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通过对中国芫菁科5族11属19种(亚种)后翅翅脉、翅关节和翅基部综合特征的比较形态学研究,归纳了族级特征,并用Hennig 86(1.5)软件对其后翅综合特征进行支序分析得出它们之间初步的进化关系,即栉芫菁族Nemognathini+(齿角芫菁族Cerocomini+(豆芫菁族Epicautini+(绿芫菁族Lyttini+斑芫菁族Mylabrini)))。  相似文献   
Meloid beetles are well characterised by both morphological and biological features. Previous phylogenetic hypotheses based on morphological characters assumed the repeated parallel evolution of complex biological novelties. In this work relationships among several taxa of the four subfamilies and almost all tribes representing meloid diversity are examined by using mitochondrial (16S) and nuclear (ITS2) DNA sequences, in 25 genera (using Anthicidae as outgroup). Secondary structure of 16S and ITS2 rRNAs were modelled. ITS2 structure represents a synapomorphic condition for the family and informative characters at the tribal level. Phylogenetic hypotheses based on separate and combined analysis of the 16S and ITS2 rDNA sequences, and morpho-biological characters were tested, and compared with previous morphological classifications. Molecular dating allowed an outline of the main steps of the evolutionary history of Meloidae, which evolved during Early Cretaceous and then radiated considerably with the adoption of hypermetaboly and parasitic behaviour, and with repeated, parallel evolution of larval phoresy on its hosts.  相似文献   
在多年野外物种考察基础上,依据河北大学馆藏标本和文献资料,对河北省的芫菁种类进行分类和整理,共计9属24种,其中丽斑芫菁Mylabris(Chalcabris)speciosa(Pallas,1781)、四星栉芫菁Megatrachelus politus(Ge-bler,1832)、二斑狭翅芫菁Stenoria(Stenoria)fasciata (Faldermann,1835)和异色带栉芫菁Zonigis fortuccii Fairmaire,1887为河北省新纪录种,并编制了属、种检索表.记述了各种的地理分布.  相似文献   
芫菁科昆虫体内斑蝥素的气相色谱法测定   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
分别采用酸水解法和直接浸提法处理不同种芫菁样品、短翅豆芫菁Epicauta aptera Kaszab的卵和大斑芫菁Mylabris phalerata Pallas的不同虫体部位,后用气相色谱仪测定斑蝥素含量。结果表明:用酸水解法处理后的芫菁体内斑蝥素含量较之用直接浸提法处理后有显著提高,增高幅度在1~9倍之间,其中以豆芫菁属Epicauta昆虫的增高幅度最大,一般在7倍以上,而斑芫菁属Mylabris的斑蝥素含量增幅不高,芫菁卵中斑蝥素含量变化不显著;斑蝥素主要富集于大斑芫菁的腹部。  相似文献   
记述中国云南豆芫菁属1新种:隐纹豆芫菁Epicautacryptogramaca,sp.nov.。新种与陈氏豆芫菁E.cheniTan,1958在外形上相似,两者的主要区别是:前者唇基和上唇扁平并有刻点和毛,后者唇基前缘光滑厚实,上唇基部和端部光滑;前者触角被一色的黑短毛,后者基部3节则密生浅色毛;前者前足第1跗节正常,后者则变为宽卵形;前者的足完全黑色,后者的后足胫节棕至棕黄。模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   
芫菁科不同种类成虫体内斑蝥素的含量   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
芫菁体内含有斑蝥素,是一种重要的药用昆虫。近年来我国对斑蝥素的临床应用研究表明:斑蝥素及其衍生物对治疗原发性肝癌疗效显著。为了摸清我国芫菁科昆虫的自然资源和虫体内斑蝥素的含量,作者调查了不同地区、不同寄主植物上芫菁科昆虫的种类分布,并利用气相色谱内标法测定了不同性别以及交尾高峰前后的芫菁成虫体内斑蝥素的含量。发现雄性成虫体内斑蝥素的含量均高于雌性成虫。交配高峰后的芫菁雌性成虫体内斑蝥素含量高于交配高峰前的芫菁雌性成虫体内斑蝥素含量。  相似文献   
中国药用甲虫──芫菁科的资源考察与利用   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
芫菁是重要的药用甲虫。为了摸清我国芜菁科的自然资源,作者自1989—1991年系统的调查了我国南、北方6个省区的芜菁科的种类与分布,明确了其中分布广数量大的优势种,从而为芫菁科的自然资源利用提供了理论依据。对优势种所含斑蟊素的测定,首先用薄层层析法鉴别其斑蟊素斑点的颜色和显著程度,然后用气相色谱法进行含量测定。结果表明测定的19种中有80%左右的种类其斑蟊素含量超过了。中华人民共和国药典。中写明的斑合素含量不得低于0.35%始能人药的规定。明显地扩大了可以人药的种类。作为对照,作者选择了医药部门经常与芫菁混杂出售或使用的红斑郭公虫以及过去文献中记载含有斑蟊素的红蝉(同翅目),用气相色谱法进行斑蟊素的含量测定,结果表明二者均不含斑蟊素。  相似文献   
疆芫菁科的区系组成及药用价值(鞘翅目:芫菁科)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
调查表明,新疆芫菁科(Meloidlc)昆虫有41种,分隶于5属,以斑芫菁属Mylabris F.种类最多,达32种,占78.0%;在41种中,有10种为我国首次纪录。区系组成含中亚细亚,蒙古,欧洲,准噶尔和泛古北种五种成分,其中以中亚细亚种最多,达23种,约占56.0%。芫菁是药用昆虫,对常见的10种芫菁药用有效成分-斑蝥素含量进行了测定,发现其中,种含量较高,药用价值明显。  相似文献   
The Amazon rainforest is one of the planet’s biodiversity hotspots, hosting a rich orchid bee fauna. The phoretic cleptoparasites of this bee fauna are largely unknown. We report for the first time the host–cleptoparasite interaction between Eulaema mocsaryi (Friese) (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Euglossini) and the first instar larva (triungulin) of a Tetraonycini meloid beetle. We review the host–cleptoparasite interactions of Tetraonycini with Apid bees in South America and discuss the ecological needs of the cleptoparasite.  相似文献   
Larvae of the bean blister beetle Epicauta gorhami Marseul (Coleoptera: Meloidae) feed on grasshopper eggs in soil and undergo hypermetamorphosis. This beetle undergoes larval diapause in the fifth instar as a pseudopupa, a form characteristic of hypermetamorphosis in meloid beetles. The effects of temperature, photoperiod and soil humidity on larval development of E. gorhami are examined in a population in Miyazaki, Japan, using egg pods of Locusta migratoria L. as food. At lower temperatures (20 and 22.5 °C), all larvae become pseudopupae, regardless of the photoperiod. By contrast, at higher temperatures (27.5 and 30 °C), almost all larvae pupate at the end of the fourth instar, again regardless of the photoperiod. A long‐day photoperiodic response occurs only at an intermediate temperature (25 °C): under an LD 12 : 12 h photocycle, all larvae enter diapause, although the diapause incidence tends to decrease as the day length becomes longer. Pseudopupae are immobile and remain in diapause for ≥120 days when they are kept under the same conditions, except that diapause terminates within a relatively short time at 30 °C. Although lower soil humidity retards post‐feeding development, soil humidity has no effect on the diapause incidence. On the basis of the short developmental period and diapause avoidance under summer conditions, it is suggested that this beetle partially produces two generations a year in southwestern Japan.  相似文献   
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