是区域经济差异及环境库兹涅茨曲线演化的主要驱动因素。建议快速发展的城市应该加速产业转型升级、发挥产业布局与城市规划作用、抓住举办城市重大活动机遇,优化经济环境耦合关系,实现城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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