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通过光学显微镜对双峰驼Camelus bactrianus眼球的主要结构及附属结构泪腺进行了组织学研究,同时对眼球的一些光学参数进行了测量.双峰驼眼球呈不规则圆球形,角膜径与眼球径比值为1∶1.135,晶状体径与角膜径比值为1∶1.77.组织学结构上与一般哺乳动物差别不大.视网膜属于脊椎动物典型的10层结构,视网膜总厚度(除色素上皮层)约149.777 μm.其中外核层、内核层和神经节细胞层细胞数之间比值为2.66∶1∶0.12.神经节细胞核体积平均值为461.58 μm3.研究初步表明双峰驼视觉调节能力较强,具有某些夜行动物的特点.  相似文献   

冷雪  谢璐  那杰 《昆虫知识》2009,46(5):815-818
蟋蟀视觉系统由单眼、复眼、视叶三部分组成。蟋蟀的单眼为背单眼,由角膜、角膜生成细胞、视网膜等组成,是提高昆虫复眼所感知的视觉刺激的兴奋水平部位;复眼是最主要的视觉器官,由角膜、晶锥、感杆束和网膜细胞、基膜组成,是光电转导和视觉级联反应的中心;视叶由神经节层、外髓和内髓组成,是视觉神经系统的中心。  相似文献   

大鼠眼球和泪腺中睫状神经营养因子及其受体的组织定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察睫状神经营养因子(CNTF)及其受体CNTFRα在大鼠眼球、泪腺上的分布情况.方法取雄性SD大鼠两侧眼球和泪腺,作石蜡切片,用免疫组织化学ABC法染色检测眼球、泪腺中CNTF和CNTFRα的免疫阳性反应.结果 CNTF和CNTFRα的免疫阳性反应产物在眼球和泪腺的组织定位基本相同,包括角膜上皮细胞、固有层神经纤维、角膜细胞、内皮细胞,虹膜上皮细胞,睫状体上皮细胞,晶状体上皮,视网膜色素上皮细胞、苗勒细胞、节细胞层细胞,球结膜上皮细胞,泪腺腺细胞及导管上皮.结论 CNTF及其受体选择性地分布于眼球和泪腺的一些细胞中,且多数细胞与房水和泪液的产生和接触有关.  相似文献   

本文用放射自显影追踪注射入胚胎的~(35)S-硫酸盐的方法,研究了花背蟾蜍早期形态发生时眼的各部分组织和细胞外基质中的硫酸糖胺聚糖(Sulfated Glycosaminoglycans简称:硫酸GAG)的合成,并分析了其在眼形态发生中的作用。结果表明:1.在眼早期形态发生时,合成的硫酸GAG主要是硫酸软骨素。2.眼各部分组织中在即将分化时硫酸GAG合成率增高,分化开始后逐渐下降到原基形成时的水平。3.在晶状体被诱导时,在视杯和晶状体相互贴近的组织及两者间的细胞外基质中硫酸GAG的合成率明显增加,提示这是晶状体诱导的重要因素。4.角膜上皮形成时即向角膜上皮下层和细胞外基质分泌硫酸GAG;角膜上皮透明时,合成更多的硫酸角质素。  相似文献   

目的观察扬子鳄中脑视叶一氧化氮合酶(nitric oxide synthase,NOS)和乙酰胆碱酯酶(acetylcholinesterase,AChE)阳性神经元的形态和分布,为扬子鳄脑的比较解剖学积累资料,为其机能研究提供形态学依据。方法采用还原型尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸黄递酶(NADPH-d)法和亚铁氰化酮法观察扬子鳄中脑视叶NOS和AChE阳性神经元的分布和特征,并作统计学处理。结果扬子鳄中脑视叶有NOS和AChE阳性神经元分布,为大、中、小型细胞,以中、小型细胞为主,胞体呈椭圆形、三角形、圆形和梭形。结论扬子鳄中脑视叶有NOS和AChE阳性神经元分布。  相似文献   

目的通过对海洋青鳉鱼视觉器官的结构与发育情况进行组织观察,为进一步研究其行为学提供理论依据,同时也可为研究其他相关物种提供实验方法。方法将组织进行石蜡包埋切片处理,显微观察。结果海洋青鳉鱼的视觉器官发育快速,胚胎时期就已分化出眼球的色素层,有明显的眼球区域;刚出膜时,视网膜发育不完整,未分化出外核层和外网状层;出膜1 d,视网膜结构分化基本完成;6 d,已有明暗视觉功能;14 d,观察到明显的视网膜运动现象;23 d,视网膜结构发生较大变化,与该阶段海洋青鳉鱼的生活习性转变有密切联系;9~14月龄,视网膜各层的厚度均有所减小,表明视觉有一定程度退化。同时,内核层分化明显,感光细胞层的视椎细胞与视杆细胞呈紧密镶嵌的结构。结论海洋青鳉鱼视觉器官的发育过程阶段性明显,且有较好的光敏感性和视敏度强的特点。  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎仔、稚鱼视网膜结构与视觉特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对1-50d半滑舌鳎仔、稚鱼视网膜和全长50mm的半滑舌鳎幼鱼视网膜结构和视觉特性进行了研究。结果表明:(1)3d仔鱼色素层形成,15d仔鱼没有显著的视网膜运动反应,25d时具有正常感受自然光的明视功能,43d半滑舌鳎稚鱼适应自然光的功能丧失;(2)半滑舌鳎仔鱼阶段感受细胞主要为高密度的单锥,视杆细胞和双锥细胞出现的较晚;单锥融合成双锥时,由于半滑舌鳎视锥细胞椭圆体细长,融合程度较差,尽管在视网膜横切面上能够看到双锥,但在切向切面上仍呈现单锥排列方式;随其生长发育,视锥和神经节细胞密度降低,视杆细胞密度增加,31d后视杆细胞数量显著增加;同时,外核层细胞核与神经节细胞的比值增大,网络会聚程度提高;相关数据表明,20-31d是视网膜结构和视觉特性发生明显变化的过渡时期,这是与半滑舌鳎从浮游生活到底栖生活生态环境的变化相适应的;(3)半滑舌鳎内核层结构特殊,50mm时只有1层水平细胞,属感光系统不发达类型,双极细胞和无长突细胞共4-5层,但不可分辨;内核层细胞层数的减少,基本上没有分化的水平细胞、双极细胞和无长突细胞,说明半滑舌鳎视网膜的光敏感性不高;(4)半滑舌鳎仔鱼浮游生活阶段视敏度较高,视觉在捕食行为中具有重要意义;底栖生活后,视敏度和光敏感性都较差,视觉在捕食行为中不可能具有重要作用  相似文献   

棉铃虫蛾复眼的微细结构及其区域性差异   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
郭炳群 《昆虫学报》1988,(2):165-170
用电子显微镜观察棉铃虫蛾复眼的微细结构及其区域性差异。此复眼具有小网膜细胞柱的透明带。每个小眼包括一个外凸内平的角膜,一个晶锥,四个形成晶锥、晶束的晶锥细胞和两个围绕着晶锥的主虹膜细胞,六至八个小网膜细胞和一个基细胞。晶锥末端有一短小固定的晶束。小网膜细胞柱远侧中央有似微绒毛结构的视杆束。每个小眼被六个附色素细胞围绕。 微细结构的区域性差异:1.背方小眼视杆中段横切面近似矩形,主要由六个微绒毛平行排列的三角形视小杯组成,整个视杆包含两个互相垂直的微绒毛轴;腹方、前方、后方和侧方区域的小眼视杆中段横切面为风扇形,“V”字形视小杆内微绒毛排列不平行;2.前方区域小眼视杆中段的横切面要比后方大;3.前方、腹方区域内,有的相邻小眼的小网膜细胞柱互相连结,背方、后方区域未观察到这一现象。  相似文献   

江豚眼的解剖学和组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统计结果表明:与黄海沿岸种群江豚相比,长江种群江豚眼中央至吻端的平均距离显著较小,与长江弱光环境相适应。长江种群平均眼裂高比较小,眼球平均相对水半径比较短,而前后径比较长。眼球较趋近于圆球型。视觉较近视。在显徽与亚显微结构方面未发现两种群之间有差异。江豚无典型的视锥,而具有细胞核和内节呈视锥状、外节呈视杆状的一种中间型视细胞。  相似文献   

采用组织学方法观察了胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus) 眼的发生过程, 结果显示: 胭脂鱼眼的发育经历了眼原基形成期、眼囊形成期、视杯形成期、晶体板形成期、晶体囊形成期、角膜原基形成期、角膜上皮形成期、视网膜细胞增殖期、晶状体成熟期、眼色素形成期以及眼成型期等11个时期。视网膜发育最早, 起始于眼原基的形成, 直至眼成型期分化完成, 形成了厚度不一的8层细胞, 由内向外依次为神经纤维层、神经细胞层、内网层、内核层、外网层、外核层、视杆视锥层和色素上皮层, 且发育历时最长, 约264h。晶状体的发育在视网膜之后, 始于晶体板的形成, 于出膜前期成熟, 发育历时最短, 约74h。角膜发育最晚, 始于角膜原基的形成, 出膜1 d分化为透明的成熟角膜, 发育历时约96h。出膜4 d仔鱼眼色素沉积明显, 视网膜各层分化明显, 晶状体内部完全纤维化, 眼的形态结构基本发育完全。  相似文献   

The presence of cones in potto's retina has been proved beyond doubt although they are very restricted in number (1 cone for 300 rods). Morphologically, speaking there is no point in calling these cones "rudimentary" except for their slender outer segment. There are red sensitive elements in that retina at wavelengths beyond the spectral sensitivity of visual purple and it is tempting to assume that these elements are cones. The ERG evoked from these elements by red light differs from that in response to white and blue light. They dark-adapt faster than the receptors sensitive to blue and white flashes. However in some of their properties, for example fusion frequency, these cones behave like rods in other species. As these few cones seem to activate the bipolar cells nearly as effectively as the numerous rods, it is suggested that these cones may be responsible for day vision in the potto.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the retinal photoreceptors has been studied by light and electron microscopy in the southern fiddler ray or guitarfish (Trygonorhina fasciata). The duplex retina of this species contains only rods and single cones in a ratio of about 40:1. No multiple receptors (double cones), no repeating pattern or mosaic of photoreceptors and no retinomotor movements of these photoreceptors were noted. The rods are cylindrical cells with inner and outer segments of the same diameter. Cones are shorter, stouter cells with a conical outer segment and a wider inner segment. Rod outer segment discs display several irregular incisures to give a scalloped outline to the discs while cone outer segment discs have only a single incisure. In all photoreceptors a non-motile cilium joins the inner and outer segments. The inner segment is the synthetic centre of photoreceptors and in this compartment is located an accumulation of mitochondria (the ellipsoid), profiles of both rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, prominent Golgi zones and frequent autophagic vacuoles. The nuclei of rods and cones have much the same chromatin pattern but cone nuclei are invariably located against or particularly through the external limiting membrane (ELM). Numerous Landolt's clubs which are ciliated dendrites of bipolar cells as well as Müller cell processes project through the ELM, which is composed of a series of zonulae adherentes between these cells and the photoreceptors. The synaptic region of both rods (spherules) and cones (pedicles) display both invaginated (ribbon) synapses and superficial (conventional) synapses with cones showing more sites than the rods.  相似文献   

Green sturgeon and pallid sturgeon photoreceptors were studied with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), microspectrophotometry and, in the case of the green sturgeon, retinal whole-mounts. The retinas of both species contain both rods and cones: cones comprise between 23% (whole-mount) and 36% (SEM) of the photoreceptors. The cone population of both species is dominated by large single cones, but a rare small single cone is also present. In both species, most rods have long outer segments of large diameter. A rod with a relatively thin outer segment is present in the pallid sturgeon retina. Mean cone packing density for the entire green sturgeon retina is 4,690±891 cones/mm2, with the dorsal retina 14% more dense than the ventral. There is evidence for a horizontal visual streak just above and including the optic disc. Mean rod packing density is 16,006±1,668 rods/mm2 for the entire retina, and fairly uniform throughout. Both species have rods with peak absorbance near 540 nm, as well as short-wavelength-sensitive cones (green: 464.5±0.7 nm; pallid: 439.7±3.5 nm); middle-wavelength-sensitive cones (green: 538.0±1.4 nm; pallid: 537.0±1.7 nm); and long-wavelength-sensitive cones (green: 613.9±3.0 nm; pallid: 617.8±7.6 nm).  相似文献   

There is histological evidence for the presence of cones in potto's retina: about 1 cone for 300 rods. The ERG of the dark adapted animal resembles that of the night monkey. In the potto's retina some red sensitive elements respond to wavelenghts beyond those which affect visual purple. The ERG evoked by these long wavelenghts differs from that produced by white light, suggesting a duplex character of the retina. These red sensitive receptors dark adapt faster than the others. However their fusion frequency is low, if compared with that in other species with a duplex retina. Nevertheless in potto the critical fusion frequency is higher for red light than for blue light.  相似文献   

It has been accepted for a hundred years or more that rods and cones are the only photoreceptive cells in the retina. The light signals generated in rods and cones, after processing by downstream retinal neurons (bipolar, horizontal, amacrine and ganglion cells), are transmitted to the brain via the axons of the ganglion cells for further analysis. In the past few years, however, convincing evidence has rapidly emerged indicating that a small subset of retinal ganglion cells in mammals is also intrinsically photosensitive. Melanopsin is the signaling photopigment in these cells. The main function of the inner-retina photoreceptors is to generate and transmit non-image-forming visual information, although some role in conventional vision (image detection) is also possible.  相似文献   

The retinal photoreceptors of the red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinerus) have been studied by light and electron microscopy. Rods and single cones are present in this duplex retina in a ratio of about 25:1. The photoreceptors in this amphibian species are much larger than is reported for most vertebrates. In the light-adapted state, rods reach deep into the retinal epithelial (RPE) layer. The rod outer segment is composed of discs of uniform diameter displaying several very deep incisors. The rod inner segment displays a distal elliposid of mitochondria and a short stout myoid region. Rod nuclei are electron dense and often protrude through the external limiting membrane. Rod synaptic spherules are large and display several invaginated synaptic sites as well as superficial synapses. It is felt that the rods do not undergo retinomotor movements. The cone photoreceptors are much smaller than the rods and display a tapering outer segment, an unusual modified ellipsoid and a large parabolid of glycogen in the inner segment. Cone nuclei are less electron dense than rods and are located at all levels within the outer nuclear layer. The synaptic pedicle of the cones is larger, more electron lucent and display more synaptic sites (both invaginated and superficial) than that of rods. It is felt that cone photomechanical responses are minimal.  相似文献   

Goldfish were placed on a daily light cycle of 12 h light and 12 h darkness for 18 days or longer. The visual cells and pigment epithelium of the retina were then examined by microscopy at many intervals throughout the cycle. Goldfish rods and cones follow a rhythmic pattern in eliminating packets of photosensitive membranes from their outer segments. Rods shed membranes early in the light period. The detached membranes are ingested by pigment epithelial cells or by ameboid phagocytes, which degrade them during the remainder of the light period. Cones discard membranes from the ends of their outer segments early in the dark period. During the next several hours, this debris is digested by the pigment epithelium or by ameboid phagocytes. Thus, the disposal phase of the outer-segment renewal process is similar in rods and cones, but is displaced in time by about 12 h. There is evidence that this daily rhythm of membrane disposal in rods and cones is a general property of vertebrate visual cells.  相似文献   

The deactivation of visual pigments involved in phototransduction is critical for recovering sensitivity after exposure to light in rods and cones of the vertebrate retina. In rods, phosphorylation of rhodopsin by rhodopsin kinase (GRK1) and the subsequent binding of visual arrestin completely terminates phototransduction. Although signal termination in cones is predicted to occur via a similar mechanism as in rods, there may be differences due to the expression of related but distinct gene products. While rods only express GRK1, cones in some species express only GRK1 or GRK7 and others express both GRKs. In the mouse, cone opsin is phosphorylated by GRK1, but this has not been demonstrated in mammals that express GRK7 in cones. We compared cone opsin phosphorylation in intact retinas from the 13-lined ground squirrel (GS) and pig, cone- and rod-dominant mammals, respectively, which both express GRK7. M opsin phosphorylation increased during continuous exposure to light, then declined between 3 and 6 min. In contrast, rhodopsin phosphorylation continued to increase during this time period. In GS retina homogenates, anti-GS GRK7 antibody blocked M opsin phosphorylation by 73%. In pig retina homogenates, only 20% inhibition was observed, possibly due to phosphorylation by GRK1 released from rods during homogenization. Our results suggest that GRK7 phosphorylates M opsin in both of these mammals. Using an in vitro GTPgammaS binding assay, we also found that the ability of recombinant M opsin to activate G(t) was greatly reduced by phosphorylation. Therefore, phosphorylation may participate directly in the termination of phototransduction in cones by decreasing the activity of M opsin.  相似文献   

Ole Munk 《Acta zoologica》1990,71(2):89-95
Ontogenetic changes in the visual cell layer of the duplex retina during growth of the eye of the deep-sea teleost Gempylus serpens, the snake mackerel, are illustrated by comparing the retina of a small specimen with that of a previously studied adult fish. The small specimen has tightly packed cones spanning the whole width of the visual cell layer and small rods situated in its vitread part. Over most of the retina the cone population consists of single cones arranged in a very regular hexagonal mosaic. The temporalmost retina has a cone population consisting mainly of twin cones arranged in meridional rows. Growth of the eye is associated with an increase in the thickness of the visual cell layer and the density of rods and a total elimination of the densely packed single cones, the retina of the adult fish possessing only a temporally located population of double cones. The radical differences between the retina of the small and adult snake mackerel are probably associated with the different light regimes encountered by small and large specimens.  相似文献   

Retinal whole-mount preparations from the eyes of the North American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, were examined with a combination of bright field and differential interference contrast microscopy. The entire retina was mapped and population counts of rod and cone photoreceptors were made at regular intervals throughout the retina. The retina is dominated by rods, but a significant percentage (ca. 38%) of the photoreceptors are cones. Mean cone packing density for the entire retina is 6,402+/-1,216 cones/mm2. There is a small (16%) but statistically significant difference between cone packing density in the dorsal retina (6,674+/-1,168 cones/mm2) and the ventral retina (5,745+/-1,076 cones/mm2). There is no region of unusually high cone concentration that might be construed as a fovea or a visual streak. Mean rod packing density for the entire retina is 10,271+/-1,205 rods/mm2. Except in the far periphery, where rods are less numerous, the density of rods is fairly uniform throughout the retina. The data are discussed with regard to paddlefish habitat and behavior.  相似文献   

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