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变态是动物学中一个较重要的专用名词,有关内容在中学课本也多处涉及到。现择要介绍一点动物变态的知识,供动物学教学参考。何谓动物的变态动物由于外在和内在的原因,个体形态发生变化,这叫变态。但动物学所讲的变态,是狭义地从发生学角度理解,即胚胎不直接转变为成体,而是在后期发育过程中,先形成形态、生理、生态方面特殊的幼体,行独立生活和生长,以后在某阶段发生急剧变化,转变为成体。青  相似文献   

活的不可培养的细菌的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
活的不可培养微生物(VBNC)即一些微生物明显地丧失了可培养的特性,但是保留了自身原有的代谢活力,并且在一定条件下,又可以回复到可培养的状态。从VBNC细菌的诱导条件、生物学特性和检测方法3个方面对VBNC细菌研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

本文主要是以理论和试验来说明音波对植物的生长发育和种子萌发所起的影响。在农业实践上音波所起的作用,据现在所知:有缩短植物成熟期,加速萌芽和增强植物的生长发育等。这一些非但具有理论和实践上的意义,同时在今後把物理科学应用到农业科学中开辟了极广阔的前程。  相似文献   

一、真核细胞基因的基本结构 1.转录单位: 从已知的数十种基因的顺序,可得出一个具有功能的基因的共同规律,在基因5’端-25至-75区,有CCAAT和TATAAA区(后者又称ATA box或Hogness box),相当于促进子区(Promotor),为体外转录所必需。  相似文献   

研究了由一系列相互平行的吸附在细胞膜上的缩氨酸引起的膜的弹性形变,以及膜对缩氨酸的包裹行为,得到膜的平衡方程,用它可以来处理大尺度的形变,弯曲能量、吸附能量和弹性形变的相互竞争导致膜对缩氨酸发生从不吸附到部分吸附乃至完全包裹的结构转变.在膜的形变很小的时候,可以得到系统能量的解析解。  相似文献   

人是从那里来的? 回答这个问题,你也许会说这有什么困难——人是从古猿变来的;甚至你还会进一步说,在这个从猿到人的转变过程中,劳动起着决定性的作用。然而这个现在看来比较明了的道理,恰是经历了多么漫长的认识过程才达到的呵!现在让我们首先来谈谈,远古的人们是怎样认识自己的起源的。最初的原始人可能还想不到自己的起源在人类诞生的最早时期,“最初的、从动物界分离出来的人,在一切本质方面是和动物本身一样不自由的”(恩格斯:《反杜林论》),这些最初的原始人为艰苦  相似文献   

分离的蚕豆细胞核的RNA聚合酶活力的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Triton X-100对叶绿体膜的作用,可快速地从蚕豆幼叶制备较纯净的细胞核,它具有较高的RNA聚合酶活力。比较了两种分离核的方法,证明利用匀浆法制备的核具有较高的活力。核活力与发育时期有关系,茎端和第1对幼叶的核活力显著高于第2和第3对叶片的核活力。此外,核活力明显地受反应液内锰离子的抑制。  相似文献   

敲除pckA基因的结核杆菌引起的免疫反应的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究结核杆菌pckA基因编码的磷酸烯醇型丙酮酸羧激酶(PEPCK)诱导机体产生的保护性免疫反应。用敲除pckA基因的牛结核杆菌BCG和野生型BCG分别感染小鼠,取肝、肺、脾进行病理分析,并进行脾细胞培养,检测CD4 、CD4 /CD8 、细胞因子IFNI-γI、L-12和TNF等。用敲除pckA基因的BCG感染的小鼠比野生型BCG感染的小鼠体内产生的结核结节少且不典型,炎性程度低。野生型BCG感染的小鼠脾脏内的CD4 T细胞和CD4 /CD8 、细胞因子IFN-γ、IL-12、TNF均明显高于敲除pckA基因BCG感染的小鼠。pckA基因为结核杆菌生长所必需,其编码产物PEPCK能够刺激机体产生免疫反应,是一种很好的疫苗候选分子。  相似文献   

正红菇的化学成分的研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
采用GC、HPLC、GC/MS.凝胶过滤层析等方法对正红菇(Russula vinosa)的某些成分的分析结果表明:正红菇其色素由红紫色素和黄色素两个组分的组成,其中红紫色素对酸稳定,对碱及高温不稳定,而黄色素对它们则表现一定的稳定性。其多糖含量2.74%,含有五种多糖组分。在脂肪酸组成上,主要是油酸和亚油酸,并有可能 存在EPA和DHA。全氨基酸分析表明含有十六种氨基酸,必需氨基酸占总氨基酸的5  相似文献   

The classification and the relationships among the genera of Chinese Triticeae were studied based on morphological characters with reference to geographical distribution and habitat conditions. The spike of Triticeae might have been derived from a panicled inflorescence like that in the Bromeae through a racemose inflorescence like the one in the Brachypodieae. There might be three evolutionary lines in the tribe. 1. Pedicels of the panicled inflorescence have become short and bracts decreased in size, which has resulted in a panicled spike with indefinite spikelets or false solitary spikelets at each node of rachis. The middle ribes of both glumes and lemmas and rachilla are not in a single plane. 2. A simple spike with usual solitary spikelets at each node of rachis has been derived from the raceme. The middle ribe of both glumes and lemmas and rachilla are in a single plane. 3. A cymose spike with 3-spikelets at each node of rachis has evolved from the cymose panicle. The glume on the central spikelet is behind the lemma, while those on the lateral spikelets are on lateral sides of the lemmas. From what we have described above Triticeae may be divided into three subtribes: Elyminae, Triticinae and Hordeinae. Then according to the morphological characters of glume, lemma and other organs as well as the habitats and distribution, the native and introduced triticeous plants are classified into 13 genera (Leymus, Elymus, Roegneria, Elytrigia, Aegilops, Triticum, Agropyron, Eremopyrum, Secale, Haynaldia, Psathyrostachys, Hordeum and Hystrix) and their relationships are also discussed meanwhile.  相似文献   

山东小麦族植物叶表皮微形态的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用光学显微镜,对山东小麦族5属9种植物的叶片下表皮微形态特征进行了研究。叶片下表皮微形态在属间差异明显,可作为分属的参考依据;山东5种鹅观草属植物的叶片下表皮微形态可分为两种类型,这与形态上划分的拟披碱草组和犬草组相一致。  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: The mint family (Lamiaceae) is the sixth largest family of flowering plants, with the tribe Mentheae containing about a third of the species. We present a detailed perspective on the evolution of the tribe Mentheae based on a phylogenetic analysis of cpDNA and nrDNA that is the most comprehensive to date, a biogeographic set of analyses using a fossil-calibrated chronogram, and an examination of staminal evolution. ? Methods: Data from four cpDNA and two nrDNA markers representing all extant genera within the tribe Mentheae were analyzed using the programs BEAST, Lagrange, S-DIVA, and BayesTraits. BEAST was used to simultaneously estimate phylogeny and divergence times, Lagrange and S-DIVA were used for biogeographical reconstruction, and BayesTraits was used to infer staminal evolution within the tribe. ? Key results: Currently accepted subtribal delimitations are shown to be invalid and are updated. The Mentheae and all five of its subtribes have a Mediterranean origin and have dispersed to the New World multiple times. The vast majority of New World species of subtribe Menthinae are the product of a single dispersal event in the mid-late Miocene. At least four transitions from four stamens to two stamens have occurred within Mentheae, once in the subtribe Salviinae, once in the subtribe Lycopinae, and at least twice in the subtribe Menthinae. ? Conclusions: Worldwide cooling trends probably played a large role in the diversification and present day distribution of the tribe Mentheae. Additional work is needed to ascertain relationships within some Mentheae genera, especially in the subtribe Menthinae.  相似文献   

? Premise of the Study: Little research has been done at the molecular level on the tribe Fumarieae (Papaveraceae). Papaveraceae is a model plant group for studying evolutionary patterns despite the lack of a reference phylogeny for this tribe. We investigated the phylogenetic relationships within the tribe to complete the molecular data for this family in order to help understand its character evolution and biogeographic pattern. ? Methods: We used maximum-parsimony and Bayesian approaches to analyze five DNA regions for 25 species representing 10 of the 11 Fumarieae genera and five outgroups. Evolutionary pathways of four characters (habit, life span, type of fruit, and number of seeds per fruit) were inferred on the phylogeny using parsimony. The ancestral distribution areas were reconstructed using dispersal-vicariance analysis. ? Key Results: Fumarieae is monophyletic and includes three groups that agree with the morphology-based subtribes: Discocapninae, Fumariinae, and Sarcocapninae. Within subtribes, the relationships among genera were different from those obtained with morphological data. Annual life span, nonchasmophytic habit, and a several-seeded capsule were the basal character states for the tribe. The ancestor occupied a continuous area between West Eurasia and Africa. Vicariances explain the divergence between lineages Discocapninae (South Africa) and Fumariinae-Sarcocapninae (Mediterranean), and the disjunction of Fumariinae (Mediterranean-Central Asia). ? Conclusions: Molecular phylogeny confirms the subtribal classification of Fumarieae based on morphology. However it provides different results regarding the relationships among genera within each subtribe, which affects the inference of the evolutionary pathway followed by the four selected characters. The disjunct distribution of the tribe is explained by different vicariance scenarios.  相似文献   

This study represents a preliminary sampling of the pericarp histology of the subtribe Iguanurinae (tribe Areceae, subfamily Arecoideae) of the family Arecaceae. At least one sample from each of the 27 recognized genera was examined and illustrated with a line drawing. This sampling serves to characterize fruit structure in the subtribe as a whole, to illustrate the diversity of pericarp adaptations found in the subtribe, to characterize the monotypic genera, to provide hypotheses about the characterization of the larger genera, and to test existing phylogenetic hypotheses about the Iguanurinae. There are no unique tissues present in the pericarp in this subtribe, but genera can be readily characterized by unique combinations and distributional patterns in common tissues. These patterns, and some prominent evolutionary trends, parallel those in related subtribes of Areceae, such as the Ptychospermatinae and Arecinae. Significant in this subtribe is variation in the distribution of tanniniferous cells, raphide-bearing cells and brachysclereids, in the sculpturing of the seed and the locular epidermis, in the thickness of the locular epidermis, in the thickness of the fibrous vascular bundle sheaths, and especially in the number, orientation and distribution of nonvascular fibrous bundles. One major trend is the formation of systems of separate fibrous bundles and their progressive displacement toward the outer layer of the fruit, where a complex exocarp may form. The diversity of pericarp structure in the Iguanurinae is far greater than in the two subtribes previously studied.  相似文献   

Loranthaceae (73 genera and ca. 900 species) comprise mostly aerial hemiparasitic plants. Three monotypic genera considered relicts are root parasites. The family is diverse in tropical areas, but representatives are also found in temperate habitats. Previous classifications were based on floral and inflorescence morphology, karyological information, and biogeography. The family has been divided into three tribes: Nuytsiae, Elytrantheae (subtribes Elytranthinae and Gaiadendrinae), and Lorantheae (subtribes Loranthinae and Psittacanthinae). Nuytsiae and Elytrantheae are characterized by a base chromosome number of x = 12, whereas subtribes Loranthinae (x = 9) and Psittacanthinae (x = 8) numbers are derived via aneuploid reduction. To elucidate the phylogeny of the family, we analyzed sequences from five genes (nuclear small and large subunit rDNA and the chloroplast genes rbcL, matK, and trnL-F) representing most genera using parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian inference. The three root parasites, Nuytsia, Atkinsonia, and Gaiadendron, are supported as successive sister taxa to the remaining genera, resulting in a monophyletic group of aerial parasites. Three major clades are resolved each corresponding to a subtribe. However, two South American genera (Tristerix and Notanthera) and the New Zealand genus Tupeia, which were previously classified in subtribe Elytranthinae, are weakly supported as part of a clade representing the South American subtribe Psittacanthinae.  相似文献   

The tribe Harpalini is a group of ground beetles with a world-wide distribution that comprises approximately 2000 species and about 238 genera and subgenera. Hypotheses about the phylogenetic relationships of the subtribes of Harpalini are implicit within the systematic criteria put forward by different authors. A 759 bp fragment of the mitochondrial COI was sequenced in 119 specimens (107 species) of 52 genera and subgenera that represent the main lineages of Harpalines, and 3 species of other tribes used as outgroups. A hierarchical study of sequence divergence (under uncorrected and corrected models) and ts:tv ratio pattern analyses were carried out at different taxonomic levels. A low saturation rate was detected at first and second codon positions, whereas A+T richness causes a low transitions:transversions ratio, which suggests--a priori--a high rate of saturation at the third codon position. A progressive accumulation of sequence divergence and a decreasing ts:tv ratio were found from lower to higher taxonomic levels. MP strict consensus, ML, and minimum evolution distance (under ts+tv and tv only schemes) trees showed similar major clades within the tribe. The subtribe Ditomina is a monophyletic lineage with close affinities to the subtribe Harpalina. Harpalina is a polyphyletic lineage as the genus Daptus is always related to members of the subtribe Stenolophina, and the Selenophorines resulted a polyphyletic group related to the subtribe Anisodactylina. Main lineages proposed by Noonan [Quaest. Entomol. 9 (1973) 266] within the subtribe Anisodactylina have been corroborated in this study. The Australian genus Phorticosomus is not related to Ditomina but to the Australian Notiobioids lineage. Most taxa of the subtribe Stenolophina are always included in the same clade, together with taxa of the subtribe Pelmatellina, which might be considered as a lineage of Stenolophina related to Bradycellus and Dicheirotrichus. The subtribe Amblystomina lacks a well-supported relationship to the other subtribes of Harpalini and could not be consistently related to any of them.  相似文献   

小麦族遗传资源的多样性及其保护   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
禾木科小麦族中包含了三种世界最重要的粮食作物,即:小麦、大麦和黑麦以及许多具有重要经济价值的牧草种类。小麦族植物种类繁多、分布广泛、生态多样,具有极其丰富的形态和遗传变异类型。作为巨大的基因资源库,小麦族植物在通过现代生物技术而导入外源有益基因的麦类作物育种程序中,具有重要和特殊的价值。然而对于小麦族植物的生物多样性的研究和了解还远远不足。同时在全球环境的不断改变和遭到破坏的今天,一些小麦族的物种已处于濒危的状态而面临灭绝,因此对于小麦族丰富的遗传多样性制定有效的措施进行保护是摆在我们面前亟待解决的课题。  相似文献   

Anthemideae (Asteraceae) is primarily a north temperate, Old World tribe of 109 genera and approximately 1740 species. We sequenced a 1200-bp portion of chloroplast gene ndhF for representative genera and subtribes and constructed a phylogeny for the tribe. There is support for monophyly of subtribes Chrysantheminae and Gonosperminae and for portions of some subtribes. However, our molecular phylogeny differs significantly from traditional classifications and from previously published morphological phylogenies of the tribe. Many South African genera from several different subtribes form a basal grade, indicating multiple, relictual lineages. Eurasian genera form a recently derived clade that includes the Mediterranean genera of the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. There is little resolution or support for the placement of eastern Asian genera. Apparently, the tribe originated in the Southern Hemisphere, presumably in Africa, with the Eurasian and Mediterranean members being derived from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

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