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自1987年世界首例成功运用转基因技术改造矮牵牛花色以来,花色改造基因工程技术不断展现它在培育新花色品系上的无穷魅力。综述了观赏植物花色素的种类、花色素苷的生物合成途径;关键酶的种类;基因工程改变花色的原理和策略以及花色改良方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

蓝色花观赏价值高,花色成因复杂。目前,在蓝色花色形成机理和基因工程育种研究方面取得了大量的研究进展。综述了蓝色花形成的化学、生理学和分子生物学机理,利用基因工程技术培育蓝色花的育种实践:包括转入花青素苷合成途径上的关键酶基因,抑制内源竞争酶基因,转入液泡pH值调节基因和金属离子转运蛋白基因等。在此基础上总结出几种蓝色花基因工程育种的基本策略,以期为蓝色花基因工程育种提供参考。  相似文献   

花香能提高观赏植物的审美特性,并且在植物的繁衍中起着重要作用。近年来,随着分子生物学的发展,花香分子水平的研究呈现加速发展的趋势,已成为当前的一大研究热点。该文主要论述了花香的生物合成途径及关键酶基因、分子水平的调控和共调控探索、花香基因工程策略,以期为花香性状改良提供参考。  相似文献   

植物淀粉合成的调控酶   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
淀粉是植物中最普通的碳水化合物,是人类最主要的食品来源与重要的工业原料。植物淀粉的生物合成主要涉及了4种酶—ADPG焦磷酸化酶、淀粉合成酶、淀粉分支酶和淀粉去分支酶,它们在淀粉的生物合成中发挥着不同作用。近年来,随着基因工程技术的迅速发展及与这些酶有关的众多突变体的发现,使人们对这些酶的结构、特性、功能及表达调控等方面的研究取得了重要进展。并且,人们已开始利用基因工程技术调控植物淀粉的数量与特性,取得了一定成效。在此,文章介绍了调控植物淀粉合成关键酶的生化特性、基因调控及利用基因工程改良植物淀粉等方面所取得进展。  相似文献   

特异性启动子在植物基因工程中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选择特异性启动子构建植物表达载体,是实现基因表达三维调控的重要策略,并已应用于植物品质改良基因工程、抗性基因工程及植物生物反应器等领域。文章综述了特异性启动子的结构、类型、研究方法及在植物基因工程研究中的应用进展和发展前景。  相似文献   

植物逆境胁迫抗性的功能基因组研究策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物对逆境胁迫抗性的功能基因组研究主要是寻找胁迫抗性位点在相关物种基因组中的保守位置,发现胁迫反应中的高度保守序列,确定植物胁迫反应的调控机理,进而得到植物对逆境胁迫抗性的关键代谢途径和其中的关键调控因子,为进一步选择用于改良植物对逆境胁迫抗性的关键基因奠定基础。本文从主要模式植物(苔藓类植物、复苏植物、盐土植物和甜土植物)、主要技术策略(基因的差异表达分析、基因表达序列标签、cDNA芯片技术。基因表达序列分析和基因敲除和突变体筛选分析)和生物信息学方法(数据分析的生物信息学方法设计到序列比较、比较基因组学、电子克隆)等三个方面对国内外植物逆境胁迫抗性的功能基因组研究策略作了全面综述。  相似文献   

提高植物抗寒性的机理研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
徐呈祥 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7966-7980
低温胁迫是世界范围内影响植物产量和品质的主要非生物胁迫.植物抗寒生理生态研究是比较活跃和发展很快的领域.文章综述了提高植物抗寒性机理的研究进展.大量科学研究和生产实践表明,气象因素与植物自身因素是影响植物抗寒性的关键因素,前者主要是温度、光周期和水分,后者主要是植物的遗传学基础、生长时期、发育水平以及低温胁迫下细胞的抗氧化能力.保证植物抗寒基因充分表达对提高植物抗寒性有重要意义.植物抗寒性的遗传机制与调控主要通过5条路径实现:丰富多样的植物低温诱导蛋白,低温转录因子DREB/CBF可同时调控多个植物低温诱导基因的表达,DREB/CBF与辅助因子相互作用调控下游基因表达,Ca2+、ABA及蛋白质磷酸化上游调控低温诱导基因表达,以及不饱和脂肪酸酶基因的表达.基因工程改良植物抗寒性已获重要进展,但距产业化尚有许多开创性的工作要做,目前主要通过导入抗寒调控基因和抗寒功能基因而实现,后者主要是导入抗渗透胁迫相关基因、抗冻蛋白基因、脂肪酸去饱和代谢关键酶基因、SOD等抗氧化系统的基因以及与植物激素调节有关的基因.农林技术对提高植物抗寒性有重大实用价值,其中的不少技术蕴涵着深刻的科学机理,重点评述了抗寒育种、抗砧嫁接、抗寒锻炼、水肥耦合及化学诱导五大技术提高植物抗寒性的作用机理.展望了提高植物抗寒性的研究.  相似文献   

观赏植物花色基因工程研究进展   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
花色是观赏植物的重要性状,创造新花色是花卉育种的主要目标之一。基因工程技术在观赏植物花色育种上可弥补传统育种技术的缺陷,因此它在花色育种方面的研究和应用发展迅速。本文从花的成色作用和花色素种类人手,介绍了花色苷的生物合成,并从花色基因的种类和克隆、花色基因工程操作的策略和方法等角度综述了近年来观赏植物花色基因工程的研究进展。同时对我国观赏植物花色基因工程的前景作一展望。  相似文献   

花色是观赏植物的重要性状,创造新花色是花卉育种的主要目标之一。基因工程技术 在观赏植物花色育种上可弥补传统育种技术的缺陷,因此它在花色育种方面的研究和应用发 展迅速。本文从花的成色作用和花色素种类入手,介绍了花色苷的生物合成,并从花色基因 的种类和克隆、花色基因工程操作的策略和方法等角度综述了近年来观赏植物花色基因工程 的研究进展。同时对我国观赏植物花色基因工程的前景作一展望。  相似文献   

植物几丁质酶及其在抗真菌病害中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
植物几丁质酶的研究是抗真菌基因工程的热点之一。几丁质酶能够水解真菌细胞壁的主要成分几丁质,在植物抗真菌病害反应中发挥重要的作用。介绍了几丁质酶的基本生物学特性、基因的诱导表达,并对植物几丁质酶基因在抗真菌病害基因工程中的应用进行了阐述。  相似文献   

The electrophoretical polymorphisms of some blood proteins were studied in the Talysh population of Pirasora situated in South-East Azerbaidjan. We calculated the gene frequencies of these polymorphisms and determined the genetic distances between the Talyshes and some Iranian populations of North, Central and South Iran, Afghans, and three populations of Azerbaijan. The Talyshes are very close to Iranians of Shiraz, whereas they are distant from the Azerbaijanians. Anthropological investigations showed that the Caucasoids and Mongoloids lived in the Aragvi Basin since the Eneolithic period. This was stated by Alexeev (1974), who emphasized the mixture of the Caucasus populations from ancient times on. We calculated the genetic distances between the Caucasus populations and numerous populations of other geographic regions, considering 28 alleles of 12 loci of blood group, serum protein and red cell enzyme polymorphisms and constructed the dendrogram of these populations. The position of the Caucasus populations in the dendrogram corresponds on principle to the earlier anthropological observations. The clustering of the Caucasoid populations corresponds completely with anthropological and historical data, and supports our earlier hypothesis (Nazarova 1999) concerning the differentiation of Caucasoids, Northern Mongoloids and Amerinds from the populations, which inhabitated Asia in palaeolithic times.  相似文献   

The systematic position ofthe Ebenaceae, Sapotaceae, Styracaceae, Ochnaceae, Stachyuraceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Clusiaceae and Hypericaceae has been investigated using serological comparisons of sets of antigenic determinants. The results show that the Sytracaceae and Sapotaceae are undoubtedly more closely associated with the Actinidiaeceae and Theaceae, respectively, than with each other. We found no corresponding determinants betnween antigen systems from the Ebenaceae and systems from any other family whose relations to this family have been proposed. As discovered previously, investigations of antigen systems from the Ochnaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Stachyuraceae, Clusiaceae and Hypericaceae are against the idea of a natural order “Theales” in which these families, or at least some of them, are combined with the Theaceae and Actinidiaceae. This paper completes our previous investigations which largely support a superorder Ericanae sensu Ehrendorfer and Takhtajan. We propose to include the Actinidiaceae and Theaceae in this superorder, assigning them a central position laong with the Sapotaceae and Sytracaeae on one side and the Primulales and Ericales on the other. Another most interesting finding is that there are corresponding determinants between antigen systems from the members of the Ericanae and representatives of the Polemoniaceae and Loasaceae.  相似文献   

Several different models of the linker histone (LH)–nucleosome complex have been proposed, but none of them has unambiguously revealed the position and binding sites of the LH on the nucleosome. Using Brownian dynamics-based docking together with normal mode analysis of the nucleosome to account for the flexibility of two flanking 10 bp long linker DNAs (L-DNA), we identified binding modes of the H5-LH globular domain (GH5) to the nucleosome. For a wide range of nucleosomal conformations with the L-DNA ends less than 65 Å apart, one dominant binding mode was identified for GH5 and found to be consistent with fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments. GH5 binds asymmetrically with respect to the nucleosomal dyad axis, fitting between the nucleosomal DNA and one of the L-DNAs. For greater distances between L-DNA ends, docking of GH5 to the L-DNA that is more restrained and less open becomes favored. These results suggest a selection mechanism by which GH5 preferentially binds one of the L-DNAs and thereby affects DNA dynamics and accessibility and contributes to formation of a particular chromatin fiber structure. The two binding modes identified would, respectively, favor a tight zigzag chromatin structure or a loose solenoid chromatin fiber.  相似文献   

人类基因组及后基因组研究进展及其应用与开发研究现状   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
人类对自身基因组的研究,随着人类基因组工作草图的绘制完成和对基因功能研究的深入已加快进入了实质性、关键性的开发利用阶段。本文概述了人类基因组及后基因组的研究进展及依此开展基因治疗及基因(组)药物研制等应用开发研究的现状。  相似文献   

In order to analyze the complicated movements of the mandible as the open-closing movement and the protrusio are, it is useful to evaluate the basic kinematic principles and reduce them to simple technical constructions. Both the open-closing movement and the protrusio could be reduced to 4-bar links, which were used to simulate the movements with help of a computer. Besides, the polodes and the curves of points in the muscular attachments could be constructed. The 2 entirely different 4-bar links have 3 things in common: The resting system - cranium, the moving system - mandibula, and 1 of the 2 arms connecting these 2 systems - the ligamentum laterale. As this ligament is taut during movements it can be considered a "guiding ligament" representing 1 of the 3 determining components of the mandibular movements. The other of the 2 arms has no anatomical equivalent; this arm, however, is "replaced" by the 2 other determining components of the mandibular movements: the joint and the muscles. The curves, which the Caput mandibulae describes, are practically identical for the open-closing movement and the protrusio despite of the different 4-bar links and these curves exactly correspond to the Discus articularis, taut by the upper part of the M. pterygoideus lateralis. The muscles do not only just move the mandibula, but they are also the component, which can choose between the different mandibular movements. By means of the curves, which points in the muscular attachments describe, the function of the masticatory muscles could be analyzed exactly.  相似文献   

Interpreting channel behavior in patches requires an understanding of patch structure and dynamics, especially in studies of mechanosensitive channels. High resolution optical studies show that patch formation occurs via blebbing that disrupts normal membrane structure and redistributes in situ components including ion channels. There is a 1-2 μm region of the seal below the patch where proteins are excluded and this may consist of extracted lipids that form the gigaseal. Patch domes often have complex geometries with inhomogeneous stresses due to the membrane-glass adhesion energy (Ea), cytoskeletal forces, and possible lipid subdomains. The resting tension in the patch dome ranges from 1-4 mN/m, a significant fraction of the lytic tension of a bilayer (∼10 mN/m). Thus, all patch experiments are conducted under substantial, and uneven, resting tension that may alter the kinetics of many channels. Ea seems dominated by van der Waals attraction overlaid with a normally repulsive Coulombic force. High ionic strength pipette saline increased Ea and, surprisingly, increased cytoskeletal rigidity in cell-attached patches. Low pH pipette saline also increased Ea and reduced the seal selectivity for cations, presumably by neutralizing the membrane surface charge. The seal is a negatively charged, cation selective, space with a resistance of ∼7 gigohm/μm in 100 mM KCl, and the high resistivity of the space may result from the presence of high viscosity glycoproteins. Patches creep up the pipette over time with voltage independent and voltage dependent components. Voltage-independent creep is expected from the capillary attraction of Ea and the flow of fresh lipids from the cell. Voltage-dependent creep seems to arise from electroosmosis in the seal. Neutralization of negative charges on the seal membrane with low pH decreased the creep rate and reversed the direction of creep at positive pipette potentials.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo investigate the efficacy of ropivacaine and bupivacaine in caesarean section and vital signs and the hemodynamics of the lying-in women.MethodsA total of 480 lying-in women who were admitted to this hospital for treatment between December 2017 and June 2018 were enrolled into this study as the subjects, which were divided into the experiment group and the control group, with 240 subjects in each group. In the experiment group, subjects received the local anesthesia by infusion of 1.5 mL ropivacaine (0.75%), while those in the control group also took the local anesthesia by infusion of 1.5 mL bupivacaine (0.75%). Thereafter, we observed the differences in the anesthetic efficiency, vital signs and hemodynamics of the lying-in women between two groups.ResultsThe excellent and good rates of the anesthesia in two groups were 92.1% and 87.9%, showing no obvious difference; in the experiment group, the average arterial pressures and systolic pressures at 5 min and 10 min after combined spinal and epidural analgesia (CSEA) were all elevated when comparing to the control group (all P < 0.05); in the experiment group, the onset time was obviously extended, while duration of sensory and motor block and the duration of motor block were all shorter than those in the control group (all P < 0.05). During anesthesia, the incidence rate of the adverse reactions in the control group was 2.50%, significantly higher than 0.83% in the experiment group (P < 0.05).ConclusionDespite that ropivacaine and bupivacaine are efficient in anesthesia in the CSEA in the caesarean section, ropivacaine is more recommended for little influence on the hemodynamics, shorter duration of sensory block and motor block and low incidence rate of adverse reactions, which are conducive to the recovery and also safe to the patients.  相似文献   

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