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目的:研究芦荟膏中各功能成分体外透皮吸收的能力。方法:以Wistar大鼠的背部皮肤为透皮实验原料,每隔一定时间通过分光光度法和高效液相色谱法测定透皮后接收池内芦荟多糖及蒽醌类含量。结果:随着芦荟膏剂量的增加,渗透量逐渐增加,芦荟膏中芦荟多糖、芦荟大黄素、芦荟苷的渗透量随时间延长逐渐增加,但是渗透速率逐渐降低。结论:芦荟膏有较强的体外透皮吸收能力,芦荟膏经皮给药能充分发挥其作用。  相似文献   

目的:用二次谐波成像结合双光子荧光成像的方法观察人源胶原蛋白透皮吸收的情况。方法:将荧光标记的人源胶原蛋白(1 mg/mL)涂抹于小鼠表皮层经皮肤吸收1 h后用背向二次谐波观察皮肤内胶原纤维作为真皮层定位标志,用双光子扫描共聚焦显微镜观察人源胶原蛋白透皮吸收深度,吸收方式。结果:二次谐波成像结合双光子荧光成像表明人源胶原蛋白透皮吸收1 h后可观察到荧光信号沿着毛囊聚集,并有部分荧光分子由毛囊扩散至真皮层。结论:二次谐波可以更快速,更灵敏地检测皮肤中的胶原纤维,以此作为检测物质透皮吸收深度的定位标志,具有不受荧光信号干扰的优点。人源胶原蛋白可以沿着毛囊进入真皮层,并从毛囊中扩散至胶原纤维层从而补充皮肤中的胶原纤维。  相似文献   

为了研究渗透吸收促进剂氮酮用量对王不留行黄酮苷软膏剂体外经皮渗透性能的影响及为该化合物经皮给药系统的开发提供参考。本实验采用HPLC测定王不留行黄酮苷的含量,流动相为甲醇和水,检测波长280 nm。选取大鼠背部皮肤,通过Franz垂直扩散池考察王不留行黄酮苷软膏剂透皮性能,结果表明24 h内,不同浓度的氮酮对王不留行黄酮苷软膏剂透皮吸收均有一定的促进作用,其促渗作用为1%氮酮0.5%氮酮5%氮酮3%氮酮0%氮酮。本实验说明氮酮能促进王不留行黄酮苷软膏剂中的王不留行黄酮苷透皮吸收,以1%的氮酮促透效果最佳。  相似文献   

本文主要对小茴香挥发油贴剂体外释放和透皮性能进行了研究。用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定小茴香挥发油在不同释放介质中的溶解度,选择30%聚乙二醇400-生理盐水作为满足漏槽条件的释放介质。按《中国药典》规定方法测定含不同稀释剂的小茴香挥发油贴剂体外释放量,24 h体外释放累积量依次为二乙二醇单乙基醚(Transcutol P)己二酸二异丙酯辛癸酸甘油酯空白肉豆蔻酸异丙酯,说明不同稀释剂对小茴香挥发油贴剂的释放影响较大。Transcutol P的释放效果最好,24 h体外释放百分含量为64.16%,其体外释放过程符合Higuchi方程,释放速率常数为1762.2μg/cm~2·h~2。因此,选择Transcutol P作为小茴香挥发油贴剂的稀释剂。用选定的稀释剂贴剂进行大鼠和小型猪腹部皮肤体外透皮性能的研究,体外透皮过程符合零级动力学方程,透皮速率分别为63.943μg/cm~2·h、6.134μg/cm~2·h,说明不同皮肤对体外透皮速率有影响。  相似文献   

张韻慧  王春杰  晋兴华  张旺  张崧 《生物磁学》2013,(34):6619-6622,6706
目的:通过研究不同促透剂对吲哚关辛水凝胶贴剂透皮性能的影响,遴选在特定栽药剂量时具有最佳促透效果的促透剂,并与市售贴剂进行比较,对吲哚美辛水凝胶贴剂的体外透皮性能进行评价。方法:采用改良Franz透皮扩散池,以离体小鼠背部皮肤为透皮屏障,在最佳载药量选用不同浓度的氮酮、油酸、丙二醇以及三者组成的二元或三元组合为促透剂,在规定时间点测定吲哚美辛的累积透过百分率以及单位面积累积透过量。结果:与空白对照组相比,当氮酮与油酸单独应用时,二者均没有明显的促透作用;当选用二元促透剂联合应用时,油酸与丙二醇联用能够明显促进吲哚美辛的经皮渗透(P〈0.05);当选用三元促透剂时促透效果更好,单位面积累积透过量最高可达234.4μg·cm^-2,24h内药物累积透过百分率明显高于市售贴剂。结论:氮酮、油酸、丙二醇三者联合应用可作为吲哚关辛贴剂的理想促透剂。吲哚关辛水凝胶贴剂是具有应用价值的新型经皮控释制剂。  相似文献   

目的观察布洛芬对曲霉临床分离株的体外抗真菌活性。方法分别用微量液基稀释法和纸片扩散法,测定布洛芬对10株烟曲霉、黄曲霉和土曲霉的抗菌活性。结果微量液基稀释法显示布洛芬对曲霉的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)范围为1000~2000μg/mL,最低杀菌浓度(MFC)范围为2000~8000μg/mL;纸片扩散法也显示布洛芬有体外抗曲霉活性:48h时,1000μg布洛芬对曲霉产生的抑菌圈直径为(20.1±3.89)mm。结论布洛芬有体外抗曲霉活性。  相似文献   

溶剂挥发法制备制备青藤碱磷脂复合物。对制备的磷脂复合物进行X射线衍射(XRD)和核磁共振(NMR)分析。采用改进Franz扩散池进行离体SD大鼠皮渗透实验,并考察其体外透皮特性。XRD结果显示青藤碱以无定型状态存在于磷脂复合物中。NMR图谱显示青藤碱与磷脂酰胆碱发生氢键或分子间作用力。SD大鼠透皮实验显示青藤碱,磷脂复合物的渗透速率、增渗倍数及12 h内的累积渗透量均大于青藤碱原料药。因此,磷脂复合物能明显提高青藤碱的经皮透过量。  相似文献   

几种辛香中药对辣椒碱巴布剂促透皮吸收作用的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对辛香中药的研究筛选辣椒碱巴布剂的透皮吸收促进剂,提高辣椒碱的透皮扩散速率。采用分别在辣椒碱巴布剂中添加薄荷醇、冰片、桉叶油3种辛香类中药的方法,以月桂氮酮为对照,进行透皮渗透试验。结果表明3种辛香类中药和月桂氮酮对药物的迁移都有一定的促进作用,其中以桉叶油最为突出,其次为冰片、薄荷、氮酮。  相似文献   

跌打止痛巴布膏体外透皮吸收实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用Franz扩散池和离体裸鼠皮肤进行体外渗透试验,采用HPLC法同时测定蛇床子素和水杨酸甲酯的累积透皮量.以此研究跌打止痛巴布膏体外经皮渗透吸收特征.结果表明两种成分的体外经皮渗透均符合零级动力学方程,蛇床子素和水杨酸甲酯在15 h内的透过率分别为13.5%和49.62%.二者在皮肤的蓄积量分别为17.56%和23.23%.跌打止痛巴布膏中的有效成分在皮肤内有较强的蓄积作用,在15 h内药物持续恒速释放,为控释长效和局部作用的制剂.  相似文献   

在临床应用上,一种能够持续递送药物的微针(microneedle,MN)系统对于一些疫苗、激素类药物的递送具有重要价值。本文研究设计了一种基于壳聚糖的可控缓释型微针阵列(PVA/CS-MN),将微针贴片与药物相结合用于药物的可控长效缓释。重点研究了PVA/CS-MN的制备优化工艺,并对MN阵列外观形貌、力学性能、溶解与溶胀性能以及体外刺入性能进行了表征。实验结果表明,使用最优工艺制备的PVA/CS-MN具有良好的形貌以及力学性能,可以顺利在皮肤上打开微通道,并实现可控的溶解与溶胀功能。同时,体外透皮扩散实验表明,以抗坏血酸(l-ascorbic acid)为模型药物制备的Vc-PVA/CS-MN在1 h内即释放了约57%的药物,随后12 h内缓慢释放了约66.7%的药物,7 d后最终释放了92%的药物。PVA/CS-MN具备可控的缓释特性以及优良的药物递送效率,为药物的持续透皮递送提供了一个新选择。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to develop transdermal patch for zolmitriptan, determine its in vivo absorption using the rabbit skin. Solvent evaporation technique prepared zolmitriptan patch was settled in two-chamber diffusion cell combined with excised rabbit abdomen skin for permeation study. A sufficient cumulative penetration amount of zolmitriptan (258.5 ± 26.9 μg/cm2 in 24 h) was achieved by the formulation of 4% zolmitriptan, 10% Azone, and adhesive of DURO-TAK® 87–4098. Pharmacokinetic parameters were determined via i.v. and transdermal administrations using animal model of rabbit. The results revealed that the absolute bioavailability was about 63%. Zolmitriptan could be detected with drug level of 88 ± 51 ng/mL after transdermal administration of 15 min. The in vivo absorption curve obtained by deconvolution approach using WinNonlin® program was correlated well with the in vitro permeation curve, the correlation coefficient R is 0.84, and the result indicated that in vitro skin permeation experiments were useful to predict the in vivo performance. In addition, little skin irritation was found in the irritation study. As a conclusion, the optimized zolmitriptan transdermal patches could effectively deliver adequate drug into systemic circulation in short time without producing any irritation phenomenon and worth to be developed.KEY WORDS: chemical enhancer, drug-in-adhesive patch, in vitro/in vivo correlation, pharmacokinetic, zolmitriptan  相似文献   

目的:黄芩苷作为黄芩的主要成分之一,其制剂虽应用广泛,但存在较多缺点,如水溶液不稳定、口服吸收差、生物利用度不高及药物体内半衰期短等从而导致用药剂量大且频繁给药。本文目的是研究丁香花蕾精油及其微乳对黄芩苷体外经皮渗透性的影响。方法:采用Valia-Chien扩散池,以生理盐水为接受液,不同浓度的丁香花蕾精油以及以丁香花蕾精油作为微乳的油相及促进剂进行大鼠离体皮肤的体外渗透实验。结果:黄芩苷微乳的平均粒径为41.3±5.1 nm,多分散指数为0.18,表明该制剂粒径小且均一。微乳(不含丁香花蕾精油)、丁香花蕾精油及含丁香花蕾精油的微乳对黄芩苷均有不同程度的增渗作用。其中,含丁香花蕾精油的微乳对黄芩苷的促渗作用最强。结论:丁香花蕾精油以及以丁香花蕾精油作为微乳的油相对黄芩苷均有一定的促进渗透作用。  相似文献   

In this study, six N‐1, N‐2, or N‐11 derivatives of TD‐34 (a cationic cyclic cell‐penetrating peptide [CPP], ACSSKKSKHCG) were designed and synthesized including both linear peptides and cyclic peptides, such as DL‐1 (KWSSKKSKHCG), DLCC‐1 (cyclopeptide, KWSSKKSKHCG), DL‐2 (KWSSKKSKHCG‐NH2), DLCC‐2 (cyclopeptide, KWSSKKSKHCG‐NH2), DL‐3 (RWSSKKSKHCG), and DLCC‐3 (cyclopeptide, RWSSKKSKHCG). The cyclic peptides were synthesized by disulfide bound linkages formed by N‐2 and N‐10 cysteine. In vitro penetration experiment was conducted to investigate the transdermal enhancement ability of these derivatives, using triptolide (TP) as model drug. The results display that at the presence of DLCC‐2, the accumulative penetration amount of TP increased 1.71‐fold (P < .05) within 12 hours, displaying better transdermal enhancing ability than TD‐34. Meanwhile, DL‐3 and DLCC‐3 slightly decreased the transdermal delivery of TP, and the presence of DL‐1 and DLCC‐1 shows no obvious effect. In order to clarify the factors on the transdermal ability of peptides, the solubility of TP in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) at the presence of different peptides and the mechanism of transdermal delivery of CPPs was investigated. The result shows that most of these peptides have no significant effect on the solubility of TP except DLCC‐3 (the solubility of TP slightly increased). And in order to investigate transdermal absorption route of DLCC‐2, polyarginine linked to rhodamine b (Rh b) derivative is used. The result proved that the transdermal route of polyarginine is via hair follicle, which may change the transdermal route of its cargo molecule (TP). Our group previously proved that polyarginine and TD‐34 have similar transdermal enhancing mechanism (changing the transdermal route of their cargo molecule); it is reasonably speculated that the transdermal route of DLCC‐2 is the same as polyarginine and then changes the transdermal absorption route of TP. Furthermore, such results have laid a solid foundation for further investigation of CPPs and paved a way for both designing and synthesizing of new drug delivery system for therapy molecules.  相似文献   

Caffeine is a naturally occurring alkaloid compound which is widely used alone or in combination in the treatment of migraine. The short elimination half life of caffeine (3−5 h) and the relationship between its absorption from gastrointestinal tract and gastric emptying are the major obstacles toward its effective oral delivery. To surmount such limitations, transdermal proniosomal systems of caffeine were developed. A full 32 factorial design was employed using Design-Expert® software to study the effect of different parameters and to select the optimal proniosomal system (PNS-4). Skin irritation study and in vivo histopathological examination confirmed the safety of transdermal application of PNS-4. Radioiodination of caffeine using iodine-131 (131I) was performed via direct electrophilic substitution reaction. Insilco docking results showed almost the same binding affinity of caffeine and 131I-Caffeine against adenosine A2A receptor. Biodistribution results showed that, transdermal 131I-Caffeine loaded PNS-4 (patch) significantly increased the residence of 131I-Caffeine in the blood with higher brain targeting than oral suspension. The obtained results proved that, PNS-4 represents a promising transdermal drug delivery system capable of overcoming challenges facing oral delivery of caffeine.  相似文献   

Skin penetration enhancers are used in the formulation of transdermal delivery systems for drugs that are otherwise not sufficiently skin-permeable. Intestinal absorption promoters/enhancers are used as excipients in oral formulations of poorly oral-bioavailable drugs. Series of fourteen acyloxy derivatives of 5β-cholic acid as potential drug absorption modifiers was generated by multistep synthesis. The synthesis of all newly prepared compounds is presented here. Structure confirmation of all generated compounds was accomplished by (1)H NMR, (13)C NMR, IR and MS spectroscopy methods. All the prepared compounds were analyzed using RP-TLC, and their lipophilicity (R(M)) was determined. The hydrophobicity (logP) and solubility (logS) of the studied compounds were also calculated using two commercially available programs. All the target compounds were tested for their in vitro transdermal penetration activity and as potential intestinal absorption enhancers. The anti-proliferative activity of all the final compounds was also assessed against the human cancer cell lines: T-lymphoblastic leukemia cell line and the breast adenocarcinoma cell line. Their cytotoxicity was also evaluated against the normal human skin fibroblast cells. Two compounds showed anti-proliferative effect on cancer cells without affecting the growth of normal cells, which should be promising in potential development of new drugs. Most of the target compounds showed minimal anti-proliferative activity (IC(50)>37 μM), indicating they would have low cytotoxicity when administered as chemical absorption modifiers. The relationships between the lipophilicity and the chemical structure of the studied compounds as well as the relationships between their chemical structure and enhancement effects are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the systemic absorption of the topically administered ketamine using different vehicles and additives, in order to develop a transdermal therapeutic system (TTS) of this drug. After the application of different ketamine preparations (1% in hydrogel, o/w cream, or organogel) the ketamine appeared in the blood. The lowest level could be observed with o/w cream, while the highest concentration was achieved by means of the hydrogel system, however this difference was not significant. Further studies are going to be performed with higher drug concentrations for the characterization of the differences in the pharmacodynamics of the drug with different vehicles and to evaluate the correlation between the in vitro and in vivo absorption.  相似文献   

Lactoferrin (Lf), a multifunctional glycoprotein, is known to activate dermal fibroblasts. Enhancing percutaneous absorption without decreasing the activity of Lf is critical in making the dermal administration of Lf beneficial. Sophorolipid (SL), a glycolipid-type biosurfactant, is known to form assemblies that may elevate the efficiency of the transdermal delivery of active ingredients. Here, we investigated the role of SL in the transdermal absorption of bovine Lf (bLf) and the effect of SL on the bLf activity on dermal fibroblasts. Transdermal absorption of bLf through a model skin was enhanced by 1.3-fold to 1.7-fold when SL was added. The effects of SL on the bLf activities on dermal fibroblasts were examined by cell proliferation activities and by gene expression levels of elastic fiber components, collagen IV, and hyaluronan synthases, revealing that SL did not depress the effect of bLf to any extent. Instead, the tropoelastin gene expression was upregulated ~60-fold by bLf alone, which was further increased to ~160-fold by bLf and SL together, suggesting a significant synergism between bLf and SL. Protein levels of elastin, assessed by immunohistochemistry, correlated well with the results of gene expressions. These results indicate the feasibility of the transdermal administration of bLf with SL.  相似文献   

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