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沙田柚不同外植体离体培养与植株再生的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用组织培养进行柑桔良种的快速繁殖可以克服常规方法费时的缺点 ,为进一步进行无病原体苗木繁育、诱变育种及遗传转化创造有利条件。目前我国开展此项工作较为广泛 ,已先后在红江橙 [1 ]、柠檬 [2 ]、金柑 [3]、甜橙 [4]及蕉柑 [5]等柑桔类中建立了组织培养的再生体系 ,但在柚类中相关的研究较少。笔者以沙田柚为材料 ,在离体培养条件下 ,成功诱导上下胚轴、根段及子叶的不定芽形成和植株再生。1  材料与方法1 .1  植物材料沙田柚种子 ( Citrus grandis Osbeck cv.Shatian Yu)经表面消毒后黑暗培养无菌苗 ,当苗长至 2 0 d左右时 ,将上…  相似文献   
目的研究大鼠骨髓基质干细胞的生长特点和诱导条件下的成骨能力。方法通过密度梯度离心和贴壁培养法分离成年大鼠骨髓基质干细胞,应用含地塞米松、p甘油磷酸纳和维生素c的诱导分化培养液定向诱导传代细胞向成骨细胞分化并检测碱性磷酸酶活性和细胞矿化作用。结果原代培养基质干细胞首先形成细胞集落,14d时集落间接近融合;传代细胞体积变大,约5~7d传代一次。诱导条件下,细胞碱性磷酸酶活性明显增高,并出现了矿化结节。结论骨髓基质干细胞易于分离培养及体外扩增,成骨能力肯定,可作为骨组织工程的种子细胞。  相似文献   
目的:观察地佐辛复合右美托咪定用于高血压患者乳腺癌手术全麻诱导的临床效果。方法:选择我院择期行乳腺癌改良根治术的患者90例,随机分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组,n=30。Ⅰ组给予芬太尼2~5μg/kg,Ⅱ组给予地佐辛0.2~0.3 mg/kg,Ⅲ组持续输注右美托咪定1μg/(kg·h)10 min后给予地佐辛0.2~0.3 mg/kg,三组患者均常规行全麻诱导。记录围插管期的平均动脉压(MAP)、心率(HR),并测定T0、T1、T2、T3时血浆肾上腺素(E)和去甲肾上腺素(NE)的浓度,同时记录患者拔管即刻、拔管后1 min的MAP、HR及术中给予的心血管活性药物的总剂量等情况。结果:Ⅰ组患者MAP、HR在T1、T2、T5时刻的数值及围插管期血浆肾上腺素(E)和去甲肾上腺素(NE)浓度变化分别与其前一时点相比,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。Ⅱ、Ⅲ两组围插管期血浆肾上腺素(E)和去甲肾上腺素(NE)浓度虽然都有波动,但与前一时点比较差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:地佐辛复合右美托咪定用于高血压患者乳腺癌手术全麻诱导不仅可以有效抑制气管插管应激反应,维持术中血流动力学稳定,降低患者术后对疼痛的敏感性,而且对患者术后意识、呼吸等恢复没有影响。  相似文献   
The FDA has published guidelines by which to carry out and interpret in vitro induction studies using hepatocytes but do researchers in pharmaceutical companies actually follow these to the letter? In a survey of 30 participants in the pharmaceutical industry, 19 questions were posed regarding the species investigated, methodologies and interpretations of the data. Also addressed was the in-house decision making processes as a result of in vitro induction data. The survey showed that, although the basic methods were similar, no two researchers carried out and interpreted induction assays in exactly the same way. No single method was superior but all included enzyme activities as the major end point. Hepatocytes from animal species were used to confirm animal in vivo data but only human hepatocytes were used to predict human induction responses. If a compound was found to be positive in an in vitro induction assay, few would halt the development of the compound. The majority would consider other properties of the compound (bioavailability, clearance and therapeutic concentrations) and follow the FDA recommendation to conduct clinical drug-drug interaction studies. Overall, the results from this survey indicate that there is no standard pharmaceutical industry method or evaluation criterion by which in vitro assays are carried out. Rather than adhering to the FDA guidelines, some adapt methods and interpretation according to their own experience and need (whether screening or lead optimisation). There was general consensus that studies using human hepatocyte cultures currently provide the best indication of the in vivo induction potential of NCEs. In addition, the assessment of in vitro induction data from the literature suggest that the two-fold induction threshold and the percent of positive control criteria may not be the best methods to accurately assess the in vivo induction potential of a drug. Although the two-fold induction criterion is now obsolete, more predictive models for determining the clinical induction potential are needed. Alternative models are proposed and discussed herein.  相似文献   
Summary. Abaxial epidermal cells of developing faba bean (Vicia faba) cotyledons are modified to a transfer cell morphology and function. In contrast, the adaxial epidermal cells do not form transfer cells but can be induced to do so when excised cotyledons are cultured on an agar medium. The first fenestrated layer of wall ingrowths is apparent within 24 h of cotyledon exposure to culture medium. The time course of wall ingrowth formation was examined further. By 2 h following cotyledon excision, a 350 nm thick wall was deposited evenly over the outer periclinal walls of adaxial epidermal cells and densities of cytoplasmic vesicles increased. After 3 h in culture, 10% of epidermal cells contained small projections of wall material on their outer periclinal walls. Thereafter, this percentage rose sharply and reached a maximum of 90% by 15 h. Continuous culture of cotyledons on a medium containing 6-methyl purine (an inhibitor of RNA synthesis) completely blocked wall ingrowth formation. In contrast, if exposure to 6-methyl purine was delayed for 1 h at the start of the culture period, the adaxial epidermal cells were found to contain small wall ingrowths. Treating cotyledons for 1 h with 6-methyl purine at 15 h following cotyledon excision halted further wall ingrowth development. We conclude that transfer cell induction is rapid and that signalling and early events leading to wall ingrowth formation depend upon gene expression. In addition, these gene products have a high turnover rate. Correspondence and reprints: School of Environmental and Life Sciences, Biology Building, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia.  相似文献   
Intake induction refers to the phenomenon by which animals increase consumption of a less-valued meal when followed by a highly-preferred food relative to when followed by no food or by the same less-preferred food. In the Training phase of the present experiment, we assessed the induction effect in sheep using a within-subject design where learning could be tested while controlling for digestive state. Results showed that, once intake reached stability, subjects ate more low-nutritious food (oat hay) when followed than when preceded by a preferred food (soybean meal), supporting the learning hypothesis of induction. The objective of the second, Revaluation, phase of the experiment was to explore the associative mechanism of induction, for which we paired gastrointestinal malaise caused by lithium chloride intoxication with consumption of soybean meal or a control food (wheat bran). Despite subjects partially rejecting soybean meal relative to controls after the aversive conditioning protocol, oat hay consumption seemed unaffected by soybean meal devaluation. We conclude that intake induction in sheep may rely on changes in hedonic properties of the low-nutritious food based on its association with post-ingestive feedback from the preferred food (hedonic hypothesis), but not on an explicit anticipation of the latter (signalling hypothesis).  相似文献   
Chitin is an abundant polysaccharide found in fungal cell walls, crustacean shells, and insect exoskeletons. The immunological properties of both chitin and its deacetylated derivative chitosan are of relevance because of frequent natural exposure and their use in medical applications. Depending on the preparation studied and the end point measured, these compounds have been reported to induce allergic responses, inflammatory responses, or no response at all. We prepared highly purified chitosan and chitin and examined the capacity of these glycans to stimulate murine macrophages to release the inflammasome-associated cytokine IL-1β. We found that although chitosan was a potent NLRP3 inflammasome activator, acetylation of the chitosan to chitin resulted in a near total loss of activity. The size of the chitosan particles played an important role, with small particles eliciting the greatest activity. An inverse relationship between size and stimulatory activity was demonstrated using chitosan passed through size exclusion filters as well as with chitosan-coated beads of defined size. Partial digestion of chitosan with pepsin resulted in a larger fraction of small phagocytosable particles and more potent inflammasome activity. Inhibition of phagocytosis with cytochalasin D abolished the IL-1β stimulatory activity of chitosan, offering an explanation for why the largest particles were nearly devoid of activity. Thus, the deacetylated polysaccharide chitosan potently activates the NLRP3 inflammasome in a phagocytosis-dependent manner. In contrast, chitin is relatively inert.  相似文献   
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