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Though scholars of ethnicity remark that religion is an important qualifying attribute for membership in an ethnic group, the nature of the relationship between religious faith and ethnic identity requires further exploration. An approach that emphasizes the importance of religious practices in forming and maintaining ethnic boundaries may offer a more complete explanation of the relationship between religion and ethnicity. This article proposes a framework for understanding how religious practices influence ethnic boundary formation and maintenance processes. I propose that religious practices may play a universalizing, negotiating, or differentiating role in influencing the formation and maintenance of ethnic boundaries. To illustrate these various roles played by religious processes, the article presents a heuristic case study of Islamic faith in boundary setting processes in Hui Muslim communities in China.  相似文献   
正淡灰豹鼩(Pantherina griselda)隶属于鼩形目(Soricomorpha)鼩鼱亚科(Soricinae)豹鼩属(Pantherina),其模式产地为中国甘肃省临潭县(Thomas,1912)。由于淡灰豹鼩整体形态与黑齿鼩鼱属(Blarinella)中的原甘肃川鼩(B.griselda)相似,且二者同域分布,曾被记录为黑齿鼩鼱属中的一个隐存种Blarinella sp.(Bannikova et al.,2017);He等  相似文献   
本文报道49例Hb G Coushatta在我国西北部的分布情况。新疆和甘肃的发生率为0.57‰和0.43‰,高于陕西的发生率0.07‰。维吾尔、哈萨克、柯尔克孜和回族的发生率为0.66‰—1.74‰,高于汉族的发生率0.45‰。Hb G Coushatta基因流呈由北向南和向西漂移和特点,结合国内外有关资料进行分析,这种变异体起源于东北亚地区,为古代游牧民族的遗传标志。  相似文献   
Zhang Q M  Zhang C  Liu M S  Yu W  Xu C  Wang H J 《农业工程》2007,27(4):1265-1271
The objectives of this study were to examine the effects of arboraceous layer on the spatial pattern and morphological characteristics of herbaceous layer in Elaeagnus angustifolia–Achnatherum splendens community in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China. The analyses of community composition and structural characteristics as well as the investigation of soil moisture and salinity showed that different life forms of plants differ in the soil depth at which they absorb and utilize soil moisture. Wavelet analysis showed that there were differences between the spatial patterns of A. splendens in the canopy-projected regions and other regions, and the intrinsic scales were detected. The results from the buffer analysis showed that the control of arboraceous layer on the herbaceous layer on the spatial patterns and the morphological characteristics were influenced not only by canopy shading but also by other causes such as distribution patterns of roots as the morphological characteristics did not monotonically change with distance.  相似文献   
利用等离子体发射光谱法对来自18个省、市、自治区(县)的52例回族青年学生的头发中6种微量元素的含量进行了测定,用方差分析法进行了差别显著性检验.考查了地区分布因素以及性别因素对回族发样中6种徽量元系的含量的影响.本文发现民族因素对回族发中6种微量元素含量的影响大于地区因素的影响.  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨BTNL2、DVWA基因多态性与青海地区回族原发性膝骨关节炎的相关性。方法:选取2018年12月至2020年5月本院确诊膝骨关节炎患者100例作为病例组,同时选取同期健康体检人群100例作为对照组。通过标准聚合酶链反应和限制性片段长度多态性 (PCR-RLFP)对BTNL2 rs10947262、DVWA rs11718863基因多态性进行检查,同时检查血清BTNL2、DVWA、hs-CRP、IL-4、IL-6、MMP-2、TNF-α、TG、HDL-C、LDL-C水平。分析BTNL2、DVWA基因多态性与原发性膝骨关节炎的相关性。结果:病例组血清BTNL2、DVWA、hs-CRP、IL-4、IL-6、MMP-2、TNF-α水平明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。病例组BTNL2 rs10947262 AA基因型比例高于对照组(62.00% vs 24.00%)(P<0.05);BTNL2 rs10947262 AA基因型能增加原发性膝骨关节炎易感性(OR=11.32、95%CI:5.96~22.98)(P<0.05)。病例组BTNL2 rs10947262 A等位基因频率比例高于对照组(76.00% vs 39.00%)(P<0.05);BTNL2 rs10947262 A等位基因频率能增加原发性膝骨关节炎易感性(OR=2.95、95%CI:2.45~3.72)(P<0.05)。病例组DVWA rs11718863 AA基因型比例高于对照组组(58.00% vs 20.00%)(P<0.05);DVWA rs11718863 AA基因型能增加原发性膝骨关节炎易感性(OR=10.26、95%CI:5.12~25.63)(P<0.05)。病例组DVWA rs11718863 A等位基因频率比例高于对照组(68.00% vs 50.00%)(P<0.05);DVWA rs11718863 A等位基因频率能增加原发性膝骨关节炎易感性(OR=2.69、95%CI:2.10~4.26)(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析发现:血清BTNL2、DVWA水平升高、BTNL2 AA基因型比例、BTNL2 A等位基因型比例、DVWA AA基因型比例、DVWA A等位基因型比例升高为原发性膝骨关节炎发生的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:BTNL2 rs10947262 AA基因型、A等位基因频率,DVWA rs11718863 AA基因型、A等位基因频率增加可能与青海地区回族原发性膝骨关节炎易感相关。  相似文献   
农牧交错带县域农牧系统对气候波动的响应机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋乃平  王兴  杨新国  吴旭东  陈林  米楠 《生态学报》2016,36(13):3969-3977
农牧系统过程对气候波动的响应机制既是建立农牧耦合系统的主要科学问题又是农牧交错带可持续发展的关键问题之一。以盐池县1954—2013年气候和农牧系统过程为例,运用变异系数、逐步回归方法和经验模态分解法,分析了气候、农业、牧业系统12个指标的波动周期、振幅和方差贡献率,据此研究了它们之间的波动关系。结果表明:1)农牧系统受气候影响具有较大波动性。波动由强到弱依次为气候、农业、牧业,呈逐级传递的特性。三者的高频波动分量的方差贡献率依次减小,而中低频波动分量的方差依次增大。2)近60年农牧系统过程主要受经济系统驱动发生趋势性变化,同时受气候的驱动发生波动。农业在突变前受气候影响较大而突变后明显减小;同样牧业在突变前受农业影响大,突变后也明显减小。经济对农牧系统过程的影响逐渐增强。它在提高和稳定粮食总产量同时导致家畜数量特别是羊只总数的剧增,使得牧业波动加剧。3)农牧系统的波动差异、相互关联以及对气候的响应的分析表明,农牧耦合系统具有减少内部要素波动性的功能。因此,依据生态和经济规律设计具有健全正负反馈机制的农牧耦合系统是实现农牧交错带农牧业可持续发展的重要途径。  相似文献   
长江流域水牛血液蛋白多态性研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
采集长江流域德昌、涪陵、江汉、滨湖和海子5个水牛地方品种共416 头牛的血样。电泳检测血红蛋白、血清运铁蛋白多态性,估算各等位基因频率及基因型频率,根据Hb及Tf两个位点的基因频率进行聚类分析。结果表明,5个水牛地方品种间遗传变异较小,其亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   
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