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鲫鱼遗传多样性的初步研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
罗静  张亚平 《遗传学报》1999,26(1):28-36
用17种限制性内切酶对鲫属普通鲫鱼低背型,高背型,异育银鲫,日本白鲫及华南鲤的变种红鲤共124个个体的线粒体DNA进行了RFLP分析,14种酶具多态,共计43种限制性态型,11种单倍型。  相似文献   

板齿鼠线粒体DNA的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文应用ApaI、BamHI、BclI、BglI、ClaI、EcoRI、EcoRV、HindII、PstI、PvuII、SacI、ScaI和XbaI等13种限制性内切酶对板齿鼠线粒体DNA(mtDNA)进行限制性片段长度多态(RFLP)分析,并用双酶解法构建其限制性内切酶图谱。结果表明板齿鼠存在3种mtDNA单倍型,可通过限制酶PvuII、HindII和ApaI区分,呈现DNA多态性和种内遗传变异。与小家鼠、褐家鼠mtDNA限制性片段的数据相比较,板齿鼠和这两种鼠mtDNA存在明显差异。板齿鼠mtDNA限制性内切酶图谱的建立,为进一步系统研究鼠科动物的遗传分化提供了依据。  相似文献   

贵州四个山羊品种mtDNA多态性及起源分化   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:33  
采用15种限制性内切酶,研究贵州省4个山羊品种共93只个体的线粒体DNA多态性。其中BomHI、HindⅢ和SalⅠ3种酶的酶切类型存在多态。共检测到18种限制性态型,归结为3种mtDNA单倍型。单倍型Ⅰ、Ⅱ在贵州山羊4个品种分布频率较高,分别为77.42%和21.50%,单倍型Ⅲ分布频率较低(1.08%);品种间亲缘关系聚类分析表明白山羊和黑山羊亲缘关系最近,其次为黔林羊,而与小香羊的亲缘关系最  相似文献   

三个三倍体鲫鱼品系及野鲫mtDNA的比较研究   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:30  
张辉  董新红 《遗传学报》1998,25(4):330-336
用16种限制性内切酶研究了银鲫(3N=156~162)、彭泽鲫(3N=162)和缩骨鲫(3N=150)3个三倍体鲫鱼品系及野鲫(2N=100)的线粒体DNA。有6种酶在种系间和种系内产生限制性片段长度多态性(RFLPs),银鲫共存在4种单倍型,彭泽鲫2种,野鲫3种,缩骨鲫1种。彭泽鲫和银鲫拥有相同的常见单倍型,缩骨鲫的单倍型属于野鲫的常见型。根据限制性位点的变异数据,计算了单倍型间的相似性、核苷酸多样性、品系内核苷酸多样性和品系间的遗传距离,确定彭泽鲫属于银鲫的一个地方品系,缩骨鲫属于野鲫的一个地方品系。根据核苷酸的差异,推算出银鲫和野鲫两个亚种的分化大约在11万年前完成。  相似文献   

褐家鼠线粒体DNA遗传多态性的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过碱变性法提取线粒体DNA,用地高辛标记的探针Southern杂交限制性酶切多态性(RFLP)分析,研究中国家鼠Rattusnorvegicus遗传多态性。采用ApaⅠ、AvaⅠ、BanHI、BclⅠ、BglⅠ、ClaⅠ、EcoRⅠ、EcoRⅤ、hindⅢ、PvaⅡ、ScaⅠ和XbaⅠ等12种限制性内切酶分析来自我国8个地区26只褐家鼠的线粒体DNA,共检出20种限制性态型和11种mtDNA单倍  相似文献   

胡子鲇mtDNA多态性及限制性酶切图谱   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
用8种限制性内切酶对胡子鲇(ClariasfuscusLacepede)肝脏线粒体DNA(MitochondrialDNA,mtDNA)进行了分析。XhoⅠ、EcoRⅠ、PstⅠ、BamHⅠ、XbaⅠ、HindⅢ在mtDNA分子上分别有2、3、1、1、3和5个切点。胡子鲇种内存在mtDNA酶切片段长度多态性(Restrictionfragmentlengthpolymorphisms,RFLP)。经BglⅠ、BglⅡ酶解,mtDNA都出现两种酶切类型,Ⅰ型各具2个片段,Ⅱ型各具1个片段。mtDNA分子量为10.242×106u,长度约为16.68kb。用双酶解法建立了胡子鲇mtDNA的限制性酶切图谱,并对RFLP现象进行了分析。  相似文献   

采用密度梯度离心法及RNase消化法制备并纯化了鲤(GyprinuscarpioLinnaeus)肝脏线粒体DNA(mtDNA),用10种限制性内切酶对mtDNA进行了分析,鲤鱼mtDNA分子量约10.12×10 ̄6,约16.49kb.SalⅠ、PstⅠ、BamHⅠ、XbaⅠ、BglⅠ、PvuⅡ、XhoⅠ、EcoRⅠ、DraⅠ和HindⅢ分别为1、1、3、3、3、4、1、4、4、和6个切点。根据单酶解及双酶解结果,构建了鲤mtDNA10种具酶30个切点的限制性酶切图谱。  相似文献   

贵州汉族,苗族,布依族和水族人群线粒体DNA多态性研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
晋华黔  王文 《遗传学报》1995,22(1):1-11
本文运用16种限制性内切酶对来自贵州的汉族、苗族、布依族和水族的150个样本进行了mtDNA的限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)分析。共检测到31种限制性格局(Restrictionpattern),其中HaeII-13型、EcoRV-3型和PstI-4型3种限制性格局为新报道综合这些限制性格局,共得出28种mtDNA类型(mtDNAtype)。运用UPG法和简约法分析了各mtDNA类型之间、各人群之间的聚类关系,结果表明:水族人群的mtDNA变异度较大;汉族和苗族的亲缘关系最近,布依族和水族有着较远的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

海南黄牛和徐闻黄牛线粒体DNA的多态性及其品种分化关系   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
聂龙  杨关福 《动物学研究》1996,17(3):269-274
本文以ApaⅠ、AvaⅠ、BamHⅠ、BglⅠ、BglⅡ、DraⅠ、EcoRⅠ、EcoRⅤ、HindⅢ、HpaⅠ、PstⅠ、SalⅠ、ScaⅠ和XhoⅠ等14种限制性内切酶分析来自海南岛的海南黄牛和雷州半岛的徐闻黄牛的线粒体DNA限制性片段长度多态性(mtDNAARFLP)。结果只有一种限制性内切酶(SalⅠ)在海南黄牛中检测到多态性,并且其中的C型(15.0,1.3)尚未见报道。我们的结果还显示,两个品种6个个体的mtDNA基因单倍型全部表现为A型,即瘤牛的血统。徐闻黄牛和海南黄牛mtDNA极低的遗传变异度表明两个品种的亲缘关系很近,从而在分子生物学水平为其合称为雷琼黄牛提供了佐证。  相似文献   

王金星  高兴善 《兽类学报》1997,17(3):208-215
本文利用印迹杂交技术对中国华北地区黑线姬鼠Apodemusagrariuspalidior和韩国黑线姬鼠A.agrariuscoreae共107号标本的线粒体DNA(mitochondrialDNA,mtD-NA),通过8种限制性内切酶的消化,进行了限制性片段的分析。共检出35种限制性片段和12种单倍体类型。12种单倍型在平均离散度为1.01%时聚合为两个亚群:一个亚群为黑线姬鼠华北亚种,由采自中国4个不同地区的51号标本的4种单倍型所组成;另一个亚群为黑线姬鼠朝鲜亚种,由采自韩国4个不同地区的56号标本的8种单倍型所组成。黑线姬鼠华北亚种和朝鲜亚种在mtDNA表型上表现出一定差异,这在分子水平上确立了两亚种的分类地位。为了进一步澄清黑线姬鼠种下分类的混乱,很有必要对中国其他地区的标本进行该项研究  相似文献   

Genetic Diversity in Crucian Carp (Carassius auratus)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Luo J  Zhang YP  Zhu CL  Xiao WH  Huang SY 《Biochemical genetics》1999,37(9-10):267-279
A survey of restriction fragment polymorphism in mitochondrial DNA of three subspecies of Carassius auratus throughout four provinces in China was undertaken using 17 restriction enzymes. Two carp, Cyprinus carpio rubbrofuscus and Cyprinus carpio carpio, were included as the outgroup. A total of 16 haplotypes was observed: 5 in tetraploids of C. auratus auratus; 8 in hexaploids of C. auratus auratus; and 2 in C. auratus gibelio and C. auratus cuvieri, respectively. The tetraploids and hexaploids share three common haplotypes as I, V, and VI. C. a. Cuvieri may have diverged first among the three subspecies. Interestingly, C. a. auratus and C. a. cuvieri did not form monophyletic clades, which indicated that the classification of Carassius auratus required further studies. The current hypothesis, that hexaploids originated from tetraploids by a polyploidy event, is less favorable, based on the distribution of haplotypes and the lower diversity in tetraploids than in hexaploids. Our data also indicate that divergence of hexaploids and tetraploids might be recent and mtDNA polymorphism existed before the divergence. Meanwhile, genetic isolation exists between the hexaploids and the tetraploids.  相似文献   

This study evaluates mtDNA transmission in Agaricus bisporus, as well as the occurrence of non-parental haplotypes in heterokaryons produced by controlled crosses. Sixteen crosses were performed with blended liquid cultures, using different combinations of 13 homokaryotic strains. For each cross, different mtDNA haplotypes were present in each homokaryon. Heterokaryons generated from these crosses were subject to genetic analysis with RFLP markers to identify (i). karyotic status, (ii). mtDNA haplotype, and (iii). the occurrence of non-parental mtDNA haplotypes. These analyses generally supported the occurrence of uniparental mitochondrial (mt) inheritance in A. bisporus, with one mtDNA haplotype usually favoured in the new heterokaryon. The preponderance of one mtDNA haplotype in a new heterokaryon did not necessarily show a correlation with a greater mycelial growth rate for the parent homokaryon possessing that haplotype. Mixed mtDNA haplotypes and non-parental haplotypes were also identified in the heterokaryons from some crosses. Evidence for the occurrence of two mtDNA haplotypes in one heterokaryotic mycelium was observed in 8 of 16 crosses, suggesting the maintenance of true heteroplasmons after three successive subculturing steps. Non-parental mtDNA haplotypes were seen in heterokaryons produced from 7 of 16 crosses. The mating protocol described can be utilized to generate novel mtDNA haplotypes for strain improvement and the development of strain-specific markers. Mechanisms of mt selection and inheritance are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study, mitochondrial DNA polymerase chain reaction-restriction-fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and nuclear DNA inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) assays were used to assess the phylogenetic and phylogeographic relationships among Garra rufa samples from Anatolia. The complete mtDNA NADH 3/4 dehydrogenase (ND-3/4) gene amplified by PCR was digested with eight restriction enzymes. These enzymes produced 20 composite haplotypes for G. rufa populations. All the mtDNA haplotypes detected were highly diverged from each other and each lineage had a unique genetic profile. The evaluation of mtDNA PCR-RFLP data coupled with geological history of Anatolia indicated a deep genetic divergence among the mtDNA haplotypes of G. rufa populations from drainages of the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf, suggesting an early isolation of Tigris-Euphrates with Orontes river and other rivers draining into the Mediterranean Sea. In general, data from both mtDNA and nDNA were congruent.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were studied in 24 populations of Prunus spinosa sampled across Europe. The cpDNA and mtDNA fragments were amplified using universal primers and subsequently digested with restriction enzymes to obtain the polymorphisms. Combinations of all the polymorphisms resulted in 33 cpDNA haplotypes and two mtDNA haplotypes. Strict association between the cpDNA haplotypes and the mtDNA haplotypes was detected in most cases, indicating conjoint inheritance of the two genomes. The most frequent and abundant cpDNA haplotype (C20; frequency, 51 %) is always associated with the more frequent and abundant mtDNA haplotype (M1; frequency, 84 %). All but two of the cpDNA haplotypes associated with the less frequent mtDNA haplotype (M2) are private haplotypes. These private haplotypes are phylogenetically related but geographically unrelated. They form a separate cluster on the minimum-length spanning tree.  相似文献   

Restriction endonuclease analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used to examine genetic variability and population structure inLeptinotarsa decemlineata (Say). A group of three enzymes, EcoRI, HpaI, and PstI, was used to reveal polymorphism both within and among some of the 10 populations tested, yielding 16 haplotypes in combination. The frequencies of these 16 haplotypes differed significantly across geographic regions, indicating some partitioning of mtDNA haplotypes. Estimates of mtDNA sequence divergence (δ) between haplotypes ranged from 0.016 to 0.135%, suggesting local differentiation of mtDNA in some populations. Analysis of these data suggests that Texas was colonized by more than one mtDNA lineage, most likely originating in Mexico. We hypothesize that a larger founder size for the initial introductions or high levels of variability in the parent population at the edge of the CPB expanding range led to the initial partitioning of haplotypes observed in samples from Texas.  相似文献   

Previous analyses of diploid nuclear genotypes have concluded that recombination has occurred in populations of the yeast Candida albicans. To address the possibilities of clonality and recombination in an effectively haploid genome, we sequenced seven regions of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in 45 strains of C. albicans from human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients in Toronto, Canada, and 3 standard reference isolates of C. albicans, CA, CAI4, and WO-1. Among a total of 2,553 nucleotides in the seven regions, 62 polymorphic nucleotide sites and seven indels defined nine distinct mtDNA haplotypes among the 48 strains. Five of these haplotypes occurred in more than one strain, indicating clonal proliferation of mtDNA. Phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA haplotypes resulted in one most-parsimonious tree. Most of the nucleotide sites undergoing parallel change in this tree were clustered in blocks that corresponded to sequenced regions. Because of the existence of these blocks, the apparent homoplasy can be attributed to infrequent, past genetic exchange and recombination between individuals and cannot be attributed to parallel mutation. Among strains sharing the same mtDNA haplotypes, multilocus nuclear genotypes were more similar than expected from a random comparison of nuclear DNA genotypes, suggesting that clonal proliferation of the mitochondrial genome was accompanied by clonal proliferation of the nuclear genome.  相似文献   

The displacement loop and NADH-1 dehydrogenase regions of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction in 954 Atlantic salmon and digested with 40 restriction endonucleases. Variation was detected with 10 enzymes, resulting in 21 composite haplotypes which were strongly patterned geographically with a major discontinuity observed between most North American (NA) and European salmon. Significant heterogeneity of haplotype frequencies was found within and among all classification levels (continent, country, and river). Haplotype frequencies were significantly different across continents, within European samples, within NA samples, within Canadian samples, within wild Maine samples, within captive Maine strains, and between captive and wild Maine strains. Nine haplotypes occurred only in NA, seven in Maine, three only in Maine, and 11 occurred only in Europe. Some Maine rivers had only a single haplotype, suggesting that effective population sizes may be low. The second most frequent European haplotype occurred in tributaries to one Newfoundland river. Gene trees based on parsimony and genetic distance suggest that the haplotypes are monophyletic within each continent, and that the haplotype found on both continents is intermediate between those of Europe and NA, suggesting common ancestry of all haplotypes.  相似文献   

测定了东海带鱼(Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus)三个群体(命名为A: 122°32′E 29°55′N、B: 123°30′E 26°75N; C: 124°24′E 27°26′N)72个个体的线粒体DNA16S rRNA和COⅠ基因序列,通过单基因序列和联合序列分析, 研究了东海带鱼群体的遗传变异情况。分别得到1130 bp的COⅠ基因序列片段和554 bp的16S rRNA序列片段, 其中COⅠ基因片段的T、C、A、G含量分别为29.0%、28.9%、24.4%和17.7%; 16S rRNA基因片段的T、C、A、G含量分别为22.7%、27.6%、28.0%和21.7%。基于线粒体16S rRNA、COⅠ和16S+COⅠ基因序列分析, 72个个体中分别确定43个, 8个和49个单倍型, 存在单倍型共享现象。群体的单倍型多样性指数为0.9766—0.9992, 显示了群体内的单倍型较为丰富。3个群体间各序列平均核苷酸差异数(K)在5.111—9.024和0.0045—0.0076, 核苷酸多样性指数(π)为0.0048—0.0084, 显示不同带鱼群体遗传多态性丰富。使用邻接法构建的分子进化树揭示同一群体内大部分个体聚在一起。分析结果表明, 群体A遗传背景比群体B、群体C较为丰富, 群体内部个体差异大于群体间差异, 群体间基因交流频率较高, 遗传分化不明显, 初步判定东海带鱼3个群体的遗传多样性偏低。  相似文献   

A purified mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) probe was used to examine restriction fragment length polymorphisms produced by six restriction enzymes ( Xba I, Eco RV, Ava II, Hinf I, Hae III, Mbo I) in 915 brown trout from western Europe. A total of 20 composite haplotypes were found with one to seven haplotypes in individual populations. Icelandic trout samples from north, south, east, and west coast drainages showed only a single common haplotype in contrast to the high level of polymorphism found in Irish and Scottish populations. The phylogeny of mtDNA haplotypes and the pattern of haplotype distribution suggests that post-glacial colonization of brown trout in NW Europe was more complex than the dual colonization model which has been proposed on the basis of differential LDH-5* allele distribution. For example, Lough Melvin (Ireland) appears to have been independently  相似文献   

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