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针对斑芫菁族分类系统中伪斑芫菁属Pseudabris分类关系的不确定,选择该族6个代表种,对其触角感器的形态特征、类型变化和分布位置做了记述、分析比较,提供了扫描电镜照片;基于14个触角特征的分析数据,构建了该族3个属和6个种可能的系统发育树。属间关系:沟芫菁属Hycleus+(伪斑芫菁Pseudabris+苹斑芫菁Mylabris);种间关系:(眼斑沟芫菁H.cichorii+大斑沟芫菁指名亚种H.phaleratus)+((长角伪斑芫菁P.hingstoni+长腹伪斑芫菁P.longiventris)+(苹斑芫菁M.calida+丽斑芫菁M.speciosa))。  相似文献   

在多年野外物种考察基础上,依据河北大学馆藏标本和文献资料,对河北省的芫菁种类进行分类和整理,共计9属24种,其中丽斑芫菁Mylabris(Chalcabris)speciosa(Pallas,1781)、四星栉芫菁Megatrachelus politus(Ge-bler,1832)、二斑狭翅芫菁Stenoria(Stenoria)fasciata (Faldermann,1835)和异色带栉芫菁Zonigis fortuccii Fairmaire,1887为河北省新纪录种,并编制了属、种检索表.记述了各种的地理分布.  相似文献   

芫菁科昆虫体内斑蝥素的气相色谱法测定   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
分别采用酸水解法和直接浸提法处理不同种芫菁样品、短翅豆芫菁Epicauta aptera Kaszab的卵和大斑芫菁Mylabris phalerata Pallas的不同虫体部位,后用气相色谱仪测定斑蝥素含量。结果表明:用酸水解法处理后的芫菁体内斑蝥素含量较之用直接浸提法处理后有显著提高,增高幅度在1~9倍之间,其中以豆芫菁属Epicauta昆虫的增高幅度最大,一般在7倍以上,而斑芫菁属Mylabris的斑蝥素含量增幅不高,芫菁卵中斑蝥素含量变化不显著;斑蝥素主要富集于大斑芫菁的腹部。  相似文献   

记述芫菁科Meloidae中国1新纪录属,异角芫菁属Rhampholyssa,以及中国1新纪录种,斯氏异角芫菁Rhampholys sasteveni(Fischervon Waldheim,1823)。该属的主要鉴别特征是:触角8节,♂性第3~5节极为特化,背面观颊几乎不可见;♂额具发达纵隆脊并由侧面可见。提供了斯氏异角芫菁形态描述、生物学、寄主及形态特征图。研究标本保存在河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

短翅豆芫菁室内人工养殖探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冯钦忠  周建威 《四川动物》2005,24(4):542-545
室内人工养殖短翅豆芫菁研究结果表明:不同食物、温度、土壤含水量、光照等对短翅豆芫菁存活期有不同的影响.在温度为17.5~25.0℃、土壤含水量为10%时短翅豆芫菁存活期最长;充分的光照及空气流通有利于短翅豆芫菁的生存.  相似文献   

中国斑芫菁后翅形态比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨玉霞  任国栋 《昆虫学报》2007,50(4):429-434
选取中国斑芫菁属11个代表种,对比分析了它们的后翅形态特征; 以苹斑芫菁Mylabris calida Pallas, 1782为模式,探讨了斑芫菁属后翅的翅脉名称,并对其性状进行了描述。研究结果将斑芫菁属翅脉归纳为3种类型:1)南方型:东洋种,翅深褐色,各脉粗大,骨化程度高,皱褶多而明显;2)高原型:青藏高原特有种,翅乳白色,半透明,仅前缘和MP1+2形成明显的大翅室,余脉淡而不显,骨化程度低;3)北方型:为以上两种类型的中间过渡,古北种,翅褐色,各脉清晰,中度骨化。根据研究结果,初步探讨了斑芫菁属翅脉的形态进化。  相似文献   

程海云  段家充  张超  潘昭 《昆虫学报》2022,65(9):1204-1221
【目的】应用线粒体COI和核CAD基因片段探讨自动条形码间隔探索(automatic barcode gapdiscovery, ABGD)、广义混合Yule溯祖模型(generalized mixed Yule coalescent, GMYC)、贝叶斯泊松树进程(Bayesian Poisson tree processes, bPTP)和贝叶斯系统发育和系统地理分析(Bayesianphylogenetics and phylogeography, BPP) 4种分析方法在芫菁科(Meloidae)昆虫分子物种界定中的适用性。【方法】分别基于COI, CAD和COI+CAD串联序列数据集,应用ABGD, GMYC, bPTP和BPP 4种方法对中国北方芫菁科常见的6属(沟芫菁属Hycleus、斑芫菁属Mylabris、豆芫菁属Epicauta、绿芫菁属Lytta、星芫菁属Megatrachelus和短翅芫菁属Meloe)18个形态种进行分子物种界定,并与形态学鉴定结果进行比较。【结果】利用COI+CAD串联序列数据集所得物种界定结果与形态鉴定结果一致;COI数据集使用ABGD和GMYC方法的界定结果与形态鉴定结果一致,而bPTP划分的物种数较形态鉴定结果多;基于CAD序列在3种单基因物种界定方法的结果中,除GMYC与形态划分一致外,其余均显示部分结果与形态划分不同。【结论】在芫菁科分子物种界定中,多基因联合序列、多种界定方法分析所得结果优于单一基因片段和界定方法的分析结果。本研究的结果为芫菁科昆虫的分子物种界定和整合分类提供了数据支持和参考。  相似文献   

首次报道绿芫菁属Lytta Fabricius, 1775印绿芫菁亚属Indiolytta Selander, 1960和端黑绿芫菁Lytta(Indiolytta)melanura(Hope, 1831)在中国的分布。标本采自广西壮族自治区宁明县那才村,保存在中山大学生物博物馆。此外,给出端黑绿芫菁形态描述和特征图,并比较和讨论了该种与印绿芫菁亚属其他3种的区别。  相似文献   

细纹豆芫菁和大斑芫菁的性行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对细纹豆芫菁EpicautamannerheimiM kl和大斑芫菁MylabrisphalerataPallas的求偶和交配过程进行了描述。列举了芫菁亚科 5族 1 3属 3 4种芫菁的性行为 ,并讨论了雄成虫在形态构造上对求偶和交配行为的适应性行为。  相似文献   

记述采自中国河北的绿芫菁属Lytta Fabricius 1 新种:周氏绿芫菁Lytta choui sp. nov.。新种外形与绿边绿芫菁L. suturella (Motschulsky, 1860)十分相似,但新种:1)头部黄色额斑菱形;2)前足胫节末端 2 距,外距细小,内距大而弯;3)第8节背板锐角凹陷;4)前胸前缘凹陷较浅;5)中茎腹钩发达,阳茎细长等特征可与后者区别。文中还给出了新种的成虫和形态特征图。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

Bai M  McCullough E  Song KQ  Liu WG  Yang XK 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e21600
This study examines the evolution hindwing shape in Chinese dung beetle species using morphometric and phylogenetic analyses. Previous studies have analyzed the evolution of wing shape within a single or very few species, or by comparing only a few wing traits. No study has analyzed wing shape evolution of a large number of species, or quantitatively compared morphological variation of wings with proposed phylogenetic relationships. This study examines the morphological variation of hindwings based on 19 landmarks, 119 morphological characters, and 81 beetle species. Only one most parsimonious tree (MPT) was found based on 119 wing and body characters. To better understand the possible role of the hindwing in the evolution of Scarabaeinae, additional phylogenetic analyses were proposed based on the only body features (106 characters, wing characters excluded). Two MPT were found based on 106 body characters, and five nodes were collapsed in a strict consensus. There was a strong correlation between the morphometric tree and all phylogenetic trees (r>0.5). Reconstructions of the ancestral wing forms suggest that Scarabaeinae hindwing morphology has not changed substantially over time, but the morphological changes that do occur are focused at the base of the wing. These results suggest that flight has been important since the origin of Scarabaeinae, and that variation in hindwing morphology has been limited by functional constraints. Comparison of metric disparity values and relative evolutionary sequences among Scarabaeinae tribes suggest that the primitive dung beetles had relatively diverse hindwing morphologies, while advanced dung beetles have relatively similar wing morphologies. The strong correlation between the morphometric tree and phylogenetic trees suggest that hindwing features reflect the evolution of whole body morphology and that wing characters are suitable for the phylogenetic analyses. By integrating morphometric and cladistic approaches, this paper sheds new light on the evolution of dung beetle hind wings.  相似文献   

对中国锯天牛族的后翅基部关节和后翅翅脉特征进行了研究,发现利用Kukalová-Peck和Lawrence (2004)的后翅命名系统能够很好地对中国锯天牛族后翅翅脉进行命名。但是在中国锯天牛族中,后中脉( MP)和前肘脉(CuA)在后缘并不合并;当前臀脉( AA3)和前肘脉(CuA3 +4)与后肘脉(CuP)相遇时,前臀脉(AA3)消失,前肘脉(CuA3 +4)和后肘脉(CuP)合并,因此楔室(W)仅由肘脉(Cu)的分支脉围成。尽管基部翅关节在研究的各属和各种之间没有表现出差异,但是后翅翅脉在土天牛属Dorysthenes和锯天牛属Prionus不同种类之间差异明显,这些特征包括径室的长宽比例和各边的长度关系、r3存在与否及其长度、后径脉的长度、楔室的长宽比例、以及后中脉(MP3 +4)和前肘脉(CuA3 +4)端部是否分叉等。因此,后翅翅脉特征在土天牛属Dorysthenes和锯天牛属Prionus分种时可能具有分类学意义。  相似文献   

若干蛾类翅面正投影形状聚类分析鳞翅目:缰翅亚目)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张志涛  李光博 《昆虫学报》1996,39(2):173-179
本文以翅面正投影形状的特征参数为指标,对20科71种鳞翅目蛾类昆虫进行系统聚类。结果,粘虫Mythimna separata、小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon、稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocismedinalis等迁飞昆虫集中地归于一类,表明具有远距离迁飞行为的蛾类翅面几何形状相似,存在区别于其它种类的共同特征,即前翅较窄长,翅前缘较平直,外侧宽阔。这可能是适应远距离迁飞的特征。  相似文献   

Abstract  Numerical cladistic method was used for analyzing the phylogeny of ladybirds, based upon adult and larval characters. The analysis of adult characters for 21 tribes, representing all subfamilies proposed by various authors, exhibited 18 equally parsimonious cladograms with high level of homoplasy. Five lineages were roughly revealed in the strict consensus tree: Sticholotidinae, Epilachninae, Coccinellinae (including Singhikalini), Coccidulinae (excluding Noviini) and Scymninae+Chilocorinae. The taxonomic interpretation of the adult analysis was similar to the classification proposed by Chazeauet al . (1990). Comparison of a preliminary analysis based on the larval characters for 14 tribes revealed only one component consistently supported in both analyses (Serangiini+Sukunahikonini). Larval analysis showed that Epi-lachinae is the most primitive and highly derived group of the Coccinellidae. Larval characters might be more satisfactory in revealing the phylogeny.  相似文献   

根据成虫和幼虫的特征,应用数值支序方法探讨瓢虫科的系统发育.基于中国21族(包括不同学者提出的所有亚科)36个成虫性状,计算得到18个具有高度同质(homoplasy)的最简约的支序图.共同树显示5个支系:小艳瓢虫亚科,食植瓢虫亚科,瓢虫亚科(包括粗毛瓢虫族Singhikalini);红瓢虫亚科(不包括短角瓢虫族),以及小毛瓢虫亚科+盔唇瓢虫亚科(包括短角瓢虫族).这与Chazeau等(1990)提出的分六亚科系统相似.对14族幼虫18个性状初步分析,结果与相同14族成虫分析比较,只有一个组分即刀角瓢虫族和展唇瓢虫族的亲缘关系在两个分析中得到一致的支持.食植瓢虫是瓢虫科中最原始但高度衍化的一族.在揭示系统发育上,幼虫的研究或许更令人满意.  相似文献   

The relationships among the genera and tribal groupings of Riodininae with five forewing radial veins, and between these and tribes with four forewing radial veins, were examined using a phylogenetic analysis. Using the type species from all sixteen genera in the tribal groupings Eurybiini, Mesosemiini and incertae sedis (a presumed paraphyletic group of loosely related genera), and representatives from the four forewing radial‐veined riodinine tribes, thirty‐five new and traditional characters were coded from adult ecology, wing venation and pattern, the adult head and body, male and female genitalia, and early stage ecology and morphology. The majority of characters are illustrated. Phylogenetic analysis of these data produced five equally most parsimonious cladograms using equal weights and after successive weighting. The strict consensus of these confirms the monophyly of Eurybiini and Mesosemiini as currently conceived, but also indicates several higher‐level relationships not previously hypothesized. Mesosemiini is here more broadly defined to also include the entire incertae sedis section, and the tribe is divided into Mesosemiina, for the previously delimited Mesosemiini plus Eunogyra and Teratophthalma, and Napaeina, subtr.n. for the incertae sedis section minus these two genera. The following hypothesis of relationships is tentatively proposed for the basal clades of Riodininae: Mesosemiini + (Eurybiini + remainder of Riodininae). These new hypotheses, and the characters supporting them, are discussed and compared with those previously proposed.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of the families of Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract. A study, based on examination of thirteen scarabaeoid families, was made of 134 adult and larval characters from the following character suites: 105 adult characters of the antennae, eye, epipharynx, mandible, maxillae, labium, tentorium, trochantin, procoxae, mesocoxae, mesothoracic spiracles, hind wing articulation, hind wing base, hind wing venation, hind wing folding, abdominal sternites, abdominal spiracles, male genitalia, ovarioles and karyotype; twenty larval characters of the antennae, fronto-clypeal suture, stemmata, labial palpi, maxillae, mandibles, legs, stridulatory apparatus, spiracles and ecdysial process; and nine adult and larval biological characters. In order to assess the reliability of different characters in resolving scarabaeoid family relationships, six data sets were subjected to cladistic analysis: the total evidence character set (134 characters), restricted adult character set (thirty-two characters, not including those of the wings), wing character set (seventy-three characters), larval character set (twenty characters), biological character set (nine characters) and re-coded Howden (1982) character set (thirty-nine characters). The complete character set and wing character set both produced phylograms with all nodes resolved; the restricted adult data set, larval data set, Howden (1982) data set and biological data set produced phylograms with diminishing levels of node resolution. The reconstructed phylogeny, from the preferred phylogram of the total evidence character set, shows that the Scarabaeoidea comprises three major lineages; a glaresid, passalid and scarabaeid lineage. The glaresid lineage consists only of the Glaresidae. The passalid lineage comprises two major lines; a glaphyrid line (containing Glaphyridae, Passalidae, Lucanidae, Diphyllostomatidae, Trogidae, Bolboceratidae and Pleocomidae) and a geotrupid line (containing Geotrupidae, Ochodaeidae, Ceratocanthidae and Hybosoridae). The scarabaeid lineage contains those taxa traditionally included within the Scarabaeidae (Aphodiinae, Scarabaeinae, Orphninae, Melolonthinae, Acoma, Chasmatopterinae, Hopliinae, Oncerinae, Rutelinae, Dynastinae, Trichiinae, Cetoniinae and Valginae).  相似文献   

红豆杉科次生韧皮部的比较解剖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在光学显微镜及扫描电镜下,比较观察了红豆杉科Taxaceae5属即红豆杉属Taxus,白豆杉属Pseudotaxus、穗花杉属Amentotaxus,榧树属Torreya和澳洲红豆杉属8种植物茎次生韧皮部的结构。其主要结果为:红豆杉科植物茎次生皮部由轴向系统和径向系统两部分构成。轴向系统由筛胞,韧皮薄壁组织细胞,蛋白细胞及韧皮纤维组成;径向系统由韧皮射线构成,但是,在横切面上,各个组成分子的层次有  相似文献   

Three new species of Polistes Latreille are described from Papua New Guinea. Of these, P. occultus sp. n. largely fits the diagnosis of the subgenus Stenopolistes van der Vecht. However, while P. watutus sp. n. and P. medius sp. n. have the jugal lobe of the hind wing defined by a wide incision (an apomorphic character of Stenopolistes ), in the other characters distinguishing Stenopolistes and the subgenus Polistella Ashmead have states typical of Polistella. If Stenopolistes is regarded as a subgenus, then Polistella is defined only by a symplesiomorphy, thus Stenopolistes must be synonymised under Polistella.  相似文献   

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