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Several Vietnamese seaweed species have economic importance as food for humans, as industrial materials, as ingredients in traditional medicine, and as biofertilizers. The nutritional values of nine representative Vietnamese seaweed species were analyzed. In this report, all of the species studied are rich in proteins, lipids (especially polyunsaturated fatty acids), vitamins, pigments, and macro- and micro-elements. The effect of the physiological activities of the green alga, Ulva reticulata, on hepatic fatty acid metabolism were examined in mice. The results indicate that Vietnamese seaweeds are abundant and have high quality materials for industrial and agricultural purposes. Presented at the 6th Meeting of the Asian Pacific Society of Applied Phycology, Manila, Philippines.  相似文献   
Shaoyao-Gancao-Tang (SGT), a traditional Chinese herbal medicine (Kampo formulation) containing Shaoyao (Paeoniae Radix) and Gancao (Glycyrrhizae Radix), is co-administered with laxative sodium picosulfate as a premedication for relieving the pain accompanying colonoscopy. Paeoniflorin (PF), an active glycoside of SGT, is metabolized into the antispasmodic agent paeonimetabolin-I (PM-I) by intestinal bacteria after oral administration. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether the co-administered laxative (sodium picosulfate) influences the metabolism of PF to PM-I by intestinal bacteria. We found that the PF-metabolizing activity of intestinal bacteria in rat feces was significantly reduced to approximately 34% of initial levels by a single sodium picosulfate pretreatment and took approximately 6 days to recover. Repeated administration of SGT after the sodium picosulfate pretreatment significantly shortened the recovery period to around 2 days. Similar results were also observed for plasma PM-I concentration. Since PM-I has muscle relaxant activity, the present results suggest that repetitive administration of SGT after sodium picosulfate pretreatment might be useful to relieve the pain associated with colonoscopy.  相似文献   
“绪论”是高校所有课程的第一课,上好“绪论”第一课可第一时间在学生心中播下对该门学科的使命感、进取心和责任心的“种子”。作者通过多年的教学研究与实践,认为“绪论”教学的首要目的是激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,点燃学生的进取心和紧迫感,进而喜欢和会学这门课程。为达到上述教学目的,我们构建了“绪论”第一课授课内容、方法与目的三者相吻合的教学模式:首先,采用生动有趣和灵活多样的手段导入情景和实物,并设问;随后通过循循善诱和启迪独立思考,师生共同探究和感悟该学科属性、形成发展历史、目前研究现状及未来发展前景,以及教与学的目的、任务和方法等,从而让学生树立上进心和责任心,增强学好该课程的决心和信心。本文以普通植物病理学课程为例,展示了采用“绪论”第一课的教学模式开展的教学过程。多年的教学实践证明,“绪论”第一课教学模式导入的“绪论”内容规范、系统、全面、与教学目标相契合。并且,其内涵丰富、可操作性强、实施效果好,对提高教学质量十分奏效,适合推广应用。  相似文献   
虚拟仿真实验是一种现代信息化和智慧教学的重要方法,对高等医学院校教学质量的发展起到重要的推进作用。我们自主开发建设的“霍乱弧菌检测与防控虚拟仿真实验”,既弥补了因生物安全问题不能开展的实验教学,也解决了微生物学检验实验教学中存在的操作标准化问题。采用“三步进阶”混合教学模式,实现以“学生为中心”的师生互动模式,创建“设计性实验报告”,与育人元素有机结合,培育医学生的职业使命感。细化考核标准,实现过程性评价。探索课前启发铺垫、课中内化升华、课后巩固拓展混合式实验教学模式,有效提高学生的实验技能,实现知行合一、素能共育的教学目标。  相似文献   
人才培养是未来国家竞争的核心。“强基计划”是我国对基础学科拔尖创新人才培养模式的重要探索,是满足国家重大战略人才需求的重要举措。“强基计划”招收的学生,往往成绩优异、兴趣浓厚,这为相关学科的人才培养模式提出了新要求和新目标。其中,“强基计划”背景下的基础教学改革势在必行。超学科教育理念(science,technology,engineering,arts,mathematics,STEAM)作为一种跨学科的综合性教育理念,与“强基计划”的建设理念不谋而合。鉴于此,天津大学生命科学学院根据“强基计划”背景下生物学科人才培养目标,结合STEAM教育理念,以“生物学综合设计”课程为例,对生物学实验教学改革进行了探索与实践。  相似文献   
介绍并比较探讨了生物类相关本科专业课程教学中涉及的3个相似方程:微生物细胞生长动力学中的莫诺方程、酶促反应动力学中的米氏方程、吸附分离过程中的等温吸附方程,以供相关专业教师的教学和学生的学习参考。  相似文献   
目的 分析高校附属医院临床医学专业应届毕业生对毕业实习教学管理的满意度,为完善毕业实习教学管理模式提出对策。为提高毕业实习教学水平和学生整体素质教育提供参考。 方法 制定学生对教师、教师对学生、学生对教学资源的评价指标,对临床医学专业应届毕业生、实习带教老师进行问卷调查。 结果 教师对学生“学习态度”“独立完成操作”的满意度均高于95%;学生对教师教学纪律、教学准备、和教学能力的满意度均达到100%;学生对设备准备、耗材准备、毕业实习学时安排满意度均高于95%。发现了医学生毕业实习管理工作中存在的具体问题。结论 高校附属医院要建立完善毕业实习管理制度,加强毕业实习质量监督,科学制定考核制度。  相似文献   
Antiviral activity against H1N1 influenza was studied using ethnic medicinal plants of South India. Results revealed that Wrightia tinctoria (2.25 μg/ml) was one of the best antidotes against H1N1 virus in terms of inhibitory concentration of 50% (IC50) whereas the control drug Oseltamivir showed 6.44 μg/ml. Strychnos minor, Diotacanthus albiflorus and Cayratia pedata showed low cytotoxicity (>100) to the MDCK (Malin darby canine kidney) cells by cytotoxicity concentration of 50% (CC50) and possessed antiviral activity suggesting that these plants can be used as herbal capsules for H1N1 virus. W. tinctoria and S. minor showed high therapeutic indexes (TI) such as 12.67 and 21.97 suggesting that those plants can be used for anti-viral drug development. The CC50 values of Eugenia singampattiana (0.3 μg/ml), Vitex altissima (42 μg/ml), Salacia oblonga (7.32 μg/ml) and Salacia reticulata (7.36 μg/ml) resulted in cytotoxicity of the MDCK cells, due to their high phenolic content. Findings from this study state that the plant W. tinctoria can be a potent source for third generation anti-viral drug development against H1N1.  相似文献   
遗传学实验教学改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对遗传学实验教学改革从建立开放式实验的教学模式,加强对学生平时实验操作能力的考核,以及充分利用多媒体教学等方面进行了探讨,促进了遗传学教学水平的提高。更加注重对学生综合能力的培养,使学生真正成为具有良好的职业素质和较强的实践能力的实用型人才。  相似文献   
刘国瑾 《生物学杂志》2011,28(3):112-113,91
新课程的实施需要运用探究教学法,广大高中生物教师对这一教法的运用还在摸索之中。通过拟从探究教学法的运用,对提高高中生物课堂教学有效性的作用,提出实践性的教学建议。  相似文献   
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