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The discovery that the single p53 gene encodes several different p53 protein isoforms has initiated a flurry of research into the function and regulation of these novel p53 proteins. Full-length p53 protein level is primarily regulated by the E3-ligase Mdm2, which promotes p53 ubiquitination and degradation. Here, we report that all of the novel p53 isoforms are ubiquitinated and degraded to varying degrees in an Mdm2-dependent and -independent manner, and that high-risk human papillomavirus can degrade some but not all of the novel isoforms, demonstrating that full-length p53 and the p53 isoforms are differentially regulated. In addition, we provide the first evidence that Mdm2 promotes the NEDDylation of p53β. Altogether, our data indicates that Mdm2 can distinguish between the p53 isoforms and modify them differently.  相似文献   
Understanding ectomycorrhizal fungal (EMF) community structure is limited by a lack of taxonomic resolution and autecological information. Rhizopogon vesiculosus and Rhizopogon vinicolor (Basidiomycota) are morphologically and genetically related species. They are dominant members of interior Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca) EMF communities, but mechanisms leading to their coexistence are unknown. We investigated the microsite associations and foraging strategy of individual R. vesiculosus and R. vinicolor genets. Mycelia spatial patterns, pervasiveness and root colonization patterns of fungal genets were compared between Rhizopogon species and between xeric and mesic soil moisture regimes. Rhizopogon spp. mycelia were systematically excavated from the soil and identified using microsatellite DNA markers. Rhizopogon vesiculosus mycelia occurred at greater depth, were more spatially pervasive, and colonized more tree roots than R. vinicolor mycelia. Both species were frequently encountered in organic layers and between the interface of organic and mineral horizons. They were particularly abundant within microsites associated with soil moisture retention. The occurrence of R. vesiculosus shifted in the presence of R. vinicolor towards mineral soil horizons, where R. vinicolor was mostly absent. This suggests that competition and foraging strategy may contribute towards the vertical partitioning observed between these species. Rhizopogon vesiculosus and R. vinicolor mycelia systems occurred at greater mean depths and were more pervasive in mesic plots compared with xeric plots. The spatial continuity and number of trees colonized by genets of each species did not significantly differ between soil moisture regimes.  相似文献   
Adult male mice were given a continuous infusion of about 0.5 muCi of 3H-thymidine per gram body weight per day for periods varying from 1 to 60 days. Semithin sections of descending colon were cut from/plastic-embedded blocks and stained by a method combining silver impregnation and iron hematoxylin, by which argentaffin entero-endocrine cells and caveolated cells could be identified. From radioautographs, the labeling index of these cells was determined. One to three days after the beginning of 3H-thymidine infusion, label is observed in some of the stained entero-endocrine cells in the bottom of the crypts; the apices of these cells reach the crypt lumen and are joined to neighboring cells by terminal bars (junctional complexes). After five to seven days, labeled entero-endocrine cells are seen on the sides of the crypts, where their base stretches along the basement membrane and their apex has lost its terminal bar connections to neighboring cells. Finally, by 13 and 24 days, labeled cells are observed within the epithelium at the mucosal surface. The turnover time, which is taken to be equal to the mean time required for migration from site of origin to site of loss on the mucosal surface, has been estimated at 23.3 days. This is much longer than the 4.6 days required by the two main cell types of the epithelium -- vacuolated-columnar and mucous cells -- to travel the same route. It is likely that, after entero-endocrine cells lose their terminal bar attachment to other epithelial cells, they migrate independently and very slowly. Labeled caveolated cells are first seen in the crypt bottom one day after the beginning of 3H-thymidine infusion. By three to five days, they are on the sides of the crypts; their base is stretched along the basement membrane, but their apex retains its attachment to neighboring cells by terminal bars. By seven days, labeled caveolated cells are on the mucosal surface. Their turnover time has been assessed at 8.2 days. This is, again, longer than for the two main types to which they are bound by terminal bars throughout migration. The discrepancy is explained by the caveolated cells arising deeper in the crypts than most vacuolated-columnar and mucous cells.  相似文献   
Interventions are needed to protect the health of children who live with smokers. We pilot-tested a real-time intervention for promoting behavior change in homes that reduces second hand tobacco smoke (SHS) levels. The intervention uses a monitor and feedback system to provide immediate auditory and visual signals triggered at defined thresholds of fine particle concentration. Dynamic graphs of real-time particle levels are also shown on a computer screen. We experimentally evaluated the system, field-tested it in homes with smokers, and conducted focus groups to obtain general opinions. Laboratory tests of the monitor demonstrated SHS sensitivity, stability, precision equivalent to at least 1 µg/m3, and low noise. A linear relationship (R2 = 0.98) was observed between the monitor and average SHS mass concentrations up to 150 µg/m3. Focus groups and interviews with intervention participants showed in-home use to be acceptable and feasible. The intervention was evaluated in 3 homes with combined baseline and intervention periods lasting 9 to 15 full days. Two families modified their behavior by opening windows or doors, smoking outdoors, or smoking less. We observed evidence of lower SHS levels in these homes. The remaining household voiced reluctance to changing their smoking activity and did not exhibit lower SHS levels in main smoking areas or clear behavior change; however, family members expressed receptivity to smoking outdoors. This study established the feasibility of the real-time intervention, laying the groundwork for controlled trials with larger sample sizes. Visual and auditory cues may prompt family members to take immediate action to reduce SHS levels. Dynamic graphs of SHS levels may help families make decisions about specific mitigation approaches.  相似文献   
The Annual bioProcessUK Conference has acted as the key networking event for bioprocess scientists and engineers in the UK for the past 10 years. The following article is a report from the sessions that focused on continuous bioprocessing during the 10th Annual bioProcessUK Conference (London, December 2013). These sessions were organized by the ‘EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Emergent Macromolecular Therapies’ hosted at University College London. A plenary lecture and workshop provided a forum for participants to debate topical issues in roundtable discussions with industry and academic experts from institutions such as Genzyme, Janssen, Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Merck, GE Healthcare and University College London. The aim of these particular sessions was to understand better the challenges and opportunities for continuous bioprocessing in the bioprocessing sector.  相似文献   
The effect of theophylline and isoproterenol on bovine tracheal smooth muscle tension and cyclic AMP levels was investigated. Concentrations of isoproterenol (4 × 10?6 M) and theophylline (10 mM) that relaxed carbachol-contracted tracheal muscle by 85–95% did not significantly elevate control levels of cyclic AMP. In the absence of carbachol, several-fold increases in cyclic AMP were caused by isoproterenol although no elevations by theophylline were measurable. However, when isoproterenol and theophylline were administered together, theophylline potentiated the rise in cyclic AMP caused by isoproterenol. Phosphodiesterase studies in tracheal muscle showed the presence of a high and a low Km enzyme which were inhibited by theophylline. Cyclic GMP levels were elevated in muscles contracted by carbachol as well as in carbachol-contracted muscles that had been relaxed by theophylline. In non-tension studies, in which the tracheal muscle was not under isometric tension, carbachol or theophylline alone increased cyclic GMP and together they synergistically elevated cyclic GMP. Atropine blocked the elevation caused by carbachol but not that caused by theophylline. In contrast to theophylline, isoproterenol did not elevate cyclic GMP, and in carbachol-contracted muscles that had been relaxed by isoproterenol, cyclic GMP levels were no different from control. Also, in non-tension studies, isoproterenol decreased basal cyclic GMP and antagonized the increase in cyclic GMP due to carbachol.The results indicate that whole-tissue levels of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP do not correlate with the state of tracheal smooth muscle tension. Cyclic GMP levels do not clearly correlate with either contraction or relaxation. The inhibition by carbachol of increases in cyclic AMP due to isoproterenol and the inhibition by isoproterenol of increases in cyclic GMP due to carbachol provide evidence for a reciprocal cholinergic-adrenergic antagonism of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP levels. The antagonism did not appear to be due to either cyclic nucleotide affecting the elevation of the other since the levels of both cyclic nucleotides were depressed.  相似文献   
To cope with changes in the environment, organisms not only show behavioural but also phenotypic adjustments. This is well established for the digestive tract. Here we present a first case of birds adjusting their flight machinery in response to predation risk. In an indoor experiment, ruddy turnstones Arenaria interpres were subjected to an unpredictable daily appearance of either a raptor or a small gull (as a control). Ruddy turnstones experiencing threat induced by a flying raptor model, longer than after similar passage by the gull model, refrained from feeding after this disturbance. Pectoral muscle mass, but not lean mass, responded in a course of a few days to changes in the perceived threat of predation. Pectoral muscle mass increased after raptor scares. Taking the small increases in body mass into account, pectoral muscle mass was 3.6% higher than aerodynamically predicted for constant flight performance. This demonstrates that perceived risk factors may directly affect organ size.  相似文献   
In vitro measurements were made of transmural potential difference (PD), short-circuit current (Isc), resistance and unidirectional fluxes of 22Na and 36Cl across the duodenum, jejunum, ileum and colon of normal sodium-replete domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus). The PD ranged from about 1 mV across the duodenum to 8 mV across the colon while the Isc was, respectively, 2.8 and 64 microA X cm-2. The jejunum and ileum exhibited values between these extremes. Unidirectional fluxes (under short-circuit conditions) of Na and Cl were lowest across the duodenum where there was no evidence of active transport of these ions. Unidirectional fluxes of Na and Cl were less across the jejunum than across the ileum or colon. A net active transport of Na (but not Cl) was observed in the ileum (= 106% of the Isc) and colon (= 50% of Isc). The possible physiological significance of these observations in the domestic fowl are discussed and are compared to that of a mammal, the rabbit.  相似文献   
The genome of four Streptomyces ambofaciens strains from different geographical origins (ATCC15154, DSM40697, ETH9247 and ETH 11317) was analysed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The PFGE technique has allowed the study of the extrachromosomal content of these strains and the characterization of their genomic DNA by restriction analyses. Electrophoretic migration of undigested DNA allowed us to detect a 80 kb-length linear molecule with concatemeric forms in S. ambofaciens ATCC15154. These extrachromosomal molecules were shown to be homologous to the circular plasmid pSAM1 (80 kb) suggesting that pSAM1 could exist not only in circular form but also in linear form. In the same way a 45 kb-length linear molecule was detected in S. ambofaciens ETH9427 and ETH11317. In contrast, no extrachromosomal DNA could be detected in S. ambofaciens DSM40697. The analysis of the macrorestriction patterns using the rate-cutting enzymes AseI and DraI indicated a close relationship between the DSM- and ETH- strains. Indeed, three types of restriction patterns were distinguished: while S. ambofaciens ETH9427 and ETH11317 were characterized by the same pattern and share more than 75% of comigrating fragments with the strain DSM40697, S. ambofaciens ATCC15154 exhibited a restriction pattern different from the other three. The total genome sizes of S. ambofaciens ATCC15154, DSM40697, ETH9427 and ETH11317 were estimated to be about 6500, 8000, 8200 and 8200 kb, respectively.  相似文献   
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