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小黑麦X小麦杂种F1花粉植株中D—R染色体的重组   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶跃之  胡含 《遗传学报》1989,16(5):342-347
普通小麦与簇毛麦对称及不对称体细胞杂交的比较   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
由长期继代的小麦品种济南177悬浮系制备原生质体为受体,取继代一年的簇毛麦愈伤组织不经照射或经60Co-g射线照射,剂量分别为40,60,80Gy(1.3Gy/min),然后分离原生质体为供体,在PEG诱导下分别进行了对称及不对称融合(g融合).经形态学、细胞学、同工酶及5SrDNA间隔序列分析鉴定,对称及不对称融合均高频率地获得了体细胞杂种细胞系,并在对称融合及低剂量g辐照组合得到再生杂种植株.基因组原位杂交的结果证实,对称及不对称融合杂种中异源染色体间不同方式的易位及重组均普遍存在.g辐照存在剂量效应.结果表明:对称及不对称体细胞杂交均可有效地实现核基因的转移与重组,而不对称体细胞杂交还可直接导致染色体小片段易位,显示出此方法在小麦育种上的独特优势.  相似文献   
Symmetric and asymmetric protoplast fusion between long term cell suspension-derived protoplasts of Triticum aestivum (cv. Jinan 177) and protoplasts of Haynaldia villosa prepared from one-year-old embryogeneric calli was performed by PEG method. In asymmetric fusion, donor calli were treated with gamma ray at a dose of 40, 60, 80 Gy (1.3 Gy/min) respectively and then used to isolate protoplasts. Results of morphological, cytological, biochemical (isozyme) and 5S rDNA spacer sequence analysis revealed that we obtained somatic hybrid lines at high frequency from both symmetric and asymmetric fusion. Hybrid plants were recovered from symmetric and low dose γ-fusion combinations. GISH (genomic in situ hybridization) analysis proved exactly the existence of both parental chromosomes and the common occurrence of several kinds of translocation between them in the hybrid clones regenerated from symmetric and asymmetric fusion. And the elimination of donor DNA in hybrid clones regenerated from asymmetric fusion  相似文献   
一、前言体细胞遗传学研究始于本世纪五十年代初期。作为一种分析基因型和合成新基因型的工具,体细胞遗传学研究的对象,从霉菌开始,进入哺乳动物细胞,特别是人类细胞,使得这一新的学科得到很大发展,以后又发展到高等植物领域。本世纪六十年代末至七十年代初,由于花药培养与原生质体培养技术的建立,以后又发展了在细胞水平上  相似文献   
By using DNA-specific fluorescent dye and a confocal laser scanning microscope, the present study was designed to investigate the cytological characteristics of dedifferentiating initiation during pretreatment and em-bryogenesis during culture in freshly-isolated microspores of barley, and the difference in main developmental pathway between freshly-isolated and cold-treated microspores. The results revealed that ( i ) freshly-isolated microspores started the initiation within 12 h of mannitol pretreatment, whose main cytological characteristics were that: cell vol-ume was obviously extended; the volume of nuclei and nucleoli were also greatly increased; nucleoli were extremely clear and highly condensed; N/C ratio was very high; ( ii ) all the pretreatment methods led to the initiation of the mi-crospores, thus triggering the embryogenic process; ( iii ) pretreatment methods influenced the main developmental pathway of microspores by changing the pattern of the first mitosis. The cold-treated microspor  相似文献   
非Robertsonian类型小黑麦易位系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非Robertsonian类型小黑麦易位系的研究@胡含$中国科学院遗传研究所植物细胞与染色体工程国家重点实验室!北京100101小黑麦;;易位系  相似文献   
小麦种子贮藏蛋白的遗传学研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王罡  季静  胡含WANG Gang  JI Jing  HU Han 《遗传》1995,17(1):45-48
AdvanceofGencticStudiesonSeedStoragcProteininWheatWangGang;JiJing;HuHan(InstituteofGenetics,AcadcmiaSinica,Beijing100101)小麦是世界上最重要的粮食作物之一.对其品质的研究具有十分重要的意义.多年来,人们一直在寻求改良小麦品质的途径,以满足不同食品加工对小麦各种品质的需求.但只是近10年里,对决定小麦品质位点的遗传及生物化学的研究才取得了突破性的进展(主要集中于英国、美国及澳大利亚).本文将着重介绍目前国际上对小麦种子贮藏蛋白的遗传学及生物化学研究现状,至于如何将这些研究成果结合到育种工作…  相似文献   
不同预处理方法对大麦花药-花粉培养的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了甘露醇预处理的适应性以及pH值对甘露醇预处理效果的影响;并首次将山梨醇预处理应用到大麦花药培养中,获得理想的实验结果。第一,采用甘露醇预处理, 17种材料平均愈伤组织诱导率为20.67块/花药,绿苗产量为2.46株/花药。第二,甘露醇预处理溶液的pH值不同,其预处理的效果也不同。其中,愈伤组织诱导率和绿苗产量均以pH5.6最高。第三,不同浓度(0.1-0.5mol/L)的山梨醇预处理3天绿苗产量差异不显著;但同一浓度(0.3mol/L)山梨醇预处理不同天数(1-7天)绿苗产量差异极显著,以3天处理效果最好,绿苗产量是对照的51.2倍。  相似文献   
<正> 植物遗传操作是在整株、细胞和分子上对植物遗传性状进行改造,使之更符合人类需要的一门新兴学科和技术,是生物工程的重要组成部分。使用这种新技术育种,不仅育种期短,而且能够将理想的异源遗传物质,包括基因、染色体或染色体片段转移到栽培品种中,从而按照人们的要求改造植物。本文将按照下述三方面:单倍体研究,细胞和组织培养在农业上的应用,以及植物遗传操作等,来讨论植物遗传操作技术在中国的进展。  相似文献   
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