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目的:观察电刺激大鼠脚内核(EP)对大鼠脚桥核(PPN)神经元自发放电的影响,进一步探讨脑内电刺激治疗帕金森病(PD)的机制。方法:应用细胞外记录的方法观察不同频率电刺激(强度0.6 mA,波宽0.06 ms,时程5 s,频率5 Hz、10Hz、20Hz、50Hz、100Hz、150Hz、200Hz)大鼠EP对PPN神经元放电的影响。结果:实验记录了大鼠33个神经元的自发放电,其放电频率在3.6~52.2Hz之间,平均为(15.95±8.56)Hz;当刺激频率为100Hz时,抑制效应最显著(P<0.05)。结论:高频电刺激大鼠EP对PPN神经元自发放电的影响主要为抑制作用,提示高频刺激EP可通过抑制PPN神经元活动参与PD的治疗。  相似文献   

听觉阈值是判断听觉系统机能变化的灵敏指标。70年代后期Gerken等的实验室系统地研究了给予强声刺激之后听觉阈值的变化,观察到在听神经发生暂时性阈移(TTS)或永久性阀移时,听觉系统的中枢部分电刺激阀值降低,即灵敏度增加,称之为刺激超敏,但是外周部分(耳蜗)是否也会出现听觉敏度增加,尚未见报道。本实验对此作了较系统的研究,观察  相似文献   

基于TDT神经电生理软硬件平台和Matlab软件环境,开发了专用于听觉电生理研究的实时分析软件。通过对神经元胞外记录信号的在线处理和分析,可以在实验过程中得到刺激后放电活动时间直方图、平均发放率、首次发放潜伏期等定量分析结果,以及刺激参数变化时神经元发放率的变化曲线,如发放率-刺激强度曲线等。此分析软件被用于大鼠下丘神经元听觉信息编码的研究中,观察到下丘神经元对于纯音和噪声刺激不同的时间响应模式,以及神经元发放率和首次发放潜伏期对声音刺激强度的编码。  相似文献   

慢性电极植入以及无线刺激技术被广泛应用于动物自由活动状态下的脑区功能研究。实现刺激器与脑内植入电极过渡连接的转接装置需固定在颅骨之上。鸟类特殊的骨质构造不利于转接装置的长期固定。以鸽子(Columba livia)为例设计制作了一种用于慢性运动诱导实验的9通道电极转接装置,长12.8 mm、宽9.5 mm、高5.5 mm,重0.42 g;根据鸽子颅骨特点在固定过程中对颅骨表面进行粗糙化处理增加固定时与牙科水泥的接触面积,并选取特定位点拧入螺钉进行固定,有效延长了转接装置的固定时间。经实验验证能够在鸽子头部稳定固定6个月以上,满足鸽子长期运动诱导研究的需求,未对动物正常活动产生影响。该装置及其固定方法亦可为其他小型动物的脑区功能研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目的:观察八肽胆囊收缩素(CCK-8)对正常及吗啡成瘾大鼠尾核中痛兴奋神经元(PEN)电活动的影响,从而进一步探讨中枢CCK-8和尾核在吗啡成瘾大鼠痛觉调制中的作用.方法:70只Wistar大鼠随机分为2组:正常对照组35只(又分为生理盐水组巧只和CCK-8组20只)及吗啡成瘾组35只、(又分为生理盐水组15只和CCK-8组20只).大鼠背部皮下注射递增剂量吗啡,依次为5、10、20、40、50、60mg/kg,3次/d(8:00,12:00,16:00),连续给药6d,建立吗啡成瘾大鼠的模型.正常对照组大鼠背部皮下注射生理盐水,时间、剂量均与吗啡成瘾组相同.第7天8:00观察大鼠的自然戒断症状30min后开始实验.实验以电脉冲刺激大鼠的坐骨神经作为伤害性痛刺激,用玻璃微电极记录尾核中PEN的放电,观察尾核内注入CCK-8对PEN电活动的影响.结果:实验结果表明:①CCK-8可提高正常大鼠尾核中PEN的兴奋性,即25个PEN平均秒净增值由注射CCK-8前(100%)增加到(224.34±10.81)5,潜伏期缩短到(54.69±5.62)%.②CCK-8使吗啡成瘾大鼠尾核中PEN的兴奋性也增高,22个PEN的平均秒净增值比注药前(100%)提高了(118.93±8.50)%,潜伏期缩短了(33.96±7.23)%.结论:CCK-8可使吗啡成瘾与正常大鼠尾核中PEN对电刺激的兴奋性增强,均呈易化疼痛作用,证明中枢CCK-8系统和尾核在吗啡成瘾过程和疼痛的调节中都起到了一定的作用.  相似文献   

蜜蜂和果蝇具有良好的学习记忆能力。利用自主改良的研究装置对另一种具有强大生存本能的双翅目昆虫——巨尾阿丽蝇(Aldrichina grahami)在自由状态下电击回避学习能力进行研究。结果表明,巨尾阿丽蝇具有良好的学习记忆能力,因为当刺激电压范围为5V到45V时,观察到巨尾阿丽蝇有显著的回避电刺激行为,而当电压达到60V时会受到明显伤害。由此推测,巨尾阿丽蝇适合作为神经系统研究的动物模型。本实验所采用的实验范例较以往有所改进,适合作为自由状态下研究昆虫的工具。  相似文献   

持续高频刺激改变短刺激产生的神经网络效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
不同时长的电脉冲高频刺激(high frequency stimulation,HFS)对于脑神经系统具有不同的作用.其中,数秒时长的短促HFS可通过"点燃"效应制作动物癫痫模型,也可以产生长时间保持的突触可塑性变化,而数分钟以上的长时HFS却可以安全地用于临床的深部脑刺激,治疗多种脑疾病.因此推测,持续的HFS可以改变短促刺激产生的效应.为了验证此推测,在大鼠海马CA1区的输入轴突纤维Schaffer侧支上,分别施加5 s和2 min两种时长的100 Hz HFS,并监测刺激结束后下游神经元群体对于单脉冲测试的响应电位,即群峰电位(population spike,PS).结果显示,5 s短HFS结束时会紧跟后放电痫样活动,并且,从测试脉冲诱发的PS幅值和潜伏期可见,短HFS诱导的兴奋性增强可以维持数十分钟.反之,2 min的长HFS结束时紧随之后的是数十秒无发放活动的静息期,而且,PS在数分钟内即恢复到HFS前的基线水平.这些结果表明,长时HFS的后期刺激可以改变前期短促刺激对于下游神经网络的作用,即消除短刺激可能产生的长时程兴奋效应.此发现对于深入了解高频刺激的作用机制、促进深部脑刺激的临床应用具有重要意义.  相似文献   

本文对乌拉坦麻醉大鼠采用电刺激伏核和脑内微量注射等方法,观察伏核对血压、心率的影响:(1)电刺激伏核具有明显的血压降低和心率减慢作用。(2)红藻氨酸微量注入伏核可消除上述反应。(3)伏核内注射纳洛酮可阻断电刺激伏核的心血管抑制反应(简称电刺激效应);μ受体激动剂DAGO微量注入伏核也能引起血压降低和心率减慢,减少幅度与电刺激效应相似,而κ受体激动剂U-50无此作用。(4)电刺激伏核时于蓝斑内记录到抑制性自发电活动,频率减慢,波幅交大、变宽。(5)切除颈部双侧迷走神经消除了电刺激伏核的心率变化,但降压反应依然存在。以上结果提示:伏核内某些神经元与心血管活动有关,并且至少涉及阿片肽能神经元及μ阿片受体。蓝斑和迷走神经可能参与上述心血管抑制反应。  相似文献   

目的: 观察急性间歇性低氧刺激后大鼠颈动脉体对低氧的敏感性以及多巴胺对颈动脉体低氧敏感性的影响。方法: 将分离SD大鼠的颈动脉体-窦神经移入到孵育槽,然后把分离的窦神经吸入到记录的玻璃电极中行电信号记录。记录基线部分缓冲液充入气体为95% O2+ 5% CO2混合气,低氧应激给予5% O2+ 5% CO2+ 90% N2混合气,低氧刺激给予30 s,95% O2 + 5% CO2给予90 s,共10个循环,每组实验大鼠数量n大于等于5。结果: 大鼠离体的颈动脉体,给予急性间歇性低氧应激,再给予低氧刺激,窦神经较之前低氧刺激放电活动增强。但加入多巴胺后,可以抑制窦神经对低氧的反应,急性间歇性低氧后,多巴胺对窦神经的低氧放电活动抑制作用加强。结论: 大鼠颈动脉体给予急性间歇性低氧可增强窦神经对低氧的反应,多巴胺可抑制急性低氧诱导的颈动脉体对低氧敏感性的增强。  相似文献   

眶额叶皮质与中脑边缘多巴胺奖赏系统有着复杂的相互纤维联系。先前的研究探讨了药物成瘾过程中眶额叶皮质的脑电活动。在本实验中,将探讨食物奖赏和渴求过程中该皮质的脑电活动。实验采用了两个环境:对照环境和食物刺激相关的环境。首先,训练大鼠在食物刺激相关的环境中吃巧克力花生豆,而后在该环境中设置两种不同的刺激方式:能看到和闻到但不能吃到(渴求实验),或者仍旧可以吃到巧克力花生豆(奖赏实验);同时进行左侧眶额叶皮质的脑电记录。结果发现,在食物刺激相关的环境中大鼠 Delta 频段(2-4 Hz)的脑电活动与食物刺激显著相关,此外,与在对照环境中相比,其相对功率在食物渴求时下降而在食物奖赏时升高。本实验表明,食物相关的奖励可以改变大鼠眶额叶皮质的脑电活动,而且,Delta 频段的脑电活动能够作为监测该奖励的一个指标。  相似文献   

Elevated iron concentrations in the substantia nigra (SN) pars compacta have been implicated in the development of idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Because, as a transitional metal, iron promotes free radical formation, the role of iron in the degeneration of the nigrostriatal dopamine neurons in Parkinson's disease has received much attention. This study further investigates the cytotoxic effects of iron in the SN. Various concentrations of FeCl3 (1, 5, and 50 micrograms of Fe3+ in 5 microliters) were unilaterally injected into the SN of adult rats. The two lower doses of iron had no effect on striatal dopamine levels or on the behavioral responses of the rats. However, injection of 50 micrograms of Fe3+ resulted in a substantial selective decrease of striatal dopamine (95%), 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (82%), and homovanillic acid (45%), without any change in norepinephrine concentration. Dopamine-related behavioral responses, such as spontaneous movements in a novel space and rearing, were significantly impaired, whereas amphetamine administration induced ipsilateral rotation in the iron-treated rats. The present study indicates that the nigrostriatal dopamine neurons are susceptible to the presence of ionic iron and thus supports the assumption that iron initiates dopaminergic neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Clinical and immunohistochemical evidence suggests the possible significance of electrical stimulation of the secondary somatosensory cortex (S-II) as an analgesic therapy. The aim of the present study was to gain behavioral evidence for S-II stimulation-induced antinociception in conscious rats and to evaluate if the evoked antinociception can be potentiated by the neuronal NO synthase inhibitor 7-nitro-indazole. S-II stimulation produced a weak antinociception in the formalin-induced nociception test, but not in the thermal or mechanical nociception tests. This effect was remarkably potentiated by systemic administration of 7-nitro-indazole at a small dose that had no effect by itself. Thus, our data provide behavioral evidence for S-II stimulation-induced analgesia and may also predict a novel therapeutic strategy in combination with NO synthase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Sushko  B. S.  Limanskii  Yu. P. 《Neurophysiology》2001,33(5):314-321
In experiments on mongrel albino male mice with a nidus of tonic pain created by subcutaneous injection of 5% formalin solution into the hindlimb, we estimated changes in nociceptive behavioral reaction (licking the pain nidus) elicited by i.p. injections of compounds modulating the system of nitric oxide (NO): a blocker of NO synthase, N-nitro-L-arginine (L-NAME), and activator of NO synthesis, L-arginine (L-Arg), as well as NO donors: sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and sodium nitrate (SN). After injections of L-NAME, L-Arg, and SN, the intensity of the nociceptive behavioral reaction dropped by 55-21%, as compared with the control. In contrast, SN significantly increased the intensity of this reaction. Mechanisms responsible for modulation of the nociceptive behavioral reaction with the involvement of NO and specific features of the effects of different NO donors on this reaction (related to a complex nature of these effects) are discussed.  相似文献   

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that is caused by a loss of dopaminergic (DAergic) neurons in mesencephalic substantia nigra (SN). Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs) are capable of self-renewal and differentiation into multiple cell lineages, including DAergic neurons. Thus, hUC-MSCs could be a promising alternative to compensate for the loss of DAergic neurons in PD. In the current study, hUC-MSCs and hUC-MSCs-derived DAergic-like neurons were transplanted into the striatum and SN of a rat model of PD that is induced by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). We evaluated their therapeutic effects on improving rotation behavior in the rat and on modulating the level of heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60) expression in the brain. After transplantation, an amelioration of rotation behavior was observed in rats that underwent cell grafting, and hUC-MSCs-derived DAergic-like neurons were superior to hUC-MSCs at inducing behavioral improvement. Western blot and immunohistochemistry analysis indicated significantly elevated levels of Hsp60 in cell-grafted rats compared to 6-OHDA-lesioned (PD) rats. These results demonstrate that hUC-MSCs-based cell transplantation is potential therapeutic treatment for PD, and hUC-MSCs-derived DAergic-like neurons appear to be favorable candidates for cell replacement therapy in PD. Finally, Hsp60 could be involved in a mechanism of behavioral recovery.  相似文献   

In rats, the basic licking rhythm is generated by the central pattern generator located in the brainstem. Nevertheless, the licking frequency can be regulated between about 7.5 and 4 Hz by changing the drinking conditions. If these conditions are kept constant, the licking frequency can be influenced only to a minor degree by factors such as deprivation level, type of solution, and phase of the session. The aim of our study was to compare the licking frequency of rats at different levels of vigilance. We investigated spontaneous licking of rats by an electrical lick sensor; parallel behavior monitoring was also performed. Animals kept in a stable environment and showing a lower level of vigilance licked at a rate of 5.96 Hz, fully vigilant rats licked significantly more rapidly at a frequency 6.57 Hz. The fastest rate of licking (6.49 Hz and 6.82 Hz, respectively) was encountered in alert rats under a mild stress caused by the presence of a second animal in the experimental box. The vigilance level is thus another factor affecting the licking rate of rats that should be taken into account in behavioral licking experiments.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this investigation was to assess the neuroprotective efficacy of spice active principles namely Eugenol (Eug) and isoeugenol (IE) in an acrylamide (ACR) neuropathy model in rats. In the present study, ACR administration (50 mg/kg bw, i.p. 3 times/week) for 5 weeks to growing rats caused typical symptoms of neuropathy. We found that treatment of ACR rats with spice active principles (10 mg/kg bw, for 5 weeks) caused marked improvement in gait score and responses in a battery of behavioral tests. Terminally, both spice active principles markedly attenuated ACR-induced markers of oxidative stress viz., reactive oxygen species (ROS), malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NO) in sciatic nerve (SN) as well as brain regions (cortex Ct, cerebellum Cb). Treatment with Eug restored the reduced glutathione levels in SN and brain regions. Interestingly, both spice active principles effectively diminished ACR-induced elevation in cytosolic calcium levels and acetylcholinesterase activity in SN and Ct. Further, the diminished activity of ATPase among ACR rats was enhanced in SN and restored in brain regions. Furthermore, Eug treatment significantly offset ACR-induced depletion in dopamine levels in brain regions. Collectively our findings suggest the propensity of these spice active principles to attenuate ACR-induced neuropathy. Further studies are necessary to understand the precise molecular mechanism/s by which these spice active principles attenuate neuropathy. Nevertheless, our data clearly demonstrate the beneficial effects of spice active principles in ACR-induced neuropathy in rats and suggest their possible therapeutic usage as an adjuvant in the management of other forms of neuropathy in humans.  相似文献   

Seizure susceptibility and GABA metabolism were altered in the substantia nigra [SN] of adult male Sprague Dawley rats when these animals were acclimating to an altered plasma osmolality. Changes in GABA metabolism were measured in vivo in SN of the freely moving rat. Suitable precautions were taken to avoid any post-mortem flux of glutamate to GABA and to correct for the underestimation of GABA build up in SN due to the finite diffusion rate of -vinyl GABA [GVG] after stereotaxic injection of small amounts into one side of the brain. Control experiments provided evidence that changes in osmolality, within a normal physiological range, did not affect significantly -aminobutyric acid transaminase [GABA-T]. Also kindling via the medial septum [MS], in the absence of electrical stimulation did not alter GABA metabolism in SN, thus providing a stable baseline for studies of osmotic effects. Hyperosmolality was associated with a rise in seizure thresholds, with a marked reduction of the rate of GABA synthesis in SN, and with a substantial increase in turnover time of the GABA pool. Hypoosmolality, of a degree known to be associated with mild cerebral edema and swelling localized to astrocytes, markedly reduced seizure threshold, and reduced GABA pool size in SN, but did not alter the rate of GABA synthesis significantly. These results demonstrate by new and independent means the relationship between GABA metabolism in the SN and seizure susceptibility in vivo.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Eugene Roberts.  相似文献   

Mechanical stretch has been shown to increase vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression in cultured myocytes. Sympathetic neurons (SN) also possess the ability to express and secrete VEGF, which is mediated by the NGF/TrkA signaling pathway. Recently, we demonstrated that SN respond to stretch with an upregulation of nerve growth factor (NGF) and ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF). Whether stretch increases neuronal VEGF expression still remains to be clarified. Therefore, SN from the superior cervical ganglia of neonatal Sprangue Dawley rats were exposed to a gradual increase of stretch from 3% up to 13% within 3 days (3%, 7% and 13%). Under these conditions, the expression and secretion of VEGF was analyzed. Mechanical stretch significantly increased VEGF mRNA and protein expression (mRNA: control = 1 vs. stretch = 3.1; n = 3/protein: control = 1 vs. stretch = 2.7; n = 3). ELISA experiments to asses VEGF content in the cell culture supernatant showed a time and dose dependency in VEGF increment due to stretch. NGF and CNTF neutralization decreased stretch-induced VEGF augmentation in a significant manner. This response was mediated in part by TrkA receptor activation. The stretch-induced VEGF upregulation was accompanied by an increase in HIF-1α expression. KDR levels remained unchanged under conditions of stretch, but showed a significant increase due to NGF neutralization. In summary, SN respond to stretch with an upregulation of VEGF, which is mediated by the NGF/CNTF and TrkA signaling pathway paralleled by HIF-1α expression. NGF signaling seems to play an important role in regulating neuronal KDR expression.  相似文献   

本工作观察到在清醒、麻痹大鼠,电刺激黑质致密部(SN_C)或网状部(SN_R)均明显抑制中缝大核(NRM)神经元的自发放电;电针刺激双侧“足三里-三阴交”的同时,电刺激SN_C或SN_R可完全翻转电针对NRM神经元的兴奋效应,NRM神经元放电受抑制。将谷氨酸钠微量注入黑质,对中缝大核神经元亦具有抑制作用,电解损毁双侧中脑导水管周围灰质(PAG)腹外侧部或将多巴胺受体阻断剂氟哌啶醇注入该处,均可阻断此抑制效应。提示黑质对抗电针镇痛机制之一是通过其DA能投射纤维作用于PAG内的DA受体,进而抑制PAG-NRM系统而实现的。  相似文献   

According to epidemiologic studies, smoking appears to downregulate the prevalence of Parkinson’s disease (PD), possibly due to antiinflammatory mechanisms via activation of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (α7 nAChRs). This receptor also appears to play a role in T-cell differentiation. Recently, it has become apparent that the innate immune system participates in PD pathogenesis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of auricular vagus nerve stimulation (aVNS) on substantia nigra (SN) dopaminergic neurodegeneration and the associated neuroinflammation and immune responses in a rat PD model. Adult male Wistar rats were unilaterally administered 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) to the medial forebrain bundle, followed by aVNS treatment after surgery. Following motor behavioral tests, the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in the SN and the levels of inflammatory cytokines in the ventral midbrain were evaluated. In addition, changes in the trends of subsets of CD4+ T lymphocytes in the SN were measured by immunofluorescence staining. Western blotting was used to evaluate the α7 nAChR protein level. Compared with 6-OHDA treats rats, aVNS treatment significantly improved motor deficits, increased TH and α7 nAChR expression, and reduced the levels of inflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β)) (p?<?0.05). Additionally, aVNS increased the numbers of regulatory T (Treg) cells while decreasing T helper (Th)17 cells. aVNS exerted neuroprotective effects against dopaminergic damage, possibly by suppressing the evolution of inflammation and modulating innate immune responses. Thus, aVNS may be a potential promising therapy in the future.  相似文献   

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