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巴西是全球生物多样性最丰富的地区,其竹类多样性也极为丰富。结合现存资料及野外调查,对巴西全境的竹类分布格局进行了讨论。巴西全国有原生竹亚科植物256种(含2亚种及3变种),北部地区草本竹类(莪莉竹族)最丰富,有61种,而东南部地区木本竹类(箣竹族)最丰富,有96种。偏穗竹属(Merostachys)(43种)和丘斯夸竹属(Chusquea)(45种)是最常见的属,并是最具潜在经济利用的竹类。属种的特有性分别高达32.4%和68.8%。特有属有11个,分别为莪莉竹族的双药莪利草竹属(Diandrolyra)、独焰草竹属(Eremitis)、小百瑞草竹属(Parianella)、赖茨草竹属(Reitzia)、苏克蕾草竹属(Sucrea)和箣竹族的南美梨藤竹属(Alvimia)、离枝竹属(Apoclada)、密穗竹属(Athroostachys)、卡姆巴珠瓦竹属(Cambajuva)、菲尔盖拉斯竹属(Filgueirasia)、无枝竹属(Glaziophyton)。  相似文献   

倭竹属地理分布的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
倭竹属Shibataea Makino隶于禾本科之竹亚科,现已知有8种,分布于我国东南部的浙江、福建、江苏、安徽、江西等省,广东、台湾两省有少量栽培,日本产1种。苏联、西德、印尼等国所栽培的倭竹均系自我国或日本引入。我国浙-闽地区产8种,且都有野生发现,是本属的现代分布中心。倭竹属植物体型矮小,常植于庭院或公园中供观赏。近年来盆景艺术迅速发展,微型园林日益兴起,倭竹属植物体态优美,常绿,耐寒且易于栽培,为广大园林工作者所垂青。  相似文献   

赖广辉 《植物研究》2013,33(5):519-522
在野外调查和文献考证的基础上,讨论了国产鉴定为Pleioblastus simonii(Carr.) Nakai这种竹子的名实问题。事实上国产这种竹子与日本产P.simonii(Carr.) Nakai在形态特征和自然分布上有较大的区别。日本产的秆箨宿存不落,秆圆筒形,分枝一侧不扁平,花序为具有穗柄的单次发生的真花序,内稃先端2齿裂,花药绿黄色;而国产的秆箨早落,秆节间分枝一侧2/3扁平,花序为侧生于枝节而无柄的续次发生的假花序,内稃先端钝通常不2裂,花药紫色。据进一步研究表明,国产这种竹子实际上乃是1998年已经命名发表的白纹短穗竹(Brachstachyum albostriatum G.H.Lai),并在此依据其形态特征组合到业平竹属(Semiarundinaria Makino ex Nakai)之中。现知白纹业平竹(Semiarundinaria albostriata(G.H.Lai) G.H.Lai)分布于江苏南部、安徽南部、浙江西北部一带,以安徽南部较为常见。  相似文献   

新小竹属Neomicrocalamus为耿伯介先生于1983年发表,1986年他本人又将该属并入总序竹属Racemobambos中。但新小竹属具有假小穗及假花序而不同于总序竹属而仍宜保留为独立的属,前者应纳入(竹剌)竹族Bambuseae中,后者应纳入节柱竹族(广义的)Arthrostylidieae(sensu lato)。  相似文献   

赖广辉 《广西植物》2018,38(9):1215-1220
该文根据采自华东地区的一些刚竹属植物居群中的可靠花枝标本,结合现场调查和形态解剖观察,描述和增补了白哺鸡竹、瓜水竹、谷雨竹、云和哺鸡竹的花序、假小穗和花部形态特征,并提供了显示花枝外貌和花器官主要特征的照片。瓜水竹的花序呈头序,小花较短,应属于水竹组;而其余3种的花序呈穗状,小花较长,应归隶刚竹组。所有的凭证标本均保存于安徽省广德县林业科学研究所竹类标本室中。  相似文献   

该文根据采自华东地区的一些刚竹属植物居群中的可靠花枝标本,结合现场调查和形态解剖观察,描述和增补了白哺鸡竹、瓜水竹、谷雨竹、云和哺鸡竹的花序、假小穗和花部形态特征,并提供了显示花枝外貌和花器官主要特征的照片。瓜水竹的花序呈头序,小花较短,应属于水竹组;而其余3种的花序呈穗状,小花较长,应归隶刚竹组。所有的凭证标本均保存于安徽省广德县林业科学研究所竹类标本室中。  相似文献   

筛胸梳爪叩甲幼虫寄主调查及其土壤空间分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邓顺  舒金平  王浩杰 《昆虫知识》2010,47(5):983-987
对安吉竹博园内筛胸梳爪叩甲Melanotus cribricolls(Faldermann)的寄主危害进行调查,主要调查竹种隶属于刚竹属(Phyllostachys)、矢竹属(Pseudosasa)、大明竹属(Pleioblastus)、唐竹属(Sinobambusa)、短穗竹属(Brachystachyum)、少穗竹属(Oligostachyum)和箣竹属(Bambusa),共7个属,包括47个竹种,其中41种寄主都不同程度地受到筛胸梳爪叩甲幼虫期的危害,新发现受害寄主30余种。据筛胸梳爪叩甲幼虫在5个竹种林区间的空间分布表明:筛胸梳爪叩甲较大体型的幼虫在竹林土壤中主要为聚集分布。调查过程发现,除筛胸梳爪叩甲幼虫对竹种的危害以外,竹笋夜蛾Apamea spp.也是导致退笋的主要虫害之一,二者一并成为目前竹博园内竹笋退笋的主要害虫。此外,园内竹种也受到浙江栉蝠蛾Bipectilus zhejiangensi、叶甲、白蚁和腐生蝇的侵害。鉴于筛胸梳爪叩甲幼虫危害的竹种范围比以往报道的有扩大的趋势,在竹种移植、土壤改良及敏感品种的选育应考虑到这些方面。  相似文献   

我国小麦族的形态演化与分类、分布的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文以演化形态为基础,结合地理分布和生境条件,研究了中国小麦族的分类和属 间的亲缘关系。 小麦族的穗状花序可认为由雀麦族的圆锥花序和短柄草族的总状花序演化而来,演化路 线可归纳为:1.圆锥花序的各级花序柄缩短直接形成圆锥穗状花序,具不定数小穗或假单生小穗,其颖与外稃的中线及小穗轴不在同一面上。2.圆锥花序简化为总状花序后小穗柄再缩短,形成简单穗状花序,具真单生小穗,其颖、稃的中线与小穗轴处于同一面上。 3.聚伞圆锥花序简缩为聚伞穗状花序,具三联小穗,其居中小穗的颖位于外稃的背面,侧小穗的颖位于外稃 的侧面。据此,根据小麦族颖、外稃的形态和其它性状、生境、分布,国产的和引种的小麦族植物可分为13个属(赖草属、披碱草属、鹅观草属、偃麦草属、山羊草属、小麦属、冰草属、旱麦草属、黑麦属、簇毛麦属、新麦草属、大麦属和猬草属),本文主要讨论了它们之间的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

正双子叶植物纲金缕梅亚纲的荨麻科是一个世界广布的科,分布于南北半球的热带与温带,约47属,1300余种植物。常为草本,有时为灌木,稀为乔木,多具有刺毛。楼梯草族(Elatostemeae)是荨麻科内一个物种丰富且变异范围很大的类群,包括6个属。冷水花属(Pilea)是本族第一大属,约400种,主要分布于美洲热带。本族第二大属,即楼梯草属(Elatostema),全球约350种,分布于亚洲、大洋洲和非洲的热带和亚热带地区。东亚的中国是该属的主要分布区,东起日本,西至喜马  相似文献   

大明竹属遗传多样性ISSR分析及DNA指纹图谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用对竹类有较好多态性的18条引物及已优化的ISSR反应体系和扩增程序,分析大明竹属25种竹的遗传多样性。研究结果:共扩增出重复性好的多态位点高达88.3%,平均每个引物扩增8.61个,DNA分子量在160-3000 bp,此25种竹类的平均遗传距离为0.5006,变异幅度为0.1486-0.7191,说明大明竹属具有高的遗传多样性,种间遗传相对复杂。ISSR结果聚类分析,在遗传距离0.5396处将25种竹划分为3类,与形态分类结果大致一致,说明ISSR技术能精确检测大明竹属部分植物的遗传多样性及亲缘关系,有助于该属的分类。试验用U807、U815、U835、U836、U840、U841、U844 7条引物构建大明竹属25种竹的数字指纹识别码,为大明竹属部分植物的分类及种质鉴定提供参考。  相似文献   

试论竹类的花序及其演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文旨在讨论竹类花序的类型。它共有两大类型,即单次发生花序(简称“真花序”)与续次发生花序(简称“假花序”)。前者具有一延续的花序轴,这与竹类的一般营养轴是迥然不同的;此外,整个花序是在一单次发育的周期内所产生的,并且它在植物体上有着一定的生长部位;它们的基本单位是小穗(真小穗),每小穗通常具一明显的柄。后一类型,则实是竹株的具花枝条,而非是真正的花序,故称为“假花序”。它具有原来就是营养轴所成的“花序轴”,此轴仍有节与节间两部分的区别,仅在其节处始能生有小穗;它们在发生上是续次(successivus)的,其小穗可不固定地着生在植物体任何级别的营养轴之各节,甚至可直接生长在主竿的节上;生长在此种类型花序上的通常或大多是假小穗,它无柄或近于无柄。多数情况都是形成紧密的簇团。又此种类型的花序仅见于竹类的一部分属种中,而决不发现在其他禾草(包括另一部分的竹类)的植株上。作者认为真正的花序可以通过演化而转变为续次发生的花序即“假花序”。举例来说,他曾设想筱竹Thamnocalamus spathiflorus Munro含2-3枚小穗的总状花序能够演化为浦竹仔Indosasa hispida McClure那样形态的一小段花枝。作者还相信在竹类的两大类型的花序之间并非仅有一个方向的演化途径,甚至还可能有着逆向演化之存在。  相似文献   

小麦族植物的属间亲缘和系统发育的探讨   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In 1976 the monotypic genus Hellmuthia was placed in the Hypolytreae s.l., but was subsequently ascribed to the Mapanioideae, tribe Chrysitricheae, mainly because of the presence in Hellmuthia of two lateral, mapanioid-like floral scales with ciliated keels, the anatomy of the nutlet, the embryo and the inflorescence. Recently, based on cladistic analyses and supported by pollen ontogenetic evidence, Hellmuthia was transferred to a Cyperaceae, tribe Cypereae, clade mainly consisting of Ficinia and Isolepis. In this study, the floral ontogeny in Hellmuthia was investigated and compared with the floral ontogeny in Paramapania, with special attention for the floral scales. METHODS: Freshly collected inflorescences of Hellmuthia membranacea and Paramapania parvibractea were investigated using scanning electron and light microscopy. KEY RESULTS: In the conical 'spikelet' in Hellmuthia, proximal bracts occur, each axillating an axis with empty glume-like structures, or a reduced spikelet. Hence, it is a reduced partial inflorescence. In Hellmuthia, the stamen primordia originate before the primordia of the perianth-gynoecium appear. Moreover, a third adaxially positioned 'floral scale' was observed for the first time. The position and relative time of appearance of the floral scales in Hellmuthia are typical for perianth parts in Cyperoideae. The basal position of Hellmuthia within a clade of species with usually perianthless flowers, allows the presence of rudiments of a perianth in Hellmuthia to be interpreted as a primitive state. Development of the lateral 'scales' in Paramapania follows a different pattern. Therefore, it was decided that the lateral 'scales' in Paramapania are different from the lateral perianth parts in Hellmuthia. The pollen grains in Hellmuthia are cyperoid, with one polar and five lateral apertures, of which the membrane is covered with sexinous bodies. The pollen surface is granulate and perforate with microspines. CONCLUSIONS: The floral ontogeny in Hellmuthia occurs according to the general cyperoid pattern. The lateral scales in Hellmuthia are perianth parts, and they are not homologous to the lateral 'scales' in Paramapania.  相似文献   

Robust glandular appendages are reported in legumes of the Caesalpinieae tribe. Most studies only attempt to describe the external morphology of these structures, without providing a distinction between glandular trichomes and emergences. This study employed ontogeny to resolve the terminology of these structures present in flowers of two tropical woody legumes of Caesalpinieae, Erythrostemon gilliesii and Poincianella pluviosa, through surface, anatomical and ultrastructural analyses. Flowers of both species exhibit branched and non-branched glandular trichomes since these structures originate from a single protodermal cell. Non-branched glandular trichomes occur on the inflorescence axis, pedicel, sepals and ovary; in P. pluviosa, they also occur in the unguicle of wings and standard, filaments, anthers and style. This type of trichome shows a non-secretory multiseriate stalk and a secretory multicellular head. Branched glandular trichomes, with similar morphology but exhibiting non-secretory branches, occur in the inflorescence axis, pedicel and sepals; in P. pluviosa, they also occur in the unguicle of wings. During the secretory phase, the trichome head cells have large nuclei, cytoplasm rich in vacuoles, oleoplasts, mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum and free ribosomes. The content is released in the intercellular spaces of the head in a merocrinous mechanism and reaches the surface through cuticle rupture. We emphasized the importance of ontogenetic studies to clarify the terminology of secretory structures. This type of study should be performed in other caesalpinoids so that such robust glandular appendages can be correctly interpreted and used with phylogenetic value in the group.  相似文献   

In Asclepias syriaca the overall inflorescence is an anthoclad in which the peduncles are non-axillary, each occurring about 60° away from the axil of a leaf. Ontogenetically, a peduncle is initiated when the stem apex expands laterally and bifurcates into separate apices, neither of which is subtended by any type of organ. One of the two apices continues as the functional apex of the stem (bifurcating again at each subsequent node), and the other functions as the apex of the peduncle. The peduncle first produces a bract and, then, a pedicel in the axil of the bract. Subsequent pedicels are each axillary to separate bracts. The pedicels, therefore, can be interpreted as ordinary lateral branches. However, because the bifurcations of the stem apex are not associated with subtending organs, the branching of the stem does not conform to expected monopodial or sympodial systems in the angiosperms. This suggests the possibility that each bifurcation of the stem apex is a true dichotomy. The anthoclad axis, thus, is a series of dichotomies. Although such a series may have been phylogenetically derived from a monopodial or sympodial ancestor, it is also possible that it may have been retained from a primitive, dichotomizing inflorescence.  相似文献   

The PCK Clade, represented by six to nine genera, is a monophyletic group situated within the Paniceae tribe. The highly diverse inflorescences within the PCK Clade provide an interesting system for the study of morphological evolution and also may aid in better understanding its unclear systematics. The inflorescence structure of 110 members of the PCK Clade has been investigated. Inflorescences are polytelic showing different levels of truncation. At least 21 different inflorescence subtypes were identified. Fourteen variable inflorescence characters were found, among which some have suprageneric or infrageneric value and others are polymorphic. A key for the identification of inflorescence types is presented. Nine processes have been identified as responsible for inflorescence diversification. Highly branched inflorescences with different internode lengths are present in the basal genus whereas truncated inflorescence morphologies appear late in the history of the clade. The precise timing of morphological changes is impossible to assess until we have a well supported phylogeny for the PCK Clade.  相似文献   

花序是影响植物繁殖的关键性状,也在分类学和系统发育研究中起着重要作用。药用植物穿龙薯蓣(Discorea nipponica)的花序类型具有多样型,但目前相关研究资料较少,且常有争议。为明晰穿龙薯蓣的花序类型及特征,本研究以观察测量为主,结合石蜡制片技术,对穿龙薯蓣的花序形态、数量性状及发育过程进行研究。结果表明:穿龙薯蓣雌花形成腋生的穗状花序,具退化雄蕊,具花粉囊,但不产生花粉;雄花序特征与现有资料的描述不尽相同,雄花序生于叶腋或顶生于侧枝,花序主轴为无限花序,侧轴为蝎尾状单歧聚伞花序,整体为形似穗状的混合花序;由于雄株部分侧枝叶片退化,腋生花序向顶逐渐短缩,与顶生花序结合呈圆锥状;雄花序的长度、小花数量、小花密度及花期时间等均高于雌花序。本研究发现,穿龙薯蓣雌雄花序形态与有限花序向无限花序演化过程相符,具原始性,可保证传粉的成功率,增强对环境的适应性。  相似文献   

论山毛榉科植物的系统发育   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
本文运用分支分类学方法,对山毛榉科植物进行了系统发育的分析。山毛榉科作为单元发生群包括柯属、锥属、粟属、三棱栎属、水青冈属和栎属。桦木科和南山毛榉属被选择作为外类群。对大量的性状进行评估之后,选择了25对性状作为建立数据矩阵的基本资料。性状极化以外类群比较为主,同时也采用了化石证据和通行的形态演化的基本原则。数据矩阵由7个分类群、2个外类群和25个性状组成。采用最大同步法、演化极端结合法和综合分析法对该数据矩阵进行了分析。在得到的3个树状分支图中按照最简约的原则,选出演化长度最短的谱系分支图作为本文讨论山毛榉科属间的系统演化关系的基础。关于山毛榉科植物的系统发育,作者的观点如下:(A)现存的山毛榉科的6个属形成了4条平行进化的分支路线,它们分别被处理作4个亚科,即:栗亚科,三棱栎亚科,水青冈亚科和栎亚科;(B)平行进化是山毛榉科植物系统发育过程中的主要形式。生殖过程中的一些特征,如:果实第二年成熟,胚珠通常败育等,是影响山毛榉科植物属间基因交流的主要原因。在现存的山毛榉科植物中,柯属是最原始的类群。三棱栎属和锥属的起源也较早,而栗属、水青冈属和栎属是特化的类群。  相似文献   

Anatomical characters of leaves of Chinese species of the tribe Thermopsideae, including 3 genera and 13 species, were compared. The results show that the differentiation of mesophyll cells, stomatal types, stomatal distribution and density, shape of epidermal cell, trichome shape and density, cuticular membrane and waxy ornamentation have important systematic and ecological significance among the genera of the tribe. With regard to leaf architecture, pollen morphology and external morphology studies, we suggest that Ammopiptanthus represents an isolated and primitive genus in the tribe and Piptanthus is closely related to Thermopsis. Although different vein-endings, stomatal types and trichomes indicate systematic differences, other characters, such as mesophyll type, stomatal distribution, trichome density etc. are the result of ecological adaptation among the genera. Results of the present study confirm our previous conclusion that two evolutionary trends exist in the tribe, the first towards xerophilization and the second towards cold-adaptation They are caused by the desertification of the central Asian area and the heave of intermountainous plateau. Ecological isolation may be a main evolutary motivation among the taxa in the tribe. We have obs'erved that stomatal density and size in the xeromorphic genus, Ammopipianthus, are not simply a result of the general trend in xerophytes to have high stomatal density correlating with the relatively small size. On the contrary, stomata in this genus are larger than those in the mesophytic genus, Piptanthus, and the density on the lower surface is much less than in the latter. However, stomatal density on the upper surface follows the trend in concordance with increasing aridity and altitute.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the following three aspects: 1. It attempts to discuss the problems on primitive forms of the family Araliaceae. The genus Tupidanthus Hook. f. & Thoms. was considered by H. Harms (1894) and H. L. Li (1942) as primitive, whilst another genus Plerandra A. Gray was regarded as primitive by R. H. Eyde & C. C. Tseng in 1971. Having made a detailed comparison of the taxonomical characters of these two genera, the present authors believe that both genera are not the most primitive in the Araliaceae. Their affinit yis not close enough and they possibly evolved in parallel lines from a common ancestor which is so far unknown yet. 2. By studying the systems of the past, the present authors believe that none of them is entirely satisfactory. Bentham (1867) recognized five ‘series’ (in fact, equivalent to ‘tribe’ with the ending-eae of names) based on the petaline arrangement in the bud, the numbers of stamen and the types of endospem. This is a plausible fundamental treatment for the Araliaceae, but choosing the endosperm as a criteria in dividing tribe is artifical. As we know today, both ruminate and uniform endosperm are usually presente in the same genus. Seemann’s system (1868) divided the Hederaceae (excl. Trib. Aralieae) into five tribes, in addition to the locules of ovary. The criteria are essentially the same as Bentham’s. The system of Hams (1894) divided the family into three tribes. Two tribes, Aralieae and Mackinlayeae, of Bentham are retained, but other groups were combined in the Trib. Schefflereae. However, Harms did not retain one of those three oldest legitimate names which had named by Bentham, that is contrary to the law of priority in the International Code of Botanical Nomenelature. Hutchinson (1967) adopted seven tribes for the family. The criteria essentially follow those of Bentham, but the inflorescence is overstressed. The inflorescence is an artifical taxonomical character in dividing tribes, because of some dioecious plants, such as Meryta sinclairii (Hook. f.) Seem., have two types of inflorescence in male and female plants. According to Hutchinson’s arrangement, the male and female plants would be put in separate tribes. 3. The present authors are of the opinion that in the study of a natural classification of plant groups emphasis should be laid not only on the characters of the reproductive organs, but on those of vegetative organs as well. The present revised system is based principally upon the characters of both flowers and leaves of the five tribes as follows: Trib. 1. Plerandreae Benth. emend. Hoo & Tseng Trib. 2. Tetraplasandreae Hoo & Tseng Trib. 3. Mackinlayeae Benth. Trib. 4. Aralieae Benth. Trib. 5. Panaceae Benth. emend. Hoo & Tseng  相似文献   

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