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陆地棉主要纤维品质性状的基因效应估测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文采用世代平均数遗传分析方法,沿用了加性-显性、加性-显性-上位性和环境(二种)×基因型三种模型,对陆地棉主要纤维品质性状中的长度、细度、强度和断裂长度的基因效应、年份效应以及年份×基因型互作进行了估测。经过三年的实验,选用三个杂交组合,每一组合含有P_1、p_2、F_1、F_2、B_1和B_2六个群体的资料。结果表明,四个纤维品质性状的遗传受加性、显性、上位性作用的共同控制,但在不同年份或不同的组合里,显性作用和上位性作用的变化较大;年份效应对品质性状的遗传也有较大影响,其影响方式主要以年份×基因型互作的形式表现。  相似文献   

籼粳杂交稻穗部性状的遗传效应及其与环境互作   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
采用包括基因型与环境互作效应的加性显性加性×加性上位性遗传模型,分析了不同环境下籼粳杂交稻穗部性状的遗传特点.结果表明,除了主穗粒数的加性与环境互作和二次枝梗数的显性与环境互作不显著外,其他性状均存在显著和极显著的加性、显性、加性×加性上位性遗传效应及其与环境的互作效应,其中均以显性效应为主,显性与环境互作效应对枝梗性状的影响较为明显.遗传率分析表明,各性状的普通广义遗传率最大,互作遗传率也有一定作用.杂种优势预测表明,除了一次、二次枝梗数外,其他性状均表现正向的杂种优势,基因型与环境互作只影响杂种优势表达的程度,而不改变其方向.遗传效应预测值结果表明,IR6615837、IR6560085、明恢63和R6694个亲本可以明显改良杂交后代多数穗部性状,且环境影响程度较小,可作为优良亲本列于育种计划中.  相似文献   

采用包括基因型与环境互作效应的加性-显性-加性×加性上位性遗传模型,分析了不同环境下籼粳杂交稻穗部性状的遗传特点.结果表明,除了主穗粒数的加性与环境互作和二次枝梗数的显性与环境互作不显著外,其他性状均存在显著和极显著的加性、显性、加性×加性上位性遗传效应及其与环境的互作效应,其中均以显性效应为主,显性与环境互作效应对枝梗性状的影响较为明显.遗传率分析表明,各性状的普通广义遗传率最大,互作遗传率也有一定作用.杂种优势预测表明,除了一次、二次枝梗数外,其他性状均表现正向的杂种优势,基因型与环境互作只影响杂种优势表达的程度,而不改变其方向.遗传效应预测值结果表明,IR66158-37、IR65600-85、明恢63和R6694个亲本可以明显改良杂交后代多数穗部性状,且环境影响程度较小,可作为优良亲本列于育种计划中.  相似文献   

棉花高品质纤维性状的主基因与多基因遗传分析   总被引:37,自引:2,他引:35  
利用主基因与多基因混合遗传模型联合分析方法 ,通过纤维强度不同的 5个亲本配制的 8个组合 ,研究了棉花主要纤维品质性状的遗传。联合分析发现 ,在不同性状不同组配方式的 14个组合中 ,有 12个存在主基因 ,表明了纤维性状主基因存在的普遍性 ,以F2∶3 家系的预测效果最好 ;双亲纤维品质性状均存在较大差异的组合——— 72 35×TM1F2 代强度主基因的遗传率为 0 .196 ,麦克隆值为 0 .32 0 ,长度为 0 .139,回交世代的主基因遗传率小。除纤维长度总的显性效应为较高的正值外 ,其余各纤维性状的主基因显性与多基因显性的总和为负值或接近 0 ,杂合状态下大多数纤维品质性状表型值会偏向中亲值或低亲值 ,单纯依靠表型选择效率低。因此 ,很有必要对棉花品质性状进行分子标记辅助育种选择  相似文献   

采用包括种子、细胞质、母体植株三套遗传体系的种子数量性状的遗传模型和统计方法,分析了食用稻米汞、砷、铬、镉和铅等5个重金属积累特性遗传的基因型与环境互作.结果表明,5个重金属积累除了受制于种子、细胞质和母体植株三套遗传效应外,还明显受到基因型与环境互作效应的影响.在遗传主效应中,汞、铬和铅积累以母体植株显性效应及其与环境互作效应为主.砷和镉积累则以种子直接加性与环境互作效应和母体植株显性与环境互作效应为主,细胞质效应及其与环境互作效应对这2个重金属积累的影响也较为明显.  相似文献   

以2个粳型光温敏核不育系和4个籼稻品种为材料,配制籼粳交组合,用包括基因型×环境互作效应的胚乳性状遗传模型对3个蒸煮品质性状(直链淀粉含量、胶稠度、碱消值)进行了遗传研究,结果表明:直接加性和母体加性效应对三个性状的遗传变异起主要作用.基因型×环境互作主要表现为显性×环境以及细胞质×环境互作.直链淀粉含量的普通遗传率都不显著,只有较高的互作母体遗传率;胶稠度具有显著的普通直接遗传率和互作细胞质遗传率;碱消值的普通直接遗传率和普通母体遗传率都极显著.根据遗传效应预测值对供试亲本的利用价值作了评价。  相似文献   

采用包括基因型×环境互作效应的种子遗传模型,对粳型杂交稻稻米碾磨品质性状进行了遗传研究.结果表明:各碾磨品质性状除了受制于种子直接效应、细胞质效应和母体效应等遗传主效应外,还明显受到各基因型×环境互作效应的影响.其中糙米率性状以遗传主效应为主,而精米率、整精米率性状以基因型×环境互作效应为主.在遗传主效应中,糙米率性状主要受种子直接加性效应、母体加性效应的控制;在基因型×环境互作效应中,精米率和整精米率性状都是以种子直接加性×环境互作效应和母体加性×环境互作效应为主,细胞质×环境互作效应也起着较为重要的作用.大部分稻米碾磨品质性状的狭义遗传率均较高,其中糙米率性状以普通狭义遗传率为主,而精米率和整精米率性状则以互作狭义遗传率为主.另外,根据性状的遗传效应预测值对各亲本的育种利用价值作了评价.  相似文献   

油用向日葵主要农艺性状的遗传效应及相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据加性-显性与环境互作的遗传模型,对6个油用向日葵自交系及其配制的9个杂交组合在2个环境下的7个农艺性状表现进行遗传分析,揭示油用向日葵主要农艺性状遗传性质、规律以及主要农艺性状对含油率的贡献率。结果表明:株高、茎粗、盘径、百粒重、籽仁率和单盘粒重等6个遗传性状主要受加性和显性共同控制,结实率的遗传以加性、显性×环境互作效应为主,籽仁率、单盘粒重以加性、显性、显性×环境互作效应为主;性状间的各项遗传相关性多以加性遗传相关为主。百粒重的净效应对籽实含油率的加性遗传方差贡献率最高,结实率的净效应对籽实含油率的显性遗传方差贡献率最高,单盘粒重对籽实含油率的加性×环境互作遗传方差的贡献率最高。  相似文献   

水稻亚种间杂种基因效应和性状间相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以6份籼型型不育系和6份粳型或偏粳型广亲和系配制成不完全双列杂交,将杂种F1及其亲本在三个播期(5/20,6/10,6/30)试验,应用加性、显性与环境互作摸型,分析籼粳交杂种八个主要农艺性状的遗传方差组成、杂种优势的表现以及性状间的相关性等.结果表明:1)参试性状不仅加性方差和显性方差极显著,并且加性×环境或显性×环境互作方差也显著存在;但控制不同性状的基因效应稳定性尚有明显的差异.2)基因型×环境互作效应的结果,使杂种在多数性状上其群体平均优势和群体超亲优势均随播种推迟而呈下降的趋势;F1性状的平均基因型预测值显示了早播常出现植株偏高、剑叶较披和生育期相对延长,而迟播导致主穗总粒数减少3)性状间的加性和显性相关是决定遗传相关的主要因素;在株高、抽穗天数、剑叶长、主穗长和主穗总粒数等五个性状间,杂种的表型相关和遗传相关与遗传相关的四种分量间方向相同,均为显著正相关,所以要选育大穗高产的杂交组合及其配组材料,都应保证适宜的株高、生育期和剑叶长.  相似文献   

亚洲棉纤维品质和产量性状的主基因与多基因遗传分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
利用亚洲棉农家品种中长纤维、高强度的江陵中棉和短纤维、低强度的浙江萧山绿树构建的F2:3家系,利用主基因与多基因混合遗传模型分析方法,对主要纤维品质和产量性状进行4世代联合分析,得到有关纤维品质和产量性状的最适遗传模型。除伸长率之外,长度、马克隆值、比强度、整齐度、短纤维指数均没有检测到主基因;产量性状中铃重和单株铃数最适遗传模型为两对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性多基因混合遗传模型(E-1),衣分的最适遗传模型为两对主基因的加性模型(B-3),子指的最适遗传模型为无主基因的加性-显性-上位性多基因模型(C),单株皮棉产量的最适遗传模型为两对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性一上位性多基因混合遗传模型(E)。利用主基因与多基因混合遗传模型分析方法对亚洲棉纤维品质和产量性状进行遗传分析,有助于阐明棉花品质和产量性状的遗传规律。  相似文献   

Six generations, consisting of three resistant parents, three susceptible parents, their 15 possible F1 crosses, 15 F2's, 15 BC1's (F1 x resistant female parent) and 15 BC2's (F1 x susceptible male parent) were analysed following Hayman (Heredity 12: 371–390, 1958) to evaluate the nature and type of gene action governing resistance to H. turcicum. The results showed that all types of gene effects, viz., additive, dominance and epistasis (i.e., additive x additive, additive x dominance and dominance x dominance) were operating in one cross or the other in controlling resistance. However, it was additive gene action and dominance x dominance type of epistasis with duplicate nature that were important in controlling resistance in most crosses. Depending upon the final objectives, one of the breeding methods, viz., recurrent selection, heterosis breeding, back-cross method or full-sib selection (bi-parental mating) may be followed.  相似文献   

Summary The resistant breeding line, AR79-95, and the susceptible cultivar, Model, were crossed to develop F1, F2, F3, and backcross populations for genetic analysis of resistance in cucumbers to race 2 of Colletotrichum lagenarium (Pass.) Ellis & Halsted., the causal agent of cucurbit anthracnose. There was no maternal effect on resistance and a small amount of F1 heterosis toward the susceptible parent. Generation means analysis showed that there was additive and dominance but no epistatic gene action detected on the scale used. Additive and dominance genetic variances were estimated, and narrow-sense heritability was low to moderate. Based on effective factor formulae, at least five effective factors contrtolled the resistance. Some of these factors were dominant and others recessive. Implications for breeding procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

A total of 28 inbred lines of Brussels sprout were assessed in the glasshouse for their reaction to inoculation with cauliflower mosaic (CaMV) or turnip mosaic (TuMV) virus. There was significant variation for resistance to both viruses. From the 28 inbred lines parents were chosen for two 9 × 9 diallel crossing programmes. The parents and their F1 progeny were assessed for their reaction to CaMV or TuMV in the field. There was significant additive and non-additive (dominance) variation but no maternal effects. Resistance to both viruses was generally dominant but with some evidence of a recessive gene for resistance to CaMV. Resistance to TuMV and CaMV was apparently controlled by at least four genes and two genes respectively. The heritability of resistance to each virus was high. The implications for breeding F1 hybrid Brussels sprout cultivars are discussed.  相似文献   

小麦抗倒性状的基因效应及杂种优势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Hayman双列分析较为系统地研究了抗倒性状的基因效应,并进行了杂种优势分析。结果表明,小麦抗倒性状的遗传以效应和显微效应为主,且以显著性效较为重要。  相似文献   

烟草主要数量性状的遗传效应分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
许明辉  王孟宇  龙文虹 《遗传》2000,22(6):395-397
利用红花大金元×青梗,红花大金元×中烟14号P1、P2、F1、F2、B1、B2 6个世代资料对7个农艺性状和4个品质性状进行了基因效应分析。结果表明,性状均不符合简单的加性-显性遗传模型,多数性状加性效应显著而显性效应不显著,在3种互作效应中,所有性状至少有一种显著。互作效应普遍存在,是烟草性状杂种优势表现的主要原因之一。 Abstract:Two tobacco F1 hybrids,F2s,backcrosses B1s and B2s and their parents P1 and P2 were used to estimate the gene effects for 7 agronomic and 4 quality characters.The additive-dominance genetic model was not fit for all characters.The additive effects and the epistatic effects of most characters were significant,but the dominant effect not.The epistatic effects could not be ignored in tobacco breeding.They were one of main causes of heterosis for most characters.  相似文献   

Inheritance, heterosis and combining ability of deeper root length (DRL) and grain yield (GY) were investigated in durum wheat populations obtained from half‐diallel crossings among five parental lines differing in their DRL and GY. The study was conducted with the final objective of identifying parent lines to be used in a breeding programme to develop drought‐tolerant wheat varieties. General combining ability and specific combining ability effects were significant for both traits; however, additive gene effects were predominant over non‐additive effects. Partial dominance was ambidirectional for DRL and unidirectional for GY. Lines INRAT69 and Omrabia conferred DRL whereas Omrabia and Khiar transmitted high GY to their respective progenies. In the studied material, both characters were controlled mainly by dominant alleles, but they could also be attributed to recessive alleles although less frequently. Both broad‐sense and strict‐sense heritabilities were high for DRL, confirming the importance of additive gene effects, whereas strict‐sense heritability for GY was average, indicating the importance of interaction effects as compared with the additive effects; this could mean reduced selection efficiency for the latter trait. Thus, the expected genetic progress per cycle of selection will be lower for GY compared with DRL. Omrabia should be included in the breeding programme as a parent so that while maintaining high GY, resulting progeny should be better able to resist drought through DRL.  相似文献   

Summary The nature of gene action and of maternal influence governing cottonseed oil attributes were determined with four lines, two each with high and low seed-oil percentage. For this purpose, P1, P2, F0, F1, F2 and alternative sets of BC1 and BC2 generations were analysed in six cross-combinations and their reciprocals. Marginal extents of heterosis for seed-oil percentage were noticeable in F1, with inbreeding depression in F2. Data from reciprocal backcrosses provided evidence in favour of maternal rather than cytoplasmic effects of seed-oil development. Relatively higher extents of heterosis, sizeable inbreeding depression and reciprocally unequal F2 averages were characteristic of the seed index trait, which often showed a reversal of effects from F1 to F2. Reverse reciprocal backcrosses exhibited some differences, including greater resemblance between the types, (A/B)A and (B/A)A, in addition to variable dose effects in seed index. Thus, the differences between F1 seed index values were not due to cytoplasmic influence. Positive heterotic effects for seed-oil index, especially among the backcrosses, ranged between 16.08% and 47.29% over midparent averages. Genetic component estimates from analysis of similar sets of crosses differing only in reciprocal backcrosses, and also from sets of reciprocal crosses between any two parental combinations, were inconsistent. Scaling tests detected presence of epistasis within and between a majority of cross-combinations. Despite reciprocal differences, additive gene effects for seed-oil percentage were significant in 7 out of 24 crosses, representing high x low, low x high and low x low seed-oil parents. Those were, however, accompanied by significant dominance effects of higher order. In crosses involving low seed-oil percentage parents SA1060 and SA229, all six components were detected significant, with opposite effects of dominance and dominance x dominance epistatic components. Significant additive components were also detected for seed index and seed-oil index in 7 and 5 out of 24 crosses, respectively. In the inheritance of seed index and seed-oil index, dominance effects were more important. Epistatic components of additive x additive, and to a lesser extent, those of dominant x dominant were found significant.  相似文献   

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