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In the present study, we evaluated the genetic diversity of Panax notoginseng F H Chen, a domesticated species, and P. stipuleanatus H T Tsai et K M Feng, an endangered wild species in southeastern Yunnan and adjacent areas in Vietnam, using sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Twenty-four accessions from three plantations of P. notoginseng and 51 samples from eight populations of P. stipuleanatus were assayed. A total of 694 bp of partial sequences of 18S, ITS 1, 5.8S, ITS2, and partial sequences of 26S were obtained. No sequence variation was detected within P. notoginseng and nine sites (1.30%) were variable in P. stipuleanatus. Two-thirds of the variable sites were found between Langqiao and other populations. In P. notoginseng, four pairs of AFLP primer combinations generated 312 bands, of which 240 (76.9%) were polymorphic and 60.15% of the polymorphisms were harbored within plantations. Approximately 41.0% and 66.9% of bands were polymorphic in population D7 and 5589, respectively. In P.stipuleanatus, the same four primer combinations produced 346 bands, of which 334 (96.5%) were polymorphic and approximately 62.14% of polymorphisms were maintained within populations. Considerable variations were observed. The percentage of polymorphic bands ranged from 50.2% to 84.9% and the average over populations was 70.9%. Cluster analysis did not show correlation of genetic differentiation with the distinctive leaf morphology of P. stipuleanatus (i.e. one form with bipinnatifid leaflets and the other with undivided leaflets). Because over 40% of genetic variations were maintained among populations and because of the very restricted distribution of P. stipuleanatus, all natural populations of this species should be conserved in situ. Considering that there are variations in P. notoginseng within and among plantations, we suggest establishing a genetic resource conservation garden or reintroducing P. notoginseng into its native habitats in southwestern China. Such reintroduction should be carefully executed after large-scale screening of genetic variation within the species.  相似文献   
唐古特白刺研究现状与建议   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum Bobr.)是白刺属中较进化的植物种,众多克隆株系形成"白刺包",具有重要的生态防护价值,其浆果状核果也具有较高的经济利用价值.由于种内异交和种间杂交,唐古特白刺种内变异十分丰富,其中表现最为明显的是果实性状变异.而果色、果味、果序重等性状差异,对于生产成本、加工工艺以及产品质量等都有较大影响,从而限制了白刺果的产业化开发.开展种质资源、优树选择、杂交和倍性育种等方面的研究,对唐古特白刺进行遗传改良,选育高产、味佳、核小、色泽美观且生态价值高的果用与生态兼用型白刺品种,并进一步使其无性系化、种植园化,则是推动沙区白刺资源开发、利用以及当地生态与经济发展的关键.  相似文献   
利用SSR分子标记进行海岛棉遗传多样性研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
利用SSR分子标记,对20世纪50年代我国引入海岛棉以来培育的45个国内品种(系)及8个国外品种的遗传多样性进行研究.通过256对SSR引物的筛选,选择24对扩增效果好的引物对53个海岛棉种质资源进行遗传多样性的检测分析,共检测出106个等位位点,每对引物等位位点数在2~8之间,平均为4.4.其中多态性等位基因变异97个,占91.5%.位点多态性信息含量平均为0.688,最高为0.848,最低为0.245.利用NTSYSpc2.1软件,分别计算农艺经济性状的欧氏距离(Euclid)和分子标记数据的Jaccard系数矩阵,采用UPGMA法对所选材料进行聚类分析.结果表明,两个树状聚类图基本吻合,53个品种被分为两大类,与系谱来源一致.实验证明SSR分子标记在鉴别品种和品种遗传多样性研究方面具有重要作用.  相似文献   
福建栽培大豆品种RAPD标记多样性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用RAPD分子标记技术对福建18份栽培大豆品种遗传多样性进行研究.结果表明,12个引物共扩增出91条带,其中多态条带65条,多态性程度为71.43%.D=0.62时,聚类分析结果可以将供试材料分为3个大类群,即菜用大豆品种、杂交育成品种和地方品种、有半野生血缘的品种各聚成1类,揭示了福建省栽培大豆品种间的亲缘关系,同时还反映出品种间关系与地理起源有一定的相关.  相似文献   
运用微卫星DNA标记分析我国野生鹌鹑遗传多样性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
运用微卫星DNA标记对我国境内分布的两种野生鹌鹁(野生日本鸣鹁、野生普通鹌鹑)和家鹑群体的遗传多样性进行分析。通过计算反映群体变异的多态信息含量(PIC)、固定指数、平均杂合度、基因分化系数等相关指标,结果表明:野生普通鹌鹑群体遗传多样性更为丰富,每个座位平均检测出4.67个等位基因,群体多态信息含量和平均杂合度亦为最高,分别为0.5732和0.6621;家鹁最低,分别为0.5467和0.5933;野生日本鸣鹑介于两者之间;在3个鹌鹑群体中,野生日本鸣鹑与家鹑群体遗传多样性差异程度较小。以标准遗传距离为基础的模糊聚类分析发现:家鹑与野生日本鸣鹑群体模糊等价矩阵系数为0.937,而与野生普通鹌鹑的系数为0.738,这也表明家鹑与野生日本鸣鹁有更近的亲缘关系,进一步从分子水平上证实家鹑起源于野生日本鸣鹁。  相似文献   
根据亲缘关系较近的几种作物ACC氧化酶氨基酸序列,设计一对简并引物,从花椰菜(Brassica oleracea var.botrytis)基因组中获得长1202bp的候选片段。序列分析表明该基因含有3个外显子(Exon)、2个内含子(Intron),编码区序列长756bp,编码252个氨基酸。同源性分析发现其与青花菜(Brassica oleracea var.Italica)上已发表mRNA序列同源率为99%(GenBank序列号:X81629),推断该基因为花椰菜ACC氧化酶基因,命名为BoACO(GenBank登录号:AY676466)。在此基础上,用BP克隆的方法构建BoACO的RNA干涉(RNAi)载体pHBACO,对花椰菜进行遗传转化,获得卡那霉素抗性转化植株5棵,分子检测证实外源片段成功导入其中3棵花椰菜基因组中。Northern杂交分析显示:转基因植株内源ACO基因转录的mRNA被降解。ACC氧化酶活性分析进一步表明,外源基因的导人大大地降低了ACC氧化酶活性。  相似文献   
油菜转抗草甘膦、抗虫基因获得双抗植株   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
王景雪  赵福永  徐培林  田颖川 《遗传学报》2005,32(12):1293-1300
以草甘膦为筛选剂,用农杆菌介导法将编码5-烯醇式丙酮酸莽草酸-3-磷酸合成酶(EPSPS)的aroA—M12基因和编码苏云金杆菌毒蛋白的Btslm基因导入到甘蓝型油菜优良品种湘油15号中。在用草甘膦对转化体进行筛选的基础上.对转基因再生植株进行了PCR检测、Southern blot和Western blot分析.结果证明外源基因确已导入到该油菜品种中,而且表达了相应的蛋白。对转基因植株进行抗草甘膦、抗虫性鉴定的结果表明.转基因植株具有抗草甘膦、抗虫的双重特性。研究结果还表明抗草甘膦的aroA—M12基因在植物基因转化中,既可以用作抗除草剂基因,又可以代替常用的抗生素标记,用作植物筛选标记基因。  相似文献   
棉花优异纤维品质性状的双列杂交分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用5个具有不同纤维品质性状的品种(系)配制完全双列杂交组合20个,通过亲本和F1的2年随机区组试验,结果为除纤维整齐度受环境等因素影响较大,其余性状主要受遗传因素控制;在与环境的互作中,纤维强度和长度的互作效应小,麦克隆值的加性和母体效应及伸长率的显性效应与环境的互作较大,均达到了显著水平;遗传主效中,所有的研究性状不存在母体效应,以加性为主;强度与长度加性遗传率高,分别占77.6%和73.2%;麦克隆值的加性效应占45.2%,显性效应所占的比例在纤维性状中最高,为11.5%。纤维品质性状的群体平均优势仅麦克隆值的较高(3.2%),达到了显著水平,其余性状的优势仅为-0.4%-0.7%。纤维品质性状的遗传结果与杂种优势一致。在杂种优势利用时,可以通过双亲平均值的高低来预测F1的纤维品质表现。纤维强度、长度和细度的加性遗传率高,这些性状均可以早代选择。  相似文献   
2005年10月20日,中国遗传学会和中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所与Elsevier出版社、科学出版社正式签署合作协议,自2006年1月1日起,《遗传学报》改为英文,由Elsevier出版社、科学出版社联合出版。Elsevier出版社负责在全球范围内通过所有电子媒介推广、出版和发行《遗传学报》的网上版本(“电子版”)以及在中华人民共和国以外地区《遗传学报》纸质版的国际发行。《遗传学报》从此迈出了走向国际舞台的重要一步。  相似文献   
To investigate microsatellite instability (MSI) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of locus D17S396, D17S579 and D17S855, and their effect on the expression of nm23H1 and BRCA1 of gastric cancer, which would provide experimental basis for clinical treatment and prognosis analysis of gastric cancer. DNA was extracted from paraffin-embedded materials. Polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) was used to analyze MSI and LOH. Expression of nm23H, and BRCA1 was detected by Envision immuno-histochemistry and Leica-Qwin computer imaging techniques. In the forty cases of gastric cancer, the frequency of MSI, LOH and nm23H1 protein were 20.00%, 17.50% and 55.00% respectively at locus D17S396, while at locus D17S579, the frequency of MSI, LOH and BRCA1 protein were 22.50%, 15.00% and 37.50% respectively; at locus D17S855, the frequency of MSI, LOH and BRCA1 of thirty-seven cases were 18.92%, 18.92%, 37.84% respectively. In tumor node metastasis (TNM) staging, at locus D17S396, D17S579 and D17S855, MSI in stages I + II appeared more frequently than that in stages III + IV, while LOH appeared the contrary tendency. In the group of metastasis of gastric cancer, MSI had a less frequency (5.00%) than that with no metastasis (35.00%, P < 0.05) at locus D17S396, but LOH appeared more frequently (30.00%) than that with no metastasis (5.00%, P < 0.05). At locus D17S579, MSI had an increasing tendency with the degree of tumor differentiation (50.00% in high differentiation cases, 20.00% in middle differentiation cases, and 0% in low differentiation cases, P < 0.05). The frequency of nm23H1 and BRCA1 protein in stages TNM I + II was higher than that in stages TNM III + IV; and that in higher differentiation cases was higher than in poor differentiation cases. The frequency of nm23H1 protein in the group of metastasis (30.00%) was less than that with no metastasis significantly (80.00%, P<0.01). The frequency of nm23H1 protein in the group positive to MSI (87.50%) was higher than that in the group negative to MSI (46.88%, P < 0.05). However, nm23H1 protein in group positive to LOH (14.29%) was lower than that in the group negative to LOH (63.64%, P < 0.05). The frequency of BRCA1 protein in the group positive to MSI (66.67%) was more than that in the group negative to MSI (29.03%, P < 0.05). The results of experiments indicate that MSI and LOH may separately control the development of sporadic colon cancer with different pathways. MSI may be an early period molecule marker for sporadic colon cancer, enhanced expression of nm23H1 protein can effectively inhibit colon cancer metastasis and improve prognosis of sporadic colon cancer patients. By comparison, LOH mostly arises in the late period of sporadic colon cancer and endows a high aggressive and poor prognostic phenotype. nm23H1 protein could effectively restrain gastric cancer metastasis and development; and BRCA1 protein could restain tumor from becoming lower differentiation.  相似文献   
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