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利用扫描电镜技术、叶片离析法和石蜡切片法研究了假鹰爪属Desmos 4种植物和皂帽花属Dasy-maschalon 3种植物叶片的形态结构。结果表明:假鹰爪属植物叶片近轴面表皮具大型球状含晶簇细胞和不含晶簇的表皮细胞两种类型,远轴面表皮细胞均具一较小的晶簇;叶肉组织明显分化为栅栏组织细胞和海绵组织细胞,油细胞分布于第2层的栅栏组织和海绵组织内,单位毫米叶宽油细胞数为4~6个;主脉维管组织被薄壁细胞分隔成束状。皂帽花属植物叶片近轴面表皮细胞形状相同,均具一晶簇,远轴面表皮细胞的晶簇和近轴面表皮细胞的晶簇相似;靠近上、下表皮的叶肉组织均分化为栅栏组织细胞,在两层栅栏组织细胞之间分化为一至几层海绵组织细胞,油细胞分布于海绵组织内,单位毫米叶宽油细胞数为2~3个;主脉维管组织形成连续的环状。由此可见两属叶的结构具有明显的差异,因而支持假鹰爪属和皂帽花属为两个独立属的观点。  相似文献   

番荔枝科蚁花属和澄广花属叶的比较解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用扫描电镜技术,叶片离析方法和石蜡切片法对蚁花属1种和澄广花属9种植物叶的形态结构进行比较研究。结果表明,两属植物有许多相似之处,但又有以下一些显著不同;蚁花属植物叶表皮细胞均具一晶族,叶肉组织中具1-2层栅栏组织细胞,油细胞均匀分布在栅栏组织和海绵组织中,栅栏组织在主脉处不连续,而澄广花属植物叶的表皮细胞内具一单斜晶,叶肉组织中具1层栅栏组织细胞,油细胞仅分布在海绵组织中,栅栏组织在主脉处连续,结果为蚁花属和澄广花属的分类学处理提供了新证据。  相似文献   

暗罗属植物叶的比较解剖学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用扫描电镜技术、叶片叶片离析方法和石蜡切片法对暗罗属12种植物叶和形态结构进行了比较研究。结果表明,叶表皮细胞形状、气孔器形态、表皮毛类型、表皮细胞中晶体类型、叶肉中油细胞分布位置、栅栏组织和海绵组织厚度的比值,以及主脉维管组织的结构特征等具有明显的种间差异。可以利用这些叶的解剖特征将暗罗属植物相互区别开来。  相似文献   

采用叶片表皮离析法、扫描电镜和石蜡制片法,研究了中国分布的番荔枝科瓜馥木属19种植物叶片的形态结构。结果表明:瓜馥木属叶片形态和结构具有较多的相似性,如叶片表皮均具有2-多个细胞的单列丝状毛,表皮细胞内具有一个晶簇,气孔器均为平列型,只分布在叶片的远轴面,远轴面的表皮细胞平周壁形成一个乳突,叶片主脉的维管组织除具有正常的维管组织外,还具有一个小的副维管束等,这些特征有助于区分番荔枝科植物的属间关系,支持瓜馥木属是一个很自然的类群。但叶片表皮毛的形态及分布,表皮细胞的形状、叶肉中栅栏组织和海绵组织的结构、远轴面的乳突大小以及叶主脉维管组织的细微结构则具有种间差异。尤其有助于区分小萼瓜馥木和黑风藤、广西瓜馥木和独山瓜馥木、上思瓜馥木和东方瓜馥木等形态相似、难以区分的植物种类。该研究结果为该属的系统研究和种间正确区分提供了重要资料。  相似文献   

木兰科14种植物叶片中油细胞的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
利用组织透明法、石蜡切片法对木兰科5属14种植物叶片中油细胞进行比较研究,结果表明:油细胞都呈圆形或椭圆形,直径30 ̄50μm。从透明叶片观察,大多数植物叶片油细胞分布于脉间区,少数种的少数油细胞分布在脉上,其中5种植物的部分油细胞与叶脉末端相接触。从叶横切面观察,其中8种植物的油细胞散布于整个叶肉中,3种植物的油细胞分布于栅栏组织及栅栏组织和海绵组织交接处,另3种植物的油细胞仅颁布在栅栏组织和海  相似文献   

木兰属叶片的比较解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对木兰属(Magnolia)12种、1亚种植物的叶片进行了比较解剖学研究。结果表明:(1)Nootboom系统的云南木兰(M.yunnanensis)和乐东木兰(M.lotungensis)的叶肉中含有大量的单宁,与木兰属其他植物叶片的解剖结构有较大区别,支持刘玉壶系统^[2]拟单性木兰属(Parakmeria)的建立;(2)凹叶厚朴(M.officinalis ssp.biloba)为厚朴(M.officinalis)的亚种,二者下表皮均被表皮毛,但表皮毛的细胞个数明显不同,因而很易区分;(3)木兰属植物的叶片在叶片厚度、栅栏组织和海绵组织厚度的比例、表皮毛、油细胞大小及其分布密度密度等方面在种间具有一定差别。  相似文献   

兰属、兜兰属、石斛属植物叶片的扫描电镜观察   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对兰科植物的兰属、兜兰属及石斛属16个种折叶片及其横断面进行了扫描电镜的观察。兰属各种叶片上表皮细胞均为矩形,上表皮细胞表面具小乳突或不明显突起。石斛属及兜兰属的各个种上下表皮细胞均为多边形,但石斛属表皮细胞表面无坦无纹饰,而兜兰属花叶类上表皮细胞表面明显呈乳突状,绿叶类呈龟背状隆起。兰属及石斛属叶片叶肉组织没有栅栏组织及海绵组织的分化,而兜兰属的绿叶类叶肉不分化;花叶类叶肉有分化。  相似文献   

16种高山植物叶片内的异细胞及其生态学意义   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:13  
报道了16种高山植物叶片内异细胞的分布和特征,其中8种植物叶肉的栅栏组织靠近上表皮的一层或两层细胞为民细胞,有些种的海绵组织中含有异细胞;有此种的上表皮中含有异细胞。另外绝大多数的植物的维管组织之中有异细胞存在。  相似文献   

云南秋海棠属植物叶片横切面比较解剖研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
报道30种主产于云南的秋海棠属植物叶片的横切面解剖构造特征。采用常规石蜡切片法切片观察,结果表明:云南秋海棠属植物叶片薄、横切面均为异面叶、呈典型的阴叶结构,叶肉组织虽有栅栏组织和海绵组织的分化,但栅栏组织不发达,占叶肉组织的比例较小。表皮多为单表皮,极稀复表皮,表皮毛均由多细胞组成。气孔集中于下表皮,孔下室或下陷气孔特大、通气组织极发达;角质层形状多样,呈均匀增厚、瘤状和片状突起;叶绿体椭球形、数多、个体大,主要分布于叶肉组织,集中于栅栏组织。解剖构造特征在各分类组内呈现不完全一致性,而在相同茎的形态类型中有些较一致的特征,在不同种间解剖特征各有差别;根状茎和直立茎类型种类的横切面组织结构表现为表皮细胞壁外的角质层薄、栅栏组织与叶肉组织厚度比例较小等弱光照、湿生等适应性较弱的特征。球茎类型的种类表现为角质层较厚、栅栏叶肉组织厚度比例较大等适应略为干燥和较强光照的特征。  相似文献   

刘培卫  张玉秀  杨云  陈波 《广西植物》2017,37(5):565-571
为比较沉香属不同种植物间的叶片形态解剖特征,将不同来源的六种沉香属植物在海南省兴隆南药园种植,运用石蜡切片法和撕片法对其成熟叶片的解剖特征进行观察,并对叶片的上下表皮,叶脉和叶横切面等12项数量性状进行统计分析。结果表明:六种沉香属植物叶片解剖结构基本一致,均为典型的异面叶,由表皮、叶肉和叶脉组成,表现出典型的旱生形态特点。表皮细胞单层,气孔微下陷,仅分布在下表皮,上下表皮上零星分布着表皮毛。叶肉组织发达,栅栏组织由1~2层排列紧密地圆柱状细胞组成,其间分布着大量的长方晶体,海绵组织内有一层排列较整齐,染色较深的异细胞组成的下皮层。主脉维管束双韧型,呈圆环状,内含大量异细胞。方差分析表明,除栅海比外,叶片厚度、叶脉条数、主脉厚度等其余11项数量指标在六种植物间差异均达到显著水平。聚类分析将这六种植物聚成3类,Aquilaria sinensis(白木香),A.crassna和A.banaensis聚为一类,A.baillonii和A.malaccensis聚为一类;A.yunnanensis(云南沉香)单独为一类。该研究结果为沉香属植物的物种鉴定提供了解剖学依据,同时对沉香属植物合理开发利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The leaf structure and morphology, the structure and location of oil cells in leaves of 82 species and 1 subspecies in 10 genera of the Magnoliaceae were comparatively studied using tissue clearing, paraffin sectioning and thin sectioning. In leaves of Liriodendroideae, some of abaxial epidermal cells are papillose and the vascular tissue of the main vein appeared to be separated. However, papillose cells were not found and there were uniseriate, multicellular or unicellular hairs distributed on the epiderm, and the vascular tissue of the main vein appeared to be continuous in leaves of the Magnolioideae. Furthermore, in the Magnolioideae, the structure of leaves of Manglietia were different from that of Magnolia. These results support the separation of Magnolioideae and Liriodendroideae, and suggest that Manglietia and Magnolia be independent genera, which is consistent with Law’ s taxonomic scheme. Oil cells are one of marked features of the leaf anatomy of the Magnoliaceae, and they are mainly distributed in the palisade tissue in leaves of 47 species and in the spongy tissue in leaves of 5 species, and dispersed in the whole mesophyll in leaves of 31 species. The size and location of oil cells in leaves, combined with the thickness of leaves, the number of layers of the palisade tissue, the ratio of palisade tissue to spongy tissue in thickness, the hypo-derm, and the type of hairs may be used as the characteristics of genera and even species.  相似文献   

Foliar sclereids in the Magnoliaceae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The foliar sclereids in 136 species representing 11 of the 12 genera of Magnoliaceae were studied and compared. Sclereids occur in four different cell assemblages within the leaf: diffuse idioblasts, mesophyll, dermal system, and the vein sheath including terminal elements. Tropical members tend to have the most highly sclerified leaves. In species of Manglietia the leaves have sclerified spongy mesophyll and either sclerified epidermis or hypodermis. In Talauma , sclerification affects the vein sheath and terminal cells of veinlets, with a specialized thick marginal vein in the Asian taxa but not in the American ones. Liriodendron and the magnolias native to the north temperate zone have only minimal sclerification, which usually is confined to the vein sheath of the midrib and the main lateral veins, and as idioblastic sclereids in the petiole and the midrib near the base of the blade. The two largest genera Magnolia and Michelia are heterogeneous and include species which vary as to their combinations of sclerified elements among the four possible types.  相似文献   

Leaf morphology in four species of Desmos and three species of Dasymaschalon was comparatively studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) together with epidermal maceration and paraffin methods. The results showed that there were some remarkable foliar anatomical differences between Desmos and Dasymaschalon. In leaves of Desmos, some of the adaxial epidermal cells were enlarged into globose cells each containing one large cluster crystal, while other epidermal cells were normal without any crystal, and in abaxial epidermis each cell contained one smaller cluster crystal. The leaf structure was typically bifacial, and the mesophyll cells were differentiated into palisade tissue and spongy tissue. Oil cells were distributed in the second layer of palisade and the whole spongy tissue, and the number of oil cells per mm leaf width ranged from 4 to 6. The vascular tissue in the midrib was separated into bundles by parenchyma cells. In leaves of Dasymaschalon, all the adaxial epidermal cells contained one cluster crystal, and the crystal size was similar to that of thecrystals in abaxial epidermal cells. The leaf structure was more or less isobilateral. Oil cells were distributed only in the spongy tissue between the two layers of the palisade, and the number of oil cells per mm leaf width ranged from 2 to 3. The vascular tissue in the midrib formed a continuous circle. It is clear that the anatomical differences between Desmos and Dasymaschalon are remarkable, supporting the treatment of Desmos and Dasymaschalon as two independent genera.  相似文献   

The idioblasts terminating the foliar veinlets were studied in 152 species of the following magnoliaccous genera: Alcimandra, Aromadendron, Elmerrillia, Kmeria, Liriodendron, Magnolia, Manglietia, Michelia, Paramichelia, and Talauma. In all genera, except Liriodendron, some of the veinlets in mature leaves terminate in enlarged, nonliving cells called tracheoidal elements. Only one wall-facet (rarely 2) in such elements is differentially thickened; this wall lies adjacent to a conventional tracheary element. Ultimate cells of other veinlets in the Magnoliaceae differentiate as thick-walled sclereids, conventional tracheids, clavate tracheids, reticulate-walled dilated tracheids, or secretory cells. The terminal elements differentiate relatively late during leaf enlargement. In the Magnoliaceae, foliar structure is frequently characteristic at the generic level, and in some cases at the species level.  相似文献   

用石蜡切片法在显微镜下观察白蜡虫[Ericerus pela(Chavannes)]7种寄主植物叶的解剖结构。结果表明,寄主植物的叶脉、表皮、栅栏组织、海绵组织、维管束解剖结构及数量性状特征在属、种间存在显著差异。7种寄主植物中,华南小蜡(Ligustrum calleryanum Decne.)和白蜡树(Fraxinus chinensis Roxb.)表皮被毛,华南小蜡表皮毛浓密,白蜡树表皮毛稀疏,其它寄主植物表皮无毛;女贞树(Ligustrum lucidum Ait.)栅栏组织、海绵组织和叶脉的厚度最厚、维管束直径最大,其它寄主植物相对较小。因此,叶片表面光滑、叶脉发达、叶片肥厚是白蜡虫优良寄主植物的重要解剖学特征。7种寄主植物中脉和侧脉发达,近轴面凹陷,远轴面突起,肉脉包埋在叶肉中,推测叶脉突起和凹槽可能是白蜡虫固定位点选择的关键线索。  相似文献   

构树雌雄株叶片解剖结构特征的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究雌雄异株植物构树(Broussonetia papyrifera(L.) Vent.)的性别差异,以其叶片为材料,采用石蜡切片法,对其主要解剖结构特征进行观察和比较。结果显示:(1)构树雌、雄株叶片解剖结构组成一致,均由表皮、叶肉组织和叶脉3部分组成。其上、下表皮均由一层细胞构成,具有较厚的角质层及丰富的表皮毛,叶肉中栅栏组织高度发达,此外,维管系统在叶中所占比例很大;(2)构树雌、雄株叶片细胞大小及厚度在各类型组织间存在一定差异,雄株叶片上表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、主脉维管束木质部厚度及维管束厚度均显著大于雌株叶片,且在栅海比、组织结构紧密度、组织结构疏松度和主脉维管束木质部面积占维管束的比例等方面也与雌株有极显著差异。研究结果表明构树叶片的解剖结构不仅具有旱生植物叶片的典型特征,而且还表现出明显的性别差异,这可能与构树雌、雄株的生殖分配有关。  相似文献   

含笑属叶片的比较解剖学研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
包淑云  周守标  喻永红 《广西植物》2002,22(2):140-T002
对中国含笑属 ( Michelia) 1 8种 (包括观光木 1 ) ) ,1变种的叶片进行了比较解剖学研究 ,结果表明 :( 1 )含笑属植物的叶片均有明显的栅栏组织和海绵组织之分 (除石碌含笑和观光木外 ) ,但二者的厚度及它们在叶肉中的所占的比例在组间、种间有一定的差别 ;( 2 )有些种类叶片的上表皮有下皮 ,有些则无 ,少数种类 (石碌含笑 )上、下表皮皆有下皮 ;( 3)表皮毛的有无及表皮毛的细胞个数有一定的种间差别 ;( 4 )叶表皮角质层的厚薄程度在种间有一定的差别 ;( 5 )油细胞在含笑属植物叶片整个叶肉中普遍存在 (除含笑只在栅栏组织中有分布 ) ,但其分布密度在种间有较大的差异。通过对含笑属植物叶片结构的比较观察 ,旨在探讨该属间的系统演化关系 ,为分组、分种提供解剖学方面的实验证据  相似文献   

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