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The pollen morphology and ultrastructure of 20 species, representing eight genera of the Magnoliaceae are described based on observations with light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The family represents a homogeneous group from a pollen morphological point of view. The pollen grains are boat-shaped with a single elongate aperture on the distal face. The tectum is usually microperforate, rarely slightly or coarsely rugulose. Columellae are often irregular, but well-developed columellae do occur in some taxa. The endexine is distinct in 14 species, but difficult to discern in the genera Parakmeria, Kmeria and Tsoongiodendron. Within the aperture zone the exine elements are reduced to a thin foot layer. The intine has three layers with many vesicular-fibrillar components and tubular extensions in intine 1. The symmetry of the pollen grains, shape, type of aperture and ultrastructure of the intine show a remarkable uniformity in the family. Nevertheless there is variety in pollen size, ornamentation and the ultrastructure of the exine. The pollen of Magnoliaceae is an example of an early trend of specialization, and supports the view that Magnoliaceae are not one of the earliest lines in the phylogeny of flowering plants.  相似文献   
Two new phenolic aporphine alkaloids, (+)-lirioferine and (+)liriotulipiferine, were isolated from discolored sapwood of L. tulipifera. Injury to the tree stem greatly stimulated biosynthesis of glaucine and phenolic alkaloids related to glaucine including thaliporphine, predicentrine, N-methylaurotetanine and corunine as well as the above two compounds. Injury also stimulated synthesis of oxoaporphine related and other polymeric pigments. Corunine was responsible for at least part of the color of discolored sapwood. None of the above compounds except glaucine was detected in normal sapwood or heartwood of L. tulipifera. Thus, formation of alkaloids and lignans in discolored sapwood differs both quantitatively and qualitatively from that observed during the normal transition of sapwood to heartwood in this tree. The compounds formed in response to injury differed substantially from one zone of injury to another within the same tree.  相似文献   
二乔木兰(Magnolia soulangeana Soul.-Bod.)分布于我国广州、杭州、昆明等地。经引种,二乔木兰在辽宁西部(北纬41°12′~42°17′)这块高寒之地也能生长,且已开花结实并培育出引种后的子代苗木。1991年引入二乔木兰栽植成功。1995年开花,2000年该批树木结实。2005年试验播种、扦插等育苗,直到2015年才初步完成播种育苗关。9月下旬采种,种子需经低温储藏100~150天,种子6℃始萌动,催芽需20~25℃,播种25~30天出苗。二乔木兰是辽宁乃至东北少有的阔叶花卉树种,其栽培育苗成功具有重要经济价值。  相似文献   
Two new Colombian species of Magnolia from Antioquia are described and illustrated. Magnolia coronata can be distinguished by a ring of woolly, golden pubescence present in the youngest internodes of the branches. Magnolia jardinensis has numerous punctations on the outermost petals and a woolly, yellowish pubescence. Magnolia chimantensis, a species previously known only from the type locality in Chimantá, Venezuela, is reported for the first time from Santander, Colombia.
Resumen  Se describen e ilustran dos especies colombianas de Magnolia, nuevas para la ciencia, provenientes del departamento de Antioquia. Magnolia coronata se distingue por un anillo de indumento lanoso dorado presente en el entrenudo más joven de las ramillas. Magnolia jardinensis se caracteriza por las numerosas puntuaciones presentes en los pétalos más externos y por la pubescencia lanosa y amarillenta. Se presentan los primeros registros para Colombia, en el departamento de Santander, de la especie Magnolia chimantensis, conocida hasta ahora solamente por la colección del tipo proveniente de Chimantá, en Venezuela.
利用扫描电子显微镜对鹅掌楸属仅存的2个自然种鹅掌楸和北美鹅掌楸的次生木质部导管穿孔板特征进行了详细的研究。结果显示,鹅掌楸属的2个种均以梯状穿孔板为主,同时存在网状-梯状混合穿孔板。鹅掌楸和北美鹅掌楸的导管穿孔板具有明显差异:(1)鹅掌楸具网状穿孔板,而北美鹅掌楸没有观察到;(2)北美鹅掌楸具单穿孔板,而鹅掌楸在该实验中未发现;(3)北美鹅掌楸具有横隔较粗的梯状穿孔板且横隔数目较多;(4)鹅掌楸的导管穿孔板多数横隔较少;(5)北美鹅掌楸的穿孔板倾斜角度较大;(6)北美鹅掌楸具麻黄式穿孔板的存在,且有纹孔膜残留存在。研究认为,北美鹅掌楸导管分子穿孔板分化较鹅掌楸更为剧烈。  相似文献   
中国木兰科植物的叶结构及其油细胞的比较解剖学研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用组织透明法、石蜡切片法及薄切片法对木兰科10属82种1亚种植物叶片的结构和油细胞的 分布密度、结构及其在叶肉中的分布进行了比较研究。鹅掌楸亚科和木兰亚科在叶结构上的主要区别是:鹅掌楸亚科两种植物叶的部分下表皮细胞乳突状,且整个细胞外壁只形成一个乳突,而在木兰亚科植物中有单列多细胞或单细胞的表皮毛,却未发现乳突;鹅掌楸亚科植物叶主脉维管组织环分隔呈束状,且其外包被的纤维也排列成束状,而木兰亚科的80种1亚种植物中,叶主脉维管组织连成轮状,其外面也由一圈连续的纤维环所包围。从而支持木兰科中木兰亚科和鹅掌楸亚科两个亚科的划分。并且,从叶主脉的演化趋势来看,鹅掌楸亚科较木兰亚科进化。另外,木莲属植物叶片的结构与木兰属具有明显差异,因而进一步证明木莲属是不同于木兰属的一个独立的属。油细胞是木兰科植物叶片解剖的显著特征,在叶肉中的分布可划分为3种类型:(A)主要分布于栅栏组织;(B)主要分布于海绵组织;(c)均匀散布于整个叶肉中。油细胞的大小及其在叶中的分布与叶厚、栅栏组织层数、栅栏组织与海绵组织厚度间的比值以及下皮层的有无、表皮毛的类型、叶脉的结构等特征相结合,可作为属、甚至种的鉴别特征。  相似文献   
中国木兰科9属66种植物木射线的比较解剖学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
系统研究了中国木兰科(Magnoliaceae)9属66种植物的木射线类型、高度和宽度。观察结果表明,木兰科大部分属的木射线为异形Ⅱ_A型或Ⅱ_B型。单列射线的高度在2mm以下,属于低射线。单列射线的宽度在 0.05mm以下,为细射线。多列射线有中等射线和低射线两种类型,有细、中、略宽3种类型。射线的上述特征表明:木兰科是一个相当原始的科,但比异形Ⅰ型的水青树属(Tetracentron)、昆兰树属(Trochodendron)和 Winteraceae 进化。此外,根据木兰科内各分类单位木射线的比较,证明木兰亚科比鹅掌楸亚科原始。在木兰亚科内,木兰族(Magnolieae)比含笑族(Nichelicae)原始。  相似文献   
木兰科种子内种皮合点区形态观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张冰  黄云晖 《生态科学》1996,15(1):30-34
在扫描电镜下观察了10属32种木兰科植物种子内种皮合点区的形态,发现可分为孔状和具管的窝状两大类型,且在不同的属种间有所差别,可以用来作为木兰科分类的新依据  相似文献   
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