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本文报道了湖南植物新记录共计11种,隶属于5科10属.归并樟科植物3种2变种:将石木姜子LitseafaberiHemsl.和近轮叶木姜子L.subverticillataYang归入黄丹木姜子L.elongata(Wall.exNees)Benth.etHook.f.,将长梗绒楠MachilusvelutinaChamp.exBenth.var.lingipedunculataC.J.Qi归入绒毛润楠M.velutinaChamp.exBenth.,将短梗新木姜子NeolitseabrevipesH.W.Li归入美丽新木姜子N.pulchella(Meissn)Merr.,将紫云山新木姜子N.wushanica(Chun)Merr.var.pubensYangetP.H.Huang归入巫山新木姜子N.wushanica(Chun)Merr..  相似文献   
Michelia sonlaensis Q.N. Vu, a new species of Michelia from Son La province, northern Vietnam is described. The new species is assigned to the genus Michelia (separated from Magnolia), subfamily Magnolioideae based on general morphology. It is closely similar to M. xianianhei and M. mannii, but differs mainly in having a leaf‐lamina that is elliptic, thinly leathery, larger, with lower surface yellowish white villous (easily visible by eyes and feeling by hand), brachyblasts and outside bracts yellowish‐white sericeous, flowers light green to cream white in colour, and nine tepals with the outside of all tepals silky hairy at base.  相似文献   
木兰科的分支分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
主要以形态学、解剖学、细胞学为依据,以德坚木属为外类群,用分支分析的方法探讨了木兰科属间的系统发育关系。有23个分支单位,选取32个性状,根据外类群比较原则和化石地层学资料,确定了性状的祖征和衍征。对数据矩阵的分支分析使用PAUP3.1.1和Hennig 86 v.1.5分别在Macintosh和IBM机上运行,前者以启发法,后者以BB命令运算,经严格一致化处理,得到一致化分支图。结果表明:1)木  相似文献   
报道了木兰科(Magnoliaceae)含笑属(Michelia L.)一新种:台山含笑(M. taishanensis Y. H. Tong,X. E. Ye,X. H. Ye & Yu Q. Chen)。该新种目前仅分布于我国广东台山市的北峰山,与广东含笑(M. guangdongensis Y. H. Yan,Q. W. Zeng & F. W. Xing)近缘,但其叶柄更纤细,叶背老时变无毛,雄蕊较多且较长,花丝白色,药隔短小而与后者区别。  相似文献   
峨眉拟单性木兰的开花生物学特性与繁育系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为阐明峨眉拟单性木兰(Parakmeria omeiensis)在自然条件结实率低的原因和确定最佳人工授粉时期,该文通过观察峨眉拟单性木兰的开花动态,采用杂交指数估算、花粉胚珠比、花粉活力及柱头活性检测、人工授粉试验等方法对其繁育系统进行了研究。结果表明:(1)植物园保育的峨眉拟单性木兰花期在4月底到5月中下旬,持续17~23 d,雄株始花期比雌株早3~4 d,但两者花期可遇。(2)两性花经检测雄蕊败育,实为功能上的雌性,部分雄株个体的雄花上残留1~2个心皮,其性别分化是通过雌、雄蕊选择性败育形成的,为隐性雌雄异株(cryptic dioecy)。(3)雄花、两性花开放经历佛焰苞开裂、花被片开裂、展开、闭合、二次开放、凋落6个阶段,历时4 d。(4)雄花初次展开时花粉活力最高,达92.8%,开花2 d后活力显著下降;两性花柱头在花被片展开期可授性最强,盛开后柱头部分可授。(5)杂交指数为5,P/O比为2.14×10~4。(6)套袋试验表明,峨眉拟单性木兰不能进行自花传粉,人工异花授粉的结实率和出种数显著高于自然授粉,且不存在无融合生殖。这说明峨眉拟单性木兰繁育系统为专性异交,传粉过程需要传粉媒介,自然条件下结实率低,主要是受传粉昆虫和柱头可授期短的限制。  相似文献   
江西木兰科植物区系地理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对江西木兰科植物7属23种的地理分布和区系特征进行了分析。属的分布区类型可划分为:热带亚洲分布、东亚一北美间断分布和中国特有分布。种的分布区类型可划分为:热带亚洲分布、东亚分布和中国特有分布。江西木兰科植物可划分为赣北、赣西北、赣西南、赣南、赣东南、赣东北共6个分布区。该区系以亚热带成分为主,具有种类丰富、区系成分复杂、多型性突出、特有现象较显著和与周边省份联系较密切等特点,属木兰科植物现代分布中心边缘分化比较强烈的区域之一。  相似文献   
The hitherto unknown γ-isomer of the two eudasmanolides santamarine and reynosin was found to occur naturally in the root bark of M. grandiflora L. Its identity was established by studying its spectral data and by synthesis by cyclizing costunolide-1,10-epoxide. It was named magnolialide.  相似文献   
Woonyoungia septentrionalis (Dandy) Law is aceae. The floral morphology and structure of the species a dioecious species with unisexual flowers in Magnoliare conspicuously different from other species and are important to the study of floral phylogeny in this family. The floral anatomy and ontogeny were investigated to evaluate the systematic position of W. septentrionalis, using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. All of the floral organs are initiated acropetally and spirally. The carpels are of conduplicated type without the differentiation of stigma and style. The degenerated stamens in the female flowers have the same structures as the normal stamens at the earlier developmental stages, but they do not undergo successive development and eventually degenerate. The male floral apex was observed to have the remnants of carpels in a few investigated samples. As the bisexual flower features could be traced both in the male and female flowers in W. septentrionalis, it suggests that the flower sex in Magnoliaceae tends toward unisexual. As well as the unisexual flowers, the reduced tepals and carpels and concrescence of carpels conform to the specialized tendency in Magnoliaceae, which confirms the derived position of W. septentrionalis in this family. As the initiation pattern of floral parts of W. septentrionalis is very similar to other species in this family, it needs further investigation and especially comparison with species in Kmeria to evaluate the separation of Woonyoungia.  相似文献   
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